#Frontierland Shooting Gallery
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apocalypse-polakiewicz · 3 months ago
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Norman Lanier
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janos5303 · 2 years ago
Disneyland Paris: Frontierland
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notclub33 · 2 years ago
Checkout these HIDDEN GEMS at MAGIC KINGDOM. #wdw #notclub33 #disneytips #magickingdom #hiddengems
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laurenovercalifornia · 5 years ago
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disneylanddilettante · 4 years ago
You are now tasked with launching and designing a new Disneyland-modeled castle park. Each realm needs a new E-ticket, as well as a B-C ticket attraction, not based on a film (except Fantasyland, where movie basis is fine). What rides do you dream up to meet this goal? Same core lands as DL: Tomorrow, Fantasy, Adventure, Frontier, plus two new more specific themed lands to replace NoS and Critter Country.
*cracks knuckles* You asked for it...
E-ticket: Fire Mountain, a roller coaster set in a volcanic area. The effects include actual pyrotechnics (a safe distance from the track). It's mostly in the open, spiraling around an active cinder cone, but for a portion of the ride, the track dips into a “crevice” to visit a fantastic cavern filled with olivine crystals, basalt formations, and glowing lava flows.
B-ticket: Castaway's Treehouse. The Adventureland treehouse is a good idea, but would be even better if it didn't lean on someone else's shipwreck story to be exciting. In this version, you get to pretend that you are the castaway! A bank of touch-screens in the ground area let you take a quick quiz to figure out what kind of castaway you are—are you taming the jungle or running with the monkeys? Are you taking advantage of your impromptu vacation or are you eager to be rescued?
E-ticket: A good old-fashioned Wild West stunt show! Gunplay! Rooftop chases and fistfights! Dramatic falls and somersaults! A cast of original characters who also appear in caricature form on a unique line of merchandise!
B-ticket: Grab a pan and pick a trough. We've shipped some mud from the actual gold-bearing streams of the Sierra Nevada, and whatever you find, you can keep! Take all the time we need (we don't anticipate this one being all that popular despite the potential to find literal treasure).
E-ticket: If I may borrow someone else's idea (it's okay, she's my sister), this would have to be Rapunzel's Tangled Quest, a flume ride that takes the “animated film dark ride” concept to the next level...more or less literally, as the flume rises and falls in concert with the beats of the story.
B-ticket: Enchanted Fairy Forest Maze, a walk-through attraction with many branching paths to explore and magical effects that activate when you approach them.
E-ticket: Adventure Thru Inner Space Redux! (If you didn't see this coming...you're lying. This is me here.) The limitations of 1960s technology made it hard to depict the shrinking process very well. This version of the ride, like Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, would combine fully dimensional sets and props, representing microscopic objects, with screens and motion-sim effects to indicate shrinking from one scale to another. And I'm thinking it would use the original ATIS concept, of visiting a drop of pond water and the microorganisms within, to provide more visual interest and an extra hint of danger.
C-ticket: I don't have a name for it, but it's a dark ride/shooting gallery ride where you play exobiologists in a manned rover on a newly discovered planet that might harbor life. Only instead of a laser gun, you have a camera and you are recording the alien creatures that pop up unexpectedly out of the fantastic landscape. Image-recognition technology allows the ride to rate your pictures and calculate your score.
In this land, ancient civilizations and their legends come to life! Who doesn't love the art, architecture, and mythology of the peoples that flourished B.C.E.?
E-ticket: The Night Voyage of Ra, as described in this post.
C-ticket: Deus Ex MOCKina. A “4D” movie show, depicting an attempt at classical Greek theatre that goes comically wrong. Actors grab the wrong masks, things catch on fire, the stagehand with the bucket trips on the way to put it out and splatters the audience, and even the machine to lower the “gods” onto the stage breaks down and sends cogwheels bouncing everywhere.
Imagine a world made of music! Elevated walkways dip and curl like musical staves leaping off a page of sheet music, and even the buildings resemble musical instruments. Whatever your taste in tunes, you'll find something here to enthrall you.
E-ticket: Our Musical Journey—a slow but grand ride in the mold of Epcot 1.0, tracing the history of music through the log drums and auroch horns of our prehistoric ancestors through Pythagoras's discovery of the octave, the invention of musical notation, and the constant evolution of musical genres all the way up to the electronic rave-club sounds of the 21st Century. You know how those rides like to maintain continuity through the scenes by having a theme tune that evolves through different eras? This ride is about that theme tune.
