#French Fries ala Mcd
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promotionfrenchfries · 5 years ago
TERMURAH!! WA 0813-8370-8324 - Promo Kentang Goreng KFC
Mydibel Shoestring Fries, Homemade French Fries, Jual French Fries Curah, French Fries Larga KFC, Supplier Frozen Food Jakarta Timur, Supplier Makanan Beku Jakarta, Vendor Makanan Frozen,
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PROMO KHUSUS RESELLER..!! Produsen Kentang Mydibel dengan aneka jenis produk french fries, Kentang Mydibel Shoestring, Premium Crunch, Oringinal Classic, Crincle Cut, Waffles dan sebagainya. Selain itu kami juga menyediakan makanan Frozen Food Olahan, Nugget, Sosis, Ayam, Daging Steak, Sea Food dan lain sebagainya.
Didirikan sejak 2016 sebagai perusahaan perdagangan makanan dan jasa, Kami memasok dan menyediakan produk kering dan beku untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar standar. Perusahaan kami dengan senang hati memberikan layanan "One Stop Solution" yang akan membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan berbagai macam produk yang akan memudahkan pengoperasian sehari-hari Toko atau Bisnis dimanapun Anda berada.
Glomart.id memberikan produk berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau untuk konsumen di Indonesia. Dengan jaringan distribusi yang tersebar di kota-kota besar di Indonesia, perusahaan menawarkan sebuah konsep pasokan terpadu yang akan menjamin distribusi produk dapat sampai di tujuan tepat waktu sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Oleh karena itu, dimanapun Anda berada kami berkomitmen untuk selalu menyajikan rangkaian persembahan bermutu yang melampaui lebih dari sekedar pangan olahan.
Produsen dan Ditributor French Fries Kentang Mydibel:
CALL/WA +62 813-8370-8324 (Bpk. Arif)
Website: http://glomart.id
Stay Connected: http://www.tokopedia.com/glomart http://listed.id/glomart http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSKBz9kxDurkgeyRIwF9AXw http://supplierfrenchfries.wordpress.com http://supplierfrenchfries.tumblr.com http://id.pinterest.com/supplierfrenchfries http://supplierfrenchfries.blogspot.com http://www.behance.net/frozenfood http://www.slideshare.net/DistributorFrozen http://www.linkedin.com/in/makananfrozen http://www.instagram.com/glomart.id
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valimiohs · 5 years ago
Throwback ramadhan ala anak kosan:
Rindu kos "sirotol mustaqim"
Kosan yang ketika keluar gerbang langsung terhubung dengan anak tangga masjid.
Rindu Seringga
Seringga adalah sebutan untuk sebuah warung yang hanya buka ketika sahur di bulan ramadhan, konon katanya warung ini bisa membuat mata segar seketika karena banyak mas-mas ganteng yang sahur disana.
Rindu begadang McD
Cukup pesan mc flurry dan french fries untuk bisa stay dari jam 9 malam sampai jam 3 subuh
Rindu berburu takjil di Boulevard kampus
Keliling beberapa putaran pilih-pilih makanan tapi selalu berakhir pulang tanpa buah tangan.
Rindu HIK mas same
Hik belakang kampus di gang surya yang es jeruknya masyaAllah tabarakallah Allahu akbar ENAAQQ!! Belum afdol jadi anak uns kalau belum jajan es jeruk disini. Fix!
