#Forever mrs india 2021
fsia2020 · 4 years
Mrs India 2021 is The Biggest Beauty Pageant in India - FSIA
FSIA is India's greatest community area for meriting individuals to show their ability and aptitudes FSIA will perceive your ability and abilities through different exercises this is the best stage for the individuals who are as yet battling to discover a chance to grandstand their ability here each unique individual of india can exhibit their aptitudes to the whole nation on an advanced stage. On the off chance that you are dexterous and gifted don't botch a particularly incredible open door you never realize it may change your life totally.
Current Tournaments | Forever Mrs India 2021
FSIA right now is chipping away at a competition Forever mrs india 2021 Which is will be the greatest expo in the nation. It is an interestingly planned idea. In this competition each member will get guaranteed monetary rewards and blessing hampers in a progression of rounds. Right off the bat, city champs will be finished and afterward state victors will be chosen. Last advance incorporates a progression of rounds for the determination of Forever mrs india 2021.
Mrs India 2021 Benefits You Will Get: 
 1.      MILEAGE
As this is going to be a national iconic pageant, its presence will surely be covered by all Media. From print media to social media the participants will get the limelight on various media platforms for showcasing their beauty with brains on this mega pageant.
2.      FAME
This pageant will be launched across all cities in india and hence here you will get a chance to reach the unreachable. You will get your own identity that will remain forever. Media coverage and social media outreach will bring a bright future for you with endless fame and popularity.
Once you become a part of FSIA, you will always be a part of our community; here you will get certificates, business opportunities and many more benefits.
 For more details please contact us on 9983599666
Visit us: www.fsia.in/forever-mrs-india.php
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Student loan debts (WSJ) U.S. taxpayers could ultimately be on the hook for roughly a third of the $1.6 trillion federal student loan portfolio. This could amount to more than $500 billion, exceeding what taxpayers lost on the saving-and-loan crisis 30 years ago. While defaulted student loans can’t cause the federal government to go bankrupt the way bad mortgage lending upended banks during the financial crisis, they expose a similar problem: Billions of dollars lent based on flawed assumptions about whether the money can be repaid.
Costa Rica to close non-essential businesses next week over COVID-19 (Reuters) Costa Rica will for the next week close non-essential businesses, including restaurants and bars, across the center of the country due to a sharp increase in new cases of COVID-19 and hospitalizations, the government said on Thursday. From May 3-9, restaurants, bars, department stores, beauty salons, gyms and churches must close in 45 municipalities in central Costa Rica, where almost half the population lives and over two-thirds of new cases have been registered. The government will also impose travel restrictions during the week.
After a Year of Loss, South America Suffers Worst Death Tolls Yet (NYT) In the capital of Colombia, Bogotá, the mayor is warning residents to brace for “the worst two weeks of our lives.” Uruguay, once lauded as a model for keeping the coronavirus under control, now has one of the highest death rates in the world, while the grim daily tallies of the dead have hit records in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Peru in recent days. Even Venezuela, where the authoritarian government is notorious for hiding health statistics and any suggestion of disarray, says that coronavirus deaths are up 86 percent since January. As vaccinations mount in some of the world’s wealthiest countries and people cautiously envision life after the pandemic, the crisis in Latin America—and in South America in particular—is taking an alarming turn for the worse, potentially threatening the progress made well beyond its borders. Last week, Latin America accounted for 35 percent of all coronavirus deaths in the world, despite having just 8 percent of the global population, according to data compiled by The New York Times.
France Proposes More Surveillance to Hunt for Potential Terrorists (NYT) The French government, responding to several attacks over the past seven months, presented a new anti-terrorism bill on Wednesday that would allow intense algorithmic surveillance of phone and internet communications and tighten restrictions on convicted terrorists emerging from prison. “There have been nine attacks in a row that we could not detect through current means,” Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, told France Inter radio. “We continue to be blind, doing surveillance on normal phone lines that nobody uses any longer.” The draft bill, prepared by Mr. Darmanin, came in a political and social climate envenomed by Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader, who applauded a letter published this month by 20 retired generals that described France as being in a state of “disintegration” and warned of a possible coup in thinly veiled terms. Published in a right-wing magazine, Valeurs Actuelles, the generals’ letter portrayed a country ravaged by violence, swept by hatred and prey to subversive ideologies bent on stirring a racial war. “If nothing is done,” they said, “laxity will spread inexorably across society, provoking in the end an explosion and the intervention of our active-service comrades in the perilous protection of our civilization’s values.”
Toll of Afghan ‘forever war’ (AP) After 20 years, America is ending its “forever war” in Afghanistan. Announcing a firm withdrawal deadline, President Joe Biden cut through the long debate, even within the U.S. military, over whether the time was right. Starting Saturday, the last remaining 2,500 to 3,500 American troops will begin leaving, to be fully out by Sept. 11 at the latest. Another debate will likely go on far longer: Was it worth it? Since 2001, tens of thousands of Afghans and 2,442 American soldiers have been killed, millions of Afghans driven from their homes, and billions of dollars spent on war and reconstruction. The U.S. and NATO leave behind an Afghanistan that is at least half run directly or indirectly by the Taliban—despite billions poured into training and arming Afghan forces to fight them. Riddled with corruption and tied to regional warlords, the U.S.-backed government is widely distrusted by many Afghans.
In India’s devastating coronavirus surge, anger at Modi grows (Washington Post) As he surveyed the thousands of people gathered at an election rally in eastern India on April 17, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared jubilant. “Everywhere I look, as far as I can see, there are crowds,” he said, his arms spread wide. “You have done an extraordinary thing.” At the time, India was recording more than 200,000 coronavirus cases a day. In the western state of Maharashtra, oxygen was running short, and people were dying at home because of a shortage of hospital beds. In Modi’s home state of Gujarat, crematoriums were being overwhelmed by the dead. For Modi, the most powerful Indian prime minister in five decades, it is a moment of reckoning. He is facing what appears to be the country’s biggest crisis since independence. Modi’s own lapses and missteps are an increasing source of anger. As coronavirus cases skyrocketed, Modi continued to hold huge election rallies and declined to cancel a Hindu religious festival that drew millions to the banks of the Ganges River. Modi swept to a landslide reelection victory in 2019, offering Indians a muscular brand of nationalism that views India as a fundamentally Hindu country rather than the secular republic envisioned by its founders. He has cultivated an image as a singular leader capable of bold decisions to protect and transform the country. Now that image is “in tatters,” said Vinay Sitapati, a political scientist at Ashoka University in the northern Indian state of Haryana. Modi and his governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) built a formidable machine for winning elections, Sitapati said, but their mind-set of continuous campaigning has come “at the cost of governance.”
Iran and Saudi Arabia Edge Toward Détente (Foreign Policy) Iran’s relationship with Saudi Arabia could be entering “a new chapter of interaction and cooperation,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said on Thursday, as the two countries signal a rapid mending of diplomatic ties. Khatibzadeh’s comments came in response to an interview Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman gave to state television this week, when he said that problems between the regional rivals could be overcome and “good relations” could soon prevail. His recent comments offer a stark contrast with ones he made in 2018 when he compared Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to Adolf Hitler and described Iran as part of a “triangle of evil.” Behind the scenes, the two countries have also been busy. Earlier this month, the Financial Times broke news of direct talks, held in Baghdad, with a primary focus on ending the war in Yemen.
Chloe Zhao's challenge to Chinese Beauty standards (Quartz) Although Chloé Zhao’s Oscars win has largely been censored in China, her chill, no-makeup look at the awards ceremony has become a hit among many Chinese women, who say Zhao made them feel they can also ditch cosmetics and stop appealing to mainstream beauty standards in the country. China has a set of rigid standards for women’s appearance, prompting online slimming challenges that encourage young girls to pursue body shapes that allow them to wear children’s clothes, or have waists with a width similar to the shorter side of a piece of A4 paper (around 21 cm). As such, Zhao’s no-makeup look is a much-needed endorsement for women in China, where few public figures dare to break away from traditional beauty requirements.
Hong Kong’s latest star TV host? City leader Carrie Lam. (Washington Post) In a city known for producing action-packed martial arts movies, there’s a gripping new TV show on the block. The title promises to captivate viewers: “Get to Know the Election Committee Subsectors.” The star? Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam, not as a guest but as the host. The show, which premiered Wednesday on public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong, gives Lam a platform to promote electoral changes introduced by Beijing that further tilt the system against pro-democracy voices, add weight to industry-sector representatives and ensure only “patriots” loyal to the Communist Party can govern Hong Kong. People in mainland China have long been accustomed to state propaganda broadcasts. Hong Kong, however, traditionally had a freewheeling media environment. But almost a year after China imposed a security law that curtailed freedom of speech there, the public broadcaster has become a vital instrument of Beijing’s efforts to control the narrative. Wednesday night’s double-episode premiere featured furious agreement on the merit of Beijing’s electoral changes. The episodes scored only a few thousand views and mostly “thumbs-down” responses on YouTube. One user drew comparisons to George Orwell’s “1984.” If you missed the show, there’s plenty of opportunity to catch it again; episodes will air four times a day, every day.
