#For Lo it'd be Law and/or Zoro for similar reasons.
quinloki · 1 year
I am loving seeing everyone's self-ship asks on your blog today! We're all down so bad for our blorbos, it's lovely <3
That being said, you know why I'm here--that Hedonistic Peacock™ has taken up residence in my brain and won't leave, and there are feathers everywhere. I think I have fallen down the rabbit hole (flamingo-hole? no...no that's not right at all) with Doffy so hard precisely because he's not like characters I normally simp for. IRL, I am a carer. I've been (correctly) accused of being a mellower Baby 5, I need people to need me to feel validated, and usually fall for anime dudes who clearly need/deserve someone to keep them happy and healthy to some degree--Spike Spiegel (the OG blorbo), Law, Zoro.
But Doflamingo? He doesn't need me. He has anything he needs and wants, even if it comes with a price. So feeling chosen by someone who wants for nothing, who could have anything he desired and still chose my devil fruit-less self because of...whatever reasons? I'm into it. There's also something attractive to me about the idea that, cliche as it is, I could make him "better" and he could make me considerably worse. It's appealing that there could be someone who doesn't necessarily want to help me work on fixing my character flaws, but instead encourages and revels in my very worst behaviors and still adores me anyway.
Thanks for listening to me therapize myself via blorbos XD
Lo. My sweet friend. We daydream about this man for similar - but different reasons (also I have been living on your head canon posts today, THANK YOU).
I love the idea of being able to just be Evil by being with him. Maybe I have a hidden dark, cruel streak, and there's a chance he could bring it out.
Crocodile would never allow it - little treasure, for him to protect and desire on his own, wouldn't let me be corrupted by his business, but Doflamingo would.
And I worry I'd almost become crueler.
So, to say, I get it. Let me revel in the dark depths I would never consider in truth. Let me give in the base desires that claw at the back of my mind - or something. But yes! Yes! Maybe the only reason he even has for being interested is because you are a good person.
Too good. Too kind. Too altruistic. It must simply be a facade, he decides, and takes you into his care >.> But it's not! He's been too close for too long and there's no mask there for it to slip. You are you and he is almost FURIOUS and --
I'm going to really go on a journey if I don't stop there. Ahem. I'm encroaching more than I meant to, sorry. Thank you for sharing! Even though I got a little swept away for a moment ^_^
Tell me about your self-ships!
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