#Free Debit Card for teenagers
kokiriofthevalley · 5 months
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sylusjinwoon · 1 year
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{ 101 }
rei suwa x fem.reader
{ i'll be honest, lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense; cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in... }
there was a regular who often came to your bookstore with his daughter-
and you were crushing on him hard.
the first time you had ever seen him was during a rainy afternoon. you had spent that morning placing your new order of books on the shelves to sell, making sure to give the latest releases and new authors the attention they deserved. due to it being a slow day, you figured you wouldn't have many customers and spent most of your time reorganizing your shelves.
you were in the midst of going through your inventory when you heard the doorbell jingle, alerting you to an incoming customer. you smooth out your hair and stand back to your full height, ready to greet your customer and ask them if they needed help finding anything-
only to have your voice and words become lodged within your throat.
the customer who just walked in had to be the most attractive man you had ever laid your eyes on. he wore a fitting black shirt with a pair of jeans, donning some comfortable sneakers. with long locks of ebony hair, and deep eyes the color of a moonless night, you couldn't stop yourself from drinking him in. you watch as his full lips remain parted as a calm expression paints his handsome features.
he didn't say a single word, yet still, you found your cheeks warming up from the mere sight of him. your brain felt like it was fried, and each time you tried to speak to him, the sudden sensation of butterflies erupting all across your abdomen made it difficult for you to focus as you slowly began to feel nauseous.
his eyebrows were furrowed, and before he could ask you what was wrong, you felt your voice come out in an embarrassing squeak, "h-hello! how can i help you?!"
you wince at how the quality of your voice became so loud, internally cringing as you mentally berated yourself for looking so foolish in front of this handsome stranger. dear god, it was almost like you had never spoken with a man before-
although admittedly, he had to be one of the most beautiful people you have ever spoken to.
not seeming to mind your sudden outburst, you see a tiny smile decorating at his full lips, hands reaching back to scratch at his head when he tells you, "my daughter's birthday is coming up, and i wanted to get her something nice. do you have any recommendations for a 16 year old teenager?"
your heart sank at the realization that he was potentially married, yet still, you were able to hide your disappointment and flash this handsome man a smile. "but of course! f-follow me!"
you lead him towards the young adult section, picking out two novels you were certain his daughter would enjoy. both novels were coming of age novels that displayed the heroine in a very realistic light. along with the novels, you decided to throw in a ribbon-like bookmark for free as a gift.
the man seems grateful for your selection, and as you rang up the books at the register, you tell him with a bit of a sad smile, "your wife and daughter must be lucky to have you."
the sudden silence was deafening, turning awkward when you carefully bag the books and slide it over to him. the man appeared...shy, with his mouth half open in a gape as he held his jet black debit card towards you, yet still, you didn't take it from his grip so as to not appear rude.
finally snapping out of his trance, he shakes his head and places his card within the machine, paying for the transaction. as you printed out the receipt for him to sign, he clears his throat and admits to you.
"i'm not married."
his sudden admission makes the butterflies erupt once more, causing you to look up at the man with a bit of a hopeful gleam in your gaze. his expression was gentle, sporting a bit of a smirk as his lips were tilted upwards with a bit of a smug expression. "it's kind of complicated, but it doesn't change the fact that i love my daughter a lot."
once he signs the receipt, he takes the bag of books and thanks you for helping him. your eyes were still in a daze even after he leaves, and once you were truly alone in your bookstore did you look down at his signature,
"rei suwa..." you repeat his name a few times, smiling and giggling just the tiniest bit, feeling as though the name suits him.
ever since that rainy evening where your first meeting with rei took place, you often found yourself daydreaming of him, wondering if he would come back and whether his daughter enjoyed the novels you had picked out for her. your mind would think up of scenarios where you would meet again, filling you with even more butterflies as your heart raced almost immediately at the thought of seeing him once more.
and lucky for you, you didn't have to wait long for his return.
nearly a week later, you were met with rei and his daughter once more. as you were in the midst of ordering more books for your store, you felt a gentle hand give you a tap on your shoulder, catching your attention.
you turn around to see an achingly cute girl with short, brown hair and golden brown eyes. her smile was wide as a cute blush dyes at her cheeks. as you look down, you saw that she held in her hands the two books you had recommended to rei as birthday gifts for his daughter's birthday.
"hello! m-my name is miri, and i wanted to thank you for these books! papa rei told me he bought me these books from your store, and i loved them so much!"
"ah, i'm so happy you enjoyed them!" this girl was so cute! you could see why rei loved her; and truly, if she was your daughter, you may have had the urge to spoil her as well.
"i loved these books so much, and when papa rei told me how he bought them from the pretty bookstore lady, i had to come and meet you myself!" miri was giggling, her confession about what rei had you filling you with a sudden warmth felt deep within your chest.
"ah- miri! what did i tell you about saying such weird things like that!" you recognized his voice, this time with a hint of panic heard from his tone. you watch him from your periphery, appearing shy as he mumbles something beneath his breath.
the cute teen giggles once more before excusing herself to one of the aisles, leaving you alone with rei once more. your heart was pounding when you face him, and you prayed that your palms wouldn't start sweating in response to the way your face was quickly heating up.
the silence that lingered between you and rei was something you weren't sure you could ever change or get rid of, but... you knew you had to do something if you truly wanted to get closer to him.
deciding it was best to just be yourself, you end up giving rei a wide smile before telling him, "so, i am the pretty bookstore lady?"
you nearly let out a laugh when rei chokes at your question, hiding his embarrassment when he coughs into his hand. "i didn't know what else to call you since i don't know your name."
filled with a sudden surge of confidence that rei found you to be pretty, you step forward and finally tell him the syllables that make up your name. his eyes seem to shine upon hearing your name, with him repeating it, as if tasting it against his lips for the first time.
his smile was enough to send another wave of butterflies to course through your very veins when he tells you his own name, feeling the pinpricks of something beginning to bloom inside of you as you stood next to rei.
the following days were spent building what felt like a friendship; rei would often come to your bookstore with miri, and sometimes with his literal partner in crime, kazuki, who was the third member of their found family.
each time rei visits your store, you recommend books for him to read, while he in turn tells you bits and pieces of his life.
the more you got to know him, the more you wished to tear down the walls that seemed to surround his heart. your crush on him was slowly but surely developing into something that was much stronger. rei suwa was no longer the man that made your heart twist into knots, causing you to babble nonsensical words each time he was near-
he was the man you wanted and desired to get to know better. each time you ask him in passing about his past, the forlorn and distant look in his eyes would make your heart clench as you listen to him tell you, "my past doesn't matter all that much. after all, i'm still here, living, right?"
it was clear that rei was keeping himself shielded, preventing anyone from truly getting closer to him. you knew what you felt for him was becoming genuine, your yearning to be by his side and share his burdens seeming to grow-
it seemed as though you and rei were caught in a dance, on the cusp of becoming more than friends, but neither parties wishing to acknowledge or act on these budding emotions. based on your instinct alone, you knew rei felt something for you if he made an effort to come by your store so often, simply just to see you and talk to you, even without purchasing a book.
so you decided to finally make the first move.
your heart was racing with anticipation, waiting for the day rei would return. so as to not wallow in your sudden anxious thoughts, you busy yourself with tidying up the shelves and putting back misplaced books, humming the tune to your favorite song as the hours slowly pass by.
it was around mid-afternoon when rei appears in your store, catching your attention as you saw him carrying a bag of your favorite carryout in his hand. the sudden kind gesture was enough to make your heart melt for him, eyes turning misty at how thoughtful he was.
