#Fuboo has literally been caught being nasty
my-quirk-is-fred · 2 years
Imma block you soon anyways but just wanted to say that the purpose of a "tw" is to make sure people don't see topics that could trigger them. When you censor words by using "*" or anything that changes the specific word, you're avoiding people's tw's which is pretty scummy. Btw, that's the main reason why Opio blocked you but by all means if you wanna continue to trigger people just to push your agenda, then go on ahead.
Ah. Hi there victim blamer. How does it feel betraying a victim and siding with the rapist? Lemme guess, love bombing? Didn’t get enough attention from your old friends?
Also, you’re one to talk, seeing that you’re pals with “alleged” Groomers. Missing a few ‘tw’s is small potatoes compared to befriending a known rapist and her questionable friends.
I hope you know that when this is done, you will feel like an absolute fucking moron. You already are, but you currently got those rose-tinted glasses on ✋🙄
(And what tws did I miss? Tw food? Tw Fred talks funny???)
Also… you’re not gonna run away without people knowing who you are.
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