B-Ticket: The Orchestracycle—it only looks like a Dumbo clone with individual ride cars shaped like different instruments. There are two control sticks in the vehicle...one for altitude like you'd expect, and one for volume—pull back harder to make it louder, and ease up to make it softer...and what's this? Your altitude is also your pitch! Coordinate with your seatmate to play a tune, any tune! It's a challenge! Try to harmonize with the other instruments or create a stand-out solo!
Whew. I hope you're happy, OP! @_@
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y0itsbri · 3 years ago
Bri, my nerdiest bro, I am very intrigued by your questions substitution proposal, so this week you are getting one question on a topic I should like a bri-summary of, and two regular questions because we don't want you doing too much work.
Regular questions first:
1) Have you ever asked someone out?
2) Do you have any items of clothing that you 'borrowed' from someone else and then 'forgot' to give back 🤫
Gosh! I would like to know more about... The Yippies. Everything I know about them I learned from Aaron Sorkin and the man is known for stating his point of view as historical fact so a new perspective would be nice! Peas and thank you 😊 🤓 😘
howl my dearest! this is from ages ago! like i think a half dozen ice ages have passed in the meantime! jk but like i'm back babyyyyy okay so
1) i have not! in the time that this has been sitting in my drafts, i think my answer has changed <3
2) i am pretty good about returning things. the only thing i have of someone else's is a rando's package of makeup remover wipes that got delivered to my house.
3) the yippies! i have not even heard of them before, so prepare for this to be an Adequate At Best summary! essay??
okay! this paragraph is pretty history-y bc i am learning what the fuck the yippies even are. okay, so the yippies, a nickname for the youth international party, aka an anti-war american revolutionary group from the 60s. oh, pardon me, google also says that they like represent ~counterculture~ tendencies and are also for free speech! 1st amendment! nice! headed by abbie hoffman and jerry rubin, these radical hippies protested the 1968 democratic national convention in chicago in their anti-vietnam movement. (OH THIS IS THE CHICAGO 7). some sick features of the yippies include their use of weird street theater, anti-consumerist fashion, folk and rock music, and free sexual expression.
apparently the yippies invaded disneyland??? wild. oh, but why, you may ask? protesting the general 'establishment' and bringing attention to the evils of capitalism (valid) and to the war overseas (the key feature of their group). they also protested dress codes that were already inactivated by the time they got there (oops). wait this is wild, i gotta directly quote this.
"A list of activities supposedly going to take place included a “Black Panther Hot Breakfast” at the Aunt Jemima Pancake House, a liberation of Minnie Mouse from her male oppressors in Fantasyland, a “Self Defense Collective” at the Frontierland Shooting Gallery, and a 3pm barbecue of Porky Pig (who, of course, is not a Disney character). Reports on the number of flyers distributed vary by source (as do so many things from such hazy days) with 100,000 being reported by most authorities."
"Disney prepared for the oncoming “invasion” by asking the Orange County Police Department to be on hand. When the officers showed up before the park opening, they were decked out in full riot gear. An overreaction, to be sure, but they had good reason. 200,000 of the rebellious youths were expected to show up, an extremely high number that tends to scare local authorities. In the end, however, only about 200 came to the park that day. David Sacks was later quoted as saying, “Of the 200 quote “Yippies“, I'd say 100 of 'em were just freaks who were really apolitical but thought it would be fun to come to Disneyland and trip around that day”. 25,000 regular guests were also in attendance." (source)
okay so pretty much all they did in disney was get stoned and slightly irk some conservatives??? also disney barred hippy-looking people for awhile LMFAO.
it's also funny bc wikipedia says that the leader is nobody and the ideology is unofficial sjdkfhdshfj.
OH another fun fact. the dude who named the yippies, paul krassner said this “So I started going through the alphabet: Bippie, Dippie, Ippie, Sippie. I was about to give up when I came to Yippie.” king ig! you can read more about his wild life here if you're interested.
