#Free Republic of Liberland
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liberlandtv · 1 year
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Embrace liberty with us! Meet our reps at 'Liberty in Our Life' event in #Prague, 14th & 15th Oct. libertyinourlifetime.org Free Cities Foundation
#LiberlandFreedom #LibertyInLife #freedom#country #nation #nations #libertarian #blockchain #CzechRepublic
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marwahstudios · 11 months
Sandeep Marwah Honored with the Highest State Award from the Free Republic of Liberland
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NOIDA: Marwah Studios was aglow with vibrant colors as His Excellency Vit Jedlicka, the esteemed President of the Free Republic of Liberland, paid a visit that left an indelible mark on the institution. During this memorable occasion, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was not only nominated as the Chair for the Indo Liberland Film and Cultural Forum by the President but also bestowed with the prestigious distinction of being offered the first-ever E-citizenship of the nation.
The pinnacle of this remarkable visit was Dr. Sandeep Marwah being presented with the highest honor of the Free Republic of Liberland. The President himself had the privilege of placing the medal around Dr. Marwah’s chest, in a ceremony attended by distinguished individuals including H.E. Arthur Yakubovsky, Ambassador of Liberland to the UAE, Samuel Davidova, Consul of Georgia, and Syed Algazi, Honorary Consul General of Liberland in India, among a captivated audience who warmly appreciated this remarkable gesture.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a luminary and a nine-time World Record Holder, is a visionary who has left an indelible mark on various sectors. He is the founder of Noida Film City, President of Marwah Studios, Chancellor of AAFT University, and Chair for more than a hundred prestigious organizations worldwide. His unrelenting commitment to the fields of education, culture, and media has earned him a reputation as a dynamic leader and a true global citizen.
The recognition from the Free Republic of Liberland stands as a testament to Dr. Marwah’s exceptional contributions to society and his unwavering dedication to the causes he champions. Moreover, his esteemed nominations by the Government of India to serve on the boards of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Skill Development, and Ministry of Consumer Affairs further underscore his influence and significance in India’s policymaking and educational landscape.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s journey continues to inspire, and the latest accolade from Liberland adds another jewel to his illustrious crown.
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silentambassadors · 5 years
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In a funny twist of the usual multi-claim border dispute, the micronation of the Free Republic of Liberland, a 7km² triangle of land between Croatia and Serbia, is claimed by....well....no one.  Croatia doesn’t want it, Serbia doesn’t claim it, so have a fun little moment in your Sunday and check the nearest map you have of Europe to see what that border looks like.  Because as of April 13, 2015, Czech politician Vít Jedlička proclaimed the land as the Svobodná Republika Liberland (and himself as the first president), under the auspices of the terra nullius doctrine - and really, who is going to argue?  With a national motto of “To live and let live,” it’s hard to fault the impetus...
Stamp details: Issued on: October 11, 2015 From: Liberland, Free Republic of Liberland MC #N/A
Recognized as a sovereign state by the UN: No [Not] claimed by: Republic of Croatia; Republic of Serbia Member of the Universal Postal Union: No
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aleks28ag-blog · 5 years
Anarchist’s Strategies of the Distributed Stateless Society
Distributed stateless society is under attack by distributed monopolists, private intermediaries and states. At the same time, the anarchist’s wing of the distributed stateless society will keep attempting to fight for freedom and human rights. To understand the opportunities, one need to realise the scope of possibilities. The anarchist’s online development is substantially influenced by territorial factors and offline infrastructure. Let’s consider the approaches and strategies of the online community in respect of sovereignty.
Terra nullius strategy Terra nullius is a Latin expression meaning “nobody’s land”. The strategy is based on the occupation of territory which has never been subject to the sovereignty of any state. These include Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica and Bir Tawi between Egypt and Sudan, and international sea and celestial bodies. The modern example of the terra nullius strategy is the Free Republic of Liberland located between Croatia and Serbia on the west bank of the Danube River. According to the Constitution of the Free Republic of Liberland (2018), the Free Republic of Liberland is governed by the Public Administration and no concurrent or otherwise form of government shall be established. The seasteading strategy, as a variant of the terra nullius strategy, could be developed. ‘seasteading” means the creation of permanent dwellings at sea.
