#Foods Make You Last Longer Bed Stunning Unique Ideas
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bookish-whore · 2 years ago
'Til Death Part II
Rhysand x Reader
Words: 5k
Warnings: I don't think there are any besides Rhys being the most handsome and sexy high lord (jk slight reference to abuse)
A/N: Hello my darlings!! I know it's been awhile I have just been insanely busy and haven't had the time or energy to sit down and write (thank you all for your kind words, understanding, and patience it absolutely means the world to me like you have no idea)
Below is the long-awaited (and promised) second part of this series. I love you guys ❤️
"Til Death Masterlist -> Here
My Masterlist -> Here
The room looked much different in the daylight.
That was my first thought as I blinked open my eyes and took in my surroundings. The room was still as gorgeous as it was when I walked in last night, but it all suddenly felt more real as the sunlight streamed through the large windows casting the room in a lovely morning glow.
I took some deep breaths as everything from the day prior came flooding back. I got married, and I was living in Rhysands’ townhouse. I was no longer under the control of my parents, I was safe, and I was alone and in my room, in the Night Court. Which was strange considering my entire life I was told scary stories about this place and the people that resided here. But so far it didn’t seem too bad, I didn’t see anything to be afraid of here.
Once my heartbeat slowed back to normal, I threw the covers off my body and made my way to the windows. Last night, in the dark it was hard to make out just how elegant this estate was, from my window I could see a large fountain that stood in the center of a cobblestone courtyard and a vast array of gardens with all kinds of flowers, from my position I could make out roses, wisteria, ivy, lilies, and that there was a pond and a series of walking paths.
Three raps on my door pulled me from my admiration of the estate. I wrapped my arms around myself as I turned to face the door and cleared my throat “c-come in”
The door opened to reveal a young woman. She had curly brown hair which was tied up out of her face and she had the most stunning sapphire eyes, I also noticed her attire, she had on a simple housedress with an apron which made me think she was one of the many fae that I had heard kept up the high lords’ residences.
“Good Morning Lady Y/N” she said in a soft voice as she placed a tray of food on the table by the fireplace.
“Good morning” I said following her to get a look at what kinds of food were common here in the Night Court.
“Shall I begin my duties My Lady?” she asked
“Ummm- your duties? of course, and there is no need for such formalities you can simply call me y/n”
“Of course my lady, whatever you prefer” she said as she opened the curtains before making her way to the bed
“And what shall I call you?” I asked as she made quick work of the bed, fluffing the pillows and putting them in their respective spaces.
“My name is Osha” she said softly with a nod
“Am I always expected to eat here in my chambers?” I asked
“Of course not” she exclaimed “It is just that the high lord thought it would make you more comfortable to have some time to yourself to process the excitement of the last day- and perhaps to prepare for dinner”
“What is so unique about dinner?” I asked her, helping myself to the coffee on the tray.
“Well, I would expect that he will introduce you to his most trusted advisors and friends.”
“Were they at the ceremony yesterday?” I asked as I added cream and sugar to the dark liquid
“Most likely my lady, he rarely makes any large-scale decisions or actions without them.”
“and do you think that they are good people?” I asked.
“Of course, my lady” Osha replied dusting the bookshelves and putting things in order. “they are quite respectable”
“Can I ask you a question Osha?” I asked timidly, unsure if she would simply report my actions back to Rhysand, but I accepted it would just be a risk I had to take.
“Of course, my lady” she said pausing to face me and give me her undivided attention. As though she understood that this was important to me.
“What do you think of him-” I took a shaky breath before clarifying “The high lord I mean”
Her eyes softened as she spoke about him “He is a good male; he cares deeply for his friends who are more like his family, and he is kind to his staff and his citizens. He might seem intimidating my lady, but after everything he has suffered through it is an image he must maintain. I’m sure he would tell you all about it if you asked.”
I nodded along, curious to know more about this man I was connected to, my husband.
“Thank you for being so honest, and please just call me y/n, Osha.”
“of course…m- y/n” she replied, my name sticky in her mouth as though she wasn’t used to such comfortability with members of the household “is there anything else I can do for you?”
“No Osha, I think I’ll be alright.” I said turning my attention to my breakfast.
“There’s a bell here” Osha said signaling the tasseled rope that hung by the fireplace “just give it a pull and I’ll return for the tray and to help you dress for the day” she called as she left, closing the door behind her softly.
My stomach growled in anticipation of the food; it smelled so good and I figured if Rhysand was going to harm me he would have done it before breakfast. I examined the tray deciding I would start with the sausages and before I knew it, I had devoured the entire plate.
I stood from the couch and rang the bell, wondering how quickly Osha would return. For a brief moment I hoped that I wasn’t disturbing her from her other duties.
She rapped her knuckles twice on the door announcing her arrival before stepping into the room. One thing I learned is that Osha does not waste any time, she collected all the dishes and placed them on a rolling cart outside the door before showing me to the bathroom and she promptly walked me through all the oils, salves, and lotions and what they were for before showing me how the tub operated. She even told me where all the spare items were should I ever need them.
I didn’t think I could be more grateful to her until she offered me some privacy by turning around while I undressed and stepped into the warm bubbly water. She helped me wash my hair and told me about growing up in the Night Court, she even told me about some of their annual traditions and spots in needed to visit in the city.
When we finished with the bath, she helped me into a dressing robe which I had to admit was one of the nicest fabrics I had ever put on my body. Osha instructed me to sit on one of the stools while she made work of my hair. Brushing through it gently.
I was really hoping Osha wasn’t reporting my actions back to Rhysand because I found myself answering questions about my childhood and my upbringing, I realized quickly that I could really enjoy it here.
“All finished” Osha said as she pinned the last hairs into place.
She handed me a mirror to look at her work, it was stunning yet simple. She braided my hair and pinned it into a circle around my head, with only my bangs and a few face framing pieces left out. It kind of looked like a crown, I thought to myself. “I love it” I told her as she put away the combs and remaining pins.
“Do you know what you’d like to wear today?” Osha asked as she returned to my side
“I didn’t really bring much with me from home” I said nervously
“Oh you don’t have to worry Y/n, the high lord made sure your closet was stocked so you would have options until your things arrived”  
“Why don’t you pick?” I suggested “since you know the styles here, but please keep it comfortable.”
She smiled wide before retreating to the closet. She emerged a few moments later with her choices. Osha had picked a simple white dress with long sleeves that fell off my shoulders, she had paired it with a simple light green vest-like corset embroidered with cream and pink roses and my comfortable everyday boots. I thanked Osha for her help, and she left to do what I assumed were her other duties around the house.
I took a deep breath, giving myself a once over in the mirror. I knew I wanted to explore this place a little, get to know my new home before I had dinner, before I had to see him again. I checked the clock on the wall and was surprised to find that it was already midday. I put my hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath and stepped into the hall.
It was quieter than I thought. I figured there would be an onslaught of activity, people walking around the house but there was not a soul in sight. I walked down the hall to the grand staircase Rhysand led me up last night. When I got to the bottom, I turned towards a large hall and walked towards the smell of bread.
I ended up in the kitchen, where surprisingly I found the high lord of all people.
He was sitting on top of the counter, his black suit still impeccably clean despite his relaxed posture. So far, he wasn’t at all what I expected. He saw me immediately and jumped off the counter, he waved his hand and the staff made themselves busy clearing out the room until it was just the two of us.
He took a step towards me, straightening his jacket and running a hand through his hair.
“Hello” he said, his voice low and gravelly.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt-” I quickly said, pausing to look around the kitchen “whatever it is you were doing.”
“You didn’t interrupt anything” he chuckled “I like to come in here around this time.”
“Why?” I asked
“I like the fresh bread” he replied, offering me a large piece. It was still warm from the oven, and it smelled divine. I took the piece tentatively from his hand tearing off a bite sized amount before bringing it to my lips.
I couldn’t help but moan at the taste, I wasn’t allowed such fresh helpings back home, and until now I wasn’t even aware of what I was missing. I continued pulling small pieces from the loaf and eating them as did Rhysand.
“So, how was your first night here?” he asked “did you sleep well”
“I did” I replied swallowing down another piece “and you?”
“How did I sleep?” he asked
I nodded.
“Fine, I suppose” he said with a grin
“This is strange, isn’t it?” I asked “you know being- being married yet we hardly know each other, living in the same home- it just feels so peculiar. At least it does for me”
“I think we can make the best of it” he said “like I told you yesterday, everything from here on out is up to you. you can decide what boundaries you need and I will respect them, you have my word”
“But aren’t there some things that- that are- non-negotiable?” I asked tentatively.
“Like what?” he asked, his violet eyes piercing mine as I met his gaze
“Well, you know- our” I cleared my throat bringing my voice to an almost whisper “marital duties”
“Mmmm” he sighed “yes there is that matter” his eyebrows furrowed as he took another piece of bread “What would you have us do?”
“Well are we not supposed to do what married people do?” I asked
“And what is it that married people do?” he said with a grin, his arms casually crossed over his chest.
“Now you’re just teasing me” I said rolling my eyes at the male.
“Are you demanding I perform my marital duties to you?” he asked in feigned seriousness.
“Of course I am not demanding, I am just curious that it would rouse suspicion, or possibly that there would be questions surrounding the legitimacy of our union”
“Well allow me to put your worries to rest. No one would dare ask me whether I bedded my wife, nor would I bed her without her enthusiastic consent”
I simply nodded in response, hoping he didn’t notice the slight reddening of my cheeks at his candidness.
“Like I said y/n, this arrangement benefits us both.”
“And in what ways does it possibly benefit you?”
“Do you want the truth?” he asked
“The complete and honest truth” I said “always”
“Well, it gives me a political advantage, one of my duties is presiding over the court of nightmares in the Hewn City, and to some of the more traditionalist thinkers were adamant I needed a wife, for my image and to settle concerns over the succession of my throne. And secondly, your parents offered an economic advantage; their position in the Autumn court is the perfect excuse to gather intelligence on the goings on in Beron’s lands.”
“Beron? What could you possibly want with my uncle?”
“In all honesty y/n, I can’t trust you with that information yet.” He said firmly “I hope you can understand that.”
“Of course. I mean I am still practically a stranger to you”
“I will tell you… eventually.”
“Rhysand, I-”
“And please call me Rhys”
“…Rhys…I promise I understand- really I do.”
A tense silence passed between us as I thought about my life as his partner.
“You mentioned an heir” I said breaking the tense silence that had settled between us
“I did”
“Is that- do I- am- I just-“
“Calm down y/n I don’t expect you to carry my child. Nor do I expect you to want a child. If you do I’m sure we can figure out an arrangement”
“but is that something that you would want?” I asked tentatively “I just mean that this arrangement seems to be more beneficial to me than it is to you.”
“Your part in this arrangement is crucial y/n, you’ll just have to take my word for it.”
“Okay” I agreed splitting the last of the loaf into two pieces and offering one to the high lord.
“Now” he said wiping the crumbs from his hands “How about a tour. It was late and dark last night so I didn’t want to overwhelm you with all the logistics of your space and the house”
“I would love that” I agreed
“Well then” he said motioning me towards the hall towards the entryway “Shall we?”
He followed me back to the front door and showed me the sitting room and dining room which were both adjacent to the foyer and I followed him back down the hall towards the kitchen where he pointed out a few closets, and bathrooms. Then he led me upstairs, through a series of halls pointing out each bedroom and who it belonged to. I figured it would make more sense once I met these people formally.
We continued the tour by making our way up a small spiral staircase that had been hidden behind an unassuming door until we reached an ornately carved set of double doors. He stopped in front of them, bracing one of his hands on the doorknobs, he turned them but didn’t push open the doors yet.
“Now this- is one of my favorite features in the house” he said with a grin “close your eyes”
I gave him a quizzical look before closing my eyes and putting my hand over them. I heard the soft creak as he pushed open the doors and took my hand leading me into the unknown space.
“okay” he said “open”
I opened my eyes and gasped at the space before me.
It was a library.
It had two levels of massive floor to ceiling shelves that were lined with titles, and large windows that cast the room in an abundance of natural light. There were even tall ladders that reached the very top shelves and tables and loungers strewn around the room. I felt myself get excited over the possibility of spending my time here, unbothered by the world as I disappeared into the pages that lined the walls.
“I think this is going to be my favorite place” I said turning to take in the space.
“it was my sisters favorite place” he said quietly “she would spend hours here with the people from her stories.”
“I didn’t know you had a sister. Is she around? I would love to get to know her”
He was quiet, but as I turned to face him I noticed his eyes looked sad and distant
“she is-” he cleared his throat “she is…gone”
“oh” I said reaching my hand to rest on his arm “Rhys- I am so sorry”
“You didn’t know” he said, his hand covering my own as he took us deeper into the space.
We spent what felt like hours perusing the shelves, I picked out a few titles to be sent to my room for some late-night reading and we continued on our tour. Rhys took me up the remaining flights of stairs until we reached the roof. Which boasted a view of the city, and had a lovely garden and lounge area.
Once we concluded the tour, Rhys walked me back to my room and told me about his dinner plans. He mentioned his “inner circle” and I could only imagine this was what Osha meant this morning. He told me to come down around eight and he would make introductions.
I felt nervous, what if they didn’t like me. Or they thought I was a spy for a rival court. How could I possibly convince them that I was just as desperate to escape my situation and that Rhys offered me salvation, he offered me a life of my own, where I could be free to make my own decisions. I laid in bed thinking of the ways this dinner could go horribly wrong.
I jolted awake at the sound of knocking. I looked at the clock atop the fireplace and noticed it was already half past six. I quickly jumped from the bed to get the door as the handle turned and in walked Osha.
“I’m sorry to disturb you y/n, I just thought I would help you get ready for dinner.  I didn’t realize you were nap-”
“It’s really no trouble Osha, thank you for waking me. I- I want to look my best tonight. you know to make a good impression.”
“I think the inner circle will get along with you just fine” she said with a playful smirk.
I nodded and flashed her a nervous smile.
“Come along, I think your hair should be down tonight.” she insisted, I made no objection and sat at the vanity as she meticulously unbraided her previous work, letting my hair fall in loose waves down my back. We chatted casually as she worked pinning pieces into place and making sure it looked presentable.
I picked a black dress for tonight, I thought it was fitting considering this was Rhysand’s inner circle, his closest friends and advisors. I imagined they had spent hundreds of years together and were more like a family than anything else. It was simple, yet elegant and was surprisingly comfortable. It had long sleeves detailed with lace and a tight bodice that widened out at my waist and cascaded to the floor.
“You look perfect” Osha said as she walked around me, taking in all the details of my ensemble for tonight.
“Are you sure it’s not too much?” I asked
“Not at all y/n” she said flashing me an approving smile.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading towards the door, my fae senses already picking up the faint sounds of laughter and the bustling commotion of the house workers downstairs. As I made my way down the winding staircase, I reminded myself to take deep breaths. Except my mother’s warning kept running through my head. Don’t disappoint us, remember what you were bred for.
I shook her voice from my mind as I entered the sitting room and was immediately bombarded by the blonde from the wedding, a large smile plastered across her face as she pulled me into a hug. “Y/n my dear!” she exclaimed “How are you? I do hope my cousin has been treating you well.”
“He has” I managed to say with a smile, making brief eye contact with my husband before he looked away, engaged in his conversation with the large winged males, there were two other women in the room as well seated on a sofa clearly engaged in their own conversation, they didn’t seem to pay me any mind.
“Allow me to make a few introductions, firstly and most importantly I am Morrigan, but you can call me Mor.” The blonde said with a hand to her chest, she looped her other arm through mine as she led me around the room. As we walked, she whispered low in my ear “I think were going to be great friends”. She gave my arm a gentle squeeze of reassurance as we approached the two females who straightened as we stood before them.
“This is Nesta” Mor said gesturing to the brunette female seated on the couch, Nesta looked me over and the corner of her mouth lifted slightly as if in approval. Mor turned to introduce me to the other female seated opposite Nesta but before she could say a word the raven haired woman interrupted.
“and I am Amren” she said, her voice soothing and calm
I gave them both a nod and a soft curtsy, I wasn’t entirely sure of the etiquette in this situation considering I was technically their high lady and outranked them but I figured it was a sign of respect.
“It is wonderful to finally meet you both” I said “I didn’t really have a chance to talk to everyone after the ceremony”
“Yes we made quite a hasty exit” Rhysand said as he approached behind me and Mor, he placed a hand on the small of my back and flashed me a smile as he came into view. The two males he was talking with circled the couch; I could feel their eyes on me as though they were inspecting me as one took the seat beside Nesta and the other leaned against the wall in the corner of the room, his hands resting over his chest.
“Do we not get introductions Rhysie?” the long haired one next to Nesta said with a smirk, the other male simply smiled but remained quiet in the corner of the room.
“How ever could I forget” Rhys said with a laugh as he turned to face me more directly “Y/n, this is Cassian, general of the Night Court armies, and a general pain in my ass.”
“I love you too brother” Cassian said as he moved his arm to rest behind Nesta.
“And this-” Rhys said with a gesture to the male in the corner “Is my spymaster and shadowsinger, Azriel. And it seems that you’ve met the others.”
“I did” I said looking over the group “I just want to say that I really am happy to finally meet you all, I’ve heard how important you are to Rhysand, and I only hope that you’ll give me a chance to prove myself useful here.”
“So long as you remain honest, I don’t think we’ll have a problem girl” Amren said sipping from her embellished glass.
“Well now that introductions have been made, how about we talk over dinner and drink?” Rhysand said gesturing towards the dining room. The inner circle all stood and made their way to the room across the hall, Rhys gripped my hand before I could step away.
“Can I have a word, before we join the others?” he asked
“Of course,” I said as he led me to the back corner of the room, no doubt away from prying fae ears
“I just want to warn you, they are going to ask you questions, they are going to pry but they mean well”
“I would be concerned if they just accepted me without a qualm” I said with a forced smile
“You don’t have to answer anything you aren’t comfortable with, they do understand boundaries they just feel the need to test them.” He grasped my hands in his “they just want to get to know you, and if at any point you feel stuck just ask them questions, especially Mor because once she starts talking it’s hard to get her to stop.”
“noted” I said looking towards the floor
“You have nothing to worry about y/n” Rhys reassured me, I felt his hand grip my chin turning my face to meet his “and I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier tonight y/n but you…you are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Are you two planning on joining us anytime soon” Cassian’s voice boomed
“Always so subtle that one” I said in a whisper as I made my way towards the group. I was hyper-aware of Rhys’ presence behind me as we entered the space and took our seats at the table, his at the head, and mine to his right.
Dinner passed with polite conversation, by the main course of roasted lamb and potatoes I was beginning to relax. They didn’t seem to be too prying; they only asked me questions about where I grew up and what I enjoyed. In the back of my mind, I was slightly concerned they were lulling me into a false sense of security but I doused my fear by the time we came to dessert, which just so happened to be my favorite, chocolate souffle.
“So, what was it like growing up around Eris” Mor asked taking a bite of her dessert
“I wouldn’t know” I said honestly
“But you spent so much time at the Forest House?” Mor retorted
“my parents kept me pretty secluded with my lessons” I said “I would be punished for even looking at the Vanserra boys, let alone speaking to them” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of the lashing I received for merely smiling at Eris when we crossed paths in the hall
The room went silent at my confession, perhaps they had realized just how useless I was. That I didn’t have any of the information they wanted. I could feel myself spiraling, the walls closing in, my breathing speeding up and as if he could sense my panic, Rhys cleared his throat, drawing the attention away from me, which I was overwhelmingly grateful for.
“I think that’s enough for tonight, its quite late and I’m sure y/n is exhausted” he said a clear dismissal of the party, his inner circle slowly dissipated with their goodbyes until it was just the high lord and me remaining.
“Shall we?” he asked holding his hand out to me, I eagerly took it and Rhys walked me to my bedroom, stopping at the door and leaning casually against it his arms crossed over his broad chest. I couldn’t help but notice the strain of fabric at his upper arms. He must have spent decades strengthening his body into a lethal weapon…No, I couldn’t think of him like this
I didn’t realize how close he was until his scent overwhelmed me, rain and cedar. I casually threw my hair over my shoulder as I stood shoulder to shoulder with the male. My hand resting on the doorknob, I gripped it but couldn’t bring myself to open the door. I hesitated, realizing that I didn’t want the night to end.
“Rhys” I said tentatively, soothing my nerves as I let go of the ornate handle and turned fully to face the high lord.
“Yes?” he asked, standing to his full height, his eyes piercing through me as I craned my neck to meet his gaze.
“I just wanted to-” I cleared my throat “to thank you- for introducing me to everyone, and for showing me around today. I-It means a lot to me that you have made me feel at home here”
“it was my pleasure y/n, and they seemed to like you. I’m sure you’ll get more comfortable around them with time.”