OMG the yippies had a pig run for president???? the pig's name was PIGASUS AKA PIGASUS THE IMMORTAL AKA PIGAGUS J. PIG. OMG "One reason why the Yippies preferred Pigasus was that "if we can't have him in the White House, we can have him for breakfast." SIR YOU CAN'T JUST EAT YOUR PRESIDENT SDJFHKSDHF (source)
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okay so like in conclusion, they weren't super respected because they did heavily rely on pranks and ~weird~ tactics. but they are important because they were the first to exploit mass media coverage and give a platform to ~express the repressed~!
other sources (1) (2)
disclaimer: this is all with like half an hour of googling and little to no proofreading so like, don't blame me if shit is inaccurate sjdfhkslfd. did i state their importance in the grand scheme of things? not really. did i find out some whacky stuff? absolutely😌
okay byeeeeee
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created a whole gifset and near the end I was like oh I need one more frontierland thing and went with the boo to you parade because i couldn’t think of any other attractions there and I just remembered, after finishing the set, the whole goddamn frontierland shooting gallery
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goldendiie · 6 years ago
lightning mcqueen buys everyone in radiator springs a five day trip to disneyland what happens
So I’d assume that most of the Radiator Springs residents have been to Disneyland at some point in their lives,,, Because it opened in 1955, there’s plenty of potential for them to visit anytime during its opening up until about 1968-69, likely around the time that the town was bypassed (and, lets be real, nobody was about to go on a vacation after that because they were too busy waiting for the “inevitable” return of customers). So, at least some of them would have memories of going when they were younger.
ANYWAYS, sometime after the events of the first movie, McQueen decides to take the whole gang out to Anaheim for a trip to Disneyland, perhaps as a ‘thank you,’ for all of the good they did him. Most everyone’s down for it, so they opt to go in one huge group. Lizzie and Red stay behind, both to look after the town and because they don’t consider themselves thrill-seekers (though, Lizzie stays behind more because of her age than anything else).
Everyone planned to stay together the whole time, but folks end up going their own ways sooner or later and just meeting up back at the hotel. The first to go are Sheriff and Doc, who get stuck in line for some dole whip. The group leaves them to catch a fast pass at Splash Mountain (at which only Mater and McQueen get soaked, because they wanted to sit in the front). Sheriff and Doc are completely content to get their dole whip and meander around the park instead of joining the group on the thrill rides. They much preferred something like Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.
Sarge and Fillmore get in the (very short) line for the Tiki Room because Fillmore insists it’s a marvel of modern technology. He’d been to Disneyland sometime in the 60s (mainly for a demonstration that was staged there, but that’s a story for another day), and remembered everything quite well. Meanwhile, Sarge had never been to Disneyland, so he was going into everything blindly. He enjoys the Tiki Room (mainly due to Fillmore’s enthusiasm for it), but still prefers something like the Frontierland Shooting Gallery.
Flo and Ramone had also been to Disneyland before, so they already know what to go on. Their favorites come out to be the Matterhorn and Space Mountain, with Big Thunder Mountain coming in a close second. They also enjoyed the drop at the end of Splash Mountain, but the rest of the ride was kind of meh to them.
The group meets up again at the Haunted Mansion for a fast pass. Mater, Luigi, and Guido are terrified. Everyone else enjoys themselves. 
Luigi and Guido go off on their own and find themselves on It’s a Small World. They love it, and they do not stop singing the song until well after they get back. After that, they go on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, and (like everyone else who rides it) are incredibly disturbed by the hellish imagery towards the end of the ride. 
McQueen, Sally and Mater go on Snow White’s Scary Adventure. Mater gets scared. McQueen and Sally love it. They get stuck in the same dole whip line that Sheriff and Doc were in a few hours earlier. After that, the three of them buy matching Disneyland branded shirts. 
At the end of the day, they meet up for the fireworks show. Doc and Sheriff had spent the rest of the day riding the Disneyland Railroad around the park. Luigi and Guido had gone to the Autopia three times, completely disregarding the other rides around the park. Flo and Ramone are still coming off of their adrenaline high(s) from all of the rollercoasters they went on. Sarge and Fillmore are wearing matching Mickey Mouse ears. Everyone enjoys the fireworks together before heading back to their hotel (which just so happens to be the Disneyland hotel) to get a good night’s sleep before the next day’s adventures. 
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vampirismx-blog · 7 years ago
& how full of ▇▇▇▇ you are (postCH2)
He can feel his stomach twisting as he exits the trial room, making a beeline out of there, doesn’t even have a clue where he’s going but he needs to go somewhere.
To process all that they’d just witnessed. He’d check up on others later; when he could regain his composure enough he’d broken into his old ways again it was almost shameful, when the boiling feeling in his veins settled down.
