#Francesc Luna
camposmarisma · 12 days
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¡Hola! Somos Natalia Rodríguez y Laura Luna, dos estudiantes de arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla. Una de Huelva y otra de Mallorca, nos hemos encontrado aquí para empezar nuestra aventura. 
A pesar de nuestras diferencias y de los kilómetros de distancia que nos separaban hasta ahora, nos hemos unido por nuestra pasión por la arquitectura. Al venir de ciudades muy diferentes vemos la arquitectura de distintas formas y aún así coincidimos en que es algo que nos apasiona profundamente.  
Como estudiantes de esta carrera, vemos la arquitectura como algo más que un simple edificio, nosotras miramos más allá de su fachada, no solo vemos los arquitectos (que también) pero además vemos a todos los que influyeron en su ideación y construcción y nos interesamos en el por qué qué hay detrás de cada proyecto. 
Eso es lo que está carrera nos enseña, que detrás siempre hay mucho más esfuerzo del que parece a simple vista y un apoyo entre todos los que la estudiamos. Por ello, lo que esperamos de este curso, no solo es aprender a diseñar un edificio sino a admirar el trabajo tras él.
Yo, Natalia vengo de Huelva en donde la mayor parte de su arquitectura data de después del gran terremoto de Lisboa en el siglo XVIII. En Huelva predomina el estilo barroco, tras la destrucción del terremoto y la rápida recuperación de lo perdido, sobre todo en la parte más céntrica y antigua de la ciudad, aunque también hay muchos otros casos de estilos como el gótico, el mudéjar, el renacentista y otros más recientes con una arquitectura más moderna y contemporánea, bastante usada estos últimos años; haciendo de Huelva un paraíso de estilos arquitectónicos, todos tan distintos y especiales.
Por otra parte yo, Laura, vengo desde las Islas Baleares, más concretamente de Mallorca. En mi tierra la arquitectura tiene unas características propias condicionadas, en parte, por el sentimiento de insularidad. En la isla predomina la arquitectura tradicional. Y se caracteriza por emplear el material que la propia isla brinda para la construcción de sus viviendas. Finalmente me gustaría mencionar algunos arquitectos que han tenido incidencia en la arquitectura mallorquinas como Francesc Femenies que destaca por su arquitectura contemporánea y a Alberto Rubio por su arquitectura sostenible.
Por último nos gustaría concluir la presentación hablando del porqué de la elección de nuestra portada, ya que como hemos comentado anteriormente nos gusta pensar en a que se deben nuestras selecciones. En ella predomina el contraste existente entre ambos estilos arquitectónicos de nuestros orígenes. A fin de que todos los elementos de la foto indiquen algo de nosotras y nuestras razones que nos llevaron a elegir esta carrera como la nuestra. 
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lunasaez · 2 years
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maresyluna · 2 years
Antoinette: Hard Day’s Work
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Fog rolled over the land where strange noises reigned in the early morning. Tired footsteps pressed against the dirt and tiny rocks beneath their feet as they moved down the path toward the village ahead. They were waiting for her, for sure, but they were hiding behind closed windows and locked doors, fearful that the woman they had hired may have failed, or worse yet, had been manipulated by the creatures they feared. And yet, here she was, walking back to the village, holding a moist bag, which she was ready to simply start dragging because she was too tired. 
The small woman, Antoinette, looked at what looked like the outline of the village through that fog and she took a deep breath. Ever since she parted ways with her partner in hopes of finding better jobs and monetary outcomes, she felt as if she had been getting the worse jobs out of the two. In the past two days alone, she had to fight wild animals and the occasional Horde warrior who managed to see her. The warriors she could handle, but the animals were sick, covered in fungi and diseases. That was her line. The worst part was that those animals were not naturally sick, but rather inflicted by someone and their cruel view of magic. Antoinette had dealt with witches before, but these people she found were beyond the magic users she was used to. She fought not only their magic, but the manipulations they cast on others and her as well. But she did was she was paid to do, and at the end of the job, she travelled to a small village where she had rented a room. 
Locking the door, the small woman removed her helmet and released her long pink hair. She shuffled her tired feet to the bed and climbed up on it. Cursing her height, she finally settled in bed and placed her head on the pillow, closing her eyes as the flashbacks rushed back to her. “Damn it,” she muttered, and she opened her eyes once more. She opened her small hand and took the earpiece she was holding on to into her ear. Pushing the button, she called out, “Panther?” 
There was silence for a moment. Antoinette sighed and she covered her eyes with her hand for a moment. Then she heard a man’s voice on the other side, “Monkey?” She smiled widely. She hated that name at the beginning but when he pointed out to her how often she climbed up on him to see over tall spaces, she began to accept it. At least from him alone. 
“Hi, baby,” she said softly. 
“How did it go? You sound tired.”
“Next time, you’re taking the hard jobs.”
He laughed softly. “Hopefully we’ll be working together again soon. Was it that bad?”
“Bad doesn’t even begin to explain everything I saw the past two days. I may go find you after this, France. I do have one more job lined up, but this place is horrid.”
“You can always come home, baby girl.”
“I know. The money’s not too bad, but I’m exhausted. How’s your cousin?”