“Motus Corporis” (Crypto-Gypsy) strategy The Motus Corporis (Lat. body movements) strategy reflects a popular individual approach to escape state control and exercise freedom of movement along with the right to be anonymous. Many natural persons could move from one country to another with temporary residence of fewer than 90 days in every country. Perpetual movement, along with distant work, allows existing anarchist communities. This strategy was used by the Telegram team after escaping from Russia (Hakim, 2014). The team has been roaming the globe for three years (Kravchenko, 2017). Only 24% of the bitcoin community has used smartphones and tablet-PC devices (Coin.Dance, 2018) for access to a network. Therefore, the expected population of a wandering community is less than 25% of the total number of users.
Political migration strategy Political migration is a legal and very promising way of establishing a libertarian community, though not a stateless society. Under the political migration strategy, people relocate within a state to change the legal regulations in a certain location. Migration creates a high concentration of libertarian enthusiasts. A good example of political migration is the Free State Project. The Free State Project is a movement of thousands of freedom-loving people to New Hampshire, where they are working to reduce the size and scope of the government in order to achieve liberty in their lifetime.
More on Distributed stateless society https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3489893
#Anarchism #Distributed #StatelessSociety #BlockchainCommunities
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rvexillology · 6 years
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Flag of My Group of Friend's (Fictional) Micronation
from /r/vexillology Top comment: This is the national / state flag of my group of friend's (fictional) micronation. We have a civil flag as well. Country: #TradNation National Motto: Я принес не мир, а меч. Official Languages: English, Irish, Serbian, Spanish Location: It's where the Free Republic of Liberland is, the disputed territory between Croatia and Serbia.
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xtruss · 2 years
The Inside Story Of Why Liberland Tapped Zaha Hadid Architects To Design Buildings In The Metaverse
The micronation is using the top-level architecture firm to gain legitimacy.
— By Nate Berg | Fast Company | April 4, 2022
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In a few fundamental ways, the micronation of Liberland does not exist. A riverine floodplain on the Danube between Serbia and Croatia, its roughly 3 square miles of land are undeveloped. It has no diplomatic recognition from any United Nations member. And due to a decades-long and complicated dispute stemming from a river-straightening effort and the fall of the Soviet Union, even Serbia and Croatia can’t decide who should claim the land.
So it was a bit presumptuous of Vít Jedlička to start commissioning designs for the first civic buildings in his proposed tiny country—a kind of architectural version of “fake it ’til you make it.” Jedlička is the founder and president of the Free Republic of Liberland, but despite the unlikely prospects of his micronational dreams, he didn’t just opt for any podunk, cut-rate design to shine a glimmer of feasibility on this longshot. Instead, he went to Zaha Hadid Architects, founded by the late Pritzker Prize-winning architect and one of the highest-profile architecture firms in the world. The firm was hired to create an urban plan for Liberland and mock up the early-stage schematics for what would be its first buildings.
The buildings ZHA has designed, with the firm’s trademark swirls and curves, are one way that Liberland does indeed exist. And thanks to the video game-esque space known as the metaverse, the buildings can be visited virtually. On a recent tour of the main building in Liberland’s metaverse, Jedlička’s blond and goateed avatar explained that the five-story building would be a functional stand-in for an official government bureau, providing a variety of “state services.” Until (or if) the dense, futuristic Liberland that ZHA designed can actually be built, its digital architectural models are acting as an uncanny digital mirror.
“We can actually have two Liberlands, one in physical reality and one in virtual space,” Jedlička says.
The virtual version of Liberland is as close as it has gotten to reality. Founded in 2015 by Jedlička, a Euro-skeptical libertarian politician from the Czech Republic, Liberland is one of dozens of self-proclaimed independent micronations, or tiny sovereign lands aiming for international recognition. Sometimes they’re follies, such as the Principality of Sealand, which was claimed on an unused offshore military fortress. Other times they’re efforts to restore or establish cultural or historic boundaries in the face of post-colonialism, such as in Somaliland, located within Somalia. Liberland aims to establish itself in a physical gray area of national land governance, as its roughly 3 square miles are not formally governed by either Serbia or Croatia, though neither wants to let the other claim it as their own.
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Liberland set out from the start to feature minimal government and a reliance on the then-nascent and now-mainstream concept of cryptocurrency. It quickly declared Bitcoin its national currency, and attracted citizenship inquiries from several hundred thousand people around the world.
