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chow-chows-blog · 8 months ago
Tw: self harm/ed/abuse/threats
Disclaimer: Do not harass the people mentioned. I made this post for people to learn and distance themself from people like this. Just block or not talk to them
My first callout
This is a response to Mal/sunny's response
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and here's my video response (it took me three days)
This is my only response video I'm ever making but I will be adding stuff here for clarification
That goes for you Mal (@eepiest-malkuth,@thevanishedpeople-intothenight,@eepy-malk,@dailyloopisatdoodles) because if you respond, I'll just text you or tell you face to face unless you're too pussy to talk to me or even look in my direction ^^
Also here's me and my sister voicing over you and your crush (@corgicerberus) sessions.
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uniquezombiedestiny · 1 year ago
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Merry's right. She has no right to be trusted after that.
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anomaly-beans · 1 year ago
Smiles so sweetly and serenely.
Lobotomy Corporation au Merry :)c
Just a look into their past facility before joining the events of the rp, Friendcorp, and how they've corroded in the past and why they have certain restrictions placed on them after working there.
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wanderinganywhereart · 1 year ago
Hi guys broski animation meme
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anomaly-beans-draws · 1 year ago
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First sketch for a drawing of porccubus corroded Merry from the corrosion fic I wrote for them!
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chesedwithacap · 6 months ago
aight hold on for a moment, i just wanna say even though i don't look back on it with as much fondness as i did when i was younger, i still love @friendcorp for basically getting me to stay within the LC community instead of letting the interest fizzle out. for anyone who doesn't know, friendcorp was a project (that is now on hiatus) here on tumblr where 54 people would essentially send in one of their agents for a lob corp playthrough, alongside one randomly generated agent. i submitted lunas for this, and eventually that led into one of the best times of my lobcorp interest. i got to meet people who i still consider my closest friends to this day, while at the same time getting me to start creating OCs again.
this one project drew together so many people and got so many people who likely didn't know each other or have barely heard of each other to interact, and have fun, esp in the discord server.
without this project, the discord server, and the people i met, i don't think i would've continued to stay in the L. Corp community for long, which meant i wouldn't have been able to join a new small community within the PM community, which led to me meeting even more people that i also consider my closest friends, and once again, creating new characters. at the same time, those friends allowed me to improve myself, be able to be more empathetic and sympathetic to those in less fortune situations or those actively getting abused by other people. without friendcorp, i would've never stayed in the PM community, and i would've never met such incredible people as i grew up and continued to interact with the PM community. so, thank you @friendcorp and thank you cryptid.
thank you. genuinely. and thank you to all the friends that i've been able to meet along the way, from FC, T.P, and beyond.
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atziluth is in chaos rn
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boneeatingbitch · 2 years ago
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actually this is funny enough to post
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pinchbees · 2 years ago
Thinking about the fact that I sent an ask saying Maknessa real but clueless about a month ago
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enderpearlgurl13 · 2 years ago
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branch-wdk53 · 9 months ago
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Y’know what, I’mma post this bc I’m actually fairly happy how it turned out. My friendly fire on @uniquezombiedestiny, of a scenario ft. Bella and Rein.
While Bella may be used to the cold, Rein struggles. Even so, he would travel through a snowstorm to fetch her.
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mapachema · 1 year ago
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happy foosyursary to those who celebrate
(important not only because these nuggets deserve to be happy, but it also marks the date i made a best friend who i love very much :) @anakeions )
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uniquezombiedestiny · 1 year ago
So yeah question about the whole lobotomy corp thing. What is it about?? Like the only thing I know about it is that it’s inspired by SCP and it’s a grinding game (personally not my fav) but my friend is obsessed with it!! They make 20+ characters based off the game, roleplays with them, and shows me their lore (which I don’t understand at all). So I need some help understanding and you roleplay with them (friend corp) and they never text back so…
oops, sorry for the lack of response lol!
heres the game:
lobotomy corporation is about managing a facility. you're the manager, and your goal is to work with abnormalities in containment cells to collect energy every day. you have a set amount to hit each day, and to do so, you send little agents to do all the work. it's a lot of management and can get very hard as you a) get harder class abnos and b) get clashing abnos or multiple that need close management. it is grindy and will take you lots of tries to succeed. towards the end especially it gets nightmare hard lol
if you wanna know some more/read the games official description, you can find it on steam. there's also a wiki available to read!
lorewise, it's very heavy and dystopian as you get in, and the story absolutely hits you in the heart. its written very well - its a hopeless setting, but with hope and growth in the characters, and no character is left behind writing-wise.
the abnormalities all have their own stories as well, and you can extract clothing + weapons from them (EGO suit + weapon) to make your agents stronger in combat. lots of people will connect abnos to agents based on story and such, and the personality/backstory they gave their agents (theyre mostly blank slates here [just hair, mouth, eyes, ego gear], so all their lore and personality is left for you to write!)
now, friendcorp!
friend corp (@friendcorp on tumblr!) is an au/community project made to counter the originals hopeless setting. 55 people submitted one of their agents to work at a more relaxed facility where everyone can be friends, do teamwork, and not have to worry! we made a discord server, which gained rp channels, and then the rp looped right back to engaging in dark themes like the og lol. were all still having fun, but a lot of the activity has died down, and there hasnt been an official update on it for a while ;')
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anomaly-beans · 2 years ago
Crawls out of the document covered in blood.
Hi. I have a short little bit of writing to share. Just a little exercise in thinking more about the past for my au version of Merry included in Friendcorp.