“Moping as usual. We found a village that needed spiritual guidance, or whatever the hell they want to call it, so he ’s helping for donations. I completed two jobs today, so we’ll be fine when you come back.”
Antoinette chuckled. “Alright. I need to sleep. Sing me a song.”
A chuckle was heard on the other side of the communicator. “You’re safe, you know.”
“Just one song.”
The male voice began to sing a soft lullaby in darnassian. It was enough for Antoinette to close her eyes without fear, and then slowly fall asleep. 
“Toni?” He asked gently. There was no response. “Goodnight, my little one. I love you.”
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dwellordream · 3 years
“…Catalina, born in the archbishop of Toledo’s palace at Alcalá de Henares on 16 December 1485, was an attentive child who spent much of her childhood in the newly conquered kingdom of Granada alongside her mother. To care for and educate Catalina and her siblings –Juan, Isabel, Juana, and María– Isabel selected members of her own itinerant court who were trained in Latin, religious conduct, and decorous behavior. These women, bound to the queen and her daughters by ties of service and friendship, combined sewing, embroidery, spinning, and weaving with intellectual and cultural pursuits. Andrés de Miranda and Beatriz Galindo supervised the formal education of Isabel’s daughter, but prominent noblewomen shaped the social and cultural education of the infantas.
They were expected to be clever, cultivated and sophisticated but not learned, and to be friends and servants and guides to the cultural norms of life at court. This relationship is not easily defined, with fluid boundaries dependent on personality and experience. Over the course of a lifetime, a noblewoman serving at court could be tutor, mentor, casual friend, close confidante, and as intimate as a favorite sister. The relationship was reciprocal, and not just in terms of monetary compensation. Both sides gained much: the royal family received vital loyal service from noblewomen who, in return met their future husbands from the pool of noblemen in service to the king and infante Juan.
Isabel and Fernando’s children received a rigorous education in an intellectual milieu where literacy was expected and cultural patronage the norm. Household accounts show that Isabel carefully selected and compensated her children’s tutors. Isabel’s servants, Andrés Miranda, a Dominican at the monastery of Santo Domingo (Burgos) and Beatriz Galindo (la Latina, “the Latinist”), were important in educating the children. At age six, Catalina began her studies with the Geraldino brothers. Alessandro accompanied Catalina to England in 1501, served as her confessor, and wrote De eruditione nobelium puellarum (On the Education of Noble Girls, 1501), at Isabel’s request. At age eleven, Catalina owned a breviary. At age twelve she was expected to exercise some discretion and had learned to supervise servants. Her studies included philosophy, literature, and religion, and music (she could play the clavichord and harp).
She could speak French, English, and German in addition to Castilian and Latin, prompting Beatriz Galindo to note that Catalina surpassed her mother in Latin learning. She studied late medieval ideas on virtue, justice, and proper queenly behavior and Christianized versions of Classical philosophy and natural science concerning medical understandings of the differences between the sexes. She would have read, or known of, works that dealt with the education of women such as Juan Rodriquez de la Camara’s El triunfo de las donas (The Triumph of Women, 1443), Alvaro de Luna’s El libro de las virtuosas y claras mugeres (The Book of Virtuous and Famous Women, 1446), Fray Martín Alonso de Córdoba’s Jardín de la nobles doncellas (The Garden of Noble Maidens, 1468), and Francesc Eiximenis’s manual for female instruction, the Carro de las donas (The Carriage of Women, 15th century), that may have been brought to court by Beatriz Galindo.
It is also likely that she read or knew of Juan de Flores’s Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander against Women, and The Defense of Ladies against Slanderers, works in the querelle des femmes genre that were dedicated to an unnamed female reader who may well have been Isabel. Isabel continued to pay annuities to Alessandro Geraldino (“maestro de las ynfantes”) until her death in 1504. The royal account books report expenditures for Catalina from 1478 to 1504 and include books, patronage, philanthropy, alms, as well as clothing and jewelry.
Some of the earliest records that mention Catalina are found in the household accounts of Isabel’s court and date from 1486, just after her birth. They record purchases of fabric for blankets and baby clothes, items for her baptism, shoes, food (honey, silver flatware, and glass cups and the expenses for moving the households of Catalina and her elder sisters Juana and María from Murcia to Valladolid (in 1488) and from Valladolid to Jaén (1489). Álvaro Fernández de Córdova Miralles counted 92 women at Isabel’s court, 61 who served the queen, with thirteen in the household of the infanta María, six for infanta Catalina. The Isabelline court appears to be typical of the age but much smaller than that of later queens, Isabel of Valois (178 women) and Mariana of Austria (over 300 women). Typical also of royal households is a significant number of noblewomen, many of whom were daughters of or married to the highest ranking nobles at court.
…More lowly were Catalina’s attendants –both men and women– caring for clothing, shoes, jewelry, and personal objects (such as books and toys), who were paid between 6,000 and 10,000 annually. What these sums do not show, however, is the marriage gifts (often monetary, but also valuable objects) bestowed by Isabel, which could be substantial and which men at court did not receive. Gentlewomen of modest rank, such as Francisca de Torres, Juana de Porras (called Porricas), and Nieta were paid 10,000, 6,000, and 8,000 maravedís on 20 October 1500. Little is known about these women beyond the fact that they were permanent members of the household. They were paid for expenses they incurred to move Catalina’s household from Ecija to Seville, and the same three were paid the same amounts again on 10 March 1501. Nieta may be just a nickname suggests that she is part of the intimate circle around Catalina but probably not a noblewoman.
