#Fuck it Shadow needs a dog like Snok
welcome-to-green-hills · 10 months
Hey Mystery, want a story? :3 Might be a little sad, but I tried to make it also sweet
'No...no! M-Maria! Don't do it! No! Maria!'
Shadow awoke with a gasp. Sitting up quickly...just another nightmare. Another one...he had been doing so well since the incident...but these last few nights, they seem to keep coming back...
And then Shadow jolted again - at who was next to him. The...drooling...goofy...scatterbrain mutt, Ozzie.
Shadow thought he closed the door when he retired to bed that night, he wasn't sure HOW Ozzie opened the door (He somewhat swore Ozzie had superpowers). Usually Ozzie would be in Tom and Maddie's bedroom, or on other nights, asleep with the Wachowski siblings...
But tonight...Ozzie was with him.
Shadow was still shaking from those night terrors, his eyes stung from tears threatening to leak.
Ozzie tilted his head a bit, and gently laid his head across Shadow's lap. Shadow froze, hesitant...but...he didn't move him...he gently laid a hand on his head.
He tried to copy the breathing technique he saw Maddie use with Sonic occasionally...in through the nose...out through the mouth. For the blue hedgehog it worked wonders! ...Shadow tried...it was working...slowly. And Ozzie just stayed there.
Once Shadow finally calmed down, Ozzie jumped onto the bed - and plonked his head on the pillows. Shadow was too tired to move him away...and curled up beside him instead...in a familiar position when he was sent to Earth...all those years ago...
He clung to Ozzie's fur gently, tears threatening to fall again. Although it was just past midnight, he could see glimmers of the moonlight on Ozzie's golden fur....golden fur...similar to the golden blonde hair of...
Ozzie didn't know why this black hedgehog was acting this way...but he didn't care. He just laid there, and fell asleep. If only he knew how much help he was.
Any other night, Shadow would've just urged the pupper to leave. Tonight however...Shadow was so thankful to have Ozzie there for him.
After a few more tears...Shadow found sudden peace...and let sleep overtake him...resting his head on his golden companion, a tiny smile slowly forming in thanks...he'll make sure to properly thank Ozzie in the morning.
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Ohhhh…. Ohhhhh….. 🥺
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