It was sick.
Rei didn’t know what angered him most--Ryo’s motives, the way he expected everyone to just succumb to their ‘fates,’ the knowledge that this was all being broadcasted and people could be watching this with some sort of sick fascination. Maybe the world simply thought this was some staged reality show, the students were fine, nobody was really dead.
Wouldn’t it be great to have the luxury of thinking like that.
By the time he actually starts paying attention to his surroundings, he’s all the way in Frontierland. There’s no reason for him to head anywhere else, he had no destination in mind to begin with, but it feels strange somehow that he wandered here without even thinking. Rei takes a seat on the ground in front of the shooting gallery, letting out a loud frustrated groan once he’s settled.
He’d barely spoken to Hiro. Phonon had done nothing but threaten him. That didn’t change the fact that they were classmates, they were people with lives just like him who didn’t deserve to be killed. And Ryo--god, he didn’t even know where to begin, considering the fact that they’d all come face-to-face with Satan, supposedly. It felt surreal, but he couldn’t deny that it was reality, and that had really happened. 
‘He was too excited to share the news. So I killed him.’
‘I’m sure that despair is starting to sink in.’
Rei scoffs at the thought, leaning his head against the stall behind him and gazing upwards. Despair sinking in? All of this was painful, he couldn’t lie. And it’d keep getting painful until they found a way out of the situation. But like hell he was going to just keel over and accept this. This wasn’t their fate, this was some twisted game where someone decided to shove a bunch of student hopefuls together to kill each other. Pushing them with motives knowing nobody would crack otherwise. 
It was ugly. Incredibly ugly, but that didn’t change what he’d said at the end. That he’d make sure people got out. He wasn’t the only one who felt that way, thank god. They’d need to work together if they wanted to escape this.
...Something else was bothering him, though. Not the motive, not the words--something about the fact that the whole world was watching. It made Rei’s stomach twist to think that his family, his brother could see all of this, but something else felt wrong. As though there were another reason this should make him feel sick, something that he can’t quite place his finger on. Like trying to grasp at a ray of light. His brother, his family watching... Was it the knowledge that Hasumi was probably seeing this? No, Rei wouldn’t be so concerned over him seeing everything. 
Ugh. Trying to place his finger on the cause was giving him a headache. And the skies had darkened even more; it was late, he couldn’t risk staying out any longer and potentially falling asleep somewhere he wasn’t meant to. He should go back to the castle, check up on his other classmates, and try to ease his mind.
He walks, keeping pace until he gets midway down Main Street, and pauses. He doesn’t know where the cameras are, but they all know they’re being broadcasted now, so...
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“...I’m sure there are still people watching right now. If you’re simply here finding this all entertaining, I kindly ask you to get a life. But otherwise... someone out there must want to help. I refuse to believe we’ve all been forsaken. If that’s the case, then please, do keep trying.”
It feels strange, as if he’s talking to thin air, people he can’t even see. He doesn’t even know if they’ll even care, if anyone really could see that.
All Rei could do was hope. Hope that someone was watching, hope that someone, even just one person wanted to get them out of this hell.
Hope that someone would save them before it became too little too late.
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secondlifep · 5 years ago
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Disneyland August 1958 Shooting Gallery, Frontierland
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hyaenagallery · 5 years ago
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Yippies invade Disneyland part 2 The schedule for this day included, according to the flyer: Black Panther Hot Breakfast: 9am—10am at Aunt Jemima’s Pancake House Young Pirates League: 11am on Captain Hook’s boat Women’s Liberation: 12 noon rally to liberate Minnie Mouse in front of Fantasyland Self Defense Collective: 1pm—2pm at shooting gallery in Frontierland Mid-Day Feast: 3pm barbecue of Porky Pig Late in the afternoon Yippies plan to infiltrate and liberate Tom Sawyer’s Island. Declaring a free state, brothers and sisters will then have a smoke-in and festival. Get it on over to Disneyland, August 6. YIPPIE! But what the Yippies failed to take into account was that it had barely been a year since Sharon Tate and four others had been brutally murdered in Tate’s Benedict Canyon home. And because the trial of Charles Manson and his associates had just gotten underway in June, Southern California wasn’t exactly the most welcoming place during the summer of 1970, especially if you were a young adult with long hair who dressed in hippie-style clothes. Disneyland and Anaheim prepared for 200,000 troublemakers; approximately 300 showed up, and probably half were just curiousity seekers who joined in the “fun.” The Yippies were basically just a nuisance, running between the marching band players, smoking pot in Adventures Thru Innerspace, climbing the mast of the Chicken of the Sea pirate ship, and dozens more tried to cause a commotion outside the entrance gates, complaining about the establishment. There were approximately 25000 regular guests in the park that day. #destroytheday https://www.instagram.com/p/B3heJOhB1gb/?igshid=h3yqughhujk7
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bigpileofgarbage · 8 years ago
What would each of your characters favorite thing at Disneyland be (do for as many as you feel like doing!)
