#Francophone University
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⟡ · megaverse · ⟡, version 2, août 2024
La formation de dragonnier dure 5 ans et permet d'intégrer l'armée de l'air d'Elysium. Accessible à partir de dix-huit ans, il s’agit d’une formation éprouvante, tant physiquement que mentalement pour ces apprentis soldats se retrouvant régulièrement confrontés aux terribles wyrms et autres monstres nés des vortex générés par Aevrayth, le dévoreur de mondes (cf. bestiaire). La défense de l'île contre ces créatures reposant principalement sur l'armée de l'air, des tests d’endurance physique et mentaux doivent être passés avant de s’inscrire aux sélections rigoureuses.
What's up Megaverse ? ⋆ . ✫ .
-> Un système de parrainage basé sur le volontariat, l'entraide, et une volonté de guider les nouveaux·elles membres au travers de notre univers
-> De nouveaux codes, et un système complet d'aes pour les profils de nos membres adorant offrir des visuels époustouflants sur leurs personnages. Pinterest peut aller se rhabiller.
-> Parce qu'on est faibles pour les petites récompenses, on accueille les badges récompenses sur mgv !
-> Le saviez-vous ? Jusque novembre 2025, on aura que des jours fériés hors week end. Et le saviez vous ? Megaverse aussi a son propre calendrier des fêtes et célébrations magiques de l'île.
-> Envie de voguer dans une réalité alternative ? Un forum multivers vous attend pour exploiter toutes les possibilités. Et si mon personnage était né·e licorne...
-> Un petit (grand et effrayant) ajout au lore et au bestiaire : tremblez devant le dévoreur de Mondes, Aevrayth, ennemi juré des dragonniers protecteurs d'Elysium ! Brrr.
Et toi, t'attends quoi pour Megaverser avec nous ?
#rpg forumactif#forum rpg#rpg francophone#rpg français#rpg fantastique#rpg fantasy#hp#roleplay#forum fantastique#sorcellerie#univers fantasy#harry potter universe
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Bonjour-Bonsoir ! 🥰
Nous sommes ravies de vous annoncer l'ouverture de THE EMPIRE CITY, un tout nouveau FORUM CITY basé à New York ! 🔥
Dans cette ville, les réseaux sociaux règnent en maîtres. La vraie puissance se mesure non pas à la hauteur vertigineuse des tours mais à la force de votre présence en ligne. Êtes-vous digne d'arborer le rôle d'influence virtuelle en devenant un phénomène viral ? Ou serez vous cantonner à une simple silhouette anonyme dans cette ville scintillante ?
⛔ Forum interdit aux moins de 18 ans. Certains sujets sensibles peuvent être abordés ⚠️ Trigger warnings obligatoires.
Plongez dans l'univers de TEC :
Contexte unique centré sur les réseaux sociaux 📱
Intrigues évolutives qui dynamisent votre expérience 🌐
Défis hebdomadaires pour pimenter votre aventure 🎯
Liberté d'écriture avec aucun minimum de mots requis ✍️
Flexibilité avec seulement 1 RP ou 20 SMS par mois pour garder votre personnage 📅
Des articles à potins fréquents pour alimenter les rumeurs et animer les conversations ! 📰
Bonus : un deuxième compte offert dès la validation du premier en passant par les demandes 🎁
Nous espérons vous voir très bientôt pour commencer cette belle aventure ! 🗽
The Empire City
#theempirecityrpg#tec#tecrpg#rpg#forumrpg#forum#forum rpg#forumactif#rpg francophone#rpg français#rpg city#rpg university
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Skyline pour Megaverse
quartier des affaires, Elysium
Les tours élancées incrustées de runes magiques rivalisent avec les étoiles dans le ciel nocturne où la magie se mêle harmonieusement à l'architecture moderne. Dans les étages supérieurs, les bureaux dominent l'horizon, leurs façades de verre reflétant la lumière du soleil. La nuit venue, le quartier s'illumine d'une lueur enchantée, alors que des sortilèges d'éclairage colorés illuminent les bâtiments et que les tours semblent prendre vie. De temps en temps, des dragons de feu survolent le quartier, leurs ailes battant avec puissance alors qu'ils transportent des cargaisons précieuses vers les entrepôts magiques dissimulés dans les hauteurs des gratte-ciel.
note ; Certaines de ces images sont générées par le biais d'une ia afin d'illustrer un univers entièrement fictif. Ceci est fait dans le cadre d'un usage personnel, et l'intégralité de l'équipe de Megaverse condamne fermement l'usage de l'intelligence artificielle pour tout emploi commercial aux détriments de réel·le·s artistes.e.