"hey, i figured you needed a bit of a pick-me-up. i got the usual from your favorite takeout place." normally, the scent of your favorite foods would make your mouth water, but not this time-
now that rei was standing directly in front of you, you knew you had to act fast before you began to lost your nerve and became a coward.
"thank you so much, rei! just place it on the counter!"
he hums in agreement, giving you time to grab the novel you wanted to give him as you held it close to your chest. when rei faces you, you hold out the book for him to take, hoping that he wouldn't hear the way your heart was racing.
his brows were lifted up in question, "what's this?"
"ah, it's a book that i think y-you'd enjoy!" damn, your stutter had returned, and rei was growing even more suspicious with your behavior. with a furrowed expression on his face, he takes the novel you had recommended to him, "alright then, how much do i owe you?"
you bite down on your bottom lip, shaking your head vehemently while telling him, "c-consider this as a thank you for buying me f-food!"
he gives you a head tilt before letting out a rich chuckle, keeping the book tucked safely within his arm while thanking you. "okay, thank you for the book. and i suppose we're even now."
rei tells you how he needed to go and run some errands, making you nod your head as you told him to take his time when reading the book. with your heart felt pounding within your throat, you watch as rei leaves, heart already racing painfully within your chest at what was to come.
{ ... }
when rei returns home with a few bags of groceries in hand, he keeps the book you had recommended to him, holding it against his chest while he settles the bags on the counter.
thinking of you fills his heart with warmth, and admittedly, he couldn't deny how deeply you made him feel. either he was too obvious, or miri was just that observant. she knew from the start that he had felt something for you, the pretty bookstore lady, and teased him about his eagerness to see you again.
but he wasn't that great at dealing with such emotions, never before experiencing what it was like to be in a normal relationship. when he told kazuki his concerns, his best friend merely rolls his eyes before giving him a hard slap on his back, telling him to 'man up,' before leaving with his date for the night.
in many ways, rei was jealous at kazuki for seemingly being able to make such connections so easily. perhaps it was due to his naturally introverted nature that he found it so difficult to talk to you.
recalling his interaction with you just a few hours ago, he could tell that you were nervous when giving him this book. it was made to be glaringly obvious with how fidgety you were once the book was in his hand. completely ignoring the groceries, he looks down at the novel and opens it to the first page-
only to see a series of numbers written in a hurried scrawl along with a simple note:
i want to get to know you better. will you give me this chance?
a sudden grin was felt forming against rei's lips, and he couldn't hide it even if he tried. were you really making it this easy for him? and was he perhaps that obvious to you as well?
he had to fight back the urge to laugh; to let out all these incoming emotions as happiness was felt surging through him. taking out his phone, he saves your number within his contacts, his thumb hovering over your name as he gathers himself.
letting out a deep sigh, rei presses on your name, calling you with his heart pounding within his chest. within a few rings, he hears you answer with a breathless, "hello?"
just hearing the sound of your voice was enough to make him smile when he asks, "would you like to join me for dinner tonight?"
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a.n. - AHHH I AM SO SORRY FOR MY LONG ABSENCE! college has been rough on me, and i was uncertain if i would even survive this semester. BUT! i'm alright, i survived and i'm back with a brand new story for papa rei 🥹 i hope you readers enjoy it, and i apologize for any mistakes!
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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Cheater, Cheater
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Keys x reader! Based off an idea by @loliakeoghan23​
Before the story of Free Guy begins, reports of a hacker stealing user codes pile up to the extent that Antwan enlists Keys to track the culprit down or risk losing his job
TW: Cursing, sexual themes, actual crime
The furious clacking of the keyboard’s tiles echoed around the room as Y/n’s eyes fixated on the screen, finger whirring as she fired repeatedly at the digital avatars.
The Harlequin-style character shot in accordance with each click, sending the surrounding players to the ground.
“You’re pretty good at this,” the chat crackled to life through her headphones as the player count dropped. Y/n rolled her eyes at the condescending tone and flicked down her mic. “I’m no expert,” she replied coquettishly in a sugary voice. “Just playing for fun.”
Clearly it was the right move, as the guy seemed to gain more confidence from her answer. “Your boyfriend help you rack up all those levels, babe? Pretty high score for someone who’s using it for rec.”
Jeez, that was predictable, Y/n smirked, used to the ‘smooth’ lines of Free City’s most frequent players. Judging by his skin and gamer tag, this dude was either some geeky teenager or a thirty-year old who was still dependant on his mother.
Pulling up a sidebar, she started implementing lines of code into the program, mining through the available data as her opponent kept obliviously blabbering on. “I’m just saying, there are hardly any gamer girls that get this far. And the ones who do are like, threes at best.”
Y/n grimaced, stalling long enough for the information to transfer before discreetly moving her character into the enemy’s line of fire, yet not enough so it looked purposeful. 
The gun sound effect mixed with the guy’s triumphant exclamation brought her back to the game, where a heavily decorated YOU LOSE floated over the image of her opponent’s avatar dancing idiotically.  
“Sorry, baby, tough luck,” he crowed, more focused on collecting the onscreen rewards to realise his entire financial information log had been compromised. “We could do this again sometime, I could give you some pointers?” he added hopefully.
“Thanks, but no,” Y/n sighed, double checking the info transfer before exiting the match. The game disappeared into it’s small window, revealing the clear numbers of every purchase ever made with his account. 
Sliding her headphones down around her neck, she started scrolling down each date and timestamp until she got to the core signup information. Free City’s account creator was sketchy from the beginning, with little to no credit security, yet every player needed bank information to join. It was like they were ASKING to get hacked.
“You spend a surprising amount of money on video games for someone with no income, Mr...Brandon,” Y/n mused aloud as she copied each code down and encrypted them. “What would your mother say if she knew you linked her debit card onto your account as well?”
“I really hope you learn your lesson from this, honey” she tsked, 
“Keys, Keylime, K with a capital E, what is up, man?” Antwan called from behind his desk. 
Keys hesitated awkwardly as the doors slid closed. “Um. Hi. I heard you wanted to talk about something?”
Antwan hopped up, his jacket swishing as he made his way around the table. “Well, I was just thinking about you, bro! I wanted to see how you were doing, ask how’s the wife, you know,” he shrugged. 
“I’m not married?” Keys protested weakly as Antwan wrapped his arm around his shoulder. His boss nodded, clearly not interested. 
“Right, right, that’s cool. So I had a little question I wanted to run by you, being the smart little nerd you are.” 
He opened his mouth to respond, before Antwan kept on talking. 
“I was talking to my dudes in Account Security, that boring stuff, yeah? And usually those meetings are a total snooze. But this week, they had some new stuff to blab about. You got any complaints about bank info being whisked away?”
Keys frowned. “Yeah, uh, we got like four this week. But I checked through the player data base and there’s no record of any breakthroughs.”
“Hmm. See, that’s the fun thing. I know that there’s a hacker, with a cute setup in a dingy basement somewhere, and they’re smart.”
Antwan tapped the side of his head. “But I, my geeky little man, am smarter. Which is why I’m assigning you to finding our fun little thief.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Keys closed his eyes, trying to process what he was saying. “You want me to find a hacker, who could be literally anywhere in the world? Don’t you have a security team for this kinda thing?”
“Aw, bro, those guys are pathetic. Besides, you’re more than capable. Think of it like a mystery, Detective Hair Gel, assigned to you from the King himself.”
“You’re kidding.” Keys deadpanned.