Cambodians complain of lockdown hunger as outbreak takes toll on poor (Reuters) Residents in Cambodia’s capital gathered on Friday to demand food from the government, outraged at what they called inadequate aid distribution during a tough COVID-19 lockdown that bars people from leaving their homes. Authorities put Phnom Penh and a nearby town under a hard lockdown on April 19 to quell a surge in coronavirus infections that has seen Cambodia’s case total balloon from about 500 to 12,641 since late February, including all 91 of its deaths. Though private food deliveries are operating, markets and street food services are closed, making it difficult for poorer families to get supplies, with many without income because of the stay-home order. Amnesty International on Friday called Cambodia’s lockdown an emerging humanitarian and human rights crisis, with nearly 294,000 people in Phnom Penh at risk of going hungry.
Palestinian election delay (Reuters) It could have marked a political turning point. Palestinians were slated to go to the polls starting next month for the first time in 15 years—but on Thursday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced he will indefinitely postpone the elections. He blamed Israel, accusing authorities of stonewalling efforts to let Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem cast their ballots. But Israeli officials suggested Abbas was using Israel as a pretext to cancel a vote his faction might lose. Hamas, his party’s rival, has rejected the move, and some Palestinians took to the streets to protest.
The real threat to Chad’s military rulers: unemployed youth (Reuters) When Neldjibaye Madjissem graduated with a mathematics degree in 2015, he began searching for work as a school teacher. Six years on, he is still looking—and is angry. The 31-year-old blames Chad's government for lack of work, mismanagement of oil revenues and corruption. No wonder people are protesting on the streets in their thousands, he says. The battlefield death of President Idriss Deby last week, after 30 years of autocratic rule, sent the Central African country into a tailspin. But perhaps the greater threat for Chad’s rulers comes from the mass of unemployed young people tired of the Deby family and its international allies, particularly former colonial ruler France. At least six people died in violent protests this week. "The lack of jobs risks creating a great problem. The people are angry," said Madjissem, as he prepared a private lesson to a high school student in the living room of a tiny house in N'Djamena. His infrequent wage: $3 an hour.
Famine looms in southern Madagascar, U.N.’s food agency says (Reuters) Famine is looming in southern Madagascar, where children are “starving” after drought and sandstorms ruined harvests, the U.N.’s World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday. Amer Daoudi, senior director of WFP operations globally, speaking from Antananarivo, Madagascar, said he had visited villages where people had resorted to eating locusts and leaves. “I witnessed horrific images of starving children, malnourished, and not only the children—mothers, parents and the populations in villages we visited,” Daoudi told a United Nations briefing in Geneva. Malnutrition has almost doubled to 16% from 9% in March 2020 following five consecutive years of drought, exacerbated this year by sandstorms and late rains, he said.
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nagendras-blog · 5 years
The Citizenships Amendment Bill :The hindu rasthra project
The Citizenships amendment Bill 2019 which was passed in both lower and upper house seeks to give citizenship (or fast track the process )to those primarily 6 religion groups Hindu,sikh, Christian,Jain,Parsi, Buddhist who are religiously persecuted minorities belonging to 3 neighbouring country pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. The act also reduce the residential requirements for these ppl from 11yrs to 6 and cuttoff date has been set at 21 Dec 2014.In short The bill choose to open it’s door to non muslim from 3 countries.
In both its intent and wording they brazenly singled out one community:MUSLIM
Damning part of this act is they carefully avoided “persecuted minorities” from act but in their statement in objection and reasons they say persecuted minorities will be given citizenship. They also relaxed some rules Through notification in 2015 -2016, Home ministry exempted these undocumented migrants from adverse panel consequences (making it lenient) under the passport (entry into india) act 1920 and foreigner act 1948.
If government intention is to give citizenship on humanitarian ground why they choose these 3 country only and Why not the following ppl who are also persecuted on a daily basis?
Ahmadis in Pakistan ,in thier constitution they not even consider muslim many riots killed them, infamously in 2010 where 84 Ahamdis are murdered knows as Lahore massacre.Srilanka Tamil refugee more that 55000 living in tharamangalam district of Tamil nadu who fled becoz of civil wars ,religiously persecuted by Christian/monks.Atheist in Bangladesh.Christian in BhutanRohingyas in myanmar.
CAA balantly discriminates n says we will allow this minorities but not those minorities!!. Countering this in parliament gov says “we only allowing from country who are theocratic in nature and their state religion is muslim”. In doing this they inevidently discrediting other minorities n thier suffering!
Some myths regarding this Act which I point out below
Argument 1:- Amit and modi in his speech says crores of ppl will benefit from this
Fact:- a)Before CAA lapsed in 2017 (since it failed to pass in rajya sabha on time) bill was sent to standing committee . When asked questioned how many will benefit intelligence bureau said quote “there are 31313 (Hindus 25447,sikh 5807, Christian 55, Buddhist 2,Parsi 2 Jain 0) currently living who have been given long term visas on basis of thier claim of religious persecution in Thier respective countries and want indian citizenship” unquote
B) Government of india has yet to formulate law/provision to find out how a person is religiously persecuted and not on economic/political basis.(this is also shows how hastly and without proper discussion the bill was passed).
C) This CAA will not help to even those who are currently persecuted minorities and came after cutoff date 21 December 2014 .
Argument 2:- Hindu population dropped from 23% to 2% this was claimed by many BJP seniors .
Facts:- there is little change in hindu population in Pakistan over the years, rather than systematic decline hindu population fell drastically before and after partition.
In Undivided British India in 1931, 15% hindu population constituted in Pakistan this percentage dropped drastically in 1951 to 1.3% why is that because millions of hindus migrated from Pakistan to indian side.
Hindu population was consistent through the year.
1951 :- 1.3%
1962:- 1.4%
1998 census showed there were 2.1 million hindus living in Pakistan that number grew to 3 million in 2017 census
This migration also explain sudden drop in muslim in indian side of Punjab ….54% muslim lived in indian side of Punjab State in 1941 that number came down 0.8% in 1951 post partition.
Argument 3:- There are 49 muslim majority country and muslim can choose any country but hindus has only 1 .
This is argument is farce if that’s the case why even include Buddhist and Christian ? There are 5 Buddhist majority country and more than 100christian majority country
Modi/shah will fullfill jinnah dream of two nation theory..
Amit Shah in parliament debate accused Congress that it divided India on the basis of religion and he is undoing the mistake it made in 1947 , even modi said in one his election speech “There are many children of Maa Bharti who have faced persecution in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh… We will stand with those who are a part of India once , but got separated from us.”
The claim is that the CAA will somehow finish the unfinished business of Partition. On the contrary, it will only fullfill Jinnah two nation theory
Partition become necessary when there are two vision from different leaders who didn’t agree upon, one was Jinnah who wanted muslim for Pakistan and hindus for India… on other side Indian founders belived that nationhood is not a religious construct. It is geographical. From Islamabad to Kanyakumari, we were one people united by shared geography and history. We were united in our diversity.
Savarkar was also among the first to purpose two nation theory in ambedhad during hindu mahasabha council debate 1932
Ambedkar replying to Savarkar wrote quote “Strange as it may appear, Mr. Savarkar and Mr. Jinnah, instead of being opposed to each other on the one nation versus two nations issue, are in complete agreement about it. Both agree, not only agree but insist, that there are two nations in India—one the Muslim nation and the other the Hindu nation. They differ only as regards the terms and conditions on which the two nations should live” unquote
Gandhi wrote in his biography “I find no parallel in history for a body of converts and their descendants claiming to be a nation apart from the parent stock”
God only know which history books Amit Shah read!!
Because of this difference of opinion two country came into effect
With CAA if you are a Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian in present-day Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan, you will soon be able to walk into India illegally, or overstay your visa, and become an Indian citizen in six years. To exclude Muslims from this privilege, just because they are the “majority” community in these countries, is to say that Muslims are not the children of “Maa Bharti”
In practice CAA will encourage large scale migration from neighbouring 3 countries predominantly hindus completing unfinished business of modi/shah dream of making hindu rasthra.
Hemant Sharma BJP senior Assam leader openly says he wants to give Bangladeshi hindu migrants election voter id and asking shah to expedite CAA process as soon possible before Assam 2021 state election. ( Lol I mean they not even hiding about this ).
With CAA + NRC
Modi/shah has a tool to harass muslim who are unable to proof their grand father citizenship, these will be stripped of citizenship and will be sent to detainion camps.
Hindus in(CAA) muslim out(NRC), that’s the message of this exercise it basically a way of accepting two nation theory (Jinnah would be patting modi/shah right now). Such a good way to honour 150th anniversary of Gandhi right?.