#rpg forumactif#forum rpg#rpg francophone#rpg français#rpg fantastique#rpg fantasy#hp#roleplay#forum fantastique#sorcellerie#univers fantasy#harry potter universe
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Toronto, 1er février 2049+ L'inspecteur de police regardait les quatre cadavres sur les tables d'autopsie : une étudiante, un cuisinier, une avocate et un peintre en bâtiment. Quatre personnes que rien, en apparence, ne semblait relier. Toustes originaires de milieux différents, mais toustes mort·te·s d'un arrêt cardiaque à la même heure alors qu'iels étaient chez elleux, un casque de réalité virtuelle, très à la mode depuis des années, sur la tête. Les expert·te·s informatiques venaient tout juste de l'informer de la découverte récente d'un lien entre les défunts : un jeu indépendant baptisé "One For All". Connu pour offrir une expérience de vie virtuelle unique en son genre et permettant à ses utilisateur·ice·s d'éprouver toutes sortes de sensations plus vraies que nature telles que la douleur, la faim, le plaisir ou encore la peur pour sa vie, One For All, semblait avoir intégré une fonctionnalité supplémentaire que personne n'avait jusqu'à maintenant découverte. Derrière l'offre alléchante et bien réelle d'un monde dans lequel tout est possible, un monde dans lequel la seconde chance est permise, se cachait en réalité une règle gardée secrète : si le personnage incarné venait à perdre toutes ses vies, alors, saon joueur·se périrait aussi. Ainsi, les quatre personnes étendues face à l'inspecteur étaient pareilles à quelque Icar moderne, à avoir voulu voler trop près du soleil, iels en avaient payé le prix fort.
Le détective lisait maintenant le descriptif du jeu sur l'une des nombreuses plateformes le proposant au téléchargement. "Êtes-vous prêt à découvrir qui vous êtes vraiment ? One For All vous offre la chance d'être qui vous désirez, sans limites. Gloire et pouvoir aux plus fort·e·s, les restes et la mort pour les plus faibles." Dans ce jeu, pas d'offre premium risquant de favoriser les plus riches, chacun·e devrait faire ses preuves comme les autres. Son rapport finalement terminé, l'inspecteur le fit remonter jusqu'au chef du département de la Police, qui avec un sourire, lui annonça qu'il délirait, qu'un simple jeu vidéo ne pouvait pas être la cause du décès. L'affaire fut classée. Du moins officiellement, car ces quatre mort·te·s qui n'étaient pas les premier·ère·s, ne furent pas non plus les dernier·ère·s et si tout avait commencé sur des bêta-testeur·se·s sur les premières versions, de plus en plus de joueur·se·s lambdas étaient concerné·e·s. Aujourd'hui One For All est sous surveillance et si son aspect meurtrier en est la cause principale, ce n'est pas la seule car l'addiction générée par le jeu, souvent démesurée, est également particulièrement inquiétante voir elle-même mortelle.
Alors, allez-vous télécharger le jeu, mettre votre casque et vous joindre à l'aventure ?
Petite Chronologie : 2019 - Première Pandémie mondiale. Elle dure 2 ans et montre les faiblesses des différents systèmes politiques. 2030 - Seconde Pandémie mondiale. Elle dure 2 ans et prouve que les gouvernements n'ont pas appris de leurs erreurs. Les citoyen·ne·s, au contraire, semblent rapidement prendre les bonnes décisions pour endiguer l'épidémie par elleux-mêmes. 2034 - Création du HUB, évolution d'internet, permettant de vivre une expérience immersive grâce à la réalité virtuelle. 2041 - Troisième Pandémie mondiale. Elle dure une seule année, mais est excessivement meurtrière, emportant 30% de la population mondiale. Elle créer un gouffre entre les pays et les peuples. 2047 - Lancement de la version Alpha du jeu One For All. Les joueur·se·s sont bloqué·e·s dans le jeu et ne peuvent pas en sortir. Celleux qui meurent à l'intérieur meurent également IRL. Les survivant·e·s sont déconnecté·e·s de force un an après, juste avant l'ouverture du OFA pour toustes. Les joueur·se·s ayant été déplacé·e·s par les développeur·se·s et ayant été porté·e·s disparu·e·s reviennent d'entre les morts. Décembre 2048 - Lancement de OFA. Accessible à toustes, en téléchargement sur bien des plateformes. L'engouement est présent et le jeu prend vite de l'ampleur ! Février 2049 - Mois actuel du forum.
