#Folding Sliding Doors Canada
All Along the Watchtower (chapter 8)
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[Can also be read on AO3]
Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 2.8 K
Warnings: Minors DNI - no major warnings except for some references to sexual activities in the past and major fuck me eyes, also a few angsty lore drops for Rory (family death, divorce)
*Just a short chapter to stoke the ship flames
Summary: Rory prepares to go undercover, getting ready to enter the club and catch Zorokov. It's the obligatory "guy sees the girl he likes in a fancy dress and falls in love" scene
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis
October 20, 2017 18:40 - Safehouse
“You are going to play nice, yeah? This won’t turn into some pissing contest?”
Price stood off in the corner of the room, smoke trailing from the end of his burning cigar as his arms stayed folded over his chest, his hardened stare burning a hole through the hotel room door as smoke wafted in front of his face. Rory couldn’t help but scoff at his reaction as she moved to unlock it, sliding the chain across as three steady knocks beat against the door. She shot him a look over her shoulder, her brows lifting, expecting an answer. He grumbled, his lip curling after exhaling. “I told you, you can trust him.”
“That remains to be seen,” he rasped.
“Fucking hell,” muttering under her breath, she swung the door open after checking the peephole. 
On the other side, standing in the hall, Andrew offered her a charming smile, bright blue eyes gleaming. She smirked at the neatly coiffed hair and the business casual clothes he had decided on. 
“Well, look at you James Bond.”
“Yeah, you think?” Clearly teasing her, he continued to smirk as she moved aside and he crossed the threshold into the hotel room, his eyes traveling over each crevice of the sparse room, carrying a vellum bag draped over his arm and several shopping bags. A shit-eating grin spread further across his lips as he held it out towards Rory, unable to hold in the chuckle. “Flew all the way from London for this, got it straight from Harrods.”
Rory looked down at the bag in his arms and furrowed her brow, her eyes going wide. “ Harrods ? Christ, Andy, MI6 give you a gold card or something?”
“Only the best for you, Sinclair.” He was laying it on thick with the wink, a glint in his eyes as he spied Price glaring at him from over her shoulder. 
Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes. “Bloody prat,” muttering under her breath while taking the bag with her towards the bathroom to change, she stopped and used her free arm to direct the MI6 officer’s attention towards the grizzly bear of a man in the corner who continued to puff on his cigar. “Officer Andrew Owen, allow me to introduce you to Captain John Price.”
Giving a quick tip of his head and a flick of a grin to the Captain, Andrew held his hands to his hips. Price returned the same motion, flexing his shoulders to broaden them further as he bounced on his heels, thrusting his pelvis. The clear showing of two men locked in a natural battle for dominance, neither backing down.  
She could only sigh as she walked past Price, his gaze tracking her with a lowered head and a lifted brow. Her sideways glance met him as he took a deep breath and shifted his weight. It didn’t take a genius to tell he wasn’t looking forward to having to socialize with the stranger, acting like she was his only lifeline, and she couldn’t help but bite her lip to keep herself from grinning. “ Be nice ,” she mouthed to him. A soft batting of her lashes was all that it took to get him to sigh again and nod his head in the direction of the bathroom with a quick scrunch of his nose.
With Rory out of the room, it was now just the two men left to square off. If there was room for it they would have been circling each other like stags about to clash antlers.
“So, SAS, huh?” Andrew did his best to break the awkward tension first. 
Responding to the man’s question with a grunt, Price’s brow knit together. “How d’you know Rory?”
The officer’s brows lifted slightly at the first name drop. “We served together. I was her Lieutenant in Iraq.”
“Right.” The steely gaze of the soldier dug into the other man, sizing him up. 
Under the direct scrutinization of the captain, the smirk grew a little more on Andy’s face.  “She’s a good soldier, Price. Keep an eye out for her, eh? Would hate to lose an asset like her.”
Price bristled, straightening up to stand a little taller as his eyes narrowed behind the amber glow of his cigar, blowing smoke out his nostrils as they flared. 
Eventually, after several awkward moments of staring one another down, the door to the bathroom finally opened and she stepped out dressed in a silky, deep plum colored short cocktail dress. The delicate material gently draped over her, clinging to her graceful curves. Instantly hit with the sensation of burning ears, she knew there were two sets of eyes currently set on her, but only one of them had any real intent – that cold, hardened glare hidden behind the curtain of smoke.
Rory didn’t often get the chance to dress up, her only excuse was usually at a Christmas party or New Year’s Eve bash, so to be there wearing something so sophisticated all in an attempt to take down the enemy was a breath of fresh air – or at the very least a nice escape from tactical gear, granny panties, and wet wipes in the field. Fixing the strap that had slipped down her shoulder, her fingertips grazed against the soft skin and her gaze roamed over to Price seemingly against her will, noticing his brow shoot up as he let out a sharp inhale, clearing his throat once he made eye contact. Caught in the act of having his eyes roam over her once more, over every bit of exposed toned muscle in her arms, legs and back, a cocky grin spread across his lips and her cheeks grew warm, a rosy blush climbing up them as her eyes fell and she was inclined to smile as well. 
Fluffing up her hair, standing barefoot, her toes curling into the rough fibers of the carpet, she looked over at Andrew who much more innocently took stock of her. “Who’d ever think you’re a soldier,” he teased as his head tilted to the side, inspecting her. “Well, the bruises might be a bit of a giveaway, but we’ll get those covered soon enough.” The MI6 officer passed her a small paper bag next. “I had one of the cosmetics counter girls figure it out for me.”
“I bet you did. Did you also get her number for later?”
“What kind of man do you take me for?” He feigned innocence for his audience as he pressed his hand to his chest. 
“One I know all too well.”
Noticing her friend’s eyes look up and then dart away again as a quiet growl emanated from the corner of the room, Rory glanced over at the looming presence beside her who had finished the stub of his cigar and had returned to staring with a darkened look at her, his focus put entirely on her shoulder still covered in bruises that had begun to turn green with time. 
“You’re sure you want to go in there, Sinclair?”
Looking into Price’s eyes was like staring at an unreadable wall again, only the little tics of his features giving her any sort of glimpse into what he was really thinking at any one time. Those weren’t the same youthful hungry eyes that had taken her in while he had her pressed up against a wall, his hands gripping at her thighs while her dress was rolled up around her hips, they were like stone even as they drank her in. She had to shake the image of the Lieutenant he had been from her head as her throat ran dry, the twinkle that had been in his eye that night since becoming a rare sight, but when it was there it made her heart race in a flurry of rapid beats.
“We can figure something else out, you can back out now before having to slap the makeup on.”
He knew she could fight – he had seen it – and still he was trying to offer her the easy way out. Whether it was sentimentality, a newfound sense of protectiveness for her, or a natural sort of chivalry, he didn’t seem to want to put her in harm’s way, rather he wanted to keep her out of it despite her ten years of military service already under her belt. 
“I can do this.” 
She would swear it up and down if she had to. This was her opportunity, her chance to really prove herself, even if it was mildly degrading. As she had said before, she knew her skills, her assets, and just as it had always been, her femininity was part of that. She was willing to use that to prove a point. 
Staring up at him, her face serious but without the hard bite it had when she was in a fight, he looked right back at her with his jaw clenched under the scruff, the muscle there twitching, a forced smirk hiding something else. 
Was he really worried about her?
Price nodded, biting his lip, no longer putting up a fight. He had to put his trust in her eventually. Now, apparently , was as good a time as any. Giving him a reassuring little tight-lipped smile, she squeezed the bag in her grip as if it were her weapon. “Right, well, guess I better get all dolled up, eh?”
After he flinched out another smirk in her direction, she returned to the confines of the bathroom to complete her transformation. 
It was hardly the best lighting, but she made do, being careful with every sweep and stroke of her brushes along the contours and curves of her face. Lines kept straight; layers blended. She was never one to go overboard on her makeup anyway, it was there to enhance, not cover or obscure. Closing the lid to her tube of lipstick, she blotted the full pout of her mouth and looked up into the mirror, and for a moment it was like seeing that twenty-three-year-old girl who was a little too quick to act staring back at her – the only thing missing was the ponytail, but she’d long since sworn off growing her hair out long. Her last step was the spritz of perfume. Something for Zorokov to remember her by as he was being hauled away for questioning. A warm scent of vanilla and amber that would linger on her skin…perhaps she’d even wear it again while interrogating the wanker later, just for good measure. 
It felt odd looking back at that face across from her, it was the look of the girl she used to be. The one who had yet to have her eyes opened to the world and how it really turned. The girl who thought the worst thing in the world that could have happened to her was losing her mother to cancer or watching her parents' divorce as a child, her father returning to England while she stayed behind in Canada to be raised by her mother. But in the grand scheme that was just a drop in the bucket, a pain that countless others had faced as well. She had yet to learn just how bad things could really get, how the nightmares could last and the tremors could lock her joints, the flashbacks giving her cold sweats. She was innocent, wide-eyed and pure, and she had offered all that on a silver platter for the ones in power to take from her. But she didn’t regret it, not by a long shot. Every scar, every bruise – every fight – it had built her into the woman that stood at the sink not trapped in a memory, the one who could still smile even as hell broke loose. 