Cryptocurrency remains a central element of the micronation’s concept. In addition to its purported state services, the main building inside Liberland’s metaverse will also be what Jedlička calls a “cyber business incubator” for crypto companies. Virtual office space is now available to lease, and Jedlička claims Bitcoin.com will be one of its first tenants. For all the ways Liberland isn’t quite legitimate, it does seem to have become a commercial landlord, albeit in the metaverse.
“In a funny way we are finding out that we are actually kind of following traditional business models. We’re dividing this space into offices, and we will rent them,” Jedlička says. “This will be basically a big hub for companies or a coworking space.”
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Rendering: Mytaverse
This business case is partly why Zaha Hadid Architects is involved. Patrik Schumacher is the firm’s principal and longtime right-hand man to Hadid, who died in 2016. “There is no doubt in my mind that virtual environments have many use cases and therefore use value,” Schumacher explains via email.
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Rendering: Mytaverse
He also sees Liberland as a valid clean-slate counterpoint to what he describes as economic stagnation in Europe. “Productivity could and should soar due to the technological progress being made with AI, robotics, etc. I attribute this stagnation to political paralysis in the face of vested interests,” Schumacher says. “I contacted and visited Vít right away when I heard about Liberland. I love this project, and I share Vít’s economic and political insights and sensibilities.”
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Rendering: Mytaverse
This political alignment has led to some experimental urban design in Liberland’s metaverse. Jedlička says Schumacher suggested breaking the country—both virtual and physical—down into three zones, with differing levels of urban planning oversight. One part would have the kind of traditional building and planning regulations seen in any world capital. A second zone would have fewer rules governing what can be built or operated. A third zone would be regulation-free.
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Rendering: Mytaverse
“[The third zone] will be developed by the people, who will not be under some sort of surveillance by an authority. They will be able to create whatever they want. Let’s see how much that will affect the usability of the space or how crazy the result will be,” Jedlička says. “I might argue that, in the end, the place which will not have any regulations might end up being the most exciting one and the most visited one.”
Schumacher and ZHA’s involvement has also helped Jedlička add a patina of legitimacy to his idea, and a high-design digital representation of what Jedlička hopes to achieve.
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Rendering: Mytaverse
“We really wanted to show that we are serious about building, we have serious architects, and now these buildings will be bought by serious companies that can also allow themselves to build a physical space in Liberland, not just in the metaverse,” he says.
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Rendering: Mytaverse
Liberland’s metaverse was developed by the technology company Mytaverse, which launched in 2020 to tap the emerging market for business-to-business metaverses, where companies can virtually meet with clients or preview projects still in the design phase. Mytaverse has created digital spaces for companies like PepsiCo; an exhibition hall for a meta-conference with exhibitors including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Google; and a virtual walk-through of new planes being designed by the French aerospace company Dassault Aviation. A growing metaverse submarket: architectural design.
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Rendering: Mytaverse
“It gives the architects and their clients a way to navigate these spaces before they even go to build them,” says Mytaverse CEO Kenneth Landau. “We’re getting a lot of inquiries.”
Schumacher says projects like Liberland’s metaverse will be just the beginning for architecture firms like ZHA, which already develop detailed 3D models of their designs. Translating simplified versions of actual building models to the metaverse is not a huge leap. “The adoption curve is rising fast,” he says. “This will soon enough translate into revenue streams for all who contribute to the creation of this value. Architects will be in high demand when this avalanche of investment and then adoption builds up speed.”
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Rendering: Mytaverse
For now, Liberland’s metaverse is just an online playpen, prone to the video game dorkiness and glitches of an online second world. The default avatar in Liberland’s metaverse is a white-suited robot; the tutorial for its operation includes a weirdly detailed section on how to make the avatar dance. Jedlička himself got briefly booted out of the metaverse during our tour. If building a micronation is complicated, building a metaverse for a micronation is not without its own challenges.
Jedlička is not deterred. He argues that having this virtual representation of Liberland will be critical in helping it overcome its next big feat: convincing the governments of Serbia and Croatia that the contested land along their borders should become the world’s third-smallest country after Vatican City and Monaco. It can show these governments how the micronation could take shape and who its first partners, tenants, and perhaps citizens might be and “present to them how we are going to be a good neighbor,” Jedlička says. “I think that might ease their hearts a little bit during the discussions.”
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beinglibertarian · 6 years
Did ‘Ready Player One’ Give Us A Model To Shrink The State?
