#Free As The Wind: chaosworthy
familylightfox · 2 years
Now that was exactly what the hedgehog had wanted to hear, his smile saying as much as he looked between the pair. A day on the island, a picnic and some time spent with his brother. It was perfect, though he did hold up a hand for a moment. "It all sounds perfect t' me, but Chaos will throw a fit if we don't get some training in. I did sort of promise, after all."
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"Sounds like a plan. I'm sure someone here would love t' have a trainin' session with someone who can handle her punch." He chuckled to his partner as their eyes went to their teenage daughter who was already bouncing in her seat on the floor. If given a chance, Harmony would have absolutely would have started packing for it right then and there.
"Just make sure ya call ahead and ask your brother what he wants for lunch that day."
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
"So...the garden is done." Not new information by any means but it was the way the hero said it that was important. Something sincere and yet nervous in his tone, reflecting in his eyes even as he smiled at his partner.
"An' I only had two plans for this Summer..."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Standing in their kitchen and looking out at the garden in question, Volt smiled when he heard his partner's soft voice. Turning his head allowed him to see the expression in emerald eyes. He understood it, maybe even matched it as he reached out with one hand to intertwine their fingers and draw the hero closer so they could both look out the window.
"It looks beautiful as always." They put so much time into it together that he just had to point it out. His thumb gently moved back and forth against Arrow's hand as their eyes met, and his smile remained while he nodded.
It had been something they promised one another just earlier that year and it almost seemed like it was too soon. But Volt wanted to have the conversation and was more than ready if his soulmate was.
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"How 'bout I make us some tea while you go get it from the bookshelf. We can look at it out by the fire pit since the breeze isn't too strong."
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familylightfox · 11 months
"I'll wear a really fluffy winter coat t' make up for it."
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"Ya could. But if ya werehoged out, as my brother puts it, you might end up taller than me."
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familylightfox · 2 years
@chaosworthy​ plotted for the event:
     Harmony swore that if her anxiety got any higher, there was going to be a problem, but her teammates had been right there by her side after she had all but forced the information from the two young bounty hunters. She was also pretty sure that she had scarred them for life. But they had a location and that was all that mattered to the teen. They were going to save her father.
      “Is there anything you need before you go?” Greta asked and watched as the three teens seemed to look to Harmony. All with equal amount of concern.
      “We think this might be one mission we should stay out of.” Tangle spoke up, raising a hand when Harmony looked ready to argue. “Harms… think about it. You’re not in the best condition and this feels a little out of our league.”
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      “Yeh, but… who’s gonna go wit my dad. He can’t go by himself. What if…” Her breath hitched and she hiccuped. “I…”
     “It is better you stay here kleiner flaume.” The soft voice spoke by the doorway, Augustus offering them an apologetic look. “You are in no condition right now. Let your papa handle it.”
     She seemed so ready to try to argue... But she looked to her dad. “But who’s gonna go wit ya...”
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
"So what do your parents think about us adopting?" The hedgehog doubted it was anything bad, but he was rightfully curious about how a certain canine felt about a new grandchild.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When Volt had looked up from his handheld, it was to give his partner a reassuring smile. He had ever right to be curious and honestly, Volt hadn’t meant to keep quiet about it for so long.
Part of it he might have blamed on nerves since they still hadn’t heard anything.
But turning his handheld around so the lit screen could be seen, it was sitting on the messenger program he used to keep in contact with his adopted family. Unfortunately it was all in Sternenberg’s native language but Volt could easily translate what was being said by all.
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“Greta said that she can’t wait t’ dote on another grandbaby, Edgar threatened t’ teach ‘em every swear in Deuchlin and I asked Greta t’ smack him for us.” One finger was used to scroll the messages as they went, pausing at one that was very long and clearly written by the canine Arrow was hoping to hear about. “Pops said that he and Heidi are happy for us. Askin’ if there was anythin’ they can do t’ help the process or if we need anything. I told ‘em we were good for now but we would see them for Samhain. They want to give Harmony her birthday presents in person and we’re hoping we’d join them for the festivities this year.”
Turning the device and clicking the screen off have the hybrid a chance to reach out to his husband. A little bit of cuddling never hurt anyone in his opinion. Plus there might have been one more piece of information he had to mention. Thanks to a separate text from Augustus' daughter, Tillie.
“Also… how do ya feel ‘bout being an Uncle?”
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
It was silent in the house apart from the usual ambient noise, the buzz of electronics, the sounds of the neighborhood and so forth. So it was a little wonder when Arrow had picked up on something out of the ordinary, mismatched ears twitching before he looked up, confused not just because of the noise itself but because no one else seemed to have noticed it.