At the bottom of the social hierarchy are a few slaves and a female dwarf who was first part of infanta María’s court at Lisbon, then came to Catalina’s court in Spain, and moved with her to England where she was known as the Spanish fool. But these women at court were valued highly and respected. After queen Isabel’s death, king Fernando ordered a final set of annuity payments to be paid to the women who had served in Isabel’s court, among them some of the loftiest and lowliest. On 10 June 1504, Blanca Manrique, Aldara de Portugal, Francisca de Ayala, Isabel (daughter of Costança), Marina Ruiz, and Inés (a slave) received payments of an unspecified amount.”
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guillermoloren · 5 years
"La biblioteca de la luna", de Francesc Miralles
“La biblioteca de la luna”, de Francesc Miralles
«Una novela reveladora sobre el futuro de la humanidad en una colonia espacial» .
“En un futuro más o menos cercano, Kumar, un excéntrico magnate, crea la primera colonia humana en la Luna: Exovillage, centro turístico para grandes fortunas.”
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Cubierta de: ‘La biblioteca de la luna’
Se trata de una novela de anticipación —no propiamente de ciencia ficción—, mezclada con un relato de evolución…
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isadomna · 5 years
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Katherine (who was called Catalina in her native land), born on the night of 15-16 December 1485 in the palace of the Archbishop of Toledo at Alcala de Henares, in the midst of war. The Queen had been in the saddle all day, and rose from her bed the day after the birth to go back on the march, consigning her youngest daughter to the care of nurses. Nevertheless, she cared deeply for all her children, and personally supervised their education. They, in turn, all loved and respected her, especially Katherine, who grew up to be the most like her in looks and character.
Alison Weir, The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Isabel and Fernando’s children received a rigorous education in an intellectual milieu where literacy was expected and cultural patronage the norm. Household accounts show that Isabel carefully selected and compensated her children’s tutors. Isabel’s servants, Andrés Miranda, a Dominican at the monastery of Santo Domingo (Burgos) and Beatriz Galindo (la Latina, “the Latinist”), were important in educating the children. At age six, Catalina began her studies with the Geraldino brothers. Alessandro accompanied Catalina to England in 1501, served as her confessor, and wrote De eruditione nobelium puellarum (On the Education of Noble Girls, 1501), at Isabel’s request. At age eleven, Catalina owned a breviary. At age twelve she was expected to exercise some discretion and had learned to supervise servants. Her studies included philosophy, literature, and religion, and music (she could play the clavichord and harp). She could speak French, English, and German in addition to Castilian and Latin, prompting Beatriz Galindo to note that Catalina surpassed her mother in Latin learning. She studied late medieval ideas on virtue, justice, and proper queenly behavior and Christianized versions of Classical philosophy and natural science concerning medical understandings of the differences between the sexes. She would have read, or known of, works that dealt with the education of women such as Juan Rodriquez de la Camara’s El triunfo de las donas (The Triumph of Women, 1443), Alvaro de Luna’s El libro de las virtuosas y claras mugeres (The Book of Virtuous and Famous Women, 1446), Fray Martín Alonso de Córdoba’s Jardín de la nobles doncellas (The Garden of Noble Maidens, 1468), and Francesc Eiximenis’s manual for female instruction, the Carro de las donas (The Carriage of Women, 15th century), that may have been brought to court by Beatriz Galindo. It is also likely that she read or knew of Juan de Flores’s Grisel and Mirabella, The Slander against Women, and The Defense of Ladies against Slanderers, works in the querelle des femmes genre that were dedicated to an unnamed female reader who may well have been Isabel. 
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hmratking · 5 years
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The Rat Kingdom - @hmratking - A branch of the Black Market, The Kingdom is a criminal organization run by the Rat King (Sindorei) - Contains the Inner Circle: Sarinna (Kaldorei), The Flea (Undead), Teriaan (Sindorei), Goldie (Sindorei), Rabbit (Tauren) - Liam Cress (Human) - unbeknownst half-brother of The Flea (Still looking for someone interested in rp. - Cross-Faction RP
Sir Alessandro Mares (Human) - @thehumbleknight - Paladin of the Holy Light Francesc Luna (human) - Alessandro’s cousin - Wanderer, Bounty Hunter, ??? - Cross-faction RP  - Let me know if anyone wants to rp with him. I would love to write more with Alessandro or start something with Francesc.
Captain Seawolf (Quel’dorei) - @captainseawolf - Pirate, Captain of The Darkmoon Rising - Cross-Faction RP - He will soon be active once the next Rat Kingdom story arc begins
Personal Blog - @randomdreamergirl - The place I reblog stuff I like n_n
I’m in WoW at the moment but I rarely rp ingame anymore. Let me know if you’re interested in writing with the Knight or the Pirate. I’m usually on the Rat King 24/7
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Interfaz Magazine ha publicado un artículo que he elaborado junto a @anamariabuenodelosangeles sobre cómo afrontan miles de docentes esas oposiciones que están a la vuelta de la esquina. Gracias Ana por esa visión más allá de dificultades, cambios e impedimentos. Llega el momento de estirar el brazo y acariciar la luna. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://interfazmagazine.com/author/francesc-nogales/ ⬆️⬆️⬆️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CcuqZSasLNT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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netmassimo · 3 years
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Il romanzo "Eymerich risorge" di Valerio Evangelisti è stato pubblicato per la prima volta nel 2017 da Mondadori in "Omnibus", all'interno di "Eymerich: libro tre" e nel n. 1694 di "Urania". Fa parte del Ciclo di Eymerich.