Antwan smiled, pulling Keys along with him to the large windows at the back of the room. “Look out there, bro,” he said seriously, gesturing to the city beneath them. “There are people out there in danger, losing their hard earned money to this secret villain. Don’t you feel the urge to defend your fellow dudes?” he asked seriously. 
He turned to stare at Keys, a momentous look on his face. “This mission, if you so choose to accept it, will make you a hero.” Suddenly his whole expression changed. “Besides, if you don’t, I’ll have you fired.”
“Antwan, what-” 
“Nice talk, man,” Antwan said nonchalantly, shooing him out. “Good luck on catching the hacker!”
“-but I’m not-” Keys started, before the door slammed in his face. “-going to catch the-damn it.”
Keys collapsed into his chair, sending it spinning in lazy circles around his cubicle. 
Mouser looked up from his own desk, a scrutinising look on his face. “What happened in there, man? You left and came back looking like you haven’t slept in weeks.”
Keys groaned in response. Tilting his head back to the ceiling to avoid Mouser’s inquisitive gaze. “Antwan’s making me track down this prick who’s stealing user codes.”
 “Oh, man, that’s awful.” Mouser chuckled. 
“Tell me about it,” Keys griped. “My job is riding on tracking down some deadbeat loser.”
Mouser shook his head. “A genius deadbeat loser. I’ve gone through some of the user complaints, and there’s like, nothing there.”
Keys sat up. “So what, I can’t track this guy,” he put down a finger for each point. “We have no idea how he’s managing to get in the accounts,” Another finger. “And finally, my career is on the line if I can’t figure this out.”
He shrugged, exasperated. “I’m screwed.”
“Man, you can do this,” Mouser argued, leaning on the divider between the desks. “Use the MIT smarts.” 
Keys glared at him.
“I’m serious! This dude is pretty good at taking advantage of idiots, right? So act like an idiot and pull a full whamo on him”
“So what, you want me to just parade around in hopes that this one specific hacker decides to hack me?”
Mouser shrugged. “Sure. Catch a fly with your web of smarts, I guess.”
“Thanks, man,” Keys sighed. 
Y/n hummed along to the music playing on her speakers, nodding her head to the beat as she swiped through the Free City menus.
“-and the haters’ gonna hate hate hate,” she sang along quietly, clicking on her avatar. The pixelated figure appeared on screen, along with the customisation menu. Scrolling down, she settled on a lower grade cutesy costume, and selected the Online Play option. 
Y/n leaned forward in anticipation, fingers resting lightly on the keyboard. As the dial up appeared on the screen, she paused her music and lowered her headphones over her ears. 
When the game finally kicked in, she immediately noticed the classic “I’m-an-angsty-teenage-boy” combo, and sighed in disappointment. Easy marks, with next to no security whatsoever. Sad.
She barely had to do anything, letting the appearance of her character do most of the work as the players shot and fired in accordance. 
As she entered in the code, her phone rang, loudly blaring from beside her. “Shit!” she muttered, scrambling to shut it down, quickly entering the last line of numbers before quickly exiting the lobby. 
Pressing the button on the screen, she exhaled, letting some of the tension roll off her. Putting the phone on silent, Y/n pulled her headphones back on and reentered the game.
From across the city, Keys sat forward, startled by a security error in the mainframe. A small mistake, only a couple letters misspelled, gave him a pinpoint of someone entering through a backdoor. 
“Bingo,” he grinned, typing in the error location. 
His avatar appeared onscreen, in his default customisation, as he entered the lobby address into the game bar. 
He inhaled deeply as the screen displayed the loading symbol, plugging in his earphones and focusing on the screen.
mister-mk86 has joined the lobby
The words popped up at the top of the screen, momentarily distracting Y/n from the current menus in her inventory.
She scanned over the player bio, looking for any irregularities that could equal a bot or scammer. Coming up with nothing, she exited the profile and focused on the game.
new message from mistermk86
Y/n groaned. Predictable, really. The lobby had gone down to significantly less players, all newbies or bots at this point. She clicked on the message.
“Wow. How eloquent.” Y/n scoffed, pulling up her keyboard. 
Keys stared at his screen, watching the typing indicators in the message board.
rebelfan is typing...
Hi there 
He smirked, quickly typing a response.
mistermk86 private match?
She rolled her eyes, but clicked on the invitation.
The icon over her character appeared, showing the game type and weapons menu. Navigating it easily, she selected her defaults and began playing.
Part 2----> Coming soon
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kaleuh · 2 months
Day 188: What are you always carrying around with you?
My phone! And (hold on, emptying my purse, agh fuck, pennies everywhere, i need to clean this out more)
-A crumpled coupon for sweet cherries and corn at ShopRite (expired 7/6) -Warm Vanilla Sugar hand sanitizer -A single, lone, red d20 -An expired Wyndham hotel keycard -Off-brand "poprocks" wrapper -License, debit card, library card, health insurance card, SBA police card -A vial of dandelion perfume (half full) -Smoothie punch card (8 more and I get a free smoothie) -New Jersey Transit ticket receipt -Business card of one Steven Jay Sanford, who carves wooden sculptures of ducks for a living -Six restaurant/grocery receipts (three are completely illegible, not even sure what they're for honestly) -a World's Smallest toy catalogue (it is about the size of my thumb) -Two different sparkly lip glosses -Three pairs of clip-on earrings (one is missing) -A few single dollar bills -a pearly, clear-beaded hairclip in the shape of a bow -Old key to my parents' house (with a flashlight keychain) -New key to my parents' house (with a flashlight keychain) -My dead uncle's Mass card, "Grieve Not... Nor speak of me with tears... But laugh and talk of me as though I were beside you. I loved you so... 'Twas heaven here with you." -a tiny comb -top of a [REDACTED] wrapper -Four chapsticks (Vaseline, 'Bubble Yum' bubblegum, classic Cherry chapstick, and Ruby Soapworks' Peach lip balm) -A Slim Jim ('Best by' date unintelligible..) -Floss sticks -Listerine spray -Spare car key -A blue lighter, not because I smoke but because a lighter is very handy to have regardless! -A long expired chinese mint I never opened as I kept thinking, "Ooo a mint! I'll save that for later!" (later never came) -Crest Whitening Strip -A gold necklace (unopened) -Two lipsticks (one Milani #12 'I Am Radiant', and, no joke, the same god damn 'Mauve' Icing lipstick I had 10 years ago that I listed on this challenge last time. They discontinued it so I've been really making it last!!!!) -tissues with lipstick on them (gross) -My favorite perfume, a vial of Peach Nectar, made by @paranoidgemsbok at Ruby Soapworks. I don't fully classify it as perfume, since it is, instead, crack to me. If I'm going out with people, it's already on my body. If I realize it's not, I will quickly rectify that and then make everyone take a hit of it. It's more than halfway gone. Would vape this if I could -Also a vial of Ruby Soapworks' Bourbon Vanilla perfume, which is also wonderful -My apartment keys (printed with Spiderman and Hello Kitty patterns) looped in with a ShopRite member card, a Wendy's 'Free Frostys for 2024' card, and my two ADORABLE and gorgeous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle keychains by @frenchiefie!
I usually have a hairtie and a flower hairclip too, but they tend to be on me! Anyway, PHEW!!
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time-season · 1 year
Pre-Order (9Jun23-29Jun23) : Digi High school 02 standee 
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Aaaaah i wanna tell here that I’m opening Pre-Order for Digimon 02 standee!!
I give name for this project that be ‘Digi High School 02’, because I have a idea them from my needs that see kids02 with high school uniform ; w ;
i’m sad with their lost teenage time on Tri ! 
