#Francine's Nonsense
satureja13 · 11 months
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It was a gray day in Copperdale when Jeb got the message from Saiwa about Jack and Greg. He also told Vlad about it. Things are getting worse and worse. After Ji Ho left them and they got divided, Jeb so hoped that Saiwa would come to a rest. Jeb has no idea how to help him. And his heart was heavy. He can't put any more weight on Saiwa's shoulder by telling him about Kiyoshi.
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The witches won't interfere either. As always. Francine, his grandmother, didn't even lift her hand to help him after he failed to rescue Sai and Jack. When he wore that bag on his head for over two years. Jeb knows it's all upon themselves to solve this. He couldn't think of a way to help any of his friends so he decided to visit the Temple to meditate for a while. And maybe find an answer why Kiyoshi doesn't want to meet him anymore...
But first things first. Leaving Vlad here means massage first... Oh how Jeb wishes Vlad weren't that stubborn and let Ji Ho heal him! Things would be so much easier if Vlad could see again!
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After Jeb had left to the Temple, Vlad had his usual weird day at the Burrow. Means: befriending Malfoy to gain his approval to finally cut the bond (and whatever else Francine comes up with...)! But Vlad's thoughts wander to his best friend, Jack. If he only could make it up to him! Jack is still mad at him for putting Ji Ho's life in danger and he and Saiwa never answer his messages.
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Francine: "Concentrate! Malfoy can sense any distraction. You will never get his approval when you act disrespectful towards him!"
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And after a day full of all the crazy stuff Francine tries out with him, it's finally evening and time for the 'Odder Things' TV Season's Premiere! It's one of Vlad's favourite TV shows and he can't enjoy it because he's blind...
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But he will endure this - for Ji Ho!
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Looks like a strange square dance ^^' (This is how Jeb dressed for school...)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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lilacsupernova · 2 months
*Note: Tumblr might say reblogs have been turned off for this post. They haven't!*
(Also: I have a deeper, updated dive coming soon!)
Some commentary on the Imane Khelif & Lin Yu Ting boxing situation
I read these two as male. Nothing has indicated they are trans-identifying but the image of Imane Khelif as a child might indicate him being raised as a girl due to having a DSD. This is irrelevant to whether he should compete as a woman though. Both athletes have XY chromosomes – which if untrue they could do a simple cheek swab to prove they're women (as if they wouldn't already know from not having periods etc.). This would only need to be done once, and is less invasive than regular doping tests all athletes do! If XY chromosomes are found (as they already have been), they should do as Erik Schinegger did in 1968 and refuse to compete in the women's category anymore.
Claims this is a big conspiracy where the IBA are lying due to corruption are illogical. The claim they only disqualified Khelif and Yu Ting so they couldn't beat Russian boxers is false. While it sounds like they are corrupt due to Russian influence, and they ordered the DNA tests, the tests themselves were performed independently and showed they had XY chromosomes. Based on this info, and their women-have-XX-chromosomes policy the IBA banned them from competing in the women's category. Think about it, how bold (and stupid) would it be to falsely claim these two aren't female, given how easily that claim could be disproved?
Plus, if we're going to throw around corruption claims, how about the IOC? Who we know are happy to allow men to compete in the women's category based on their baffling and nonsensical rules (including no presumption of advantage based on sex)? Who ended sex-verification screening in 2000? Something Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) co-founder Marshi Smith has condemned, saying it allows the Yu Ting/Khelif issue to even be a thing. The IOC who decided they could compete as women based on passport sex markers? (Which we know can be legal fictions). Who previously allowed Caster Semenya - a man with a DSD, XY chromosomes and undescended testes - to compete as a woman? Who allowed Semenya, Francine Niyonsaba and Margaret Nyairera Wambui to take all three medals at the Rio 2016 women's 800m? I see far more evidence for how corruption is affecting the IOC's view in this matter than the IBA's.
I will also remind everyone (including radfems) that all because a corrupt/'bad'/bad person said something, it does not necessarily mean what they're saying is false! We know the words of radfems/GC people/anyone can be disregarded and derided because they've been branded a 'TERF', but that does not indicate the veracity of their words! The strength of their claims / arguments do. (I wish I could find that meme about a priest saying the sky is blue or something like that). I'm not telling you to believe what I'm saying because I'm saying it; do your own research, think critically, and make up your own minds based on the evidence.
The boxers in question:
Lin Yu Ting is guaranteed a bronze medal at minimum in the Women's 57kg due to making the semifinals (both boxers who lose the semis get bronze, the winners compete in the final for gold). His semi is 7 August at 9.30pm (all times Paris time) against Turkey's Esra Yildiz Kahraman, and the final will be 10 August at 9.30pm (worth watching anyway to support the women!).
Imane Khelif is also guaranteed a bronze minimum in the 66kg Women's category. He plays Janjaem Suwannapheng from Thailand on 6 August at 10.34pm. If he reaches the final, it's 9 August at 10.51pm.
What other boxers have said:
Svetlana Staneva of Bulgaria protested by refusing to shake Lu Ting's hand and making an X symbol after she was defeated by him 5-0.