Nicolas Eymerich indaga su Francesc Roma, consigliere speciale del re d'Aragona, convinto che si tratti di un eretico. Riunitosi con padre Corona, si reca da papa Gregorio XI per chiedergli l'autorità di indagare in qualsiasi luogo e scopre che il papa ha i suoi sospetti sull'uomo. Eymerich inizia una spedizione che lo porta anche a incrociare eretici valdesi.
Marcus Frullifer viene rapito, o sequestrato, a seconda del punto di vista, per essere portato a un osservatorio gestito dai Gesuiti, interessati alle possibili applicazioni delle teorie dello scienziato.
Il Vangelo della Luna è incompleto ma ciò che è sopravvissuto nel 3105 racconta la storia del Magister, di sua figlia Lilith e dei suoi discepoli. Ad essi insegna come il tempo non scorra in una sola direzione e come sia possibile la resurrezione.
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rptv1 · 4 years
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Claro de Luna
art by Francesc Monjo
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diyeipetea · 5 years
INSTANTZZ: Baltasar Samper: "Música de Jazz. Conferències de 1935" con Francesc Vicens, Cecilia Giménez y Pere Dávila (Jazz Mallorca Festival) [Galería fotográfica]
INSTANTZZ: Baltasar Samper: “Música de Jazz. Conferències de 1935” con Francesc Vicens, Cecilia Giménez y Pere Dávila (Jazz Mallorca Festival) [Galería fotográfica]
Por José Luis Luna Rocafort.
Fecha: Martes,11 de febrero de 2020. 19:00h.
Lugar: Biblioteca Municipal de Sant Jordi. Palma
Festival: Jazz Mallorca Festival
Grupo: Concierto comentado: “Música de Jazz. Conferències de 1935” Baltasar Samper. Francesc Vicens: narrador y co-responsable de la edición del libro Cecilia Giménez: voz Pere Dávila: guitarra acústica
  Tomajazz: © José Luis Luna Rocafort,…
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maresyluna · 2 years
A New Year, A New Plan
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The white horse trotted along the quite and tree-filled Elwynn forest while its rider observed carefully for any impending dangers. It was the same path that the horse had taken over and over to get to its final destination. Meanwhile, the rider sat tall with a blue cloak over his left shoulder, the Stormwind sigil covering his body. Beneath that cloak, he wore a simple linen taupe outfit. He wasn’t incredibly dressed for a Winter Veil dinner, but then again, no one expected him to be. 
He and his horse approached the farm house close to the river’s edge. Two children ran out past the pumpkin patches and toward the gate. “Uncle! Uncle Alex! Come on!”
Alessandro Mares smiled, his brown hair a mess, as usual. He waved at his niece and nephew and as he approached the gate, he slipped off his horse. “My loves!” He knelt and the children ran toward him, hugging him tightly. “Go tell your momma that I’m here.” He saw the children running toward the home while he moved his horse toward the barn. He escorted the mare to a stall and he closed it. “There you go, girl. Enjoy your night.” With a gentle pat, Alessandro walked out of the barn and toward the home. Upon entering, he heard a woman calling his name.
“Alex! It is you! Ay, these kids! They kept saying ‘guess who’s here!’ Over and over!” Lucrezia, or Lucy, as Alessandro called his sister, ran over and hugged her younger brother. “You look skinny. This is what happens when you don’t come visit us often. Francesc told us you parted ways! Where did you go? Ay, Alex.” She shook her head and walked into the kitchen. “Francesc told you what?” Alessandro called out as he followed his sister. “I told her you just walked away from us one day and went off on your own damn path,” a man responded from the kitchen table. He leaned on his arm as he looked up at Alessandro. “And we didn’t hear from you. At all.”
“Francesc, I didn’t….”
“You didn’t want us to follow you? Or know what you were doing? You could have gotten killed out there,” the gnomish woman said from the table. Alessandro turned and sighed. 
“I’m not dead, Antoinette, am I? I’m here.”
“Enough with this dead talk. It’s Winter Veil and we will be happy. We’re all here. You three can catch up later. Help me set the table.” Lucrezia pointed at the plates and silverware on the table and the three of them picked up something and walked into the other room.
As they set the table, Mark, Lucrezia’s husband, walked into the room. “Alex! There you are. Hey, France, he’s there.” Mark laughed and Francesc rolled his eyes. Antoinette giggled and as soon as Mark walked into the kitchen, Francesc looked at Alessandro.
“You could have been killed. The Syndicate was questioning us.”
“I told you not to deal with them,” Alessandro whispered back.