Order on my Etsy >> PRODUCT LINK
Front my shop : https://www.etsy.com/shop/timeseason
(I live in Thailand, I ship to world wide for this project and others products on shop)
✿ Order Details ✿
 Size: High 15 cm / 5.9 inches
 Material: Epoxy resin (a clear acrylic with glitter)
Printed Two sides on the standee
FREE! Illustration Postcards of the art on the standee
★★ Pre-Order details ★★
!! (Please be sure to read before making an order) !!
The Pre-Order period starts from '9 June 2023 - 29 June 2023'.
I will submit the total request to the supplier in July 2023, my supplier is expected to start working on products right after the order came in (in July).
I’m expecting the products to be done and ready to ship sometime between July - August 2023. However, the time might vary depending on the production speed of my supplier. If everything goes as planned, Items are expected to ship out by 'the end of August 2023'. I can assure you that I will try to ship it out as fast as I can.
I also offered Worldwide shipping by ePacket+plus from ThaiPost, but in case this shipping method didn’t work out in your country, we can try and figure something out.
Once your order is shipped out, shipping times will vary based on where you live. The order is expected to arrive within 14-20 days depending on the shipping speed.
Please feel free to contact me as needed via E-mail: nicha.pnj [!at] gmail.com, Twitter @timeseasoned, or chat on Etsy.
When ordering products. Please make sure to use an email that can be contacted.
If you found any problems or errors when ordering products by Paypal on Etsy. Please contact me, I will send an invoice on Paypal or Stripe to you so that you can pay via a Credit card or a Debit card instead.
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(Sample Below ↓ , it’s old epoxy standee that i ordered from supplier for testing But for pre-order i added detail on line art, color  and items on standee)
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Thank you so much for supporting me make Digi High-School projects !! 🥺
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mintidotxml · 1 month
I hope this message finds you well. I apologize for reaching out to you out of the blue, but I’m writing with a heavy heart and a plea for help.
My mother, who shares her love for plants and gardening, has been fighting cancer for nearly two years. Recently, we received devastating news: the cancer has spread, and she urgently needs surgery to remove her cervix.
The financial burden of this surgery is overwhelming, and we’re struggling to find the means to cover the costs, despite my efforts, we have only raised 40$ towards her treatment. In a last-ditch effort to raise funds, we are ready to commission some of my mom’s favorite plants to anyone who donates $10 or more towards her surgery. I understand that this is a lot to ask from a stranger, but your kindness and generosity could make a world of difference for my family during this difficult time.
I’ve shared more details about my mother’s situation and plants for commissioning in my pinned post. If you have a moment to spare, I would be incredibly grateful if you could read it and consider contributing.
Your support, no matter how small, would mean the world to us and would help ensure that my mom gets the life-saving treatment she needs. Thank you for considering this request, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more information.
With heartfelt gratitude,
of course!
I can't donate bc I am a teenager and i dont have a debit card but I'll try to reblog your coffee page weekly ^^
Sorry for the long wait,my inbox is currently flooded with lots of people asking for help and i didnt know what to do at first.In the end,I decided to try and answer all of them since I want to help people anyway i can.Even if some them are scammers,I'd rather promote a scammer than ignore people in need
Anyways go support bee's mum on buy me a coffee!She's in alot of pain and even donating a fiver would make a difference :]
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deewithani · 2 years
Long post ahoy, so I'm putting most of it under a readmore. Don't go on if you don't want to see me rage about what I view as bad parenting being weaponized.
Decided to go on the clock app earlier today because people are interesting, and my algorithm was just packed with some absolute fresh hell bullshit because I follow some of those involved and some who had commented. I'm pretty sure a lot of us know what it is, but if not you're only missing complete brain rot, rage farming, and bad actors pushing racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic bullshit and you're better off not seeing it.
Tl,dr: White Christian nationalists love it when you think that your personal responsibilities are actually the responsibilities of someone else because they want you use that belief to silence their enemies and make it easier for them to gain power.
I never really even went on it that often before. I deleted it today.
I am not posting this to show support for either party or place any blame. I understand wanting to protect kids. I also understand that adults should be able to have adult discussions with other adults. Further, I understand that there is really no safe place for kids to go online and that they can circumvent age restrictions on websites. None of that falls under the responsibility of the people who are not the parents of said child or the child themselves. Adults absolutely should not be engaging in conversations with adult content with people they know to be underage. You cannot also expect adults to know that the people they interact with online in an otherwise anonymous setting are truly of age. I can put minors dni on my page 7 days a week and twice on Sunday. We all take people at their word because what else are you going to do?
If your answer is "well, don't post adult content," I would like to circle back around to my earlier point, adults can have discussions with other adults. They can (in most places) share pictures and stories and lots of other things as long as it's not against the tos of the service they're using to share those things.
What we're left with is whose responsibility it is to prevent kids from accessing and interacting with adults and adult content. In this, I find it is no different than movie, music, and tv ratings. I have posted the content warning and told them to go away. It is a parent's job to parent their children. I'm older, true, but I never felt my mom was overly strict (I was a teenager in the 90s). I had to ask my mom for every penny I ever got to buy something for myself, and I had to show her what I got. There was not a single CD that made its way into my radio before she saw it first. She knew every movie I went to see. I could hang out with my friends, but she knew who was there, talked to their parents, and if I was supposed to be home by 8? You better believe I was there, because she put a lot of trust in me to keep my word.
I am a parent, not too long out of raising a teenager. My son still tells me where he's going when he leaves, who he's going to be with, and how long he thinks he'll be. "But Dee," I hear you say, "that's overbearing. You're being a helicopter mom." No. Stop. He's an adult, and since becoming an adult there is no reason why he can't come and go as he pleases. He does this out of courtesy. He's 6'3", 270. I'm 5'5". I couldn't stop him if you paid me.
But back to the subject at hand, a lot of comments from people about the entire original issue is "My kid has a debit card connected to my account so they can pretend to be over 18 and purchase access to this adult's page and their adult content." Is it just me who thinks this whole reasoning to completely ban adult content online is batshit insane? That because you, as a parent, gave your child, a child you apparently don't trust enought not to go online and buy their way into an adult space, free access to a debit card, that means that everyone else has to protect the child that you don't want to protect yourself. Do I have that right? You don't check your kid's purchases with your online banking? I checked that shit daily. You don't monitor their online access or social media and you just freely have them an internet connected computer or tablet or smartphone? You don't trust your own kids not to get into trouble online but you don't do anything that would inconvenience you or them to stop it from happening?
Take some responsibility for yourselves for pete's sake. Random people online aren't responsible for raising your children. They're not your babysitters. Neither are movies, or music, or videogames, or the books in public libraries that some of you braindead morons believe should be banned because your kid may read them.
Don't tell me you can't do it. "Everything is done online now and kids have to have cellphones and wah wah wah just ban the stuff I don't like." Stop. Your. Bullshit. You're the adult. Act like it.
Schools and businesses block websites all day long. I can't access social media from my work computer even though it's connected to my home network. Learn about filtering applications, learn how to filter at the router. Learn how limit access time for specific devices. What about phones? If you can't trust them with a smartphone, get them a flip phone. If you can't trust them with a flip phone, get a house phone with a cord (only 1 phone) and put that phone in the room where you are most likely to be when they're using it. Unplug it at night and take it to bed if you can't trust them to not be on it in the middle of the night. "Well, what about their friends' phones?" First off, they're not supposed to use them in school, so if you hear of them doing it, narc on them. Yes, I said it. Turn them in. Phones are a privilege, and it's a shitty thing to do to someone, but you're a parent, not your kid's friend and not some other kid's friend. You are responsible for the wellbeing of your child, and if another child is engaging in conduct that brings harm to yours, then it is your responsibility to act on what you know. If it's after school and you know your kid is hanging out with someone who gets them in trouble online (or lets them get in trouble), why are you letting them hang out together without your supervision? If you're at home and your kid isn't and is with another kid you don't trust, there's a quick, easy fix for this. You know what it is.