Many libertarians have pontificated about the best way to reach a society of self-ownership and free markets. The most conventional route has been that of the Libertarian Party which seeks to get elected officials that will pass legislation to gradually shrink the size of government; while the counter to this, agorism, as proposed by Samuel Edward Konkin III, seeks to starve the beast of the state by participating in black markets as to avoid taxation and regulation.
Both solutions seek to work within the current system of society to enact change, but not all libertarians see this model as being conducive. They believe that the system cannot be be transformed quickly enough so as to produce real change within their lifetimes, so they have resorted to the role of a blacksmith, by building a new nation from the ground up in order to accomplish the libertarian goal.
Most covered in the press are three such attempts: the settlers of the uninhabited strip of land between Croatia and Serbia called Liberland, Patri Friedman’s Seasteading Institute, and Roger Ver’s Free Society. In the most Lockean sense, Liberland utilized homesteading to attempt to create a “Free Republic” nation out of unoccupied land emerging between Croatia and Serbia’s border disputes. The 7 kilometer-long country has not been officially recognized by its neighboring countries, which claim that Liberland’s president has no legal basis for claiming the land.
The Seasteading Institute has run into its own difficulties, as a once-promising agreement with French Polynesia fell through earlier this year putting a stopper in front of the envisioned floating nation. Ver’s organization claims on its website that it’s gained more enthusiasm than expected, but due to non-disclosure agreements, they can’t publish which nations they have begun negotiations with to buy land for a libertarian country.
But the frontier that hasn’t been considered to create this society is the digital landscape, an idea that was demonstrated to me by the blockbuster Ready Player One. In the film, a futuristic dystopian Earth completes all of their business and pleasure on a virtual reality video game called “The Oasis”. The digital world is the ultimate bastion of freedom as anyone can change their appearance at will and do anything they desire.
What’s interesting about the film is the lack of police or a governing agency within the Oasis, while the outside world contains them. Even with police in the real, they seem to be frugally employed since most people in the Oasis have a separate identity, so finding someone who committed a wrong is much more difficult. But what truly makes the movie a model for a potential stateless or limited state society is that the game’s currency, simply called ‘coin’, has replaced the dollar as the world’s primary money.
Because of everyone’s dependence on the game to have meaningful interactions and communicate, coin is used to purchase in-game weapons, skins, and vehicles, but it is also used to acquire real world items. Since the game has the player lose all of their coin and items when they die, voluntary interactions are essential.
Many players test their might by going to Planet Doom where they acquire coin and items from defeating other players, but no one is forced to participate in the violence and there are just as many players that get coin through transactions. One of the main characters sells custom vehicles like the Millennium Falcon and the Starship Enterprise.
Ready Player One gives libertarians another model within the vein of starting a new nation that could overcome the oppressive state. Social media has already reached the point where it is nearly an essential part of life and it is redefining how people develop friendships, networks of professionals and deliver information.
Through Facebook, I have been able to volunteer for Larry Sharpe’s campaign for Governor of New York, even though I live in Missouri. I have started a writing and journalism career from the comforts of my home, without having met in person any of my editors or fellow contributors. Some might say that it’s crazy to live in a digital reality, but I argue that the world has already reached that point.
The first time I read Isaac Asimov’s The Naked Sun, I thought that the inhabitants of that world were crazy for never interacting in person and only communicating through holograms that appeared in their homes; but the story perfectly describes how I interact with most libertarians, minus the physical agony that the citizens of Asimov’s story felt when confronted with one’s physical presence.
Virtual reality is potentially the next bastion of libertarianism that falls into the same vein as those trying to create a new country. The difference is that the digital realm is much more accessible to everyone than would be moving to Liberland, the floating nations envision by seasteaders or wherever Free Society purchases land. There will be no need for passports or government permission to enter the electronic libertarian utopia, only access to an internet-capable device and a desire to be free.
The post Did ‘Ready Player One’ Give Us A Model To Shrink The State? appeared first on Being Libertarian.