Angela Carini burst into tears and refused to shake Khelif's hands after choosing to forfeit the match due the fearing for her safety due the strength of his punches. She later issued an apology, which frankly I suspect she was pressured into in order to be allowed to continue to box.
Brianda Tamara from Mexico also alluded to the strength of Khelif's blows, saying "when I fought with her I felt very out of my depth. Her blows hurt me a lot, I don’t think I had ever felt like that in my 13 years as a boxer, nor in my sparring with men. Thank God that day I got out of the ring safely, and it’s good that they finally realized."
Caitlin Parker, the Australian boxing captain says "I don't agree with [Khelif and Yu Ting] being allowed to compete in sport, especially combat sports. It can be incredibly dangerous. It's not like I haven't sparred men before. But you know it can be dangerous for combat sports and it should be seriously looked into. Yes, biologically … genetically they are going to have more advantages. I really hope the organisations get their act together so that boxing can continue to be at the Olympics. It's the oldest Olympic sport. Women's boxing was only introduced in 2012 and I want to see it for the next 100, 200 years to come." (She competes in the 75kg semifinal on 8 August at 10.02pm).
Santiago Nieva, an Australian boxing coach, and Marissa Williamson, who could have met Khelif in the 66kg category disagree. Only the male coach is quoted, however.
Hergie Bacyadan, a female Filipina boxer who identifies as a trans male (but hasn't taken testosterone) on the other hand agrees with Parker, saying through a translator "in sparring it's OK, but if they have XY chromosomes in competition, they should abide by the rules."
Former women's world champion Mária Kovács has wryly remarked that in modern women's boxing "there is a 20 percent chance that one of the athletes will suffer a testicular injury." She also discouraged Hungary's Anna Luca Hámori from competing against Khelif. Hámori posted an AI picture on Instagram of a female boxer fighting a devil and referred to Khelif as a man, for which the Algerian Olympic Committee submitted a complaint to the IOC, and forced her to delete it and apologise to Khelif. She was then defeated by Khelif 5-0 in the quarterfinal, hugging him afterwards. (Similar situation to Carini?)
What others have said:
An open letter calling for the IOC the reverse its decision to allow Yu Ting and Khelif to compete, and to reinstate sex screening has been signed by the likes of: Sharron Davies, Riley Gaines, Martina Navratrilova, Fair Play for Women, Save Women's Sport Australasia, Women's Declaration International, and more.
Dr Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist, has done research which found "a male boxer's punch is 160% more powerful than a woman's". (Unfortunately the article doesn't cite which study, and I don't have access to her articles to determine which one it is). She considers "this decision to include two men (Khelif and Yu-ting) in women's boxing to be extremely worrying, both for the safety and well-being of the female boxers against whom these two men will be competing."
Lastly, the UN's special rapporteur on violence against women and girls Reem Alsalem has said Carini "rightly followed her instincts and prioritised her physical safety, but she and other female athletes should not have been exposed to this physical and psychological violence based on their sex."
Other commentary:
Here is some commentary from IreneBritUSA, Karen Davis of You're Kidding, Right?, Aja the Empress, Marshi Smith (co-founder of ICONS), Jennifer Sieland, Anna Slatz, Dr Colin Wright (an evolutionary biologist), Meghan Murphy and Mary Lou Singleton (upcoming), and Doriane Lambelet Coleman. Note several WoC are speaking out!
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transmutationisms · 1 year
emdr therapy has got to be on some hokey 1960s bullshit right… i don’t trust anything that claims to unveil ‘repressed memories’ lmfao and i thought even the psych establishment kinda agreed on that
ok here's my emdr take because i've poked around on this and Some People definitely do report feeling like it was helpful to them. i think, if you have some traumatic memory / experience that you want to talk about, and you are in an environment where you feel safe and supported (personally, could not be me with a clinician but, my experiences are not universal) then emdr is basically just trauma-informed therapy. the actual eye movement part is basically nonsense / placebo in the sense that the specific type of movement that's happening there isn't, like, mechanically unlocking hidden patterns in your brain or however francine shapiro put it. however, i do think that it's possible that For Some People, the mere fact of having trauma therapy be paired with some kind of body movement / awareness might be helpful to them. again, it's not that there's anything specially useful about moving your eyes back and forth, but i do think there are plenty of reasons that cultivating some kind of bodily awareness thru movement could be helpful / enjoyable / simply a useful distraction when talking though a traumatic memory. so personally, i would not do emdr but i would also not do any other form of psychotherapy unless like, wilhelm reich came back from the dead and offered to just go ham. anyway though i definitely agree with you that if a clinician is claiming to be able to actually UNCOVER 'hidden' memories or whatever, that's a bad sign. but i'm not plugged in enough to the emdr practitioner community to know how common those types of claims are, and tbf, plenty of plain-jane trauma therapy practitioners have made and continue to make those claims as well lol.
