#For example I'm coming up with a Pacific Rim verse for Tobias and since he'll be a pilot I'd love to find a fitting copilot
yeonban · 2 months
Since my dash brought up the idea of dual promos for intertwined blogs... you know what else we should bring back. Verses made with other people's portrayals in mind in which the other person's muse is mentioned or alluded to in asks/threads/narration/etc no matter whose blog you interact with since that person's portrayal is deeply intertwined with yours & became canon to your muse's verse (ex: a Pacific Rim verse where your muse is a pilot and the other person's muse is their copilot & because drift compatibility is so rare they're a staple in each other's verses so they're brought up in threads even with unrelated muns when it contextually makes sense to talk about them; or a Psycho Pass verse where your muse is an inspector/enforcer and the other muse is their designated enforcer/inspector who gets mentioned in your verse bio/page and sometimes even in ic conversations/narrations ETC ETC ETC)!
Relationships that expand even outside of the og 2 people's interactions & become 'canon' to a verse even while interacting with third parties are just SOSOSO nice to write and experience!! I already have this going on for my romances since I'm singleship so the romantic r/s are canon across all verses, but I think we should expand this to even more types of dynamics. Friendships! (Found) Families! Coworkers! Enemies! I want my muses and you guys' muses (<-ofc, where applicable) to talk about each other even outside of our own interactions! (ex. My Shuusei sometimes talks/thinks about Red's Seven during threads because they're childhood best friends and you can't separate them entirely. My Ezekiel has Kaya's Chihiro as his 'canon' younger sister and regularly mentions her in various threads. My Aha 'canonly' chose Blu's Mya as their Emanator and if an interaction ever asks them about their Emanators, she will get a mention no matter what. My Langris and Kim's Kimiko are 'canon' coworkers who can't stand each other and he will talk about her in interactions where the Golden Dawn squad is mentioned. So on and so forth!!)
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