“Well, thanks to Toni here, we dodged that bullet. And sword. And dagger.” Francesc sighed. “Yeah, thanks to me. And thanks to me, I have another meeting with someone who may be some help.” Antoinette smiled and placed the napkins on the table. “What did you do, Toni?” Alessandro murmured. “I am not going to be part of any other deal. I was thinking of going back to Stormwind and ask the Cathedral to be reinstated.”
“Perfect!” Francesc said, placing the last plate down. “The next meeting is in Stormwind. We’re meeting with the infamous Evan Fox.” Alesandro stared at them both. “You know, the great Stormwind philanthropist? That one should interest you, huh?”
“Rumors have it that it’s all a front,” Alessandro said. 
“Well, it must be a good one because the city loves him.”
“Loves who?” Lucrezia said, bringing the food into the dining room.
“No one,” Alessandro said quickly.
“Evan Fox,” Antoinette said.
“Fox? He helped with that farm two miles down when the bandits attacked. I hear he’s done wonders for Stormwind. Kids!” She called out and went into the back rooms. 
“See?” Antointte said with a smile. “It will be great. Let’s meet with him and if you decide that no, he’s not gonna need our help, then you can go back to being a man of the blessed Light.”
Francesc chuckled, “He never stopped. He visited every holy man and woman he could find while we were out there.”
Alessandro sighed. He walked to the couch and removed his cloak, folding it carefully over the couch. He smiled when the children ran in and he reached out to Lucrezia as she walked in with baby Gerardo. 
“Sit down. Alex is going to say a few words.” They sat around the table and turned to look at Alessandro, who still held the baby in his arms. 
“Um… Blessed Light, protect us as we enjoy this joyful gathering. We ask for your guidance and warmth on this day and the days to come. Blessed be.” He opened his golden eyes and noticed a soft trail of light in his family members as they held hands. He sighed in relief. The blessed Light was still within him.
Lucrezia opened her eyes in time to see the faint gold in her brother’s eyes fading away. She smiled and reached for the child. “You should go back to the church, Alex. It suits you.”
“Not before we talk to Fox,” Francesc said. Lucrezia sighed and waved at the food. “Eat! Happy Winter Veil!
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sidigame20g · 4 years
Coronavirus España
Fórmula 1
Athletic - Real Madrid
Al Minuto
La última hora del coronavirus, minuto a minuto
Athletic - Real Madrid, partido de LaLiga en directo
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La Liga Santander
FCBDom 05/07 | M. Partidazo, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1, Partidazo En Movistar LaLigaATH
0 - 0
RMA14:00 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1ESP
LEGDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1OSA
GETDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga
La Liga SmartBank
HUEDom 05/07 | #VamosMAL
ALBDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga 2, Movistar Laliga 4UDL
PONDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga 5, Movistar Laliga 3ALC
LUGDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga, Mitele Plus
Champions League
NAPSáb 08/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Movistar Liga De Campeones, Mitele PlusBYM
CHLSáb 08/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Movistar Liga De Campeones 1, Mitele PlusJUV
LYOSáb 08/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Movistar Liga De Campeones 1, Mitele PlusMAC
RMASáb 08/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Movistar Liga De Campeones, Mitele Plus
Europa League
INTMié 05/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Mitele PlusMUD
LASMié 05/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Mitele PlusROM
SEVMié 05/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Mitele PlusLEV
GLAMié 05/08 | M. Liga De Campeones, Movistar+, Mitele Plus
Premier League
MACDom 05/07 | DAZNBUR
1 - 0
WHUDom 05/07 | DAZNLIV
ASVDom 05/07 | DAZN
Serie A
BOLDom 05/07 | Movistar+, Movistar Liga De CampeonesNAP
ROMDom 05/07 | Movistar+, Movistar Liga De CampeonesBRE
HLLDom 05/07PAR
FIODom 05/07
La Liga Santander
FCBDom 05/07 | M. Partidazo, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1, Partidazo En Movistar LaLigaATH
0 - 0
RMA14:00 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1ESP
LEGDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga, Movistar+, Mitele Plus, Movistar Laliga, Movistar Laliga 1OSA
GETDom 05/07 | M. LaLiga
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Damaris Hurtado Pérez: Joan Miró: biografía, obras y exposiciones
Joan Miró nunca siguió el camino trazado. Como artista, convivió y trabajó con los creadores más importantes de su época y se dejó impregnar por movimientos, obras, escuelas y manifiestos. Pero su obra se despega sutilmente de la producción del resto de sus contemporáneos, siguiendo siempre una trayectoria única y personal. A través del trabajo constante y gracias a su interés por todo tipo de técnicas artísticas, Joan Miró dejó un legado vasto, versátil y lleno de coherencia.
El arte más personal de las vanguardias del siglo XX
Retrato de Joan Miró realizado por Man Ray (1933). En Museoreinasofia.es
 Joan Miró nunca siguió el camino trazado. Como artista, convivió y trabajó con los creadores más importantes de su época y se dejó impregnar por movimientos, obras, escuelas y manifiestos. Pero su obra se despega sutilmente de la producción del resto de sus contemporáneos, siguiendo siempre una trayectoria única y personal. A través del trabajo constante y gracias a su interés por todo tipo de técnicas artísticas, Joan Miró dejó un legado vasto, versátil y lleno de coherencia. A día de hoy está considerado uno de los artistas más importantes del siglo XX a nivel mundial: su influencia trasciende la propia de las artes plásticas y se plasma en campos como el diseño gráfico y la publicidad. Durante sus noventa años de vida, Miró vivió y trabajó en Barcelona, Mallorca, París y Nueva York; su arraigo a la tierra (especialmente a Barcelona y a la isla de Mallorca) permanece en la esencia de su obra y se impregna del resto de los paisajes que influyeron en su vida.