"Do you hear that...?" Try as he did, he couldn't quite pinpoint the source except that it seemed to be closer to the hybrids than himself.
"Like a...thumping?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Normally the silence of the living room was a welcome one when they were all together. Harmony had only just finished painting her own claws. A lovely color of orange and black for the season and looked over at her dad when he spoke. She looked to her father next with a light tilt of her head.
Both hybrids had allowed their ears to adjust to the lower volumed sounds of the room and listened, but Volt was the first to shake his head.
"I... don't hear anything." And it was clear that he was really trying to find what his husband was hearing by turning his ears and tilting his head. No such thumping was heard.
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"Me neither..." Harmony added but looked to the window in their living room. "The most I can hear is that owl that keeps hootin' over by Grammy's."
If anyone should have been picking up on sounds, it was their daughter, but she was just as stumped as her parents. So Volt looked to his partner with a raised brow. "Can ya tell where it's comin' from?"
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familylightfox · 11 months
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"I dunno.. Might be nice to cuddle int' your fluff for once."
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@chaosworthy​ asked:
It wasn't unusual to find the hedgehog at the back window, seemingly staring at nothing. With winter in full swing he couldn't very well stand outside to take in the fresh air and sunshine, so the window was the next best option. But today was different.
And the only warning sign had been the hawk laying on the couch letting out a pitched sound she hadn't made before.
Had anyone been paying attention they would have seen those emerald eyes almost flicker from full awareness to just the opposite, would have heard his breath catch and then a very real wheeze as he couldn't draw it back. It brought panic, real panic. A feeling that pulsed across that shared bond, right before he tasted metal and his legs gave out beneath him, sending him crashing to the floor.
He was unconscious before it even registered. Before the spastic jerking of his arms and legs started. Arrow wouldn't have recognized it for what it was anyway because it would be the first time in his thirty-three odd years that he was gripped in the throes of a seizure. Body tense and breathing momentarily ceased, it was a worrying sight indeed.
                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
     With the way his partner had been feeling, Volt was never very far from him at any given time. But it had still been by sheer luck that he had been as close as he was, getting together some tea for them to drink, when he had felt the panicked pulse across their bond. A cup hit the floor as he closed the space between them and made a grab to keep the hero from hitting his head on the way down. 
     The sound of it shattering was drowned out by the sound of his heart thundering in his ears, but he swore it had stopped in that moment he had brought them both to the cool tile as best he could with one arm. Thankfully their daughter had heard the commotion and scrambled into the kitchen to find them. Quick as she could, she helped to ease her dad onto his side and removed his scarf so that it could be used to prop his head. 
     All the first aid training she had with her teammates paid off as she kept him steady but didn’t try to hold back his shaking limbs. Volt had begun to time the seizure in his head, but looked about the room for just a second before calling out. 
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     “Kintobor!” The worry and panic in his voice carried in their small home, violet eyes shifting right back to his convulsing partner. 
     How he wished for two hands so that he could offer the same support their daughter was, but hoped that just placing it against the scarred chest would be some reassurance when he could come to. Whether he was aware of it or not, his energy had reached out from both their bond and the physical touch to balance what it could. 
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
It wasn't unusual for Kintobor to spend time with Augustus when the small family came to visit. To say the man enjoyed the kinship was a bit of an understatement, though there was clearly something on his mind that day as he turned to his friend. He didn't speak right away, obviously still picking his words but when he did it was carefully.
"When...did you start to think of Volt as your son?"
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The older canine very much enjoyed these times when his adopted son would visit with his family. Because it gave him a chance to meet with a like-minded individual who could also keep up with his conversation. While they sat on the porch, watching as their granddaughter had a field day running around, one ear flicked at the question.
Golden eyes softened, shifting to where the hybrid could be seen with his husband near one of the nearby shops. It was but a few moments before he had his answer.
"Not long after he and mein son started traveling together. Zhey vere so happy together, you couldn't miss it und mein son had brought up to me vhen zhey visted zhat he vished to spend rest of his life vith Voltage. Of course zhey had mein blessing. It vas not long after zhat.. zhat I started to jokingly call him mein son." Thinking back on it, Augustus found himself smiling far more softly. His eyes seemed to travel farther still.
"Not long after zhat... He passed protecting Voltage from ze one called Omega. I swore zhat zhen und zhere, zhat I vould alvays consider Voltage mein son. Because he deserved to have a loving family." Those same golden eyes glanced to Kintobor, a knowing shine in them to make his humble smile. "Und you mein friend? How long have you called Sonic your son vithout saying something?"