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
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supplierfrenchfries · 5 years ago
PAKET PROMO!! WA 0813-8370-8324 - Jual Kentang Mydibel
PAKET PROMO!! WA 0813-8370-8324 – Jual Kentang Mydibel
French Fries ala Mcd, Kentang Mydibel Premium Crunch, Pusat Grosir Frozen Food Jakarta Barat, Menjadi Distributor Frozen Food, Frozen Food Reseller, Agen Makanan Beku di Bekasi,
PROMO KHUSUS RESELLER..!!Produsen Kentang Mydibel dengan aneka jenis produk french fries, Kentang Mydibel Shoestring, Premium Crunch, Oringinal…
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liputanviral-blog · 6 years ago
Cara Membuat Kentang Goreng Crispy dan Tahan Lama, Bikin Ketagihan
Liputanviral - Kentang goreng adalah camilan yang sering banget kita temui di kafe, restoran, ataupun di pinggir jalan. Panganan satu ini adalah menu wajib yang ada di gerai fast food dengan rasa yang garing dan tekstur renyah. Tak sedikit orang yang sangat suka dengan camilan ini karena memang bikin ketagihan saat mencicipinya. Selain itu, caranya terbilang mudah lho. Meski kadang-kadang kentang goreng yang kita buat crispy di awal namun tak tahan lama kerenyahannya. Nah, ternyata untuk membuat kentang goreng yang crispy dan tahan lama ada trik tersendiri lho. Penasaran? Berikut cara membuat kentang goreng crispy dan tahan lama yang  himpun dari berbagai sumber, Minggu (28/10/2018).
Cara Membuat Kentang Goreng Crispy
Untuk menjadikan kentang goreng renyah tahan lama, ternyata rahasianya cuma tepung. Bisa menggunakan tepung terigu atau tepung maizena. Bagaimana cara membuat kentang goreng seperti ini? Berikut cara membuat kentang goreng crispy yang bisa kamu ikuti. Bahan-bahan membuat kentang goreng: 2 Buah kentang ukuran besar 1/2 Sdt kunyit bubuk 1 Sdm tepung terigu 2 Gelas air untuk merebus 2 Gelas air es Garam secukupnya Minyak untuk menggoreng secukupnya Cara membuat kentang goreng renyah dan crispy: 1. Kupas dan potong-potong kentang, kemudian iris dengan bentuk stik setebal 0,5 cm sampai 1 cm. Segera masukkan ke dalam air setelah kentang diiris agar tidak berubah warna. 2. Didihkan air rebusan, kemudian tambahkan 1/4 sendok teh kunyit bubuk agar kentang tidak terlalu pucat. Rebus kentang selama 3 atau 4 menit. 3. Tiriskan kentang dan segera masukkan ke dalam air es. 4. Campur terigu dan garam, kemudian gulingkan kentang di atasnya. Aduk hingga seluruh bagian kentang terlumuri tepung dan garam. 5. Panaskan minyak secukupnya, kemudian goreng kentang hingga berwarna kekuningan. Setelah itu angkat dan tiriskan minyaknya di atas kertas minyak atau kertas tisu.
Cara membuat kentang goreng ala gerai fast food:
French fries atau kentang goreng ala gerai makanan cepat saji seperti KFC dan McD biasanya memiliki kerenyahan yang tahan lama dan menguarkan aroma lemak hewani yang sedap. Bagaimana cara membuat kentang goreng seperti ini? Ternyata rahasianya adalah lemak beku. Bisa menggunakan beef tallow (dari sapi) atau lard (dari babi). Berikut cara membuat kentang goreng ala KFC yang renyah. Bahan-bahan: 200 Gram beef tallow atau lemak daging sapi beku (bisa diganti dengan palm shortening) 2 Buah kentang ukuran besar 1 1/2 gelas air 1/4 Cangkir sirup jagung (bisa diganti dengan 1/4 cangkir gula yang dilarutkan dengan 1 sdm air hangat) 1/4 Sdt kaldu sapi blok (opsional)2 Sendok teh garam
Cara membuat kentang goreng ala KFC:
1. Kupas dan potong-potong kentang, kemudian iris dengan bentuk stik setebal 0,5 cm sampai 1 cm. Segera masukkan ke dalam air setelah kentang diiris agar tidak berubah warna. 2. Campurkan sirup jagung dan air, kemudian masukkan kentang ke dalamnya. Dinginkan selama sekitar 30 menit. 3. Panaskan minyak goreng, kemudian tiriskan kentang dari larutan gula. Setelah itu goreng kentang selama 1 sampai 2 menit. 4. Tiriskan minyak dari kentang goreng, kemudian dinginkan kentang di dalam lemari es selama 15 menit. 5. Panaskan kembali minyak goreng dan tambahkan lemak daging sapi. Setelah itu goreng kentang selama 5 menit atau sampai kuning keemasan. 6. Tiriskan minyak dari kentang goreng, kemudian taburi garam dan merica sesaat sebelum dihidangkan.