 "Femme, oiseau, étolie (Homenatge a Pablo Picasso)". 1966-1973. En Museoreinasofia.es
 Amor por el arte y descubrimiento de la modernidad 
Joan Miró i Ferrà nace en Barcelona en 1893, cuando el siglo XIX está llegando a su fin y la llegada del XX augura un cambio estremecedor de sociedades, culturas y prácticas artísticas. La vocación artística de Miró se vio probablemente fortalecida por los oficios de su familia: su padre era orfebre y relojero, y su abuelo era un ebanista mallorquín. Los primeros dibujos realizados por Miró de los que se tiene noticia datan de 1901, cuando el artista cuenta tan solo con 8 años de edad. Durante su formación, Miró compagina los estudios de comercio con los de Bellas Artes en 1910 entra a trabajar como contable en un negocio de droguería, pero su talante artístico se rebela contra el estatismo de los números y las cuentas, y renuncia al puesto. En esa época enferma de fiebres tifoideas y reside por primera vez en Mont-Roig, una masía propiedad de sus padres: el paisaje del Baix Camp catalán permanecerá para siempre en el corazón y la mirada del artista, convirtiéndose en el protagonista de muchas de sus obras.
  "Sirurana, el camí” (1917). Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid. En Museoreinasofia.es
 La convalecencia permite a Miró reflexionar sobre su futuro; es entonces cuando decide dedicarse a la pintura y se matricula en la escuela de arte de Francesc Galí, donde hará sus primeros contactos con el círculo de artistas catalanes que posteriormente serán sus amigos, colegas y marchantes. Son años de pasión y de juventud; años de clases con modelo y de compartir estudios con otros artistas. También son años de descubrimiento: el arte dadaísta y las publicaciones de vanguardia catalanas y francesas despiertan el interés del joven Miró.
 Los años de París
Tras realizar su primera exposición en las Galerías Dalmau (Josep Dalmau fue su amigo y primer marchante), a principios de los años 20 Miró se traslada a París. Allí trabaja en el taller de Pablo Gargalló. Durante los meses no lectivos reside y trabaja en Mont-Roig; ambas ciudades articulan un eje alrededor del cual se estructurará la obra de Joan Miró, junto con Barcelona y Nueva York. Son años apasionantes durante los cuales conoce a Picasso, André Masson, Ernst Hemingway, André Breton y Paul Éluard, entre otras figuras esenciales de la intelectualidad y el arte de la época. Miró trabaja en obras que trascienden ya la pintura, como en la colaboración que realizó con Max Ernst para el vestuario y la escenografía del ballet Romeo y Julieta. En esta época realiza sus primeras Bailarinas Españolas (1928), collages de inspiración dadaísta que marcarán su obra posterior. A partir de 1930 mostrará un interés cada vez mayor por otras disciplinas, como el bajorrelieve y la escultura, a las que dará mayor relevancia en los años posteriores en detrimento de la pintura (que, sin embargo, nunca abandonó del todo).
 "Danseuse Espagnole I” (1928). Museo Reina Sofía de Madrid. En Museoreinasofia.es
 Collages, objetos y pinturas murales
 Joan Miró trabajando en el mural El Segador (1937). En 20minutos.es 
 A partir de 1931, Joan Miró vive y trabaja a medio camino entre Mont-Roig, París y Barcelona. A estas ciudades se le añade una nueva y fascinante localización, Nueva York: será Pierre Matisse, hijo del famosísimo pintor y grabador fauvista Henri Matisse, quien representará su obra en la ciudad estadounidense. Durante estos años Miró amplía cada vez más el espectro de disciplinas que emplea en sus obras, realizando aguafuertes, collages, ensamblajes de objetos y pinturas sobre sobre masonite. El estallido de la Guerra Civil provoca su traslado, junto con su familia, a París: allí se comprometerá con la causa republicana realizando en 1938 una gran pintura mural, El segador (Payés catalán en rebelión), para el Pabellón de la República Española en la Exposición Internacional. La obra desapareció tras la exposición y solo se conservan de ella imágenes en blanco y negro. 
 La pasión por la escultura
 "Personnage"(1974). Imagen de la exposición Joan Miró: Esculturas, organizada por el Centro Botín de Santander en 2018. En ABC.es
 Desde los años 20, Joan Miró dedica gran parte de su tiempo a esculpir. Sus obras tridimensionales se inspiran en la declarada pasión que despertaban en él los objetos; hasta tal punto le interesaban, que llegó a acumular cientos de ellos en su estudio. En los años 40, el artista funde sus primeros bronces y empieza a trabajar distintos materiales. Hasta sus últimos días, Miró trabajará la escultura y desarrollará una enorme producción de obras. En los años 60, Alberto Giacometti le aconsejó que pintara algunos de sus bronces; esta sugerencia derivó en magníficas piezas, como la escultura Personnage (1967). Además de bronces y figuras pintadas, Miró también trabajó el mármol y el hormigón revestido con cerámica. Su última escultura monumental, Dona i Ocell (1987), es un buen ejemplo de su dominio de los materiales.