#rpg francophone#french rpg#forumactif#rpg français#projet rpg#alternate universe#fantasy#scifi#science fiction#survival#réalité virtuelle
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TODDLER Traits Pack V2.5 by Vicky Sims
I love this mod because this gives your gameplay more traits for toddlers which can be very realistic to toddlers traits that they would normally have in the real world!
Creator's notes-
查看更新進度 Check this mod's compatibility for patch
🐣 A total of 20 Toddler Age-Exclusive Custom Traits.
They are all base game compatible.
All my Custom Traits Packs are compatible with any other mods.
Provided with CAS Traits version and Reward Traits version that can be used together
To add the reward version to toddlers, you need to use my Traits Picker or AddTraitsMenu.
Traits name in a colored font is the reward version; Traits name not in the colored font is the CAS version
Mod Review by CindySims on YouTube
Mod Review by Kimikosoma on YouTube
Changelog July 16, 2022:
Added Russian translations by coregirl. Thank you!
Check Past Changelogs
👑 Full Details of TODDLER Traits Pack
💠 Check out All Custom Traits Pack by Me
❓ What's the difference between Original (CAS) and Reward Version?
Not Required but Recommended Mods:
My Lifetime Traits is a mod to assign corresponding personality traits when toddlers grow up to child age. You can still edit the auto-assigned traits in the aging-up UI if you don't like them!
My More CAS Traits is a tuning mod that allows your Sims to have more than 3 Personality (CAS) traits without script or changes to UI.
My Custom Traits in Club Filter let you set all Preferences, Lifestyles, Parenthood Phases, University Diploma/Degree, Ghost/Death Types, Rewards, and Aspirations Bonus Traits from the base-game and packs as well as custom traits made by me and many other creators' traits as the club requirement.
My Sorted Traits Picker allows you to add traits to your Sims categorized by game packs, cc trait packs, and their creators, without going through a long list of AddTraitsMenu.
My Mass Traits Remover helps you to remove traits from your Sims/Pets in bulk, without clicking on remove traits one by one with other cheat traits mod.
My Holiday Tradition Override makes custom traits affecting the Love and Ignoration (Does Not Care) of Holiday Traditions. E.g. Aromantic Sims no longer want to celebrate any love day tradition, Hostile Sims love the fighting tradition, etc.
All Chingyu Infos You Need:
👁🗨 Master-post for ALL my mods
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▶ I need to see a screenshot or LE report to help you figure out what's wrong!
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If You Like My Mods, Please Consider:
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Translations and Credits:
Icons are from icons8.com.
Brazilian Portuguese Translation by FlaSimsBR. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
Chinese translation中文翻译 by 小好 Lois. (merged in the mod) Thank you! 感谢!
Dutch translation by GothiqueAngel. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
German Translation by Capichan. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
Italian translation by Rahl81. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
Polish translations by rhevv. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
Russian translations by coregirl. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
Spanishtranslation by CindySims. (merged in the mod) Thank you!
French translation by Saki and Kimikosoma here. Francophones ? Vous trouverez chez Kimikosoma, dans la partie "Traits par Chingyu", les différentes traductions des traits. A mettre dans le même dossier que les mods concernés ! Thank you!
If you use a separated translation package, download the mod as usual and also put the translation package directly in your Mod folder.
-------Be sure to agree to my TOU before you download and use my mods -------
You can use both the CAS version and Reward version of Toddler Traits.
Put the package into less than FIVE folders deep in your Mod Folder.
To add the reward version to toddlers, you need to use my Traits Picker or AddTraitsMenu.
Download 下載 (You can use both or either one.)
(this one describes my toddler in real life LOL)
Thank you to Vicky Sims for adding realistic traits for toddlers that comes with moodlets! Show them some love and support before downloading!
download - patreon
#sims 4 download#sims 4 cc#sims 4 gameplay#sims 4#the sims 4#sims 4 custom content#sims 4 mods#the sims 4 mods#the sims 4 custom content#ts4#ts4 traits#sims 4 traits#sims 4 cc finds#cc finds#sims cc#the sims cc#ts4 cc#cc#ts4 cc finds#sims cc finds
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Disco Elysium, but they're Quebecois French instead of European French. I realize this AU still wouldn't work because the religious basis of these swears does not exist in the DE universe lol. I just think it would be funny if they talked like northeastern Ontario francophones. Bonus original sketch of the pigs one under cut.