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nedlittle · 9 months
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everyone give it up for another year of flops, disappointments, and failures!! i read some absolute dogshit this year and now i have to share my suffering with the rest of you
the bangalore detectives club by harini nagendra ⭐
Why go through all the trouble of setting up that plot thread only to retract it at the next possible moment? That's not even a red herring. That's padding for a mystery that apparently took 13 years to cook and still came out fucking raw.
vampires of el norte by isabel cañas ⭐
Isabel Cañas writes like she's being held at gunpoint by a thesaurus.
the plague letters by v. l. valentine ⭐
I have read books with nonsense plots and books with horrible characters and books that read like a first draft done on the back of a napkin in crayon, but never, NEVER EVER have i read a book where the author decides to sprinkle in the fact that one of the protagonists can see ghosts at the halfway point.
yellowface by r. f. kuang ⭐.5
Yellowface, more than anything, rings hollow as a critique of privilege when written by someone who went to an elementary school where one year cost more than all four years of my university tuition combined.
everyone knows your mother is a witch by rivka galchen ⭐.75
Overall, I do not recommend this book except as a sleep aid.
manhunt by gretchen felker-martin ⭐.75
I weep for the potential Manhunt would have had if Gretchen Felker-Martin's Internet access had been cut off while she was writing.
the petticoat men by barbara ewing ⭐.75
This is a book your mom mentions she read for her book club because she wants you to know that she read a book about gay people.
the crimson ribbon by katherine clements ⭐⭐
The issue isn't that Clements decided to make Lizzie Poole gay. She decided to make Lizzie Poole gay so that her eventual execution would be more tragic. This isn't even a bad-faith reading of the text.
a rustle of silk by alys clare ⭐⭐
you don't need to be good at your job or care about what you're writing, you just have to have enough ideas to be able to wring every shred of life from your original gimmick until publishing decides they're no longer interested.
lovers at the chameleon club, paris 1932 by francine prose ⭐⭐
Francine, you did not make up those characters or events. You changed the names after reading a couple of history books on Paris.
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supertvngames · 7 months
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Arthur (Series) OC - Anthony "Tony" Samuel Read
Age: Over 3 Years Old
Species: Arctic Fox
Family: Arthur Timothy Read - Adoptive Eldest Brother Dora Winifred "D.W." Read - Adoptive Older Sister Kate Read - Adoptive Younger Brother David Read - Adoptive Father Jane Read - Adoptive Mother Thora Read - Adoptive Paternal Grandmother Bud - Adoptive Paternal Uncle Loretta - Adoptive Paternal Aunt Monique "Mo" - Adoptive Paternal Cousin Dave - Adoptive Maternal Grandfather Jessica - Adoptive Maternal Aunt Richard - Adoptive Maternal Uncle Cora - Adoptive Maternal Cousin Fred - Adoptive Maternal Uncle
Favorite Colors: Red and Pink
Hobby/Hobbies: Drawing pictures, scalping, singing privately, making stink bombs or any kind of prank tools, disobeying his parents' absurd strict rules, and especially pranking (mostly his older siblings)
Friends: George Lungden - Closest Male Big Kid Friend Fern Walters - 1st Closest Female Big Kid Friend Sue Ellen Armstrong - 2nd Closest Female Big Kid Friend James MacDonald - Closest Male Kid Friend Buster Baxter - Friend via Arthur Alan "Brain" Powers - Friend via Arthur Shelley "Binky" Barnes - Friend via Arthur Molly MacDonald - Friend via James
Enemies: D.W. Read Cora Francine Frensky Muffy Crosswire Timmy Tibble Tommy Tibble
Likes: Pranking his siblings for fun, pranking his enemies for spite, semi-cloudy soft-windy days, winter and spring, scavenger hunt, sleeping in his (not-so) secret hiding spots, Bionic Bunny, Dark Bunny, his adoptive brother, their friends, and especially his crushes: Fern and Sue Ellen.
Dislikes: His meal interrupted (he gets grumpy), harsh sunny days especially in summer, practically almost anything D.W. likes (Mary Moo Cow, Crazy Bus, Tina the Talking Tabby, etc.), and anybody who picks on his siblings (only he gets to do it)
Personality: Tony is just your typical little toddler boy, who is a curious thrill/adventure seeker. He is just ready any form of excitement and yet knows when to sit down and relax. And although Tony can be slightly carefree and mischievous, he has a lot of more common sense than he leads, for a kid. Tony even throws snarks every now and then, most notably just to mess with his big brother Arthur and their friends. Plus Tony seems to have a short temper, especially when it comes to the nonsense of obnoxious and spoiled brats, and all those who wrong his family and friends. He can be a bit protective. And not to mention, surprisingly, Tony can be extremely shy when meeting girls he likes, specifically Fern Walter and Sue Ellen. Although, he later on, he builds his confidence around them. Tony is oblivious when preschool girls have a crush on him. He's just not used to being crushed on. Plus being adopted can be a sensitive topic for Tony when someone tease him about it. Tony, however, resent the fact that David and Jane have favorite D.W. This is also a sensitive topic.
Bio: Tony Read is the adoptive younger brother of the titlcular character: Arthur Read. Tony's birth parents were family-friends of David and Jane Read. However his parents unfortunately passed away due to different circumstances (child birth and car accident).