One of interesting fact about CAA nowhere it is mentioned “persecuted minorities” so saying ‘see we are helping minorities” is nothing but media spin meant to fool us ..
If ram and Rahim both residing before 31 Dec 2014 and both have been declared illegal ,ram has a easy way out he can approach United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees declare himself he/she perscuted and get citizenship through CAA and God knows what will happen to Rahim!
Even Chetan bhagat who I use to call him modi bhakt tweeted this simple explanation.
What about those who are poor,homeless, ppl from tribals area,ppl who have been displaced through floods..how all this ppl will produce legacy documents??This is not only anti muslim but also anti poor, as Kannan gopinathan (IAS officer who resigned post article 370) says this government not only evil but also dumb,
Evil because it’s target certain community
Dumb because even after creating big blunder in Assam NRC which costed them more than 1600cr (they junked it saying majority found to be hindus) says they will apply NRC through out India *demonetising human being*
Conclusion,my final thoughts..
CAA itself is discriminatory and with NRC, Modi/shah has a dangerous tool to target muslim, harass marginalized groups, polarize through plaint media ,use it has a vote bank politics and change idea of India forever which our founder fought n we cherished for 70yrs.
Past 30yr they used Ayodhya,
Next 30yr they will use CAA+NRC.
Jai hind.
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Mrs. Khyati Thakur is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Inspirit.
She had moved to Los Angeles, USA, to pursue her Master’s in Computer Science, and had worked there for 9 years before moving back to India.
She has had a remarkable journey- personally and professionally. Khyati currently has over 10 years of experience working in the tech industry as a software engineer, engineering manager, and product manager and 7+ years of experience working as a K-12 curriculum creator. She has also worked as an educator in a non-profit in India.
The team at Global Talent Exchange got in touch with her recently, and she was gracious enough to tell us her story.
Khyati’s story is inspirational and conveys just how strong is the call of one’s motherland. 
Read on!
Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m Khyati Thakur and I am currently living in Pune. I got my master’s degree from the University of Southern California (USC) and went on to work in the U.S. for a good 9 years as a software engineer. Over time, my husband and I realized we wanted to move back to India, and we’re here now!
A lot of your LinkedIn content revolves around your Return to India journey- could you elaborate on it?
When I first shifted to the US, I was sure that I wanted to come back and not settle there forever, as being close to my family is important to me. I met my husband at USC itself, and we both agreed that we would gain some experience in the US and then move to India. 2020 brought along the Covid pandemic, which delayed things for us. Finally, at the end of 2021, we decided to take the leap and relocate. I write about my journey to help others in a similar position take better decisions and understand how to go about the process.
What were the reasons that made you choose the US for higher education? How was life there- personally and professionally?
I think it was just because I was young and I wanted to explore how life would be in different countries. I was already working in India, and when I asked people how to accelerate my career to the next step, several recommended getting my masters from the US for exposure as well. The course content was great, I was working in a startup, and the work experience was good.
Though I was enjoying the way my life was shaping up, I always wanted to give back. When you’ve lived somewhere for so long, you are very connected to your roots, and family and you’re aware of the problems that exist. I even started working with non-profits in India while still in the US. I wanted to use my experience to build cool stuff for my people in India!
Apart from this, did you ever feel anything lacking in life while in the US?
Definitely. Of course, you can make some great friends in the US, and the colleagues are great, but nothing can even come close to the family and friends you have back home in India. It gets lonely very soon. It’s worse during festival time when you want to fly home with all your heart, but you can’t.
Covid was an extremely hard phase as well. Our parents got ill but we could not come back and take care of them due to the restrictions. It put things into perspective, and all the money that we were getting didn’t seem worth it any longer. The personal aspect overweighs the professional.
What was the “final trigger”? Why did you decide that this was the correct time to move back to India?
In my mind, I was ready to move way earlier than we actually did. Since at the time I was running my own startup, it was definitely easier for me to relocate. However, my husband was hesitant and wanted to explore more career opportunities before moving. 
He did, in fact, land his dream job, but soon after, the work pressure increased massively. The question arose: What are we even doing this for, what is the purpose? We wanted to be close to our family and use our skills to help our country. This was the final trigger. 
Would you say it can get difficult to find jobs across countries, and this search is what discourages NRIs from trying in the first place? What could make this process easier? 
Certainly. It was difficult for me, for sure. After Covid, my startup started losing traction, and I was in the search of a job in India. When I was conducting a job search, I was certain about the fact that I needed to be compensated fairly. 
India is booming right now, there are so many new startups that are solving real problems for the world. A majority of these companies are well funded and they are ready to pay handsome salaries because they want and need good talent. So, while it can be a little difficult to look for good jobs, it’s not impossible- you need to be patient and do your research. India is a silicon valley in the making- this is the place to be in right now.
What are some of the myths that would be debunked once NRIs return home? Do you think they still are envisioning an India that existed, perhaps, 10 years ago?
Most definitely- even I was holding on to such myths; the reality is very different. The job opportunities for sure to start with. I didn’t think it was possible to get such good salaries that are now possible. When we left India, the work culture was very different.
On a personal note, even the family scenario has changed. People are so much more liberal and there has been a major mindset shift and they are ready to accept new ideas- creativity is cherished! I thought I’m returning to the same old India, but that wasn’t the case. It’s not only our generation that has changed, even the older generation is more accepting and open-minded. 
What message would you convey to other immigrants who might be considering a move back? 
I would tell them about the career opportunities- there’s absolutely no shortage/limitation of them here. I would want to tell them that they can get paid just as much as they are in the US, but the interesting part is that they don’t need to. With just half of what they were getting paid in the US, they can lead an absolutely luxurious lifestyle in India. This is why even Silicon Valley VCs are looking for opportunities here and investing in the businesses.
On the personal front, I want to tell them that they will never be able to develop the kind of connections and relationships as they have in India. I understand it’s difficult to take the plunge, but it is so worth it.
Immigrants gain a lot of good exposure while working in the US. In what ways do you think they can leverage their experience to secure leading positions in India, and use their savings to lead a comfortable life?
NRIs can manage to save a lot of money. From my own experience, my husband and I were earning for just about 7 years, but when we moved back to India, we didn’t have to worry about finding work immediately. The amount that we saved was more than enough to sustain us for about 6-10 years even. We could sit back a bit and discover what we wanted to do further- such downtime is practically impossible in the US. Then again, the exposure you’ve gained can be utilized within the country as several companies would be willing to offer a lucrative salary for your expertise.
  Once you finally moved back, how easy or difficult was it to settle down? Is that a major point of concern? I would say it takes time to settle down. The weather could take you aback at first- India is a relatively hot country, but there are places with a cool environment as well. Also, the air quality and pollution could pose an issue, but this is where you came from and it doesn’t take extremely long for your body to adjust.
I think there are pros and cons to living in each country- you just have to prioritize. If you’re moving back to be close to your family and reconnect with your homeland, such problems hardly matter. Moreover, the food in India is so very fresh- be it vegetables, fruits, or milk. For example, in the US, we would get a massive 4-gallon jar of milk that would stay in our refrigerator for up to 2-3 weeks, which is extremely unhealthy. Here in India, we get fresh milk at our doorstep daily.
Global Talent Exchange is a new-gen recruitment platform that specializes in helping NRI talent access top-notch career opportunities back in India that are in alignment with their experience and current pay. Do you think if you’d been in contact with GTX during your own move, it would have eased the process and made the job search easier?
Definitely, it would have helped me massively. What GTX is doing is the need of the hour. Since I started writing my story on LinkedIn I’ve noticed several immigrants reaching out to me because they want to know what my experience was like and because they want to move back as well. Thus, I think this initiative is right on time. 
If I had gone through GTX, it would have saved me a good 3-4 months and I wouldn’t have scrambled with finding the right opportunities.
