#Friendzone Mod
aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro culture is just being so completely sick and tired of the term 'friendzone' because you know that 90% of people using it think friendship isn't as good or valuable as romance. Friendship, if you're into it / it's for you, is great & valuable actually <3
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askaceattorney · 5 months
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Dear Juniper,
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Oh, sure. I'd love to come as a friend. Do they have any good food?
- Apollo Justice
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sol-consort · 5 months
Figured out how to mod the game just so I can get the captain outfit and it's so worth it.
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chingyu1023vick · 2 years
Essential Traits Updates & Translations Added
UPDATE: 100 Base Game Traits V1.6 
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Fixed unharmful Invalid Tunings that cause the traits to appear on BE warnings. It is recommended to remove all your previous trait packages and redownload this updated version.
I moved Mute Trait to be standalone because I found the "silent voice" effect requires Seasons Pack
Added Talentless Trait as a replacement in Part 5
Renamed a few traits (Logical to Analytical, Absolute Pitch to Perfect Pitch, Charismatic to Charming, Abusive to Cruel) so that they are not to be confused with the skills or get interpreted in the wrong way.
UPDATE: Sorted Traits Picker v3.3 
Added Support to my Mute Trait & 100 Base Game Traits V1.6
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UPDATE: Mute Trait 
The "silent voice" effect requires Seasons expansion pack. (No LE if you don't have that pack)
I separate this from 100 Traits because I found it was not BGC.
CAS & Reward versions available (can be used together); All Ages
Available in the reward store with XML injector
Can be added to Sims in gameplay mode with Sorted Traits Picker
👑  Info of Mute Trait
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Translations Added:
Simplified Chinese 简体中文 & Traditional Chinese 繁體中文 translations by wenwenbalala. Thanks! (translations merged in mods)
Absent Emotion Traits Pack v1.3
Holiday Tradition Override v3.1
Friendzone Mod v2.1
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🔹List of IDs for creators who want to refer my traits to their own mods 
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luckyqueenreign · 10 months
I saw the first Islander Alex and my reaction towards him was:
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Sorry babe, but you're gonna be my first friendzone.
Hard pass. And I advise everyone to not pay that either, even if you mod your game. You’re basically telling them this is something we are willing to pay for when it absolutely should be free.
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pushing500 · 11 months
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I don't know if "Akubra" means something else somewhere, but I've always known it as the Australian hat company. So, in my head, Head Chef Wendy now speaks with an Australian accent. I mean, everyone does because I'm Australian, and so is the narrator's voice in my head, but she's extra Aussie now.
Also, I brought some coffee, and Irwin and Wendy drank all of it before anybody else got any. A bit greedy, but I appreciate the enthusiasm.
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I get the feeling Irwin is starting to get a bit irritated about the hat issue that his fiancee won't let go. He grumbled about it with Cinnamon the Steel Construct (a couple of times, actually.)
Fafo and Kaz continue to dance around the idea of actually getting together in favour of repeatedly friendzoning each other, but they apparently agreed to a hookup which is... Good for drama and storytelling tension, I suppose. I don't know if hookups are a mod thing or not. I don't think I've ever seen this interaction before.
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Irwin, my sweet baby boy, got shot in the heart while he defended Brennan from a raider. Of course, being the absolute legend that he is, he wandered to the hospital across the base and tucked himself into bed while he waited for Brennan to finish a game of chess before she could patch him up. I would have expected her to be a bit more grateful, considering she's only still alive because of him, but oh well.
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Our newest yttakin colonist, Kawoo, is apparently married to a Saurid raider named Andrei. Andrei seemed to be under the mistaken impression we had kidnapped his wife and came to rescue her. Luckily we're correcting him in our jail. We even let him keep a friend named Baz in jail with him until the misunderstanding is cleared up! We're very thoughtful that way.
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Last but not least, Big Dipper the baby thrumbo is now Big Dipper the teenaged thrumbo! Hooray! Doesn't he look just like his Mum? How cute!!
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
HC About My Ver of Rise RaMona (Raph x Mona Lisa)
Link to my Rise Mona Lisa design
Pining x oblivous
Raph’s love language is physical touch & quality time while Mona’s is words of affirmation and also physical touch
Mona constantly info dumps Raph, he has no idea what she is talking about most of the time, but he loves seeing her happy talking about her passions and admires her intelligence. 