Taking another deep breath, she slipped into her stiletto heels, holding her shoulders back with pride and strutted out into the room. Price could do nothing but stare, his mouth left agape. If she saw that young woman she once was in the mirror, he had to have seen it as well, and every waning memory they had of that night together came crashing back. Every steamy kiss, every lingering desire-filled gaze, every near bruising touch of his hands on her hot flesh all hung heavy in the air between them. Professionalism had gone right out the window in the moment, and neither of them seemed to care. He swallowed heavily, licking his lips as his eyes trailed over her, making absolutely no attempt to hide it whatsoever and she didn’t want him to. 
Andrew circled around behind her, his hand brushing against her shoulder as he gave it a brief squeeze and smiled at her. “A goddamn heartbreaker right there.” Standing behind her, he unzipped the back of the dress just enough to tape on the mic pack and the wire. The only place Rory had left to look was at Price, who stared right back at her with his brow furrowed, jaw clenching tighter and tighter, the tendons close to snapping. His gaze intensified as he watched the MI6 officer nimbly attach the wire to her with tape, getting to touch the soft hidden recesses of her flesh that he hadn’t been able to in years.
Jealousy? Is that what this was?  
A strap fell loosely down her shoulder and Andrew caught it, pulling it back up her arm, his fingers brushing against her, and Price reared up like a guard dog, the little nerves in his face twitching, his lip curling the way it did just before he attacked an enemy.
“Sorry,” Andrew murmured.
Rory looked down at her shoulder as he replaced the strap, giving a small friendly smile. “Quite alright.”
The buzz of the zipper pulled up her back brought Price’s eyes back to hers, and she swore she could hear the creak of his jaw above it as his molars crushed together. His paws gripped at his thighs as though he was mauling himself to keep control. Days they had been trapped in this room together, forced to pretend like they weren’t constantly watching the other, that they could just focus on the work together, that the persistent feelings that were surely just lust could be ignored. They were trained to push aside those things, trained not to fall prey to emotions and their senses, using their minds over their bodies, but it seemed as though even that held little sway over what was happening between them…what had already happened. SAS survival training had had them both have to strip down in a room full of people and sit in the freezing cold, and yet this – being so close and not being able to act on it – was a far worse form of torture. There was almost a desperation in the way he looked at her, like some part of him wanted to be put out of his misery, and yet, with the way he scowled she knew he was biting it down. He was a captain, her CO for this mission, a superior officer…it could never happen. It was forbidden.
The perfervid yearning that clung in the space between them as much as the smell of smoke did within the room was cut through the moment Andrew spoke, breaking the spell that kept the two of them entwined. “Oh, and one more thing.” He slipped out a pair of brass knuckles from his jacket pocket. “Can’t have you going in there without a way of defending yourself.”
Her eyes dragged away from Price and a quiet chuckle bubbled up from inside her as she took the melee weapon in her hand. “You shouldn’t have, Andy. You really do think of everything.”
He smiled and kissed her cheek, giving her a pat on the shoulder. “Give ‘im hell, Lamb.”
She grabbed the clutch purse from the same bag her shoes had been in, filling it with the fake ID, rubles, and the knuckles Andrew had provided her. 
Price seemed to have broken free of his own fixation that held him and he hoarsely provided the lay of the land for the start of the mission. “We’ll drive you down a few blocks from the club and park there, so we aren’t spotted. You’ll make the rest of the way on foot. We’ll have you on comms the whole time, hearing every word that’s said.”
Rory nodded and gave him a cheeky grin. “So I won’t have to shout if I get in trouble then?”
“No, I’ll be there in a heartbeat,” Price rumbled with a quiet chuckle.
His trademark smirk returned along with the twinkle in his eyes, and she was enraptured for just a moment before taking a calming breath and grabbing the rather elegant and sleek long coat Andrew hadn’t failed to add to the ensemble. “Right, shall we be on our way then? I’d hate to keep our man waiting.”
“Ready when you are, Sergeant.”
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home-solar-wind · 7 months
How To Put A Garage Door In A Shipping Container: Detailed Guide
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to install a garage door in a shipping container. Whether you're planning to convert a container into a workshop, storage unit, or even a living space, adding a garage door is a game-changer. It not only enhances the functionality and versatility of the container but also provides easy access for vehicles, machinery, or large items. In this content, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing a garage door in a shipping container, covering everything you need to know to embark on this exciting modification project. Understanding the Basics Master bedroom of a shipping container home in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada by Black Box. Courtesy: Airbnb A. Understanding Shipping Containers and Their Suitability for Garage Door Installation Shipping containers, also known as storage containers, are versatile and durable structures made from steel. They are commonly used for transporting goods across long distances. Due to their robust construction, shipping containers are suitable for various modifications, including installing a garage door. With their standardized sizes and modular design, shipping containers provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for creating a garage space. These containers are weather-resistant, providing protection from external elements like rain, wind, and sun. Read More on Luxury Container Homes In Australia – Experience Stylish Living B. Introduction to the Different Types of Garage Doors Suitable for Shipping Containers When it comes to selecting a garage door for your shipping container, there are several options available. Each type has its unique features and advantages. Here are some commonly used garage door variations: - Roll-up doors: These doors consist of horizontal slats that roll up into a coil when opened. They are space-saving and ideal for situations with limited headroom. - Sectional doors: Sectional doors are made up of multiple panels that open vertically. This design allows for easy customization and fitting into various container dimensions. - Tilt-up doors: Tilt-up doors swing outward before sliding up into the ceiling of the container. They are a popular choice for their simplicity and reliability. - Other variations commonly used in shipping container scenarios: Beyond the three main types mentioned, there are other specialized garage door variations suitable for shipping container installations, including bi-fold doors, side sliding doors, and stacking doors. Read More on Luxury Container Homes in Florida – Unmatched Experience C. Exploring the Benefits and Considerations of Installing a Garage Door in a Shipping Container There are several benefits to installing a garage door in a shipping container: - Enhanced accessibility: A garage door allows for easy entry and exit of vehicles and equipment stored in the container. - Increased versatility: By adding a garage door, the shipping container can serve as a multi-purpose space, accommodating vehicles, workshops, or storage. - Improved security: Garage doors provide an additional layer of security to protect the contents of the shipping container. - Customization options: With a wide range of garage door types available, you can choose the one that suits your specific needs and aesthetics. However, before proceeding with installing a garage door in a shipping container, it's essential to consider certain factors, such as the container's structural integrity, dimensions, and the services of a professional installer. Taking these considerations into account will ensure a successful and hassle-free garage door installation. Read More on Container Home Builders in Michigan – Discover The Best Planning and Preparation Living room of a shipping container home in Hurricane, West Virginia, United States with a roll-up door. Courtesy: Airbnb A. Sizing and Measurements for a Proper Fit Before starting the installation process, it is crucial to acquire accurate measurements of your shipping container. This will ensure a proper fit for the garage door. Inaccurate measurements can lead to costly modifications or an ill-fitting door. To obtain precise measurements, follow these tips and guidelines: - Use a measuring tape to measure the width and height of the container opening. - Take multiple measurements to ensure consistency and accuracy. - Consider the container's structural integrity and any protrusions that may affect the door's installation. - Consult the garage door manufacturer's specifications for recommended measurements specific to container modifications. Read More on 10 Greatest Shipping Container Garage Examples From Across The World B. Designing the Frame and Support Structure Creating a sturdy frame and support structure is essential for the proper functioning of the garage door. Follow these steps to design a robust framework: - Choose materials that are strong, durable, and suitable for the container's environment. - Determine the dimensions of the frame, considering the garage door's size, weight, and installation requirements. - Incorporate essential hardware, such as hinges, brackets, and tracks, to ensure smooth operation and stability of the framework. C. Security and Insulation Requirements When installing a garage door in a shipping container, security and insulation measures are crucial for protection and comfort. Focus on the following aspects: - Secure the garage door and container effectively to prevent unauthorized access and break-ins. - Seal any gaps or openings between the door and container to ensure weatherproofing. - Consider insulation options for climate control and noise reduction according to your specific requirements. Read More on Shipping Container Foundation Requirements: Build A Solid Base Installation Process In case you don't have time to read the step-by-step guide, I have attached a video below by ELDEST Builds to show you a great process on how to install a garage door on your shipping container. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OGrQWASVVQ A. Step-by-step Guide for Installing a Garage Door in a Shipping Container Installing a garage door in a shipping container can be a complex process, but by following these steps, you can successfully accomplish the task: 1. Preparing the Container and Workspace Before starting the installation, ensure that the shipping container is clean and free from any debris. Clear the workspace around the container to provide enough room for maneuvering. 2. Assembling the Frame and Support Structure Start by assembling the frame and support structure according to the specifications provided by the garage door manufacturer. Follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper alignment and stability. 3. Attaching the Garage Door to the Frame Once the frame is ready, carefully attach the garage door to it. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper attachment methods and ensure that the door is securely in place. 4. Electrical Connections for Automation If you wish to automate your garage door, you will need to connect the necessary electrical components. This may include installing sensors, switches, and wiring according to the automation system's requirements. 