After the deaths of their friends, David and Jane adopted Tony to honor them. Tony has live a decent life with his adoptive family, mostly with his brother Arthur, who doesn't seem mind too much to take him with him around despite the sibling rivalry between them. D.W., on the other hand, cause trouble for Tony as much as she does with Arthur. However, Tony retaliates by pranking her. Tony can be prideful, which is essentially his downfall. He take pride when it comes to his schemes or skills and talents. He never see it could lead into consequences to bigger ones that are almost too much to handle.
Since Arthur took Tony to hang with his friends ever since Arthur was in the 2nd grade, Tony got along with Buster, Brain, and Binky very well. Although, Tony can't stand Francine's arrogant attitude and Muffy's bratty behavior, all remind him too much of D.W., and how they antagonize his big brother despite being Arthur's "friends". And Tony got make a friend of his when meeting George. He found George to be a fun and interesting guy, and loves his puppet play. And he got acquainted with George's friend Carl. Of course, when Tony first met Fern, he had a huge crush on her. Tony thinks Fern is adorable. Initially he often goes quiet as he's extremely shy when seeing face-to-face with her, and as well as goes hiding. After gaining his confidence to talk to Fern, they became friends. He enjoy mysteries and detective stuff with her, and he doesn't mind scary stuff. And since Sue Ellen moved in to Elwood City, Tony's had the same reaction when meeting a new crush, he was timid around Sue Ellen yet he is interested in her. Tony thinks Sue Ellen is cool as she's brave and knows martial arts. He even ask Sue Ellen for lessons on a couple of moves. Tony thinks Sue Ellen is cute too. They became good friends as well.
Of course Tony does make friends at preschool, like James MacDonald, who they became good friends after Tony leads the conversation and protect him from the Tibble Twin's shenanigans. Emily is another preschooler that Tony made good friends with even back when D.W. doesn't like her being perfect. Yet Tony does tease D.W. that Emily is better than her in every way. Although, Tony does not like Tibble Twins at all, considering how obnoxious and loud they are. Though, of all the kids to bombard with pranks, the Tibble twins are Tony's favorite targets
Trivia: - I figured that if Arthur had a younger brother as suppose to he had a twin brother relationship with Buster and see an older brother in Brain, I thought it would be interesting how he would handle a younger brother. - Plus I wanna have Arthur interact with Fern and George more. So the connection they had with Tony makes it possible. - I also figure that how D.W. would handle against someone who doesn't care she has parental favoritism on her side.
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helenofsimblr · 9 months
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Guy: Normally, I would but, you know how it is. You’re there, Mom’s having another baby. Where am I gonna go?
Elita: More like you just want privacy for your sex capers. 
Guy: Heh! Those too! You know I’m gonna be around I’m not leaving the planet or nothing, I’ll always be about and here for you, just call. 
Elita: I know. I want you to lead your life, I just don’t want you to be lonely and miserable.
Guy: Nonsense! I’m fine. Seriously! I’m ok you don’t need to worry about me. How’s school?
Elita: Who is Francine? I’ve heard her name mentioned a bit.
Guy: What? She’s somebody I went to school with, that's all.
Elita: She’s more to you than that, you think about her all the time and the moment I mentioned her name it’s like BAM… shields up, you’re trying to hide from me Professor.
Guy: I’m not hiding anything. I just… eh, it didn’t work out for us is all. Stuff got in the way. And she’s engaged to be married to Arnold fucking Moriarty. So that’s that.
Elita: Guy RARELY uses swear words, I mean rarely.
Elita: If she is important to you, then you need to tell her how you feel. 
Guy: I can’t. Besides, I had no choice. I was told I was gonna die, I didn’t want to put Francine through something like that.. 
Guy: Anyway as adorable as this is, that my little sister wants to look after me, that’s not your job. It is my job to look out for you. 
Elita: Works both ways. Hey, do you want to grab a coffee over there? 
Guy: Yeah, let's do it. Just no more interrogations ok? You have to remember I am a walking mass of “toxic masculinity” and I prefer to deal with my feelings in private.
Elita: heh heh heh, no promises! So who told you that you were gonna die huh?
Guy: Literally five seconds ago I say no more interrogations, and here you are with a follow up question.
Elita: And what YOU have to remember is that I am a walking mass of “do whatever I want” and I prefer to do things my way. 
Guy: I think I’m gonna cry, nobody gets me like you do Leet.
Elita: That’s because we’re awesome. And toxic masculinity bans you from crying anyway, you pussy. 
Guy: *Laughs* Right, let's grab the coffee then. I assume Mom has converted you.
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a-ramblinrose · 9 months
A Weekly Reading Journal 1.7.24
Once upon a time this book blogger did in fact attempt to post a weekly update about their reading. I think I managed 3 months of irregular posts. Yikes. Here's to 2024 being the year of regular scheduling for my nonsense!
Currently Reading:
The Iliad translated by Emily Wilson
Winter Hours by Mary Oliver
The Madness Vase by Andrea Gibson [reread]
The Book of Songs translated by Arthur Waley
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose
A Prayer For the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
The Annotated Persuasion by Jane Austen [reread except the annotations]
Graphic Novels:
Wolf Children Ame & Yuki by Mamoru Hosoda
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
Just Finished:
A Psalm For The Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
I won a copy of Godkiller by Hannah Kaner through Goodreads and I'd like to start it soon. Maybe after I finish Crown-Shy.