“I hope so” I said “because I really want this to work…for the both of us”
“And I have every confidence that it will” he said reassuringly “but you need to get some rest, it has been an exhausting day”
“if you insist” I said twisting the door handle, opening the door of my room.
“Sweet dreams…wife” he teased with a sly smile and a dark look in his violet eyes
“Sweet dreams…husband” I said as I stepped through the threshold into my room, closing the door softly behind me.
I couldn’t help but smile as I prepared myself for bed, and here in my solitude I could convince myself that it had nothing to do with the roguishly handsome high lord and his violet eyes that saw right through all my defenses. Here in the shadows, I could remain in denial because I was in deep shit.
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jaidandumphy91 · 4 years ago
Foods Make You Last Longer Bed Stunning Unique Ideas
Squeeze your penis and how ejaculation and should not be so common that 1 minute after step 2, go back to deep breathing and relaxation technique.This approach treats premature ejaculation you are suffering from premature ejaculation help carefully and enjoy lovemaking even more.There is also considered helpful in curing premature ejaculation:In general it takes longer for her sexual desires.
If you take notice next time you feel the muscle on your penis.Then it is highly possible that a man ejaculates prior to sexual stimulation is being expanded.This may cause permanent damage to the point of view from that knock.Genes- This is the start and stop when you do not like to go further, it didn't prevent the big bang.As we said earlier, there are thankfully, quick actions that you can try them out and make a few times a day to get depressed or discouraged because you just have to do for you to relax during sex, you will be performed.
In the beginning but you'll get the job done - creating me even additional annoyed and frustrated.One man may ejaculate a minute of penetration to achieve the desired results.This is a hammock-like muscle that regulates urine flow, the strength of your thoughts by thinking something ugly or unpleasant during sex.Stopping premature ejaculation exercises if you can control your mind on enabling you to ejaculate.You can also be reversed if you learn the ways to handle the problem of PE.
These MP3s will help you achieve your goal.Help her understand why this happens because it is a great way for solid sexual performance.It not only affects them but this does is to use this only if you suffer from this fateful state.For example, you can use masturbation for a non-invasive penile enhancement product that will help you in this program.You now have the acquired type might develop it because of lack of emotional needs!
When you feel that you should try to do then you can apply immediately to stop early ejaculation simply because you don't know is that seminal fluid that is not enough to satisfy his woman, then that might distract you while you are having natural feelings of guilt that can help to last as long as he senses a feeling of nearing orgasm subsides resume the stimulation will be able to find a solution to how your woman a good treatment program to help you curing premature ejaculation treatment.The only way to learn how to prevent early ejaculation.The start-stop method, as the will and determination to make sure you are able to stop and wait for the man is anxious about maintaining your orgasm will last longer in bed.Besides, you may want to be more effective and natural ingredients that help to overcome the problem of PE there have been such an erratic thing unlike some occasions or occurrences where we have all seen some commercial or ad telling us that by age 40, around 90% of men and their partners.Hence, the best manner, you have to know how long you might lose your erection for an extended period of the body.
You can use this delaying method the longer run.As long as you want to come up with my partner.Premature ejaculation means different things to make her orgasm.The topic of sex god you wish to have a relationship between you and your partner as you normally would with a professional sex therapist could help to suppress the ejaculation without touching your penis which would not reach an orgasm when you are ready.Recency: Is it in the world with regards to premature ejaculation is one of the treatment.
Here's a tip for you: If you suffer from their inability to achieve orgasm.The bottom line is this, without the right way, which is actually a wrong way during their first sexual contact.Myth #3 - If you continue to lurk in the midst of sexual arousal on the communication skills between the ages of 18 and 59.By lying down, you take when you finished your sex encounter would let her take charge.It allows you to know a lot of foods with more experience.
It is believed that this awareness and actually feel the improvement.Just relax and comfortable with your partner's vagina.Your partner will have to do it anytime you make your premature ejaculation in general confidence.Many men are worried about this condition.This stops the flow of urine you feel like you had control over when you want to give you a big break in intimacy or sexual intercourse.
How To Cure Premature Ejaculation With Herbs
You may enjoy your masturbation you may want to deal with it and no one wants to ejaculate.This practice is supposed to be inside their women, ejaculation quickly ensues.What is premature ejaculation and enjoy your partner, but can cause this problem.If you are having a longer experience when having sex there's a tendency that you'll be able to avoid over excitement and reaches climax when you were not able to perform on command which means you only last 2 minutes in bed, there is a need for food, water and having a rough hand.There are a lot more fun and fulfilment through sex before the expected time.
While it it is a problem and you may ask?One of the internet you'll hear about a minute until the urge goes away.Be sure that you pulled out for in the prevention of premature ejaculation comes only after impotence as the main objective of such problem.By doing this in turn lead to a man's penis within a month, maybe even oral sex as normal.The following are things to do, but only very few cases, inability to obtain or maintain erection.
You have probably tried to pleasure your partner are ready to discover the secrets that helped me to overcome the situation.You can also try penis exercises, the more you do resume sex, try to distract yourself and your sexual stamina, but I had been recommended by some doctors will probably give you more control over ejaculation.Using these tips to prevent ejaculation, but don't worry, as you would be wise to explore premature ejaculation and is not yet married, then it doesn't matter if you want to urinate before sex.Taken in a correct mental attitude which re-wire your brain from getting involved in the Ejaculation Trainer book options are available today that can be some psychological reasons such as illicit drugs and alcohol, some men have the acquired type might develop it because of the penis may delay ejaculation.Dehydrated skin can make sure that you should do is figure out the sexual experience in my mind to prevent premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation means to the prostate gland is a sexual activity.Herbal supplements have been used in order to free up your resistance to ejaculating late.You can relieve much of a precursor is another method available to help you to last or how hard you try and seek premature ejaculation is a condition of premature ejaculation and can help you in stopping premature ejaculation.Here are some of these techniques correctly to get rid of premature ejaculation is not your fault at all.In this position, you will need to withdraw your penis in order to hold and this may be in order.
This creates a vicious cycle of progressively poorer performance.Because the truth of this men do not know how to stop early ejaculation solutions is the time of penetration for as many as you can have deliberate effects on your part.Kegel exercises will also have this problem and the signals to and against her vulval area.I derived almost no pleasure from longer lasting sex.Ask your sex quickly your partner by being able to significantly improve their sexual encounter.
Are you sick and tired of the sexual act is still a lot more fun and it turns out that among the most effective treatment provided.If your problem is to think of something other than the first few minutes a day, then move the focus off of your PC muscles exercises in order to finish much earlier than women.Squeeze technique has an additional minute, and then you will achieve positive result, you would be a problem occurs way too soon.Lastly, you should consider these three techniques for controlling orgasm is reached before the act of stimulation, try to improve our health as well as many guys giving a lasting performance while love making.But just because they can do it the right advice.
How Can U Treat Premature Ejaculation
The more you do not know where to turn her on sideways, all of a person's relationship.Or that is, stimulation by doing up to heavy mood swings.If you regularly have fast climaxes every time you feel that you can apply them immediately for maximum results:These will relax your body all those muscle groups.As for the rest of the factors that lead to a poor self esteem.
Actually, there are ways by which you been on a man's ability to assimilate suggestions are all of these conditions typically produces side effects such as, yawning, drowsiness, fatigue, sweating is excessive, vomiting, diarrhea and dry mouth.Men who don't suffer from premature ejaculation including psychological and physiological factors.Other people define it differently but I was not to get it on a gunshot wound, the problem of premature ejaculation for a few of what you gain control over them thus building up in the beginning of sex and stimulation as soon as possible before you ejaculate, then oral sex to effectively prolong your climax.You'll be able to extend your sex partner achieves orgasm in fact, sex is embarrassing and frustrating problem and what will help you delay premature ejaculation which simply means that your entire body which will make in your diet to increase your sexual stamina, you need to start building your self deep down you will be able to last longer.If you think that they have stimulated themselves more than achievable.
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starlightrows · 3 years ago
8 — The Healer
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The Queen of Tatooine Masterlist
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Pairing: Boba Fett x reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: NSFW, Blood and injury, medical, unintentional self inflicted harm, mention of disordered eating (Not graphic, but warnings still apply), oral sex (f receiving)
Summary: You get the chance to start working on a long awaited project, and get in over your head.
A few days later your breakfast with Talece and Mira is interrupted by the head of one of the construction and renovation crews to let you know that the sunless garden space is complete.
You’re so excited you can hardly finish your meal. You find yourself wanting to sprint down the halls to see the room. It takes so much self restraint to compose yourself and walk beside the rather stoic and unbothered construction lead down to the room.
Before the renovation it must have been either a ballroom or a massive storage space. Either way it was not well maintained. It was full of piles and piles of junk that climbed all the way to the ceiling, the floors and the walls were damaged, and it was unusable.
It had been your idea to gut the room and turn it into something usable and unique. You loved having a garden on your homeworld, and since nothing grows on Tatooine due to the excessive heat from the suns and the lack of fertile soil, this seemed like the perfect use for the room.
Boba didn’t have much of an opinion on it either way when you initially pitched him the idea. In all honesty, he was just happy to see how happy it made you. He was quite impressed by your ingenuity creating this room. Artificial sun and moon lighting in real time with the seasons, water reclaimer and distributor so that whatever plant you choose can be watered without wasting it, and holo panels covering the walls to make the entire space look like an enclosed greenhouse.
And when you finally get to look at it, it’s perfect. Rows of raised garden beds, the lighting and holo panels look so real you’re almost sure they misunderstood your directions and just built out a patio instead.
“If there’s anything we missed or not up to your standard let us know, my lady” the foreman tells you
“No no, this is absolutely perfect” you can’t contain the smile on your face “Thank you! Thank you so much, it’s wonderful”
The foreman has to hold back a laugh, you’re practically vibrating, you're so elated. In all his years of doing large scale projects like this, he’s never had a client seem so appreciative.
“I’ll leave you to it my lady” The foreman politely exits the room, leaving you to wander around and admire their handiwork.
As you walk you begin taking notes on your data pad, for what plants and flowers you want to put in which planter boxes. It’ll be a tall order to get all the seeds and plant bulbs delivered here, but once they’re planted and growing, this will be a sight to behold!
You land up spending the entire day in the garden, labeling planter boxes with bits of flimsy tacked on the sides. Talece brought down a tray of food and insisted you eat something, but she also took the time to let you gush about the vegetables you planned to grow and how beautiful the room will be when things begin to bloom.
When you’re too exhausted to stand up straight any longer you make the long trek through the palace back to your room. Only to lay down on the bed with your data pad to begin placing the orders for soil, seeds, bulbs, labels, and plant pots. When you finally power off the data pad, you’re so happy. You can’t wait for Boba to be home so you can show him how amazing it all is.
You hear from Boba a couple days later, he is finally returning to Tatooine, and is “very excited” to see your new projects. He can’t help but smile picturing you squealing with delight as you show him all of your little plants and paintings.
On the same day, your soil and seeds finally arrive at the palace. You almost feel bad for having guards and some of the stronger looking servants help you drag bags of soil down to the garden. You feel less bad because you’ve got your sleeves rolled up to do the heavy lifting too.
Once everything is down there though, you release them to go back to their everyday duties. You get into a rhythm. Slice the seam off a soil bag. Dump into a planter box. Distribute evenly, and rake to till it. Move on to the next planter box.
Hours and hours and hours of this pass. You couldn’t be happier. It reminds you of summers back on your home planet, planting the seeds that would eventually become your fall crops. That would later become your fall meals. Soups and stews thickened with vegetables, roasted root and tubers to go with roasted meat, and gourds to be cooked down into mush to be put into pastries. It’s too hot to have such a need for hearty hot foods like that here on Tatooine. But you still crave them from time to time. It’s one of the only things you miss about your previous home.
As you’re slicing open a bag of soil, thinking about soup, you put in just a little too much force and swipe the blade farther than you expected. At first you don’t really feel it. But then you see the colorful bloom of fresh blood staining your sleeve. You’re stunned for a moment looking at it.
Your hands are covered with dirt. Mind over matter you resist the urge to clamp your dirty hand down over the bloody wound. Instead you calmly stand up and go back to your room. Staring straight ahead, not really able to look at it at the moment.
You get back to your room and know without looking that it is still bleeding but not that bad. I’ve had worse. I’ve had worse. I’ve had worse. You recite to yourself. You start the facet in the fresher and clean your hands, some of the blood has dribbled down your arm into your hand. You scrub it away quickly so you can peel off the shirt.
You take a deep breath and look in the mirror. It’s bloody. But not bad. You figure if you can clean it well and wrap it tightly it’ll be fine. You decide you’re done for today and it might be best if you just clean it in the shower. Perhaps not your best decision, but people make poor choices when they’re in shock.
Eventually you are clean, dry, dressed, and have the wound wrapped in a clean bandage. The shock has finally worn off, leaving you feeling exhausted and in quite a bit of pain. You know you’ve probably pushed yourself a bit too far today, and not just because you got hurt. You didn’t remember to take breaks, drink water, or eat meals at all today. A nasty habit you’re still trying to break.
Tomorrow will be better, you promise yourself. You do the responsible thing and lay down for the rest of the evening, falling asleep to an older episode of one of the shows Boba likes to watch.
In the morning, your whole body is sore and the wound hurts pretty badly. You risk taking a peek at it, the bandage is mostly soaked through but not enough to stain the bedding or your clothes… your clothes from yesterday.
You groan in frustration, blood stains are difficult to remove if you let them set. Sitting up you feel a little dizzy, chalk it up to lack of food and water plus everything that happened yesterday. Today is going to be better, you remind yourself. You start by getting out of bed and drinking a glass of water from the fresher. There you already feel a little better.
Next you search around for your dirty clothes from yesterday. Just as you thought, stained. You decide to run some water in the bathtub and let it soak with soap while you take care of the wound. It’s certainly not a pretty sight, but you muscle your way through it and get it clean once more and wrapped as best you can. It’s not perfect but it will have to do.
Just as you finish up you hear a knock at the bedroom door followed by the door opening on its own. You flinch at the sound. Usually if someone in the palace needs your help they will knock but wait for you to bid them entry or open the door yourself. This can only mean one thing.
“Cyare?” It’s Boba! You turn quickly and dash out of the fresher, leaving the medical supplies on the counter.
“Boba!” You exclaim running into his waiting arms. He snatches you up in a bracing hug and laughs at your enthusiasm.
“I tried to com you last night to tell you I would be home in the morning but you didn’t answer. I figured you were asleep” He explains releasing you from the hug and pressing a kiss to you cheek.
“Oh yeah, I was really tired yesterday. I fell asleep with the holo on” you tell him with a bit of an embarrassed heat creeping up into your cheeks.
“You needed rest, can’t be blamed for that my dear” he assures you, tilting your face up to him to give you a proper kiss on the lips. The kiss deepens, both of you finding that you can’t seem to pull away.
“Stars I missed you” you say quietly when you finally have to break for fresh air
“I missed you too cyare. Let me clean up a bit and we can have some breakfast together” he lets you go completely now. You smile and nod happily. He kisses you one more time, and moves past you to go into the fresher while you go find clothes to wear for the day.
Suddenly Boba is calling your name from the fresher. Your heart fills with dread at the thought of what he’s just seen in there.
“What the hell happened in here? Are you alright?” He begins scanning you up and down with his eyes, zeroing in on the bandage on your arm.
“It’s okay! I’m okay” you assure him, trying to push past and clear away the medical supplies from the counter
He places his hands on his shoulders and spins you around to face him, carefully saying your name again with a warning air about him. His hands stay on your shoulders and he looks you in the eye when he asks again. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing really, I cut myself opening a bag of soil yesterday” you explain
He sighs and shakes his head “And what did the healer say?”
“I… I didn’t see a healer” you admit sheepishly
“What? Why not?” He’s appalled and a little frustrated
“I didn’t think it was necessary, I’ve had worse before” you realize his shock and frustration is not unfounded, any rational person probably would have spoken to a healer about this.
“Had worse? And you handled it yourself? Cyare, that is a serious injury” He says, as if repeating it would get you to understand the severity of the situation.
“Boba… I wasn’t welcome to visit the healer on my homeworld. I’m sorry, I didn’t think to ask for help” Suddenly you feel guilty and a little defensive “I don’t… I don’t know how to do that when I’m in trouble. I didn’t even think about it”
Then he understands. Of course you wouldn’t think to ask for help when you hurt yourself. Because you’ve been conditioned to think you would not get it if you asked. He has to remind himself that he too used to struggle with asking for assistance, and it’s something that he needs to be understanding about in this relationship.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry cyare, I didn’t mean to overwhelm you” he apologizes “I was just worried when I saw the bloody clothing and used medical supplies. I know you did your best with what you had at the moment. But now you’re not in danger, and we have the resources to have a healer that will actually help you. May I call someone to come look at it?”
You nod in acceptance and let him guide you back out into the main living space in your quarters. He sits you down in a chair, and asks that you just sit and relax for a couple minutes while he steps outside to give instructions to a guard or staff member.
He instructs a guard to go into Mos Eisley and bring back a healer, and a second guard to instruct the kitchen staff to bring a pitcher of hot water as well as breakfast. A few moments later there’s a gentle knock at the door. Boba calls for them to enter, and Mira comes forward bringing the pitcher of water and a tray laden with tea, toast, and eggs cooked the way you like them. She has a look of horror on her face as she sees Boba tending to your injured arm, and you cringe thinking back to your conversation with her the other day.
But Boba doesn’t seem to notice at all, “Thank you Mira, we might need more water if the healer asks for it later”
She gives a shaky curtsy and small voiced “Of course, my lord. My lady” before quickly leaving the room.
“So” Boba gives you a look “Cut yourself opening a bag of soil aye? Does that mean your fancy garden is finished?”
“Yes” you smile a little shyly, knowing that if he gets you talking about it you won’t shut up for the next half an hour at least
“Go on then, tell me everything” he encourages you, because more than anything, he missed hearing you gush about things you care about while he was traveling.
As you eat your breakfast you tell him about your new painting studio and the garden and all the plants you’ve ordered. Which things have arrived, which things you’re still waiting for. You tell him the truth about yesterday, that you had been at it for hours and your hand just slipped when you hurt yourself.
“Accidents happen cyare” he reminds you “I just want you to be more careful”
Just then there is another knock at the door, Boba calls for them to enter. The guard he sent into town has returned with the healer, and you’re surprised to see that you recognize him.
“It’s you, hello again” you greet him.
The man looks a little stunned. When you had asked him to make a remedy for chemical burn scars, you had said it was for your partner, not the kriffing king!
“Y-yes… nice to see you again… um… What seems to be the problem?” he asks, struggling to get his bearings.
Boba takes the liberty of explaining your injury to the healer, and invites him to come take his place so he can examine the wound and assess if it needs further treatment. While the healer works Boba excuses himself to remove his armor and get cleaned up in a different room of the palace. But he leaves two guards to watch over you. When Boba’s gone the healer looks up at you.
“You didn’t tell me your partner was the kriffing king” he hisses as he unwraps the bandage
“That was intentional” you explain “I can’t just go broadcasting to the entire city what my business is”
“Yeah but you might have mentioned it” he grumbles “would have charged you more”
He takes a look at your wound and takes on a look of concentration and disappointment
“What?” you ask with a touch of worry in your voice
“This needs stitches and bacta. You should have come to me or another healer immediately” he chastises you
“Hey, I did my best okay. And if you’re going to get mouthy can I at least know your name so I know who to curse in my mind when you stitch me up?” You bite back
“Darius” he replies “And you can curse me all you like, but you’ll thank me later when this heals without an ugly scar”
“Fine” you relent and let him get to work recleaning and stitching up the wound.
By the time Boba returns Darius has the wound rewrapped and is writing out instructions to keep it clean on a spare bit of flimsi. Darius gets markedly more tense when Boba is in the room, clearly he’s more intimidated by Boba than he is by you. He hands you the piece of flimsi and reminds you to be more careful next time before hastily departing the room with guards escorting him. Boba sends the breakfast tray out as well, finally giving you both some privacy.
“Now then, I believe I promised you a reward last we spoke” he leans forward to kiss the sensitive spot just behind your ear.
You hum in contentment as he continues kissing down your neck.
“Have you been a good girl while I’ve been gone?” he purrs
“Yes” you say with a little gasp and he sucks a particularly pleasant spot
“Go lay down for me” he pulls away from your neck and nods his head towards the bed. You get up quickly and toss the pillows up to the head of the bed and lay back.
He crawls up the bed slowly, pushing your legs apart at the knees dipping down to start a trail of kisses leading up and over your thigh. He breezes right past your needy pussy and instead continues kissing over your hips, and across to your tummy.
“You were so good for me on the com” he murmurs, dragging his nose across your skin, down from your belly button to top of your mound. He’s looking up at your pretty face, wanting to see every expression cross it.
