#Francois Kollar
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La France travaille' Pêcheurs. Retour joyeux des pêcheurs de harengs. Boulogne-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais). 1931-1934
Photo: Francois Kollar
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Coco Chanel photographed by Francois Kollar for Harper's Bazaar 1937
#coco chanel#francois kollar#harper's bazaar#1930s#black and white photography#interior spaces#designer
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Francois Kollar 1930
Citrons, Photo by Francois Kollar, 1930, Light edit by JoeInCT
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Francois Kollar
Untitled, c. 1933
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Weekly Illo 5 Night Spectaculars
Research Topics:
Night Spectaculars (Vivid, Novelty, Identity)
Monumental Images (Perpetual, Grandiose, Confidence)
Big Book Look (Impressions, Conceptual, Intrigue)
Characteristics of Movement:
Night spectaculars refers to the visual projection and arrangement of lights during the night. Neon signs within cityscapes were designed to be admired by those walking the streets. Francois Kollar represented this novelty through overlaying the glittering signboards back in 1932.
Las Vegas shifted the focal point to those who could see the signs within their cars, or from afar. Most now can be considered eyesores or tacky, but since 2002, the ongoing ‘Nuit Blanche’ (‘All-Nighter’) event showcases the innovations to this darkness based medium.
Key Words:
Worthy/Self-esteme = Selfworth
Eyesore/Appealing = Visual tone
Status/Selfconcept = Individuality
Responsibility/Interests = Conflict of Interests
Creative Concept:
Admittedly I strayed again from my Keywords when I started ideating the concept thumbs. Initially I was about the neon signs themselves as a conflicting symbol of identity; the flashy frevor upholding what is essentially a delicate standard.
Yet I was interested in the thematic idea of a simple digital alarm clock display illuminating a dark bedroom; In the same category of night spectaculars, but done to convey a sense of calm and reason instead of excitement.
Eventually this evolved into this experience of air travel during the night, bright lights done to illuminate your vision, not to stimulate.
Design Decisions:
Again I was mostly influenced by the creative commons images I could find.
The main background is this view of a light up city from the view of an airport window, represented by the black curve on the bottom of the border. I took the pattern of another light up city and used vivid light blending mode with a low opacity to give that black border some texture.
The background cityscape lead towards this light on the horizon line; to which I layered a moving walkway with blue low-lighting to emphasis the sense of distance.
The airplane was masked and layered with a hard-light blending mode so the reflected light was emphasized while the shadows blended to balance with the cityscape.
For type I went for a dot-matrix display as they are recognized often in airports.
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François Kollar • Moonlight at Sea • 1938
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The Eye of PhotographyParis : Francois Kollar, A Working Eye
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François Kollar (French, 1904–1979)
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Francois Kollar
Fernande Kollar au Miroir
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Autumn, 1930 (François Kollár)
#my post#photography#slovak photography#slovak#1930s#30s#past#old#vintage#vintage photography#francois kollar#françois kollar#vintage photo#autumn#fall#old photos#birds#sky
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The Pears, Photo by François Kollar, 1930.
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Hands and Brooch 1936 - photography by François Kollar
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Citrons, Photo by Francois Kollar, 1930
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François Kollar - Bouche du tunnel Sainte-Catherine vers Sotteville-lés-Rouen Rouen
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・ ・ LA FRANCE TRAVAILLE / 1932・France ・ size : 260×330mm Horizons De France、フランス語、 P428 / P413 ・ ・ 写真家 Francois Kollar/フランソワ・コラー(1904-79)により 1930年代前半に撮影された10,000枚以上の写真の中から フランスの労働者や仕事場がいくつかの職業別にまとめられた写真集です。 出版年の32年に同名タイトルでパリ現代美術ギャラリーで個展を開催し注目を浴びました。 写真だけでなくエディトリアルデザインも美しく、 当時のそれぞれの職業の仕事行程、空間と風土、 働く労働者の過酷さや人間的な温かさ、 道具やファッションまで見る事ができる貴重なシリーズです。 以下の職業ごとに全15冊で出版されたものが有名ですが、こちらは二冊にまとめられています。 なかなか15冊揃えるのが難しい稀少なものであります。 ・ ・ 以下、掲載リスト ・MINEURS(炭鉱夫) ・LES METIERS DU FER(鉄鋼業) ・MARINIERS ET BATELIERS(船舶輸送)/ GENS DE MER(船乗り) ・GENS DE MER(船乗り)/ LA VIE DES PHARES(燈台守) ・LE RAIL(鉄道) ・L’AUTOMOBILE(自動車)/ L’AVION(飛行機) ・AUX SOURCES DE L'ENERGIE(エネルギー源 "水車・ダム・発電所") ・LA VIE PAYSANNE(農家の生活)/ VIGNERONS(ワイン農家) ・MARCHES ET RAVITAILLEMENT DES VILLES(町の市場と流通)/ FORESTIERS ET BUCHERONS(林業と伐採)/ FLEURS ET PARFUMS(花と香水) ・TISSERANDS ET FILATEURS(織物・紡績)/ CANUTS(養蚕)/ TAPISSERIES(タペストリー織り) ・COUTURE ET MODE(クチュールとモード) ・Verriers et céramistes(ガラスと陶芸) ・Le Bâtiment(建物) ・FABRIQUES A PAPIER(製紙)/ METIERS DU LIVRE(製本) ・JOURNAUX(新聞)/ BIBLIOTHEQUES(図書館)/ LABORATOIRES(研究所) ・ ・ ・
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François Kollar
"La France travaille." Le rail.
2. François Kollar
Train en marche à grande vitesse et perspectives de rails
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