Cara membuat saus kentang goreng
Kentang goreng atau french fries paling nikmat disantap dengan saus. Bisa menggunakan mayones seperti di Prancis atau menggunakan saus keju seperti Richeese. Cara membuat saus keju seperti ini sebenarnya juga tidak sulit, kok. Berikut cara membuat saus keju yang paling sederhana. Bahan: 100 Gram keju quickmelt diparut 130 ml susu cair tawar 20 Gram bumbu kentang bubuk rasa keju 50 ml air 1 1/2 Sdm tepung maizena 1 Kuning telur Cara membuat saus keju untuk kentang goreng: 1. Rebus susu dan keju quickmelt dengan api kecil. 2. Kocok kuning telur, maizena, dan air, kemudian masukkan ke dalam rebusan susu. Aduk rata sampai semuanya mengental. 3. Masukkan bumbu kentang bubuk rasa keju ke dalam saus, kemudian aduk sampai meletup-letup. Segera angkat dan tunggu sampai dingin.   Read the full article
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ericacheeks-blog1 · 8 years ago
Paris, the City of Lights
Yes, I realize it’s been two months since my last post, but it suddenly hit that I only had a few more weeks left of my crazy European adventure. I wanted to soak in every moment of being in Prague, the city I’ve seen the least of since being abroad, instead of fixating on a laptop screen inside a coffee shop. I’m currently back in the US of A and have settled into my summer in Austin! Catching up with family, spending time with friends back at home, and learning from my new internship have all been amazing and is helping with the post-exchange depression, but that’s for a different blog post. Here’s Paris: Nicole and I said our dramatic goodbyes, as it was our first weekend apart, which was a bigger deal than it sounds considering we shared a room, had a class together, and planned almost every weekend trip with each other. It was strange parting ways.
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I made it to Paris and was immediately greeted by a guy acting like an information desk employee, telling me that all the metro stations were down because of the “crazy storm from last night” and that I had to take a €70+ taxi from the airport to wherever my destination was. My data and wifi connection was being extremely shoddy and I had no one to contact or any way to verify if this man’s wild accusation could possibly be true. I know it sounds ridiculous for me to believe him even for a second, but just know that he was seriously in uniform and even had a legit-looking badge around his neck! Anyways, my intuition kicked in and I decided to keep it moving. I got to the other side of the airport and found myself on the right train, heading towards my friend Nadia’s place. I heard someone calling my name in the dark street. I looked up and shouted for Nadia but only heard instructions to come up the windy staircase. I did exactly what was told and met Nadia and her roommate, Kristie, in their cute ‘n French flat. We hugged, excited to see each other on the other side of the world, and couldn’t stop chatting about our amazing first few weeks abroad. A creamy and whipped chocolate spread was shared between Kristie and I while Nadia put together avocado and humus toast for me. I was starving, but we were getting ready to head out for the night. Outfits were worn and shown and reworn and reshown, heels were strapped, and lipstick was applied before making our way to a club dedicated to the ladies. My DSP friends, Andrea and Sierra, invited me to an event via Facebook called “Bright Ladies Things”. The event promised no cover, unlimited champagne, free dinner, desserts, and manicures, and extensive shows. It sounded way too good to be real – and I’m not just using that phrase to make my point. But alas, this is Paris for ya, the city that gives and gives to bring girls into clubs but also sells €16 cocktails to our unlucky male counterparts. Yes, I chose to “fall” into the disproportionately advantageous trap many woman have as an option. No, I don’t fully support it and think it’s fair in any way.