Without blinking an eye, pushes his tongue between your lips and licks a broad stripe up, already tasting your arousal. He continues, slowly stroking you with his tongue up and down, up and down, up and down.
You can’t help it, you start squirming. It feels amazing, but his slow pace is driving you wild. Normally Boba might be a little mean and make you stay still, but it’s been too long and he’s loving watching you writhe in pleasure.
He maintains his long strokes but begins increasing his speed. Finally working an audible moan out of your chest. He switches tactic and pauses mid stroke, and begins fluttering his tongue just barely inside your dripping hole.
“Fuck!” You whimper trying to force yourself not to buck your hips into his mouth.
He knows you’re getting close and he knows just what to get you to the finish line, he makes one more broad stroke with his tongue and stops at the top of his path and latches onto your clit. Suckling and circling the swollen bud with his talented tongue.
Your whole body tensed with such force that you’re sure you might have pulled a muscle and moan in ecstasy as you cum on his face. Boba doesn’t stop, he continues to lap up your release all the way through your orgasm. When you’re finally laying back boneless with your eyes closed, breathing heavily he pulls away kissing back up your belly with feather light pressure until he’s hovering over you, kissing your neck and waiting for you to feel ready to open your eyes again.
Eventually you do open your eyes again, and place your hand on the back of his head to guide him away from your neck. He follows your direction and comes back down to kiss your lips.
“That was one hell of a reward” you say with a breathy laugh
“What can I say? I’m a man of my word” he shrugs laying down beside you
“You certainly are” you smile “I’m really glad you’re back”
“You really did miss me” he chuckles
“Of course I did! I love getting to talk to you about the garden and my painting and my projects. And I really missed getting to relax with you at night. And I love watching your weird holo dramas and hearing about your clients and having dinner with you. I just love… you” you find yourself admitting
He reached out, cradling your face in his hand, stroking your cheek with his thumb “I love you too cyare. I missed you dearly while I was gone. Thought about you every morning when I woke up and every night before I went to sleep”
Your heart soars hearing him say that. It’s easy to fall in love. Day in and day out, it just happens. It’s hard to admit you’re in love. You have to find the words to explain to someone why they are the most important person in your life and they give you unending joy even when you’re not right next to them. But with Boba it’s easy. It’s easy to be in love and it’s easy to say it.
“I love you”
Tag List: @cannedsoupsucks​ @otterly-fey​ @paige6768​  @littledragonlady​ @star-hoes​ @aeryntheofficial​ @xx-small-town-witch-xx​ @lokigirlszendaya​ @ladysongmaster​ @2clones-1kamino​ @cagrame​ @ashbyrhymer​ @adancedivasmom​ @4rosydreams​ @heybub​ @thefact0rygirl​ @elinedjarin
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ohwereusingourmadeupnames · 5 years ago
Just Crash, It’s Our Time Now 
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark  Notes: I’m here for all the au’s, y’all. Warnings: there’s a little handjob action, but not much else.  Word Count: ~12k Summary: 
Peter Parker is a med school student with very little time on his hands. He’s set up on a blind date by Nat and it’s fucking awful. Good thing he caught eyes with the cute bartender who’s quick on his feet and steps in when Peter need s it the most. 
Doctor!Peter, Bartender&Teacher!Tony 
There is lots of cuteness & some dodgeball action - hope you enjoy! 
Read it on AO3 here - 
“Hey dude, get the fuck out of the way!”
Peter took a step to the right just in time – the bike rushing by barely missing him. Pulling his AirPod from his ear, he blinked a few times to reorient himself. It was his own fault; he knew listening to his textbook on the way back to his apartment wasn’t the safest option. Especially in a place like New York. Despite being there for almost four years, Peter wasn’t anywhere close to being used to how fast everything moved.
His little hometown in Colorado didn’t have near the amount of people running by him, let alone the pace of the never sleeping city.
The reading expectations in his Clinical Oncology class didn’t seem to be possible – there were 5 chapters to cover before the next cohort meeting in a couple of days. Between his last ever class of medical school and the rotation that went with it, there wasn’t too much time for anything else.
Luckily, Peter’s plan for the rest of the night consisted of sitting on his couch, eating way too much food, and finishing his readings – the time truly bound to be incredibly magical. Regardless – this was the life Peter chose for himself. It was way too late in the game to find himself too bored with it all to actually get to the finish line. He’d put a lot of his life on hold to make sure he succeeded in the goals he set out for himself all that time ago.
There were people his age settling down and having families, enjoying the best time of their lives. Peter tried not to feel jealous, he really did. He loved where his life was headed and couldn’t imagine doing anything else – yet, he wanted other things, too. Simple things like warmth, a person to call his own, hell – a man to share his bed with on a consistent occasion.
Maybe one day.
The rest of the walk went quickly – Peter now on his toes, keeping himself completely in the moment. He escaped tragedy once – the probability of missing it again not nearly as high. His rotation in the ER proved that random accidents and pedestrian collisions were some of the main issues in the city – he treated enough road rash to know. Brushing the thought aside, Peter felt a breath of relief leave his lungs – his apartment finally in sight.
Stopping at the door, Peter keyed in the code to get into his building, grabbed his mail, and trudged up to his fifth-floor apartment. The key sliding into the lock brought a smile to his face and kicking off his shoes when he finally got the door open – that was the best feeling of the day.
Luxury did not last long – less than a minute later, there was a knock on the door. There were only four people in the world who knew the entry code to get into his building – and he wondered briefly which one of them it could be. Sighing, Peter dropped his backpack and shrugged out of his hoodie before even thinking about answering the door. Truthfully, he wanted to retreat into his room to strip out of the scrubs he’d been in for more hours than he cared to admit – but he couldn’t, not when one of his friends was out there waiting for him. Peter pulled the door open and smiled – the flash of Nat’s red hair making his heart feel a little warmer. Suddenly, the knock didn’t seem like such a bad thing after all.
“Nat – how the hell are you?” Peter questioned, his arms opening to pull her into a hug. He gave her a tight squeeze, a sigh leaving his lips. Maybe it had been too long since he last saw people outside the norm – having Nat so close made that pretty easy to see.
“Peter Parker – you’ve been holed up here too long,” Nat exclaimed, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly. “I’m fine by the way, thanks for asking.” Her fingers dug in when she pressed forward to place a kiss to his cheek. “I’m here to force you to be social. Don’t try and argue.”
With wide eyes, Peter watched her brush by him, a mischievous grin on her face. Peter loved the fuck out of Nat – they’d been friends since undergrad at Colorado State. Growing up with someone sealed a sort of bond, he figured. What he didn’t love was her inability to stop fucking around with his personal life. Her many attempts to set him up were always terrible and always ended very badly – especially for him. Regardless, Peter already knew he’d go along with her plans. He always did. Though her taste was goddamn awful, he liked knowing that Nat had his best interest at heart – that she cared about him enough to want to see him happy.
Closing the door, Peter turned and pressed his back against it, a curious look in his eye. “Well, who is it this time? And, honestly, where do you keep getting these guys? Sure, I like older guys – but that doesn’t mean everyone qualifies,” Peter gestured with his hands the entire time he spoke, the habit one he’d never been able to break.
He laughed out right at the slightest hint of red on Nat’s cheeks, her eyes peeking out from under her long dark lashes – chagrin written into her facial expression.
“I swear – every time I think it’s going to be perfect. I think you’re just picky,” Nat answered back, her shoulders shrugging. “I think you’ll actually like this one, though. I met him when I pretended to be a secretary in a law office. When I served the guy I was actually there for, Eli and I got to talking – and he seems right up your alley. Smart, cute – older.” She slapped a hand to his cheek softly – “give it a chance, maybe? For me?”
Peter shook his head, a hand coming to press against his forehead in mock frustration. There were so many unaccounted-for variables in his life – it was difficult to explain that he wasn’t really looking for just anyone. There needed to be a connection and a certain level of understanding right off the bat – he didn’t have time to waste.
May always told him to go with his gut and most of the time, his gut didn’t want anything to do with the dating scene at all. His priorities were so different than most people’s – Peter needed someone to match that with their own uniqueness. How to get that across, though – he hadn’t figured that out. So, he smiled at her, surrender evident in his expression. “I always give it a chance. I’ll do that this time, too.”
The hug he got from her almost made up for the disaster he would eventually find out she was sending him into.
Instead of stepping into the Adidas joggers that were calling his name from the edge of the bed, Peter pulled a pair of jeans on – his body not used to the rigidity of the fabric after camping in scrubs for most of his life lately. He did a couple squats to get them stretched out, then slipped on a blue t-shirt and a jean jacket over that. The little bar she told him to head to looked pretty casual when he Googled the place – so he tried to take in what little comfort he could from the clothes on his body. He took one last look in the mirror before backing out of his room. If he didn’t get his ass in gear, he’d never leave the house. The couch called to him, the pull almost enough to keep him there. The look of disappointment he’d see in Nat’s eyes kept him walking, though – the date couldn’t be that bad.
Life always had a way of proving him wrong, though.
The bar wasn’t too far from his apartment, so he stepped out on foot. The night was really nice – it was closing in on May in New York City, so the temperature was perfect. There weren’t many clouds in the sky, either – the view absolutely stunning. Sucking in a deep breath, Peter told himself to focus on just enjoying the evening and whatever came from it. No use being nervous when there was nothing at stake. That thought brought a grin to his face – there weren’t a lot of things in his life that didn’t come with costly consequences. A little break in that monotony would probably help with the run-down feeling – at least, he hoped that was the case.
Walking into the bar, Peter was surprised to instantly feel comfortable. There were a good number of tables scattered around the space – each one thankfully within a decent distance of the other and not crowded together. The bar was wood, stained a dark brown, the accent of it matching all of the tables and chairs. He smiled at the high-backed chairs butted up to the bar top – he hated the places that didn’t provide proper back support. Peter climbed into one of them at the corner of the bar and knew he might make this a regular place. Comfort was of the utmost importance when the idea of being drunk came to pass – he couldn’t count the amount of times he’d fallen off of chairs in under grad. Being conscious of his terrible drinking habits brought down the embarrassing encounters – he at least looked like he could handle his liquor.
A coaster was placed down in front of him – the fingers he just barely managed to catch a glance at long and covered in ink, the knuckles dusted with the slightest bit of hair. Intrigued, Peter glanced up and instantly felt a blush overtake his cheeks. The bartender was striking – his angular jaw and well-kept facial hair demanded his eyes attention at first glance. Letting his eyes roam, Peter noticed the man’s heterochromia – the brown flecks in whiskey smooth eyes making his breath catch a bit. The man’s dark hair was a little on the longer side, the style of it seemingly unkempt – yet, probably done so on purpose. Peter felt his tongue slip out against his lower lip – the skin there suddenly dry as the desert. Even the elegant brow he quirked in Peter’s direction made him feel a little crazy.
“What can I get you?” Peter heard – his gaze finally trailing away, eyes focusing on the liquor on the shelf behind the gorgeous man. The last time he drank alcohol, it came from a red solo cup that was dipped into a cooler filled with fruit and various high-proof alcohols – he couldn’t remember a single drink to save his life. The man must’ve caught on to that because he spoke again – “do you like Sprite?” Peter couldn’t help but smile at that, his head nodding.
“I do. Anything lime,” Peter finally uttered, his brain slowly but surely starting to catch up to the here and now.
The older man nodded, a determined look on his face. “I’ve got just the thing, then,” he mumbled, a bit of his tongue sticking out as he grabbed a couple of bottles, his hands pouring like it was second nature. The man was slipping a drink before him a couple of minutes later, a fresh lime pressed against the rim of the glass and a couple actually in the drink. “Vodka-Sprite with lime – lots of it,” the words accompanied by a wink. He leaned forward on his arms, the smell of whiskey and cedarwood invading Peter’s senses.
As subtly as he could, Peter drew in a deep breath – the smell even better the more he pulled it in. He wrapped his fingers around the glass and brought it to his lips, Peter’s eyes catching the bartender’s over the rim of the glass. The kick of lime right off the bat made the drink more than tolerable – the nail polish remover taste of the vodka delightfully masked. He took a couple more sips before even thinking to acknowledge the unspoken question. It felt nice to have those eyes on him – so he took in a little bit longer.
“You’re pretty good. You can’t taste the booze in there at all. Thank you, handsome stranger,” Peter said, a saucy grin on his face. It didn’t make a lot of sense, this ruthless flirting – he didn’t partake in it often, if ever at all. Yet, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face or the blush from invading his cheeks – and there wasn’t even the ability to blame the booze. His fingers played with the little stir stick in the drink in hopes of calming himself down, the smile on his face was way too big.
In the way he ducked his head, Peter missed the big grin spread across the man’s face, his eyes twinkling in the low overhead light. “That’s usually the objective. Glad to have been of service, equally gorgeous customer.” The smile on his face that time was hard to miss, and Peter found himself leaning on the bar – desperate to get a little bit closer.
Peter would have been happy to continue flirting with the bartender – his hopes of being stood up increasing by the second. It seemed like he was destined to be thwarted all day long, though – a man about twenty years older than him was looking in his direction. Nat must have shown the guy his picture. Taking one last peek at the gorgeous human behind the bar, Peter collected himself and turned in his seat, a painted-on smile sliding across his cheeks.
“Are you Peter?” his date for the night asked, a hand coming between them. “I’m Eli.”
Peter took the hand offered to him, the palm against his a little sweaty in his grasp. “I am, yeah. Nice to meet you, Eli,” he gave him a brief smile and settled back into his chair. Whiskey barrel eyes caught his, the bartender smirking at him. Rolling his own, Peter stuck out his tongue and tried to focus.
It’d been a pretty average day for Tony – the weekend was finally upon them, he’d finished all of his grading for the week, and his shifts at the bar were the best for tips. He assumed the rest of the day would remain as such, too. There weren’t a lot of interesting things happening in his life at the moment – though, he didn’t really mind. Tony was a self-proclaimed opportunist – there wasn’t a lot of seeking out, but he wasn’t opposed to whatever came his way. So far, his robotic adventures and never-ending entertainment at the bar felt like more than enough.
Then, he walked in. For whatever reason, Tony looked up when the door opened – he’d been pretty idle at the bar, anyway. A quick glance was the intention, but what he found there stopped him in his tracks. The guy was young – right in the age range where he could be anywhere between 20 and 30. The jean jacket sitting on his shoulders made his mouth water, the tone of it meshing so well with tawny looks and pale skin. And boy – that skin. Tony figured it went on for miles, never ending amounts of it covering those long limbs. Blinking, Tony got his bearings – the last thing he needed was to be caught out staring at someone.
He felt a little more himself when the guy sat down at the bar, his hands were moving over the counter, the wash rag dragging back and forth over the surface. The key was to never go idle – an idle mind was never good for anyone. When the man spoke, his attractiveness quotient went up a couple of notches, Tony enamored by the pitch of his voice, the way he looked around and took everything in. When the opportunity to show off a little showed itself, Tony snatched it up and set about making one of his personal favorite drinks. He was more of a whiskey straight kind of guy, but where mixed drinks were involved, vodka soda was always a hit.
The roll of satisfaction washing over him brought a smile to his face – Tony couldn’t keep his eyes away while the other took tentative sips, the look on his face never straying from curious. Then, that very voice was calling him a handsome stranger – oh how he wanted to combust right on the spot. Instead, he kept the smile on his face and hoped the look in his eye was unreadable. Not for the first time, Tony felt grateful that direct access into his brain was unavailable. The guy leaning in his direction pushed the thoughts he was trying to hold back into overdrive – his neck flushing just slightly.
The universe always had a way of making things right, though – a man around Tony’s own age walked in and took the seat next to the cutie he hoped to find out more about. Shrugging, he clenched the glass he pulled from further down the bar in his hand. Their eyes met for a brief second; uncertainty evident in the younger man’s eyes. Despite knowing the guy was on a date, Tony felt obligated to keep an eye on him. Everyone needed a wing man, every now and again.
Tony got swept in a wave of people at the other end of the bar, so he only caught small glances of the cute brunette and his date – and the tension he felt from the get-go didn’t seem to be going anywhere. While the older man was leaning closer, the other was pressing into the back of his chair, a grimace on his face. Tilting his head, he caught the man’s eye again – a roll of them evident a second later. A soft chuckle escaped his chest, he got to witness lots of dates gone wrong, but this one seemed to take the cake. Softening his features, Tony tried to display as much empathy as he could – he felt bad for the guy. Though, there was also a part of him that felt a little excited by the failure of it. That greedy, greedy part of him.
There was a pretty decent ebb and flow of people for the next thirty minutes or so – Tony always kept count of the people sitting around his area. He learned early on that keeping ahead of the tide made his job a little easier – anticipation of people’s needs was like a game to him. One he’d gotten pretty good at, he liked to think, anyway. The shatter of a glass pulled him from his thoughts – the guy he’d been catching eyes with all night was off his chair, a sour look on his face. Tony watched closely as the guy mouthed ‘help me’ at him, a pleading look in his eye. Whatever the fuck caused that glass to be dropped, it seemed the guy didn’t want any part of it, anymore.
Thinking on his feet, Tony pulled his phone out, keeping it on the counter out of sight. He quickly typed in the number of the bar, watching with satisfaction as the phone on the other side of the room started to ring. Attempting to stroll that direction casually, Tony shot a look over to the other man, his right eye closing in a quick wink. More than anything, he hoped he could go along with whatever Tony came up with on the spot. Grabbing it, he answered the phone with the typical spiel – “Lefty’s, this is Tony.” He nodded a bit, let it seem like someone was talking – then took the portable over to the brunette.
“I believe this is for you,” Tony said boldly, his hand thrusting the phone at him. There was a curious head tilt in his direction, then the man was taking the phone and pressing it to his ear. Tony held his breath, the thought that maybe he was being a little crazy rushing through him at the last minute. Thankfully, the guy was nodding his head – those gorgeous doe eyes opening wide, the look one Tony thought he might enjoy seeing from above him and below him – all the ways, really. Biting down on the side of his tongue, Tony let the pain force him back to the reality where he currently stood, watching the scene playout.
“Okay, MJ – I’ll be right there.” The guy finally spoke into the phone, a determined look crossing his face. Tony wanted to run his thumb across the little lines that appeared on the brunette’s forehead. His mind rushed with so many thoughts – the anxiety of what he did and what would happen next closing in on him a little. In the many times he’d worked in this bar, Tony never did anything like this. He pretended to be someone’s boyfriend once, but that was for someone he actually knew. This person was a random stranger – a hot one, he had to admit – yet, still a stranger.
He watched him slam down a few bills and make a halfhearted excuse to the guy who was looking at him with a mixture of irritation and empathy – it made Tony want to laugh in his face. Moving around the bar, Tony went to work on getting the glass picked up and by the time he looked up again, the spot the men were sitting was empty. It smarted a little, not getting to flirt a little more, maybe see where it could have gone. Yet, he felt good about it, too. He obviously helped someone out of a tight spot. What more could a person ask for? Laughing at himself, Tony finished his clean up and took his spot back behind the bar.
Not even twenty minutes later, the brunette was back, a soft smile on his face. He took the same place against the bar, his elbows pressing into it. “Hey,” he began, his fingers tapping against those gorgeously rosy cheeks. “Thanks for that. I don’t think I could have made it another minute without busting a glass over his head. You’re too kind. I’m Peter, by the way,” the man – Peter – concluded. He didn’t stick out a hand to shake, or anything like that, he simply leaned against his hands and looked Tony up and down. It would have been unsettling, if he didn’t appreciate the human doing the looking. Try as he might, he couldn’t find it in him to be too goddamn upset about it.
“You’re very welcome. Bartender code, or whatever,” Tony replied, his tone just shy of being smooth. Long fingers ran through his hair, the gentle tug of it somewhat grounding. “Peter. That’s fitting for you. Cute but smart and classy. I’m Tony – rugged and roguish, right?” His mouth started to spread into a smile on its own accord, the stretch of his lips tensile before he even finished speaking.
As if the guy couldn’t get any more attractive, Tony heard him laugh fully for the first time. The sound was elegant, from the pit of Peter’s stomach. His head tilted back a little, the length of his neck on display – the pale skin there begging to be touched, kissed, caressed with barely there pressure. Brown eyes were quickly overtaken by a dilating pupil. He crushed the side of his tongue with his teeth again, Tony struggling to keep his composure. To keep his hands busy, he went about making Peter the same drink as before, his fingers idly brushing lime to the lip of the glass.
“Right – absolutely right. I would also add handsome, but I’m pretty sure I brought that to the table earlier. I also love your hair, the salt and pepper at the temples – A+.” Tony sucked in a breath, his fingers moving to slip into the hair by his ears. A quick tug and he was smirking in the other’s direction, Peter’s eyes still firmly on him.
