#For all sonic prime was meant to be action not comedy we get a lot of comedy w sonic's one liners
entropy-sea-system · 2 years
burnt out.. dont know what would fix me(phrase half jokingly) rn maybe if I just brush and take a shower. .and sleep... I think I spent too long on embroidery...
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Since you said that Eggman probably ships Sonamy, could you do a prompt where eggman sets up a plan to bring Sonic and Amy together? (Preferably Boom eggman since we know that he actually is interested in Sonic's love life) 😏😏
I’m sorry for the lateness!!! I’ve had a lot of things to do in life and I just never found the time!
But I’m sacrificing time to write this cause I’m excited too and care about you! Thanks for the prompt request and here I go!
“Huh… this is a strange anomaly.” Eggman leaned against his control panel, his robots all swarming Sonic as he had his arms spread out, seeming to have just finished explaining himself.
Casually, Eggman put a hand to his hip and shrugged, “So why do you need my help?”
“Because… according to Tails… you know you’re stuff.” Sonic looked away, rubbing his arm as he hunched over, apparently embarrassed to admit it.
He gestured to Eggman, who slowly lit up at the praise and felt the energy rise in him, giddily smiling and waving his fists around like a shipper in the air.
“Oooh, Okay, I’ll do! But first, we have got to do something about those shoes…” he suddenly strut a pose as he stuck a leg out and looked down at Sonic’s feet, Sonic following the gaze, not sure what he meant.
“I mean really..? Bandages and sneakers? Pah. What? You want to make her think you’re ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ or something? Come on! AH!” he swished a hip out to further his point before it cracked, snapping into place before he cried out for Cubot and Orbot, relaxing when it was pushed back into place and bent over.
“Ah, much better… Anyway, as I was saying. You need to be vulnerable and sensitive. Women are primal like that. They can sense your shaky, short, low self-esteem breathes and sweaty armpits from shame and anxiety from humiliation as fast as you can put a puppy in front of them and have them dote all over it. NOW, you’re the puppy!” he suddenly dramatically pointed to Sonic, as he flinched back.
“All these shows these days keep makin’ it look like a you gotta strut your stuff and show some muscle. BAH! Women want to protect YOU. Care for you~” he suddenly started acting out a woman, before dashing down and gripping Sonic’s bandanna and tugging it up. “DIE FOR YOU.”
“Egh!” Sonic’s frown pulled back, a little spooked.
“It’s all rather simple actually.” Eggman dropped him like a hot potato and walked non-nonchalantly to his computers, putting his hands behind his back.
“Oh sure… I can help you be the sap story Amy will fawn all over and have her little heart melt in excitement as she slowly takes over your life- BUT! On one condition~” Eggman raised a point finger up, smiling mischieviously down to Sonic, looming over him and moving closer.
Sonic, still on the ground, quickly kicked away before finally getting up, pinned by a chair.
“T…Take over my… life!?” his knees started to slightly shake, as he looked down, eyes wide. “AH! What’s that!?”
“Oh, that’s normal.” Eggman shrugged, “Just your body prepping for a life full of empty dreams and nagging criticism over your job, your joys, the way you slurp your cereal in the morning!” he suddenly shook a fist up towards the ceiling. “CURSE YOU TEENAGE YEARS!!!”
“Wait, you were… with someone?” Sonic raised an eyebrow, confused how that could ever happen.
“I’m old Sonic, not deprived.” Eggman grumbled back at him, before walking towards Cubot who was holding a rolled up paper of a plan and agreement, as he swiped it out of his robotic hands fiercely, and then smiled a salesman’s look to Sonic, opening it up.
“Here’s the agreement that I’ll help set up this little ‘hang out’ session with Amy that she totally thinks is a date, and all you have to do is sign below the dotted line here~”
“A contract? H-hold on a second..” Sonic was suddenly pushed forward by Orbot and Cubot, as he tried to kick back before being placed in front of the table with the paper…
“H..How? How on earth did you already have this made!?” Sonic gestured to it, still a little dumbfounded by that small fact…
“Sonic, as your evil genius and prime adversity in life, I must be prepared at all times to thwart- *HACK-COUGH* I mean- ehem, accommodate my mortal enemy in any and all possibilities of a sudden ‘change’ in lifestyle. After all. if I don’t watch out for you, whose gonna destroy your village for you in the morning?”
“Wow… um.. touching… Eggman. But, I don’t sign anything without my lawyer.” Sonic put the pen down, folding his arms.
“Whose your lawyer?” Eggman raised an eyebrow, surprised by his legal notion.
“HA! You want your BEST friend knowing about your little… enterprise with the enemy?” he waved his hands up, as if showing how awfully embarrassing that would be.
“W-well…” Sonic looked down, second-guessing himself.
Eggman came in for the kill, moving from being over one shoulder, to the other, as he seemed to be the little devil on his shoulder.