#disco elysium#disco elysium fanart#kim kitsuragi#harry du bois#jean vicquemare#art#artists on tumblr#my art#god this is so niche is this anything lmao#im just homesick for my hometown where 90% of the population growinf up was francophone#northeastern ontario my beloved#doodles#digital art
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"For more than a decade, the French city of Lille’s Palais des Beaux-Arts — which was inaugurated in 1892 and is home to France’s second largest collection behind only the Louvre — has deployed a kind of “museo-therapy” that uses the museum space and the treasures held within it to help treat patients from local hospitals.
But in September 2023, this initiative became a little more formal when it signed an agreement with the University Hospital Center of Lille (CHU) to offer 140 museum art therapy sessions over a year to patients who have been given a “museum prescription” by doctors, making it one of the most significant programs of its kind in the world.
The idea of a museum prescription, which fits under an umbrella of out-of-hospital, nonclinical treatment known as social prescribing, is that exposure to art and culture or history can complement, accelerate or potentially even displace some forms of medical care in traditional settings — in an effective, enjoyable and low-cost manner.
Further afield, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts has worked with the Francophone Doctors of Canada association since 2018 to offer a form of museum prescriptions, albeit without Lille’s art therapy aspect. In Brussels, Belgium, doctors in one of the city’s largest hospitals have been prescribing museum visits to patients suffering from depression, stress and anxiety since 2022 — and this year that expanded to 18 “medical structures” and 13 museums in the city. Singapore has run an Arts for Healing Program connecting patients with offerings at local music schools and community gardens since 2021. The newly formed advocacy group Social Prescribing USA aims to make social prescribing available to every American by 2035, building on projects already running in Massachusetts and New Jersey."
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Alastor - Historical Trivia And Headcanons
Alastor was a mixed-race Creole man living in New Orleans, and was in his 30's/40's when he died in 1933. We don't know much else about him, but historical context can provide us with possible additional details:
The population of New Orleans in 1930 was 458,762, more than it is now. 27.2% of the people were black, 3.1% were foreign-born, and roughly half of America's bipoc population was unemployed thanks to the Great Depression. New Orleans' original Francophonication was still strong, and it was common to run into locals who only spoke French dialects (Cajun French, Louisiana Creole). The city has had a huge Chinatown, a small Little Italy, and multiple other districts known for their immigrant African/colonized French cultures.
The Jim Crow laws were heavily enforced, as was the 'One Drop' rule. If Alastor was a mixed race black man, he would not have been able to attend a white school, use the same public transport, and would have shopped at black-local stores and restaurants under threat of violence. If he was mixed with any other race, some Jim Crow laws didn't apply, but state or city laws might specify differently.
Just because Alastor wears a suit, it doesn't mean he was rich in life. Radio personalities often didn't earn a fortune. Unless he owned his own broadcast, he was paid by a private company for long shifts of hosting music, news, and radio plays. In 1930, 40% of households owned at least one radio, which means that a popular radio host would have been easily recognized.
If he was in his late 30's in 1933, he might have fought in WW1, so long as he was over the age of 21. Some cities gave veterans small benefits, or encouraged the community to give them jobs. This often did not include veterans of color.
New Orleans was famous for being one of the least Christian cities in America, thanks to its unique immigrant and slave population. Haitian-based faiths and practices (such as voudo), indigenous cultures, Asian Buddhism, and atheism were common. But Christianity was still the official, law-enforced religion. Schooling involved reading the Bible, laws were sworn to Jesus, etc.
Alastor's outfit in Hazbin Hotel isn't very accurate to real-life American men's fashions of the time. Back then, deviating from the norm with the smallest detail would have stuck out like a sore thumb - like his white-lined lapels. Men always wore a hat. They were allowed to go without a waistcoat, but not a jacket. Belts were becoming more popular than suspenders. The silhouette was bulkier than the slimmer, Italian cuts of our modern times, especially the pants. Hair was kept short, and oiled down in a side part. Americans preferred the clean shaven look. Ties were essential unless you were a blue-collar laborer. Colors were almost universally muted neutral tones for everyday wear. The most colorful textiles for men were sporting outfits, like a tennis jacket.
If Alastor was a middle-class single man, he likely would have lived in an inner-city apartment, in an ethnic neighborhood. He probably didn't own a car, and took public transit like the streetcars. If he owned a house, it would likely have been an inheritance, and even the more opulent houses of the time would have looked small and plain to our eyes.