General Reading Thoughts:
I'm quite pleased with how this selection of books is playing off one another. The mix of genre and new read/reread is fun. I'm jumping from book to book at whim taking my time rather than speed reading anything.
I do miss reading outside (the winter weather finally arrived) but books and blankets are a grand combination. I'm sadly lacking in tea at the moment. My electric kettle died and the new one is slow to come. I'm snobby enough to say microwaved water tastes off😖 so it'll be a few more days till TEA🍵 !!!
My fanfiction reading is also ongoing and delightful. I also re-found booktube which is a bit of a fun distraction. My poor ever growing wishlist!
My bookish goals are currently on track, I have a lovely tbr for the month and lovely books to continue enjoying!
Current Reading Tag || General Original Content
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omniblades-and-stars · 4 months
KICKS DOWN DOOR. #25 in the groups section for Frankie and crewmates of choice. Whatever makes it funniest.
25 _ Your characters are being forced to do a group bonding exercise. They each have to share something they like about each other character in the group. What do they say?
Frankie, Miranda and Zaeed are all dragged to the principal's office (the Medbay) after successfully recruiting Mordin Solus. I wrote this as a short because it appeared to me so clearly it was like a vision sent straight from the gods.
I am the oracle apparently.
"You take too many risks, Commander. And your methods lack the professionalism one would expect from a soldier of your rank," Miranda grouses as they all sit down in the chairs arranged in a tight circle in the medbay. "A vorcha almost took your head off because you lit a cigarette in the middle of an active combat zone."
"Maybe I needed a smoke because I was just fucking tired of all your nagging," Frankie mutters darkly, crossing her arms like a petulant child.
"Lawson's got a point, Shepard. What's an infiltration specialist doing running around in neon armor anyway? You're practically wearing a goddamn homing beacon that's screaming "Shoot me in the head because I refuse to wear a fucking helmet!" Zaeed adds, as if his input is wanted or helpful.
Miranda scoffs, "You're one to talk about risk taking and professionalism."
Whatever offensive thing Zaeed was going to answer with is cut off by a stern look from the doctor.
"Everyone, please be quiet. You've been bickering since you came back from Omega," Karin helpfully cuts in. "There's not enough brandy in the galaxy to deal with you three arguing. Now, we're going to do something about this before it comes to blows and I have to patch you all up."
"I'd fucking kick both of your asses," Frankie boasts with a short laugh.
Zaeed and Miranda look at Commander Shepard with that sort of exasperated stare that says, "I am so tired of your shit." Even Chakwas is shaking her head.
"Commander, please," she says not unwarmly. "Now, I want each of you to say one thing you like about each other."
Everyone groans, except for Miranda who has a tense customer service smile spread across her face. Her eyes tell a different story.
An awkward moment passes before a wicked sort of grin spreads across Frankie's face. "Zaeed, I like you-"
"Everyone knows you like my ass, Shepard. You won't shut up about it. Try somethin' else."
Commander Shepard huffs, "Fine. Zaeed, I appreciate your keen battle instincts and that you're a good aim. Thank you for catching that vorcha in the eyeball before I took a rocket to the head."
"See, Commander, that wasn't so bad, now was it? Who's next?" Karin asks, not noticing the middle finger Frankie has surreptitiously raised towards the bounty hunter.
"Call me 'Francine' if you want to find out how much of my boot can fit up your ass, Miranda."
"Frankie, while I often disagree with your methods, I do like your approach to problem solving. It is very unique, but no less effective," Miranda says genuinely, after correcting her misstep.
Frankie smirks, "Thanks, it's all the cranial trauma that makes me like this."
"Wouldn't be a problem if you'd wear a helmet," Zaeed grumbles under his breath.
With that, everyone looks at grimacing mercenary. "What's that, old man? Pretty sure you're supposed to be complimenting me, not critiquing my gear," Shepard teases.
Zaeed very purposefully turns towards Miranda, expertly ignoring Frankie. Who deserves to be ignored right now, if everyone's being fucking honest. "Miranda, you have the sort of no nonsense leadership style that's in short supply these days." Both he and Miranda look sideways at Commander Shepard, who is too busy chewing on one of her fingernails to give a shit about whatever it is Zaeed is implying.
"Thank you, Massani," Operative Lawson responds with a humble nod of her head. "Your ability to adapt under pressure is both admirable and much needed on this mission."
The three non-commanders turn to look at Commander Shepard, who is really just going to town on that fingernail, like it owes her money. Karin clears her throat and Frankie looks up like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "What? Oh, right, my turn now. Miranda, since saying that you look bangin' in that bodysuit probably isn't the kind of thing I'm supposed to say to the head of HR, I'll say that I really appreciate your confidence. You're good and you know it."
"Thank you, Commander."
All eyes fall on Zaeed again, he is leaning back on the folding chair with his arms crossed until the front legs lift up. "Alright, Frankie," he says with a smirk. "I like your ass."