People on the internet, adults you don't know, are not responsible for your children's safety online. Every time I see someone post something about "Look what our kids are watching on youtube" I cringe. My kid watched Bear in the big fucking blue house and I was never shocked or surprised at what he saw. I would never sit a kid in front of youtube and just let it play. There's bad shit on the internet and YOU KNOW THERE'S BAD SHIT ON THE INTERNET SO WHERE IS THE DISCONNECT?
Anyway, sorry for the length of this. There is a concerted effort right now by white Christian nationalists to demonize a lot of things under the guise of "think of the children" and it is insidious and they want people to think they're targeting adult content when they're targeting marginalized voices and people. You only have to look as far as the drag queen laws that are popping up everywhere. If you, as a parent, don't want your child to go to drag queen story hour or drag queen brunch or a pride parade, guess what? There's not a pack of roving drag queens out there that is going to grab your child off the street and force them to participate. Stop being a fucking fearmonger and use your head.
This also applies to church, btw. If you are afraid that an adult is going to assault your child or have inappropriate conduct with them, be a fucking parent and do something about it, and don't just act like it's only a subset of people who do these things. You know it's not and you're acting purposefully ignorant when you close your eyes to reality. Abusers and pedos can be literally anybody, of any race, sexuality, gender, religion, or job. Protect your children yourself. Don't expect others to do it for you.
When you ignore certain groups of people because you want to demonize other groups you are doing the exact opposite of protecting children. Guess which group wants you to look at everything but their churches? I'll give you a hint. I talked about them earlier. They are banking on support from other Christians (or at least apathy) to get the laws they want in place. They don't care if your children are hurt in church. They just want you to believe that it won't happen there so you won't oppose the world they're trying to build.
They don't care about your children. They would serve them to the devil himself if it would bring about their vision.
You say you are the ones who are responsible for your children. Then be responsible and do it because so far all I'm seeing is a bunch of people who want everyone but themselves to raise their children. Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it.
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Why Use Prepaid Visa Gift Cards?
Prepaid Visa gift cards have become a popular financial tool for a variety of reasons. Whether used as gifts, for personal budgeting, or as a convenient and secure payment method, these cards offer numerous advantages over traditional credit and debit cards. This article explores why prepaid Visa gift cards are a smart choice for many consumers and highlights their key benefits.
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Financial Control and Budgeting
Preloaded Funds:
Prepaid Visa gift cards come preloaded with a specific amount of money, making them an excellent tool for budgeting. Users can only spend the amount loaded onto the card, which helps in controlling overspending and staying within budget limits.
No Risk of Debt:
Since these cards are not linked to a credit line, there is no risk of accumulating debt or incurring interest charges. This makes prepaid Visa gift cards a safe and worry-free payment option.
Effective for Financial Planning:
Prepaid Visa gift cards can be used to allocate funds for specific purposes, such as groceries, entertainment, or travel. This helps users manage their finances more effectively and avoid unplanned expenditures.
Versatility and Convenience
Universal Acceptance:
Prepaid Visa gift cards can be used anywhere Visa is accepted, both online and in physical stores. This universal acceptance provides unparalleled convenience and flexibility for making purchases.
Easy to Use:
Using a prepaidgitbalance visa is straightforward. Simply swipe or insert the card at the point of sale or enter the card details online to complete a purchase. This simplicity makes them a hassle-free payment method.
No Bank Account Needed:
Unlike debit or credit cards, prepaid Visa gift cards do not require a bank account. This makes them accessible to a wider range of consumers, including those who are unbanked or underbanked.
Security and Safety
Limited Exposure to Fraud:
Since prepaid Visa gift cards are not linked to a bank account, they limit exposure to personal financial information. This reduces the risk of identity theft and fraud, especially when making online purchases.
Protection Against Loss and Theft:
Many prepaid Visa gift cards offer protection against loss or theft. If a registered card is lost or stolen, the remaining balance can often be transferred to a new card, providing peace of mind to users.
Safe for Online Shopping:
Using a prepaid Visa gift card for online shopping adds a layer of security, as it prevents exposure of primary credit card or bank account information. This is particularly beneficial for those concerned about online fraud.
Ideal for Gifts and Rewards
Flexibility for Recipients:
Prepaid Visa gift cards make ideal gifts because they offer recipients the freedom to choose what they want. Unlike traditional gift cards tied to specific stores, Visa gift cards can be used at any location that accepts Visa, giving recipients maximum flexibility.
No Expiration on Funds:
Many prepaid Visa gift cards do not have expiration dates on the funds, allowing recipients to use the balance at their own pace without worrying about losing value over time.
Corporate Rewards and Incentives:
Businesses often use prepaid Visa gift cards as rewards and incentives for employees and customers. They provide a tangible and appreciated reward that can be used for a variety of purchases, making them an effective tool for motivation and engagement.
Travel and International Use
Convenient for Travel:
Prepaid Visa gift cards are a convenient option for travelers. They can be used internationally wherever Visa is accepted, providing a secure and flexible alternative to carrying cash.
Currency Conversion:
When used abroad, prepaid Visa gift cards often automatically handle currency conversion, making transactions smooth and hassle-free for travelers.
Teaching Financial Responsibility
Educational Tool:
Prepaid Visa gift cards are excellent for teaching financial responsibility to teenagers and young adults. By using a prepaid card, they can learn to manage money, budget, and make spending decisions without the risk of going into debt.
Controlled Spending:
Parents can load a specific amount onto the card, providing a controlled environment for their children to practice financial management. This helps instill good financial habits early on.
Prepaid Visa gift cards offer numerous benefits that make them a valuable financial tool for various uses. Their versatility, ease of use, and security features make them ideal for everyday spending, while their preloaded nature and debt-free usage support effective budgeting and financial control. As a gift or reward, they provide flexibility and convenience, making them a preferred choice for many. Whether for personal use, gifting, or teaching financial responsibility, prepaid Visa gift cards offer a range of advantages that cater to modern financial needs.
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wikiuntamed · 11 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Sunday, 5th November
Welcome, שלום, Bienvenida, Välkommen 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 5th November through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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5th November 2022 🗓️ : Death - Aaron Carter Aaron Carter, American singer-songwriter, rapper, dancer and actor (b. 1987) "Aaron Charles Carter (December 7, 1987 – November 5, 2022) was an American singer and rapper. He came to fame as a teen pop singer in the late 1990s, establishing himself as a star among preteen and teenage audiences during the first years of the 21st century, with his four studio albums. Carter..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Peter Dzubay
5th November 2017 🗓️ : Event - Sutherland Springs church shooting Devin Patrick Kelley kills 26 and injures 22 in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. "On November 5, 2017 at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, a local man Devin Kelley shot and killed 26 people and wounded 22 others. Kelley was shot and wounded by another local resident, then killed himself after a car chase. It is the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history and..."
5th November 2013 🗓️ : Event - ISRO The Indian Space Research Organisation launched the Mars Orbiter Mission, India's first interplanetary probe. "The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO ) is the national space agency of India. It operates as the primary research and development arm of the Department of Space (DoS), which is directly overseen by the Prime Minister of India, while the Chairman of ISRO also acts as the executive of DoS...."