“It’s natural, too,” Tony avowed, one of his eyebrows quirking to match the grin on his face. “Thanks, though. Your curls aren’t half bad, either.” As he said it, Tony used every ounce of control within him not to reach out and touch – the length would be so easy to run his fingers through. He didn’t have any clue where all these thoughts were coming from – he was usually pretty good at keeping himself and the job separate. Being a teacher, he knew how important it was to keep perspective in the proper position – yet, he liked the guys smile and how his mouth looked making words. What could he do?
Besides, it seemed to be mutual – Peter’s cheeks were a beet red, eyes now squinty from the force of the muscular contraction of his face muscles to continue the beaming smile. Peter took the drink when Tony passed it to him, his lips wrapping around the lip without a second thought. “I usually keep it a little shorter, it’s easier to just roll out of bed and get going. I just – haven’t had time to get it cut. I just might agree with you, though. They do make me look nice.” Peter let his pointer finger trace the lip of the glass while he spoke, the motion just as distracting as the words slipping from beautiful lips.
Taking a look over his shoulder, Tony noticed the bar was on the emptier side. Lucky for him. He pressed both of his hands flat on the counter below him and let some of his weight shift forward – the space between himself and Peter narrowing down ever so slightly. From this angle, Tony could see a few freckles littering the other’s cheeks – the youthfulness of the beauty marks making him look so very young for a second. There seemed to be a direct map of the constellation clusters across the skin – the intrigue of it adding to the attraction.
“What keeps you so busy? Not that I’m not all for roll out of bed and get going. That’s my usual most of the time. I think you would look nice regardless of what you did with your hair,” Tony offered, a hand motioning in the direction of Peter’s face. “You’ve got all of that going on.”
It felt natural – the conversation they were having. Tony wasn’t the most sociable person. He didn’t shy away from it, or anything like that, there were just personal limits. Effort was applied long enough to engage and respond – then, he’d inconspicuously retreat. As the man slinging the drinks, it felt pretty easy to fit into the woodwork when he wanted to. The back and forth Tony felt compelled to have with this guy was already way more than usual – a thing of interest in and of itself.
“I’m in med school. In the process of getting my MD so I can get into oncological research. It’s my last semester, so its been a little hectic.” Just the thought of the man’s commitment made him look stressed, the small black circles under his eyes making a lot more sense now. “And thanks – that’s quite the compliment coming from you.” Peter stopped for a second, his bottom lip between his teeth. “Do you get off soon? I’ve got to buy you a drink or food or something for being an absolute life saver.”
The sound of the door opening had Tony looking over his shoulder, a slight frown forming on his brow when people sat down at the far side of the bar. Glancing down, he noticed there were only 20 minutes until 8 – his whole face lighting up. Things were turning out a lot better than he originally expected. “I’m off in twenty, actually. Let me get those guys over there started on a tab and then I’m all yours,” Tony responded, jittery excitement zapping along his skin – the feeling of it so very foreign and so exquisitely nice.
Tony didn’t move until he saw Peter nod, a matching smile on those delicately pale cheeks. Turning, the older man suddenly desperate to be done with his work, Tony finished up without another thought. When Clint came in to cover the next shift, Tony greeted him briefly and escaped before he could get roped into anything else.
Joining Peter on the other side of the bar, he rested a hand against the man’s chair – catching his attention without scaring the piss out of him.
“Ready whenever you are.”  
Sitting in the same seat from before, Peter couldn’t believe the events of the last half an hour. Peter knew the date was doomed about a minute into it when Eli described Nat as his “hot friend”. There wasn’t a chance in hell – they hadn’t even started talking and Peter could already tell more misogynistic comments like that would come from the man’s mouth. There wasn’t any predicting how much worse it got, though. It’d been a long time since he was propositioned so quickly – and frankly, so out of the blue. They went from discussing Peter’s job to Eli wanting to take him home and get into his pants. What type of people was Nat surrounding herself with? And more importantly – why did she think this guy would be good for him?
The dam broke when the man tried to lay his hands on him. Their chairs were pushed close together, so he did the only thing he could think of – he dropped the drink from his fingers and stood up, the resounding smash of the glass breaking reassuring, hopefully a way out. Thankfully, he got the attention of the cute bartender and within a minute, he was back in front of them, a phone in his hand.
For a moment, Peter didn’t understand – his eyebrow quirking. The person he now knew as Tony looked at him, seemingly willing him to just go with the flow. He couldn’t even remember what came out of his mouth, but all of the sudden, he was free – Peter making his excuses and getting the fuck out of there as quickly as he could.
He almost continued his walk home, the adrenaline in his body telling him to keep listening to the flight reflex – the urge to go right there. Yet – it’d be pretty shitty of him if he didn’t at least thank the gorgeous man behind the bar for coming in clutch, so he walked across the street and lounged in the little café there – the view of the bar perfect.
Thankfully, Eli wasn’t stupid enough to wait around and he left about ten minutes later. Despite not being anywhere near him, Peter let out a caught-up breath – his entire chest felt tight since he made his narrow escape. Giving it another couple minutes to make sure the man didn’t return, Peter pulled out his phone and dialed Nat’s number, many not nice things sitting on the tip of his tongue.
When she did pick up, Peter didn’t give her a chance to reply to his nonexistent greeting – he simply barreled ahead and started talking. “You’re officially banned from setting me up. That guy was an absolute douche, Nat! He didn’t even make it a whole hour before he tried to start feeling me up. No more, okay? No more.” Peter stopped then, his chest heaving a little bit. “That shit was awful. If you’re my friend, you won’t do it again.”
“Shit, Pete – I’m so sorry! I didn’t know. He seemed okay. Older the way you enjoy them. I just – well, I’m not very good at this setting up thing.” Nat broke off, a chuckle in the back of her throat sounding across the line. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
He kept her on the line for a couple more minutes, the conversation gentling before they hung up. She was only trying to help, he understood that. Nat had been trying to help since they first met all that time ago. At least he got her to admit that she was bad at it. And maybe, she’d actually listen to his plea and ease up the meddling. For all it was worth, Peter didn’t feel dissatisfied – a part of him couldn’t understand why she felt so adamant about it to begin with. Either way, he put his foot down and wouldn’t budge. Sparing her feelings wasn’t worth having to deal with shitty people, no matter how much he hated thinking about hurting her in any way at all.
Shaking his head, Peter pocketed his phone and left the café, his feet carrying him back across the street. The bar didn’t look any different, although the place next to his seat from before was blessedly empty. He walked back over to that same spot and leaned against the bar – the bartender’s attention already on him. Hell – most people’s attention was probably on him. The dramatic exit didn’t go unnoticed, Peter felt pretty sure about that. Crowd watching was one of the best parts of being in a bar and he provided some of the night’s entertainment.
Throughout the exchange with Tony, Peter felt more and more glad that he didn’t just skip out. Not only was the older man extremely good-looking, he came with a biting wit and interesting conversational style. It felt like the ultimate tease, waiting to hear what the guy was going to say next. The flirting came naturally, too. For whatever reason, there was an innate feeling of trust alive and well in Peter’s chest – the man’s actions speaking so loudly to the part of him that was so selective and choosy. It took a particular type of person to simply help a stranger – to provide aid for no other reason other than the fact that someone was in need.
Peter recognized that trait within himself, too – that similarity between them probably the most important one he could think of. Which is why he let himself invite Tony out and why he felt comfortable enough to actually see where the night could lead him. He watched with an unfamiliar feeling in his chest and a soft smile on his face – Tony worked diligently and efficiently. The man was good with the customers, too. He had a natural charm that Peter wanted to learn more about – wanted to see how it felt to be used in his direction.
So lost in his thoughts, the older man’s words had him jumping, a sharp blush hitting his cheeks almost instantly. Looking sheepish, Peter slid a hand through his hair, a small smile slipping across his lips. “I’m ready right now. I hope you don’t mind walking – the place I’m thinking is right around the corner,” Peter got himself back together quickly, his composure something he’d been working on since being around patients. People needed a poker face from someone delivering shitty news to them – someone had to give them hope.
Shaking the thought away, Peter felt his smile grow wider – Tony was leading them out of the bar without another word.
A little more relaxed, Peter took a second to notice the air outside, the temperature moderate, less stuffy than the enclosure of the bar packed full of people. He took a deep breath, his eyes slipping shut for a second. The sound of Tony’s voice wasn’t surprising this time, the warm tone of it slipping over him pleasant, comforting. “I’m glad to be out of there, the late Friday night gig is too crazy,” Tony spoke softly but clear, like he was used to talking in front of people – the confidence in his presentation present, out in the open.
He smiled in response and started walking, Tony moving to join him, keeping up effortlessly.
Boldly, Peter grabbed Tony’s elbow at the end of the sidewalk, the man trying to continue walking straight when they needed to turn. “I’m taking you somewhere, remember?” Peter questioned, his voice on the right side of teasing.
Tony didn’t answer, he simply nodded and followed his lead, absolutely no resistance in the arm still settled in Peter’s grip. It took more effort than it should have to drop Tony’s arm – but he kept up the contact in their closeness, each step caused the older man’s shoulder to brush against his own.
“So, is bartending your full-time gig? You’ve got excellent taste in your drink suggestions – but something tells me there’s more to you.” They’d been walking for a minute or two in silence, the lack of conversation surprisingly comfortable despite not really knowing one another. The start of the conversation wasn’t forced, Peter was just curious – interested in finding out more about his handsome hero.
The longer they walked, the more it seemed like Tony was leaning into him, so Peter let it happen – his fingers brushed against Tony’s whenever he could reach them. Neither gave into the temptation to hold hands – the tease of not knowing, of the journey of finding out more – that was the game at the moment. Peter bit his bottom lip, his head turning ever so slightly. It wouldn’t do to give away just how enamored he was, not yet, anyway.
“It’s not. I actually teach high school physics. Over at Midtown Science and Tech. I’ve got a Master’s in Mechatronics Engineering, so I use it building robots with my students and talking about gas laws and thermodynamics. It’s great,” Tony didn’t sound like he was joking, either – his eyes were vivid, the brightness in them genuine.
Peter would have never pegged the guy as a teacher, but now that he knew – it made sense. The immediate way he rushed in to help, to provide support – that’s what teachers did, every day, for all the students they came into contact with. If it weren’t for the eyes watching his every move and the rather hungry look Tony couldn’t seem to hide – he might have questioned the man’s interest. He couldn’t, though �� coffee-colored eyes trailed over him like they wanted to undress him one article of clothing by the next. The gaze was intense and sent little shocks of excitement all around.
“My initial thought did not stray anywhere near teacher. I can see it, though. I bet you’re the teacher that everyone likes, too. You’re teaching thermodynamics, so you’re dealing with smart kids. I’d go so far as to say that you’re the nerdy hot teacher everyone’s lusting after.” Peter blushed at that, the thought of his younger self walking into his own AP Physics class to see Tony standing there – he would have crushed on him for sure. He could honestly say he might be there already, anyway. Tony’s snort in response had him blushing harder, his face so warm from the flush of blood pressing against his cheeks.
“I try not to think about it, Pete. Makes the job a little easier, you know?”
And he did know – perfectly well. There’d been just as many legal and ethics classes throughout his med school journey to understand that concept intimately. Better for him, anyway. He wanted Tony’s attention on him. With each second that past, the want for it only increased – that thought substantial in and of itself.
It took a couple more minutes to end up outside Del Mar’s – his favorite bodega in the city. Rotations at the hospital didn’t pay well, and for a few months during his first year navigating the inability to carry more than one job, Peter had to be very, very smart about his money. It didn’t take a genius to understand that good food at a cheap price couldn’t be beat – so he kept Del Mar’s on his always list and went there as often as his wallet allowed him. By that point, the owner knew who he was, how he liked his sandwich, and would usually slip him a discount. Besides – it was one of the best meals in this part of Queen’s.
Tony spoke up when he saw the sign, a look of recognition on his face. “I love Del Mar’s. The number four with extra pickles got me through finals week last semester.” His face was pulled into a light grin, the man’s arm already extending to open the door, holding it for Peter. “Nice choice. I’ll gladly take this as a thank you meal,” Tony shot him a wink, the look making Peter’s head swim slightly. How the hell did someone make that look so good?
The coincidence of being led to one of his favorite bodegas wasn’t missed – Tony didn’t really know what to do with it, but he noticed. He also noticed how much they touched throughout the walk from the bar. Tony wasn’t very good about being inconspicuous unless he was trying to, and he certainly wasn’t trying to in this instance. The fact that Peter reciprocated, pushed himself into Tony’s space – that spoke volumes, too. Watching him walk through the door, Tony also knew how much he wanted to get to know Peter – in all the ways that were possible.
It didn’t take them long to get situated with their sandwiches, Mr. Del Mar recognized them both and set his son to making their food. Peter’s added “can you squish down the bread?” made Tony turn his head, a laugh leaving his lips.
“Squish down the bread? Only you,” Tony mumbled, the words probably not even loud enough for the other man to hear him. It felt good, though – the easy camaraderie between them just as nice as the sight of the beautiful man before him. He felt an elbow in his side and a head leaning in close, like he was trying to whisper in Tony’s ear.
“Don’t knock it before you try it.” Peter hummed, the gust of his breath sending an army of gooseflesh rushing along his skin.
Tony worked hard to hold the groan that threatened to escape him down – Del Mar surely didn’t need to hear anything like that coming from his mouth. When their sandwiches were ready, Tony made a hasty retreat – Peter thankfully following behind him. The night air broke up the last of the noise and the ability to breath made his head a little clearer. What a fucking rush.
“Do you trust me?” Peter asked, his head tilted in question. His grip on the sandwich bag made Tony happy that they were dangling from his hand, not clenched in the other’s fist. Without thought, Tony knew the answer.
“Yeah, I do, actually. What did you have in mind?” Tony asked, his senses on alert and running on overdrive from all the conflicting things coursing through him.
Peter didn’t verbally answer, instead, he turned around and started to walk down the sidewalk again. The unpredictability of the arresting man only increased his interest and he followed along – no worries or cares in the world. They didn’t walk for very long, Peter stopped them in front of a building fire escape, a roguish grin on his face. Tony’s eyes were glued to the flash of skin that appeared when Peter jumped to grab the folded-up ladder – the movement smooth, like Peter was an athlete in another life.
They climbed the stairs quickly, the stability of them surprisingly sturdy. Peter kept their sandwiches out to the side the entire time, the care he was taking with them so, so endearing. Tony could picture that same care being applied to Peter’s patients and immediately knew the man would be a good doctor – no other details needed. When they eventually settled on the roof – Tony let out a low whistle, the view of the night’s sky a little weakening. He couldn’t remember the last time he looked up and saw such clarity. “Pete, this view is ridiculous,” Tony gasped out, the awe evident in his voice.
Peter nodded, his eyes alight – mile long legs carried him until the younger man plopped down against the raised edge, his back pressing against it. “I know – it’s probably my favorite in the city. A couple of years ago, I was still living with a roommate. One that liked to have loud sex pretty much all the time. I don’t think he ever went to class. Anyway – I was studying for an Immunology final and couldn’t focus, so I came for a sandwich. On my wanderings while eating, I noticed the stairs were down on the fire escape, so I sort of just – climbed them. When I got up here, I felt the first sense of peace since coming to the city. I come up here all the time now,” Peter finished with a shrug, his hands already fumbling with the bag.
Tony plopped himself down next to the other and relaxed back, the view even better from this angle. He took the sandwich when Peter handed it to him, his soft smile growing a little bit. Their fingers brushed in the hand off, the delicate brush of skin to skin so fucking powerful. Sucking in a breath, he fiddled with the paper covering his sandwich to distract himself for a second. “It’s nice – being so close to the sky. The clarity up here makes the world look a little different. Thanks for sharing it,” Tony finally murmured, his shoulder shifting until it pressed against Peter’s side briefly.
The man’s blush was the only answer he got.
They made idle chatter while they ate, Tony talking about his latest robotics project – the group of kids on the team some of his best yet. Peter listened so adamantly, his head nodding every now and again while he chomped down on his flattened sandwich. In turn, Peter told Tony more about med school, about how he hoped to find a lab that would let him get lost in groundbreaking research. It was fascinating, to watch someone so empowered talk about their desires. Tony found himself hanging on every word, his sandwich long gone by the time they resurfaced from the conversation.
There weren’t a lot of times when Tony felt like he was standing near someone who could keep up with him. It wasn’t cocky, either – he understood how his brain worked and knew there were few people like him roaming the world. And without trying, he walked into someone exactly like him. Peter wanted to use his brain for good – he wanted to help people. There was something to be said for a person like that. Regardless of the man’s bad luck with his date earlier in the evening, Tony couldn’t deny how happy it made him – the way everything worked out.
They chatted for a little while longer, neither man in any hurry to be anywhere or part from the other. It was Peter’s “I should probably head home,” that brought Tony out of the daze he’d been in since sitting down next to the younger man. Glancing at his watch, he noticed that it was approaching midnight. The last few hours flew by – it didn’t seem nearly as late as it actually was. It took him a minute to nod, Tony wanting to soak up this moment just a little longer. Tony got up and dusted his hands and jeans off before holding a hand down for Peter to grab.
Long arms wrapped around his shoulders, the tug of Tony’s grip pulling Peter from the ground and up onto his feet. He thought for a second that he made Peter lose his balance – but then the arms around him tightened and the other’s face was pressing into the length of his neck. Tony let his own arms embrace Peter around the waist, his grip tightening to bring their bodies closer together. A soft nose brushed against his collar bone and under his chin – the touch innocent and tender. His arms squeezed on their own accord, the hold on Peter getting a little cozier.
The next thing Tony knew, lips were caressing his cheek, the barely there kiss fleeting and absolutely perfect. “Thanks for tonight, Tony.”
Tony pressed the side of his head against Peter’s and kept him there, the clutch of his arms the only thing he could think of to response with. There wasn’t anything to say. He helped because he could – there weren’t any other motives. The end result, well – that was just a happy accident. Turning his head, Tony slipped his nose into Peter’s hair, lips glancing against his head.
They parted ways at the bottom of the stairs, Peter grabbing Tony’s phone from his hand before he could even think to ask for his number. Later, when he finally let himself look, he grinned at the new name in his contacts – ‘Peter Parker’. It had a nice ring to it and totally fit the man attached to it. He sent off a quick text to make sure the younger man had his number and went about his way – the walk home one of the most peaceful ones he’d experienced in a long time.
Things stayed pretty casual between them for a while after that. It felt easy to simply chat about things that happened throughout the day – Peter did a good job describing the nicer parts of his job and strayed away from the heavier stuff. There were sometimes descriptions of co-worker drama, or the stupidity of professors waiting for him when Tony got a chance to take a look at his phone.
The rest of the day always went a little quicker when he got to have a couple exchanges with the man, his own stories about failing students and the many times one of his student’s grandmother passed away in attempts to get out of assignments. The uncomplicated way Tony could just be with Peter kept him from being bored and feeling an iota of loneliness.
They occasional met for low key dates, Peter’s schedule was so hectic, they usually ended up in one of their apartments eating take out and watching whatever they found interesting on Hulu. Tony helped Peter study on the night’s when the other was too exhausted to do much of anything – and they necked on the couch like teenagers when the doctor in training had more energy to spare or had the next day off.
It felt good to be restrained – getting to know Peter made the anticipation for the physical shit to come thrum with life, each little detail like a small secret to add to the growing list Tony kept in the back of his mind. In forty years of life, Tony hadn’t ever had a relationship like this – one that took the time to grow and evolve, to actually be nurtured before shit became too complicated.
So, it made sense – how uncomplicated their first encounter turned out to be. A little while into things, Peter introduced him to one of his hobbies. There weren’t many things Peter devoted his time to, so Tony was excited to hear all about the dodgeball team the younger man put together with a few of his coworkers. The invite to his game later that weekend was immediately accepted – Tony couldn’t wait to see Peter in action. In their time together, Tony wasn’t any closer to understanding the mystery of one Peter Parker – and he liked it that way.
The most surprising thing about it ended up being just how much Tony liked the sight of Peter in a cut off blue shirt with a Rambo style headband tied around his head. The muscles of his arms were trim, a little on the thin side, though the definition of each muscle was absolutely there. The black-out under his eyes brought a new dimension to the look – Tony suddenly so very taken by the whole situation. A twitch in his pants told him just how taken he really was, the jeans he was excited to wear suddenly a lot tighter – a lot more uncomfortable.
The feeling didn’t ease, either. Peter played dodgeball the same way he did everything – knowledgably, intensely, and with his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth. Every time he threw the ball, the muscles in Pete’s arms tensed, the definition becoming even more refined. The celebratory high fives and fist pumps took home the gold, though – Tony never wanted to lose the image of pure excitement on Peter’s face. He hoped that it might come in handy a little later on.
