loveourfuture-c · 7 days
If you cannot separate your hate for a character from the actor that plays them, you need help. If you are a grown ass adult and are harassing showrunners/writers because they made a decision you don’t like, you need help. If you feel the need to harass fans of a certain ship or character, you need help. At the end of the day it’s a tv show and those characters aren’t real. It’s never worth it to send actual death threats to people and harass them to the point of deleting social media. The fact that all this behavior is being perpetrated mainly by grown ass adults is even more disgusting.
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livsoulsecrets · 15 days
Michaela/Francesca Fic - If the pain is real, then why can’t I find a cure?
@fandombingo Prompt from Wonderland Bingo: "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go am here?”
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Content Warnings: Death, Grief
Summary: In the wake of John’s death, Michaela and Francesca become each other’s anchors.
“John… He was my north. I never imagined the day would come when I would move towards a future without him.” Michaela inhaled sharply before continuing, “This is the worst day of our lives. All that I ask is that you try to survive it.”
Read on AO3.
The hours had blended together into an unending sequence of eerie silence and unstoppable sobs for Francesca.
She had no idea how Michaela was still standing, giving the servants directions and making arrangements.
Francesca watched as Michaela took the reins of the situation to the best of her abilities when she could not move. She observed as the woman dried her tears every few minutes, suffocating her own pain in order to ease Francesca’s.
She had never been more grateful for her presence. Francesca was not sure she could have managed without her. From the moment she saw John’s lifeless body, her soul had shattered, rendering her completely useless.
The mere thought of John—kind, brilliant, sweet John—as a body turned Francesca’s stomach.
It was unnatural. It was simply wrong.
“Francesca,” she distantly heard.
He could not be gone. Maybe they were wrong. Perhaps John was still there. If she called out for him loud enough, he would wake up again and smile at her and Michaela with the brightness of a thousand suns.
“Francesca,” Michaela’s voice sounded again, firmer. “Francesca, look at me.”
She pulled her mind away from the desperate thoughts of denial to stare at Michaela, sitting by Francesca’s side on the living room couch.
“You should eat,” Michaela muttered, reaching for a plate of biscuits placed on the center table.
“I am not hungry,” she replied, crossing her hands atop her lap.
“I understand, but you must eat anyway. It has been too long since breakfast, and you have not eaten since. These are your favorite.”
Michaela raised the plate closer to Francesca, but she pushed it away.
“I don’t think I can. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can barely breathe as it is.”
Michaela put the plate away and instead took Francesca’s hands in hers.
“I am so sorry for asking of you more than you feel capable of giving,” she stated very quietly.
For a moment, the distant sounds of the maids preparing John’s body disappeared. There was just the coldness of her heart threatening to swallow her whole and the warmth of Michaela keeping it at bay.
“John… He was my north. I never imagined the day would come when I would move towards a future without him.” Michaela inhaled sharply before continuing, “This is the worst day of our lives. All that I ask is that you try to survive it.”
Francesca shook her hand, incapable of looking into Michaela’s eyes. “I do not think myself strong enough for that.”
“You must be,” Michaela said firmly.
Francesca was reminded of John’s stories of his childhood. Most of them involved Michaela leading John into some adventure that inadvertently ended in trouble.
She had asked him once, “Why did you follow her every time if you knew the chances of it ending poorly?”
He had shrugged and taken his time to think his answer through. “She has always been incredibly convincing. Besides, if there is one thing I have learned, it’s that, in times of crisis, Michaela is the person you want by your side.”
John had smiled, and his face had relaxed into a peaceful expression. “She will not let you drown.”
And that was precisely what Michaela attempted to do now.
She was trying to keep Francesca afloat.
“You must eat because you must live. And you must live because John loved you more than life itself. Otherwise, his love will die with you.”
Those were rough words to hear in the aftermath of such a heartbreaking loss. Had they come from anyone else, Francesca might have thought them cruel, but that was Michaela.
Her voice was a lighthouse amidst a storm—a balm to the tragedy that struck Francesca’s home.
She presented her indisputable truths, for she had known John longer than Francesca had been alive.
That was the cousin of each of her adventures, the brother she had been granted by life, and the twin flame of her very soul.
Michaela was giving Francesca the gift of truth when others would have given her false words of comfort and kind lies.
“Then, would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” Francesca begged, her voice trembling.
Michaela paused, taking a moment to wipe away the tears that ran freely down her cheeks.