5. Ensuring Proper Alignment and Smooth Operation After the garage door is installed, check for proper alignment and smooth operation. Test the door by opening and closing it several times to ensure it moves seamlessly and without any obstructions. Read More on Do Shipping Container Homes Need a Foundation? B. Safety Precautions During the Installation Process When installing a garage door in a shipping container, it's important to prioritize safety. Take note of the following safety precautions: 1. Guidelines for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves, safety goggles, and hard hats to protect yourself from any potential hazards. 2. Handling Heavy Objects Safely Be cautious when moving heavy objects during the installation process. Use proper lifting techniques, seek assistance when needed, and ensure that the workspace is clear of any tripping hazards. 3. Construction Site Safety Protocols Adhere to construction site safety protocols, including following safety signage, maintaining a clean and organized workspace, and practicing caution when working at heights or with power tools. Read More on How To Best Build A Shipping Container Home From Scratch Cost Estimation When it comes to installing a garage door in a shipping container, it's crucial to consider the overall cost involved. Various factors contribute to the final cost, and it's essential to have a clear understanding of these before you proceed. A. Factors Influencing the Overall Cost 1. Materials required: The type and quality of materials you choose for your garage door installation can significantly impact the cost. Factors such as the size of the door, insulation options, and security features will also play a role in determining the overall expenses. 2. Labor costs: Hiring professionals to install your garage door in a shipping container is recommended for a safe and efficient installation. The complexity of the project, the expertise required, and the geographic location can all affect the labor costs. 3. Tools and equipment: Depending on the specific requirements of your project, you may need to purchase or rent specialized tools and equipment. These additional costs should be considered when estimating the overall expense. 4. Potential challenges and additional expenses: It's important to anticipate any potential challenges that may arise during the installation process, such as structural modifications, electrical connections, or plumbing considerations. Additional expenses related to these challenges should be factored into your cost estimation. Read More on The Container Store Raleigh, North Carolina: Home Organization B. Tips and Insights for Estimating the Budget Accurately Estimating the budget for your garage door installation can be a daunting task. To ensure accuracy, consider the following tips and insights: - Gather quotes from multiple professionals and suppliers to compare prices and services. - Take into account any customization or specific requirements you may have for your garage door. - Allocate a contingency budget to accommodate unexpected expenses or changes in plans. - Consult with experienced individuals or professionals who have already completed similar projects for valuable insights. C. Recommending Cost-effective Options for Garage Door Installations in Shipping Containers If cost-efficiency is a top priority for your garage door installation, consider the following recommendations: - Opt for standard-sized garage doors, as custom sizes tend to be more expensive. - Choose materials that strike a balance between quality and cost, ensuring durability without breaking the bank. - Explore DIY options if you have the necessary skills and knowledge, as this can significantly reduce labor costs. - Consider purchasing pre-owned or discounted garage doors from reputable sources, ensuring they meet your requirements. By taking these suggestions into account, you can make informed decisions that align with your budget and still achieve a satisfactory result for your garage door installation in a shipping container. Read More on Container Home Builders Maryland – Innovative Skills Building Permits and Regulations A. Overview of Legal Requirements and Building Codes When it comes to putting a garage door in a shipping container, it is crucial to understand and comply with all the legal requirements and building codes in your area. These regulations are put in place to ensure the safety and structural integrity of the container modification. B. Obtaining Necessary Permits for Container Modifications Before embarking on the project, it is important to obtain the necessary permits for modifying a shipping container. The specific permits required may vary depending on the location and the scope of the modifications. Contact your local building department to inquire about the permits needed for adding a garage door to a shipping container. Read More on Best 15 Home Energy Efficiency Improvements: 2023 C. Compliance with Local Regulations and Guidelines In addition to obtaining the required permits, it is essential to comply with local regulations and guidelines throughout the entire process. These regulations may specify the size, materials, and installation methods that are allowed for garage doors in shipping containers. Make sure to thoroughly research and understand these regulations to ensure your project meets all the necessary criteria. Read More on Are Container Homes Legal in Maryland? Professional Review Maintenance and Troubleshooting A. Routine Maintenance Practices for a Garage Door in a Shipping Container - Lubrication and cleaning guidelines: Regularly lubricate all moving parts of the garage door, including hinges, rollers, and tracks. This helps prevent rust and ensures smooth operation. - Regular inspections and preventive measures: Inspect the garage door and its components for any signs of wear and tear. Replace any damaged parts immediately to avoid further problems. Additionally, check for loose or frayed cables and tighten them if necessary. B. Common Issues and Their Solutions Despite proper maintenance, garage doors in shipping containers may encounter some common issues. Here are a few and their solutions: - Misalignment: If the garage door appears crooked or doesn't close properly, check the horizontal tracks for any misalignment. Use a rubber mallet to gently tap the tracks back into place. - Noisy operation: Excessive noise during garage door operation can be due to lack of lubrication or worn-out rollers. Apply lubricant to the rollers and hinges to reduce noise. If the issue persists, consider replacing the rollers. - Remote control malfunction: If the remote control fails to operate the garage door, check the battery and replace it if necessary. Also, ensure that the remote control is within the range of the garage door opener. Read More on The Best Container Home Builders in Central Florida C. Troubleshooting Techniques for Maintaining a Smooth Operation To maintain a smooth operation of your garage door in a shipping container, follow these troubleshooting techniques: - Check the power supply: Ensure that the garage door opener is properly plugged in and that the power supply is functioning correctly. If there is a power outage, try using the manual release to operate the door temporarily. - Test the safety sensors: Check if the safety sensors located near the bottom of the garage door are aligned and clean. Misaligned or dirty sensors can prevent the door from closing properly. Clean them with a soft cloth and realign them if necessary. - Reset the garage door opener: If the garage door opener stops working, try resetting it by unplugging it from the power source for a few moments. Then, plug it back in and test the functionality. Read More on Are Container Homes Legal In India? Find Out The Facts Conclusion Installing a garage door in a shipping container can provide numerous benefits and open up a world of possibilities. Throughout this guide, we have covered various aspects of the process, starting from understanding the basics to planning, preparation, and the installation process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can successfully transform a shipping container into a functional and secure garage space. However, it is important to note that every project is unique, and professional assistance may be required in certain cases. Make sure to consult with experts or seek further resources to ensure a smooth and successful implementation. In conclusion, the benefits of installing a garage door in a shipping container are significant. Not only does it provide an affordable and customizable solution, but it also offers added convenience and security. Whether you are looking for extra storage space, a workshop, or even a personal gym, a shipping container with a garage door can cater to your needs. Explore further resources, dive deeper into the topic, and gather inspiration from others who have successfully completed similar projects. Don't hesitate to reach out to professionals if you need guidance or insights specific to your situation. Remember, a shipping container with a garage door is more than just an additional space; it is an opportunity to unleash your creativity and maximize the potential of your property. Get started today and transform that shipping container into a functional and versatile space that meets all your needs. Read More on The Incredible History Of Shipping Containers That Will Amaze You Read the full article
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esgdatainrate · 1 year
Doors In-Depth Profiling With Key Players and Recent Developments, Forecast Period: 2021-2031
Doors Market Research, 2031
The global doors market size was valued at $124.4 billion in 2021, and is projected to reach $206.6 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2022 to 2031.
A door is a hinged, revolving, sliding or swinging barrier at the ingress of a room, a building, in the skeleton of a cupboard, or an automobile. It can be produced using different materials, such as wood, metal, glass, cardboard, and fiberglass.
The demand for windows and doors market is largely driven by increase in multifamily housing trends, rise in adoption of automated doors in commercial sector, and development of energy efficient doors. Modern automated doors are used in various commercial sectors, such as airports, malls, corporate offices, and others. In addition, rise in government spending on residential and commercial buildings development is expected to boost the doors market growth. Moreover, escalation in industrialization and urbanization in economies, which include India and Africa, is expected to cater the development of the doors market outlook. Furthermore, surge in consumer expenditure on home renovation and enhancement activities and improvement in new construction activities are expected to provide remunerative growth opportunities for the market players.
The doors market is segmented into Type, Material and Mechanism and region. On the basis of type, the market is divided into interior doors and exterior doors. On the basis of material, the market is divided into wood, glass, metal, plastic, and others. On the basis of mechanism, the market is divided into swing doors, sliding doors, folding doors, revolving doors, and others. Region-wise, the global market analysis is conducted across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa).
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The doors market is segmented on the basis of material into wood, metal, plastic, glass, and others. In 2021, the wood segment accounted for the major share of the total doors market owing to its thermal insulation properties, strong aesthetics, high strength, and high utility of wood. The glass segment is expected to see increase in use in light institutional and commercial applications, and is expected to see significant growth.
The doors market is divided on the basis of mechanism into swing doors, sliding doors, folding doors, revolving doors, and others. The swing doors segment leads the doors market due to the large adoption of hinged doors globally. The sliding doors segment is predicted to exhibit the highest CAGR due to a shift toward space-efficient residential and commercial properties.