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Image by Indian Space Research Organisation
5th November 1973 🗓️ : Birth - Johnny Damon Johnny Damon, American baseball player "Johnny David Damon (born November 5, 1973) is an American former professional baseball outfielder who played in Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1995 to 2012. During his MLB career, Damon played for the Kansas City Royals (1995–2000), Oakland Athletics (2001), Boston Red Sox (2002–2005), New York..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Gage Skidmore
5th November 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Rudolf Augstein Rudolf Augstein, German soldier and journalist, co-founder of Der Spiegel (d. 2002) "Rudolf Karl Augstein (5 November 1923 – 7 November 2002) was a German journalist, editor, publicist, and politician. He was one of the most influential German journalists, founder and part-owner of Der Spiegel magazine. As a politician, he was a member of the Bundestag for the Free Democratic Party..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de? by Ulrich Wienke
5th November 1818 🗓️ : Birth - Benjamin Butler Benjamin Butler, American general, lawyer, and politician, 33rd Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1893) "Benjamin Franklin Butler (November 5, 1818 – January 11, 1893) was an American major general of the Union Army, politician, lawyer, and businessman from Massachusetts. Born in New Hampshire and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts, Butler is best known as a political major general of the Union Army..."
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Image by Mathew Benjamin Brady
5th November 🗓️ : Holiday - Bank Transfer Day (United States) "Bank Transfer Day was a consumer activism initiative calling for a voluntary switch from commercial banks to not-for-profit credit unions by November 5, 2011. As of October 15, 2011, a Facebook page devoted to the effort had drawn more than 54,900 "likes". Debit card fees of $5 a month from the Bank..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Fayerman
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paypant · 1 year
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shrutim12 · 1 year
Digital Payments Delight: India's Cashless Revolution Takes Center Stage
In a country known for its diverse culture, spicy cuisine, and vibrant festivals, India is also making waves in the world of technology. We're particularly talking about mobile payments and digital transactions.
From street vendors to upscale retailers, everyone seems to be embracing this digital revolution with open arms. So, let's dive into the exciting world of mobile payments and digital transactions in India, where even chaiwalas (tea sellers) have gone cashless!
The Digital Revolution
Gone are the days when Indians fumbled for loose change in their wallets or stood in long queues at banks to withdraw cash. Thanks to digital payment apps like Paytm, PhonePe, Google Pay, and countless others, making payments has never been easier.
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With just a few taps on their smartphones, people can transfer money, pay bills, recharge their mobile phones, and even buy groceries from the comfort of their homes. It's like having a mini-bank right in your pocket!
Also Read: Decoding CRISIL's Lender Evaluation Process for Credit Ratings in India
The Aadhaar Effect
One of the driving forces behind the rise of digital payments in India is the Aadhaar system. Aadhaar, India's unique identification program, assigns a 12-digit number to each citizen and links it to their biometric data.
This has revolutionized the way payments are made, as it enables secure and convenient authentication. People can now verify their identity using their fingerprint or iris scan, making transactions quick, secure, and hassle-free.
The Street Vendor Surprise
From the bustling streets of Mumbai to the narrow lanes of Delhi, street vendors have also jumped on the digital bandwagon. It's not uncommon to see a humble chaiwala accepting payments through QR codes or mobile apps. Yes, you read that right!
These chaiwalas, who have been an integral part of Indian street culture, now proudly display their digital payment options. It's a win-win situation: customers enjoy the convenience, and vendors no longer have to worry about loose change.
The E-commerce Explosion
E-commerce has seen explosive growth in India, with giants like Flipkart and Amazon dominating the market. These online shopping platforms have played a significant role in promoting digital payments.
They offer multiple payment options, including cash on delivery, credit/debit card payments, and, of course, digital wallets. In fact, during the festive season, e-commerce companies often offer irresistible discounts and cashback offers to encourage people to adopt digital payment methods.
Also Read: Understanding The Transformation Of India's Finance Sector With Technology
The Youth Power
India's young and tech-savvy population has been a driving force behind the rise of mobile payments. With a smartphone penetration rate that continues to rise, young Indians have embraced the convenience and efficiency of digital transactions.
Whether it's splitting bills with friends, paying for movie tickets, or ordering food online, mobile payments have become an integral part of their daily lives. The older generation, too, is slowly catching up, realizing the benefits of going cashless. 
From the chaiwala on the corner to the tech-savvy teenager, everyone is experiencing the convenience and ease of digital payments. 
So, whether you're visiting the Taj Mahal or exploring the bustling markets of Mumbai, don't forget to embrace the digital revolution and tap into the future of payments in India!
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Best for earning Interest Capital One money Teen
Through an impartial evaluation process, we give our recommendations for the best items, and we are not influenced by ads. If you visit partners we recommend, we might get paid. For more information, see our advertiser disclosure. Teenagers' debit cards are frequently linked to their parents' or guardians' checking accounts or may be prepaid debit cards. Typically, these cards are used to help educate kids money management skills and give them a sense of financial independence. The best debit cards for teenagers offer the ease of cashless transactions and have crucial parental controls. Numerous cards also provide aids for financial literacy and practical mobile apps for simple access while on the road.
Overview 2019 saw the launch of Copper, a brand-new online banking service for teenagers. It has a checking account, debit card, and a mobile app for education. The app provides tests and educational materials written by specialists in financial literacy to assist teenagers in learning about money management. It guides account holders through saving and budgeting so they can learn by doing.
Best for earning Interest Capital One money Teen
Additionally, Copper enables parents to reply to teen requests for money, instantaneously transfer money or set up an allowance, and monitor their children's spending patterns. There are no transfer fees, monthly fees, overdraft fees, or fees at any of the more than 55,000 ATM locations. However, if you decide to deposit money at a Green Dot register, a store might charge you. Additionally, your assets are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 and fraud monitoring is included, giving you zero-liability protection. Anyone who is 18 years old, possesses a legitimate Social Security number or Tax Identification Number, and already has a checking account is eligible to open an account for a minor. It should be noted that since Copper Banking is so young, it is challenging to discover customer service reviews.
Overview Money Capital One There are no fees associated with opening, using, or maintaining a teen checking account, and balances receive 0.1 percent annual percentage yield (as of May 2022). There are no monthly maintenance fees, no charges for money transfers to or from external accounts, no charges for international transactions, and no access charges for more than 70,000 ATMs. The number one mobile app offers separate logins for parents and teenagers. Parents may set up automatic allowance payments, monitor account activity and set up notifications, and even lock the teen's account if required. Teens can establish savings goals and see their balance increase. You only need to be at least 18 years old and have an active checking account in order to fund the account for your kid; you do not need to be a Capital One member. As long as their parent or legal guardian is a joint account holder, children as young as eight can open a Capital One MONEY Teen checking account.
Why We Chose It Due to its free subaccount creation for up to four teens and parental controls on each account, Bluebird from American Express is the ideal option for groups of users.
Pros And Cons Pros
Minimum costs
sophisticated parental controls
four maximum subaccounts
Some merchants refuse to accept it
No associated bank accounts
Overview With the Bluebird American Express Prepaid Debit Card, you can open up to four teen subaccounts without paying any fees. Additionally, there are no transfer costs to other Bluebird account holders, no monthly maintenance fees, and no fees for ATM withdrawals at any of the more than 30,000 MoneyPass ATMs. The $5 card cost is eliminated if you sign up online, and you may load cash onto the card for free at Walmart or by direct deposit. You can grant up to four teens (13 and older) access to the funds on your card using Bluebird subaccounts while maintaining tight control over their use. Each subaccount has a prepaid card and unique login information. Setting daily spending restrictions, preventing transactions or ATM access, receiving low balance notifications, and freezing the card from your Bluebird account are all options. Additional benefits include free online bill pay, purchase protection, Amex discounts, and roadside assistance. You must be of legal age in your state, have a current Social Security number, and be a resident of the United States in order to register.