Frankie laughs so hard she snorts and nearly falls out of her chair.
Miranda simply gets up and leaves.
Dr. Chakwas reaches blindly for the bottle of brandy Frankie just bought for her.
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Against All Odds
Part 299
McCoy was exhausted and miserable when he finally followed Spock off the shuttle. He missed Scotty with his whole being and the stress of flying had kept him tense. He collapsed into the car as Spock and Sarek greeted each other and loaded bags.
He let his head fall back and watched the scenery go by from the corner of his eye as they headed for the palace. He’d last been this way with Scotty at his side and the distance between them was nearly suffocating. Spock spoke quietly with his father in the front seats, but McCoy ignored them.
McCoy’s fingers brushed the ring in his hand. He was sure Scotty must have had at least one laugh at how continuously his ring had lit up. McCoy had been unable to stop himself twisting and turning his hands together during the flight.
Leah was waiting when they pulled up in front of the palace steps. She had been waiting when he had returned from school as well. She had been doing an excellent job as acting sovereign the last few weeks. And as much as he was glad to see her, he had expected Father to greet him.
“Hello Leonard,” Leah said, stepping forward to embrace him. “Welcome back Spock,” she called over McCoy’s shoulder.
“Hi. Where’s Father?” McCoy asked.
“I’m fine, thanks,” Leah pretended to pout.
McCoy rolled his eyes at his sister. She grabbed his arm and they began to walk.
“Dr. Boyce still wants him to take some things easy. He’s waiting inside.”
McCoy nodded. “How’s being queen?”
“Somehow, the same as I imagined and completely different.”
“And everything is alright with you and Robbie?”
Leah turned her head to look at him. “Yes.”
“Where are we going?” McCoy asked as they entered the palace and passed by Father’s normal office.
“They’re upstairs. Mother’s been reading to him lots lately. They just sit together and read.”
McCoy smiled at the thought of his parents doing the same things he and Scotty liked to do. He had left the book with Scotty. He had read it before and knew how it ended.
Leah knocked before opening the door to their mother’s study.
“Oh Leonard!” Eleanor exclaimed, setting a book aside before jumping to her feet. She moved quickly to McCoy and hugged him tightly.
“Hi,” he managed to get out around his mother’s arms.
“I want to know everything!” Eleanor said, stroking her hands over McCoy’s face.
“I’ve got some work to finish,” Leah said. She leaned in for another hug with McCoy. “I want to talk later,” she whispered in his ear.
“Leah has been doing a fine job,” David said from beside Eleanor.
McCoy stepped forward and embraced him. He couldn’t stop a single shuddering cry as he hugged his father. Everything he had felt when Leah had first told him of David’s heart attack came flooding back. He felt David’s arms tighten around him.
“I’m alright Leonard,” David soothed. “I’m getting stronger.”
“Come sit dear,” said Eleanor, when McCoy let go of his father, “tell us everything. How was it? You had fun?”
Part 300
The drive back home was awful. Scotty couldn’t help but think of Leonard. Would he really be okay? What if something happened? What if the shuttle got hijacked? Or attacked?
Alright, he knew that that was nonsense, but there was a slight chance of something like that happening!
It only calmed Scotty to see the constant blinking of his ring.
Leonard was thinking of him. Leonard was okay. But Leonard was probably also anxious about flying.
From time to time Scotty pressed his own ring to let his boyfriend know he was there for him.
At home Robbie was waiting for his brother and Jim. He had already pre-chosen a few movies to watch to distract the two lovers from their loss.
Scotty was really grateful for it. He knew that he needed to get his mind on other things than Leonard. At least until he could call the prince at home.
So they watched a nice action movie together and then got downstairs for dinner.
Francine had brought some fast food with her. She didn’t have much time to cook on that day and she knew that neither Scotty nor Jim would be in the mood for cooking.
“What are ye lads up to tomorrow?” Scotty’s mother asked, trying to cheer them up.
“I thought that we could go to the pool once more. This time with ye too, Scotty?” Robbie asked and the older Scott brother nodded absentmindedly.
Leonard had written him a message while they were watching the movie, saying that he had arrived at home safely and that he’d call later on.
Scotty couldn’t wait to see Leonard’s face again.
“We could go in the morning when there are less people,” Jim suggested and Scotty agreed.
“Aye, sounds good.”
When dinner was finished, Robbie and Francine offered to do the dishes so that Scotty and Jim could call certain someones.
Scotty got into his room, jumped onto the couch and unlocked his PADD.
There was a new message from Keenser, saying that he wanted to return to school as soon as possible. His mother was probably still annoying him.
And there was a message from Khan.
*Hello Scotty, are you and Leonard okay? A lot has happened during summer break. I hope that you got through it together.*
Scotty thought about what Leonard would say. He’d be annoyed by the message and question. Obviously.
Still, Scotty wrote that he was fine and that he couldn’t talk for Leonard, but that they helped each other a lot.
Just when he had sent the message, a call came in.
Scotty smiled brightly as he saw his love. The boy looked exhausted but happy too.
“How are ye? How is everything at home?”