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liberlandtv · 1 year
liberland #blockchain #bitcoin
Liberland News Programme Episode 22 - Blockchain
EXHIBITION & THE SOUND OF LIBERTY https://visit.ll.land/the-sound-of-liberty-2-0/
LIBERLAND SHOW https://youtu.be/Wy-_BSjkQD4 https://youtu.be/aRFUaaNEKss
Liberland in Georgia https://youtu.be/Pexbj6z7Ud8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utf8Wfc6kTI
Not All Students Are Woke Socialists https://liberlandpress.com/2023/03/08/not-all-students-are-woke-socialists/
Liberland Blockchain Awarded Web3 Foundation (W3F) Grant https://liberlandpress.com/2023/03/13/liberland-blockchain-awarded-web3-foundation-w3f-grant/
The Liberland interviews series: #2 Michal Ptacnik, Justice minister https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtkmZvZ-OXc
World Blockchain Summit https://www.worldblockchainsummit.com/ https://twitter.com/WBSglobalseries
First WordCamp in Apatin https://visit.ll.land/first-wordcamp-in-apatin/
- Music: www.bensound.com
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coin-river-blog · 6 years
In 2019 the sovereign state of Liberland continues to gather headway by getting recognized by key leaders in the European Union and members of parliament. On Jan. 31, the micronation claiming the parcel of land between Croatia and Serbia was validated by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission.
Also read: These Video Sharing Sites Pay Content Creators in Bitcoin Cash
Liberland Continues to Strive for Recognition
Key members of the European Commission have recently been discussing the micronation known as the Free Republic of Liberland. The seven square kilometer territory on the banks of the Danube was claimed in 2015 by a group of individuals who believe in libertarian ideologies. The President of Liberland, Vít Jedlička, and citizens of the small country profess that no nation claims the land as its own. Since then the group has been fighting to get acknowledged by the rest of the world’s leaders by following the protocol of terra nullius. Seven months ago, Liberland presented its case to members of the EU Parliament in order to get recognized as a sovereign nation state. So far the region has garnered over 550,000 applicants who want to be citizens of Liberland.
The Free Republic of Liberland is a seven square kilometer territory on the banks of the Danube river between Croatia and Serbia and was claimed in April 2015.
Now the micronation has been acknowledged in a recent parliamentary question asked on Jan. 31 about the parcel of land between Croatia and Serbia. Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission (EC), stated that Liberland, also known as Gornja Siga, “requires further clarification.” President Juncker’s comments were in response to a question from a member of the European Parliament from the West Midlands region, Bill Etheridge. The question asked about whether the Liberland territory is part of the European Union. Etheridge is also well known for his staunch libertarian beliefs. In the eyes of Liberland citizens, Juncker’s statement seemed to accredit the negotiation between Croatia and Serbia. The micronation believes the EC president’s remark is a step in the right direction towards “global recognition” of a voluntary based government.
“This is an extremely important development and represent real progress for us,” Vit Jedlička, President of the Free Republic of Liberland explained after the EC president’s commentary.
Jedlička continued:
We are a step closer to knowing that it may not be EU territory and that it can become an independent sovereign state.
The Liberland Embassy (left) and Miss. Liberland, Kristýna Dolníčková. (right).
Cryptocurrency, DAOs and an Open Source Linear TV
Liberland is also still very much involved with spreading decentralized and innovative new technologies like cryptocurrencies. The Free Republic of Liberland’s official website states that in a world filled with over-taxation and over-regulation, the citizens of the land believe in bolstering forward-looking technologies such as cryptocurrencies and DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) incorporated systems.
Liberland’s “Bitcoin Freedom” boat.
The region has also been accepting digital currencies for funding for years and the mini-state utilizes currencies like bitcoin cash (BCH), ethereum (ETH), and bitcoin core (BTC). On Feb. 10, Bitcoin entrepreneur Roger Ver explained on social media that Liberland “has been funded with bitcoin cash more than any other cryptocurrency.” Lead Bitcoin ABC developer Amaury Séchet responded: “They also accepted it from day one — Vít is a great guy.”
Moreover, the region is currently in the midst of setting up the first Liberland private linear broadcasting service (online TV) called “Liber TV.” The platform was created by one of the founders of Liberland, Jiří Kreibich, and the application is open source and running in its early phases. Overall, the world’s third smallest nation state continues to make strides towards being acknowledged by global leaders.
What do you think about what’s happening with Liberland? Do you think that the micronation will finally get recognized by the larger nation states? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Bitcoin.com, Pixabay, Liberland, and Creative Commons. 