Why We Chose It Teenagers may safely make purchases with the Jassby Virtual Debit Card without the dangers of a physical card, and parents can manage allowances and keep an eye on spending. Pros And Cons Pros
choices for safe, contactless payments
the capacity to balance chores and allowances
No physical card or ATMs access
Overview You won't have to be concerned about a physical card becoming misplaced or stolen when you use the Jassby Virtual Debit Card. You can still make secure transactions online or in stores, though, because its virtual card number supports contactless payment. Because contactless payment uses a virtual account number and generates a different security code for each transaction, it is generally more secure than using a real card. Users of the Jassby Virtual Debit Card will also need to set up a PIN and use Touch ID or Face ID in order to complete transactions. Teenagers can purchase items directly through the Jassby Shop, where they can get access to special discounts, in addition to shopping online and in physical stores. Parents can send money as rewards for accomplishing goals or as allowances via the Jassby smartphone app, and kids can do the same or ask their parents to approve tasks. The app allows parents to keep an eye on their child's spending habits. You must be at least 18 years old, be a legal resident of the United States or a citizen, have an email address, and have a U.S. bank account or credit card in order to apply for the Jassby Virtual Debit Card. Sutton Bank, a participant in the FDIC, is the issuer of this card.
Why We Chose It The Chase First Banking free teen checking account includes a debit card with advanced parental controls and free transfers. Pros And Cons Pros
no costs
sophisticated parental controls
teen savings objectives
You must already have a Chase checking account to qualify.
not compatible with digital wallets
No P2P transfers, direct deposits, or remote deposits
Overview Chase First Banking offers kids a free debit card and more parental control than other teen checking accounts for parents who have a Chase checking account. Teenagers can request money through the mobile app and create savings objectives. Parents can authorize the requests for an immediate payment. The app also allows parents to establish spending restrictions (including restrictions for particular categories of spending) and account alerts to keep an eye on their children's purchases. A regular allowance or one-time chore can likewise be established. With this card, there is no minimum deposit requirement or monthly fee, and users have free use of more than 16,000 Chase ATMs. There are only two fees: a foreign transaction cost and an out-of-network ATM fee. You must be at least 18 years old, have a current Chase checking account, and have a valid Social Security number for both you and your child in order to apply for an account. For Chase First Banking, a child must be at least six years old. Chase also offers a Chase High School Checking Account, which has less usage limits but also doesn't come with the same amount of parental oversight, for teenagers who require Peer to Peer (P2P) payment features.
Why We Chose It The FamZoo prepaid card offers strong parental controls and resources for financial literacy despite having a monthly cost. Pros And Cons Pros
enables parents to pay interest on savings and planned allowances
sophisticated parental controls
excellent reviews for client service
$5.99 monthly cost (or $2.50 if you pay in advance)
Reload fees in cash (electronic transfers are free)
Overview The FamZoo prepaid card instills the importance of hard work with tasks and chores tied to financial rewards, and it teaches fundamental envelope budgeting with spend, save, and give accounts. Parents may charge interest on teen loan money as well as pay interest on savings. Additionally, from the mobile app, parents may set up recurring allowances, send one-time payments, authorize cash and reimbursement requests, get activity notifications, and lock or unlock the card. The mobile app allows teens to set savings objectives and monitor their progress. After the free trial period, there is a $5.99 monthly subscription; but, if you pay in advance, you can save money. When paid in advance, a two-year subscription costs $2.50 a month. There aren't any transaction fees, including those for international or ATM withdrawals (though you will pay the ATM operator fee). Direct deposit and ACH transfers are free of charge, however cash reloads at Green Dot and Mastercard rePower facilities cost $4.95 each. You must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States, have a valid Social Security number, and be able to fund the card with at least $5 in order to open an account.
Why We Chose It Teenagers who make major purchases should use the American Express Serve card since it has a high $15,000 monthly spending limit and a $750 daily ATM withdrawal restriction. Pros And Cons Pros
Preventable costs
up to four teen subaccounts
a large monthly expenditure cap
If you don't direct deposit, there is a $6.95 monthly cost $500+ monthly
Foreign exchange commissions
Overview The American Express Serve prepaid card can be ideal if you're looking for a card with a high monthly spending cap for handing your kid money. If you make a direct deposit of at least $500 per month, the $6.95 monthly fee is waived. Free transfers, free subaccounts for up to four people, free online bill pay, free early direct deposit, free ATM withdrawals at more than 30,000 MoneyPass ATMs, and more are also included. Subaccounts allow parents to establish limits on how much money their children can access while using the mobile app to keep an eye on transaction activity. Online card registration is free, but there is a $3.95 cash reload cost. Additionally, American Express's renowned fraud protection and round-the-clock customer assistance are included with your card. To apply, you must be at least 18 years old, a resident of the United States, and have a current social security number. No minimum balance is necessary.
The greatest debit card for your kid will depend on both the amount of control you desire over their account and the type of spending habits they have. There are prepaid cards and debit cards linked to checking accounts; one has advantages over the other. Even though all of the debit cards we selected have fantastic features, Copper Banking stood out to us because it emphasizes ease and financial literacy, which are the primary justifications for parents allowing their teen to use a debit card.DEBIT CARD FEES REWARDS AVAILABILITY PARENTAL CONTROL VIA MOBILE APP Copper Banking Best Overall No monthly fee None Everywhere Yes Capital One MONEY Teen Best for Earning Interest Zero fees Checking account balance earns interest Everywhere Yes Bluebird Prepaid Debit Card Best for Multiple Users No monthly fees None Not available at all retailers Yes Jassby Best for Online Security No fees None Only where Apple Pay is accepted Yes Chase First Banking Best Checking Account Debit Card No fees None Everywhere Yes FamZoo Best Prepaid/Reloadable Card $2.50-$5.99/month None Everywhere Yes American Express Serve Best for High Spending Limits $6.95/month None Wherever American Express is accepted Yes
It's a significant decision to decide if a debit card is appropriate for your kid. Your teen will gain from being exposed to financial freedom and will pick up some money management skills that they'll probably find useful in the future. Additionally, you'll be able to monitor their spending patterns and establish spending restrictions for the account. Before receiving one, you should think about your teen's personality and if you believe they are mature enough to handle a debit card. In case they misuse (or overuse) any of the funds, you should also make sure you can still afford it.
You should contrast teen debit cards when looking for them so that you can pick the one that best suits your family's requirements. Among the crucial elements to take into account are:
The most crucial factor to take into account is parental controls. Make sure you can manage the account's usage restrictions and spending by having access to it.
Fees: Review the costs before enrolling. Monthly fees, ATM fees, foreign transaction costs, and even reload fees could be charged. Make sure you have adequate money on hand to pay any expenses your adolescent may incur.
Consider the locations where the card can be applied for initially and where it will be accepted. Obtaining a card that your teen cannot use at the majority of businesses is not beneficial.
Added characteristics: Does the card provide any other benefits? Teenagers can benefit from financial literacy tools and advice as they learn how to handle their finances.
Rewards: If at all possible, get a credit card that offers benefits like interest on balance transfers or cash back on specific purchases.