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myrna-nora · 3 years
2021: Movies
January 1. The Man Who Would Be King (1975) [UK | US] 2. Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) [US] 3. Dear Comrade (2019) [India : Telugu] 4. Avengers: Endgame (2019) [US]
February 5. Majo no takkyûbin (Kiki’s Delivery Service) (1989) [Japan] 6. Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) [US] 7. Mahanagar (The Big City) (1963) [India : Bengali] 8. Tenki no ko (Weathering With You) (2019) [Japan] 9. Drishyam 2 (2021) [India : Malayalam]
March 10. Beast (2017) [UK] 11. Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) [US] 12. Thadam (2019) [India : Tamil] 13. MCA: Middle Class Abbayi (2017) [India : Telugu] 14. In the Heat of the Night (1967) [US] 15. Mr. & Mrs. '55 (1955) [India : Hindi] 16. Thambi (My Brother Vicky) (2019) [India : Tamil]
April 17. Darby O'Gill and the Little People (1959) [US] 18. Julie (1956) [US] 19. 23 Paces to Baker Street (1956) [US] 20. Stand-In (1937) [US] 21. To Sir, with Love (1967) [UK] 22. Lilies of the Field (1963) [US]
May 23. 2:22 (2017) [US | Australia] 24. Die Abenteurer G.m.b.H. (1929) [Germany] 25. The Shell Seekers (TV) (1989) [US] 26. Blue Miracle (2021) [US] 27. Kaithi (2019) [India : Tamil] 28. Alias Jesse James (1959) [US]
June 29. Alita: Battle Angel (2019) [US] 30. Maryan (2013) [India : Tamil] 31. Promising Young Woman (2020) [UK | US] 32. Luca (2021) [US] 33. Du rififi chez les hommes (1955) [France] 34. The Unseen (1945) [US] 35. Nightmare Alley (1947) [US]
July 36. Gaddaar (1973) [India : Hindi] 37. Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) [US] 38. The Blue Dahlia (1946) [US] 39. Prescription: Murder (TV) (1968) [US]
August 40. Jallikattu (2019) [India : Malayalam] 41. Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) [US] 42. Cruella (2021) [US | UK]
September 43. Tomorrow Is Forever (1946) [US] 44. T-34 (2018) [Russia] 45. Crisis (1950) [US] 46. Green Mansions (1959) [US]
October 47. A Quiet Place Part II (2020) [US] 48. Gods of Egypt (2016) [US | Australia] 49. Muppets Haunted Mansion (TV) (2021) [US] 50. In the Heights (2021) [US] 51. Megamind (2010) [US]
November 52. Blithe Spirit (2020) [UK] 53. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) [US] 54. Jungle Cruise (2021) [US] 55. Home Sweet Home Alone (2021) [US] 56. Once Upon a Honeymoon (1942) [US]
December 57. Black Widow (2021) [US] 58. Bedtime Story (1964) [US] 59. Robots (2005) [US] 60. Apocalypto (2006) [US | Mexico : Mayan] 61. Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) [US | Japan] 62. The Marksman (2021) [US] 63. Home (2015) [US] 64. Secret Superstar (2017) [India : Hindi] 65. The Amazing Mr. Williams (1939) [US] 66. The Mezzotint (TV) (2021) [UK] 67. Lady Jane (1986) [UK] 68. Mimi (2021) [India : Hindi] 69. Ludo (2020) [India : Hindi] 70. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) [US]
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moonstone-eyes · 3 years
Magick: Legend, Fear and Power
When we think of magick the first thought that comes to mind is that of wizards, mages and harry potter fan fiction in the deep space of fan forums. I used to be this person so i can relate to swooning over hermione x harry fan fiction, no judgment.
This is then literally brought to shame and judgment through the screenplay of the play the crucible. Where young girls in a boring town make extreme accusations of witchcraft, lies, and ultimately murders that could have been easily prevented.
But what in reality is Magick and the Witch when we study them from a philosophical perspective?
This is Magick: Legend, Fear and Power. Let's dive in.
*Please subscribe to my blog for more interesting articles, rants, and cool stuff*
(this is just an article written from my own thoughts and ramblings, any sources will be accredited at the end of the article)
You know the story, everyone knows of a town witch in their hometown. The one that everyone tells during Halloween season living in the creepy woods, or the sightings that swear to be true from your cousins. There's always one unfortunate ending to the woman of the woods who lived above all rules and men. Feared and estranged from society forever, this is our first encounter with a witch for many of us as children.
For me, its both.
I have come from a unique part of a culture that is enriched in magick, superstition and respect for those we call "medicine women". I have now taken it upon myself, 28 years later, to discover, unbind and reclaim that word "Witch". It also coming with great honor and uncertainty.
Part 1: Legend & Fear
noun a woman thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones, popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick.
There is many accounts of witches in history, dating as far back as any abrahamic religion. Although witches and pagans are considered different *least now with neopaganism* there was much of a similarity back when there were no words for it.
Pagans believed*believe* in guarding nature and utilizing it for purposes of healing community, nurturing families, creating societies. There was a respect and still in many pagan cultures to celebrate the spirits of the earth, the sky, and its universe for purposes of understanding more about ourselves and our ancestors. Before there was a thing as calendars and clocks, pagans would look up into the sky with Astro-charts and carefully crafted stones that forecast the shadow of the sun as a marking of a new season. This, long before being called science by man.
There was and still is the respect of deity and spirit. That many life forms come in diverse races, sexes, genders, and forms. To all which are sacred and hold divine purpose in ceremony. Some will bring fertilization to crops and women, others would be used to symbolize the start of a harsh winter. All created in honor and respect for the purpose of balance in life, so it is as well in death.
I will share from a personal perspective that of the indigenous witch, the medicine man/women, the elder, the wise one.
There is an association in western culture to criminalize the witch. As shown in books like the crucible, in movies like the wizard of oz, in churches and temples of faith all around the globe where ideologies of demons exist. It is mostly a woman, enticing the image of a goat-headed man, a goddess with venomed snakes in her hair, an old hag hexing a community from its riches. This is an extreme repellant for those to step into the spirituality of these ancient practices.
Then there are others;
"Mr. Gallegos, 48, is a traditional warlock, one of dozens who work in this idyllic town, nestled near the Gulf of Mexico by Lake Catemaco in the state of Veracruz. Like most witches here, he melds European and native traditions in his work, a special brew of occultism he learned from his uncle.
His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus. A six-pointed star is painted on the floor, with a horseshoe to one side and a St. Andrew’s cross on the other. Candles dedicated to various saints crowd his table, most with photographs lashed to them. Some are photos of men and women whom the client wants to ensnare in love. Others are of barren women who want children. Others are of people with maladies from asthma to cancer."(“Travelers in Search of Mexico’s Magic Find Town of Witches and Warlocks (Published 2008),” 2021)
Much like Mr.Gallegos, many indigenous communities around the world mix old-world paganism with catholic imagery and deities. This is not uncommon nor sinful in a culture where parts of the old world mix with that of colonized structures. This is also my introduction to witchcraft and witches from an early age, though we never really called it right out "brujas". I watched my grandmother heal swollen ear infections with sacred medicine leaves from her garden, would often sit next to her on our porch bench talking to each other and the moon, a crystal ball next to her bedstand was something I saw and never questioned. This was a world of magic that seemed beautiful, brave, and extraordinary. In many countries besides America, the healer is the most sacred person in a community. Many would come to this person for purposes of shamanism when western medicine could not be attained or failed to heal the sick.
So what to the white man and western society is a witch?
A woman who holds power and supernatural elements. A woman who rides on a broom and could command of any nature if intended. A woman with sacred feminity and masculinity to be seen as unshakable and ungovernable by many. A savage who holds pagan rituals and deities above their own ego.
This, to many, is the legend of the witch dying. When one story gets interwoven in the threads of perceived evil and deceit. When in reality there is a balance to all life and spirit.
Part 2: Power & Reclaim
On its heyday, feminism in the late 1960s found itself in the waves of the spiritual witch movement. There were women reclaiming themselves as witches and moving to the sounds of Stevie Nicks, out of the broom closet witch with lyrics of visions and crystals. There was the movement of the Hippies, which in itself marks that as a resurgence of pagan ideals and theories. This was a time of understanding, unity, and love. And to many where the witch finally got its recognition.
Quite literally called W.I.T.C.H. this feminist movement did some pretty gnarly things; "They were interested in a feminism based on several methods of social change, not just toppling the patriarchy, and viewed witches as “the first guerrilla fighters against women’s oppression." They spread their message by carrying out witch-like publicity stunts, such as protesting and “hexing” Wall Street, giving out garlic cloves and cards that said “We Are Witch We Are Women We Are Liberation We Are We” at a restaurant."(A Brief History of Witches in America, 2017)
There was also great interest in the pagan rituals from indigenous tribes all around the world, such as practicing Yoga from India, drawing/painting the ying & yang symbols from china, the textiles and native wear from indigenous tribes of the Americas. If there was ever a time for the witch to thrive it would've been then.
But what about now?
Where have all the Witches gone?
Some say that there is still a great interest in witchcraft still because of the media and its constant wave of movie after movie about Harry Potter. Other's find it in the solace of practicing Reiki or smudging their crystals. In either way, there is witches anywhere and everywhere now living amongst modern society. There is a great fondness for me in practicing indigenous witchcraft and finding it that other's are also interested in their root pagan beliefs.
It is a way of reclaiming healing for my ancestors and community. A means of creating magick in my own life, manifesting love and nurturing to the spirits of life around me. It's a word of power and greatness much like a family last name hold's legacy. Holding the word and qualities of a Witch means we hold the legacy of all healers in our past lives, thanking them, nurturing them for centuries of resiliency.
Bio: I'm R, a late 20 something queer non-binary weirdo whos interested in questioning the world and witchcraft. Support me by subbing!