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Tags in this story
BCH, Bitcoin, bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Core, Blockchain, BTC, croatia, Cryptocurrencies, Danube river, DAO, Economy, ETH, Ethereum, Global, Kristýna Dolníčková, Leaders, Liberland, Micronation, Mini State, Miss Liberland, N-Featured, nation states, Serbia, Vít Jedlička, world
Jamie Redman
Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
Liberland President Plans To Use New ‘Merits’ Cryptocurrency, Not Bitcoin
The President of Liberland, a small self-proclaimed microstate on a patch of land between Croatia and Serbia, is looking to use a new cryptocurrency called ‘Merit’ to underpin his vision for a new country.  
‘A New Type of State’
Vit Jedlicka’s vision for a new crypto-based micro-nation has taken steady steps forward over the last few years.
The so-called Free Republic of Liberland (Liberland) is located on a parcel of land that is part of a border dispute between Croatia and Serbia. According to the official Liberland website, it is now the third smallest sovereign state in the world at 2.7 square miles wide.
Jedlicka said how he searched a Wikipedia list of “no-man’s lands” to find the spot. So far, Liberland has not been officially recognized by any country. Jedlicka says 205,000 people who have registered on the official website are eligible to become citizens.
Between 2009 and 2016, Jedlicka was a regional leader of a small party in the Czech Republic. With a desire to “fix states that are too big and too regulatory,” he grew tired of politics in his home nation and set out to create one of his own.
According to Jedlicka, Liberland is a ‘role model of a new type of state.’ He plans to have no obligatory taxes, a decentralized government, and a range of freedoms, like the right to bear arms.
The given territory originally used Bitcoin for a reserve currency. In an interview, Jedlicka mentioned how he thought the digital currency “was a great thing” since it has a primary value as a tool of exchange. But now, he has his eyes on a more ambitious digital currency plan for Liberland, one that “will be more of a share in Liberland than a cryptocurrency.”
Voting Rights Based on Holdings
Eventually, Jedlicka wants to turn over running the country to a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). A DAO is a structure where “decisions are made electronically by a written computer code or through the vote of its members.”
The DAO will control the dispersal of the new ‘Merit’ cryptocurrency to its citizens. The idea is to weigh the right to vote based on the number of Merits a person owns. Jedlicka explains that the system lets people “get the shares of the country they are living in” if they want to pay some (voluntary) taxes.
He believes people “that actually make the country possible and have contributed to its creation” should be the ones with the power to make decisions.
A pilot project of the system is set to launch in late November. There are also plans for Merit, which runs on Ethereum, to be used as collateral inside of the proposed nation’s justice system.
Otherwise, Jedlicka is getting ready to replace a Liberland boat on the Danube River with one called ‘Bitcoin Freedom’ that will serve as an “alternative space” for those affiliated to Liberland.
The territory’s President speculated cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has led to a paradigm shift that will impact how nation-states are run going forward. Jedlicka asserted how there is “no better time than now to start new countries like Liberland.”
What do you think about this project? Can it become a successful crypto-state? Let us know in the comments!
Images courtesy of Liberland (Official website), Liberland (Facebook), Shutterstock
The post Liberland President Plans To Use New ‘Merits’ Cryptocurrency, Not Bitcoin appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
Blockchain conference for fintech leaders: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference will take place in Malta
On 23rd October, Mellieha will host the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Malta – a large-scale event dedicated to blockchain, topical trends in the cryptocurrency market, and ICO projects. A single platform will gather the international crypto community, top blockchain developers, and business representatives.
Why Malta
The government of Malta actively works on the development of transparent and favorable laws in the field of blockchain industry regulation. There are plans to establish a special agency – a Digital Innovation Authority that would control and certify blockchain companies. Besides, DLT legislation is being drafted as well as a regulatory framework for ICOs.
The first draft law of the Digital Innovation Authority has already been introduced to the public. The paper received a very positive feedback from industry representatives. Not a single government has offered a comprehensive draft legislation to regulate the activity of blockchain platforms.
These steps have already given first results. Cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and Okex are relocating their headquarters to Malta. Senior management of such crypto companies as Monaco Card, BigONE, and Tron Foundation have also expressed intention to open offices on the island.
What waits for guests?
Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Malta is a B2B event held annually in the format of a conference and an exhibition area. In 2017, 400 guests attended the event, 16 top speakers gave presentations, and 20 companies presented their booths in the exhibition area. Among guests, one could find Maltese government officials and the President of the Free Republic of Liberland.