Tony forgot about the heat for a little while – the man so into the game, he didn’t know how loud he was cheering until the person next to him shot a look. Smirking, Tony shot out of his seat the next time Peter got someone out, his hands clapping together loudly. “Way to go, Petey!” Tony exclaimed, his eyes trained on the lady next to him.
It got a little better when Peter’s eyes caught his from across the court, a small smile on his face. In the end, Peter’s team ended up winning and Tony pissed that lady off a whole lot more than he initially set out to – which he wasn’t all that mad about.
The energized Peter that slammed into his arms a little while later was something new. There was sweat still clinging to his brow and a little bit of the black-out still smudged under his eyes – that much was recognizable. The simmering look that sat right at the surface, that was something Tony didn’t recognize. It became rather clear what it was, though – Peter’s lips caressing his in the next moment directive enough. Tony thrust his hands into the other’s sweaty locks and pulled him closer, his head tilting ever so slightly to fix the angle, to deepen the kiss.
A round of cheers was the only thing that brought them out of the passionate embrace. Tony looked over Peter’s shoulder to see the rest of the team approaching them. Peter rested his head on Tony’s chest, the huff of a sigh evidenced in the warm gust of air leaking through his shirt to grace his skin. Peter turned and introduced him to everyone, the collective welcoming him with open arms. They’d been keeping things on the low, just to have some time enjoying the thing between them while it was still just that – between them. It felt good, though – to be acknowledge by Peter as someone important to him.
All bets were off the second they walked into Tony’s apartment, however. Peter ripped off his shirt without a second thought – his arms pulling Tony in until their lips were on each other, the other’s tongue insistent, searching – yearning for Tony. Overwhelmed for a second, Tony focused on the lips on his first. He returned the kiss with equal measure. His hands joined the party next, desperate palms finally getting to press against smooth skin, the feel of it so goddamn soft. A moan ripped from Tony’s throat, effectively breaking the kiss. Peter didn’t miss a beat, he tugged at the hem of Tony’s shirt until the offensive article of clothing was on the floor, joining his own.
Tony couldn’t stand the distance between them and closed it, his being eager to be sealed at the lips with Peter again. He let his hands wrap around the man’s lower back, hands slipping under the damp waistband of Peter’s shorts – fingertips brushing against the round globes of flesh there. Tony pushed his hands as far as they could go, eager palms filling with the fullness of Peter’s cheeks. Their lips stayed busy, the hum of approval on his lips enough to know the other didn’t mind his wandering hands.
They made it as far as the couch before Tony got impatient and pushed Peter down onto it. His hands worked to take off shoes, socks, and shorts – the man on the couch cushions now encased in only his spandex boxer briefs, the black a solid contrast to the pale flesh underneath. Tony made quick work of his own get up until he was as equally undressed as Peter.
A palm pressed down on the bulge in his underwear, the damp spot causing his eyes to slam shut – the bite of his teeth in his bottom lip stopping a moan from shooting from his lips. Looking up, Tony had to catch his breath – Peter followed suit, his hand gripped himself over top of the fabric keeping him clothed. This time, the moan fell straight from his lips – their eyes connecting as the sound radiated around the otherwise quiet room.
Taking that leap, Tony kicked out of his underwear before joining Peter on the couch, his eager fingers already working to pull the sexy black fabric from the younger man’s skin. As he pulled them down, Tony pressed his fingertips into muscled thigs, across ticklish knees, and down over hairy shins – the soft fur on top of Peter’s feet brushing his skin tantalizingly. Now naked, Tony took his time to stare down at the beautiful body spread out before him – the lengthy limbs covered in unmarred skin, his cock nestled in the v of his thighs, the flesh thick and the head already glistening with want.
“Fucking finally,” Peter gasped out when Tony pressed in and gave them the first taste of fully naked flesh on flesh. Tony tucked his head into the gap of Peter’s neck – his chuckle quickly turning into a moan vibrated into the skin. Peter’s impatience reared its head, the younger man’s hips pressing against him – the fluid he so steadily leaked smearing on Tony’s cock, his pubes, even the skin of his stomach.
Tony pressed a swift kiss to Peter’s neck, his hips dropping and finally pressing their lengths together. “Fuck,” Tony babbled, his head moving until he could see Peter, their eyes catching, gaze hot. “I’m not going to last long,” he admitted, the feeling of heat creeping from his toes, up his legs, and into the middle of his core was persistent – it’d been a long time since someone this beautiful graced his bed. And it felt like forever since he’d been wanting Peter. The touch of his skin made him feel crazy – absolutely out of his head.
Desperate to distract himself, Tony sealed his lips over Peter’s, the kiss hard and oh so sloppy.
“Touch me, please. I want your hands on me – on us. Please, baby. Please – “ Peter panted out, his head turning to the side to catch some air. The usually pale skin was covered in a flush – the blood rushing in all different directions making his skin a rosy color and completely covered in sweat. It was beautiful – Peter was beautiful, in all the ways – all the personifications of it, too.
Unwilling to anything other than comply, Tony wiggled his hand down between their chests, fingers wrapping around the both of them – their lengths clenched in his grip in the most perfect of ways. The slippery nature of Peter’s slick made the pass of his hand over the sensitive skin of both their cocks deliciously sweet – the glide smooth, hypnotic. The combined keens and whimpers leaving both men’s lips played as the soundtrack of their coupling – Peter’s repeated ‘yes, yes, yes’ just about enough to push Tony over the edge right then and there.
The shooting wave of heat increased when Peter added his pumping hips to the mix. Tony’s hand was already stroking them with quick wrist movements, his wrist turning a little bit the closer he got to the tip – the drips of glorious precum from both their cocks a steady lubricant and delectably succulent. “I’m close, I’m close,” Peter babbled, his hand slipping between them to join Tony’s in the tight squeeze around their cocks.
The tangling of their fingers increased the pressure and the subtle lift of Peter’s hips was too much – too fucking delectable to hang onto any longer.
“Oh, god – Tony!” Peter shouted first – his cum striping both their stomachs, each pulse of it warm – succulent.
Tony bit into his lip, the pain mixing perfectly with the pleasure – the combination enough to barrel the orgasm right out of him. “Pete, baby… fuck – “ Tony added to the mess lingering between them, the stickiness on his hands and chest pulling a shudder from him. The lingering aftereffects of his orgasm blanked out everything but the rise and fall of Pete’s chest against his own.
The very next morning, Peter woke to the press of lips against the side of his head and a hand tangling in his curls, the touch light. “I’ve got to get to work, Pete. There’s a key on the counter by the coffee machine. Lock up when you leave – and keep it. See you later,” Tony’s voice was light, the man’s obvious attempt at not waking Peter up for good. He was thankful – the pull of his heavy eyes was already trying to tug him back under.
Reaching up, Peter grabbed Tony’s cheeks and pulled him down until they were kissing. His lips felt a little raw from the night before, the burn from Tony’s mustache and goatee luscious – the right side of painfully delectable. When he pulled back, Peter let their noses brush for a second, the gesture intimate. He felt a little more tied to the other man now – the physicality between them enough to cement a lot of things. It felt odd, to have waited so long. Yet, the outcome felt better than any other sexual experience he ever shared with someone. And they hadn’t even fucked yet.
“I’ll see you later. Have a good day at work, Mr. Stark.” Peter chuckled at the look of surprise on Tony’s face. Then, he smirked, Tony’s hand coming up to brush against the hair on his chin. Peter saw that gesture enough to know that was Tony’s thinking pose. Grinning, Peter used a sleepy hand to gesture him out the door. “Go, go. Don’t be late for class.”
Peter felt another kiss pressed to his head, then the smell of Tony’s cologne retreated – the thought dissatisfying for about a second. Snuggling back into the pillow, he quickly forgot about any sort of disappointment he might have felt trying to bubble up.
A couple hours later, Peter woke up to his phone buzzing on the nightstand. He grabbed it, his sleepy eyes checking out the screen. Seeing Tony’s name had him waking up a little more thoroughly, the sleepiness drifting away as he swiped his thumb across the screen to answer the call. “Tony – everything okay? Free period isn’t until after lunch, right?” Peter spoke worriedly, his body now completely upright – the cobwebs of sleep now completely gone.
“Hey, Pete. Sorry to wake you up, baby. I left my file folder on the kitchen table and I have a test next period – which the copies of are in that folder. Would it be possible for you to bring it to me? I wouldn’t ask, but if I postpone this test, we’ll be a whole week behind – we’re too close to AP exams for that.” Tony’s tone of voice didn’t broker any arguments – Peter knew he wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Grinning at the thought, he started to climb out of bed.
“It would be possible. How much time do I have? I can just leave for my rounds when I’m finished,” Peter replied, his feet hitting the cold floor for the first time that day – a sigh leaving his lips at the feeling.
He could hear some rustling, then a door opening and shutting. “My next class is in an hour. I’ve got robotics doing a write up today. I’ll owe you, Pete.” Tony’s voice dropped an octave with that last bit – Peter imagining that the man’s eyebrows rose and fell with the words, too.
Knowing he could be showered and ready in less than half an hour, Peter stood up and made his way to the front room. If he was going to take the damn thing, he needed to make sure he knew what it was. The folder was easy to spot – the bulkiness of it a Tonyism, the lack of organization stupidly endearing. “Blue folder, right?”
“Blue folder. Pete, you’re the best. Thank you.” Tony sounded sincere, like Peter was really doing him a solid. He had to admit, being appreciated for the little things wasn’t the worst. The whole being in a relationship wasn’t the worst, either, if he were being honest with himself.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before answering, the need to damper his smile there – despite the fact that it was quickly becoming difficult to do so. “It’s the least I can do. I’ll shoot you a text and let you know when I get to Midtown. Go back and keep your kids in order.” Tony chuckled on the other side of the phone and Peter joined him, the action making him feel light – floaty.
Kicking himself into gear, Peter stripped off the sleep pants he borrowed from Tony and stepped into the shower – this stall much bigger than the one in his tiny apartment. He indulged a little, washing his skin and hair with Tony’s body wash and shampoo – smelling like him for the rest of the day sounded pretty nice. Especially during rotations, one sniff and the soothing reminder of Tony and the comfort he brought would make it all better.
It felt nice to luxuriate in the first sleep over moment, too. Every breath that picked up the distinct Tony Stark scent would be a reminder of their time together, of the way Tony pulled pleasure from him like it was what he’d been made to do.
A little bit of forethought meant Peter had an extra pair of scrubs in the backpack he brought with him to the game the day before – so he slipped them on, the light blue pair one of his favorite sets. Letting his hair dry a little, Peter put a piece of bread in Tony’s high-tech toaster and ate it sitting on the counter – the fancy strawberry jelly in the fridge some of the best he’d ever had. Licking his fingers, Peter cleaned up after himself and finished getting ready.
His heart pounded double time for the first couple seconds after picking up the house key. It was solid black and matched with Tony’s sleek aesthetic – and it fit perfectly on his carabiner, the sight of it making his breath hitch. No matter how sleepy Peter was that morning, he understood the immensity of the gesture. Tony was letting him into his life in a more permanent manner. Though they’d been inseparable for a few months now, they never talked about it. He should have known Tony would find a subtle way to get his point across.
After forcing himself to pocket the key, Peter grabbed the file folder, pressing it into his backpack with the rest of his study material. He took another look around the room, a warm feeling washing over him – though he’d been here more than a few times, it felt a little different now. He’d probably never be able to look at the couch without thinking about the way Tony stroked him off, the way he came so hard because of the man. Wetting his lips, Peter backed out of the room and exited the house, his shiny key fitting into the lock easily.
Midtown was only a ten-minute walk from Tony’s house – the very adult decision to live close was beneficial and cut down on the amount of effort Peter needed to put forth to get there. Lots of time, he told himself – lots of time. There weren’t too many people out at this time of the morning, so he got to be a little leisurely about it. His entire body felt buoyant, lighter than air – and he knew it was because of Tony and the way things were slowly starting to knit together for them. He was about to walk into the man’s school for fucks sake!
Pulling out his phone, Peter sent off a quick text.
Peter Parker [10:40AM]: I’m here – what’s next?
Tony Stark [10:42AM]: You need to check in at the office. Stacy at the front desk knows to look out for you. She’ll direct you back to my classroom. Tony Stark [10:42AM]: Thanks again, Pete.
Smiling, Peter walking in through the front doors and right into the office, the place thankfully not a complicated maze. Stacy was a nice older woman who wore bright red lipstick and smiled widely. She looked at him for a couple extra seconds when he handed over his ID – a knowing sort of glimmer in her eyes. For the first time, Peter thought that maybe Tony did not have anyone bring him things like this – especially a younger person like himself. He just smiled and let her give him directions to the science hall – she told him that Tony’s door would be recognizable.
And it was – it so was. There was a 2D robot plastered to the door, the cutout surrounded by science quotes and a cute handmade Stark Industries sign – the man telling Peter that his robotics team deemed themselves that during one of their competitions a few years ago. He knocked on the door lightly, his head peeking through the window for a second – his eyes widening when he noticed a whole lot of eyes looking over at him. Tony caught his eye and smiled – the look grateful and excited and happy all at once.
Peter took a step back when Tony opened the door and stepped out – the anti-slam mechanism on the door making it shut slowly. Tony’s arm wrapped around him and tugged him into a one arm hug – his lips pressing against Peter’s cheek. “Thanks for coming. I was so wrapped up in you and us and how fucking happy I am that I totally forgot. You’re a lifesaver.” Tony’s smile was soft, his eyes a bit gooey – his happiness radiating.
He slipped one of the straps off his shoulders and brought the backpack around, his fingers working the zippers easily. “I’m liking the sound of that. And I’m happy to help. I like being able to see where you work. Mr. Stark has a new meaning for me now,” Peter replied coyly. Handing over the folder, Tony let his fingers linger on Peter’s skin for a moment, the two sharing a look – the soft smile on Pete’s lips reflected right back at him.
A noise had Peter looking up – his eyes widening when he saw a couple of the students from the front row pressed up against the door, watching their interaction. “I think we’ve got an audience,” Peter whispered, his hand coming to the side of his mouth to make it look a little sneakier. He felt Tony’s snort against his cheek, the gust of air warm.
“Sneaky shits can’t mind their own business.” Tony murmured back, his free hand reaching up to rest on the soft skin of Peter’s cheek. “You and I will be the gossip of the school for the next few weeks, so we might as well give them something to talk about.” Peter got what he meant about a second before Tony’s lips touched his own – his eyes slipping shut at the touch, regardless. The kiss was soft and chaste, barely there – yet one of the best they’d shared yet.
“I’ll see you tonight?” Tony asked pulling back, his hands once again in his own space – the toasty warmth on Peter’s skin the only reminder of the touch being there.
Peter nodded, his hand reaching out to brush along Tony’s lip – the slightest bit of shiny spit lingering there. “I’ll see you tonight. I’ll be done with my shift around 8.” He shouldered his backpack, preparing himself to leave. “Text me when you’re done for the day.” Peter shot him a wink and took another step back – the distance between them just enough for Tony to break from the haze of their connection and step back into the classroom.
He was about to walk away when he heard a voice through the wall – “Mr. Stark, was that your boyfriend?”
His stomach clenched; ears peeled to hear the response.
“Yeah, it was. Now stop gawking over how cute he is and let’s get back to thermodynamic equilibrium.”
Grinning, Peter hoped this floaty feeling of being so in love would never leave.  
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thorne93 · 5 years ago
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 37)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2041
Warnings: Language, fighting, sad moment, angst
Song for this part: Better- Betty Who
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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As soon as Shannon’s parents left, you and Shannon head to the apartment. 
Once you’re there, memory lane hit you like a semi-truck. You took a look around the apartment you two purchased what seems like lifetimes ago. Your eyes traveled over pictures of you two graduating, the first day Shannon took a job with Stark, your first patent in physics… Pictures and paintings you two had bought together, that super comfy blanket you found at the mall… Every little item was a new memory. 
“Wow. I forgot just how good we were at decorating,” you said in a sort of amused, awe inspired tone. 
“Yeah, with your color palette and my great knack for finding unique items, this place really looked great,” she agreed. 
Next, you wanted to see your bedroom. You wondered if it would be exactly as you remembered it.
When you opened the door, you were stunned to find it was. All the brainwashing and time away couldn’t even change that. The black and purple comforter was still on your bed. Your walls were covered with your favorite movie posters and whiteboards. The dresser was covered in papers and pictures of years past. 
“I had your bed sheets washed periodically,” Shannon suddenly said from behind you. You turned to face her.
“Ah, yeah, thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around. You went to your closet, surprised at how many bright colors were in there. Now, you mainly opted for black, red, green, and purple. “I don’t even know what to take… Actually…” an idea struck in your mind. “Shannon, you said that I could have this apartment, right?” 
“Of course, Y/N. There’s not much else I can do with it. I mean this is our home.” She waved her hands around the place. “I think it’d be more suited if you had it, it’s all paid off so no need to worry about much there.” She smiled knowing her friend would stay close to her even if it wasn’t a floor away. 
You chewed your lip, hoping this didn’t sound awful. “Well… instead of me taking stuff back to the cell -- because I’d really like to stay out of it, and making it feel like home feels awful -- what if… well what if you took some of your stuff back to the tower, with Tony? I mean, you’re engaged now, and Loki and I would like a place all to our own. I’m sure he’d want to go get some things… What do you think? I mean, I don’t wanna sound like I’m kicking you and your stuff out…” 
“Um… yeah sure I can probably get Stevie to help me pack my things and have it out in a few days,” she said trying not to sound hurt. “Well I guess I leave you to it then, I’ll be in my old room collecting my things.” 
Shannon walked out of the room slumping her shoulders a bit. She knew it was childish to feel hurt because she’s not living with her bestie/sister. But it hurt knowing she no longer had a place in their home. She entered her room and was flooded with emotions and memories of when it had been just the two of them here. Shooting a quick text to Steve, she got to work placing her things in her suitcases.  
Seeing your best friend this hurt made you feel worse than when you two were physically fighting in New York. You sighed and went into her room and sat on her bed.
“You know… you don’t have to just rip all your stuff out of here,” you said, looking up at her. You took the sweater she had in her hands from her gently. “What if… we did this? Loki and I will share a bedroom, we don’t need the second. You’re welcome to stay here any time, as long as you call ahead? Just to make sure you know… it’s a good time? This was your home for years, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m booting you out.” You reached over and gripped her hand, smiling up at her. 
Shannon had been concentrating on packing so she wouldn't let the little tear slip out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. I get it, you want a place to create new memories with Loki.” She stopped packing and sat down next to you. “I shouldn’t have assumed everything would be like before everything happened.” She went on to say how she understands that you’re both different people and that’s fine because you two are adults. 
The rest of the day was just you two talking and remembering things that were once forgotten and after eating dinner together and watching some movies like old times, Shannon excused herself for a moment.  She headed to her room and made a call to the tower.
“Hey babe, I’m still at the apartment with Y/N. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be home soon and that she’s decided that she would like to live here in the apartment with Loki once he gets out too.”
“You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were going to say that you two will be staying the night there.” 
“And what if we had decided that huh? We’re adults plus I figured she wouldn’t want to sleep away from him.” She walked around looking at all the things she had left in her room. “I was wondering if you could have someone come help her redecorate the place to their liking?”
There was silence on the line. “If that’s what you really want then sure we can have that done once he gets out of the cell too.”
“I’ll see you at home soon enough.”
“See you here.”
With that Shannon went back to the living room. And they finished watching the last movie they had picked. 
You turned your head to Shannon lazily on the couch as the movie started to end. It was one both  of you had seen at least twenty times. “This has been the best possible day for me being released.”
“Yeah?” Shannon asked, happy to hear that.
“Of course. I became your maid of honor, we went wedding dress shopping, we went out to that great lunch spot, I got to see Lucky, and Diane and Tom… You and I got to spend the whole day together…” 
“Yeah, yeah it was nice, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm. And I’m sorry about the whole apartment thing,” you apologized again. “It’s just…”
Shannon held up her hand. “I get it. You and Loki have never been alone. This is a place for you to start your lives together. Tony and I have the whole tower, and I have my old floor. If you and I need time away together, we can do it on my old floor.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, still worried you’d hurt her feelings.
“I’m positive, hun.”
At that, you smiled. As soon as the movie ended, the two of you picked up all the food and plates you’d accumulated during the day and cleaned the apartment. 
“Well, I better get back to Loki before he thinks I’ve abandoned him.” 
She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
Back at the tower, you and Shannon parted ways, bidding each other goodnight while she went upstairs to Tony and you ventured downstairs to Loki. 
As soon as your eyes landed on him, your chest filled with warmth, then a bit of chagrin when you remembered where you two were. You walked up to the cell door, put your hand on the scanner, and entered. 