Dwight loves the Princess castle and getting her picture taken with the princes. She likes the droids in Startours. The shooting gallery in frontierland. Autopia and Thunder Mountain.Mike loves Thunder Mountain, the bobsleds and Frontierland the best. He loves the giant turkey legs and the churros too.Louis refuses to go to Disneyland.Matt LOVES Disneyland. He loves flirting with the princesses and spending outrageous ammounts of money on EVERYTHING. But Mainstreet is his favorite part of the park. And Mr.Toad’s Wild Ride. I also like to imagine he is often mistaken for a castmember because of the way he dresses. At LEAST when he is hanging around mainstreet.Charlotte loves the different ambience sounds and music that all the different locations in the park have. She loves the jungle tour ride for the jokes the skippers tell and she likes the sound of the fireworks. But her favorite part is the live musicians that play music around the park, and the new Orleans area. Her favorite ride is also Thunder Mountain.Perry likes all the Starwars and space mountain.Art likes following Dwight around.Berrigan likes fantasyland and all the baby rides. He hates the haunted mansion and hates Goofy and Pluto.Bud likes pirates of the Caribbean and indiana jones.
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actionfigureinsider · 5 years ago
Below is a column/editorial that I wrote 10 years ago after the sudden passing of my dear friend, prototype painter and pop culture enthusiast Eddie Wires.  I’ve tweaked a few things here and there for clarity, and added some additional pictures.   Eddie was such a force in the industry.  If you own any toys from Toy Biz, Palisades, early DC Direct and countless others then you probably have a little piece of Eddie in your collection.   He was self-taught and built his business from the ground up and he ran it with love, passion and integrity.  There were several in the industry that screwed him and didn’t pay or shorted him for his work, but he always gave them a second chance to do the right thing.   I’ve never met anyone that didn’t LOVE and adore Eddie after meeting him.   And even after 10 years I miss him every day.
This is a blog that I started over a month ago, that I keep putting off, because it was just too painful and finishing it would make it all the more real. Tonight at a Dave & Busters in Georgia and in a few weeks at New York Comic Con there will be gatherings of friends and family to celebrate the life of Eddie Wires. I’m not able to attend these because of other family obligations, but still wanted to participate by posting this blog:
There’s a lot of great stuff in the middle of these events with my friendship to Eddie Wires, but in this blog I’d like to talk about the very first time I met Eddie and the last time I saw Eddie.
I don’t remember exactly what year it was, but it was roughly 10 or 11 years ago, and it was in June. It was Eddie’s birthday. These days there’s always an easy way that I remember when Eddie’s birthday falls. The pants tell me so. You see there’s a little “Easter Egg” on one the Marvel Legends/Hulk Classics figures that Eddie painted. In wave 2 of Hulk classics, if you were one of the people fortunate enough to find one of the Absorbing Man figures in that wave, on his prison pants there are a string of letter and a string of numbers that are supposed to be his prison ID. The letters are “PRJFEW” That stands for “Jesse Falcon, Phil Ramirez and Eddie Wires.” The numbers are “060572” That’s Eddie’s birthday. June 5th, 1972. It’s the day before my youngest daughter’s birthday.
Back to the first time I met Eddie. This was still pretty early in my “toy journalism” career. I was a new friends with Jesse Falcon of Toy Biz (Now Marvel/Disney) and he was in LA for some meetings. I was working for Disney Animation at the time so I had free access to Disneyland for me and 3 friends. I wanted to introduce Jesse to another friend of mine, Chris Tallman, who, like Jesse, was into improvisational comedy. At that time Chris was working for Disneyland as “the Mayor of FrontierLand.” Jesse, Phil Ramirez and I headed out to Anaheim to the“Happiest Place on Earth”.