“I am afraid I do not hold the answer to your question. I have survived this day through sheer willpower and not much else. All I do know is what John would have wished for us—a life. Perhaps not an easy one, or even a happy one in this very moment, but a life nonetheless.”
Michaela squeezed Francesca’s hands. “So, please, Francesca, just eat.”
She did not want to. What Francesca wanted was to run as far away from this pain as she could.
Instead, she picked up one of the biscuits and forced herself to chew.
She swallowed one after the other, and cleared the plate, willing her stomach to keep them down.
Michaela kept hold of one of her hands through it all—an anchor, a tether to the here and now.
This pain was familiar in a way. The need to ground herself was too.
Francesca had just turned six at the time of her father’s passing, too young to remember much about those dark times, but what she did remember was the loudness of it.
The Bridgertons had never been a quiet bunch—it was the whole reason why she stood out from her siblings and mother, after all.
They laughed freely, they spoke loudly, and they grieved even more so.
Her mother’s cries remained in Francesca’s nightmares for years. She recalled Anthony’s despair as he yelled at them to back away, trying to protect his siblings from the vision of their dead father.
In the days that followed, Francesca was woken up by Eloise’s screaming as she called out for their dad and Daphne’s voice, just as desperate but somehow more contained, urging her to calm down.
There were no such noises now. Francesca’s beloved home, away from most of society and its distractions, was drenched in complete silence.
Grief had always been so deeply ingrained with outbursts for Francesca that it felt off-putting to have none of that now.
Even the normalcy of loss had been taken from her.
There were only her, Michaela, and the servants now. The only sounds were those of hurried footsteps and Francesca’s uneven breathing.
Francesca would have taken her mother’s sobs, Anthony’s firm yelling, and Hyacinth and Gregory’s endless bickering over the eerily quiet if only it meant she wasn’t alone with her grief.
Francesca missed their chaos, for she had realized it was the only reason she had survived loss the first time around.
“I want…” She started weekly, then felt her voice trailing off. Michaela bent forward, listening attentively.
“I need my family.” She managed to say, “My mother, my siblings. Please.”
Michaela was nodding before she even finished speaking. “I can send out a message to them. It may take a few days to be delivered, but I will do what I can. If you wish, we can go to them once the funeral is performed. I will accompany you. If you will have me.”
Francesca’s breath caught. “I can not possibly ask this of you.”
“You are not asking. I am making the offer. You must not be alone in that journey, should you choose to make it.”
Michaela stopped for a moment, and her voice broke a few times before she managed to speak again. “Neither should I, to be honest.”
Francesca watched as Michaela lost her battle to the tears that spilled freely down her cheeks.
The weight of that day seemed to have seized her completely.
Francesca pulled her in. She circled Michaela’s fragile frame with her arms and held her tightly as she sobbed.
Finally, the loudness had returned to her. That she knew how to deal with.
Far more grateful than Francesca ever thought she would be on such a disgraceful day, she laid her head atop Michaela’s and whispered words of comfort back to her.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
@ Franchels - I Need Help!
[SO Sorry to the anon I just got and anyone else who saw the first glitched out mess of a post with word links instead of the linked IG posts showing up as pictures in the last post but here is a repost with screenshots instead!]
Hello hello everyone! I’m currently working on a T4T Franchela piece for @franchaelweek where I’m doing a list of HC plot points of WHWW with post-WHWW scenes about John II & Janet, but in this version Fran is genderfluid and Michaela is now a transwoman!
I have the perfect Fran picked out, you’re going to love them!! However, I can’t decide on Michaela so here’s where yall can come in and help. These three goregous ladies below are in the running for Michaela! I usually default to the darker skinned actresses cos I’m darker and we need more rep. However, I am not married to Alexandra and honestly next to her, Quei would make a GREAT Johanna but John is staying John in this AU for plot purposes. Arisce does have the vibe but I am worried she looks too much like a Barbie??
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[Also looking back at all three together, I might go with Quei she looks ETHEREAL IN THAT PIC - still tho let me know yall!]
Anyways, let me know in the comment/tags/reblogs, who yall think fits Michaela best! Of course you can imagine whoever you want when you read my HCs when I post it, I just personally like having a visual reference! Thanks yall!!
Also hellooo anon I see you! Your vote for Alexandra has been counted! 