The key players that operate in the doors market are Assa Abloy Group, Dormakaba Holding AG, GEZE GmbH, JELD-WEN Holding Inc., Manusa Gest, S.L., Nabtesco Corporation, Portalp, Royal Boon Edam International B.V., Sanwa Holdings Corporation, and Stanley Black & Decker.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/doors-market-A06118
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borismann · 2 years
Trial run of Chefs Plate
My first delivery of Chefs Plate meals arrived today.1
My company sent everyone SnackMagic boxes with treats for the holidays, and the box also came with a discount code for Chefs Plate, a meal delivery service.2
I decided to try it even though I’m not really the target market for it. We live close by to grocery stores and I enjoy cooking things from raw ingredients.
But, it was steeply discounted, and I’ve always been curious about these services. I don’t know how long this one has been available or what others there are in Canada / are live in Vancouver.
I picked the meals ahead of time with Rachael. This order included:
Herby Panko-Crusted Chicken
Creamy Butternut Squash Orzo
Loaded Beef Burrito Bowls
Usual price $60CAD, discounted price $27CAD. For 2 people for 3 meals that’s pretty good.
You can pick different days of the week for delivery and they leave it at your door.
There is a glossy double sided print out of meal prep and cooking instructions. My first reaction was that this is a lot of packaging and paper and inks and it’s definitely wrecking the planet.
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The kits are in a big cardboard box, each meal’s ingredients in a bag. The bags are compostable so you can use them for your bucket liner (as it says in the explainer).
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There’s a compartment in the bottom with an ice pack and things that need to be kept cold. This week, chicken breasts and some ground beef. There was also a loose whole bulb of garlic.
The kit bags aren’t full to the brim, so the tops could be folded down. But I still had to find room in my apartment sized fridge to stick them.
Making Herby Panko-Crusted Chicken
We decided to make the chicken for dinner.
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Here’s everything from the kit laid out on the counter. The sticker on the bag has a full ingredient list for everything like the slide blend and they mayo, plus the nutrition info for the whole meal.
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The double sided instructions are good. Tells you the equipment and other stuff you need (basics like salt, pepper, oil, honey). And the instructions are laid out in time it takes to cook. So preheat the oven right away and get the potato wedges started.
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And now we’ll teleport all the way to the plated meal. Chicken breast covered in mayo and panko-crusted, potato wedges baked in the oven with Montreal Steak Spice, and honey glazed carrots.
It was good! We added our own salt and pepper to everything as instructed and it was nice and flavourful.
It called for parchment paper for both the potato wedges and the final bake of the chicken. That was a nice tip for me to save on clean up and keep things crisp.
It definitely reminded me that potato wedges are something we can make any time!
The carrots are pretty much how I make them anyway - finished with a little butter and honey. Dill if you like, or I’ll add cumin seeds sometimes.
The mayo-instead-of-egg was another nice tip that I’ll be using.
All in all, a good, tasty first experience.
On Meal Kits Generally
The discounts to get me on a subscription is very much an investment driven business.
The packaging feels like a lot. But: no plastic other than on the meat.
There is an app, so maybe I can opt out of the printed meal instructions.
Are the ingredients local? Could one check a box and have 80% local ingredients?
Could one apply this to community supported agriculture?
This meal was ~$9CAD with discount, ~$20CAD without. For 2 people, that’s reasonable. The chicken breasts alone would cost me $5-6. Everything else low cost: 2 carrots, 3 potatoes, mayo, steak spice. Maybe another $1.
We used to do zero take out. And then the pandemic. Now we’re at 1-2 take out meals per week. This would be cheaper.
I’m interested in perhaps doing some food sharing with people, where everyone cooks a larger quantity and then shares with the group. Don’t know if I’ll get to it as a habit this year, but it’s the sort of thing I’d like to see more of.
And bulk buying!
I have done zero research on this in Vancouver. If you have thoughts on meal kits or on fun community food locally, let me know!
Yes, I’m going to use a referral code when linking to Chefs Plate. You get $80 in discounts, I get $40 in credit. [return]
I assume that Chefs Plate pays SnackMagic to get it into the hands of people who are already getting food delivered to their homes. [return]
0 notes
morrisonw1 · 2 years
Renovation  windows And Doors In Canada
Morrison Windows is a company located in Surrey that serves the Western part of Canada. You can engage us for custom-made windows and doors.
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The Vinyl frames have become a unanimous choice for doors and windows because of their classic look and unique style. These windows are not only a healthy long-term investment but also energy efficient.
We offer different styles for windows that you can use in different colors and finishes. So, whatever your requirement for your home or office, we have a wide variety of choices for all your needs. We do not involve in mass manufacturing of standard windows but make them in order to fulfill your customized needs.
The categories in which we build windows are:-
 ●     400 Series Casement Windows
●     4007 Series Casement Renovation Windows
●     500 Series Slider Windows
●     508 Series Slider Renovation Windows
●     550 Series Slider Windows
●     762 Series Casement Windows
●     775 Series Casement Window
   Why vinyl frames?
 You can use them for new construction purposes and as well as to get a facelift to something that is already there. The depth of the frame is 3-1/4". We use heat to weld the frame so it ensures that there is no leakage of water in the corner and is air-tight. A wide variety of models to choose from like Awning Fixed, Casement, BowWindow, PictureWindow, Bay Window, and Special Shape window. The triple seal for harsh weather conditions ensures comfort from all weather. You can also choose accessories from the nail-on flange, jamb extensions, dry-wall-return, and various mullions. We run quality check tests under various standards like WDMA, AAMA, NAFS, CSA, and QAI.
The Glass units we use are insulated with being energy efficient with Endura warm edge stainless steel space bar. We have Low-E options with gas-filled units. We use removable preserve film that protects the window from getting dirt or scratches while we are constructing. All our products come with a warranty of 25 years. You can go for grills between glass or Jamb extensions.
 The business is owned and run by a family with about 25 years of experience, so we are fully aware of the marketplace and customer needs. As we are capable of providing satisfactory work to customers for over 2 and a half decades now. We have diverse experience in providing services to project managers, builders, local homeowners, etc.
Apart from providing top-notch window manufacturing services, we can provide you with doors for residential or commercial use.
The entrance of the house is the first charm of the place, so you may consider giving it a new look from time to time. One can go for the vinyl french door or a new patio. You can tell us to work with your door until you are fully satisfied with the final outcome. Our product advisors can make your job easier for you by suggesting what will suit your needs best and quoting you the best price. We have a variety of options available in doors like:-
●      Folding Sliding Doors
●     Vinyl Patio Doors-8000
●     Vinyl Patio Doors-8300
●     Vinyl Patio Doors-8600
●     Vinyl Patio Doors-Lift & Slide
Choose one of these that best suits your requirements.
0 notes
iced-nct · 3 years
Could you write a Chenle smut? I have been obsessed with him and I also want to prove to a friend that Chenle is sexy.
Ask, and you shall receive! Happy New Year from Canada, everyone!
Please enjoy this, I got a little carried away but I hope you like it.
*WARNINGS* NSFW, Smut, Alcohol consumption, Swearing, A Lil bit of indirect consent. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. (18+)
*Pairing* Chenle x reader
*Word count* 1.2k
*Synopsis* A New Years evening with Chenle gets a little carried away ;)
Did You Log A Workout?
Spending New Year's Eve with Chenle was not quite how you had envisioned your evening going. Though you were still happy to spend it with your best friend, you couldn’t help but be sad about your date standing you up. That is how you ended up on the floor of Chenle’s apartment with his semi-nude friends and your top off, engrossed in a competitive game of strip monopoly.
It was a good thing you had anticipated getting laid tonight and had worn your cutest pink lace set instead of your usual mismatching. By the look on your slightly intoxicated best friends face, you could tell that he was in agreement. You were too distracted by Chenle taking off his shirt that you hadn’t even noticed your turn wound you up on one of Jaemin’s places. Upon the realization you looked up at Jaemin to find him taking a long swig of beer before motioning to your game piece.
“Pants off, cutie” He winked at you.
You could feel blood rush to your cheeks as you stood up and began to shimmy your jeans off. When you glanced at Chenle he licked his lips slowly before taking a drink from his bottle. In an act of utter confidence, you tossed your pants at him playfully.
“I wouldn’t have done that” Jisung sang quietly.
He was right, in a moment you were being tossed over your best friends' shoulder, ass on full display for the crowd. Chenle laid a firm slap to your backside before turning to his friends. “Don’t wait up, guys” he spoke while hauling you to his room. The ride felt like it took forever, Chenle’s broad shoulder dug into your stomach where you could feel your anticipation building.
Chenle slammed his bedroom door shut behind him and set you down on the bed. His hand lightly grasped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“Your date really missed out” He purred while his eyes scanned over your body.
“Truthfully, I’m glad he never showed” You smirked, taking the opportunity to run your hands over his exposed chest and abs.
“Truthfully, I am too.” the boy winked as he knelt between your legs.