 Una obra internacional que sigue viva
Desde la década de los 50 en adelante, Joan Miró asienta su fama internacional y su obra empieza a recorrer el mundo. El artista se instala definitivamente en Palma de Mallorca y realiza sus primeros trabajos en cerámica, junto con el ceramista Josep Llorens Artigas. La técnica la aplicará a enormes murales que todavía se pueden admirar en distintas capitales. Es el caso de los murales de la sede de la UNESCO de París (galardonados con el Guggenheim International Award), en la Universidad de Harvard o en el Aeropuerto de Barcelona. En 1975 se inaugura la Fundación Miró de Barcelona, encargada de gestionar y difundir el legado del artista. Miró continúa trabajando hasta sus últimos años y fallece en 1983 a los noventa años de edad, considerado ya uno de los mejores artistas plásticos del siglo XX.
  Mural La luna (1958), realizado con Josep Llorens Artigas para la sede de la UNESCO de París. En Unesco.org
 Homenaje a Miró (1974)
 Esta exposición fue la última retrospectiva de su obra que se realizó en vida de Joan Miró y tuvo lugar en el Grand Palais de París. Más de cuarenta años después, en 2018 el Grand Palais inaugurará Miró, el color de mis sueños, otra gran muestra dedicada al artista catalán con más de 150 obras.
 Miró y el objeto (2016)
 Organizada por CaixaForum Madrid, el objetivo de esta exposición era explorar nuevas facetas del universo mironiano a través de los objetos: su poética, sus posibilidades expresivas y el “alma” que el artista siempre supo encontrar en ellos. La muestra desembarcó en Madrid tras su paso por la Fundación Miró de Barcelona y cubre una gran etapa creativa, desde los años 20 a los años 70 del siglo XX. Algunas de las obras que formaban parte de la exposición (como Los juguetes, de 1924) se mostraron entonces en España por primera vez.
 Miró, el color de los sueños (2018-19)
 Como comentábamos más arriba, esta exposición se celebró en el Grand Palais para homenajear la obra y la figura de Joan Miró cuarenta y cuatro años después de la gran retrospectiva de los años 70. Como comentaría en su momento Jean Luis Prat, amigo personal de Miró y comisario de la muestra, “Miró estuvo probablemente marcado por 50 años de historia forjada por dos guerras mundiales. Estos acontecimientos considerables, la interrogación que tiene sobre los hombres, sobre él mismo y sobre su tierra han animado su trabajo".
  The birth of the world – MoMA (2019)
 El Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York (MoMA) organizó a principios de 2019 una gran exposición alrededor de la figura del artista catalán, con obras seleccionadas de los fondos que incluye su magnífica colección y completada por varios préstamos exclusivos. La muestra sitúa el lienzo El nacimiento del mundo como eje articulador. La selección de piezas reunió cerca de 60 lienzos, trabajos sobre papel, grabados, libros ilustrados y objetos.
 "Miró". Jacques Dupin, 1961
Constantemente revisada, enriquecida y reelaborada, la monografía publicada por Jacques Dupin a principios de los años 60 constituye uno de los textos fundamentales para acercarse al artista catalán. El biógrafo completó la obra incluyendo el trabajo realizado por Miró en las dos décadas siguientes hasta su fallecimiento, gracias a su excelente relación con la familia y al acceso de cientos de trabajos realizados por historiadores, comisarios y expertos de arte. En 1993 la monografía revisada fue publicada de nuevo, y a día de hoy está considerada uno de los libros esenciales sobre la vida y la obra de Joan Miró.
"Miró". Janis Mink, 1999
La editorial Taschen, referente en libros de arte y monografías de artistas, publicó en 1999 una monografía sobre Joan Miró escrita por Janis Mink. Con cien ilustraciones y magnífica atención al detalle, las páginas del libro recorren los cerca de setenta años de trayectoria plástica del artista catalán: desde el dibujo automático practicado por los surrealistas hasta las esculturas-ensamblaje a base de objetos. El libro no duda en respetar la indiosincrasia de Miró como artista inclasificable, una figura que renunció a pertenecer a categorías, tendencias o escuelas.
 “Joan Miró. El camino del arte”. Pilar Cabañas, 2013
Mucho se ha escrito sobre la vida y la obra de Joan Miró. Y aun así, en 2013 Pilar Cabañas consigue dar un nuevo enfoque al trabajo del artista y construir un libro esencial para comprender su obra. Basando su punto de vista en los principios que rigen la obra de Miró, la escritora nos proporciona las pautas para entender al hombre como ser humano y como artista. Cabañas profundiza en cuestiones como el motor de su trabajo creativo, la razón última de su arte y la integración de la tristeza, la soledad o el dolor en sus obras, entre otras. A partir de la figura de Miró, la autora nos guía a través del arte en general como camino hacia la trascendencia y la esencia humana. El texto se enriquece con a la participación de Ignacio Llamas, autor del diseño de la edición.
