#FordFiddlesStan drabbles
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woobiedoovo · 4 months ago
I saw someone post about the stanwich but instead of Stan and Ford competing over Fiddleford it’s Fiddleford and Ford competing over Stan and it’s making me feral.
There’s just so many possibilities with this.
Like with the Mystery Trio AU-
Imagine Ford contacts Stan to help him and Fiddleford dismantle the portal. Stan comes, obviously, and is greeted by his brother and a random southern man? Ford introduces him as his ‘lab partner’ but Stan is skeptical.
A lab partner who you live with in the middle of the woods, with no one else around for miles? Yeah, Stanford. Totally.
(In reality they’re really not together, at least not romantically. I honestly see Fiddauthor as more in a queer platonic relationship more than anything.)
He starts to help the two dismantle the portal, but he can’t really do a lot besides move around heavy pieces (he never even graduated Highschool, what did they expect?) but dammit, he does his one job and he does it well. The entire time he’s oblivious to the two pairs of eyes hungrily watching him as he grunts and groans under the heavy pieces of metal. How he wipes the sweat off his brow with his shirt, revealing his soft stomach. How his muscles flex as he once again moves some random machinery that didn’t actually need to be moved, they just wanted to watch Stan do it.
I need these two needs thirsting over this absolute disaster of a man.
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woobiedoovo · 4 months ago
Hello~ I just wanted to hear more of your fordfiddlestan thoughts if you have any🥺👉👈
It’s just taking WAY longer than I thought it would. It’s around 2k words right now when it was supposed to be like 200 at most. This is like my first “official” fic that’s more than a few hundred words, so I keep rewriting portions because I’m unhappy with them. But I’ll have it out soon!! I swear!!
As an apology, here’s some thoughts I have about them.
Stan at first does not believe that both Ford and Fiddleford are into him. Ignoring the whole moral dilemma of having incestous feelings for his twin brother, Stan just has really shitty self-esteem in general. This man just can’t wrap his head around the thought of these two geniuses being genuinely into him. I mean, look at him! He was homeless for 10 years, he’s gained weight, he has a shitty personality and is an asshole 90% of the time, hell! He never even graduated Highschool.
Ford and Fiddleford, on the other hand, are obsessed with Stan.
Ford at first doesn’t even realize his more than brotherly feelings for his twin. When he starts getting jealous about Stan and Fiddleford hanging out, he convinces himself he’s irritated at the idea of Stan stealing Fiddleford from him when it’s really the other way around. He hates how F takes Stan out into town to hang out without Ford, he hates how Stan and Fiddleford dance to country music together in the kitchen while Stan cooks dinner, and he hates how Stan looks at Fiddleford like he’s the best thing since sliced bread.
In contrast to Stanford, Fiddleford is more amused than anything when he realizes Ford is as in love with Stan as he is. Mister “Love is a chemical reaction” goes red in the face everytime Fiddleford even looks in Stan’s direction.
Eventually, Stanford tries to confront Fiddleford about how much time he’s spending with Stan and Fiddleford takes the opportunity to make a deal with Ford.
Whoever can get Stan to fall in love with them first, gets to be with him.
(For being geniuses, they both don’t even notice how Stan has the cutest little crush on both of them. You know the meme where on person is thinking about hugging their partner and frolicking in a field of flowers in them while the other is just having thoughts about sex? That’s Stan and Ford/Fiddleford.)
After they all get together, Ford and Fiddleford go feral.
They’re still fighting over Stan, but in a friendly rival way. They’ll be in the middle of sex and they’d start bickering about who can make Stan cum first, or who can make him cry the quickest, or even who gives Stan the best aftercare.
“Ah, that’s it Moonpie, cum for me. Such a good boy.”
“Ignore Fiddleford, Lee. You’re cumming for me, aren’t you Stanley?”
You also know those two LOVE seeing Stan working on the portal. Before they would only sneak glances, but now they can do whatever they want (as long as Stan is comfortable of course).
Stan is sweating through his white shirt, causing it to stick erotically to his chest. His nipples poke through the fabric, and then he uses the bottom hem of his shirt to wipe away the sweat on his brow.
The shirt is pulled up to reveal is soft stomach and his generous happy trail leading down, down, down.
Now, instead of having to leave to take care of their growing arousal, they can ravish him right there.
Truly living the dream, those two.
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