Chenle’s fingers ran down your torso until they hooked the band of your lace panties. He looked up to you as if asking permission, to which you nodded and laid back onto his soft bed. He made quick work of you, his lips pressing soft kisses to your inner thighs before pressing his lips against your soaking core. You hummed a sound of satisfaction as he slid the piece of lace off your legs, leaving your sex exposed to him.
“How pretty, I wonder if you taste as sweet as you look” Chenle thought aloud.
He ran his tongue up your folds to your clit, circling and nipping it. A loud moan escaped your lips as he continued his motions. Suddenly you felt his flingers slide into you, stretching you out.
“What a tight girl you are. You’ll feel so good wrapped around my cock.” Chenle pulled away. You whined at the loss of contact.
“I was so close” you complained, Chenle pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss to quiet you.
You grabbed his face and pulled him back to you, your lips meeting in a series of rushed kisses. He grabbed your bottom lip between his teeth and you took the chance to run your hands down his body to his growing bulge. He groaned into your mouth as you palmed him through his boxers.
“It’s your turn now” You looked up at him with pleading eyes. Without a second thought he was on his back wriggling out of his shorts.
Your eyes widened as you took him in your hand, unsure of how you would make this work. You had never imagined Chenle to be big, well, this big. But you lowered your mouth to him, lapping up the precum from his tip. He let out a soft moan of approval before you took as much of his dick in your mouth as you could.
“Holy fuck, y/n” He moaned loudly, his fingers wove into your hair.
You continued bobbing your head up and down, stopping occasionally to swirl your tongue around his sensitive tip. Chenle pulled you off of him and sat up, he reached to his bedside table for a condom. You smirked and grabbed the small package from him, unwrapping it and rolling it onto his cock. You laid back against the mattress and Chenle moved over you, pushing your legs apart with his knee.
“You’re sure?” He whispered to you.
“Absolutely.” You pulled him down to connect your lips once more.
Chenle was gentle, much more than anyone you had been with prior. As he eased himself into you, your back arched off the bed. His lips kissed down your chest, and you pulled the sheer lace fabric down to expose your hardened nipples. He ran his tongue over your breasts, sucking and flicking your nipples. You whined a little and he jutted his hips into you sinking himself the rest of the way.
“S-so big” You moaned.
Chenle responded by sitting up onto his knees, satisfied with the marks he left on your chest and placed his hands on your hips. He started thrusting into you at a steady pace, moans coming from both of you as Chenle hit every spot to make you feel good. Never had you been with anyone who felt so satisfying, you raised your hips to meet his which earned you a low groan.
“Fuck you feel so good baby. So tight. You take me so well.” His fingers pressed further into your hips.
You let out a yelp of surprise at the sudden change of pace. Chenle chasing both of your highs with his quick thrusts, filling you with all of his cock.
“Feel so good, baby. Gonna cum for me, yeah?” His voice was raspy and filled with satisfaction as his hips rutted into yours.
You could barely manage a nod, one of his hands found its way to your core to rub your clit. You could feel your orgasm building in your abdomen, and Chenle would not stop until you finished.
“Go-gonna cum” You moaned to him.
His thrusts slowed as you released onto him, his high coming shortly after seeing yours. Your mouth agape with staggered breaths and Chenle rested his head on your shoulder, sighing into your ear as he finished. When he pulled out you felt empty after being stretched to your limits. Chenle disposed of the condom in his small garbage can before joining you back in bed. He pulled the blankets up over your bodies and you found yourself laying on his chest, his heart still beating after the intense act.
“You know, I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time” He confessed to you, when you looked up at him his cheeks were slightly red.
“Me too.” You smiled at him, sure that you were blushing just as hard.
From the living room you could hear his friends shouting about the New Year beginning, and a look at Chenle’s apple watch confirmed that it was indeed after midnight.
“Happy New Year y/n” Chenle pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Happy New Year- wait. DID YOU LOG OUR SEX AS A WORKOUT ON YOUR WATCH?!?!” You would never win with him
283 notes · View notes
kaunis-sielu · 3 years
Schoolyard: 15
It’s snowing when you land, those big pretty fat flakes that make it seem like you’re in a movie. Thor passes his phone to Sif who takes a picture of the two of you, one where you’re both smiling at the camera as the flakes fall around you. The second Thor looks like he’s kissing your cheek and you’re laughing because he’s actually blowing a raspberry to make you laugh.
It’s still weird to be curtsied to, but the ambassador does exactly that. You and Thor both nod back before Thor shakes the Ambassador’s hand.
“It’s such a pleasure to have you here Your Majesties.”
“Thank you for having us.” Thor says, “it’s been a while since there’s been a Royal visit from what I remember.”
“Yes, Your Majesty. Almost a decade.”
“Too long my friend.” Thor says clapping a hand on the other man’s shoulder, “I’d like to introduce you to my fiancée.”
“We heard wife.”
“Well, technically yes but not nationally. It was a quick private ceremony for my father.”
“How is His Majesty doing?”
“Fairly well, wouldn’t you say Elskede?” Thor says bringing you back into the conversation.
“I would. We’re trying some different medications so I’m hopeful one will be beneficial.”
“You act as if you’re his doctor.” The Ambassador laughs and Thor’s hand tightens in yours.
“I’m not his doctor but I am a doctor.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
“We’d love to get some rest before dinner. Could you show us to our rooms?” Thor says coldly and you slide your thumb down the side of his hand.
“Of course.” The Ambassador says looking properly chastised. He leads your group to some rooms, you have to go into an elevator then down a hallway. The Ambassador opens the door to one of the bedrooms and bows as you and Thor enter.
“Thank you.” You say with a smile at the Ambassador then you’re left alone with Thor.
“So he was rude as hell. I feel like I should replace him for his attitude toward you.”
“Thor, it’s fine. I don’t mind that these men make a fool of themselves.” You soothe and he stares down at you before kissing you softly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yea.” You assure him, with a smile. “I like when people underestimate me. It’s easier to get information if they think I’m some brainless woman.”
“You need to stop spending time with Loki.” He says and you laugh.
“Maybe.” You agree before he presses a quick kiss to your lips.
“We should get ready for the state dinner.” He says and so you step away from him and start to get ready for the party. Sif helps you with your hair, Bryn sits and watches as you get ready and when Thor knocks on the door she goes to let him in.
“I have something for you.” He says opening a box and showing you a tiara.
“You couldn’t have brought that an hour ago?” Sif demands but you smile up at him.
“It’s beautiful thank you.” Sif takes it and gently helps work it into your hair.
When you’re ready you and Thor head to the Prime Minister’s home where the party is being held. You have a really good time, the people are kind and friendly which isn’t surprising for Canadians.
The four days you spend there are so much fun, the snow is just enough to be pretty and not the worst and you and Thor take some really cute photos together to post on the last day you’re there.
The States
It’s nice seeing Tyr again. He’s as friendly as he was last time and the room that you and Thor are in is beautiful. You convince Thor to go to your old apartment so you can start packing. Jane is there when you open the door and she doesn’t look pleased to see you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m moving so I’m here to pack up.” You tell her as Sif, closes the door behind her. Jane scowls but you just move past her and into your bedroom. Thor follows you with several folded boxes, you work silently together packing your things. You glance up at Thor and see that he’s staring at some of the photos above your desk on the cork board you have hanging there.
“I remember this day.” He says softly as he gently pulls the photo off of your cork board. You’re grinning broadly at the camera, his arm is over your shoulders and he’s smiling over at you. “This was the day you told us you were leaving.”
“Yea, it was a fun day until you all found out.”
“I loved you even then.” He admits softly and you cross the room to press a kiss to his cheek. “I thought we had so much time and then you were gone.”
“I don’t think I stopped crying for like three days. I missed you so terribly.” You tell him, and Thor rests his forehead against yours. “I’m so glad we found our way back to one another.” You whisper and he hums before kissing you.
“Your Majesties, sorry for the interruption.” Sif says from the doorway.
“What Sif?” Thor asks, not removing his gaze from yours.
“We only have three hours before the dinner. We should go.”
“I’ll send someone to finish packing.” Thor promises and you nod.
“Leave the furniture. Jane can have it, except for the rocking chair in the living room.
“Are you sure?” Thor asks and you nod, he weaves your fingers through his and you follow him out of your room. “Alright let’s go then.”
Jane isn’t in the room when you pass through, but Thor speaks to Volstagg quietly and he nods then you and Thor follow Sif and Brynn out of your old apartment. You wish you could salvage your friendship with Jane but it doesn’t seem likely.
When you get back to the embassy it’s a flurry of activity. The President, his wife, the Vice President and her wife as well as other Ambassadors will be coming to the Embassy instead of you going to Washington DC. You wouldn’t have minded but it is nice to be somewhere familiar.
Thor watches you finish getting ready, the weight of the tiara on your head is becoming less terrifying and more of a comfort, a reminder that you are Thor’s fiancée. That you’ve chosen him over everything else and that doesn’t scare you like you thought it would.
“You always look so beautiful Elskede.” He says as you swipe on some mascara to finish your look.
“You look handsome as hell.”