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[Do let me know if any of you’d like to be tagged in the final HC post]
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towersdelight · 17 days
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franchela aesthetic
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Dice que Franchela se juntó con Goyty, hicieron un robot a cuerda y lo tiraron a predicar por Baires 00′ (Gualegaichu y Sanabria). Se llamaba -Galf- y va a regresar, en forma de fichas.
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crotanga · 3 years
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bifeamericano · 7 years
El tipo consigue laburo, redactor del horóscopo del diario. Al principio tira fruta pero después descubre que el camarero del bar de la esquina es de tauro, y que la kioskera es de sagitario, y así, el chabón va identificando personas con los signos, y comienza a escribir el horóscopo en base a esas 12 personas, y empiezan a pasar cosas y es un quilombo y ES LA COMEDIA DEL AÑO con Franchella.
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thenationview · 2 years
Marco Carnival, directed by Granizo: "Aggravated film criticism overshadows Ukraine war"
Marco Carnival, directed by Granizo: “Aggravated film criticism overshadows Ukraine war”
Marco Carnival, directed by Granizo: “Aggravated film criticism overshadows Ukraine war” The filmmaker spoke to Netflix about his new product featuring Guillermo Franchela and did not shy away from the negative reviews he received. April 10, 202210:59 Guillermo Francella as Miguel Flores in Granizo Since its premiere on March 30 on Netflix hail, Marco Carnival comedy starring Guillermo…
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sassycurls · 3 years
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💙Project: @mujeresofallshades 🌺Creative Director & Stylist: Franchela Ulises @modestubyfranchela • @styledbymodestu 📸Photographer: @aubree.photos 🪡Designer: @christopherjohnrogers x @target 📍Location: Arizona Science Center (at Arizona Science Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6OmGgMVe1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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TFB| Regatas busca una alegría para despedirse en su casa
TFB| Regatas busca una alegría para despedirse en su casa
 Regatas Corrientes recibirá a Tokio en su último duelo como local en el Torneo Federal. Franchela no estará presente.  El jueves por la noche desde las 21:30 en el José Jorge Contte el Club de Regatas Corrientes se estará enfrentando con el Club Tokio de Posadas por la 13° fecha de la Zona NEA del Torneo Federal de Básquetbol.  El duelo que será transmitido en vivo por la señal de streaming a…
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unalindafresita · 6 years
El diablo puede, en ocasiones, hacer algo caballeroso.... Como reunir a dos de los suyos para una última franchela!
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alberto-56-blog · 6 years
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De tanto que repiten los capítulos de "los argento" a Franchela se le "subió el personaje a la cabeza"!!! Forro!!! (en Arauco, La Rioja, Argentina)
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Sharing a name with the biggest slut in the Ton, I vote Alexandra!
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About this post
LMAO YES MICHAELA! Okay so this is two votes for Alexandra to be our Regency Slut™ Michaela Stirling!
(Gosh I want her to STEP ON ME)
I'll be keeping this as the Official Alexandra Vote Post so comment/reblog/tag (I don't count likes cos yall will like anything I swear ahhsksj) on this post if you'd like Alexandra as the FC/cast for Michaela Stirling. Feel free to also send asks like the anon above and I'll add the screenie of the ask to this post!
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viscountessevie · 2 years
WHWW Fancasts
Buckle up bitches, there are SO many people over the last few months that have suggested to me or I’ve just seen and was like “Yeah that guy can be John/Michael!” Also with the conception of my Trans!Franchela AU, I also have two more NEW Franchel to show off. While I wanted to keep it a surprise, I already missed all of Franchel Week @franchaelweek​, I ain’t missing Fancast Day ahahah. 
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Without further ado, here’s my collection of the Stirlings and a surprise Genderfluid!Fran & Michaela cast!!
The Stirling Boys
Note: I have actually sort of compiled a list of them before here but it has since been updated with more people for them ahaha and also I didn’t put in pictures of all of them which will be done here!! [Also would recommend looking at this post on mobile so all the pictures are sized the same!]
The Very First One: Dev Patel 
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We shouldn’t forget our roots lmao and he was the very first person I saw in my mind as Michael when I first read WHWW and also the Stirlings being Indian-Scottish helps erase Coloniser!Michael in the two years he ran away to India and was ‘working’ there, instead I can see him going there to honour John’s memory and pay pilgrimage to scatter John’s ashes. 
