junipers-insects · 3 days
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The ship thing I kept seeing and I wanted to participateeee
Art block still has me chained up in it's basement, this is the only thing I've drawn in days send help
Uhhh all the explanations under the cut (+the original template)
Errorink- I love them
Kist- I used to think they're boring
Swap/Fell- I liked them in middle school, I don't like them anymore
Cream- I love them
Fresh/lust- underrated, misunderstood, Queerplatonic
Dustberry- it stopped being popular after 2018 so in people's minds it's still the 2018 version. But I have fixed them. I have
SciFell- I think it would be so so cool if they somehow became canon. Canon to what? Idk
Afterdeath- Sigh... I love them
Cross/Swap- it's silly and underrated
Errorink- they stuck around
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Woah reached the tag limit
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..could I kiss homey..or fresh..
Or both-?
"You should totally, never ever brah, kiss someone that you don't know. You don't know what that brother could be having on his and or her or their or anything in between weird lips" he says, holding up one of his fingers, while shaking his head "Even if they don't got no lips." Fresh nods to agree.
Fresh wasn't very happy right now, seeing ANOTHER parasite. Ugh, where the hell are they all coming from?
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julday4 · 2 years
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I love my ability to only doodle these two.
Fresh belongs to @/loverofpiggies and Lust belongs to NSFWshamecave
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ragestaraxt · 1 year
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abbytba14 · 7 months
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My FunkyLust human designs :33
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queercumsparkles · 2 years
What are your top 10 favorite Fresh ships and could you draw five of them?
Fruit Punch (Nox x Fresh) (Custom-made name)
Heartbreak (Killer x Fresh) (Made up the name lmao)
SourFresh (I worship this)
Shattered x Fresh (I don't know if there's a name for this ship.) I'd love to Draw them Nonnie!
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quillhuntr · 9 months
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Drew Fresh!lust,,, super proud of this shi liiikeeee,,, might be a new artstyle <33
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thelunarsystemwrites · 5 months
can be romantic, or queer platonic!
AMD DON'T WORRY! I'll make a poll for poly ships too ^^
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Howdy! So while I am working on my comic [literally rn it is in my lap!!] I wanted to make a list of nicknames/names I use for the different skele brothers to use as reference not only for the comic [not ALL the skeles will appear] but also for my BHC quotes cause I plan on expanding it and adding more AUs/making another quote series!! As well as making more headcanon posts!
Bone Bros!
The first 5 sets are (mostly) the same nicknames that are used in BHC, but I'ma list them anyways!
UnderTale - By Toby Fox
Sans - "Classic" Papyrus - "Paps"
UnderSwap - By Popcornpr1nce
Sans - "Blue" Papyrus - "Stretch"
UnderFell - By Underfella/Fella/Vic
Sans - "Red" Papyrus - "Boss"
SwapFell-Indigo - By Popatochisp
Sans - "Nox" Papyrus- "Rus" or "Rusty" (love calling him Rusty <3)
HorrorTale - By Sour-Apple-Studios [but the versions I base most of my posts on are the fanon versions found in BonelyHeartsClub!]
Sans - "Ash" Papyrus - "Poplar" or "Poppy"
Now onto the bones outside of BHC that I like talking about!
FellSwap-Gold - By Blackggggum/Jot
Sans - "Mulberry" or "Mul" Papyrus - "Coffee"
SwapFell-Red - By YiB [But I have imposed many headcanons onto them]
Sans - "Raz" Papyrus - "Mutt"
Note: I don't do much with these two outside of Nox and Mulberry making fun of Raz together, as well as Coffee and Rusty taking care of Mutt. But this is nothing against the AU itself, nor the creator or the enjoyers!
DreamTale - By Jokublog
[this is less to list nicknames for these two, since Dream and Nightmare suit them! but just to put them here for reference!]
_____Tale Sans: "Ink" - By Comyet AfterTale Sanses: "Error", "Fatal" and "Geno" - Error and Geno are by CQ/LoverOfPiggies, Fatal_Error is by Xed/Xedra XTale Sans: "Cross" - By Jakei95 FreshTale/FreshParasite Sans: "Fresh" - By CQ/LoverOfPiggies FreshInk Sans: "Neon" - By Comyet FreshLust Sans: "Casanova" - By Mist-Ren NeonTale Sans: "Slash" - By xNzlian InkSwap Papyrus: "Indie" - By Wishingstarinajar
SwapBack - By Crowmustard [on tiktok!]