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architectnews · 3 years
Singapore Architecture News: New Buildings
Singapore Architectural News 2021, Buildings in South East Asia, Architects, Asian Design Images, Projects
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Key Building Developments in southeast Asia: Built Environment Updates
post updated 31 July 2021
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See the latest luxury residential properties for this small South East Asian country at this link:
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31 July 2021 CapitaLand News
CapitaLand engages retail investors on merits of proposed restructuring at SIAS dialogue session
Singapore – CapitaLand held a virtual dialogue session with shareholders as part of its retail outreach for the proposed strategic restructuring and listing of CapitaLand Investment (CLI). More than 150 retail shareholders participated in the live virtual dialogue session on 28 July 2021, facilitated by the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).
– With CapitaLand’s Group CEO Mr Lee Chee Koon (left) and Group CFO Mr Andrew Lim (right) engaged over 150 retail shareholders in a virtual dialogue session, facilitated by the Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS). They highlighted the key rationale and benefits of the proposed transaction before addressing questions posed by Mr Robson Lee (middle), Assistant Honorary Secretary of SIAS, on behalf of CapitaLand retail shareholders:
Mr Lee Chee Koon, Group CEO of CapitaLand Group and Mr Andrew Lim, Group CFO of CapitaLand Group started the dialogue by highlighting the key rationale and benefits of the proposed transaction before addressing questions posed by Mr Robson Lee, Assistant Honorary Secretary of SIAS, on behalf of CapitaLand retail shareholders.
– With CapitaLand’s strong track record in growing fee income for its Fund and Lodging Management businesses, and disciplined capital recycling, CapitaLand is confident that the proposed restructuring will allow CLI shareholders to potentially benefit from the substantial long-term value that it aims to unlock. Pictured is Capital Tower and 79 Robinson Road, two assets that will come under CLI post-proposed transaction:
The following key points were raised at the session:
• Rationale for the proposed restructuring – Mr Lee said: “With our strong track record in growing fee income for our Fund and Lodging Management businesses, and our disciplined capital recycling, we are confident that CapitaLand’s proposed restructuring will allow CLI shareholders to potentially benefit from the substantial long-term value that we will aim to unlock.”
• CLI’s competitive advantage as a REIM with leadership in Asia – Mr Lee said: “CLI’s long standing presence in Asia will give us an edge over non-Asian based REIMs, drawing on our own heritage, history and strengths in Asia. We need to chart our own path, identity our areas of competitiveness, and become an asset manager that is globally competitive with a very strong foundation in Asia.”
• Asset-light lodging management platform a good fit for CLI – Mr Lim said: “The underlying principle of both platforms is the same – we are managing third-party capital and earning a fee. Therefore, these two capital efficient businesses are complementary, and a good fit for CLI.”
• Prudent dividend policy – Mr Lim said: “The management team has made the decision to keep our dividend policy unchanged for now, that is to declare a dividend of at least 30% of our cash PATMI. This is for two reasons. One, to give our current shareholders, and hopefully shareholders of CLI going forward, a familiar reference. Two, we are cognisant that we are emerging from a difficult operating environment caused by the pandemic. We are in a period of recovery, which while positive, remains uncertain. The management team has thus elected to maintain an unchanged dividend policy for CLI in the near term.”
– CapitaLand’s strong reputation in Asia, with over 20 years of experience in markets including Singapore, China, India and Vietnam, gives it the ability to access different investment opportunities. The opening of Raffles City The Bund (pictured), CapitaLand’s third Raffles City development in Shanghai, affirms the Group’s commitment to grow its presence and investor base in China by leveraging the signature Raffles City brand:
– CLI will consolidate the Group’s investment management and lodging businesses, both of which are capital-efficient. As the lodging platform continues to scale towards the planned target of 160,000 units under management by FY 2023, it expects to contribute materially to CLI’s overall earnings on a recurring basis. Somerset Feliz Ho Chi Minh City (pictured) opened in July 2021, adding to Ascott’s growing global portfolio and further strengthening its position as a leading international lodging owner-operator:
6 July 2021 Kandis Residence Design: ONG&ONG photo courtesy of architects office Kandis Residence Set within an idyllic location in northern Singapore, Kandis Residence contains 130 condominium units housed within four residential blocks – one three-storey block, along with three seven-storey blocks. The project was predicated on the concept of “homes in the woods”, envisioned as a green, immaculately landscaped sanctuary that accommodates the modern urban lifestyle.
28 Apr 2021 Park Nova Luxurious Green Tower Park Nova Luxurious Green Tower
20 Apr 2021 10 Design Singapore Studio News 10 Design Singapore Office News International architecture practice, 10 Design, is pleased to announce the opening of a new design studio in Singapore. It is established to support the practice’s ongoing and new projects in SE Asia.
11 Nov 2020 Climate and biodiversity emergency Singapore Leading Singaporean landscape architecture firms are calling on local and international landscape architects to act in response to climate change and biodiversity loss.
10 Nov 2020 CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge
30 Sep 2020 Tropical Avant-Garde
17 Sep 2020 Apple Marina Bay Sands Design: Foster + Partners photo : Finbarr Fallon Apple Marina Bay Sands A new distinctive 30-metre-diameter structure is a fully glazed dome with a black glass base, complementing the sister pavilions through its scale and materiality.
9 Sep 2020 Rochester Commons
6 July 2020 Aedas Singapore Office Interior Design Architects: Aedas image courtesy of architects office Aedas Singapore Offices Interior Design Just off a busy thoroughfare in Singapore’s science and technology hub, Buona Vista lies a busy business hub. Once a quiet neighbourhood is now dotted with high technology offices, young working professionals, shopping and entertainment centres and contemporary residential developments.
7 May 2020 ADDP Architects Office Lobby
1 Mar 2020 Seductive Simplicity House
28 Feb 2020 Ninety 7 House
21 Nov 2019 Liang Court Design: City Developments Limited and CapitaLand Limited image : CapitaLand / CDL Liang Court Towers City Developments Limited (CDL), CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand) and Ascott Residence Trust (Ascott Reit) have teamed up to redevelop the Liang Court site1 into an integrated development following the proposed sale by CDL Hospitality Trusts (CDLHT) of its total interest in Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay.
6 Nov 2019 Raffles Hotel Singapore Restoration, 1 Beach Road Design: Aedas image courtesy of architecture office Raffles Hotel Restored and refurbished this classic hotel building officially reopened in August 2019. It first opened back in 1887.
31 Oct 2019 Founders Memorial Design: Cox Architecture image courtesy of architects office Founders Memorial This project aims to create a world-renowned public building that embodies the democratic principles that Singapore has been built upon. It will do this by being a place for the Singaporean people and visitors to gather and celebrate the achievements of past, present and future Singaporeans.
22 Oct 2019 Sentosa-Brani Master Plan
11 Oct 2019 Robinson Tower Design: KPF / Architects 61 photo : Tim Griffith Robinson Tower Building News Landscape architects Grant Associates has scooped an award at the Singapore Landscape Architecture Awards 2019 for Robinson Tower.
1 Jul 2019 New Science Centre at Jurong Lake Gardens
21 May 2019 Funan Singapore Shopping Mall news
More contemporary Singapore Architecture News online soon on e-architect
Singapore Architecture News 2018
27 Nov 2018 UNStudio Buildings in Singapore Buildings completed by this celebrated Dutch architecture office in the city to date:
V on Shenton Building
Scotts Tower
The Ardmore Residence Tower
Singapore University of Technology and Design
31 Oct 2018 The Forever House, Serangoon Architects: Wallflower Architecture + Design photograph : Marc Tey Photography New House in Serangoon
2 Oct 2018 CapitaLand ‘office of the future’ ecosystem image courtesy of architects Capitaland Office of the Future CapitaLand initiated its ‘office of the future’ strategy aimed at engendering a culture of innovation, promoting talent attraction and retention and optimising cost efficiency for tenants of its office properties.
4 Jul 2018 Marina One Singapore, 5 Straits View Design: Ingenhoven Architects image © ingenhoven architects / photo : HGEsch Marina One in Singapore The high-density building complex with its mix of uses extends to over 400,000 square meters and, with its group of four high-rise buildings, defines the Green Heart—a public space extending over several stories. This three-dimensional green oasis reflects the diversity of tropical flora.
4 May 2018 Venice Biennale Singapore Pavilion image courtesy of exhibition organisers Venice Biennale Singapore Pavilion Curated by the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) in collaboration with the National University of Singapore’s Department of Architecture (NUS), the Singapore Pavilion asks if there is indeed No More Free Space? in the island state, in response to the overarching theme Freespace conceptualised by curators Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara.