Mona was the first to develop a crush on Raph, while for Raph he was very oblivious about her feelings, thinking she’s just sick every time he sees her blush around him
They met when Raph and Mikey took the Turtle Tank out for a joy ride in the Hidden City. After crashing the tank and knowing Donnie will kill them if he finds out they wrecked it, they take it to a car repair shop called “Sal’s Garage”. There they met the owner Sal, and after looking at the damages, he tells the boys that the vehicle is too advance and high tech for an old lizard like him to fix, but luckily his daughter is also a mechanic and according to him, is more talented than him. Mona was working on a car up high on a car lift, when her father calls for her, Mona is overwhelmed with amazement from the Turtle Tank that she loses her balances and falls off the lift, with Raph catching her in his arms. I guess you could say Mona really FELL for Raph ;D
Everyone knows Mona Lisa likes Raph, but Raph just thinks she likes him as a friend
She’s doesn’t look it but Mona is stronger than Raph and she can carry him bridal style anytime she pleases.
Raph initiated their first kiss, but it was a fake-out-make-out. While on a mission together spying on Big Mama, Raph kisses Mona as a cover for them so they wouldn’t get caught. Raph later apologized and how it was the only thing he could think of at the moment, Mona told him it was okay and that he can do it again any time ;)
Mona was badly stuck in the friendzone during the first year of knowing Raph, but when Raph starts to fall for her he falls HARD.
Being oblivious, Raph thinks that Mona doesn’t feel the same way about him and worries she’ll say no if he asks her out, so he goes to Donnie for advice. Donnie calls Raph an idiot and tells him that Mona has liked him for a LONG time and how he was so oblivious about her obvious feelings that it literally hurt watching. 
When Raph and Mona begin to date, her father, Sal, greatly disapproves of their relationship. He has nothing against Raph, he liked him when Raph and his daughter were just friends, but now that he’s her boyfriend, he’s a threat. Overprotective dad mod activated.
Their real first kiss, Mona initiated it. When Raph finally found the courage to ask her out, they went on their first date, but it didn’t go as Raph planned, chaos ensued and bad guys were fought. When the night ended Raph was upset the date was ruined but Mona assured him she had a blast. Raph was convinced she was only saying that to make him feel better so to prove him wrong she kissed him.
In their future (a non apocalyptic one) they’d get married and have three kids (2 girls and 1 boy)
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emcapi-gaming · 5 months
Actually, I lied, have another Karlach run update because I just realized I never posted about the resolution of her romantic Situation.
As previously mentioned, I was really, really torn on whether to have her romance Wyll or Astarion. (For the record, I adore the three of them as a poly ship. In my heart they are all smooching. Sadly you can only have one committed origin character romance in game without modding.)
I went with Astarion for the tiefling camp party because of the unique scene they have together, but was contemplating very lovingly friendzoning him for Wyll in act 2 depending on how the order of events/cutscenes/etc played out.
Well, events sure did play out.
By which I mean Astarion FUMBLED IT SO HARD. He fucked up, big time. He rolled a metaphorical 1.
By which I mean he dropped the fake ass "What about those three little words. Everyone's favorite... I love you," line.
To Karlach.
And I was just sitting there going "welp" because there is no universe I can reasonably imagine where she takes that well.
I feel that the following conversation went something like this (partly based on in-game).
K: "Are you... lying to me right now?"
A: "Yes, but it's a beautiful lie, isn't it?"
K: "...Man WHAT the FUCK."
K: "Nope. No. I'm done."
A: [dialog (can't remember the specifics) about how their time together was actually something special to him, which was lowkey heartbreaking tbh]
K: (sad) "Oh. You weren't entirely lying, were you? I think you just... don't know how to be sincere. Even with yourself."
K: "I can't do this, though. I'm sorry."
K: *trying not to cry* "also I'm still kinda mad at you!!"
And that's the story of how my blorbos slightly broke each other's hearts 🙃
The next long rest she had the dance scene and kiss with Wyll, so they are indeed a thing now.
I think maybe (in my version) they'll be able to try again later, after Astarion's had the chance to start working through a few of his personal issues. There's also been some great moments with all three of them in act 2, at least one of which I want to write a little fic about.
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ask-riverstone · 29 days
psst, hello mod- how do you think Kevin and Zoey met? :00
I have a theory the 'eight year old fangirl' part of my brain made, and its that both of them were/are neighbors? Im a hopeless romantic, what can I say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To Toasty,
Good question. I honestly like to think that they were classmates in the early years of highschool and their friendship lasted for years.
But of course Kevin got friendzoned and Brad eventually turned up as Zoey’s boyfriend 🥲
Also, I do like to think they live on the same street in Riverstone, yes.