Because of the Great Depression, unmarried men were becoming the norm, rather than the exception. Men of the community who were sought after but remained single were suspect to gossip, but less ire than you might think; in the '30s, American queer culture was going through a very sharp revival, escaping the rigid Victorian era and before the puritan 40's/50's. But as a mixed-race man, it may have been illegal for a white woman to marry him, as the Jim Crow laws forbade the marriage of white people and Black/Asian people.
A middle class city household would have had electricity, gas heating, indoor plumbing, but may not have had running taps or a gas stove. Even with decent means, Alastor might have been using a potbelly woodburning stove, a dry sink/washbasin, wooden bathtub, and did his own laundry instead of sending it to the neighborhood laundresses. He may or may not have bothered with an icebox. Fresh groceries needed to be cooked and eaten soon, as things like pasteurized milk or store refrigeration wasn't a thing.
If he had enough money, then he almost certainly hired maids or other servants. Whether the maid came over just once a week, or did the shopping and laundry every other day, hired help was much more common back then, especially if he had no wife.
The most popular musicians in 1933 were Bing Crosby, George Olsen, and Leo Reisman. As you might have noticed, it was trendy for the lead singer to be backed by an orchestra, not a 'band' of just four other people like today. The most popular radio shows were Dick Tracy, Sherlock Holmes, and Doc Savage. They were recordings the radio station would buy and then broadcast, or sometimes the actors were live on the air. The radio host was usually not the journalist - the production team was responsible for writing his script.
#alastor#alastor the radio demon#hazbin hotel#hazbin alastor#alastor headcanons#hazbin hotel headcanon
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[MWN is Moroccan Media]
French President Emmanuel Macron causes another controversy, saying French is the “true African language” that can help African countries reach unity.[...]
While speaking this week at an event on Francophone heritage, Macron went as far as to claim that French is “the pan-African” language. However, he acknowledged that French is slowly losing its grip as a de facto language in many African countries.
“In the Maghreb countries, they speak less and less French compared to 20 or 30 years ago,” Macron said with an air of disappointment.
The French president went on to provide his personal analysis of the reasons underpinning the decline of Francophone heritage. “There are forms of resistance (to the French language) that are seemingly political,” Macron said. [...]
Noting a third factor directly responsible for the decline of the French language status in Africa, he explained that “there is a will [to] revive other languages, saying that this [is] how we can find a political path.”
The remarks on reviving other languages infuriated social media users as this indicates that the French president is criticizing Africa for the growing number of movements calling for reinstituting national languages and preserving them from extinction.
21 Nov 22
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Hi! I am currently learners French and I was wondering if you have any tips or something to help 😭😭😭
Hellooo! Learning french for me was definitely an uphill battle and I would say the type of thing that gets harder before it gets easier. Just for context on my personal situation learning French: I took french all the way through high school, studied super duper hard for the B2 exam and then managed to pass. It was through this that I was able to apply to french universities and got accepted at Sorbonne University where ALL my courses are french. Being at a french school, having to read advanced texts practically every day, and of course living in Paris - I reached C1 (and this took me about a year and a half). Please take this into consideration in terms of setting realistic goals for yourself. Here are my tips for fluency:
1.) Read A LOT!!! Through reading you’ll be able to see french grammar in context, the general structure of the language, figures of speech, and of course expand vocabulary. It goes without saying that learning a language is learning a culture - there are many faucets of francophone culture expressed through literature which provide helpful insight for non francophones. Here are my recommendations according to language level.
Beginner (A1-A2)
Le Petit Prince d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - this is a stable of french culture and very simple children’s novella to read. A book every French child has read.
Le Petit Nicolas - another children’s book which I think gives really good insight into french upbringing, and primary school experience. I found it to be a stark contrast from anything that I had experienced.
Any thing from Français Facile, as you reach A2 the focus will be more on basic grammar and I find those books to be quite good in terms of the hyper specificity that requires, ie if you’re learning imparfait vs passé composé there is probably a book tailor made for that.
Intermediate (B1-B2):
French translation of originally [insert your first language]. I know this may seem strange, but I think it’s a helpful in between step to see how your language translates into french, and I found generally it was easier to read weirdly?? (As someone who was reading a lot of English to French translations, guess is that since the translation is limited to English lexicon which is smaller than french, the translation itself would be a much simpler version of french lol). This can be any book, as long as it’s at your reading level in your native tongue
L’étranger d’Albert Camus
Le peintre de la vie moderne de Charles Baudelaire
Manette Salomon des frères Goncourt
Magazines, newspapers, journals!! Again great insight into francophone culture and current affairs.