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Clear of judgment before reading on please. We arrived at the club and met up with a few other friends of Nadia and Kristie. When we walked in, I felt like I was enjoying my bachelorette party or at least what the movies always portrayed bachelorette parties to be like. Our group of girls were escorted to our own corner booth and handed rounds of champagne. While making our way through the crowd, I glimpsed men giving out lap dances in the middle of the dance floor and a beautiful woman seductively biting off her glove to a shower of glitter. Once seated, men catered dinner and desserts to us. We chat and laughed and ate. Right in front of us, girls were being treated to manicures and cute skirts were being sold on little racks. I’m still kind of confused as to what was going on at this club, but I had a good time overall.
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The night split our group up and half of us ended up at a different club closer to the city. Nadia, Kristie, Shubhi, and I Ubered over, but the bouncer ended up giving our friend Shubhi a hard time and we couldn’t get in. We decided that food was more important to us and wandered around in search for the closest McD’s. While we were strolling the city, I spotted the Arc de Triomphe and my oh my was it gorgeous, especially lit up in the middle of the night. I was in absolute awe but my friends who were probably numb to it at this point in the semester kept focus on their mission for fries and nuggets. I tried to take in the Arc while catching up with my friends and ended up tripping on the pavement, scraping my knee. This is how distracting the Arc was for me.
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I knew I was going to struggle with waking up the next morning but I ended up forcing myself up with the first ring of my alarm. I had booked a walking tour and had to get myself to the St. Michel Fountain by a certain hour. Unlike myself, I got there a few minutes early and had time to grab a cheese crepe for breakfast.
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The tour was extremely informative. I learned about how the French initially hated the Eiffel Tower and regarded it as one of the ugliest structures of the city and how one tower of the Notre Dame is larger than the other and how the Mona Lisa became famous due to a security guy’s casual theft of it back in 1911 (he literally just stuck the painting under his arm and walked out of the Louvre, as easy as that) and how the architecture of many buildings consists of slumping tops and narrow staircases usually lead up to the smaller bedrooms because the maids would usually be housed there (that or the rent would be cheaper up there).
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The tour ended by the Louvre and we dispersed to take photos and enjoy the rest of our afternoons in the city. I found it a bit tricky to get the best shot by the famous glass pyramids since I was alone. I had to ask strangers (yes, multiple times) for photos, but I’m glad I did because who knows when I’ll be back in this city!
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I started to get hungry and remembered that my friend Vlad got Chipotle in Paris last weekend. I’ve been craving a chicken bowl since my faux Chipotle bowl in London at Burrito Café, and started my route to the nearest franchise.
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On my way back to the Louvre, I ran into a Ladurée shop and stepped into a store filled with beautiful, vibrant macaroons. The whole store was bursting with pastel colors and I felt a bit overwhelmed. I picked a few random (i.e. Rose) and classic (i.e. salted caramel) flavors and skipped along to finally explore the Louvre.
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The entire time I was admiring the hundreds of paintings, I kept thinking to myself, “wow, I am strolling around the halls of the Louvre IN PARIS with a box of Ladurée macaroons in my hands on a Friday afternoon. How freakin’ incredible!” I got my selfie with the Mona Lisa and enjoyed my sweet French cookies on a bench while gazing up at the gold encrusted ceiling.
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Y’all. The Louvre is massive. I’m sure you already know that, but it’s bigger than you think!! It took me a good 20 minutes to find my way out. (That statement either bolsters the fact that the museum is HUGE or that I’m directionally challenged, even with a map). 
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It was suddenly 6 or so in the evening and I knew I only had time for one more big touristy activity. I was museumed out so I quickly crossed off Musée d’Orsay from the list. I remembered (more like I wrote down) the Montparnasse Tower from the tour guide. He mentioned it was a great place to get an overlook of the city and that it had a 360 observation deck at the very top floor. I had to check it out. I got to the tower at the perfect time because I got to see the city both bustling in the daylight and dazzling in the nighttime. It was just about to hit the top of the hour so I climbed to the rooftop of the building and waited for the show. Just as it hit 8pm, the crowd ood and awed at the breathtaking sight of the Eiffel Tower sparkling like a giant polished diamond with golden lights flickering off it. I think it was the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen. (I tend to over exaggerate as all my friends may accuse me of, but this is no exaggeration.)