“Yea?” Thor asks with a small smirk and you nod, then stand to cross the room to where he’s waiting. You press a kiss to his lips, his hands grip your hips, dragging your body flush to his.
“Alright you two, it’s time to get out there.” Bryn says pushing the door open. Thor let’s out a soft groan causing you to laugh. You weave your fingers through his then head out together.
You and Thor had slept for a majority of the flight to China. You don’t even remember landing to refuel but Sif swears that you did. Twice.
You’ve been in touch with a former classmate of yours, Steve Rogers, who has been working for Doctors Without Boarders in rural China. You haven’t mentioned it to Thor or the team yet but you want to go help out.
“Elskede?” Thor asks as you dig through your bag.
“Hmm?” You hum in response.
“Why do you have scrubs?” Whoops.
“Don’t just say no.” You start and Thor looks suspiciously over at you. “One of my best friends from Med School, Steve, is working with Doctors Without Boarders out in Zhejiang. I want to go for a couple of days and help out.” Thor doesn’t look like he likes the idea but you’re not giving up so easily. “I’ll take both Sif and Bryn, I’ll be in touch the whole time. You can run a background check or whatever on Steve. Please Thor. I really really want to do this.”
“You’re willing to give up some of our sight seeing time to do this?”
“Yes. You don’t have to come if you’ve got other things to do.”
“Elskede, I’m not going to abandon you on our engagement trip.” He says and I laugh.
“I didn’t realize that’s what this was. I thought it was a coronation celebration.”
“Can’t it be both?”
“I don’t know,” you muse, “seems like a cheap way for you to get out of giving me an actual vacation.” You tease and he lets out a low growl before looping an arm around your waist and pulling you to him.
“You name the place My Love, and I’ll take you.” He promises before covering your mouth with his. You pull away from him,
“Does this mean that we’re going to go to Zhenjiang?”
“Yea, Elskede. I’ll work something out with the team. We can go tomorrow.”
“Thank you!” You tell him kissing him again before you grab your phone and text Steve.
The next morning you head out to Zhenjiang and when you get there Steve comes wandering out of the building with a wide smile on his face. You give him a tight hug and he swings you off your feet.
“Hey Bug.”
“That’s Her Majesty Bug to you.” You tease and Steve laughs that big belly laugh of his.
“Beg your pardon Your Majesty.” Steve says with a teasing bow as his best friend Bucky comes out of the building.
“Um, it’s Her Majesty Bug.” Steve interrupts holding a hand out in front of Bucky.
“Only to Steve.” You tell them giving Bucky a tight hug. Bucky laughs but Steve folds his arms and glares over at you.
“Haven’t you heard? I’m a pretentious Royal snob now.” You tell them with an eye roll.
“We told Jane to fuck off. We’ve always been your friends first and whatever is going on with her doesn’t change that.” Steve assures you and you give his arm a squeeze before turning to Thor.
“This is my fiancé, Thor. Thor this is Steve and Bucky. These two helped me survive med school and our residency.”
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Thor says shaking each man’s hand, “glad you could keep Elskede alive for me.” You introduce the rest of the team then, both men shake hands with all of them, Bucky takes a second longer with Bryn than you think is necessary but it’s just ammo for you to tease him with later.
“So, what is the deal here?” Bucky asks gesturing between you and Thor.
“We’ll explain inside. I’m assuming you guys have an office or something.”
“Yea, is the whole crew sticking around?” Steve asks as he leads you all into the building.
“Yea, I’m so sorry.” You affirm and he just shrugs. You follow Steve into the building, down a hallway and to an office. He gestures for you to sit before rounding the desk and sitting on the other side. Once the door is closed you explain everything.
“Damn.” Bucky mutters and you laugh.
“Exactly. But this all stays in this room.”
“Of course.” Steve agrees and Bucky nods.
“So, let’s get to work?” You ask and Steve passes you a stack of folders.
“How’s your Mandarin?”
“Mine is excellent.” Bryn says and you look over at her in surprise. “What? I’m good at languages.”
“So you can be a translator?” Bucky asks and she nods, “perfect. We’ll ask the rest of you to stay here.”
“Ready Bug?” Steve asks and you give him a wide smile.
“Hell yea.”
The rest of the day is spent in and out of hospital rooms. Thor somehow sneaks a couple of pictures that he posts on his Peprgram of you working diligently. You’d accuse Bryn of taking them but she’s in a few so you’re not sure how he got them.
After three days you’re exhausted but happy. It was so nice to be able to work in your field again but you forgot how incredibly exhausting it could be.
You flop down in the bed next to Thor at the Embassy and he chuckles softly.
“Tired Elskede?”
“In the best way. Thank you for making that possible.”
“It was fun to get to see you in your element.” He says putting the StarkPad he’s been working on onto the nightstand.
“I missed it. I don’t miss being this tired but working with the kids and stuff I miss.”
“When we get home why don’t we see if there’s something we can work out so you’re able to keep doing what you love?”
“That would be amazing.” You admit your eyelids are so heavy, you’re struggling to keep them open.
“Sleep now Elskede,” Thor whispers before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
The second week is all public appearances, you and Thor meet with several different delegates, have a few photo opportunities and go to a big dinner. It’s much different than being at home or in Canada, the language barrier is more noticeable. You’re grateful for Bryn who mutters what is being said into your ear when the politicians are ignoring you and only speaking to Thor.
At the end of the week you’re excited to get to go to Wakanda, to see Nakia and T’Challa again.
Tag list:
@abschaffer2 @dsakita @dramadreamer14 @thesassmisstress @eralen @bobbie3939 @andahugaroundtheneck @loving-life-my-way @thefridgeismybestie @killcomet @dumblani @im-just-another-monster @mywinterwolf @scuzmunkie @biskwitmamaw @geeksareunique @paintballkid711 @lumar014 @also-fangirlinsweden @connie326 @inkedaztec @valsworldofcreativity @gaitwae @blackwidownat2814 @innerpaperexpertcloud
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Dom!Izuku Midoriya x uke!male!reader part 2 (same kinks)
It's been a few weeks since you and your boyfriend had made love in his hero costume.
You had cleaned it for him as it was your idea to have your boyfriend fuck you in it. You were glad that he had more then one since he had hero work the next day.
Once you finished drying it, you held it to your chest the memories of your night together was vivid in your head making you shiver. The feeling of his gloved hand on your body was so thrilling. You wanted to feel that sensation again.
Hearing the door unlocked, you
Carefully folded the clothing in hand, placing it down and quickly walked to the front door.
Seeing the green hair of your lover you bowed saying. "Welcome home!" Hearing the door closed you look at Izuku.
He smiled lovingly at you then took of his shoes before hugging and kissing your lips. Izuku look disheveled. It made him look super sexy in your eyes and even though you wanted to jump him then and there you had to make sure he was clean, happy and relaxed.
You grabbed his gloved hand, shivering at the sensation on your palm. Breathing in as to not talk with a quiver. You softly asked. "Would you like to eat or take a bath first, Izuku, my dear."
Izuku hummed still holding you. "I want you first but I guess I should take a shower." You blushed at his answer. You're face was so red but feeling deku's gloved hand caressing your cheek made your cheeks impossible a darker shade. With all the restraint you could muster you pushed your boyfriend into the bathroom closing it quick and shouting a " I'll bring you I towel so get clean quick."
Then in a quieter more shy voice you said. "I want you too.. god.. how did he tell me that with such a smirk on he's face. Stupidly Handsome Midoriya. He used to be so shy... Not that I dislike his directness now or anything. It's just my heart can't take it.." by now even your neck was flushed red.
Little did you know Izuku was as flustered as you. His freckled cheeks were a dark shade of red as he unzipped his hero costume. Placing it in the laundry basket to clean later. Taking warm shower, scrubbing off all the dirt and rubble. He always felt nice after a shower and His soar muscle reminding him of the hard but gratifying work he did as a hero.
He smiled then bit his lip. He thought as water rained down his soapy hair. "I can't believe I said that without stuttering like I usually do.. I guess y/n was way to cute.." scratching his blushing cheeks he continued. "It's so nice being greeted when I came home especially from my cute boyfriend y/n."
He kept rambling in his head, not hearing you opening the door. Walking in as calmly as you can to not disturbe your boyfriend knowing that he'd be deep in tho as he shower, you gently placed the warm folded towel on the counter in the bathroom and walk out as quietly as you came. Once out of the room, you were excited to have fun with Izuku once his out the shower.
As you know where Deku puts his hero costumes, you grab the suit you know is the easiest to wash. Knowing each of there fabrics, structures and which ones are the easiest to put on and off. You wouldn't tell him but you tend to look at him often. Getting dressed or undressed, he's way to sexy not too.
While knowing last time Izuku wouldn't prep with his gloves you decided to just repair and resize an old pair of his hero gloves for the occasion.
Look you were just way to desperate to feel he's large gloved hands on your cock and ass. As it goes, desperate times calls for desperate measures.
Taking everything you need to the bedroom. You. Placed the hero costume neatly on the bed. You kept hold of the gloves so you could tell Izuku about how much you wanted him to touch you even more intimately in his gloves, it's all you really want. Since last time he couldn't touch you cock or ass with his gloves because if them still being in use.
