#Fractured Sun and Melancholy Moon;; { Badnewsboy }
smileduponyou · 6 years
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smileduponyou · 6 years
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Tiny ship tag dump, since I like to give tags to specific urls.
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smileduponyou · 6 years
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smileduponyou · 6 years
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smileduponyou · 6 years
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smileduponyou · 6 years
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
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Who is more likely to raise their voice?: GregoryWho threatens to leave but never actually does?: CraigWho actually keeps their word and leaves?: GregoryWho trashes the house?: NeitherDo either of them get physical?: Very rarely and only because they can hold their own against each other pretty damn well. How often do they argue/disagree?: I want to say on occasion but less than people expect them to.Who is the first to apologize?: Gregory.
Who is on top?: Switch.Who is on the bottom?: Switch.Who has the strangest desires?: … Why do I wanna say Craig, actually?Any kinks?: Tons.Who’s dominant in bed?: Both can be quite domineering.Is head ever in the equation?: Do people need to blink?If so, who is better at performing it?: No one knows cause they’re never truthful about it and instead semi-mockingly say the other is.Ever had sex in public?: I feel like they would cause they don’t give a shit.Who moans the most?: TieWho leaves the most marks?: I feel like this is also a tieWho screams the loudest?: I don’t see either of them as screamers, tbhWho is the more experienced of the two?: Gregory.Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?: Depends on the moodRough or soft?: Again, depends on the mood.How long do they usually last?: Honey… if you let Gregory tops and he wants to make you last, you’re gonna be in for at least half an hour to an hour.Is protection used? I wanna say this depends on moodDoes it ever get boring?: With these two??Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?: Probably a roof or balcony.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?: I feel like this is a ‘no’.If so, how many children do your muses want/have?: N/AWho is the favorite parent?: You know damn well it’d be Craig.Who is the authoritative parent?: GregoryWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?: Both. Gregory because he understands the concept of ‘mental health days’ and Craig probably just to fuck with the school.Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around?: Craig.Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children?: BOTH.Who goes to parent teacher interviews?: Gregory.Who changes the diapers?: Turns but often times Gregory talks Craig into confusion and he ends up doing it.Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?: GregoryWho spends the most time with the children?: Craig. Gregory would try to spend a lot of time with them but his work has him VERY busy a lot of the time.Who packs their lunch boxes?: CraigWho gives their children ‘the talk’?: Both.Who cleans up after the kids?: Depends on who is around at the time.Who worries the most?: GregoryWho are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?: CRAIG.
Who likes to cuddle?: Gregory. Craig acts like he doesn’t but you know damn well he’s lying.Who is the little spoon?: Often times, Gregory. Though he’ll switch if Craig wants to.Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?: They are both guilty as fuck of this.Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves?: Craig.How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?: Honestly? I wanna say they can last a night, if desired or needed. Generally cuddle sessions can go for about an hour, maybe a little over.Who gives the most kisses?: Gregory.What is their favorite non-sexual activity?: Banter, banter banter. These two snipe each other a lot, playfully.Where is their favourite place to cuddle?: Home. Preferably on the couch and with the cats.Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?: Craig.How often do they get time to themselves?: While Gregory is pretty busy with his charity and revolution work, he does try to set aside time to spend with Craig. So they can get a few hours daily.
Who snores?: Gregory, actually, though they’re rather quiet ones.If both do, who snores the loudest?:Do they share a bed or sleep separately?: Share a bedIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart?: It’s a damn adventure. I wanna say they start apart and then just gradually migrate to each other in sleep.Who talks in their sleep?: Craig.What do they wear to bed?: I’ve no idea for Craig but Gregory tends to wear orange, striped pajamas.Are either of your muses insomniacs?: Both of them, terribly. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside?: Occasionally but Gregory keeps track of them.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?: Again, starts as the latter and then gradually shift to the former during the night.Who wakes up with bed hair?: Both but Gregory’s is worse due to the curly texture of his hair.Who wakes up first?: GregoryWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other?: Gregory.What is their favorite sleeping position?: Craig strikes me as a ‘sleeps on his back’ kind while Gregory is either on his stomach or right side.Who hogs the sheets?: Craig.Do they set an alarm each night?: Gregory’s internal clock wakes him, Craig keeps no alarm and will kill a man if he’s woken before dawn.Can a television be found in their bedroom?: Yes.Who has nightmares?: Both.Who has ridiculous dreams?: Both.Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?: GREGORY Who makes the bed?: Gregory What time is bed time?: Whenever the hell they can manage to sleep.Any routines/rituals before bed?: Gregory is meticulous and will brush his teeth, trim his nails and rub lotion into his hands before bed, as they tend to dry out easy.  Craig probably only deals with his teeth before going to bed.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up?: Surprisingly, Gregory. Craig is that kind of lazy passive.