“Hi, darling,” you greeted as you walked into the living room. It was odd, to say the least, having the freedom to come or go as you please in this place. “Happy to see me back?”
“I am,” he admitted to you. “How was your day out?” he asked, putting his book down.
“It was… a little overwhelming, but overall it was great.”
“Did they give you any stipulations or anything like that?” 
You got up and headed to the kitchen, readying to make some coffee for yourself. “Uh, actually, yeah. I have a parole officer. I have to report to him a few times a week, work with him… you know…” you said, dancing around the topic. 
“That sounds stressful.”
“Actually, my parole officer couldn’t be more laid back,” you assured. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well that’s good then.”
“He can have a bit of a temper,” you added with a bit of a smirk. 
“Well just stay on the right side of that,” he encouraged as he reached around you to grab a mug and pour himself some coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I can. We’ll be working in his lab. He wants me for my physics brain so…”
“Oh, he’s a scientist? I thought on Midgard they had officers dedicated to this sort of thing?” 
You slowly nodded. “Well.. Yeah, they do. But I’m sort of a special case. A normal cop can’t exactly control me if I get out of hand so--”
“Is your parole officer Bruce Banner?” he asked point blank suddenly, cutting you off.
You pressed your lips into a thin line and that was all the answer he needed. A man as clever and witty as Loki would of course see through the thin veil of truth you’d weaved.
“Yes… he is but--”
“Are you serious? They stuck you with that animal?” 
“Bruce is not an animal,” you calmly retorted.
“I beg to differ, or do you not remember the broken ribs and mangled face I acquired last time we met?” he demanded.
“I do, but… my love, we kind of… we brought that on ourselves, did we not?” 
“I want you to demand someone else,” he ordered. “I don’t want you working with him.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Loki, I’m not going to do that. Bruce is highly respected in my field and if this goes well, he could really get me back in. A foot in the door doesn’t even begin to explain just how much working with him would fatten my resume. I could work for virtually any company.”
“I don’t care. You would be willing to work with the man who nearly killed me? Your career means more than my life?” 
A bitch face clouded your expression. “Now, Loki, that isn’t fair. I’m not choosing one or the other. As long as you don’t piss him off, he won’t do it again.”
“Ah, right, don’t raise his blood pressure or we could all die. It’s amazing to me how I’m the one in a cell when he’s the one that can’t be around loud noises or he could kill hundreds of people because he got shocked.” 
“He can’t help turning into a monster but--”
Loki stared at you. “But what, darling? Go ahead and finish that sentence. Let me guess: but I can? Is that where you were going with that?” 
You stared at him, your face even. “No,” was all you said to him. 
“This is amazing. You’re out of this cell for less than twenty-four hours and you’ve already turned on me.”
“Turned on you? I came back to you. I came back to this cell, which I fucking hate by the way, just to be with you, to spend the night with you.”
“Well who asked you to do that?” he asked with a cold smile. “Please, don’t let me burden you,” he coldly replied before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
On that note, you let out a huge sigh. Well, what to do now… 
You went into the office and tapped on the tablet, pulling up your only contact and calling it. After three rings she picked up. 
“Hey,” you greeted, not hiding your sadness.
“Hey, hun. What’s up?”
“Can I come up?” 
“Sure thing… I’ll meet you on my old floor, yeah?”
You nodded and ended the video call. Leaving the cell for the second time today, but no intention of returning in your mind this time.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaeling @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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mrs-dragneel-stark-solo · 5 years ago
Unforseen Chasm (part 37)
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Part 37 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2041 Warnings: Language, fighting,sad moment, ANGST!!!!!! the angst gets me sad so you know its good lol song for this part: Better- Betty Who Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As soon as Shannon’s parents left, you and Shannon head to the apartment. 
Once you’re there, memory lane hit you like a semi-truck. You took a look around the apartment you two purchased what seems like lifetimes ago. Your eyes traveled over pictures of you two graduating, the first day Shannon took a job with Stark, your first patent in physics… Pictures and paintings you two had bought together, that super comfy blanket you found at the mall… Every little item was a new memory. 
“Wow. I forgot just how good we were at decorating,” you said in a sort of amused, awe inspired tone. 
“Yeah, with your color palette and my great knack for finding unique items, this place really looked great,” she agreed. 
Next, you wanted to see your bedroom. You wondered if it would be exactly as you remembered it. 
When you opened the door, you were stunned to find it was. All the brainwashing and time away couldn’t even change that. The black and purple comforter was still on your bed. Your walls were covered with your favorite movie posters and whiteboards. The dresser was covered in papers and pictures of years past. 
“I had your bed sheets washed periodically,” Shannon suddenly said from behind you. You turned to face her.
“Ah, yeah, thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around. You went to your closet, surprised at how many bright colors were in there. Now, you mainly opted for black, red, green, and purple. “I don’t even know what to take… Actually…” an idea struck in your mind. “Shannon, you said that I could have this apartment, right?” 
“Of course, Y/N. There’s not much else I can do with it. I mean this is our home.” She waved her hands around the place. “I think it’d be more suited if you had it, it’s all paid off so no need to worry about much there.” She smiled knowing her friend would stay close to her even if it wasn’t a floor away. 
You chewed your lip, hoping this didn’t sound awful. “Well… instead of me taking stuff back to the cell -- because I’d really like to stay out of it, and making it feel like home feels awful -- what if… well what if you took some of your stuff back to the tower, with Tony? I mean, you’re engaged now, and Loki and I would like a place all to our own. I’m sure he’d want to go get some things… What do you think? I mean, I don’t wanna sound like I’m kicking you and your stuff out…” 
“Um… yeah sure I can probably get Stevie to help me pack my things and have it out in a few days,” she said trying not to sound hurt. “Well I guess I leave you to it then, I’ll be in my old room collecting my things.” 
Shannon walked out of the room slumping her shoulders a bit. She knew it was childish to feel hurt because she’s not living with her bestie/sister. But it hurt knowing she no longer had a place in their home. She entered her room and was flooded with emotions and memories of when it had been just the two of them here. Shooting a quick text to Steve, she got to work placing her things in her suitcases.  
Seeing your best friend this hurt made you feel worse than when you two were physically fighting in New York. You sighed and went into her room and sat on her bed.
“You know… you don’t have to just rip all your stuff out of here,” you said, looking up at her. You took the sweater she had in her hands from her gently. “What if… we did this? Loki and I will share a bedroom, we don’t need the second. You’re welcome to stay here any time, as long as you call ahead? Just to make sure you know… it’s a good time? This was your home for years, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m booting you out.” You reached over and gripped her hand, smiling up at her. 
Shannon had been concentrating on packing so she wouldn't let the little tear slip out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. I get it, you want a place to create new memories with Loki.” She stopped packing and sat down next to you. “I shouldn’t have assumed everything would be like before everything happened.” She went on to say how she understands that you’re both different people and that’s fine because you two are adults. 
The rest of the day was just you two talking and remembering things that were once forgotten and after eating dinner together and watching some movies like old times, Shannon excused herself for a moment.  She headed to her room and made a call to the tower.
“Hey babe, I’m still at the apartment with Y/N. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be home soon and that she’s decided that she would like to live here in the apartment with Loki once he gets out too.”
“You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were going to say that you two will be staying the night there.” 
“And what if we had decided that huh? We’re adults plus I figured she wouldn’t want to sleep away from him.” She walked around looking at all the things she had left in her room. “I was wondering if you could have someone come help her redecorate the place to their liking?”
There was silence on the line. “If that’s what you really want then sure we can have that done once he gets out of the cell too.”
“I’ll see you at home soon enough.”
“See you here.”
With that Shannon went back to the living room. And they finished watching the last movie they had picked. 
You turned your head to Shannon lazily on the couch as the movie started to end. It was one both  of you had seen at least twenty times. “This has been the best possible day for me being released.”
“Yeah?” Shannon asked, happy to hear that.
“Of course. I became your maid of honor, we went wedding dress shopping, we went out to that great lunch spot, I got to see Lucky, and Diane and Tom… You and I got to spend the whole day together…” 
“Yeah, yeah it was nice, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm. And I’m sorry about the whole apartment thing,” you apologized again. “It’s just…”
Shannon held up her hand. “I get it. You and Loki have never been alone. This is a place for you to start your lives together. Tony and I have the whole tower, and I have my old floor. If you and I need time away together, we can do it on my old floor.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, still worried you’d hurt her feelings.
“I’m positive, hun.”
At that, you smiled. As soon as the movie ended, the two of you picked up all the food and plates you’d accumulated during the day and cleaned the apartment. 
“Well, I better get back to Loki before he thinks I’ve abandoned him.” 
She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
Back at the tower, you and Shannon parted ways, bidding each other goodnight while she went upstairs to Tony and you ventured downstairs to Loki. 
As soon as your eyes landed on him, your chest filled with warmth, then a bit of chagrin when you remembered where you two were. You walked up to the cell door, put your hand on the scanner, and entered. 
“Hi, darling,” you greeted as you walked into the living room. It was odd, to say the least, having the freedom to come or go as you please in this place. “Happy to see me back?”
“I am,” he admitted to you. “How was your day out?” he asked, putting his book down.
“It was… a little overwhelming, but overall it was great.”
“Did they give you any stipulations or anything like that?” 
You got up and headed to the kitchen, readying to make some coffee for yourself. “Uh, actually, yeah. I have a parole officer. I have to report to him a few times a week, work with him… you know…” you said, dancing around the topic. 
“That sounds stressful.”
“Actually, my parole officer couldn’t be more laid back,” you assured. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well that’s good then.”
“He can have a bit of a temper,” you added with a bit of a smirk. 
“Well just stay on the right side of that,” he encouraged as he reached around you to grab a mug and pour himself some coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I can. We’ll be working in his lab. He wants me for my physics brain so…”
“Oh, he’s a scientist? I thought on Midgard they had officers dedicated to this sort of thing?” 
You slowly nodded. “Well.. Yeah, they do. But I’m sort of a special case. A normal cop can’t exactly control me if I get out of hand so--”
“Is your parole officer Bruce Banner?” he asked point blank suddenly, cutting you off.
You pressed your lips into a thin line and that was all the answer he needed. A man as clever and witty as Loki would of course see through the thin veil of truth you’d weaved.
“Yes… he is but--”
“Are you serious? They stuck you with that animal?” 
“Bruce is not an animal,” you calmly retorted.
“I beg to differ, or do you not remember the broken ribs and mangled face I acquired last time we met?” he demanded.
“I do, but… my love, we kind of… we brought that on ourselves, did we not?” 
“I want you to demand someone else,” he ordered. “I don’t want you working with him.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Loki, I’m not going to do that. Bruce is highly respected in my field and if this goes well, he could really get me back in. A foot in the door doesn’t even begin to explain just how much working with him would fatten my resume. I could work for virtually any company.”
“I don’t care. You would be willing to work with the man who nearly killed me? Your career means more than my life?” 
A bitch face clouded your expression. “Now, Loki, that isn’t fair. I’m not choosing one or the other. As long as you don’t piss him off, he won’t do it again.”
“Ah, right, don’t raise his blood pressure or we could all die. It’s amazing to me how I’m the one in a cell when he’s the one that can’t be around loud noises or he could kill hundreds of people because he got shocked.” 
“He can’t help turning into a monster but--”
Loki stared at you. “But what, darling? Go ahead and finish that sentence. Let me guess: but I can? Is that where you were going with that?” 
You stared at him, your face even. “No,” was all you said to him. 
“This is amazing. You’re out of this cell for less than twenty-four hours and you’ve already turned on me.”
“Turned on you? I came back to you. I came back to this cell, which I fucking hate by the way, just to be with you, to spend the night with you.”
“Well who asked you to do that?” he asked with a cold smile. “Please, don’t let me burden you,” he coldly replied before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
On that note, you let out a huge sigh. Well, what to do now… 
You went into the office and tapped on the tablet, pulling up your only contact and calling it. After three rings she picked up. 
“Hey,” you greeted, not hiding your sadness.
“Hey, hun. What’s up?”
“Can I come up?” 
“Sure thing… I’ll meet you on my old floor, yeah?”
You nodded and ended the video call. Leaving the cell for the second time today, but no intention of returning in your mind this time.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​
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thefanficmistress · 6 years ago
⋆✦⋆The Blind Date  ⋆✦⋆
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Richard hasn’t seen you in almost 20 years since you moved from London to Canada for work. Being the little sister to one of his friends, both of you always had a weird relationship filled with laughs and sexual tension. 
You were the lovesick girl, while he was on his way to fame. Your brother always noticed and teased you about it. Your brother sets you up on a blind date with someone you didn’t expect.
Setting: New York City 
Warnings: Smut, Swearing, Angst and Fluff
Pairing: Richard Armitage x Reader, Richard Armitage x Female Character, Richard Armitage x You, You X Richard Armitage, Richard Armitage x OC
Context © me
@purplerain85 @shikin83 @jassy2101 @catthefearless @patanghill17 @aelinninielelain @deepestfirefun @fizzyxcustard @richard-crispin-armitage @pixiedurango @xxbyimm  : Please let me know if you would like to be tagged.  _____ PART 1 “ I wish you would just say yes (Y/N)” Your brother wined in the phone. “Why do I need to say yes? I don’t know the person you’re setting me up with.” “Isn’t that the point of a blind date? I can’t tell you. You have to trust me.” He says as he laughs. You roll your eyes and stare out the window of your office building. It was raining, and the streets of New York beneath you were busy as always. The cabs honking, people yelling, and the constant sound of ever moving traffic. This city truly never sleeps. She took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and put your index finger and thumb in between your eyes to sooth the headache that was building. “The last time you…”  “ I know, I know, and I can’t apologize enough for that. How was I supposed to know he was a comedy magician?”  “I could have choked him with his infinity rings Mark!” Your voice very ominous remembering that date. “I had to fake laugh, and then tell him I had a family emergency to get out of it.” “I know…” He started, but you interrupted. You pulled the phone away from your ear, and yell into the receiver. “No, you don’t know! What good is it that you set me up with dates, and always screw it up?! You, The Human Tinder, and you can’t even swipe left or right correctly!” You put the phone back to your ear. “Look, you and Sean broke up a year ago, and you need to get back out there. I may have missed a few “swipes” as you put it, but I’ll get it right one of these days, and you will thank me.” 
You remain silent. Maybe he would talk himself out of it, like he always talks you into things. But he then says something that threw you off “Duckling, I’m worried about you.” He confessed. 
He always called you Duckling when he wanted to show you that he was now claiming the protective big brother role. One of the many nicknames he gave you when you were kids, but Duckling you hated the most. He always said you reminded him of the ugly duckling when you were younger. As cruel as it sounded, he hated you when you were born, he thought you were ugly only because your parents showed you so much attention. At the time he didn’t understand what being a brother was. You didn’t really fit in with him or his friends, he teased you a lot, and made fun of you. The normal acts of an older brother. This definitely didn’t change when your parents moved to the UK. 
“Don’t call me that.” You sighed and leaned forward on your desk. Your headache was getting worse. “Why exactly are you worried? I’m perfectly fine being alone.” You tried to say convincingly. To be honest you didn’t like it. You wanted someone, but not just anyone. They had to be special. Special enough to make you forget about what Sean did to you. Mark wasn’t wrong when he said it had been a year since you split from Sean. He wasn’t a bad guy, he just wasn’t ready for a commitment, and you were. He didn’t want kids, or had any real ambition for his life, but you did. You wanted to travel and wanted someone who would travel with you. You wanted kids, and a family, and he thought that getting married and having kids was a waste of money. He was ok with where he was, and he wanted you to be ok with it too. You wanted more, so you ended it and never looked back.  Sean on the other had didn’t take it so well. He still calls you from time to time. You run into him at parties because you shared friends and rolled in the same circle. Since you he had been through 3 other girlfriends. He looked as though he had a new one every month, he always had to introduce you to them. Brag about their relationship, and then sadly tell you that you would find someone soon enough. It hurt, yes, but you didn’t let him see it. You would smile and gracefully leave the party with your pride intact and go home alone.  “Because you haven’t…. you know.” He playful teases with a smile in his voice. “I haven’t what?” You asked. “Don’t make me say it.” He said, his voice weirdly low. “You know…it” “What?” You questioned. “(Y/N) ….IT! You haven’t done IT!” He stresses over the phone. “Eww Mark!” You shriek on the phone. He started to speak, but you already pulled the phone away from your ear, and you felt a tremor of utter disgust run through your entire body. The very idea that your older brother was concerned about you getting laid made you nauseous. You almost dropped the phone on your desk. Did the thought every cross his mind that YOU are his LITTLE sister and maybe needed a companion? Needed love, and happiness? Nooooo. It was sex.
Your mind drifted to your empty apartment. To your empty bed, and to the fact that no one was waiting for you. You shook off the thought and put the phone back to your ear. He was talking and you heard absolutely nothing he said. “Fine! Whatever just make it happen, text me the location. Whatever it will take to shut you up and to never hear you mention my sex life again.” “Duckling, you need a sex life to have one. I’m just trying to get the first part started for you.” He rebutted.   “Goodbye Mark. “You sang back gracefully as you hit the bright red end button on your iPhone. It sang a few moments later with a message that said. ____________ MARK {The River Café : One Water Street – Brooklyn, NY – 11201 – 8PM.} MARK {His name is Jamie by the way :) } MARK {Don’t be late!}                                                                         YOU {Bite me! :) } MARK {Good luck! Duckling.} ______________ You left the office and went home to prepare for yet another date with some guy you hoped wasn’t a weirdo. Or at least the weirdos you didn’t like. A few hours later
You showered, covered your body in scented lotion of honeysuckle and lavender. You let your black hair down, and it fell in cascading loose curls around your shoulders and over your breast. You were about 5’1, curvy, with thickness in all the right places. Your hair always fell thick and full bodied and complemented your tiny stature well. 
You put on a sleeveless short black mini dress with a dark pink under lining. It had a beading design along the haltered bodice that hugged your breast beautifully. The dress fell right above your knees, and the skirt flared out at the waist. Slipping on your heels you grabbed your keys and sprinted yourself with perfume and looked at yourself in the full body mirror. 
“If this doesn’t work, this will be your last blind date.” You said to yourself, as your reflected stated back at you with the same finalizing decision. “Go get’em tiger.” You smiled and high five yourself gently. Your hands coming in contact with the cold surface of the glass. Then you left. 
Across a bridge, over a river, and you walk into a dream. Located in one of New York’s most unique settings, The River Café has become very well-known around the world as a culinary destination and your brother picked it. Nestled riverside under the Brooklyn Bridge with sweeping views of the New York skyline and the Statue of Liberty, The River Café serves a classic New American menu using freshest ingredients. So, one point to him. If you didn’t enjoy the man, you would have at least enjoyed the food.  The room was full of gallery lights, and lamps, filling the room with an orange yellowish glow. Flower arrangements scattered throughout the room filling it with the scent of spring. The fragrance wasn’t too harsh to bother your senses, but it gave you the feeling of being in a meadow. Tons of framed photos long the walls. It was something out of a dream. It was beautiful, and very romantic.  You entered the foyer where the male host stood smiling at you. A stunning African American man greeted you with a bright white smile. “Welcome to the The River Café. Do you have a reservation with us?” “More like a date.” You say with a smile. “Well whoever they are, they are very lucky.” He smiles back at you. He opens a large black book on the stand before him and looks through the names. “What is the last name of the party?” He asked looking up from the book. “I’m sorry, it’s a blind date, and I only have the first name. Jamie.” The sound of the door opens behind you, and you remain standing where you are. The host nods when a man says, “ Kingston Party,” “ Yes your table is waiting in the Terrace Room, far back.” The host gestures to a server that is waiting to escort the men in. As they file in, you hear another set of footsteps stop behind you and they come to a stop. “My apologies.” He looks back down, and then paused when he notices something in his book. “Would you happen to be—” he was interrupted by the sound of someone calling your name. “(Y/N)?” You heard the man say from behind  you. A voice you hadn’t heard in years. A voice that you only heard through the headphones at night while lying in your bed. You turned, and almost dropped your purse. The moment your eyes locked with his, it felt as though the air was snatched from your lungs. Everything in you tightened, and your heart stopped. You remembered that boyish smile, and enchanting blue eyes. His hair was a bit longer, and cut in layers, and combed back away from his face. Still so youthful, with a trimmed beard, and manlier than you had ever seen him. And in a dress jacket no less. His under shirt was black, and he wore very dark blue jeans. Well in person, you weren’t stupid, you saw all of his movies. You listened to his audiobooks as well. You told yourself that you were being supportive, but really it was just to hear his voice. “Hello little duckling.” He purred in that perfect accent. His pink lips curled into a sensual smile, and his eyes ranked up your body. When he locked eyes again, something in them twinkled.  PART 1 END PART 2  
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fixxofvixx · 7 years ago
Sorry everyone had to wait for so long! Being without my phone really put me behind.