At B2 level you should be able to read anything, so anything you can get your hands on, READ!
2.) Study the grammar. Get it down. All the laborious things (gender of nouns, use of subjonctif, conditional tense, COD/COI, etc, etc) — learn it and master. This cannot be skipped, you cannot cut corners in this regard. Put your head down and do it.
3.) Once you’ve gotten to A2/B1 — speak as much as possible. If there are conversation classes available, go to them. Try to find people online to practice with if IRL is not an option but it is important to practice speaking.
4.) Listen to French music, watch french language films. There’s french music in all genres and music taste is super subjective lol. I personally love the music from the 60s/70s - Jacques Brel, Serge Gains, Jane B, Francoise Hardy, Michel Legrand, Barbara (my recommendations lol). Of course if you’re not into that there’s pop, rap, Afro beats, classical, etc., etc. My favourite french films are Cléo 5 à 7, La Piscine, Le Samouraï, Les demoiselle de Rochefort, La Religieuse, La Chinoise, Plein Soleil— just a few that come to mind. Of course taste is super subjective, so just find what you like!
There are all my tips for learning french (or really any language). Hope it was helpful!!
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DEADLINE FRIDAY! (Late papers may be considered but please try to submit on time.)
UAAC Session Call for Papers: Left in the Dark
Anna O'Meara, University of Victoria, [email protected]
Panel Session | Session de panel
As Martin Jay explores in Downcast Eyes, metaphors for sight broadly relate to empirical understanding. What kinds of understandings are associated with darkness or shades of black? The dark has diverse transhistorical associations, including black out protests; black holes (Anish Kapoor); race/colorism; chiaroscuro; infinity and cosmos (Malevich); protection (Hinduism); femininity (Taoism); inner light (Kabbalah); and eternal spirit (Jacques-Louis David). While various and sometimes contradictory, certain trends appear somewhat consistently, especially the presence of ontological questions in association with darkness and the shade of black. This session encourages papers that explore transnational and transhistorical themes of darkness in relation to questions of being and nothingness. We welcome sessions both within art and art history and from a variety of disciplines that employ art historical or artistic approaches. We accept both Francophone and Anglophone proposals. This is an in-person session.
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⟡ · megaverse · ⟡, version 4, novembre 2024
L'ambiance change avec un design bleu envoûtant, signé par nos deux talentueuses créatrices, dope lovers et HERESY. Et pour inaugurer cette version, un coup de projecteur sur notre Georgia Seabird et Franklin Dracaena, qui illuminent autant nos RPs que nos discussions Discord depuis leur arrivée sur le forum ~
✨ Astreia, fête des lanternes
Le 11 novembre approche, et la Fête d’Astreia s'invite sur le forum ! À l'occasion de cette tradition inspirée de Sainte Astra, les participant·e·s écrivent leurs résolutions sur un parchemin qu'ils glissent dans une lanterne, avant de la laisser s'élever vers le ciel. La tradition veut que la lanterne revienne un an plus tard, apportant l'heure du bilan et de nouveaux vœux pour l'avenir. Au bord des lacs d'Elysium et de Neferis, le spectacle promet une aura lumineuse et enchanteresse.
🕯️ Events en cours : Samhain & Astreia Pour célébrer Astreia en novembre, laissez vos vœux s’envoler dans des lanternes vers l’étoile-guide de la déesse. Et pour prolonger l’esprit de Samhain, le royaume des morts reste ouvert tout le mois pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore affronté leurs peurs !
(et non pas Lorie) (toi aussi balance ta ref années 2000)
📜 High Autority of Time (H.A.T) Rangez vos chapeaux, ici, pas de chapelier fou sorti du monde de Lewis Carroll, mais plutôt une organisation en charge du maintient de l'équilibre et de la surveillance temporelle. Protecteurs des secrets du Temps dans chaque dimension, ces agents veillent dans l’ombre… gare à ce que vous faites de vos retourneurs de temps acquis en boutique !
(non on parle pas de foot) (c'est bien pour le foot ça ?)
💼 Refonte du Listing des Métiers Le listing a été entièrement revisité pour plus de clarté. Avec un accès direct aux métiers par dimensions et une navigation simplifiée. Profitez-en pour recenser vos personnages !