As a parent, you can assist your teen in getting the most out of their new debit card, making responsible use of it, and developing sound financial practices that will benefit them as adults. You can walk your kid through how the debit card functions, what fees are assessed and when they apply, and how they can track their purchases, make deposits, and check their balance at any time. Teens can learn about budgeting, saving objectives, needs vs. wants, and other fundamentals of money management when debit cards are used.
Parents can open bank accounts with debit cards attached for their teenagers, or they can give them prepaid cards. The best debit cards for teenagers include a mobile app, tools for teaching financial management to teenagers, and some level of parental control.
Adults generally open teen debit cards to offer their children access to finances while keeping parental oversight. Adults use conventional debit cards to make purchases from their checking accounts. Compared to teen debit cards, regular debit cards frequently have less usage limits. For instance, although features differ per account, a juvenile debit card might not support mobile check deposits or online bill payments. Teen debit cards also come with crucial parental controls because they are connected to an adult's account.
No. You can only use a debit card to make purchases equal to the amount that has been placed onto it or is currently accessible in your checking account. Because you aren't borrowing money or paying off the balance, debit card providers don't file reports with the major credit bureaus. Make your kid an authorized user on one of your credit card accounts; this is the finest approach to assist them in establishing credit.
The card determines the required age. Some credit cards only permit accounts for youths 13 and older, while others are made for younger children. For instance, children as young as age six may open a Chase First Banking account if it is done so jointly with a parent.
Giving your teen a blank prepaid card to spend however they like won't necessarily teach them good money management techniques. However, your child will learn the fundamentals of banking if they put their allowance into a checking account. Your child will begin to develop wise budgeting practices and an understanding of the relationship between work and money if the debit card or prepaid card you use has built-in money-management features, such as setting up and monitoring savings goals or planning chores to earn money in the account.
Our experts examined 20 debit cards, taking into account a number of customer-important variables, to determine the best debit cards for teenagers. We contrasted the different kinds of parental controls, spending caps, ATM withdrawal costs, accessibility, rewards, and other card features that are offered. Before making our top recommendations for each category, we also considered the card issuers' general repute.
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auxa-retail · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Buying Toys Online: Discover the Best Stores for Purchasing Toys
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Are you in search of the best stores to buy toys online in India? Look no further than Auxa! Auxa is your one-stop destination for all your toy purchase needs.
Online shopping has made our lives easier, and with the emergence of online toy stores, buying toys has become even more convenient. Auxa offers a wide range of toys for children of all ages, from toddlers to teenagers. Whether you are looking for educational toys, action figures, board games, or dolls, you can find it all on our website.
One of the best things about Auxa is our commitment to quality. We understand that when it comes to toys, safety is a top priority for parents. That's why we only sell toys from trusted and reputable brands. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that all products are safe for children to play with and meet all necessary safety standards.
Another great feature of Auxa is our user-friendly website. It's easy to navigate, and you can find the toy you are looking for with just a few clicks. We also offer a variety of payment options, including cash on delivery, net banking, and credit/debit cards.
At Auxa, we understand the importance of customer satisfaction, and we strive to provide the best customer service possible. Our team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. We also offer hassle-free returns and exchanges if you are not satisfied with your purchase.  Shop with us today and discover the joy of buying toys online!
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linkljdf · 2 years
Cleveland Browns 76th Anniversary Signatur
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Cleveland Browns 76th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
When Delores spent his first night actually out with the other chickens in the Cleveland Browns 76th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt, I was anxious about how he would handle himself, as he was pretty shy. After a few false starts (and getting pushed off perches by the other chickens) he chose a walnut branch that lead to the night perches and slept on that. When Delores became a big, beautiful Golden Phoenix adult rooster, I thought the hens would probably make absolute fools of themselves trying to get his attention – and if he ignored them it would serve them right! I suppose I should have done something about the name – but Delores responded to “Delores” and appeared fine with it. (Also, my Aunt Delores would have been devastated if I changed his name.) A friend suggested calling him “Del” – which sort of made sense – but that sounded like he was lead singer in a retro 60’s band. As long as Delores didn’t mind – and let’s face it, he didn’t care – I was perfectly content to have a sweet rooster named Delores.
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hocuspocusmerch · 2 years
Welcome to Hocus Pocus Merch!
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Hey! You found us! Thank you for visiting our online store! Feel free to browse our site to find your favorite Hocus Pocus. Hocus Pocus Merch Store is a one-stop shop because you can buy many different items you want. Whether you’re looking for something subtle or eye-catching, there’s sure to be something that catches your eye.
What is Hocus Pocus?
Hocus Pocus is a 1993 American fantasy comedy horror film directed by Kenny Ortega and written by Neil Cuthbert and Mick Garris. The film follows a villainous comedic trio of witches (Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy) who are inadvertently resurrected by a virgin teenage boy (Omri Katz) in Salem, Massachusetts, on Halloween night.
The film was released in the United States on July 16, 1993, by Walt Disney Pictures. Upon its release, it received mixed reviews from film critics and was a box office failure, possibly losing Disney around $16.5 million during its theatrical run. However, largely through many annual airings on Disney Channel and Freeform (formerly ABC Family) all throughout the month of October annually, Hocus Pocus has been rediscovered by audiences, resulting in a yearly spike in home media sales of the film every Halloween season. The annual celebration of Halloween has helped make the film a cult classic.
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Where Can I Buy Hocus Pocus Collections?
Alright here! You can't find any more trustworthy shop than ours. We believe that all the fans or customers can get a satisfying item from us. This site is the official Hocus Pocus Merch Store that offers a huge variety of high-quality merchandise and every merch category provides a huge variety of variations. We carry a wide range of Hocus Pocus Merch like Cloth, Decoration, Home & Living, Accessories, and more. We also provide custom-made service for our customers, where we make the product just for them and ship it out to their address.
Our Recommendation in Hocus Pocus Merch
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Hocus Pocus Pillow: Our Hocus Pocus Pillow is soft and comfortable. Holding it in your arms can give you warmth and some protection. Hocus Pocus pillow can decorate your sofa and relax your body. For Hocus Pocus fans, when you are watching TV, chatting, or resting on the sofa, a soft and comfortable Hocus Pocus pillow can give you a particularly warm feeling.
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Hocus Pocus T-shirts: Our Hocus Pocus T-shirts are must-have apparel in the summer season as the main part of a summer wardrobe. So you need some cool t-shirts. Why not Hocus Pocus T-shirt? Our Hocus Pocus Merch has got you all covered as it comes with a wide range of items for the summer season. Our Hocus Pocus t-shirts have many sizes so no matter what kind of body shape, you can get a suitable t-shirt here.
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Our mission is to provide quality Hocus Pocus Merch that is stylish, comfortable, and affordable. We believe in the power of fashion to empower and inspire. We want to make sure that our products are accessible to all people. That's why we offer a variety of sizes, styles, and price points - so that you can find what you're looking for. 
Our modes of payment are guaranteed safe and easy for the peace and well-being of our beloved customers, including Paypal, and Credit/Debit Cards(together with but not limited to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express).
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incomebaba · 3 years
[ LOOT ] Muvin App- Refer & Earn Rs.50 | Free Debit Card For Teenagers
[ LOOT ] Muvin App- Refer & Earn Rs.50 | Free Debit Card For Teenagers
How to Use Muvin App,Muvin app free Debit Card apply, Muvin Loot Hey, Guys!!I hope you’re all doing well. Today I Have Brought An Amazing Loot Where You Earn Rs.50 Per Refer 🤑. This app provides a free RuPay card as well as a signup bonus of Rs.50 and a referral bonus of Rs.50, both of which are fully usable by all users. Read this post and sign up for an Amazon Pay Merchant Account to take…
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