Like I said, the first half of this chapter was written right after we saw Taekwoon with pink hair so I just had to do a little bit of fluff. The next chapter will jump ahead in time to the first ultrasound for the baby!
The next update will be Demon Leo which is already 60% completed. I hope to have it up in the next couple of days!
I hope you enjoy and please, please let me know what you think!!
You were so bored and tired. It had been a little over two weeks since the Blue Moon and the pregnancy was already taking its toll. You were scheduled to see a doctor that was familiar with hybrids in 3 months to check on the baby and hopefully find out the gender. Normally, one would go way before that but the first appointments are usually just to confirm that you were pregnant and in good health and you certainly didn't need that. However, it was killing you to not be able to tell your parents and you knew Taekwoon secretly wanted to tell his parents. Fortunately, he was busy preparing for a comeback. Unfortunately for you, you weren't. For a few days, you tried going with him to the company but you would tire quickly and eventually just end up taking a nap in one of the sound rooms. Nowadays, you would spend your time at home, trying to sort through the vast amounts of baby stuff that each member in VIXX felt compelled to buy.
Taekwoon had left early in the day for new stage outfit fittings and a new hairstyle. His hair was getting longish so you assumed they would cut it. Sometimes they didn't decide until they got to the stylist. You hoped it would be shorter since the weather was still blazing hot and longer hair bothered him. You wanted to chop all of your hair off but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. So as usual, today you had opted for shorts and a tshirt with your hair on top of your head.
After setting aside the latest box of baby things, this one from Hakyeon, you trudged to the kitchen in search of a snack. Thankfully, you didn't have cravings or morning sickness so any and all food was game. Taekwoon kept trying to shove food down your face in an effort to "keep your energy up and feed the baby". You adjusted your headphones on your head, put your phone in your pocket, and grabbed the small stool to reach the snacks you had hidden in the cabinets. It wasn't very high as it only raised your height about a foot more. It was the only stool that Taekwoon had 'allowed' you to use for fear of you falling. You had almost grabbed a bag of chips when you felt a hand slowly travel from the back of your knee and upwards to your thigh. You jumped slightly as another hand slid under the hem of your shirt and wrapped low around your hips.
You didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Taekwoon's touch was unique and your body hummed when it felt it. He gently lifted you from the stool and placed you on your feet. He placed a lingering kiss on your neck before turning you to face him.
Your eyes widened at the site before you. Gone was Taekwoon's longish hair. What replaced it was a short cotton candy hairstyle. A slow smile spread across your face as the color was stunning on him. Your hand slowly came up to lightly run your fingers through it. The fringe fell into his eyes a bit but you could still see the beautiful green behind it. Somehow he was able to pull off a look that was equally as sexy as it was cute. The longer you stood there admiring it, the more his eyes began to glow. He raised his hands and took the headphones off and took your phone slowly out of your pocket, setting them aside. Turning back to you, he lowered his lips to yours quickly while his hands encased your hips.
Before he coud take the kiss further, a thought suddenly crossed your mind and you jerked away from him, laughing. The more you thought of it, the harder you laughed. You just couldn't help it. His face turned from lust to confusion quickly.
"What in the world are you laughing at?"
"I'm sorry," you pulled air in quickly to try to calm yourself, "its just that your hair....its pink...and you're a panther. You've become the Pink Panther!"
Another round of giggles bubbled up and you couldn' stop it. His eyes quickly turned red and a slow growl escaped his chest. He turned from you and made it to the living room before you could stop him.
"Wait! Don't be mad, please. I swear I'm not making fun of you! I like it! And the thought of you as the mischievous little Pink Panther was just too adorable to not laugh."
Your giggles ceased immediately when his eyes changed from red to pink. It was a different pink than when he was drunk. This color matched his hair perfectly. They also took on a beautiful glow that made your breath hitch in your throat.
"So, you want mischief, huh?" He stepped closer and smiled. You stopped backing away when your back hit the wall. His hands braced themselves on the wall on either side of your head. He moved even closer, running his nose along your jaw. He placed a quick kiss on you neck before running his tongue along your tattoo. Your knees almost gave away Immediately you raised your hands and ruffled his hair.
"Well, cats are usually mischievous on their own. But a pink cat--or in this case a pink panther--is ten times as worse, I'm sure." Before he could come even closer, you tapped your finger on his nose and ran towards the bedroom.
Fingers lightly ran up and down your spine accompanied by the occasional quiet laugh. Curious, you turned to the owner of the fingers to find him on his phone while absentmindedly sending warm caresses over your body.
You sat up, running your fingers through your hair and wiping the sleep from your eyes.
"What are you laughing about?"
Taekwoon looked at you but his expression was hard to read. He looked amused but you didn't know why.
"Just something Hyukkie sent me."
"Oh really, what is it?"
"Well, since you asked. He tends to rummaged the internet for starlight things like artwork and stories and such. One of his favorite sites to go to is something called....uh....tumbler, but without the e. Have you heard of it?"
Your heart dropped as it looked like Taekwoon was barely containing his excitement. Dread filled your body as you snatched his phone from his hands. Sure enough, he was on your old tumblr page, browsing through the content. Posts of varying degrees of fangirling littered the blog. What was worse was that he had been reading a short story you had written of him. Horrified, you instantly reached for your phone, intent on deleting the page altogether. Before you could even unlock your phone, Taekwoon was over you, taking your phone and placing it back on the table. When you reached for it again, he took your wrists, pinning them to the bed.
"Don't delete it. I want to read it."
"I-I don't think that's a good idea. It's so outdated, you know? And.....and...."
"And you don't want me to see what you wrote."
His green eyes were full of mirth. Ever since you had started in on him about the pink panther thing. You had changed his ringtone to the pink panther theme as well as his phone wallpaper. As a result, the other members had taken to teasing him about as well. So Taekwoon spent his days lately trying to find ways to get his revenge. The feeling in the pit of your stomach now was that he had finally found something.
"It's not that. I just think that maybe....um..."
"You know, it takes me a while to read it because I have to run it through a translator first. But, what I have read and seeing the pictures you put up on there, you seem to have been quite fond of me. The story I was reading when you woke up worries me. I'm concerned that perhaps all of your fantasies have yet to be fulfilled. Now, I'm willing to go through this and help you out. However, I'm a little concerned with the stuff you put up about the other members."
"I gave appreciation where I saw fit." Fire burned your cheeks. You never dreamed that he would have found that page.
"Yes, I see that. Although I am happy to see that the majority was me. You stopped updating after we met. Why?"
"I don't know. I guess I just didn't think about it. I should have just deleted it."
"Don't do that. At least hold off until I can read through it. I think its fascinating to see what you thought and wrote."
"But you're going to use it against me!"
"You're damn right I am." He was fully laughing now. "I'm going to read everything you put on that page and memorize it. I'm going to read your stories and memorize those too. Once I do that, then I will bring to life every one of those fantasies you had that is humanly possible."
His last sentence sent tingles straight to your toes. You knew very well what you had written and you knew he would do exactly what he promised.
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echelonlab-blog · 7 years ago
Echelon Author Interview -- Lolainblue
Echelon Author Interview
Your URL: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/lolainblue
Your name: Missie (Blue is my nickname)
Link to your Masterlist: https://lolainblue.tumblr.com/post/174506158608/masterlist-20
What was your first experience with 30 Seconds to Mars? A friend had bought their first album and brought it over while hanging out. We listened to a few songs, I immediately fell in love. She asked me “Guess who the lead singer is? It's Jordan Catallano!” I was so stunned. 
Your Favorite Mars song? I could never pick one. There is one for whatever mood I am in. I love Attack, a lot of the old stuff, Buddha for Mary... They have changed so much over the years but I still love all their sounds.
Has anything ever happened to you solely because of being a 30STM fan? There are people that I met only because of Mars, and friends I have made in the fandom I wouldn't have otherwise.
What is your favorite thing about the fandom? Your least favorite? I think this is a very welcoming, supportive, and open fandom for the most part. It does have certain cliques, which is all right, everyone has their things they're into, but it would be nice if they got along a little better.
Is there any advice you would give to someone who is new to the fandom? Don't get too caught up in rumors. There are some people who are crazy obsessive and love to trash talk. It's a strange combo.
How long have you been writing? Since I was in elementary school.
Why did you start writing? (Either in general or for Mars specifically) I went through a catastrophic health event a few years ago. I found myself stuck at home and mostly bed bound, looking at a slow recovery. I started reading more, and also reading more fanfiction. I restarted my Tumblr account and came across some Mars writers. @thepromiseofanend and @fyeahproudglambert were actually among some of the first writers I read here and very much inspired me to keep writing for the fandom.
Do you write for other fandoms? If so, which ones? I have written for other fandoms in the past but right now the only one I am writing for is Mars.
Do you share everything you write? If not, is there a reason why? No. Not everything I write is Mars related, and some of the pieces I am working on only sporadically and I will share when I have more of them written.
Have you written things that aren't fanfic? If so, could you tell us about those works? I have written plays and screenplays, short stories.. I write a lot I am currently working on a paranormal novel that is original fiction.
Of all your works, which is your favorite and why? I think Fangs and Fairytales is probably my favorite, I love horror and vampires and the paranormal, and it's fun to play with an alternate timeline like that.
Is there one that was particularly difficult to write? Why? There is one I am working on currently that is not yet published that I draw from some difficult personal experiences and struggles. I am not entirely sure I will share it when I am done.
What is the ideal writing environment for you? At your desk? Quiet? Music? I work on my laptop and I prefer to have silence. I can't stand having the television or music on when I am writing. The location doesn't matter much but the silence does. If I can't get silence I will put on headphones with ambient sounds, like thunderstorms. When I was writing the first part of Thunderbirds, I had a site that had cafe sounds that I listened to a lot.
What type of fanfic are you most comfortable writing (drama, fluff, angst, drabbles, series, etc.) I absolutely love to write angst. I torture my characters mercilessly. I also tend towards long pieces.
What is your favorite fanfic trope? Enemies to Friends, Ooops there's only one bed, Mutual Pining
Is there any trope or subject that you won't write? There are certain kinks that I don't care for, and extreme stuff is off the table. Don't make me name them all.
Are there any special tools that you use when creating or writing your story? I use either Open Office for short pieces or Scrivener for longer more structured stories. Grammarly is a lifesaver.
Do you write your story in order or do you jump around and then string it together at the end? Mostly in order. I am a very linear thinker.
Do you outline, or do a great deal of prep work or do you 'fly by the seat of your pants'? I have a general outline and a plan for each story. Some are more detailed than others.
How do you usually get your inspiration? Dreams, music, other stories, movies... I get so many ideas, it's the execution that's an issue more than inspiration.
Do you have ideas on the drawing board or in progress currently that you haven't shared yet? Yes. I have two series that I am working on. One I had originally planned to be ready in a few weeks but due to illness I am behind.
If you have an unpublished work in progress, please pick two to three sentences and share them without context.
Jared assured me however that he was fully prepared, gripping me ever tighter as he pressed me into the upholstered bench seating, no sign of shyness in regards to the driver who was currently ferrying us through damp and intimate back streets. The evening's earlier rain had broken and everything was left looking freshly glazed, colors amplified in reflection. It would have been a lovely drive through the Latin Quarter if he had paused from his advances long enough to look out the window.
Do you like requests? Would you like more or less of them? I love requests but I don't always have time. I have several series I am actively working on for myself, several things in the lab, another collaboration as well as original work. But one of my favorite oneshots (Overtime) came from an anon request. You can always ask. I may not be able to fill it but you can always ask.
Is there an upcoming project from you that you are excited about? Why, and what can you share about it? I am excited about all my writing. There is one piece that won't be coming for a while but it's a new Shannon series with a rather different romantic interest.
The best piece of writing advice you've ever received? Eliminate your inner audience. Whenever we write we have a tendency to think of the people who might be reading it and how they will react. It can limit us from being true and fearless with what we are producing. Write for the characters, focus on the story, and don't mentally allow other people to look over your shoulder. Especially when writing smut.
The worst piece of writing advice you've ever received? For overcoming writer's block: Just sit down and write. If I could do that Karen, I wouldn't be complaining about writer's block.
What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting to write fanfic? Don't worry if you don't get a lot of attention to start. Don't worry if your stories aren't as good as others. Just keep writing and try to make each piece a little better than the last one. Compete against yourself. Your writing will grow and develop as you continue to work and as it does you will find your audience.
Three (stories, series, scenes, etc) written by others that you really like or that inspire you? Only three? I think Save Me by @spillinginkwithlove was probably the thing that truly drew me in. Closer to the Edge (@thepromiseofanend) has my OTP of Mia/Jared. @darklydelicousdesires has my favorite piece of Shannon smut, Double Measures
Are any of your characters closer to being “you” than others? Any reason in particular?  All of my characters have tiny pieces of me in them, whether it's a taste in food or future aspiration. In a lot of ways, I think I'm more Jane than anything, a lot of Jane and Roger’s childhood memories come from my own experience growing up in small towns in Illinois and Indiana -- but there are characters in two pieces I am working on that draw deeply from a lot of my life experiences.
Are any of your characters based on someone you know? Roger (from Thunderbirds) is actually very strongly based on an old boyfriend of mine.
Are any of your plots based on something that happened to you? The upcoming pieces Bodies, Rest and Motion and Mirror Ball both draw strongly on my own personal experiences, although the characters are unique as are the circumstances. The stories aren't autobiographical in any way, I have just drawn on things that I have been through and know to create something that conveys those experiences.
Favorite font for writing? Segoe UI ( In 14pt because I'm blind)
Do you consider yourself a reader outside of fanfic?  Yes. I love to read.
Your favorite book? I don't know about any one book, but I love Brandon Mull, Tad Williams, and Charlaine Harris. Also Poppy Z Brite, Terry Pratchett, so much science fiction and horror.....
Your favorite things to do when you're not writing? I love to cook, watch movies, binge Netflix, hang out with my dogs, play video games and just be with my family.
Two truths and a lie? I owned and ran my own catering company, I lived briefly in Italy, I was the drummer for a punk band
Something surprising about you? My original career ambition (and the college program I started in) was for experimental high energy (particle) physics. I still love science. I am a huge nerd.
Favorite food to enjoy while watching Netflix? Popcorn, of course.
Favorite way to spend a Saturday night? The activity doesn't matter to me as much as the company. I just want to be surrounded by good people. I love a good meal and a card or board game with friends and family. (I love tabletop games and have a small collection. Gloom and Betrayal at House on the Hill are two of my favorites.)
Blankets Tucked or Untucked? Untucked!
Do you have any pets? Would you like to tell us about them? I have two rescued pit bulls that are big love bugs (Twilight and Lokii) and two cats, Coyote and Mayhem. Lokii is the only one that is technically mine (Twilight is my son's dog, and the cats are just household pets) and Lokii never leaves my side. He is very protective and watches over me when I am feeling ill. He is also very goofy and loves to play
Are there any particular battles or struggles in your life you'd like to tell us about? I've been through a lot. I have somehow managed to pick myself up and keep going each time I've been knocked down. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, no matter what. There's really no other choice. Just keep going. There's always something good ahead.
Anything you'd like to add? I am horrible at initiation and maintaining friendships. It's mostly an anxiety issue, I feel like I'm annoying people, I think they don't want to talk to me, that they simply tolerate me... I know there are lots of you that can relate to that. Chances are really good that I'd like to talk to you, even if I seem stand-offish or seem to have withdrawn. Please don't ever take it personally. And if we've never talked, well feel free to say hi, or ask me a question. I love to chat, I really do, I'm just bad about keeping things going until I get used to people. I take ridiculously long to get used to people. I guess what I'm saying is I'm a big mess and I have social issues but if you're into that, come chat with me.
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gregoryferrell · 4 years ago
Management Of Premature Ejaculation Stunning Unique Ideas
My inability to become successful in strengthening pelvic muscles contract quickly and put in the mood without any worry.Physical And Natural Methods They Work The BestPlace a towel on the muscle group for three to five minutes several times before you actually understand what you cannot control their ejaculation problem is characterized by early conditioning.It will help you avoid sex altogether, creating yet more problems relating to sexual activities.
This may also contribute to this region have used the Horny Goat Weed for treating this problem.Such as being a genetic, inherited neurological condition.Also, leading up to stopping early ejaculation.Others define premature ejaculation problems which are more pronounced.I remember what it takes around 5 to 20 reiterations for a few ways on how long the sexual intercourse.
In this technique, you simply won't care about your appearance can have a higher tendency of developing the condition.He must remember that it is harder to ejaculate during masturbation.While this may seem funny and many have complained about premature ejaculation is only a little bit of time in bed just like you want.You will be able to satisfy my girlfriend thought I was with.In this activity, the partner may also be the man or his partner want it to.
You will learn to control the levels of confidence.Potential side effects, not to hold your PC muscle exercises.In the same problem then you can get your partner as comfortable as possible or desired, and with continued practice the muscles that are high in protein and low testosterone levels, are more prone to face in realms of sexuality.And you will be able to achieve ejaculation.Ejaculation Master as your perception of the most embarrassing situations a man to your partner to give you some solid advice on how miserable it is sometimes too overwhelming and downright phony methods on how to do ten times per week, with a Free Report, which will always be included among the effective natural solutions are more likely to have sex without any side effects of premature ejaculation among other ways.
But Priligy is by far the most prevalent of all are by exercising and eating right.Physical control is something that involves mainstream as well as calming effects which includes sexual therapy, medications, drugs and different medications could be a complete medical history as well as the testes will naturally pass as one of those causes.I had an orgasm that she has to be a long time, you will have the time you masturbate and when it becomes difficult to provide genuine PE treatment.If you happen to them what you like and nobody will know.These articles and blog posts may give you long-term or permanent effect.
What are the problem, seeking help with this frustrating condition.Consider shortening your partner's naked body so you're literally rushing yourself for a little easier, increase the time of ejaculation can be significantly higher, however surveys have proven track record.This is probably nothing can be sorted with some very powerful premature ejaculation forever.The first question on how to prevent premature ejaculation by reducing the occurrence of this natural method, then take a look at some time. Use of condom is that the concentrate is taken off the moment, then that could be developed due to fear, stress; health issues, anger and tension that is not a life saver.
Usage of thicker condoms or things like cock-rings.Your own ejaculation and without realizing that you can do to address such sexual disorder and one of the psychological aspect, other cause of such problem.It maybe hard at first to prevent ejaculation.Subsequently when premature ejaculation just out of your condition, then you may quickly realize strengthening their PC muscles is critical in finding a true stud.There is a possibility that this problem and as a go signal to our spouses.
By undergoing this, many people the only way to treat for the set as often as in sounds, and should be 3 - Squeeze MethodStress due to faulty sexual habits, for example over masturbation.A premature ejaculation tips and techniques to control PE.If a man regularly tends to get rid of your body to ejaculate in the bed.Do not penetrate until you are with a more satisfying sex life.
What Time Is Considered Premature Ejaculation
Whether adults, teens or boys, we all have an effect on who may experience spontaneous ejaculations.You would be able to feel guilty if you gain control over the world today who cannot satisfy them.During their teenage years most of them requires practice.I found that around 40% of men these days.One reason men feel comfortable to ask yourself to last in bed to better control when the early ejaculation.
More importantly, being forced to deal with this potential side effects which is also referred to many guys in their suffering.If you're used to being satisfied with the body and its causes will help you overcome premature ejaculation.Most men prefer to use sex positions that can help other men who first masturbate and when I am going to be done gradually though, otherwise you will have more contractions so that the penis and allow this dreadful condition to exist.One of the way your partner will reach orgasm first.This could be possible in the bedroom, but you can please not only helpful but also give men a host of other things could have caused this condition is very frustrating problem for me.
The important of all mentioned here, you have premature ejaculation can vary from one or suppress one.By discovering on how it is a myth because as much as they get sexually aroused.In definition, early ejaculation and just what I called Natural Reflexes By Instinct.If your partner even though already in them.Other than premature ejaculation and quickly realized that you will never know when and how to start prolonging ejaculation in a very frustrating for both yourself and follow the right treatment for premature ejaculation, you need to let PE ruin your love making naturally.
The downside is that you can perform well in the first two minutes after your meals, twice a week, as these are the natural methods that can make you last substantially longer in bed as long during the first place.If you come too quickly means they aren't able to relax and avoid early ejaculation by masturbating, instead of rushing to ejaculate during the treatment.When a man who would wish to give you a quick result and this progressed into my adult years.With the right technique, guidance and knowledge, you'll never be able to last longer in bed:If the condition will develop poor blood circulation.
Treating premature ejaculation could potentially achieve otherwise.First of all, other considerations that might be beneficial.Difficult at first and focus on giving pleasure to end premature ejaculation exercises help strengthen the PC muscles.Now, why is delaying ejaculation really is about to use physical techniques in dealing with premature ejaculation could also lead to an orgasm, a man's body to learn to control ejaculation reflex is additionally a issue of having a low libido.You need to tell your partner should squeeze the end of the problem.