🔮 Demandes de Particularité Bonne nouvelle pour les personnages d’âge mûr (voire périmés, désolé à nos vampires adoré.e.s) : les demandes de particularités offrent désormais des paliers d'XP jusqu'à 100 ans et +. Les anciens y trouveront une belle opportunité d’enrichir leurs performances en conséquence de leur... bonne bouteille.
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#rpg forumactif#forum rpg#rpg francophone#rpg français#rpg fantastique#rpg fantasy#hp#roleplay#forum fantastique#sorcellerie#univers fantasy#harry potter universe
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just under one day left for @teamliftfest bidding!
reminder: i am offering french translation! 5 bucks! offer page here!
make your hockey men speak (better than google translate) canadian french! or maybe you want to include made up news articles/social media posts/text messages with a character's mom, and you want those in french? something else i haven't even thought of? if it's in english and you want it french, i'll do that! any general canadian and/or francophonie cultural questions? i'm your guy!
i can also totally help with any french->english translation if you're using any french articles/interviews/other resources as inspiration or references!
my qualifications: i exist in french for much of my life! all of middle and high school was in a francophone school for french canadian children, i'm doing university in french, i talk to many of my friends in french, i do bilingual volunteer work, i've done bilingual customer service job stuff, pretty much anything besides cooking (i still don't know my herbs and spices in french!) and talking to family, i can do it in french. i've also done some translation work informally for work and for volunteer stuff.
(also, i didn't say this on the offer page, but it doesn't necessarily have to be hockey in case you have a non-hockey blorbo you want me to french up, as long as canadian french works. french people from france would not like me or my french lol! i just know there's a lot of québecois hockey players out there)
#let me fix your hockey man french!#only 5 bucks!#also check out all of the other cool offers! so many people have incredibly cool stuff!#team lift fest#sports rpf#hockey rpf#*eyes emoji*#i am also offering baseball fic if that's of interest#just putting that out there too lol
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One of the most enduring traces of colonialism in Africa is the use of the languages of the former colonisers as official languages. We even refer to parts of the continent as Anglophone, Francophone and Lusophone.
Many, including Julius Malema, leader of South Africa’s Freedom Fighters Party (EFF), say this has to stop. In this video, Malema argues that colonial languages should be replaced by the Swahili language, which is spoken by more than 200-million across East and Central Africa.
Malema does not just speak but backs his words with action. In the EFF’s 2024 election manifesto, the party had promised to ensure that all South African universities offered a Swahili-language degree programme.
POWERFUL brother....
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about me
Hi, everyone/ Hola a todos / Salut!
i like many things, that i usually like to discuss with other people.
90's bitch (born in 1995).
• Nothing is sacred (except my family) that means that i can laugh at, criticize and enjoy things all at the same time.
• Many fandoms : The Hunger Games, Twilight (renaissance), True Blood, Daisy Jones and the Six,Poldark , Drácula (book) , Vampire Chronicles (Anne Rice), Darren Shan saga, Hannibal (Bryan Fuller), The Walking Dead, Agatha Christie. Edgar Allan Poe. Guy de Maupassant. Stephen King. Lost Girl, Les revenants, Vampire Mascarade, Vampire Diaries universe, Guillermo del Toro's universe. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV). American Horror Story . Old french movies (Nouvelle Vague). Animated movies too.
There are plenty more, but those are the main ones.
• "Bonjour Tristesse", "Les enfants de la pluie" and "Portrait de la jeune fille en feu" own my heart.
• Anything with witchy vives ❤️.
• Feminist ♀️(everyone should be TBH).
• I love art and photography.
• I LOVE indie, folk, rock, pop and classic music.
• I love horror movies, mainly gothic tales, but i've watched a lot of different things really, many old and weird ones too. One of my faves its Carnival of souls (1962), that no one i know has watched (besides me).
• Indie movies ❤️ too
• Vampire obsessed. If It has vampires i've probably watched It TBH.
• I speak three languages fluently , though English isn't my first language. Je parle français très bien. My native language IS spanish (i'm from Madrid, Spain). ¡Hola gente!
• I like many actors and actresses.
My faves are :
Men : Sam Claflin (my fave ❤️❤️❤️) Aidan Turner, Richard Armitage, Robert Pattinson (❤️), Josh Whitehouse, Blake Ritson, Joseph Morgan, Sam Reid, Sam Heughan, Kiowa Gordon, Peter Facinelli, Lee Pace, Joe Anderson, Rami Malek, Alexander Skarsgård, Stephen Moyer, Michael Fassbender, Ben Barnes, Paul Amos, Gregg Sulkin (❤️).