They made his touches feel so good, so electric. These gloves were used to protect, your boyfriend was really such a great hero. He made you feel safe and his strength made you feel all hot and bothered.
You held the gloves upward, snuggling it to your face. It was still warm from the dryer as you where doing so, you didn't notice your boyfriend until you were lifted up by your strong hero lover's arms and into your shared bed.
You yelped then giggled, feeling Izuku give you light and gentle kisses on your neck. You let out a Humm. Holding your boyfriend's face in your hands, kissing him back.
Making the gloves fall to your chest, he looked into your eyes and asked with a chuckle.
"So~ you want me to wear one of my hero costumes for you again, baby?" Hearing Izuku say that made you quiver in anticipation.
"Please, please, please." You said, you could wait anymore. You gave him the costume, free hand around the gloves. Izuku looked at them tilted his head but started to undress to put the hero costume you passed him first. Watching him undress was so mesmerizing but made Izuku feel kind of shy but didn't stop his hands.
He gulp down any shyness to give a nice view for his cute boyfriend. Y/n was blushing beautiful just as midoriya thought his baby would. Once the costume was on the greenette gave you the heroic smile you adored while watching him an tv.
Looking at Midoriya up and down you where so close to drooling, 'His so hot' you thought before saying, "I umm.. resized and restitched one of your old hero gloves... I ehh. I really wanted you to touch me more intimately with your gloves! Please.. touch me!"
Shoving the pair of gloves in his hands, Izuku blushed stuttering out sentences that where to quick for you to comprehend. You then gave your best doe eyes at him making him stop talking completely.
"Put them on Zuku, please.~ I need you now." You said with the nickname you'd give him only when you were way to needy for him. Hearing it made him put the gloves on way quicker then he wanted to.
He had wanted to tease you first but you needed this now. Midoriya chuckled then said with a blush on his face, "my pretty boy is so needy today, hmm~ T... Tell me, where do you want me to touch you first, y/n?"
The Blush on your boyfriend's face made you smile yet his words made you let out a moan. Zuku was so cute and hot when he tried to be. "Please touch my chest and d... Umm... Dick. Please! I need it. After saying that you felt his large hand brush your chest, his gloved fingertips grazed your nipple making you let out a squicky moan.
Seems like Izuku enjoyed your cute moan because after hearing it, his hands squizzed and pinched you chest with more vigor then the first touch. Then his other gloved hand slide from you stomach to your groin. Your gasp made Izuku slow his movements. Bending down he kissed your neck, licking and nibbling on the skin.
The greenette pumped his large hand, wrapped around your dick slow at first but the louder your moans became the faster his gloved hand rubbed your cock, his thumb brushing over your slit made you dizzy and so horny. "Ahh~ more I need your fingers inside of me. I want it... Ohh. I need you so bad~" you cried out making Izuku groan yet nod right after.
You stretched out you hand under your pillow taking out a bottle of lube. Izuku let out a a laugh, coming out as mure of a snort but took the vial.
He smiled in a sly matter but didn't say anything. Just pops it open between his teeth and pours some on your member and his gloved hand. You wanted him to touch you with the gloves on, he know that, so he indulged you.
With the slick lube in his hand, he started prepping you slow and gently as he always does. Kissing you and praising you for being so good for him.
"You are so amazing, baby. So good. I love you so much~." No matter how many times he praises you, your face always flushes red. You loved being good for him, your handsome superhero Izuku.
After a while of prepping. You felt his fingers slide out of you, letting out a whimper. But the greenette sooth you with a hush. He put some of the lube on his member then put the vial on the counter. Other hand rubbing the lube around his dick.
You grab one of his gloved hands and he squeezed your hand in his. With his free hand he slowly slides his length inside of you. You always loved how gentle he was with you. Love the light, loving touches.
"You are doing fantastic, love" Izuke started saying then kissed your lips slow yet passionately. "You make me feel so good, baby.~ You take me so well.~" He said as his hips trusted into you faster with ever praise he gave you and ever loud moan that came out of your parted lips.
It was so blissful for you the fabric of his gloves tracing you skin, the feeling of his hero suit pants brushing over your skin. All you could do is moan with all these feelings combined and his praising you where on cloud nine. You felt so feel, so satisfied. This was everything you wanted and your boyfriend Izuku gave it to you.
Moans and groans came out of both of your mouths. "Let's cum together, y/n." Midoriya Said His hips trusting sloppily now. You nodded. "Yes please, Zuku. Need it." Your voice came out slurred but Izuku understood you instantly. With a few more fast and deep trusts you both came about the same time.
After coming down from his high Izuku started a bath for you both.
Hello, everyone! Thank you all for your patience. It took me a while but I finally finished this for @Nyxtiro , I hope this is a satisfying continuation to the part 1 of Izuku x m!reader.
Take care everyone. Enjoy! Oh and it's Valentine's Day today in Canada. So happy Valentine's Day to you all. 💙
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wavesmp3 · 4 years
before sunrise
kevin moon x reader   - strangers to lovers au, fluff  - based off the movie before sunrise   - wc. 9.4k   - warnings: mentions of alcohol, lots of dialogue, cursing, and a few attempts at comedy
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synopsis → You and Kevin Moon only have one night together before his flight leaves the next morning. And before meeting Kevin, you never would’ve believed that one night is long enough to fall in love with someone.
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The train rattles on and on, a blur of colors painted beyond the small window you rest your head against. A headache is forming, between your ears and behind your eyes, a small thrumming that’ll make the rest of this train ride unbearable if you don’t end whatever’s causing it. Except you don’t know whether to blame the rattling train or the lovers' quarrel from the couple sitting across from you. 
You make another attempt to ignore the rattling and the arguing, holding your book closer to your face and starting the same paragraph you’ve been on since boarding the train. The effort does little to help on either account. You sigh, loudly, in the hopes that your annoyance stings the ears of the couple next to you. It does not. So you get up, gather your things, and move further down the car. 
You settle into a new seat, the couple’s argument still audible but less intruding than it had been when you were sitting right beside them. You open your book to restart the same paragraph when someone interrupts you. Again. 
“Hey, do you have any idea what those two are fighting about?” 
You look up from between the pages, lifting your eyes to meet those of the person who spoke to you without lowering the book itself. You stare at him, taken aback almost, by asymmetry of the smile he’s directed towards you and how charmed you are by it. You swallow. 
“Oh, sorry,” his body caves inwards, scratching a spot behind his neck, “do you speak English?”
You nod, too eagerly. “Yeah, no, I speak English. Just no clue what they’re arguing about.” You lower the book, folding in the page you’ve yet to move on from and leaning forward in your seat, just enough to catch sight of the couple whose voices get louder with each passing moment. “My German is not very good.”
“Ah,” the boy mutters, his pitch-black hair falling in front of his eyes, “that’s what that is.” He turns back to you, looks at you expectantly almost, then awkwardly laughs sitting back in his chair. He gestures to your book. “I’ll let you get back to it. Sorry to bother.”
And you’re about to tell him it’s fine, that you don’t mind the small talk, when you notice the book laying in his lap and the finger he has shoved between the pages to mark his spot. And the words sort of fall back down your throat once you do. 
You return to your book, not even bothering to start the paragraph for what feels like the thousandth time. Instead, you stare at the printed page, passively listening to the heated German flying between the couple and thinking about the boy sitting across the aisle from you. 
The couple stands up suddenly, dramatic enough to make half the car look up at them. One of them makes their way down the aisle in your direction, walking hurriedly and shrugging off the hand their partner places on their arm, as if they could not get way fast enough. You look towards the boy across from you with a raised brow. He makes a face at you, lifting his shoulders and shaking his head. You bite back a laugh, eyes following the couple as they exit the car. The sliding door opens with a whoosh and closes, their absence swallowing the car in silence.  
“What are you reading?” The guy asks, pushing his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose. 
You hold up the cover of your book for him to see. “You?” 
He looks down at his lap, pursing his lips and chuckling a bit, hesitating, as if he wasn’t expecting you to return the question. He holds up the book. 
“Series of unfortunate events?” You murmur, recognizing the cover. 
“In my defense, I’m rereading it.” 
“No judgement.” You tell him, lifting up your hands in surrender. “I read it when I was young as well.” 
“It’s a good series, right?” You nod. “Thank you.” He huffs, resting his back against the train seat. 
“Although, I’m not sure if it’s good enough to reread. Not sure I get why people reread anything, actually. I mean there are so many books out there, why bother rereading one you’ve already read?” 
He shrugs at that, tilting his head and gaze fixed on the book. “Nostalgia, I guess.” 
You accept the answer with a nod. The couple returns then, and the clamor of their argument returns with them. You both watch as they pass by your seats. 
“Hey,” the guy begins again, sitting up in his seat and shifting his body until he’s in the aisle seat instead of the one by the window, “I was thinking of going to the lounge car. Would you wanna come with?” 
“Yeah, sure.” You lean towards him. “Why not?”