11 Apr 2018 Early Learning Village Design: Bogle Architects photo © Bogle Architects-Infinitude Early Years Village Singapore Building A world first in pre-school facilities, the ELV delivers a multicultural, flexible environment with capacity for 2,100 children from nursery to kindergarten age, as well as 400 support staff
10 Apr 2018 Changi Airport Interior Design: Moment Factory image courtesy of architecture office Changi Airport Building Singapore’s Changi Airport, voted by air travellers as the World’s Best Airport for the sixth consecutive year, is taking its passenger experience to a new level with Terminal 4. As part of their quest for excellence, Changi Airport Group commissioned Moment Factory to produce two media features designed to entertain passengers as they navigate the airport’s remarkable interior.
9 Feb 2018 Raffles Place Singapore: 88 Market Street Development images courtesy of architects Raffles Place Singapore: 88 Market Street Development CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand), CapitaLand Commercial Trust (CCT) and Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd (MEC), the joint venture partners for the redevelopment of Golden Shoe Car Park, today unveiled more details on the ‘future of work’ blueprint for the new integrated development at its groundbreaking ceremony.
More Singapore Architecture News online here soon
Building Design Updates 2017
5 Sep 2017 Singapore High Line Park Signage and Wayfinding Consultants: The Buchan Group, Brisbane Architect: Nikken Sekkei, Architects with Tierra Design and Arup Singapore image courtesy of architects Singapore High Line Park A South East Asia version of New York City’s High Line is fast becoming a reality, with the masterplan and concept design of the first stage of turning an unused rail corridor into public space now complete.
The Paper Pavilion – Radical Retail
Jubilee Bridge
10 Oct 2017 Sandcrawler Office Building Design: Andrew Bromberg at Aedas photography © Paul Warchol Sandcrawler Office Building – more offices at Singapore Office Buildings
MediaCorp Buona Vista: Mediapolis
Resorts World Sentosa Buildings
Gardens by the Bay Singapore – Supertrees
5 Sep 2017 Shan Shui Shi Lin Cultural Centre Design: Park + Associates photo : Edward Hendricks © Park + Associates Pte Ltd Shan Shui Shi Lin Cultural Centre The key challenge was working around existing structure the limits to fulfil tough programmatic requirements – indoor sports hall, a 500-seater auditorium, and an alumni Board of Directors lounge – while also generating the maximum amount of open space for landscaping.
30 Aug 2017 House 24
28 Aug 2017 Masterplan for Jurong Lake District Design: KCAP Architects&Planners ; SAA Architects ; Arup ; S333 & Lekker picture © KCAP/SAA/Arup/S333/Lekker Masterplan for Jurong Lake District The Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has unveiled the masterplan for Jurong Lake District in Singapore, the city’s future second Central Business District. The JLD masterplan is exhibited till mid-September and invites the public to share their views.
29 May 2017 Apple Orchard Road – first Apple Flagship in Singapore Architects: Foster + Partners photo courtesy of architects Apple Orchard Road Singapore Apple Orchard Road is the first Apple Flagship in Singapore, highlighting its role as a global centre for creativity. Its design reflects the vibrancy and innovative spirit of the city-state. The project is another example of the close collaboration between Foster + Partners and the design team at Apple led by chief design officer, Sir Jonathan Ive and Angela Ahrendts, senior vice president of Retail and Online Stores.
page updated 27 Oct 2016 with new photos National Gallery Singapore, 1 St Andrew’s Road Design: Studio Milou Singapore, in partnership with CPG Consultants photo courtesy of architects National Gallery in Singapore Building This visual arts institution is home to Singapore’s National Collection, the largest public collection of visual arts from Singapore and Southeast Asia from the 19th century to the present day.
20 Feb 2017 Singapore High Speed Station Building Design – overall: AECOM ; architectural – Farrells and Architects 61
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has appointed AECOM Singapore to conduct an advanced engineering study for Singapore stretch of the Singapore-Kuala Lumpur high-speed rail (HSR) infrastructure.
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Location: Singapore, South East Asia
Singapore Architecture
Singapore Architecture
Singapore Architecture Tours by e-architect
Singapore building designs selection:
Scotts Tower – Residential tower building Design: Rem Koolhaas Architect / OMA Singapore Tower
Moulmein residential tower Design: WOHA Architects Singapore tower building
New Singapore Architecture
Singapore Buildings Archive
The Interlace Singapore Residential Development Design: Ole Scheeren of OMA The Interlace Singapore Complex
Marina Bay Financial Center towers Design: Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates Marina Bay Financial Center Singapore
Farrer Court – residential development Design: Zaha Hadid Architects Farrer Court Towers
Singapore Architects Offices
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chrisabraham · 3 years
A time capsule of Trump vitriol for the record books
It's so stupid, the open letter to Trump I pasted below, that the writer should be considered a lazy cliché nincompoop.
It is the best-of LCD anti-Trump rage along the lines of It's The End of the World As We Know It (and I feel fine) by REM. It's Ready Player One of anti-Orange Man Bad hate speech.
In that sense, as art, as a clover or flower pressed in a book, it is the kind of reductive vitriol we got to experience from everyone from 2015-2021—so, it's a time capsule or a modern Lascaux.
Rest in peace.
Maybe all y'all will return to sanity instead of acting all cray cray in plain sight and on the record. The very best thing about Trump not being reëlected is no more of this from people I love and respect.
I expect this verbal vomit from the dummies but not from the smarties, who went low when they went low. Was fun, glad we're done.
Amen and hallelujah.
PS: The biggest offense is it's not even witty. Wit was MIA from 2015-2021. Hopefully it'll return. All humor was mean and spiteful and way too on the nose.
"Dear F#¢king Lunatic,
At your recent press conference - more a word salad that had a stroke and fell down stairs, you were CLEARLY so out of your depth you needed scuba gear.
Within minutes of going off air your minions were backpedaling faster than Cirque De Soliel acrobats... In India a week ago, i couldn’t get past the bit about your being the most popular visitor in the history of fucking India — a country of a BILLION human souls that’s only 3000 years old, give or take.!!! Trust me - Gandhi pulled CROWDS.. You pulled a cricket stadium and half WALKED out...
Do you know how fucking insane you sound, you off-brand butt plug? That's like the geopolitical equivalent of “that stripper really likes me” — only 10,000 times crazier and less self aware.
You are fucking exhausting. Every day is a natural experiment in determining how long 300 million people can resist coring out their own assholes with an ice auger. Every time I hear a snippet of your Queens-tinged banshee larynx farts, I want to scream!
We are fucking tired. As bad as we all thought your presidency would be when Putin got you elected, it’s been inestimably worse.
You called a hostile, nuclear-armed head of state “short and fat.” How the fuck does that help?
You accused a woman — a former friend, no less — of showing up at your resort bleeding from the face and begging to get in. You, you, YOU — the guy who looks like a Christmas haggis inexplicably brought to life by Frosty’s magic hat — yes, you of all people said that.
You attempted — with evident fucking glee — to get 24 million people thrown off their health insurance.
You gave billions away to corporations and the already wealthy while simultaneously telling struggling poor people that you were doing exactly the opposite.
You endorsed a pedophile, praised brutal dictators, and defended LITERAL FUCKING NAZIS!
Ninety-nine percent of everything you say is either false, crazy, incoherent, just plain cruel, or a rancid paella of all four.
Oh, by the way, Puerto Rico is still FUBAR. You got yourself and your family billions in tax breaks for Christmas. What do they get? More paper towels?
Enough, enough, enough, enough! For the love of God and all that is holy, good, and pure, would you please, finally and forever, shut your feculent KFC-hole until you have something valuable — or even marginally civil — to say?
You are a fried dick sandwich with a side of schlongs. If chlamydia and gonorrhea had a son, you’d appoint him HHS secretary. You are a disgraceful, pustulant hot stew full of casuistry, godawful ideas, unintelligible non sequiturs, and malignant rage.
You are the perfect circus orangutan diaper from Plato’s World of Forms.
So fuck you Mr. President. And fuck you forever.
Oh, and Pence, you oleaginous house ferret. Fuck you, too. You're as useful as a chocolate teapot against this medical crisis you Bible thumping cock socket."
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Forever Star India Awards Biggest Fashion Show
Forever Star India Awards
Forever Star India Awards is a very unique online platform which organizes state and national level tournaments and award shows. Are you talented? But can’t find a platform to showcase your skills and talent then you are at right place Forever Star India Awards platform is for you here you can showcase your talent and skills to the whole country on a digital platform.
                750+ Crowning, Rewards For Runner-Ups, and Subtitles to Participants
Forever Miss And Mrs India 2021 is the first ever beauty pageant with uniquely designed concept In this tournament there will be a series of rounds First, City winners then state winner will be selected. Last steps has many rounds for the selection of Forever, Mrs and Miss India 2021.
Forever Star India Biggest Fashion Show
This is the golden opportunity for fashion brands and fashion designers of india because this is gonna be biggest fashion show of the year 2021. They can apply across the  country in biggest beauty pageant, Miss India 2021 and Mrs India 2021. This is gonna be once in a lifetime opportunity for everyone in the fashion industry. The winners of the competition will enhance the dresses designed by the designers.