The international company Smile-Expo, the organizer, reports that in 2018, the conference program will be even more intense with new relevant discussion topics. Speakers will include global crypto experts, investors, developers, representatives of successful blockchain startups.
Furthermore, guests will be able to attend the exhibition area with booths of blockchain software developers, mining hardware, and related industry services.
Register to the conference now and pay €130 instead of €399.
To know more, click here.
The post Blockchain conference for fintech leaders: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference will take place in Malta appeared first on AMBCrypto.
Blockchain conference for fintech leaders: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference will take place in Malta published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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Constitution of a TRULY FREE Republic
Constitution of a TRULY FREE Republic
The United States: land of the free, home of the brave… Sure. In your dreams. At this point, libertarians with any sense should know that the U.S. was nothing of the sort. Ever. Not before the war of independence and not since. The reasonable Articles of Confederation were rendered null and void quickly by the Constitution, which was no more than a coup by a moneyed and landed oligarchy looking…
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Free Republic of LIBERLAND
  5/16/2020 – 1:30 PM CET
See this page for the floating properties currently available. Feel free to reach to us at [email protected] for more info.
Click here to find more on Liberland Design Competition
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Save the Children Now Accepts Bitcoin Cash Donations
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/news/save-the-children-now-accepts-bitcoin-cash-donations
Save the Children Now Accepts Bitcoin Cash Donations
Save the Children Now Accepts Bitcoin Cash Donations
Making donations is a great way for the cryptocurrency community to spread acceptance for peer-to-peer electronic money to new people and institutions. And options for giving with bitcoin cash to your supported causes are expanding all the time, with organizations such as Save the Children joining in.
Save the Children Adds More Crypto Capability
Save the Children, which helps protect children from the effects of war and violence, has announced today the relaunch of its cryptocurrency fundraising capability effective 3 December, 2019. The global humanitarian organization is now able to accept multiple digital assets in automated fashion through its website including bitcoin core (BTC), bitcoin cash (BCH), ethereum (ETH), zcash (ZEC), litecoin (LTC) and the gemini dollar (GUSD).
The organization initially accepted bitcoin donations in 2013, in response to Typhoon Haiyan that struck Southeast Asia and devastated the Philippines. By accepting multiple cryptocurrencies, Save the Children is now offering more supporters with diverse cryptocurrency portfolios the ability to support the charity in a tax efficient way. The organization explains that the IRS classifies cryptocurrency donations as property, meaning they are not subject to capital gains tax and are tax deductible on the donor’s tax returns.
“Beyond cryptocurrency contributions, what if blockchain technology could be used to make supply chains more efficient, transactions more transparent and end world poverty through decentralized universal basic income as a form of unconditional cash vouchers? That would be a dream worth HODLing on to,” stated Ettore Rossetti, Senior Director of Social & Digital Innovation of Save the Children. He added, “Since our founding 100 years ago, Save the Children has reached more than 1 billion children. Perhaps the next Bitcoin billionaire can help us reach the next billion children.”
Save the Children is working with The Giving Block, which helps equip nonprofits with the tools and techniques to effectively raise funds with cryptocurrency. The organization’s crypto donations relaunch is part of the Bitcoin Tuesday initiative, which offers a cryptocurrency twist on Giving Tuesday, a day held on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving that encourages philanthropy.
Discussing this year’s campaign, Alex Wilson, Co-Founder of The Giving Block said, “Giving Tuesday inspires millions around the world to support and give to the causes that matter to them. But, despite the enhanced tax benefits that crypto donations can offer donors, the day has failed to capture the attention of crypto donors in years past.” His colleague, Co-Founder Pat Duffy added that, “Bitcoin Tuesday will introduce a largely traditional audience to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, driving crypto adoption. When nonprofits accept crypto donations, the world sees crypto as the force for good we know it to be.”
Bitcoin Cash Donation Options Are Expanding
Among the many organizations participating in Bitcoin Tuesday, as listed on the initiative’s website, you can see a number that should be familiar to the Bitcoin Cash community. These include the Tor Project, which advances human rights and freedoms by deploying free and open anonymity and privacy technologies, as well as the Liberland Aid Foundation, which is the humanitarian arm of the Free Republic of Liberland.