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The tower stopped sparkling, but I was still in awe. As I was getting ready to make my way down, couples decided to flock to me and ask for pictures in front of the city view. I suddenly became the go-to photographer for the many, many couples up there. I was probably an easy target as I was probably the only one up there alone (lol). It was getting pretty late but I realized I didn’t eat dinner yet. I wanted something quick but light and decided to check out a pho restaurant nearby.
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Nadia and I previously decided that Saturday would be our day. We wanted to do a daytrip to Versailles as neither of us have been before. We started off the morning at a café with the best carrot cake in town (idk if this is true. I only had carrot cake from that one shop).
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We bought tickets and hopped onto the train heading towards Versailles. The palace was impressive. Crowned and detailed in gold, I was taken aback by its beauty. The line was extremely long but we quickly found out that to get in, you need either your student visa or a €20 ticket. Nadia didn’t bring her passport with her but I, luckily, took a picture of my visa before coming to Paris. Ironically, Nadia’s the one who told me to carry around the picture. She didn’t feel the need to go inside the castle so I went ahead and quickly toured each room.
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We met up again by the gardens and took pictures. We decided it was time for lunch and plopped down for vegetable pizza and salmon pasta outdoors. 
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We got back to Paris and were exhausted, but Nico (Nadia’s French boy who she met through Tinder week one of study abroad – yes Tinder apparently works because they’re still Skyping and being obnoxiously cute) came over. He brought his friends and we all pregamed our night with wine (how French) and chats. I was highly debating on going out because 1) I’m a grandma and 2) tomorrow was my last day in Paris and I wanted to get the most out of it. It took a little convincing on Nico’s and Nadia’s parts, but I decided to make it out.
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Nico took us to a bar where his good friend made us drinks and lit the entire bar on fire. It was crazy cool. The place was absolutely packed. I guess it was a Saturday night, now that I think about it. A little while later we went over to a club and danced the night away.
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It hit about 2 AM and being the weak child that I am, I asked Nadia to head home. Nico looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and asked to stay just a half hour longer. They looked extremely happy together which made it hard to say no. The next morning I was in a rush to get ready and meet my Korean friend, Dong, who studied back in Prague with me. He was in Paris for the weekend as well so we decided to sightsee together for half the day. We started the day at Notre Dame and made our way over to Sainte Chapelle. I walked in and was highly underwhelmed with the chapel. I previously saw pictures of it on Instagram and what I was seeing in person wasn’t nearly as impressive. On our way out, we spotted an extremely narrow spiral staircase and decided to check out the top floor. Thank God we did because that’s where all the magic was. The room was filled with jaw dropping and intricate stained glass windows in all direction. I felt like even if I spent an entire day studying the elaborate designs, I wouldn’t be able to do the place justice. A chapel as well crafted as that deserves constant attention.
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My friend Vlad actually sent over his Paris itinerary before my trip. I saw that he checked out the Catacombs and so I suggested it to Dong. He was such a great sport and was open to see/do anything! We walked over to find the longest line wrapped around the cemetery. We waited in line for an hour and a half before realizing we’ve barely made it halfway. Instead of spending the rest of the afternoon there, we agreed to grab some food and continue on with our day. Dong got a recommendation from his friend for amazing savory crepes and apple cider. The savory crepes with eggs in the center was definitely on my list of things to eat so we strolled along the art-filled sunny streets of Paris until we found the exact restaurant.
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My other friend Lea saw that I was in Paris through my Snapstories and suggested a dessert shop that specializes in eclairs. The place was called L’éclair de Génie and sold the prettiest pastries. They were perfectly glazed and topped with glitter and foils of gold.