— The Mod
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fortuneaspiration · 2 months
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So this started happening... lol since Mickey's mom is Tamara's mom aunt, he is basically not family to her according to the game, I did not want to set them as a family they're not and I don't have treat as family because it clashes with some mods, so I decided to friendzone them... but they keep rubbing each others back is so weird
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ask-basil-omori · 8 months
[Sedona speaks OOC to the mod]
I may be a Basil simp 🤫🤫
(It’s okay, we’re the same age)
If you’re a Sunny simp we’d probably get along well, want to be friends?
Hell yeah we probably could though just a problem i'm a sunflower shipper so you'll probably get friendzoned by Basil get ready for that /hj
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro culture is getting pissed off at the fact that the person you want to be with in a queerplatonic way cannot reciprocate properly and prioritizes their romantic relationship with some girl instead
honestly had to debate if i wanted to post this.
it is never the fault of another for not reciprocating feelings. additionally, "some girl" is... hm. i do not like blaming someone for someone else being attracted to them.
if you are upset, angry, grieving what could have been - please name those feelings and own them. "I feel upset that a person I am attracted to is not mutually attracted to me. This is not their fault. Additionally, it is no one's fault for my qp interest having a romantic interest in someone else. I cannot control what others feel, nor what I feel, but I can chose how I respond to these emotions. I can respect that this person is not attracted to me, the same way I would like someone to respond to me if they were romantically attracted to me and I did not reciprocate this. I will find ways to cope with my upset, such as ripping paper, writing down my feelings, and doing things I enjoy."
i understand that this probably sucked, but i strongly suggest not working through negative emotions by sending an angry submission to a public blog. there's a difference between venting that a situation feels like it's stacked against you and blaming others for how they feel. this crosses that line.
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yfm-confessions · 9 months
Shared these on discord with one of the mods already but the list got longer since then, so classpect of all the YFM characters:
Puff puff - Thief of time
Benatar - Page of hope
Dee Jay - Seer of space
Axel - Sylph of void
Stevi - Rouge of blood
Wax - Mage of mind
Shitty G - bard of rage
Brock - Knight of Heart
Friendzone girl - heir of heart
Tig - witch of breath
Dee Jayne - Maid of light
( class: https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Class \\ aspect: https://mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Aspect )
Am I still allowed here after this 🥺🥺🥺
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
If you don’t want insiminator you can also use the latest acr feature friendzoning, since you already have the mod
STOP. why tf didnt i ask abt this b4 playing, i cant blv how many ways there r to stop it
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chingyu1023vick · 2 years
Check Out Interaction
This adds a new romantic social interaction "Check Out", having a chance to get Smitten/ Deeply In Love sentiments towards the target Sim.
Base-Game Compatible
Compatible with ALL mods by me
Compatible with other romance and NSFW mods, e.g. WW, Better Romance, Lumpinou's Open Love, Road to Romance, LGBTQIA, Sacrificial's Passionate Romance.
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No romance requirement
Appears only on gender(s) the Actor Sim like (romantic preferences), allows exploring romantically
Can be re-performed after a short while
Not allowed between family members (Base Game & Parenthood & simsmodelsimmer's Set Family Relationships)
Not friend-zoned/ disabled romance (My Friendzone Mod)
Actor Sim not under faithfulness effect (My Faithfulness Mod)
Provided with Autonomous and NoAutonomous versions. Choose the one you want
Click on another Sim -> Romance -> Check Out
Sims now have a chance to get either Smitten/ Deeply In Love/ no sentiment (failed).
👑  Mod Details of Check Out Interaction
Public Access: Oct 7
🔹 Links to ALL My Traits, Game Mods, and CCs
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🔹 List of Chingyu’s CC Traits Name and Descriptions for mod users
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shurinnenation4ever · 4 months
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♡~Mirror, mirror on my floor, what do me and Pookie have in store?~♡
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...This... This can't be...
"Friendzoned" by MON amour?!?!?! THIS CAN'T BE!!! THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE!!! TU MENT!!!!!
Hmph~! I will not let something so RIDICULE perturb me. No I will not! How absolutely silly...
What if it IS accurate though... what if mon bourdon fou does want to friendzone me...?
KAKAKA~✩ What a ridiculous thought! He would never want to friendzone me! Mon bourdon LOVES me as much as I LOATHE him!!! KAKAKA~✩ Of course!!! That's what it must be!!
-Mod Shu 🍷
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