A Fashion Show is an event put on by many organizations In a Fashion Show, models do catwalk in the clothing created by the designer.
Forever Star India Awards will organize a Fashion show in which all the participants of Forver Miss India and Forever Mrs India will take participate. This fashion show will give you a new identity and a chance to showcase your beauty and skills.
We are giving excellent results in the industry of Fashion and Awards
Fashion shows are excellent place of social gathering so that’s why you have the opportunity to make new friends. You will meet to other participants so there you can interact with them in addition you will also meet there fashion designers, makeup artists, and many more famous personalties. In fashion show you will learn so many things like how to dress well, how to walk and many more little things. Therefore, take this chance and have good memories with friends and fashion designers.
Stay Tuned With Forever Star India Awards
0 notes
Forever Star India Awards Biggest Fashion Show
Forever Star India Awards
Forever Star India Awards is a very unique online platform which organizes state and national level tournaments and award shows. Are you talented? But can’t find a platform to showcase your skills and talent then you are at right place Forever Star India Awards platform is for you here you can showcase your talent and skills to the whole country on a digital platform.
                750+ Crowning, Rewards For Runner-Ups, and Subtitles to Participants
Forever Miss And Mrs India 2021 is the first ever beauty pageant with uniquely designed concept In this tournament there will be a series of rounds First, City winners then state winner will be selected. Last steps has many rounds for the selection of Forever, Mrs and Miss India 2021.
Forever Star India Biggest Fashion Show
This is the golden opportunity for fashion brands and fashion designers of india because this is gonna be biggest fashion show of the year 2021. They can apply across the  country in biggest beauty pageant, Miss India 2021 and Mrs India 2021. This is gonna be once in a lifetime opportunity for everyone in the fashion industry. The winners of the competition will enhance the dresses designed by the designers.
A Fashion Show is an event put on by many organizations In a Fashion Show, models do catwalk in the clothing created by the designer.
Forever Star India Awards will organize a Fashion show in which all the participants of Forver Miss India and Forever Mrs India will take participate. This fashion show will give you a new identity and a chance to showcase your beauty and skills.
We are giving excellent results in the industry of Fashion and Awards
Fashion shows are excellent place of social gathering so that’s why you have the opportunity to make new friends. You will meet to other participants so there you can interact with them in addition you will also meet there fashion designers, makeup artists, and many more famous personalties. In fashion show you will learn so many things like how to dress well, how to walk and many more little things. Therefore, take this chance and have good memories with friends and fashion designers.
Stay Tuned With Forever Star India Awards
0 notes
abhay121996-blog · 3 years
इस बार मैदान से बाहर धोनी ने आखिर तक रुककर जो पारी खेली, उस पर देखें कैसे फिदा है हर कोई Divya Sandesh
इस बार मैदान से बाहर धोनी ने आखिर तक रुककर जो पारी खेली, उस पर देखें कैसे फिदा है हर कोई
दरअसल, धोनी ने आईपीएल 2021 सस्पेंड होने के बाद यह फैसला लिया कि जब तक वह सभी खिलाड़ियों को उनके घर भेज नहीं देते, तब तक वह होटल नहीं छोड़ेंगे। भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम के पूर्व कप्तान महेंद्र सिंह धोनी ने मैदान पर आखिर तक एक छोर पर रुककर कई ऐतिहासिक पारियां खेली हैं, लेकिन इस बार उन्होंने जो किया है उस पर हर कोई फिदा है। मैदान के बाहर आखिर तक रुककर खेली गई उनकी यह पारी ने फैन्स के दिल में माही के लिए सम्मान और बढ़ा दिया है।दरअसल, धोनी ने आईपीएल 2021 सस्पेंड होने के बाद यह फैसला लिया कि जब तक वह सभी खिलाड़ियों को उनके घर भेज नहीं देते, तब तक वह होटल नहीं छोड़ेंगे। First to Arrive, Last to Leave – Thala Dhoni for you! #MSDhoni #IPL2021 #CSK #Dhoni https://t.co/6CTAld1I4s— Whistle Podu Army ® – CSK Fan Club (@CSKFansOfficial) 1620316105000The Leader for Reason @MSDhoni • #MSDhoni • #WhistlePodu https://t.co/ZhvIOA1Uot— DHONI Era™ (@TheDhoniEra) 1620304828000#MSDhoni Captain forever Mr. https://t.co/P2YFmp2Oob— ⚡️…தல ரசிகன்.. PRASANTH..⚡️ (@Prasant04190059) 1620359399000Who is the Best Captain of India #MSDhoni RT: Dhoni Like: Virat https://t.co/Bglcdl1xYh— Bullet Reporter (@Bullet_Reporter) 1620308684000#MSDhoni That’s true called leading from front https://t.co/lAGBSfTCbf— Baby Penguin (@Unkown_Fantasy) 1620306410000
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regionalkaraoke · 4 years
FIAF Award 2021 – Legendary Actor Amitabh Bachchan Conferred with the Prestigious Award at a Virtual Ceremony Held on March 19
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Indian film luminary Amitabh Bachchan was conferred with the prestigious 2021 FIAF Award by the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), the worldwide organization of film archives and museums from across the world, at a virtual showcase that took place on March 19, 2021. The actor accepted the award from Shivendra Singh Dungarpur. He is the first Indian actor to receive this award for his supported endeavors towards the preservation of India’s film legacy. Sharing a picture with the award, he took to his Instagram handle and wrote, “I am deeply honored to have been conferred with the 2021 FIAF Award. Thank you to FIAF and to Martin Scorsese and Christopher Nolan for bestowing the award on me in the ceremony today. Our commitment to the cause of saving India’s film heritage is unshakable and Film Heritage Foundation will continue its efforts to build a nationwide movement to save our films.” Filmmakers Martin Scorsese and Christopher Nolan, who have been previous recipients, joined the commemoration ceremony virtually from Los Angeles & the UK. Praising Amitabh Bachchan for hi outstanding contribution, Martin said, “Cinema is over a century old and sadly, tragically, much of this rich and very diverse film heritage has been lost forever. Safeguarding cinema is a global cause with champions all over the world. Amitabh Bachchan’s advocacy for preserving India’s film heritage really has been exceptional. Christopher also praised the actor during the ceremony & said “I had the privilege of meeting this living legend of Indian cinema a couple of years ago at an event hosted by the Film Heritage Foundation and it’s, as an ambassador for the Film Heritage Foundation, that Mr. Bachchan has done so much advocacy for the vital cause of film preservation in India. It’s for this motive that the FIAF Executive Committee collectively voted to give Mr. Bachchan this year’s award. Mr. Bachchan, I hope that you realize the importance of everything that you have done for this vital work for the development of proper infrastructure for the preservation of India’s incredible film heritage. This is unbelievably important work and your voice, your reputation behind this cause adds so much and makes so much more possible.” Past winners of the award include Ingmar Bergman (2003), Mike Leigh (2005), Hou Hsiao-hsien (2006), Peter Bogdanovich (2007), Rithy Panh (2009), Agnes Varda (2013), Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne (2016), Christopher Nolan (2017), Apichatpong Weerasethakul (2018), Jean-Luc Godard (2019), and Walter Salles (2020).
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fsia2020 · 4 years
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Forever Star India Awards Presents Forever Mrs India 2021
Forever Mrs. India 2021 is one of the Most Credible Beauty Pageants of India. This Beauty Pageant is created for Married Women that celebrates and admires the Accomplishments and Achievements of a Wife, Daughter and a Mother. We are dedicated to Empower Indian Married Women so they can show their Beauty, Strength, and Personality. Forever Mrs India 2021 is designed with the Concept of Personality Grooming and Cultural Awareness. This show will give you lifetime experience and belief in yourself.
There will be 750+ CROWNING, REWARDS FOR RUNNER-UPS, AND SUBTITLES TO PARTICIPANTS Forever Mrs. India 2021 is the Biggest Beauty Pageant of India for all Talented Women the nation over.
Forever Mrs. India 2021 will be the first since forever Pageant with a Uniquely Designed Concept. In a Series of Rounds initially, City Winners will be finished and afterward State Winners will be Selected. The last advance incorporates a Series of Rounds for the Selection of Forever Mrs. India 2021
As this is going to be a national iconic pageant, its presence will surely be covered by all Media. From print media to social media the participants will get the limelight on various media platforms for showcasing their beauty with brains on this mega pageant.
This pageant will be launched across all cities in india and hence here you will get a chance to reach the unreachable. You will get your own identity that will remain forever. Media coverage and social media outreach will bring a bright future for you with endless fame and popularity.
Once you become a part of FSIA, you will always be a part of our community; here you will get certificates, business opportunities and many more benefits.