If you are looking to donate using bitcoin cash you should also check out the options available on Freedom.Bitcoin.com. Here you can stand up for liberty, freedom, and inalienable human rights by supporting causes that include Free Ross Ulbricht, Defense Distributed Defense Fund, and Eatbch. The last is easily recognized as the Bitcoin Cash community’s favorite charity because the nonprofit organization has been using BCH to help feed people throughout Venezuela and South Sudan.
Free Ross Ulbricht is focused on the case of the young man with no criminal history who was sentenced to over 40 years in prison without parole for creating the Silk Road website, an online marketplace using cryptocurrency and the Tor browser enabling anonymous exchange of a variety of goods. The Defense Distributed Defense Fund helps support the costly legal battle of the creator of world’s first gun made with a 3D Printer.
In the last couple of years the ability to donate with bitcoin cash has expanded to even more fields. For example, in August the Alcor Life Extension Foundation began accepting BCH donations for its cryonics research and operations in Scottsdale, Arizona. Alcor was convinced by Bitcoin.com’s executive chairman Roger Ver to add BCH acceptance, the same person who convinced Alcor to accept BTC payments back in 2014.
A popular website that focuses on U.S. court documents and the litigation system, the Free Law Project’s Courtlistener.com, started accepting BCH for donations in June. Courtlistener captures hundreds of thousands of visitors every month by making high quality legal data widely available.
The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and similar free knowledge projects, partnered with Bitpay in January to accept BCH and BTC donations. Bitpay works with many large non-profits to allow them to accept cryptocurrency donations, and reported that donations have increased dramatically in the last couple of years, especially at the end of the year as people look for tax benefits. The service reportedly processed several multi-million dollar donations to non-profits in 2018.
In September 2018 the French office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) started accepting donations in 9 of the most popular cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin cash. Even some religious groups accept BCH, like an evangelical church from the largest city in Switzerland, ICF Zurich, which began accepting voluntary offerings from its parishioners using cryptocurrency in January 2018.
Source: news.bitcoin
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cryptonewsworldwide · 5 years
ABBC Proudly Unveils Buyaladdin in Rockefeller Center, New York!
ABBC foundation is proud to announce the Buyaladdin shopping platform. Buyaladdin is truly the next generation e-commerce app that will revolutionize mediums of exchange and prove to be a stepping stone in making cryptocurrency mainstream. We are honored with the privilege to make this innovational announcement in Rockefeller Center, New York on July 16, 2019. Buyaladdin is the first and only online shopping platform to accept crypto as a payment method. ABBC foundation has worked hard to establish itself as the bridge to cryptocurrency and e-commerce with its projects. Aladdin Wallet has already been launched before the event and was a sneak preview of the disruption it would make in the crypto world, having the unique ability to send crypto through chat. The Buyaladdin Launch event was hosted by its CTO, Stanley Park. Park talked of the changes that the shopping platform would make: ‘’A whole new world’.  Buyaladdin is announced to launch in October and is set to be used by over 100 million crypto users. Buyaladdin has already been registered with a list of shopping malls, such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Rakuten, and AliExpress, to name a few. The platform has integrated over 50 big names globally. One of the problems with cryptocurrency has also been the uses for it. Besides exchanging for other crypto there was never anything that it could actually purchase. A study by Chainalysis reveals that only 1.3% of Bitcoin transactions involve a merchant. Buyaladdin is looking to solve this, wherein during the event a product demonstrator for the app used Bitcoin to buy a pair of sneakers on the app — a pair of Vans to be specific. Buying cryptocurrency involves a lot of risk because values can be volatile, but ABBC foundation’s new shopping platform is poised to make investors confident. TNC CEO Bruce Jeong spoke about the changes Buyaladdin would bring, saying ‘’It will be like a boom, like so different from the beginning.” TNC is a company that is set to merge with more than 500 blockchain companies this year. The event closed with Liberland President Vit Jedlicka giving his final thoughts on Buyaladdin. Liberland is a free republic that has plans on being a crypto-state by running the country through a decentralized autonomous organization as per President Jedlicka’s vision. A world with paperless payment seems more and more likely to happen as each innovation bests the next. ABBC has a lot more in store for the years to come and Buyaladdin is geared toward catapulting the crypto world into mainstream. On that note, we would like to thank our supporters of ABBC foundation, as well as the Rockefeller Center for having us. ------- Information provided via press release Distributed by Global Crypto Press Association Press Release For Blockchain Industry Service.
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