It’s a bit of writing that, in character as another agent, is writing a file up on Merry’s past EGO corrosions.
Warnings for:
-Drug usage (fictional and actual)
-Needles (not described, but implied usage)
-Body horror (of course) ie. Multiple limbs, things growing out of skin, plant and fungus related body horror, slime mold and spores, description of shedding skin like a cocoon, etc. Canon typical stuff tbh.
-Temporary character death
Herein lies the contents of this document, contents that shall be expunged from the agent’s files from now forward, unless of a sufficient level to access said events.
[Within this document are the multiple corrosion reports on a singular agent, designated number 777, Agent Merry Darthfellow. This agent has been the reason for day resets and full resets on many occasions and should be constantly monitored.]
-Teth level-
Incident I :
Agent Darthfellow at the time of this report was wearing the suit of T-01-54 [Forsaken Murderer].
During a repression event where the agent was instructed to use lethal force on agents under severe panic, the agent began to display erratic behavior.
The captain at the time reported that they found the agent in the East Welfare hallway minutes later after the command had been given kneeling over the dead body of a clerk, quote, “mumbling to themself with their hands clasped almost like in prayer.”
The captain reported hearing the words “forgive me” before noticing the signs of corrosion upon the agent's face.
[Described as “straps of cloth and leather that looked too much like human skin and looked to be growing out of their face, along with metal clasps. Almost like a muzzle over their face. There were similar straps, not the ones on their suit, but other new ones, wrapped all around their body. They were surprisingly easy to incapacitate to bring for corrosion treatments and a memory wipe after reset”]
Note that in the agent’s file, there are psychiatric notes describing the death of their brother and the immense guilt they feel over his death. It is not believed that they were the cause, but the psychiatrist speculates that they heavily put the blame on themself in their head.
-HE level-
Incident II :
In similar speculation to the incident above, it is believed that this corrosion also stemmed from the death of their brother as being the root emotional causation of said incident.
The agent was being investigated for strange behaviors (ie. Visiting the same abnormality, T-01-68 [Funeral of the Dead Butterflies], as their EGO suit without logging their hours or being assigned to work on the abnormality) and was put in for a mental corruption screening.
The agent put in charge of said screening reportedly did not instruct them to change out of their EGO.
In reports afterwards, it was written that the agent had begun to double over in pain during the portion of the screening regarding past trauma (particularly the questions about witnessing death during childhood).
[Quote: “An arm ripped out from their chest. It looked to have clawed out from under their skin. (Later notes make a comparison to the process of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon). It was like they, no. It. Was crawling out of their skin. Its face was crawling, like multiple butterflies were trying to make up a face. Eye spots where eyes should be. And the thing was wearing an old, worn down funeral tuxedo, covered in dirt and worms. Just like the actual abnormality, it had an extra arm sprouting from the chest, but it also had crumpled up looking useless butterfly wings. Like they hadn’t formed right in the cocoon.”
Reportedly the agent then quickly incapacitated the corroded agent 777 through multiple shots of a white damage weapon.
Incident III :
Agent 777 was currently in possession of both the EGO weapon and suit of O-02-98 [Porccubus]. This is only one of several incidents involving agent 777 and said abnormality. It is possible that restrictions will have to be put in place to keep further problems from arising.
[Written incident report, fully quoted: Agent Darthfellow was reported by an agent 780 of Safety as being found, quote, “high off their ass on enkephalin, multiple pain medicines stored in Safety (of both pill and syringe variety) and drinking from a bottle of whiskey when found.” The agent was reportedly “rooted to the spot” in literal terms, as vines grew out of their arms and had embedded into the floor. They were covered in leaves, vines and thorns, and agent 780 reports that they were cackling endlessly. Red petals were starting to grow from their face upon 780’s arrival to the scene, and were trying to cover 777’s face as 780 worked on trying to unroot the agent and then incapacitate them. Workers had to wear thick gardening gloves when moving the body of 777, for fear of pricking themselves on the thorns.]
-Waw level-
Incident IV :
O-01-73 [The rest of this report has been completely redacted at request of the disciplinary team sephirah]
Incident V :
Agent 777 was reported at the time as wearing the EGO suit and gift of O-04-66 [The Little Prince] during the incident.
[Said agent was reported from security footage as working in a lab at the time of the incident. They had been working for over seven hours at that point, and another agent entered the lab, seemingly angering agent 777. As the other agent entering the room doesn’t remember [memory expunged] the words they said, it’s unclear what 777 was furious about. Security footage shows them throwing a beaker of liquid to the ground after yelling for quite some time and then convulsing on the spot, staggering over to the floor as blue puffball mushrooms similar to the EGO grew all over their skin. Their mouth opened seemingly to scream, but all that came out was stalks of mushrooms that erupted into spores upon hitting the air. The other agent is reported as having ran after the spores hit the air and locked the room down for a contaminant in the air. Further security footage shows multiple black eyes opening up on the puffballs, all oozing a thick black liquid in a look similar to crying. Agent 777 was recorded as writing down something on a personal notebook [confiscated and redacted fully] before collapsing and “melting into a mass of slime mold which further contaminated the air”]
No further corrosions have been reported as of writing this document. Agent 777, Merry Darthfellow, is to be monitored and put under strict orders to keep from causing further issues. Any further incidents involving agent 777 should be reported to captains of necessary teams, or any of the sephirot.
[The name of the writer of this report has been redacted]
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wanderinganywhereart · 2 years ago
Broski my best friend boski my everything
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anomaly-beans-draws · 2 years ago
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Forced into “friendship”
Don’t make me get the get along sweater you two-
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