For more details please contact us on 9983599666
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All the beautiful girls get ready to be a part of India's biggest beauty pageant get registered for Forever Mrs India 2021
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socialmediachennai · 4 years
Social Media Marketing for a Leading Ice Cream Brand in India
Social Media Marketing for a Leading Ice Cream Brand in India
Live session Watch the live stream of Mr. Pradeep Rajadas, founder of two internet companies Sociall.in – a leading digital marketing agency, and Hungry Forever – India’s largest food blog, exclusively on Jobs TV on February 7, 2021, at 7:30 PM IST. Catch up with Mr. Pradeep Rajadas as he talks about the importance of leadership and shares his experience with his company Sociall.in along with the…
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years
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Amazon First Reads December 2020
Well its only 23 days till Christmas Day where has the year gone? What frightening is that this months Amazon First Reads are due for release on 1 January 2021. For me and other Amazon Prime Members it’s time to take our pick of this months Amazon First Reads. So if your an Amazon Prime member don’t forget to get your free First Reads Book.
This months choices are:
Domestic Suspense
Lie, Lie Again by Stacy Wise Pages: 366, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: For three women with so much to hide, there’s no such thing as a little white lie…
All three women who live at 1054 Mockingbird Lane have secrets…and with a body at the bottom of their apartment building’s staircase, those secrets need to stay buried.
Sylvia Webb has a plan. And a potential Mr. Right. He’s sweet, simple, and dependably clueless about what she’s up to. The only thing unpredictable about him is his needy ex-girlfriend, who is this close to shattering Sylvia’s dreams. But Sylvia’s not going to let that happen.
Riki McFarlan has a good career and an amazing boyfriend who wants to settle down. If only she didn’t have feelings for her neighbor—who happens to be her close friend’s husband. With everything going so right, why is Riki flirting with something so wrong, so…dangerous?
Embry Taylor is as devoted to her children as she is to her husband, who’s a bartender by night, an aspiring actor by day. She is his biggest fan. But with his career not taking off and tensions high, even sweet Embry has something she’s desperate to keep hidden.
Lies, secrets, and revenge. For three neighbors with stakes so high, someone is headed for a downfall.
Bloodline by Jess Lourey, Pages: 347, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: Perfect town. Perfect homes. Perfect families. It’s enough to drive some women mad…
In a tale inspired by real events, pregnant journalist Joan Harken is cautiously excited to follow her fiancé back to his Minnesota hometown. After spending a childhood on the move and chasing the screams and swirls of news-rich city life, she’s eager to settle down. Lilydale’s motto, “Come Home Forever,” couldn’t be more inviting.
And yet, something is off in the picture-perfect village.
The friendliness borders on intrusive. Joan can’t shake the feeling that every move she makes is being tracked. An archaic organization still seems to hold the town in thrall. So does the sinister secret of a little boy who vanished decades ago. And unless Joan is imagining things, a frighteningly familiar figure from her past is on watch in the shadows.
Her fiancé tells her she’s being paranoid. He might be right. Then again, she might have moved to the deadliest small town on earth.
Sweet Water by Cara Reinard, Pages: 363, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: What did her son do in the woods last night? Does a mother really want to know?
It’s what Sarah Ellsworth dreamed of. Marriage to her childhood sweetheart, Martin. Living in a historic mansion in Pennsylvania’s most exclusive borough. And Finn, a teenage son with so much promise. Until…A call for help in the middle of the night leads Sarah and Martin to the woods, where they find Finn, injured, dazed, and weeping near his girlfriend’s dead body. Convinced he’s innocent, Sarah and Martin agree to protect their son at any cost and not report the crime.
But there are things Sarah finds hard to reconcile: a cover-up by Martin’s family that’s so unnervingly cold-blooded. Finn’s lies to the authorities are too comfortable, too proficient, not to arouse her suspicions. Even the secrets of the old house she lives in seem to be connected to the incident. As each troubling event unfolds, Sarah must decide how far she’ll go to save her perfect life.
Book Club Fiction
Confessions of a Bookseller by Elizabeth Green, Pages: 483, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: A heartening and uproariously funny novel of high hopes, bad choices, book love, and one woman’s best—and worst—intentions.
Without question, Fawn Birchill knows that her used bookstore is the heart of West Philadelphia, a cornerstone of culture for a community that, for the past twenty years, has found the quirkiness absolutely charming. When an amicable young indie bookseller invades her block, Fawn is convinced that his cushy couches, impressive selection, coffee bar, and knowledgeable staff are a neighborhood blight. Misguided yet blindly resilient, Fawn readies for battle.
But as she wages her war, Fawn is forced to reflect on a few unavoidable truths: the tribulations of online dating, a strained relationship with her family, and a devoted if not always law-abiding intern—not to mention what to do about a pen pal with whom she hasn’t been entirely honest and the litany of repairs her aging store requires.
Through emails, journal entries, combative online reviews, texts, and tweets, Fawn plans her next move. Now it’s time for her to dig deep and use every trick at her disposal if she’s to reclaim her beloved business—and her life.
Romantic Comedy
<The> Marriage Code by Brooke Burroughs, Pages: 379, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: In Brooke Burroughs’s endearing debut novel set in vibrant India, enemies turned allies encounter obstacles in an unexpected multicultural romance only to discover that in the end, love is love.
Emma has always lived her life according to a plan. But after turning down her boyfriend’s proposal, everything starts to crumble. In an effort to save the one thing she cares about—her job—she must recruit her colleague, Rishi, to be on her development team…only she may or may not have received the position he was promised. (She did.)
Rishi cannot believe that he got passed over for promotion. To make matters worse, not only does his job require him to return home to Bangalore with his nemesis, Emma, but his parents now expect him to choose a bride and get married. So, when Emma makes him an offer—join her team, and she’ll write an algorithm to find him the perfect bride—he reluctantly accepts.
Neither of them expect her marriage code to work so well—or to fall for one another—which leads Emma and Rishi to wonder if leaving fate up to formulas is really an equation for lasting love.
Historical Fiction
A Splendid Ruin by Megan Chance, Pages: 347, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: A mesmerizing novel of dark family secrets and a young woman’s rise and revenge set against the backdrop of the devastating 1906 San Francisco earthquake.
The eve of destruction. After her mother’s death, penniless May Kimble lives a lonely life until an aunt she didn’t know existed summons her to San Francisco. There she’s welcomed into the wealthy Sullivan family and their social circle.
Initially overwhelmed by the opulence of her new life, May soon senses that dark mysteries lurk in the shadows of the Sullivan mansion. Her glamorous cousin often disappears in the night. Her aunt wanders about in a laudanum fog. And a maid keeps hinting that May is in danger. Trapped by betrayal, madness, and murder, May stands to lose everything, including her freedom, at the hands of those she trusts most.
Then, on an early April morning, San Francisco comes tumbling down. Out of the smoldering ruins, May embarks on a harrowing road to reclaim what is hers. This tragic twist of fate, along with the help of an intrepid and charismatic journalist, puts vengeance within May’s reach. But will she take it?
Biographical Fiction
Your Story, My Story by Connie Palmen, Pages: 201, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: From the award-winning author of The Friendship comes a shattering, brilliantly inventive novel based on the volatile true love story of literary icons Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.
In 1963 Sylvia Plath took her own life in her London flat. Her death was the culmination of a brief, brilliant life lived in the shadow of clinical depression—a condition exacerbated by her tempestuous relationship with mercurial poet Ted Hughes. The ensuing years saw Plath rise to martyr status while Hughes was cast as the cause of her suicide, his infidelity at the heart of her demise.
For decades, Hughes never bore witness to the truth of their marriage—one buried beneath a mudslide of apocryphal stories, gossip, sensationalism, and myth. Until now.
In this mesmerizing fictional work, Connie Palmen tells his side of the story, previously untold, delivered in Ted Hughes’s own uncompromising voice. A brutal and lyrical confessional, Your Story, My Story paints an indelible picture of their seven-year relationship—the soaring highs and profound lows of star-crossed soul mates bedeviled by their personal demons. It will forever change the way we think about these two literary icons.
Children’s Picture Book
Scooper and Dumper by Lindsay Ward, Pages: 40, Publication Date: 1 January 2021
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Synopsis: Introducing two new vehicles who work together no matter what!
The best of friends, Scooper the front loader and Dumper the snowplow take care of their town in all kinds of weather. One day a snowstorm hits, and the big city needs their help to clear the roads. Each of them must be brave in their own way to get the job done.
This wintry adventure spotlights the ideas of individual strengths, teamwork, and friendship in a vehicle buddy story that boys and girls alike will love.
*** Which book will you choose? I have no idea which book I’ll choose as there a couple of books that interest me this month. ***
#AmazonFirstReads, #Amazonkindle, #AmazonPrimeMembers, #BiographicalFiction, #BookClubFiction, #ChildrensPictureBook, #DomesticSuspense, #HistoricalFiction, #Kindle, #KindleBooks, #RomanticComedy, #Suspense, #Thriller
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