Who is the busiest?: GregoryWho rakes in the highest income?: Depends on what Craig does but generally I’d have to say Gregory.Are any of your muses unemployed?: NahWho takes the most sick days?: These two are so damn stubborn they’d have to be incapable of standing up before taking a sick day.Who is more likely to turn up late to work?: Gregory, since he is his own boss.Who sucks up to their boss?: Neither. Craig would sooner flip his boss off and Gregory works for himself.What are their jobs?: I don’t really know for Craig but Gregory would continue his revolutionary and social work. His income comes from family fortunes and draining the bank accounts of corrupt, horrible people.Who stresses the most?: Gregory.Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations?: I wanna say enjoy. I can’t see Craig lasting five minutes in a job he hates because you know he’ll flip a higher up off and end up fired for it.
Gregory has always enjoyed his work, so…Are your muses financially stable?: IMMENSELY.
Who does the washing?: CRAIGWho takes out the trash?: Either. Depends on who is around.Who does the ironing?: GregoryWho does the cooking?: Gregory. He’s had to cook for himself since he was like… 10, so he doesn’t mind.Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying?: CraigWho is messier?: CraigWho leaves the toilet roll empty?: Craig and he always gets scolded for it. Sometimes has the empty roll tossed at his head.Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor?: Neither. There are hampers everywhere.Who forgets to flush the toilet?: NEITHERWho is the prankster around the house?: Both are and they will go after each other like it’s a war.Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?: I wanna say this is more so Craig.Who mows the lawn?: Neither. Gregory has a gardening company hired to deal with that.Who answers the telephone?: Typically Gregory but Craig will if he isn’t home or can’t answer right away.Who does the vacuuming?: GregoryWho does the groceries?: I don’t think these two do one big trip. It’s more like a ‘one notices they’re almost out of a few things, calls the other to get it while they’re out’ kinda deal and nothing else.Who takes the longest to shower?: Gregory.Who spends the most time in the bathroom?: GREGORY.
Is money a problem?: Fuck no.How many cars do they own?: WELL…. Considering Gregory’s income and his use of vehicles to get to several different areas (and maybe needing to destroy the unidentifiable ones) they can have up to five at a time, though likely only two of them are registered and can be traced.Do they own their home or do they rent?: Own it.Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?: I feel like these two would be more countryside than coast.Do they live in the city or in the country?: I wanna say somewhere in the middle. Not suburbs but sort of in a space between country and city limits.Do they enjoy their surroundings?: Yes.What’s their song?: I Just Want You from Castle OSTWhat do they do when they’re away from each other?: Gregory is typically doing his revolutionary or social work. Likely leading a protest or staging a coup. Craig I feel would spend a lot of his time either at home or just exploring about.Where did they first meet?: La Resistance but it was fleeting so it’s not really considered their first meeting. That was more at the Batting Cages.How did they first meet?: Gregory was on a walk and just noticed Craig, decided to walk over and see what was going on.Who spends the most money when out shopping?: Gregory.Who’s more likely to flash their assets?: … Craig does it intentionally. Gregory does shit with innocent intentions that can be seen as ‘lewd’. Like the fact he straight up has a pair of booty shorts with ‘Enemy of the State’ over the ass that he wears when it’s too hot.Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?: Craig.Any mental issues?: Craig has trouble with emotions and saying what he means, Gregory has some abandonment issues due to the distance between him and his parents.Who’s terrified of bugs?: NeitherWho kills the spiders around the house?: Spiders aren’t killed. Gregory catches them and lets them go.Their favorite place?: There’s a big hill in the woods behind Gregory’s house. It’s a really great place to see the stars at night and occasionally there are even fireflies.Who pays the bills?: GregoryDo they have any fears for their future?: I want to say they really don’t. Craig might?Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?: GregoryyyyWho uses up all of the hot water?: GregoryWho’s the tallest?: I… don’t know, I don’t know your Craig’ s height?Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other?: CraigWho wanders around in their underwear?: Craiiiiig.Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?: Gregory but he has the pipes for it.What do they tease each other about?: Anything and everything, tbh.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times?: Likely Gregory but he wouldn’t say anything.Do they have mutual friends?: Mostly just Tweek. Gregory doesn’t really have friends outside of Mole.Who crushed first?: … Craig.Any alcohol or substance related problems?: No. Gregory only indulges in moderation and Craig doesn’t strike me as the type.Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am?: Neither.Who swears the most?: Craig.
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