“You would be a laughing stock! The famous Sonic The Hedgehog, stumped on how to set up even a simple date~”
“ALRIGHT! I’ll sign the stupid thing! But this is the last time I make bargains with you!” Sonic started signing his name, snatching the pen up from Orbot’s hand as he hurriedly scribbled his name.
Eggman snickered, rubbing his hands together before swiping the paper from Sonic’s hand which was handing it to him, and then hurriedly pushing him out. “And with that! Lots to plan, too many needless things to organize- oh, and do me a favor and actually shower for a change? Oh! Use Comedy’s Chimp’s deodorant! That stuff never messes around!” he slammed the door after waving him goodbye and then left him to look out at nothing and be utterly confused on what just happened.
He then sniffed under his armpit, seeming to freak out that Amy could smell his fear or something like that, and quickly raced away to do what he was told.
“Doctor, I’m afraid I’m a little confused here…” Orbot admitted, following his pacing body as he chuckled by him and tried to speak up toward him where he could hear his concerns.
“I thought you wanted to foil Sonic, not help him in his love life…”
“Fool! That’s exactly what a love-life will do to him!” Eggman shouted for joy, flinging his arms up and then spinning around to his naive little robot.
“If Sonic DOES end up going on sparsed dates with Amy, she’ll have him dragging his feet with all her silly ‘romantic’ demands that I’ll just sweep in and bomb the whole place down, level the ground a bit-” he suddenly had a daydreamed scenario, poorly animated out with chibi-versions of them, and a little tractor leveling out the town as he laughs like an old video game or black and white cartoon, “and finally be able to construct my Eggmanland theme park!” The little Eggman jumps out of the tractor and throws his hands up in victory, having a theme park behind him of scary looking robot animals as his ‘guests’.
He sighs, before Cubot scratched his head.
“I thought you had that contract on the slim possibility of Sonamy ever actually being plausib-!”
Cubot was silenced by Eggman’s mouth slapping right onto his speaker, and glaring down at him.
“That’s still on the agenda! After all, in his miserable state of being a failed hero, he’ll need someone to comfort him and talk his depressed little, oppressed, heart out too~” he beamed, as if this only helped kill two birds with one stone.
“I still don’t quite see how Sonic and Amy having relations beyond friendship solves anything beneficial to your objectives…”
“Oh, shut up, Orbot. You’re ruining all the evil fun.” Eggman got up and started typing computer coordinates in. “While I’m helping getting those to love-hogs together, you and Cubot will take the kids and go play around ‘unfriendly’ towards the village playground! Hahah! While Sonic’s distracted doing the ridiculous things I put in his mind, I’ll have already built the first part of Eggmanland!”
“Gee, I hope this works. Considering true love seems to trump everything these days.” Cubot shook his head. “Man, I hope we’ve really put that behind us and can just let the new generation fend for itself, you know?”
Orbot shook his head at Cubot’s crazy philosophies.
-Time skip-
“Wow, a boat ride? In the middle of the jungle? Huh… I’m impressed Sonic.” Amy took her purse and placed it down on her lap as she sat down, wearing a nicer outfit but nothing too fancy, as Sonic nervously chuckled, having no idea what was happening, but knowing water was not his strong suit..
Eggman, watching from a robot’s camera, clicked on his military walkie-talkie. “The canaries are in the sub, repeat, canaries are now rubber duckies. Initiate ‘drown with serenity’.”
Suddenly, terrifying robotic fish with huge heads and large teeth, sprung their heads out from under the water.
“AH!” the two got spooked, before the robotic fish spun around, their eyes wide, and started squirting out water, doing a little dance before pushing the boat further down the ravine.
“Ah… oh! How lovely!” Amy giggled cutely, “I mean, I hope this didn’t cost you too much. I’d hate to have you pay for the whole day!”
“…Eh…heheh..” Sonic nervously gripped the boat, not liking that her hand had subtly patted his leg before being withdrawn.
He looked away, as if worried what Eggman was up too.
“The Little Mermaid took action! REPEAT, we have physical contact! That woman is a SHARK.” Eggman, pulling his eyes from the tube he was looking through like in a submarine, then used binoculars to look to see Cubot and Orbot getting into position.
Sonic turned on his ear speaker, turning his head so Amy wouldn’t hear as she admired the beautiful scenery of the jungle, and watched the water-work performance.
“Eggman, you there?”
Eggman, without lowering the binoculars, turned on his ‘blue-tooth’ looking ear-piece.
“The Love Doctor’s in. How may I assist you further?”
“Heh, nice try. But this isn’t going anywhere!”
“I assure you, Mr. Hedgehog and Bane of my existence…” he moved his eyes lightly to peek at a map that showed the dangers ahead… rapids, evil and primitive wild-life, and lastly… the grand finale…
The map showed a huge waterfall that scaled off the page unto a little flip-book, which Eggman skillfully turned to show the crashing of a poorly doodled Amy and Sonic, as he smirked with a slight snicker to himself, having drawn a heart by their drowned expressions with their tongues out, eyes drawn as ‘x’s, and floating dead bodies.