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gorogues · 2 years
Did you read the Rogues Black Label ending?
I'm just so disappointed with this series. The long gaps, the out of character behavior with trickster adding Francine who wasn't a Rogue adding Tiger who wasn't a Rogue, the stupid ending.
I can write fanfiction better than these so called professionals.
What is wrong with DC?
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Spoilers for the Rogues Black Label series in this post!
Well, I didn't love the ending and the delays were definitely a problem. But this was explicitly an AU from the start, so while I am disappointed that two slots were filled with non-standard Rogues (I would have liked to have seen AU takes on Mark or Roscoe or Hartley or Digger), I don't have a problem with how anyone was characterized. It's debatable whether DC's Black Label experiment will turn out to be worthwhile, as IMO some of the series have been edgy nonsense (the two Suicide Squad series, and Peacemaker was just unrelentingly dark), but I do think it's good that DC's trying different things.
What DC needs is a balance between 'adult' stories and relentless boundary-pushing, which is often the curse of mature labels. A lot of writers will go nuts with the violence/sex/profanity as soon as they're not constrained by all-ages rules, and ideally there's middle ground between stuff written for 10 year olds and stuff written for angry 22 year olds who like to piss off society. I think the Rogues series did a decent job finding that ground, though it's entirely subjective and I'm sure plenty of reasonable people disagree…Trickster's fate arguably went too far.
But it's completely reasonable and valid to be disappointed with the series, especially if it wasn't what you were hoping for. I would have liked something happier, personally, and had one or two Rogues win by surviving and maybe getting a few bucks out of it. I guess this ending was more realistic given the odds they were up against, and maybe that's what Williamson wanted to show. But the real world's been so miserable over the past few years, so it would have been nice to see even a bittersweet ending for some of the group. That might just be me, though.
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satureja13 · 1 year
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Next morning in Copperdale. Jeb is already on his way to San Myshuno to meet Jack. Team Home Improvement is going to restore Guidry's office (which had been destroyed when Morgan and Leander fought over Vlad's dead body...).
Francine and Vlad still try to clear Vlad's mind from Ji Ho's influence so it will be easier/safer to cut the Bond... But Vlad thinks he already made good progress. The bond abandoned him anyway after he tried to bond with Morgan. So it should be easy, right? So Francine made a test: Vlad is ready to cut the Bond when he is able to cuddle Malfoy, the evil rooster.
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Malfoy can sense any kind of magical interferences. And Malfoy says: a big no! Francine: "I thought so! Let's proceed!" Poor Vlad is so fed up with all this weird stuff they want him to do... Nothing of it makes any sense to him! What do massages and yoga and a rooster have to do with his ability to cut the bond?
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So they went over to the séance table. Francine is trying to help him through with some guidance from the other side...
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Francine: "Vlad - try harder! Fight against it! Think of the Siren's Spell! The danger this Bond puts you all in! The Council!" Vlad: "I try my best... but Ji Ho's spell is so strong!"
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Francine: "Ach! We have to rely on Rubyn and Leander then -.- There is still hope, don't worry. Especially Leander is very eager to help to cut the bond... as far as i can see here in the crystal ball..." Vlad: "Is he going to touch Ji Ho again?"
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Francine: "Sure. You must admit, this was very sucessful - given your reaction. The pain you felt shows that you are not ready to let go."
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Vlad: "I shall double my efforts!"
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He is so not ready...
'… A fine line's between fate and destiny Do you believe in the things that were just meant to be? When you tell me the stories of your quest for me Picturesque is the picture you paint effortlessly And as our energies mix and begin to multiply Everyday situations, they start to simplify So things will never be the same between you and I We intertwined our life forces and now we're unified'
Things will never be the same again - Melanie C (from the Spice Girls)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
The 'Disbandment of the Group' Chapter from the beginning -> here
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n1ghtm3ds · 4 months
Why are you so proud of being a sexual deviant?
We aren't talking about rape roleplay or intense violence that causes injury, we are talking about some light choking (nothing worse than what my friends and i would do to get a head rush at sleepovers in 5th grade after we learned about it on Dr Phil) and mild spanking (light red marks, no welts or broken skin). The only time there is broken skin is some very shallow knife tomfoolery but nothing compared to what Id do to myself.
If that is sexual deviancy to you I would like to congratulate you on your first day on the internet.
Wasn't there an American Dad episode with this exact plot, where Francine was into spanking and Stan called her a pervert and sent her off to live in the woods?
We have plenty of lovely soft missionary sex, much more often than we include any sort of tom and jerry nonsense, but thanks to our arrangement I have not cut myself in months and only had two clawing incidents all year. Im not gong to give up one of the few crutches of harm reduction keeping me from going completely off the deep end in the name of keeping my politics pure. Practical harm reduction is more important to me than political theory. The crossed wires in my brain that make pain feel good are not a political statement. I used to smash my head on the bars of my crib/on walls as an infant for the endorphin high, Ive literally been self harming in one way or another since before I was weened off the nipple. Im probably never going to stop but recruiting my partner to make sure things don't get out of control is at least a little safer than being left to my own devices.