Sans - "Carrot" Papyrus - "Sky"
OuterTale - By Mimi Pippinski
Sans - "Sirius" Papyrus - "Lunar"
FanKids! [Papyton and SansKids]
UnderTale Impact: "Impact" or "Pact" - By Madhattey UnderSwap Impact: "Calibri" or "Cali" - By Madhattey UnderFell Impact: "Trajan", "Traj" or "TJ" - By Madhattey AfterDeath: "Goth" - By Nekophy InkBerry: "Blueprint", "Print", or "BP" - By Pepper-mint DrInk: "Palette" or "Pals" - By Lasserbatsu ErrorInk: "Paperjam", "Paper", "PJ" or "Jams" - By 7goodangel
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janeelyakiri · 2 years
MafiaFell Paps or FreshLust Sans?
M...mafiafell paps...
he's so tol.......
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ahHhhH the writing request!! maybe some fresh with a qp? especially like,, his partner finding out what he actually is??
finally,,,, something shorter,,,, enjoy some QPPs freshlust!!
Fresh switched the channel to some random one, something about jewelry, or something like that. He didn’t particularly care about it much. His attention was more focused on the skeleton curled up in his lap, head leaned back against his chest.
They were having one of their “Dates”, which is more of a fancy word for them getting together and hanging out. Y’know, as QPPs tend to do. Tonight’s activity was cuddling and watching TV.
“Ya do know I’mma parasite, right broski?” Fresh said during a commercial break. Lust sleepily raised his head to look at him.
“I’ve heard the rumors, yes.” He responded, raising an eyebrow bone.
“Soooo, why do ya still hang about me?” Fresh asked in response. Lust simply chuckled at him.
“Well, if you wanted to harm me or something of the like, you’d have done it by now.” He said simply, as if it was fact.
“Ah could change mah mind at any moment, ya know.” Fresh retorted, staring down Lust. Lust just looked amused.
“Well I assume you’d have a good reason for that. Like needing a host or something similar.” Lust shrugged, turning back to the TV as the commercial ended. Fresh kept up his stare though.
Lust was so self-sacrificial, willing to stay with anyone who even showed a modicum of kindness to him. It’s why Fresh had to stick around. SOMEONE needed to keep Lust from getting himself into trouble, or winding up hurt because he walked into a bad situation-
….Fresh decided he wasn’t going to dwell on those thoughts, as he turned his attention back to the TV. Lust cuddled back into him, getting comfortable after the change in position. In response, Fresh wrapped an arm around him. Lust smiled at the contact, always happy with physical affection.
“Are ya sure though, broski?” Fresh said suddenly, a few moments later.
“No, Fresh, I’m not going to leave just because you’re a parasite.” Lust droned, lacing a hand through Fresh’s own.
“Alright, if that’s whatcha want, Lust-bro.” Fresh shrugged lightly, so as to not disturb the skeleton on him.
Lust gave a small huff of contentment, before turning his attention fully back to the TV.
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What angers your character? For lusts?
Hi Foe :)
Lover: There are a few things that annoy Lover, but one of the biggest things that really makes him angry are people who just randomly try to touch him. Yeah, he’s a dancer, and yeah he dresses a little slutty but that doesn’t excuse trying to touch him if he doesn’t want to be touched. 
Hearts: It might seem funny, but when people baby him. He isn’t innocent, he isn’t this ‘pure bean that needs to be protected’ he’s an almost full-grown skeleton monster who came from the same underground as his brother. Just because he acts kind and sweet, doesn’t mean that he’s this OWO baby or whatever.
Heartbreak: People who don’t take no for an answer. If he doesn’t want to talk, he doesn’t want to talk, and trying to force him isn’t going to work. Or people who yell at him for not talking to them, it triggers his fight or flight and normally he’ll choose flight, but he has been known to pick fight before.
Beau: Mostly people who don’t like monsters coming to his shows to heckle or bully him. Like… okay, you’re here, but you had to pay money to get in here so good job? It still gets on his nerves and makes him feel nervous. 
Dreamboat: Whenever people hear about what happened in the underground and they look at him with a ‘I’m so sorry for you’ type look. He doesn’t want you to be ‘sorry’ for him. Was he crying about it? No, he got over it and is still working on getting over it, so you bringing it up and giving him that look is just gonna ruin his mood.