Fast forwarding past spending the day at the park riding rides, talking nerd-stuff and then having several drinks at the Anaheim House of Blues. Jesse invited Chris and I out that night to celebrate the birthday of one of their friends, who was also a painter for Toy Biz… Mr. Eddie Wires.
Before working in toys, Eddie was a bartender at “Dave &Busters” in several cities. For those of you that might not be familiar with “Dave & Buster’s” it’s like the adult version of Chuck E. Cheese; great food, lots of video games and some VR stuff thrown in.
That’s where he met the love of his life, Jennifer, who would later become his wife. Jennifer still worked for “Dave & Busters,” as a manger and helping new locations open all over the country. That’s where Eddie’s party was, at the “Dave & Busters” in the Block at Orange. That was our night; meeting Eddie and his friends, hanging out with Toy Biz guys, free food and free video games all night long. It was like we had died and gone to heaven. To this day that night is still in my top 5 greatest days of my life. Chris and I couldn’t stop grinning that night.
At the amazing center of it all was Eddie Wires. There was no weirdness about these two goons crashing his party. Any friend of Jess and Phil’s was a friend of his, and he was more than happy to talk toys and shoot the digital undead with these strangers until the sun came up. After 10 minutes it was already like we had known each other 10 years.
At the end of the night he hugged us and we exchanged emails. That was just Eddie. If he knew you, he hugged you. I think all of us have been the recipients of voice mails or emails from Eddie informing us that the next time we saw him that we could expect to have his arms around us. And he was always a man of his word.
That was the first time I saw Eddie Wires.
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Now for the last time….
This past July Eddie asked Abby and I if we wanted to share a hotel room with him at Comic Con 2010. Eddie always stayed at the Marriott next door to the con and for the past 5 years he’s always allowed the AFi team to use his room as a hub for dropping stuff off, checking email, uploading stuff or just taking a break. This year he suggested “why not just stay together?” He already had the room booked and it had 2 beds. It would be great to spend the time together. The idea made a lot of sense to us so we did, and it was great. We loved being able to spend 5 days with him, catching up, and talking about what was cool at the show, just being with Eddie for 5 days. This was the year that “The Walking Dead” trailer debuted at the con. Eddie, was a fan of ALL things Zombies, he was already a fan of the comic and he was OVER THE MOON, that it was going to be a weekly TV show. We joked about calling each other after each episode and discussing it… except I don’t think either of us were joking. We would have loved to have done a weekly “watch party” together. I’ve really missed him since he moved to the other side of the country.
We had 5 amazing days, and went out a few nights. Then it was time for the show to end. Anyone that has been to all, 5 days of the con knows that by the end of the show you are ready to go home! It’s fun, but covering the show, the late nights, the early mornings, the crowds, the walking… ugh.
Danny Neuman took this picture. This was sitting on the top of the toilet in our hotel room. This image has hung in my house for the past 10 years.
Eddie had mentioned several times in the last 2 days of the con that he really wanted to have diner with us before we got back on the road to drive back to LA. We wanted to as well, but we were tired, we still had to pack the car and unpack when we got home, and we wanted to beat the traffic of the thousands of people leaving the show. We kept debating weather to stay or go. Eddie said he was going to help the guys from Diamond Select break down their booth, so that was going to add even more time before we could go eat. But we had a lot of stuff to pack in the car… and then we came to the decision that it was Eddie. We love Eddie, we miss Eddie and we love spending time with Eddie, so we would stay. We loaded the car. He packed up DST, and then we went to eat… and we had such a lovely time. We were just in the Marriott pub in the south tower,but there was just something so… nice about that dinner. We even commented on it several times on the drive how great that was and how glad we were that we stayed.
Time really seemed to stand still that night. While it was only 2 hours at the restaurant, it seemed like we were there all night. We talked about the con, our families, TV, movies, life, his band, and friends… everything. I’ve known Eddie for about 11 years, but it’s really been the past two years that he has really opened up with Abby and I and really gone beyond “nerdy talk” into a lot of meaty stuff and this dinner continued in that vein.
It really was the perfect evening. Anyone that has ever gone out with Eddie knows that it’s damn near impossible to pay for your own drinks or a meal. Picking up the check was one of Eddie’s superpowers. That night Abby had a plan and she snuck her card to the waitress before she came over to the table so we had the last laugh and did the near impossible… we picked up HIS check!