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ryantavey · 1 year
Title: American Mom - Episode: "Lesbian Love and Adopted Adventures"
The Smith household is bustling with activity. Stan Smith, a strong and independent woman, and Francine, her loving partner, are busy preparing breakfast. They are both in their forties, with Stan having a no-nonsense attitude and Francine radiating warmth and charisma. Their two adopted children, Hayley and Steve, are teenagers who embody the quirks of their parents.
(Stirring a pot)
Francine, have you seen my favorite spatula? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Oh, Stan, you always misplace things. It's in the drawer labeled "Stan's Special Spatula."
Stan rolls her eyes and pulls out the spatula from the drawer. Hayley, a passionate activist, enters the room, carrying a stack of flyers.
Hey, Moms! I need to distribute these flyers for the climate change rally at school. Can you help me?
(Checking her watch)
We'd love to, Hayley, but we have our annual arlesnian potluck tonight. You know how much your mom loves her arlesnian cuisine.
Oh, yes! The arlesnian potluck. I can't wait to show off my famous vegan borscht.
(Entering the room)
Did someone say potluck? That means I can finally bring my world-famous mac and cheese!
The family shares a laugh as they continue with their morning routine.
Hayley walks through the hallways of her high school, handing out flyers to her classmates. She spots her friend, Jeff, and rushes towards him.
(Handing him a flyer)
Jeff, you have to come to the rally. We need to take action against climate change!
Of course, Hayley! I'm always up for saving the planet.
The Smith household is transformed into an arlesnian paradise. The dining table is adorned with traditional arlesnian dishes while Stan and Francine put the finishing touches on their culinary creations. The doorbell rings, and the family eagerly welcomes their arlesnian friends.
The arlesnian potluck is in full swing. The room is filled with laughter and conversation as everyone enjoys the delicious food. Stan and Francine share a private moment near the kitchen.
I'm so glad we adopted Hayley and Steve. Our family is truly one-of-a-kind.
Absolutely, Stan. Our love knows no bounds, just like our family.
They share a tender kiss and return to the party.
Hayley and Steve sit at the kitchen table, savoring their favorite arlesnian dishes.
You know, Steve, it's amazing to see how different cultures can come together through food.
Yeah, and it's even better when it's our moms' cooking.
They high-five each other, reveling in their unique
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iukasylvie · 1 year
Bai Jin: Had been good friends with Francine and remembered her love of clowns and entertainers
Bai Yin: Replaced his contempt for Francine with a new, equally nonsense contempt for puppetry, which was his clan's business, physically and emotionally abandoned his younger brother, and hypocritically created the first puppet for battle
Karakuri Circus: Sidelines all of Bai Yin's faults and influence on his younger brother and overemphasizes Bai Jin's obsession with Francine
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Marsha Francine Warfield (born March 5, 1954) is an actress and comedian. She grew up on Chicago's South Side, graduating from Calumet High School. She is known for her 1986–92 role as Roz Russell on Night Court. She was the tough, no-nonsense bailiff in Judge Stone's court. She starred in the sitcom Empty Nest as Dr. Maxine Douglas (1993–95). Before Night Court, she was a writer and performer on the short-lived Richard Pryor Show. She appeared in feature films such as DC Cab and Mask, hosted The Marsha Warfield Show for ten months, and has made guest appearances on many television shows, including Riptide, Family Ties, Clueless, Cheers, Living Single, In Living Color, Moesha and Touched by an Angel. She has done stand-up comedy including appearances on The Comedy Shop television series. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #womenhistorymonth https://www.instagram.com/p/CpaG7OErIj4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a-ramblinrose · 9 months
A Weekly Reading Journal 1.14.24
Reporting on my current bookwyrm nonsense!
Currently Reading:
The Iliad by Homer translated by Emily Wilson
The Book of Songs translated by Arthur Waley
Sun Under Wood by Robert Hass [reread]
The Collected Poems of Sara Teasdale
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke [reread]
Guardian Vol. 1 by Priest
Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being A Witch by Rhianna Pratchett & Gabrielle Kent
The Frost Fair Affair by Tansy Rayner Roberts
Graphic Novels:
Sailor Moon Vol. 5 by Naoko Takeuchi
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
Just Finished: wow I completed a lot this last week...
A Prayer For the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers ★★★★
Wolf Children Ame & Yuki by Mamoru Hosoda ★★.5
The Annotated Persuasion by Jane Austen ★★★★★
Winter Hours by Mary Oliver ★★★★★
The Madness Vase by Andrea Gibson ★★★★
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang ★★★★★
Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose ★★★
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner ★★★★
General Reading Thoughts:
Still happy with my way to many books at once reading habit! I am finding it rather hilarious that the moment I decide to stop paying attention to book counts my reading speed seems to have increased.
I did grab the audio book for the Iliad to help me keep pace and not just skim past the repetitive lists. Bonus I get to really enjoy the rhythm of Emily Wilson's translation.
My fanfiction reading has slowed down a bit in favor of my massive tbr and I'm glad. I adore fanfiction but I do think my balance of fic vs books was way off.
Booktube remains a distraction but at least it's a fun one <3
Happy Reading!!!
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