Women : Kristen Stewart (❤️❤️❤️), Riley Keough (❤️❤️❤️), Noémie Merlant/Adele Haenel/Jean Seberg (those three❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️...Too many hearts to fit here), Sarah Michelle Gellar, Eva Green, Jena Malone, Jennifer Lawrence, Lorenza Izzo, Suki Waterhouse (❤️❤️), Camila Morrone (❤️❤️), Gemma Arterton (❤️) Vanessa Kirby, Katherine Waterstone, Amanda Seyfried, Zoe Kravitz, Jessica Parker Kennedy, Phoebe Tonkin, Lupita Nyong'o, Krysta Rodríguez, Lily Donoghue.
Also American Horror Story cast. And Les revenants cast ...and most of the french and francophone actors and actresses too.
And theres much more, but i think this is enough.
Welcome to my blog! Bienvenus! ¡Bienvenidos!
Feel free to ask me things, i like to make theories and metas too.
Also feel free to ask in spanish and french!!! (trolling and hate wont be answered, obviously)
#About me#long post#français#español#english#too many things#sam claflin#kristen stewart#riley keough
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Mandatory Latina ask: do Matt feel American as in part of one of the Americas? Part of the New World? Mexico and Cuba would try and explain they are all American and Alfred feels The New World™ on a Manifest Destiny kind of philosophy but do Matt feels some kindship with his friend Cuba and Caribbean commonwealth brothers and Latinos and former or current French colonies nations?
This is a fascinating question because it's a D.) all of the above. Question if this was multiple choice.
I think, in the year of our lord 2023, he would probably call himself a North American and think of himself as a part of the New World, but usually, that definition for Canadians silently includes some of the South Pacific, so that doesn't make a whole lot of goddamn sense either. North Americans in a different way than the Americans but not as much the Pan-American sense of America. And that's very new. There's a small spurt of French Canadians considering themselves Latin Americans in the early 19th century with our revolt against the British and nationalism that corresponded with some participation of individuals in the wars of independence and other conflicts in South America. Matt had a moment before anglophone domination took over that he might have seen a future in that sort of Pan-American definition of American, but it was done by the 1830s.
After that, it was the British Empire. He defines himself by participating in that imperial system, not the French and not a sense of being North American until after WW1. And even then, it took until NAFTA in the early 90s for an actual large-scale cultural flow with the mainland. Cuba and the Caribbean are a little different because the trade relationship was there. Halifax was the main port for centuries, but it's still... it's an odd relationship. Suppose I look at the British Empire in Africa. In that case, it's easy to see how that would work because the Canadians played a small but very bluntly colonialist role in multiple conflicts. With the Caribbean, there's some exchange of people and trade. However, it's from an early enough date that Canada is still kind of too shitty and underdeveloped to have an oppressive relationship from the very get-go. Still, there is a lot of fuckery in there. I will say I think it's a bit easier than it might otherwise be as Black Canadians were politically organized in the late 19th and early 20th century, and that, amongst other forces, largely blunted our own want for a mini-empire in our sphere the way NZ and Australia did with island ports in their own neighbourhood. There's an alternate universe where Canada fought the Falklands War. So I think Matt gets along with them, but I'm not sure there's a sense of kinship so much as comradery in an 'oh fuck what'd the limeys/yanks/frogs/Spaniards/Portuguese do this time.'
Born a francophone, he has... it's a weird relationship he's got with the rest of the Francophonie. I don't think he feels a sense of kinship at all. Friendly, sure, increasingly interested in them, yes. But French Canadians, particularly the Quebecois, are pretty proud and tend to think of themselves as entirely different from France or Belgium. And despite what the Quebecois nationalists would say in the 1970s, we really cannot compare our history with, say, Algeria's or Vietnam's. And Matt is really aware of that. He was way more privileged under Arthur than practically anyone was under Francois.
He's not unique by any means. There's been middling anti-social sorts in every empire since the Akkadians, but he's just kinda everywhere and nowhere. He and Cuba have definitely had a relationship. Like, I don't believe it, but there's a reason there's a conspiracy that Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro's son and not Pierre's lmao. If nothing else, Cucan has had some good sex. I think he gets along with Maria (my friend's Mexico) really well too. It doesn't help that he's not the most extroverted type either. He's such a weirdo I'm so sorry to whoever has to interact with him or us as a country lmao.
#the ask box || probis pateo#matthew || my country is winter#meatsack mechanics || the sociology and biology of nations
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