With the news of Eddie’s passing just a few weeks later,that evening is priceless to us. Thank God we stayed. We wouldn’t trade that for time anything… anything except for the chance to see him and talk to him just one more time.
Eddie really was the nicest person I have ever met. It’s easy to give lip service to a phrase like that, but searching the cobwebs of my mind I really can’t think of a nicer person that I have encountered in my almost 40 years of life. He would give you the shirt off of his back, literally. And then he would secretly sneak away and buy you 10 more shirts.
Like everyone that interacted with him with any frequency we miss him like crazy every day. He’ll never be forgotten.
  Call your friends.  Chat about the stuff you love.  Celebrate your past.  And tell them that you love them.
I hope you are all safe and healthy in these trying times.
Thank you for reading this.  I love you guys.
  The First and Last Time I Met Eddie Wires – Remembrance of Eddie on the 10th Anniversary of his Passing Below is a column/editorial that I wrote 10 years ago after the sudden passing of my dear friend, prototype painter and pop culture enthusiast Eddie Wires. 
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ralphland · 7 years ago
In the late 1950’s there were three shooting galleries at DISNEYLAND- in Frontierland, Adventureland and Main Street. (Record Scratch) Main Street had a Shooting Gallery? Yes it did! While numerous pictures exist of both the Frontierland (which still exists) and the Adventureland shooting galleries, no such photos seem to exist for the one located on Main Street. How do we know it existed? Old C Tickets mention it as an attraction:
It was also mentioned on park maps:
It is because of old park maps that we know where the Shooting Gallery was located. It waslocated between the Coca-Cola Refreshment corner and the Penny Arcade marquee as shown below:
Today only the Shooting Gallery in Frontierland remains open. The Adventureland Shooting Gallery became a Sunkist juice stand and the Main Street Shooting Gallery disappeared to become the stuff of legend.
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thetravelingbear · 7 years ago
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Operation: Wonderland was a success!  For Disneyland's 60th (Diamond) Anniversary, I won a trip for four to the two Disney Parks in California, including a night in the Disneyland Dream Suite in the park!  The original design of the Dream Suite was overseen by Walt Disney, who wanted a larger apartment for himself and his family when they stayed in the park overnight, so that they wouldn't have to cram eight people into the one room apartment above the firehouse on Main Street USA.  Walt intended for it to be the epitome of luxury for his family and friends, but he passed away before it was completed.
The project went abandoned for many years, and the space was used as the Disney Gallery.  However, in 2007, construction picked back up and Walt's apartment was finished, to be used a promotional prize.  It includes a posh parlor (can anything called a parlor NOT be posh?), patio, balcony overlooking New Orleans Square, and two themed bedrooms.
The bedrooms and parlor are equipped with extra magic surprises.  When the clock in the parlor chimes a new hour, the room lights go down and music starts playing--it would probably be creepy if it wasn't Disney.  The clock face lights up with a character (it changes by the hour), figures in the China cabinet start dancing, and a picture of the original Disneyland Castle design appears in the mirror, along with a star lighting up in the mirror's upper corner.  Every so often, if you watch the fireplace, the fire will shoot up into fireworks.
The bedrooms magic comes in the form of a button on the wall, marked Good Night Kiss.  If you push it in the kid's Frontierland themed room, the train will move out of its glass case on the shelf and start following the train tracks that go all around the room.  If you push the button in the Master Bedroom, which is Adventureland themed, you'll hear the sounds of the jungle, and be treated to a light show.  Look sharp and you may just notice the picture above the bed change as the mermaids come out to play, or you might notice a familiar cloud formation as the Jolly Roger sails past the moon!
The magic doesn't end there, though.  The master bathroom has its own treat by way of a jetted tub with a starry canopy.  Turn down the lights, and some soft, relaxing music will start playing as the stars twinkle and reveal one of Disneyland's famous Hidden Mickeys!
Only at Disney!
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benkendallphoto-blog · 8 years ago
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Test your shooting skills at the wildest shooting gallery in the wilderness @disneylandparis #disney #disneyland #disneylandparis #disneylandresort #disneylandresortparis #dlp #dlrp #frontierland #thundermesa #shootinggallery #photographer #photography #photogenic #photogram #disneygram #disneyphoto #disneyphotography #instagram #instadisney #canonm10 #follow #followforfollow #followme #disney #disney #disney (at Disneyland Paris)
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