“Should be a wonderfully romantic ride.. ever saw Titanic?”
“Good. Great. It’s miserable.” He put his eyes back to the binoculars and then turned to the other camera.
“So, here’s what you do. Be yourself. Just… act…. natural!”
Sonic looked to Amy, nervous.
“…SPEAK DARN YOU! Lighten her up with conversation!”
Sonic’s quills spiked at the noise his ear-piece made, before he adjusted himself and pushed his quills down, pulling at the tie that replaced his usual adventures bandanna.
“Ehem, so..? Do you uhh…” he looked away, holding his hands out. “Like…. water?”
Eggman face-palmed, causing a slap sound effect.
“Umm… well, I kinda do. Yeah. It’s okay.” she shrugged, leaning down and putting her hand in.
When she did, she started talking about how the water feels good when it’s hot outside,… but one of the performing robots saw it, it’s eyes fixating and turning around to it, turning red as he slightly chomped, getting closer and closer…
“BAD DOG! No! You can eat them when they’re falling!”
The fish whimpered away and it’s eyes turned back to blue.
“Ugh,… Imbecile.” he shook his head, before dragging his face down slowly with his hand,… “But still… they’ll be falling alright… hehehe… in more ways then one… HOHOHHOHO!!!”
“…You realize this thing’s still on, right?”
“Opps.” Eggman’s mustache drooped, before he flung to his walkie talkie, “ALL UNITS! ATTACCCKKK!!!”
“Amy, we’ve bee duped!” Sonic got up, as the robotic fishies jumped out fo the water, flying at them.
“JUMP!” Sonic caught Amy as she cried out in shock, and jumped from rock to rock, avoiding the rapids and angry birds and wild-life, before being pushed back by the chomping robotic fishes to the waterfall.
“Shoot!” Sonic looked behind him, seeing the moss making the ground on the rock he was on slippery, as he tried to keep his balance, moving back and forth in his attempts.
“Sssoonic!” Amy cried out, holding him as she used her hammer to knock some of the robotic fishes away. “I change my mind! I HATE the water!”
“You do?” Sonic looked over to her, elated! “So do I!”
He suddenly threw her up, curling down to spin dash and hit two robots in unison, before jumping back and catching her again.
However, the impact of all that movement and Amy’s force made a foot stand up from a slip, and without the extra balance…
“W…Wha… WOOOAHH!!”
The two started falling for the bottom with the sharp, pointy, dangerous rocks-Oh my!
Sticks, Knuckles, and Tails were trying to defend the village, as Tails knocked a robot out with his wrench.
“Where’s Sonic?”
Sticks dived into a robot, ripping it to shreds before pulling out her boomerang and hitting a straggler. “I thought he was with you!”
“I thought they were on a date!” Knuckles shouted out, as the two shook their heads.
Sticks responded, eyelids lowered, “Yeah right”
Tails pffted, “Like that would ever-…Ah! Sonic! I told him about how I wooed Zooey with Eggman’s help! You don’t think..?”
“PFFT. You asked EGGMAN for love advice?” Sticks mocked, putting her hands on her hips.
“PFFFTTTTT, you asked for love advice..? Wait.” Knuckles looked confused.
Suddenly, Sonic and Amy jumped into the frame! Amy back to her usual attire along with Sonic, as the two started taking out robots left and right.
“Ah, now this is a date!” Amy cheered, smashing a few robots.
“I couldn’t agree more!” Sonic took a few out, before getsuring to Amy, “Besides, this is where you shine the most! And that’s… minusing the glitter-gloss…” he motioned to his lips.
“Ah! Hey! For your information, my lips haven’t been chapped in weeks.” Amy over-dramatically swished her hand out from her wrist, making her point and then going to Orbot and Cubot.
“You two surrender?” the power couple stood side by side, looking pretty epic for a moment as the camera angle gave them a moment of glory.
The two bonked into each other, before flailing around and escaping. “AHH!! Don’t destroy us!”
Eggman was banging his head on the map, having watched as Amy and Sonic saved each other, and then took pictures on his Robotic Fishes’s camera, snap-shoting their cute selfies before running off to save their friends.
“DOCTOR! Are you there!? We were toasted!” Cubot shouted out, still running for his life. “I told you true love never dies!”
Eggman suddenly moved his head up slightly,…
As a cute blush on his cheeks and little chibi tears were in his eyes, he stated, “I know.. isn’t it diabolical?” he sniffed.
He watched the screen where the two high-fived, laughing as he sniffed, wiping the tear.
“He has no idea…” he swooned, melting at the sight of his OTP. “Haaa… how horrible TERRIBLE marriage is gonna be like!” Eggman slammed his fist down, then raised it to the ceiling again.
(Bible reference… hope that’s okay..?-sweatdrop- Also, marriage is not terrible. It can be beautiful. Just saying, Eggman’s not a good role model to follow, lol. AU-BOOM)
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