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It was about time for Dong to head back to his hostel in order to catch his Sunday night flight back to Prague. We walked to Musée d’Orsay together and snapped a quick selfie before departing ways. I mentioned how exhausted I was feeling and Dong told me to check out the glove-like couches on the 5th floor of the museum that hugs your whole body. That sounded like the perfect nap spot so I made a mental note to spend part of my afternoon there.
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I roamed around the gallery with my earphones in and plugged to the audio guide. I got to marvel in Monet, Van Gogh, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s famous works for hours on end until my power nap on the couch.
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I opened my eyes to realize it was getting late. I haven’t had the chance to see the Eiffel Tower up close yet and it was my last day in Paris. I had to go no matter how tired I was.
I got to the tower and was amazed by the sheer magnitude of it (also just the fact that I was standing under the freakin’ E I F F E L  T O W E R!! How surreal!)
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I decided it was probably a good idea to catch dinner before the top of the next hour so I could see the tower sparkle up close. I walked along a street of restaurants until landing inside of an Italian place. I ordered some eggplant pasta and dumped spoonfuls of Parmesan cheese. It was heavenly. I was enjoying my meal until I checked the time and realized I only had a few minutes to wrap dinner up. I frantically asked for the check and rushed out.
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Seeing the tower sparkle from afar is one thing, but seeing it sparkle up close is a completely different experience. I wanted to spend the rest of my night there, right in front of the tower. I knew that that was a sight I’d never get tired of.
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My Uber to the airport was at the break of dawn. I split the fare with one of Kristie’s friends who was making her own way through Europe as well.
Paris was one to remember. I can’t wait to be back (especially because I forgot to eat a baguette and croissant – wtf I know).
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universeinform-blog · 8 years ago
tate Department Warns Americans Traveling
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/29/tate-department-warns-americans-traveling/
tate Department Warns Americans Traveling
WASHINGTON—In a pressing warning published online Wednesday by the U.S. Nation Branch, American residents traveling to the Netherlands had been strongly advised to keep away from the “extremely lame” Amsterdam windmill tour. “We’ve acquired particular records from credible assets suggesting that this tour is a stupid waste of time, and we endorse U.S. residents now not to blow any in their cash on it underneath any circumstance,” the alert read in part, cautioning that the ancient timber systems, while quintessentially Dutch, aren’t almost as massive or dazzling as one might expect, and that “after you’ve seen one, you’ve quite lots visible all of them.” “We enormously suggest that Americans regulate their plans accordingly to avoid the lousy 5-hour tour to go to a gaggle of dumb windmills. U.S. residents ought to be aware that through taking the excursion, they positioned themselves at
to go to a gaggle of dumb windmills. U.S. residents ought to be aware that through taking the excursion, they positioned themselves at an extensive threat of being bored as hell.” Nation Department officials delivered that if any vacationers locate themselves ripped off via an afternoon-lengthy windmill excursion that doesn’t even consist of lunch, they ought to touch the U.S. Embassy immediately.state department report Clinton
Fast Food Restaurants, Minimum Wage And The Department of Labor
Politics positive are interesting and the 2016 Presidential Election became honestly able to make the grade. Now that Donald Trump kicked Hillary Clinton’s political rear-quit we see he is busy filling up his Presidential Cabinet with corporate commercial enterprise people, who he believes will ‘Make America First-rate Once more’ and they simply might. His choose for the Branch of Labor secretary is Andrew Puzder, CEO of CKE Eating places (discern enterprise to Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr.) and that makes a big announcement approximately minimal wage laws. It additionally sends a big message to Labor unions inside the US – particularly, no greater obstructionism or BS.
minimal wage at $15.00 could be unsustainable for maximum small companies and franchising businesses, except that it isn’t possible for human vs. robot Exertions. If $15/hr. becomes the new norm, then agencies will swiftly hire robots to do a lot of the one’s jobs at the lowest of the pay scale. That includes speedy-food Eating places, agricultural Labor, and vehicle washes (something I realize a bit about).