  - Joan Miró: biografía, obras y exposiciones -                                    - Alejandra de Argos -
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hmratking · 5 years
how many muses, do you think, have you had in total while on tumblr?
Oh man... Ok.
My first one here was Alexielle. She was a belf warlock married to a human rogue. She was so troubled, hearing voices feom the void before it became a thing. Currently, she’s shelved (I really wish I could play her again). She’s a rendorei and leaves with her little family in Elwynn. Along with Alexielle came her sister Naminae. She is a death knight who died to save her sister. She struggles with living and the urge to kill. Another character who came out of this storyline is Daidh. He was a belf warlock who once worked for the Legion when Kael’Thas went out to Outlands. When he returned, he hid from the legion until they made their return again. This time, we went out to confront his fate and instead he found the demon hunters. They helped him and he in turn, because a demon hunter. He is another character I want to continue playing. Count: 3
Next storyline is Captain Seawolf. He is a quel’dorei pirate with red hair. His first mate is Ziggly, the cook is Gerty, his wife is Alaia ( @piratemage ) and he has 3-4 kids. He works solely for himself. He has the beginnings of an alpaca farm in Pandaria. He’ll be showing up a lot more soon in Ratty’s story. From this we get Tia’Zula, a troll with bad voodoo. She is a voodoo witch who looks younger than she really is. Again, another character who is going to appear in Ratty’s story. Count= 2 and then some
Next is the Rat King and the Kingdom. He was supposed to be a pirate in Seawolf’s storyline but he broke off and became his own guy. The Captain and Ratty know each other. In the Kingdom, you have Sarinna, a night elf who is the King’s Right Hand. Then there’s Teriaan, a belf warrior and the King’s Champion. There’s the Flea, a suave undead who serves as the King’s mage. There’s Goldie, the belf who runs the bordello. Rabbit is a Tauren sold into slavery to the Kingdom and he’s the cook. He makes stew out of left over body parts. Some of the best stew in Alterac. There are minor toons I use here and there. Count = 9
Finally, Alessandro Mares, a human paladin. He is the complete opposite of the Rat King. He is kind and humble. He tries to help others before himself. He is one of the hardest characters I have written for because he is just so good. He does suffer of ptsd and depression now. I really want to write for him again. He has a sister and a cousin. His cousin is Francesc Luna, a half-elf Hunter. I love this character. Unfortunately, tumblr has my page blocked and I need to revamp it, so I will. Antoinette is a gnome hunter who is a good friend. Gabrielli Carlo is Alessandro’s best friend. Vincenzo Altamirano, Mikael Liberato, and Cinnarose Wilde are also part of the mage group that Alessandronis familiar with. Count = 8 + 4 for his family
26 and more characters since I started on tumblr. And all of them are available for rp!
@captainseawolf @thehumbleknight @lexiadieri and or course this one, @hmratking
Thank you, this was fun! @jacobdcheshyre
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tmnotizie · 6 years
SAN BENEDETTO -Sarà Calcutta la punta di diamante dell’ estate musicale sambenedettese. Il noto cantante si esibirà il prossimo 23 luglio al piazzale Pinguino del porto. Calcutta è tra gli artisti più apprezzati del momento: il cantautore di Latina ha portato una boccata d’aria fresca nella musica italiana e negli ultimi anni le sue canzoni hanno conquistato un pubblico sempre più vasto.
La capacità di scrittura di Edoardo D’Erme, in arte Calcutta è stata la chiave del suo successo: i suoi testi riescono a comunicare in modo semplice quello che in molti non riescono a sintetizzare altrettanto bene, e lo fanno con una cifra stilistica tale da renderli unici e facilmente riconoscibili. Poche parole, poche semplici immagini che riescono ad arrivare dritte al punto.
La frase giusta, mai davvero banale, al momento giusto. È questa la ricetta che ha portato Calcutta ad essere autore non solo dei suoi pezzi, ma anche di brani cantati da altri artisti. numerosi le collaborazioni con altri cantanti italiani come Elisa, Francesc Michielin, Luca Carboni, Nina Zilli, Fedez e J-Ax.
“Con il concerto di Calcutta, una delle figure più originali e innovative del panorama pop italiano – dice l’Assessore al turismo Pierluigi Tassotti – l’Amministrazione comunale intende proseguire nella linea sin qui adottata di promuovere concerti di qualità in uno spazio unico e in un’atmosfera magica come quella che sa offrire la banchina portuale. Ringraziamo l’Autorità di sistema portuale e la Capitaneria di Porto per aver prontamente accolto la proposta e per la collaborazione che stanno offrendo per la migliore riuscita della serata”.
“Tra gli obiettivi che ci siamo prefissi all’atto del nostro insediamento – prosegue l’Assessore alla cultura Annalisa Ruggieri – c’era quello di aprire alla pubblica fruizione spazi normalmente destinati a diverso impiego. Penso al Concordia, al giardino Nuttate de luna, a Palazzo Piacentini. In tale direzione abbiamo deciso di ospitare concerti di qualità nell’ambito portuale, a diretto contatto con l’elemento marino che è parte integrante della storia della città. Lo abbiamo fatto per Fabrizio Moro, per Raphael Gualazzi, per Ermal Meta, ora ospitiamo un altro artista la cui popolarità è in costante ascesa per il livello della sua musica”.
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