#For the record I also don't believe elimination means permadeath for the players
swift-perseides · 8 months
...to the defense of Aypierre, I absolutely, 100%, don't believe an entity so hellbent in torturing in all psychological ways possible the islanders would have been cool with the 50/50.
"Yeah like no, make a tie, both win, my goal is to see you suffer and destroy each other, but I'm just joking, let's forget the elimination, you can all stay in the game!"
I DO believe Tubbo's plan could have worked, truly I do! What I DON'T believe in, is that the Eye, upon seeing the results, would not have found the most bullshit unfairly cruel excuse it could have come with to still get rid of one of the teams. This guy is Not Playing Fair for our cubitos folks. It wants blood, and it is amused of seeing the islanders trying to resist that, but that does not change that it Will Get What It Want.
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