There was a thrilling article in the Post – A Conservative Perspective titled; “McDonald’s: Robots Ready inside the Wings, If minimal salary is Improved,” at the 30th of Can also 2016, through Kerry Lear, a Guest Author
The object stated; “The restaurant enterprise is the second one biggest inside u. S . A .. In 2013, 3,653,168 have been hired in rapid meals alone. The profit margin for Eating places is more or less five-6%. maximum operators spend 33% in their revenue on employee salaries and wages. With that being said, it is now not unexpected that eating place manufacturers are gravitating to greater fee-effective Labor. Wendy’s may be putting in extra than 6,000 kiosks in their US stores via the cease of the yr and the chain Panera Bread already have these self-serve kiosks to be had of their shops,” and “I was at the Countrywide restaurant Show yesterday and in case you have a look at the robot devices that are getting into the restaurant enterprise – it is inexpensive to shop for a $35,000 robotic arm then it’s far to hire a worker who is inefficient making $15 an hour bagging French fries – it is nonsense and it’s very unfavorable and it is inflationary and it’s going to purpose a job loss throughout this us of a such as you aren’t going to trust,” said former McDonald’s (MCD) U.S.A. CEO Ed Rensi all through an interview on the FOX commercial enterprise Community’s Mornings with Maria.”
Let’s accept it, lots of us hit the grocery save now and use the self-checkout machine rather of getting in line for a cashier. Likewise, we regularly hit the ATM in preference to looking ahead to a bank teller. Quickly, purchasers will opt for the decrease prices without the Labor, and commercial enterprise proprietors will make extra money and featureless hassle, fewer lawsuits, and greater income. Dear minimal wage Debaters, beware of your unintentional results.
A Simple Solution to the Problem of Police Shootings of African Americans
Justice is sought with regard to person slayings of African People, maximum recently Alton Sterling and Philander Castile. While President Obama mentions the ones precise slayings, heat the identical time mentions systemic disparate remedy of African People inside the American legal gadget. Masses of data show police stops, arrests, prosecutions, sentencing, and incarceration are pretty tough on African-Americans. What is now not clear is whether this is because of systemic racism or better fees of offending with the aid of African Individuals. Every side in this debate marshals its very own facts. Progressives usually check with Michelle Alexander’s ebook, The brand new Jim Crow, which alas does no longer incorporate any answers. Conservatives choose the easy assertion of Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. When he recommends that we, “Forestall trying to restoration the police – restore the ghetto!” Fixing the ghetto has confirmed almost not possible, and the Warfare on Poverty made matters worse.
The critical interface between suspects and the American flag memorial day like generates the maximum publicity, in particular When African People are shot by using white cops. This publicized interplay in cases over the last several years represents handiest the first juncture in the criminal system. There are multiple later tiers of the criminal justice system underneath complaint. Police shootings generate controversy which then includes all of the later levels of the gadget. Dialogue of perceived injustice in next stages of the crook justice device makes the statistical evaluation impossibly complicated for any use with the hassle of police shootings primarily based upon cut up-2d selections. As a result, critics place discontent of the complete device upon these split-2d choices. The slaying of African Individuals becomes the mascot for all of the perceived discrimination in the whole criminal justice gadget… And sometimes American financial system. Uncertainty surrounds latest shootings till investigations, grand juries, trials or even sentencing finish.
Recently, some have departed from the non-violence preached via the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior. With these notable complex questions under Discussion, addressing the problem of police shootings has a simpler answer than the bigger controversies make us consider.
most of the publicized police shootings in a previous couple of years might have been avoided had residents obeyed all of the following popular regulations While stopped or approached by law enforcement officials:
Obey the instructions and orders of the police – it’s the law. Do no longer intervene with, or impede the police, as you may be arrested for it.
Think carefully approximately your words, motion, body language, and feelings. Do not get into a controversy with the police. Preserve your fingers wherein the police can see them. Do not run. Do now not contact any police officer. Do not resist even in case you believe you are harmless.