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familylightfox · 10 months
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Little Spoon
Every so often, Volt enjoys being the little spoon with his husband. Especially when it's clear that Arrow is also going to fall asleep that night.
Based roughly on this response to an ask.
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Arrow belongs to @chaosworthy Volt belongs to me
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familylightfox · 11 months
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@chaosworthy asked:
It seemed while the family was gone, Rosie and the rest of the hero's teammates had taken it upon themselves to fill Harmony's room with their gifts. There were cards, books, and sweets of all kinds. Plus some new training gear, no doubt from her uncle, and a new knitted blanket from the woodchuck herself (though there was a note attached to it that said a certain scientist helped pick the star-shaped pattern).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
While being in the village and seeing all of her friends was amazing for her birthday, Harmony was glad to be home. The gifts she had gotten from everyone were still in the bag she set beside her bedroom door before she opened it. Thank Gaia she had or she might had dropped it in surprise.
To see all the gifts that had been left while they hadn't been home. She was speechless at first, but quick to go in and give everything a detailed look over. Safe to say a sweet was popped into her mouth as she looked over the training gear and books, then both hands picked up the blanket. The pads of her fingers rubbed the soft yawn and the teen brought it to her face to snuggle.
It passed the cuddle test. Another sweet was taken as she flopped onto her bed with the blanket and began reading all the cards.
Volt glanced in as he passed with his husband to unpack, smirking.
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"Safe t' say she made out like a bandit this year."
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familylightfox · 2 years
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Just a little something for Tats. I know she’s been in a bit of a funk lately so this was my way of trying to bring a small smile for her. Might not be good with words, but I like to think I’m halfway decent with an apple pencil. XD
Free to Reblog/Do NOT Repost
Arrow belongs to @chaosworthy
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@chaosworthy​ asked:
There were expectant green hues looking at the hybrid that afternoon, from behind a certain keyboard no less. Well, most of it anyway. "I figured you wanted t' help set it up. It is part of the process. Kind of."
He considered it a part, anyway. Getting to know an instrument was one of the best parts to the hero.
                                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     When the keyboard had been gifted to him by his soulmate during the holidays, Volt hadn’t expected the feeling that had come over him when it was there in front of him again. A small amount of nervousness delayed his movement, but from the second he looked into emerald eyes... The feeling was whisked away for something far more relaxed. 
     He crossed the space between them and shifted so that he could help with the set up. A few playful moments of him brushing against scarred fingers when he could. Why couldn’t they have a little fun with each other in the process, especially when it helped to ease his nerves. 
     It was once it was fully set up that he once again paused. The pads of his fingers just barely brushed against the keys, not enough pressure to get a note but just a test. Volt knew that Arrow could likely see the way his hands shook, subtle yet still there. But he leaned just enough so that their bodies were beside one another and met his partner’s gaze again. 
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     “So... Where do we start?”
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
It was random. It was abrupt. But that was all sort of the point as the hero gently poked Harmony on the forehead, his eyes twinkling playfully before he ran off with a 'tag, you're it!' The game was on.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The teen had only just flopped onto the couch to stretch out. After a long day of training with her teammates, a nap sounded really good right about then.
But it seemed her dad had another idea as he came into view.
It took her a moment to register what happened. The sudden finger in her bangs and the gust of wind carried those words back to her raised ears. Oh... Oh, it was on.
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"Get back here!" Off like a shot, the teen was going to chase down her dad and get him back. The tiredness of the afternoon was long forgotten in order to race.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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"Like there was a doubt~"
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Volt's Type: Accepting
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"Just one more example o' why I married ya." His tail is wagging as he closes the space for a kiss.
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@chaosworthy asked:
The night was rainy, there was a chill in the air and it was all the perfect excuse to gather his partner, their daughter, and her teammates into the living room for mindless television and movies. And snack. Lots of snacks.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Who were the teenagers to turn down a movie night with each other and the two adults who always made the best snacks to complement the night? Tangle and Whisper had grabbed one of the oversized blankets to settle into when the movies began, and Volt had to chuckle as their daughter settled in right beside Buddy in a similar state.
Multiple bowls of popcorn were available but Volt's hands were occupied with his partner.
One around the hero's shoulder and the other fiddling with scarred fingers. Thankfully the four had allowed the adults to pick the movies this time. And Volt had gone with some old classics.
A Mobian in a dinosaur costume rampaging through cardboard buildings, poorly dubbed and all.
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