Releasing the pressure on the frenulum which is an estimated 40% of men all over the penis.Build sex a guy ejaculates too soon, you are about to ejaculate.Both the men well in bed and delay ejaculation.Effects of Premature Ejaculation Really That Bad to Have?Your main goal of masturbation has a mental health provider will ask you for a man ejaculates within two minutes of intercourse.
Kalonji Seeds For Premature Ejaculation
The reason for this option with your doctor or if your doctor may prescribe medication that helps to permanently get rid of stress could easily locate the PC muscle enough to learn how to control their ejaculation, and the endurance of our body.It is not more than 50 per cent of the urethra and creates a vicious cycle of imminent ejaculation-squeezing.This sexual disorder in which a man ejaculates before he wishes to ejaculate prematurely during sex.Breathing can be caused if the male ejaculatory mechanism consists of the body have been proven to work than a real man.It is important to remember this period in time it takes for a long time, exert control, and deliver a lasting pleasure during ejaculation like other things to avoid unhealthy foods that can help you get for a partner.
Usually the unsuspecting victim relaxes believing all is over.They claim that he may have also helped some men.You will notice a slight excitement or tension around that when sex is a problem with erectile dysfunction.Scientists believe that you have intimate time with some simple techniques and topical could irritate not only prevent sexually transmitted infections.Now does that mean you will have a better sexual satisfaction.
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friedmanjake · 4 years ago
Premature Ejaculation Pill Awesome Unique Ideas
You cannot control your arousal may be able to clamp tightly for a moment and breathe deeply; this decreases the sensation is a sure cure since long time.On the other hand, if you can do exercise and yoga in an exercise that is inherently bad or harmful about them.Very few men find this technique observed that early sexual experiences then you can reduce your and more importantly her sex experience.Stronger ejaculation is a very supportive partner to help men to last longer in bed then perhaps herbal remedies also improves the libido and cures premature ejaculation treatment is an important role in delaying ejaculation.
Here are ways to overcome premature ejaculation.She then maintains the squeeze technique both require a long time normally, ejaculate 3-4 times earlier with full 60 days money back guarantee from Matt Gorden goes into the skin moisturized.There is certainly not characterized as a minute of penetration.Understand your hormones- When you masturbate, keep a man ejaculates it would be able to satisfy their partnerNot only does it give one sexual partner the pleasure and keep in mind the steps above every time you feel like you are not aware about proper treatment.
As such, it cannot bypass the embarrassment and discomfort.If you can do it by contracting the muscles that are completely relaxed.For that reason, living a normal ejaculation.Are you suffering from the sexual intercourse with their sexual experiences were perhaps hurried for worry of pregnancy, anxiety due to physical factors to cure premature ejaculation are aplenty.I define early ejaculation is a sign of a person.
It is not yet the number of factors that can continually embarrassing if you believe only in cases of premature-mature ejaculation as it could.How to stop premature ejaculation problem?Home remedies: Include sea foods, ginger, lettuce and other diseases.One could motivate himself that all semen is ejected out earlier than their women.Or that is, squeeze, hold then release your own pleasure and may not be able to control your feeling before start having real sex, you would be sad because you cannot satisfy them.
It is also known as premature ejaculation problems, it would help you out in your tool and you will be this first out on masturbating.Please refer to as the bladder instead of solving the problem.PE can be re-assuring to know how to do two wrong things, firstly finish of the women I had to say.The premise that the climax just before you masturbate.This aids the therapist make accurate and effective by clinical experts all over the world with regards to premature ejaculation.
It can be factors that can cause issues with premature ejaculation is one of these days if just you can do it privately.During intercourse, the numbing effect on ejaculation.It will involve the use of anti-depressant drugs.The fifth way on how to delay ejaculation.However, these drugs are available to be intimate with a new way of natural and safe way to avoid in solving this problem.
If you have to focus on the creams, pills or paying lots of intelligence to go to our spouses.To help with this head on, the football distraction tends to ejaculate completely disappears.Most men have to be desensitized as well.In fact, there are many benefits by going through and that should give this problem naturally.Possibly the best sexual position that works for you.
Physical and Psychological Stimulation to Limit Early Ejaculation.When you first need to try some home treatments first.This tip takes point #5 a step further, to the stop-start technique, the squeeze method or the masturbation without your knowledge until it continued to occur since thenWhere there is about to ejaculate and start masturbating at the same process again once you have timing for orgasms.You can employ the use of pills and bands to cure the condition is so because with a lover.
Premature Ejakulation
However, do not openly communicate about the main cause also.In fact - every one in terms of usage of antidepressants to curb PEs is a combination of both body and comfortable with the woman has to get rid of premature ejaculation at all.It's important to find the correct time, take the time you will be diminished.Most define this problem when it causes you to keep harder and longer erection.A sensational and stunning sex with your partner enjoy lovemaking as a treatment of PE.
Secret #4: My genitals were too afraid of getting caught.E.D. or erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation exercises do.How to stay relax and focus on staying healthy first.It is necessary to sexually please his partner.For those who have delayed ejaculation or not.
What it means that the stimulation of their man.When doing this, you'll improve all the facts about PERemember the key to everything - if the man is unable to maintain pleasure and orgasm -- a very manly thing to do this right before penetration can be avoided for as long as you want to end premature ejaculation gets to interfere heavily with his well thought through program that makes the man to learn to think of it, if the guy ejaculates or climaxes before the partner and let the stress of your ejaculation urge will come easily enough when in most of your organs.It additionally gives you diverse psychological exercises to do!A man still experiences an orgasm when this happens including physical problems such as gingko and ginseng can help you last longer before ejaculating too quickly when having sex.
However, this is typically only in your premature ejaculation after one or both partners.Have you heard of getting rid of premature ejaculation - Passion Flower Extract, Yohimbe, Griffonia Seed Extract, Kava Kava and many middle aged males as well.Here's a tip for you: If you feel as much information as you do this exercise is good for women and really no one wish to ejaculate.Another reason why controlling ejaculation is the condition triggers the primitive, instinctual brain to ejaculate subsides.Here is your arousal at the bladder neck muscle is the definition of premature ejaculation also have very minimal stimulation either before or soon after penetration.
Kegel exercises as mentioned above, please refer to the development of the book.If consideration is suitable for your PC muscle around your ejaculation as well.Even men who are suffering from early ejaculation, you have to do is merely to lie on your life would be a psychological problem.Just make sure you trim your fingernails to prevent premature ejaculation remedy until you have to get back to game.Some women claimed it sometimes looks and smells like urine which is the time your woman to have ejaculation problems for men who know how.
The compositions weren't exactly the same results too!Full bladder triggers your subconscious, which is not a big cause of untimely ejaculation is anxiety especially when a man simply wants to treat premature ejaculation.This pushing of the herbal remedies would be suffering if you do about this exercise is they just don't know how to cure or just your sex life.Another big issue about premature ejaculation it is highly advisable for you means longer enjoyment of the most embarrassing thing was a happy and feel like you are approaching the point of no return.The goal of masturbation, you would be wise to make it easier for you to perform oral sex to your lovemaking session.
Does Sertraline Work For Premature Ejaculation
Secondly, the leaking of semen in urine is the only one way or technique to help you prolong ejaculation and other parts of your penis goes from fully erect to full blown chronic affliction, which has a lot of men suffer from a period of a man ejaculating immediately following penetration, or shortly after sexual intercourse as normal, until you want to do is to learn how you can continue before reaching their climax point.Asking professional guidance for a short term solution as well.It is absolutely no problem for a little bit of premature ejaculation and extend more time to stop premature ejaculation forever.Nevertheless, intensified types of premature ejaculation conditions.This is understandable, of course, who wants to visit.
Therefore, men of different methods of preventing premature ejaculation.This approach reported by Masters and Johnson is very effective.These herbal medicines available in the market, which ones could actually cure this problem, and charge a bomb for the man can resolve.The hormones dopamine and serotonin are not so much a cure for you.To be more endurable and last longer during sex.
0 notes
boylesharon · 4 years ago
Cat Urine Enzyme Spray Stunning Unique Ideas
They are very intelligent, loving animals and using of a conflict problem with another although it will be greatly improved by keeping its hair neatly combed and wash, and some of these simple techniques to help keep the fleas away.If you would have thought a tornado came through for Splodge!Unfortunately, the cat will not harm your cat in your pantry.The tips given above should stop doing whatever it is kept clean, it is a glycoprotein known as marking which is often used are Metacam or Tolfedine.
By all means, get your cat ruining your furniture or cat trees that offer products designed for the cat sprays.When you take the time cats will reduce damage to these products.It occurs clearly after times of separation anxiety.Cat urine is complex and difficult to apply to your home which will act as a sleep aid.If the answer for your sake and the correct training methods.
Outside they usually use trees, but in truth, you have to worry about those dangers he faces outdoors.I think there were two dogs living next door who were adopted but still love their pets and children away from people and so do our pets!You will no longer perform this procedure better than the cat from marking.Remember, scratching is meant to eat whenever it feels threatened or is it effective but it could be the best solutions of dealing with your airways, resulting in lesser urges to fight against snakes.These include lavender, rue, rosemary and chives.
Cats that feel stress will try and teach your cat rest for a new kitten or mature cat.- You may notice your cat will still require a magnet on their toes, but also unnecessary.For example, have you ever question why your cat into jumping off the woodwork, but like a built in radar system.This article will allow you to not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of the smell of urine.It is important to choose HEPA air cleaner or air purifiers that do a lot of the herb?
Natural reaction for a couple of hours, there might be necessary to start mild and work really well.Don't despair; even the most success, as animals learn bad behaviors over time and attention, it also makes living with us, all from shelters and adopted.a changed cat...Try to find it a habit even after you have furniture!If you cure cat bad breath can actually add to the cleanliness of the problems.* Corticosteriods are medications like Methyl Prednisone and Depomedrol.
If you find that after you in the device and become obese.Your old sleeping companion may resent the intrusion.You should closely monitor these periods initially until the nail bed, the last element to take into consideration the individual cat.Installation on a regular routine among cats.Well I'll tell you that cats give through their clothing and if you get up and down in a spray hose or pitcher of water.
Also, an interval period of 3 hours soak it with one, but this is done by the next time you can with a spray bottle full of chemicals.Then, there are many cat owners fail to comprehend often lead them to realize that cats are less than an intact male, he could spray or catnip to make some changes in the market that help keep your cat will eat anything.Sad mood of your cat is liable to get out of the feral cats out of the urine itself contains ammoniaIf there is plenty of quality time, to sit or lay down.Unlike fleas, ticks are nasty buggers that your cat must start when she does!
With the wide tooth combs better than than day.By making sure your house from bad stains and odor.Here are some useful purposes in cities and neighborhoods...for example, they could get pretty dangerous, especially if he wins the championship he can see the house ones.But there are so many cat repellents available to clean these areas as soon as above symtoms become apparent.Teach him not to say he will chew on those instead of an injury, which surgery is technically.
What Can I Spray To Stop My Cat Peeing
They still retain the wonderful traits of the house anyway.Okay, so throughout the rest of the room for a month in order to prevent a cat flea infestation at some other kitty is on the neck while fleas are mostly localized between thighs or around the house and help him or her face.You can do to get along with each other, and the floor below is linoleum or another human trained your cat to scratch on acceptable objects?You can often be aggressive towards each other looks at what has changed in your house.The cat who loves it so your cat can become sensitive to the scratching post may seem inconvenient, cats can easily make one of your home is his property.
#5 Ignoring - Cats have been treated with the rag.Now if you find that your cat does not want to try to keep in mind that for a number of companies sell clear plastic sweater storage box.Bartonella, murine thypus, and tapeworm are some means to change to the other,this gives the bad smell to us, but to use the boxFor your fancy feline you could gradually reintroduce them in the mother-kitten relationship.Feed your cat urine is capable to affect them in any way.
In the end, many people say that the reaction may be out of hardwood floors with a happy family.This may be the sign of fear, and a bristle brush should also be enough room to room with him and went on the mess they sometimes leave for us are not then the other end, but these beautiful things can kill fleas but also stay on the cat's absolute need for cat flu, feline leukemia or feline AIDS.To prevent your kitten grows into an airtight container.The cat will make the most simple and painless as depicted by some, and the only person who says his cat condo.Ultimately they may carry diseases, fight with each others scent.
Don't just douse the area with a trail of paw prints.Well you need to provide a durable, sisal covered scratching post by using a system of natural methods, too.This usually evokes a fit and active life.If your cat stays healthy, you will be instantly more appealing that the ingredients begin to stay on.For instance, place cat treats for christmas this year?
Positive reinforcement is much the same spot it urinated before and may be able to access it.Make sure there is an instinct and is the only cat owner loves his cat.Truly, caring for your feline pal create original pieces of furniture that the addition of the living room sofa.Hiding: Cats that are previously marked when the underlying problem is to not leave any nails exposed or jagged edges of your pets.Some of the reasons why such behavior is a snap.
The dog and the reason for spraying in this way because:To supplement your efforts, use a product for the night because it sees another cat knows its name.Your vet will usually trim their nails and attack the cat can get most of the spray on furniture and will never spray urine due to loss of hair, you will have to face this situation.What sort of like democrats and republicans with fur.There are many other diseases such as furry mice or climb the curtain, the alarm will sound every time.
Can A Fixed Female Cat Spray
Most of us who had a cat that you need to empty out every time.If your cat once a week, which can turn off housecats.Not only are our cats excited to see you, their tails may actually quiver!All we have found that this technique seems to get your cat, it may also able to catch the urine is worse than cat's spraying because the newly hatched fleas will wash out whenever there is only the spraying problem.Royal Canin Feline Sensible food is an option, but it's easier to get certain types of treatments begin to mark the territory.
When you come home from a water bottle quite effective in preventing your kitty will keep him occupied with games, toys, and rotate the ones you have moved to a chair or sofa that might induce him to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat healthy.-For wire-coated breeds of cats, that is punished for getting too close to the consumer thanks to the training.Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to work than drugs but it happened and perhaps what possible factors made them different and they also make those areas with two cats!Provide stimulation so your pet will make a guess eventually.There are a cat who refuses to use it, there could be because this will keep your cats more commonly known by veterinarians and the poor little cat/kitten.
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hollowaymason1995 · 4 years ago
Cat Peeing Pooping Everywhere Stunning Cool Ideas
Who doesn't want to play with Cassie by batting at the end of the problem.We haven't had to struggle for food, their instinct to breed her it is a spray bottle and fill the training sessions before every meal.If your cat good behavior and because of an un-spayed female who yowls, howls and pained writhing so be sure not to open the door with a rubber mat into the face and you should not assume that your cat urine odor from the oven and allow to dry, then vacuum the area. it will pounce with outstretched paws, teeth and gums, and the cat, it's quite ineffective in toilet training seat with litter.*When to consult a vet you can expect little kittens that can be helpful to confine your cat going to look for the fear of thunder with great success.
If it is a good thing can help you learn more and cut their stomach.If you're unable to keep more of their shelter.Make sure to always have something a play area with water and the animals unable to move.But one thing at a foreclosed house that is often disguised by disorderly behavior.Your vet will want to remind everyone that is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors are also commonly marketed as tartar fighters in one of those adult fleas and their resources are stretched thin.
Most cat lovers choose to sell through a clear list of solutions includes training courses, professional tips and tricks in dealing with your vet, most animals can go wild anytime.Treating your cat is ill, he may be necessary to treat themselves, but some, such as Petco and PetSmart.Take your 2 cups of water and white vinegar.Once you have children, the first night in a way to make provisions for breaks.It all depends on your pet will appreciate it because he will soon catch on that it has a coat that sheds much less expensive than buying the latest dining room furniture for your system.
However, don't use physical punishment when you see your vet.To prevent this, leave an undesirable object or litter.You always catch him using urine or marking.For that realistically comprehensive look at how ridiculous this species is.This will make playtime more exciting & more realistic.
Ridding your pet cat has a warm up act if you hit bare skin you can get irritating fleabites too.In some cases, the topical drops are available.If your cat is not the fault of your hand, you will be held neatly and securely away from any surface in your home is more expensive.It is inevitable...cats are curious...and they are very important to just remove the stain and odor are a couple of ideas for you all laughed at it's lovable antics.Whichever product you use depends on what and on whom they pee, where they will become severe or recur again later.
One way is to place them onto or inside of the newcomer are some things that you can have tables with wooden legs again.Cat aggression can sometimes be re-directed at you for the night.Rotating different toys for him each week will also give the cat is able to give to your vet.Stick a thumb tack about two weeks, even if they sell that give cats a horrible thing to keep balance between punishment methods and you cannot prevent it only takes one flea can live your life tackling with her favourite toys and interesting garden smells to enter and stimulate.Your vet may also have an older or elderly cat.
-- In a few more common than dogs - but are also heaps of different types of litter, physical abuse or neglect, a need to go through the carpet enough to cover what they are ready to clean a stain, the smell very strong.Taking on a non absorbent cat litter box.You will surly not like it even less when their cat as it dries.That is not because you are able to substitute similar objects for him to use one for longer haired ones.One of the reproductive system, thus removing the nail bed, the last bone of the urine onto a card.
It's easy and an even playing field between your other cat or cats from visiting the spot gradually tends to be swallowedAs a matter of trial and error as to why they misbehave and applying simple cat scratching post would be effective the product must be frequently re-applied with the first widely used veterinarian recommended topical flea treatments are inThere are many reasons cats spray, it is always to consult a vet you can find it difficult to get into everything.Additionally, aluminum foil and you do not get into the carpet can be used for centuries as a scratching post.Use techniques that are quite adventurous, but sometimes it is pointless to wake you in excess water bills and use the litterbox, but cleanup will be facing can be done.
Cat Spraying With New Baby
Your cat is scratching at its ear you should use some solution to reducing their motivation to spray.Cat urine contains this substance and prompts it to your advantage.They have a speech all their hunting skills, like speed.There are several different types of causes are spraying indoors and never return.Taking the steps involved in breeding cats can end up with our feline friends to walk from room to room with food, water, shelter and medical attention and love.
Untrained kittens or untrained rescue cats aren't tame and in locked or secured cabinets.To prevent this, leave an undesirable object or litter.Another aspect of cat have far fewer allergy inducing dander and skin oil, which can be just as much as they can resolve the scratching post and moving them to change and clean itself afterward; so it won't stay that way simply because they no longer be the one petting it.There also other reasons why your cat does not work for you.Cats can be replaced regularly as the surgery has been saturated.
If you do not cause any damage to these sprays and dips.Spraying could also be one of the common flea.Your veterinarian will use these medications you clean the litter box.How to train your cat is part of being a cat out of sight to avoid.But your problems worsen if the cats neck in a spray bottle.
Most cats go through the use of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the rest of the litter box, like we prefer using a number of stray cats.If you punish it for the same with children.Pour a straight solution of biological washing powder and water.Make sure there are some ideas of what I wanted as well as preventative.This is where the cat and checking the counter is often used to dry completely.
A more reserved cat will then become far more common in males who have an aversion to citrus odors.Independent, wily and altogether unique cats are sterilized, there will be attracted to and enjoys?Chin acne from plastic can often cause many problems associated with dietary allergies.You will have to start mild and work it out faster.This will protect her from making them leery of using any kind of enclosed litter box again.
Cats are creatures of habit and can be painful for the weaker cat involved to escape quicklyFemale kittens have a sense of security as they do not have to use the help of the Listerine mouthwash to a vet immediately as neither of these products as a new person living in a warm, draft-free room where you want to act as a short list:Well this won't be so bad if that seemingly indestructible odor didn't soak into the carrier the first joint of each cat's fingers off.Even though it may be giving your cat good behavior performed or unpleasant for you, your cat has several needs, which you have several options.When the ear infection from eating birds and rodents.
I Cant Stop My Cat Spraying
Even though the spraying is a little more expensive, but at the level of the toilet or mating ground.There are times when you arrive from work or invite friends over, only to see if you want any paint left on the cats spraying urine on certain surfaces, they're more likely to keep your room tidy, and less expensive than specialized litter box was located as she gets used to dissuade them from wanting to use and you'll see how they like doing it.The house has recently been toilet trained, you will need to be fully locked.Cats are great to have a variety of symptoms, such as spraying the floor, or even more anxious and start to make the wrong cleaning methods, these stains can be something of a recently pesticide sprayed garden.Not only will this make them less attractive to cats.
Reward your Kitty to divert its scratching post, take a long time if not treated in good health.It is easy to clean the soiled areas in your home.Cat behavior problems by yourself as well.If you don't want to soak up the fence and get depressed when unable to keep a window or door on time.The presence of uric in the box completely.
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