Top Money Saving Tips And Tricks While Traveling
Your excursion affirmation electronic mail appears, launching your coronary heart right into a chorus of glad emotions. Abruptly, taking carefree walks at the beach and shopping for superb deals enters your imagination. Make the maximum of your excursion enjoy with my saving pointers and tricks.
Change Currencies Earlier than You Move On vacation
Converting your currencies Before traveling will avoid the charges of hefty airport expenses and the problem of changing your foreign money at your vacation spot. This can also give you an amazing concept of your finances Before you travel and make certain you’re getting the highest possible Alternate price.how to spell traveling.traveling europe by train
Do Your Research!
It is so clean to break yourself and your family at the same time as on holiday, and the thing is, you could! But doing Studies about the contemporary metropolis or country you may be touring will make sure this occurs. From unfastened public shipping to free c084d04ddacadd4b971ae3d98fecfb2a get entry to, saving a piece of cash manner extra money for buying or unique cocktails.
Get A Multi-foreign money cash Passport – And Use It Successfully
To make an at ease transaction even as paying for goods and services distant places, select the credit score choice rather than debt whilst the usage of your multi-forex cash passport.
On hand Trace: Use your card especially for cash withdrawals and buying functions.
Dine Like A President
Whilst journeying, meals can once in a while turn out to be the best vacationer appeal. But, this does not mean eating at fancy eating places for each meal. From scorching avenue dishes in Thailand to nearby food markets in Italy, there’s a scrumptious meal to complement every palate.
Understand Your Refundable Taxes
Many nations rate taxes that could frequently be reimbursed for tourists once they depart.
Accessible Hint: In case you’ve done a bit of purchasing at Tax-free purchasing retailers, you may additionally get these refunded upon departure. International locations that provide comparable buying tax refund schemes encompass Singapore, Japan, and Australia!
Understand The Lifestyle And Customs
Seasoned vacationers are specialists when it comes to know-how the cultures and customs of the land they’re journeying in. For example, a Seasoned vacationer in France would Understand that if he dines al fresco fashion, there is an excellent threat that he can get charged double the amount as opposed to eating dinner.
Whether or not you’re touring for a few days, weeks or months getting the satisfactory out of your tough earned cash ought to always be your pinnacle priority. For this reason, with those pointers and tricks, you could shop money and revel in your journey at the same time with none problem.
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
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SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
Tumblr media
SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
Tumblr media
SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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joincoklat-blog · 6 years ago
SUPER RENYAH!, WA +62 822-2999-2543, Kentang Goreng Tepung Malang
Tumblr media
SUPER RENYAH!, Kentang Goreng Tepung, Kentang Goreng KFC, Kentang Goreng McD, Jual Kentang Goreng Kiloan Malang, Kentang Goreng di Malang, Long Potato Malang
Produk Kami Suka nongkrong tapi gak mau makan makanan berat? Cuma mau ngemil aja? Nih ada Kentang Goreng dari Join Coklat Cafe yang Super Renyah dan Gurih! Terbuat dari kentang pilihan yang pastinya cocok buat nemenin kamu nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas! Cuma di bandrol dengan 9.000 rupiah saja kamu dapat menikmati kentang goreng super nikmat ini loh! Yuk buktikan ke Join Coklat Cafe Malang!
Penawaran lainnya klik: https://www.facebook.com/joincoklat/posts/2159914304098170 https://joincoklat.blogspot.com/2019/01/mie-pedas-porsi-jumbo-wa-62-822-2999_22.html
Alamat: Cafe Join Coklat Malang Jl. Gajayana No. 19 Malang (Depan Perumahan Istana Gajayana, Utara UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang)
Klik http://joincoklat.com/ E-mail: [email protected]
#kentanggoreng, #kentanggorengmalang, #kentanggorengtepung, #kentanggorengmurah, #kentanggorengkeju, #kentanggorengpanjang, #kentanggorengcrispy, #frenchfries, #frenchfriesmalang, #frenchfriesmalangmurah
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