#Fredrick Myers- my poor pathetic meow meow of an oc
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spooky Month Mans (bc i have in fact not shown him off)
You WILL look upon my OC, his description is fairly old btw,, but im w a y too lazy to look back and see if I need to re-edit shit but i cant believe i havent,, actually posted his description bc it was,, no where on my blog
but here,, take- take my poor pathetic meow meow of a man
TW: Smoking mentions
| Name: Fredrick Myers
| Nicknames: Fred or Freddy (you can call him Felix too)
| Gender: Trans FTM (He/They)
| Age: N/A but he is an adult (I gotta look up some stuff before I give him a proper age, bc uh if i do it wrong then it’ll conflict with shit)
| Height: 5’7”
| Hair Color: Black (his hair is short, messy and p spiky tbh)
| Eye Color: Dark Brown
| Occupation: Just works where he can tbh, lives in an apartment just on the outskirts of the town.
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s extremely pale but that’s because he doesn’t get out much tbh and he’s overall kinda skinny ngl
| Appearance: His main outfit is a black hoodie that definitely looks worn out, there’s lot of sewn places (those used to be holes) he’s tried to mostly find black material to match the hoodie but because he doesn’t have many clothes he’s settled for anything so long as he could repair the hoodie, he wears black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees and finally he wears black  boots (he calls them combat boots but they REALLY aren’t
…just let him live out the fantasy ok?) even the boots look pretty scuffed up though tbh, he usually keeps the hood up over his head (bc it’s cold but he also doesn’t,, wanna attract any attention to himself) the last piece of clothing is his binder they usually keep on …They TRY not to wear it constantly but oofy…
They don’t have any scars (they can’t afford any kinda top surgery or nothing like that …Yet) the only notable thing I can say aside from clothing-wise of course is he has some stubble and he has really dark circles under their eyes he looks REALLY tired, so uh yeah other than that nothing really special about him, no claws, no sharp teeth, etc- just a normal looking dude!
| Personality: He’s p much shy, usually considered a loner and even antisocial but that’s really not true, he’s just really anxious and gets nervous around others real easily, he keeps to himself as BEST as they can physically manage which is why they usually lurk around, never one to get involved in anything even if invited by someone.
Loves a good movie and some cheese n crackers, his favorite genre is usually sci-fi or just fantasy movies in general, sometimes a cheesy rom-com or two tbh, overall they are just an average dude tryna live their life, tryna make it in the world… There’s genuinely NOTHING special about him, they just exist and that’s it ya know? They got no interesting backstory either really-
I mean sure bad parents and a lil bit of trauma in those regards but in the end that's probs just me projecting …A G A I N lmao
The ONE bad habit I can say he has is he’s a smoker, like he doesn’t smoke EVERY single day I suppose but it’s not a good habit for him to gain (basically what I’m tryna say is that he needs a healthier outlet for his anxiety)
| Side Facts: I’m so not used to making just normal ass characters but I think I’m managing so far gfhjkdfgjd so uh I won’t deny? Fredrick is kinda poor tbh, like they’re still managing to feed themselves and keep their apartment but that’s about the extent, they can’t really treat themselves to much, and sometimes he’ll dumpster dive for things he could use
(ya gotta do what ya gotta do) so it’s uh definitely no wonder he looks constantly tired and even borderline stressed, having to make sure to keep up with the rent money n such, making sure he keeps himself healthy food n water wise, etc- it’s stressful trying to keep up with that, keeping up with work, etc
They’ve heard the rumors about the town nearby (which is why they kinda moved near it but not fully into it), they figured maybe just maybe one day they’ll get some excitement in their life, even if it could be a bit …okay a great deal of danger, it’d be something INTERESTING ya know? But uh, Freddy isn’t gonna go outta their way for something, they just kinda… Hope he’ll get lucky and it’ll come to them instead even though it’s not likely, Fred’s just bored because it’s really just the same things over and over again, never nothing new or exciting happens …But maybe just maybe, one day… All that will change :)
Freddy’s pass time, I wasn’t lying when i said they enjoy cheese n crackers and a good movie, that’s usually what he does in his freetime, they watch random movies they got and just eat some of that- another random fact- Fred seems like they’d be a horror movie guy but he’s actually never fucking watched a horror movie in his life (god if somethin spooky does happen they’d have no idea what to do or how to deal with it fgjkljhfkgdfl they don’t know the basic rules to survival in horror situations!) I’m not saying he’d HATE horror movies, it's literally just they haven’t watched any. They’d probably genuinely love horror movies if they ever got the chance to snag one.
Just an average dude, living his life the best he can, tryna make it on their own, nothing special, they just… Exist.
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