Diva: What angers her is when people look at her and think that she’s a pushover, or weaker than the rest of the mafia dudes just because she wears a dress and looks pretty. Yeah, sure, keep thinking that when she steals all your money >:(
Charm: People who try to charge her more for things, thinking that she wouldn’t understand. Why would you do something like that? You really don’t want enemies with her or her family… she just doesn’t think it’s smart. 
Streams: Mostly when people try to get things from him for free. It annoys him a lot. 
Social: Uhhh one of the biggest things is when people don’t respect her pronouns. It upsets her a lot. 
Homey: When people make bad-taste jokes. Like about rape or stuff like that. He thinks that consent is very important! 
Maiden: When people don’t take no for an answer. It really upsets them and they might just run away instead of trying to talk and if they chase after, then Maiden is going to attack. It really depends though.
Vestal: When people try to touch them, just to get a reaction out of them. It triggers their fight or flight and, honestly, they don’t feel like they should be the one to blame if someone gets a broken nose because of them.
Eros: Hmmm if someone judges someone else without getting to know their side of the story. It really bugs her! Everyone has a story and sure, even if they did something bad, maybe they did it for a reason?
Aphro: When people try to touch them without warning. Just because they dress a little ‘slutty’ doesn’t mean that they wanna be touched. They just wanna look nice >:(
Venus: Being ignored really annoys them, but also too much attention makes them nervous. 
Cuddles: Hmmm, you know, most likely being ignored annoys/angers him. He hates being ignored and it makes him feel an empty hungry feeling. 
Astra: Being forced to do things. Not like in a sexual way, just in any type of way. He hates it a lot. 
Alioth: I think one thing that angers him is being treated unfairly, just because he’s a monster. It upsets him a lot. 
Waltz: When someone judges his choices and thoughts without knowing his reasons behind those thoughts. It really annoys him!
Boogie: He hates liars and they always make him angry. 
Cupid: When people push too hard on something. Like if they asked him a question and wouldn’t take no for an answer. They just keep pushing to know more, and it really makes him angry. He keeps things a secret for reasons.
Pinks: When his hunt is able to get away. 
Passion: His brother. Desire acted like he was the best person in the underground, and sometimes he’s happy that he cut ties while other times he’s pretty sad that he did… he isn’t sure if he wants to try to talk again.
Desire: Not being able to get work. 
Strawberry: When people come into her forest to just leave trash. It always makes her so angry and that’s never good. Very dangerous. 
Beloved: When people look at him for too long. It triggers his fight or flight, though that’s mostly just because he hates looking at himself and doesn’t understand why anyone would want to look at him. It’s pretty sad, really. 
Rosy: When people cut down trees. He hates trying to find places to hide because more and more trees are being cut down. It’s hard to find food sometimes too. All of the moths are having a hard time with that. 
Cinnabar: When people interrupt him while he’s trying to talk to explain things, or when people compare him to others in a way of saying he could be better. 
Nymph: When people who buy stuff from him are rude or complain about the price. His prices are pretty fair already and even lower would be too much taken out of his pocket. 
Fae: When people judge her or her farm. It upsets her a lot. 
Ruby: People talking over him, or when they try to threaten him. Sometimes when people tug on his collar, it really pisses him off. 
Dagger: being compared to Ruby.
Slim: When people almost hit him with their boats >:(
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ichigosatsuki · 4 years
Ah I nearly forgot to post this so Imma do it now and there's nothing anyone can say about it~ uwu
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This little fella is called Flapper Parasyte since their outfit is based off those flappers of the 1920s and cause well..they have a parasite inside them
To this day no one knows if Flapper could be a fusion between Fresh and Lust Sans or if the "fresh parasite" just infected free corpse
I'm letting it up to anyone's interpretation really ^w^
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Little close up of their eyes behind the shades and some silly expressions
Flapper Parasyte belongs to me
Fresh!Sans belongs to CrayonQueen/Lover of Piggies
Lust!Sans belongs to nsfwshamecave
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ragestaraxt · 11 months
I drew more because ofc I did
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lovley-lil-possum · 5 years
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jimmydrawings · 5 years
Tiene shipchilds de lust sans?
Si UwU
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Y uno nuevo que se viene UwU
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Killer x dust child UwU
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