Never really thought about who his John could be but my fave John fancast of all time at the moment is:
My Favourite John: Raymond Ablack  
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Yes I chose a shirtless picture on purpose, we ALLL need to simp for John more and give his due, okay?? He’s related to Michael so OF COURSE THEY ARE BOTH HOT and they were bestie so I imagine they were pretty alike, John was just more covert about being a hoe in public lol. That doesn’t make him Michael 2.0, just as hot, realistically related to and having a friendship with his cousin and Frannie deserves that. 
So I have talked about this in the previous fancast post but I love love the idea of the Stirlings looking SUPER alike since their fathers were twins and so when I found Raymond Ablack and @hptriviachamp​ Triv suggested her favourite Michael fancast, I knew I had to put them together! Especially since while watching Ginny & Georgia, I thought Raymond was: 
Rahul Kohli - An Angsty, Twinning Michael 
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Okay this isn’t a smouldering angsty gifset I just want to show yall him in a suit LMAO, THIS is his Michael!
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Ik Ik he’s a DILF in Midnight Mass and much older but Sheriff Hassan’s vibe feels very Michael post John’s death!
Then we have our Filipino!Stirlings who was suggested to me by Lil @sharmasandcorgis​ who said Manny Jacinto would make a great Michael and she’s RIGHT: 
Manny Jacinto: THE Hottie
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I want him to TOP ME so badly lmao but yes, the Filipino Stirlings also tied into me liking the idea of Latino Stirlings who are named Miguel and Juan and while I don’t have any Latino guys in mind now (tho Danny Ramirez as one of them 👀👀), Filipino people using Latin names works for this fancast! 
So I present Miguel Stirling ^^ and here’s 
Rene Gube as Juan Stirling: 
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[Don’t mind the slight blurriness - he’s a pretty niche actor and all his ‘soft bf vibes’ pictures were with his wife and they are cute af but they weren’t screaming Franchel ya know?]
Honourable Mention Stirlings: 
In the ask linked above, the anon suggested Sameer Usmani and I’ve talked about how I feel about him on that post if yall are curious to read! So here’s a hot picture of him to speak for itself ahahah: 
Sameer Usmani: In Clothes Dating 300 Years Older Than Bridgerton 
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When They Were Wicked: A T4T Franchela Cast
Okay so this upcoming person was suggested to be by Lil again (girlie has so many brilliant ideas!!) when she saw me obsessively posting abt Top Gun on my other account and I made a post on it. And while at the time I saw him as Michael, now I’ve decided he’s my John for the T4T Franchela AU!!
Fighter Pilot Turned Earl of Kilmartin: Greg Tarzan Davis
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John Vibes FR FR: View on IG 
I decided on him as John because I finally picked out my Michaela and here she is: 
Presenting Michaela Stirling - Our Fave Regency Slut™
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Now the moment yall have been waiting for!! Genderfluid Fran is hereee - initially wanted to make it a surprise but I’m just too excited to share them!! Drumroll Please! 
Brigette Lundy-Paine IS Fran Bridgerton, Consort of Kilmartin
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Also I LOVE this photoset of them, it’s what convinced me they were Fran!! I also love that they look like they could be Ruby’s older sister ehehe. They have SO many amazing pictures of them, I honestly couldn’t decide which one to use but then realise I could save them for the edit I’m making to go with my Trans!AU ehehe
I know this got long, so thank you if you read through the whole thing. Let me know what you think of these casts and who are your FCs for the Stirlings or any alternative Frans - of a different gender or racebent Frans (Amita Suman is my Indian!Frannie here)! 
Thanks again to the creators of Franchael Week for organising this week!! Hopefully my late content makes up for not posting on time 😂😂
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viscountessevie · 2 years
Okay so my T4T Franchela HCs (vote for your fave Michaela FC in the link!) are taking a bit longer than expected and I’m kinda stuck oops so I’m working on a newspaper edit for my Band AU rn, would yall be interested in seeing that? Imma post it either way lol, just trying to gauge if yall would rather see the T4T story first or the Band AU? 
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LDD| Regatas recibe a Sarmiento
LDD| Regatas recibe a Sarmiento
 Regatas Corrientes se enfrentará a Sarmiento de Resistencia por una nueva fecha del Torneo Federal. El “remero” volverá a contar con Franchela. El jueves por la noche desde las 21:30 en el José Jorge Contte el Club de Regatas Corrientes recibirá al Club Atlético Sarmiento de Resistencia por la 4° fecha de la Zona NEA del Torneo Federal de Básquetbol.  Los jueces para el duelo que abrirá la…
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