“I’m Kevin Moon by the way.” He says once you’re both seated, extending his hand. You take it; give him your name. And there’s a draft that runs through the lounge car when he repeats it to himself. “So are you coming from Copenhagen too?” 
“Yeah, I was visiting some family there?” 
He nods. “And how are they?” 
You laugh, giggle really, awkwardly despite the faux intimacy of his question. Nodding, you answer: “They’re great. Well—great is a bit much. Content, perhaps?” 
“Content sounds good.” 
“So where are you getting off?” 
“What’s in Amsterdam?” 
“No clue.” You laugh at the response, or maybe it’s at the quirk of his brow and the nervous tapping against his knee. “I have a flight out of there tomorrow morning. So I was thinking I’d explore the city some, attempt to experience all of Amsterdam in one night.” 
“Yeah, and where are you flying to?” 
“Back home.”
“Let me guess,” you start, a teasing lilt in your voice, “America?” 
“Canada, actually.” He proudly corrects. “Where are you from?” 
“All over.” You gesture around vaguely. “Moved around a lot growing up. And now I’m in Paris.” 
“Is that where you’re getting off?” He asks, leaning forward. You nod. “Why Paris?” 
“Oh,” he looks shocked, “which one?” 
“Would you even know it if I said?” 
His mouth parts, eyes darting around somewhere above your head. “Yeah, probably not.” 
“What about you?” You ask once your laughter has died down. “Still in school?” 
He’s quick to shake his head. “Gosh, no. School was never really for me.”
“Why not?” 
“I-“ he falters, tilting his head back at the question, “well, why are you still in school?” 
“No real reason.” You plan to leave it at that, but when you look up at him, keenly waiting for you to continue, some part of you wants to elaborate on it as well. “Sort of like I’m not sure what I’d do with myself once I finish.” 
“I feel that.” 
“You feel that?” You echo, a laugh dancing under the question. 
“Yeah.” He answers sincerely, eyes fixated on you and surprisingly serious. “I do.” 
“Oh,” you blurt, taken aback by how genuinely he means it.
The waiter appears then, handing you menus and taking your orders after. 
“So of all the places you’ve lived, which one felt the most like home?” 
You think over the question, tongue poking at the inside of your cheek. “Maybe Copenhagen. I have the most family there.” You add as a half-hearted explanation. “But I don’t know, I guess no place has felt much like home yet.” 
“Not even Paris?” 
You shake your head. “There’s this quote that goes: what is a home if not the first place you learn to run from.”
“So is that what Paris is?” He asks, resting his head against his hand. “The place you ran to?” 
You shrug. “Something like that.” 
There’s a beat of silence, somehow you spend the entirety of it starting at Kevin. “You seem to be very well read.” He says finally, looking away first and folding a napkin over his lap. 
“It’s just one quote.” 
“One more than me.”  
“Maybe if you stopped rereading ‘the series of unfortunate events’, we’d be on even footing.” 
He gasps. “You said ‘no judgement’.” 
“It’s called being polite.” He shakes his head disapprovingly. “So how about you? Were you just visiting Copenhagen, or…?” 
“No, I’ve done the whole tour. Started in Madrid, hit Paris, Rome, Vienna, Budapest, Berlin, London, Athens, Prague, Florence, Lisbon… you know, all the big ones.” 
“I hope not in that order.” 
He laughs brightly. “No, not in that order. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.” 
“Of course.” 
“But, yeah, I bought the Eurail Pass a while back and decided I would see as much as I could.” 
“How long have you been here?” 
“About a month and a half now.” 
“Wow. And just for a holiday or?” 
“Yeah, well,” his face turns down, a cloud passing across the sun and casting a shadow over the table, “I had a friend in Madrid, but, uh, mainly—yeah, mainly vacation.” 
You don’t prod any further, nodding at his half-baked answer. 
“But what I’ve come to realize,” he continues on, “during these past few weeks, is that there’s something special about just sitting on a train and staring out the window.” 
“What’s special about it?” 
“For starters,” he gestures to the rolling green hills outside the window, “it’s beautiful. But also, I get these ideas while sitting here.” 
“What sorts of ideas?” 
“Like,” he hesitates, leaning back towards you, “well it’s gonna sound dumb to say outloud.” 
You watch him carefully. The asymmetrical smile that you first noticed appearing on his lips again. And maybe that’s what makes you lean towards him and say, 
“Try me.” 
“Hey,” you push away your now empty plate and tap on the window as the train rolls to a stop, “isn’t this Amsterdam?” 
“Oh yeah,” Kevin checks his watch, “it is. I guess I lost track of time sitting here.” You check the time yourself and realize it’s been over two hours.
“Well for what it’s worth, I really enjoyed talking with you,” you tell him, shifting in the seat. 
He returns the sentiment, and you both continue to go back and forth until the train does actually stop, a loud whistle traveling through the lounge car.  
“Well, this is me.” He says softly, sucking in his bottom lip. 
You extend out your hand. “Nice to meet you, Kevin Moon.”
He shakes it. “Nice to meet you too.”
You watch him go, lugging a duffle bag by his hip and pulling a pink beanie over his hair. And once the door to the lounge car closes swiftly behind him, you slump into the chair resting your head against the window and scanning the group of people on the platform outside of it. Maybe, you think to yourself, I’ll catch him leaving.
“Okay, I have a crazy idea.”
You jump at the sound of his breathless voice, jolting up in your seat. “Kevin, what are yo—”
“Blow off Paris for one more night.”
“Just—like I know this is crazy—but just listen for a second.” He tosses his duffle bag into the seat that was occupied by him a minute ago and places both his hands on the table, leaning down slightly. An action that leaves no room for you to think he’s joking. “My flight only leaves tomorrow morning, and I was planning on wasting time in Amsterdam until then. So come with me, let’s hang out for the night, and you can catch the first train back to Paris. I haven’t had a conversation like the one we just had in so long, and I don’t really want to say bye yet. So, let’s just see where this goes. And if it sucks or if you realize you hate me, then you leave, and we part ways just like that. No strings, no obligations.” He pauses there, chewing on his bottom lip and fingers curling around the edge of the table.
And for some reason, after his whole speech, you find yourself thinking about the arguing couple from the other car.
You grab your things. “Okay.���
“Come on,” a grin fights its way onto your face, excitement teetering in every part of your body, “let’s go.”
And some small of part of you that’s hanging onto reason knows this is a terrible idea, a reckless and stupid idea that you would chide the protagonist of a horror movie for. But another part of you, the same part that can’t get over Kevin’s asymmetrical smile and the same part that said yes when he asked if you wanted to go to the lounge car, is too enthralled with the idea of continuing whatever this is to say no.
So this time when Kevin leaves, you don’t watch him go; instead, you follow him off of the train.
You’ve been to Amsterdam before, once on a holiday with your family that you can barely remember and again on a school trip when you were much younger. But despite the two times you’ve been to this city, walking beside the street and admiring the brightly painted buildings with Kevin feels like a first.  
And after seven minutes of mindlessly walking around Amsterdam with a complete stranger, the reality of your earlier choice strikes you like a burst of wind across the cheek. The exhilaration that compelled you to get off the train withering away with each step. Not a word has passed between either of you since agreeing to Kevin’s plan.
“This is,” you start, voice hoarse and hiding a shy laugh behind your palm. “This is weird.”
“No, yeah, it’s awkward, right?” Kevin smiles, scratching a part of his neck. “Do you…” he shoves his fists into the pockets of his coat, “do you regret getting off the train with me?” He laughs after he asks the question, as if he’s embarrassed to even bring it up.
“No,” you tell him honestly, scuffing your shoes against the pavement and avoiding looking at him. “Not yet.”
In a corner of your vision, you see him nod, then smile. The asymmetrical one that first caught your attention. And in that moment, a tiny spark of exhilaration returns.
You and Kevin find yourselves in an art museum. The first activity you could find to fill in all the awkward silences. You take turns acting as guides explaining the curation of each piece of art. A suggestion that you had made and then come to regret when Kevin tries to argue that a modern sculpture of sunflowers is actually just the Shrek movies reimagined.
“And see that part,” he says animatedly, pointing at a corner of the piece, “is actually depicting that once scene in the beginning of Shrek 2 when—”
You just laugh, shoving his arm playfully and wandering on to the next piece.
“Hey,” Kevin calls from further along the wall, “come look at this one.”
“So, what is this one about?” You tease, meeting him beside the art piece. “Ice Age or Monsters Inc?”
“No bullshit explanation this time, actually.” He mumbles, eyes trained on the art still. “I really like this one.”
You take a moment to study the painting, done by an impressionist artist according to the blurb beside it. The piece depicts a whole bunch of couples dancing on a street.
“I like how the background is all a blur.” Kevin says. “As if each of the couples are so occupied with themselves that everything else sort of fades.”
“I think my favorite part,” you start, taking a step towards the painting, “is how the girl in this pair and the guy in this one are painted like their fading. Makes me feel like they aren’t real; like they’re a dream or a memory.”
“Or a ghost.” 
“Yeah,” you smile at the thought, “or a ghost.”
Kevin leans down to read about the piece. “It’s called ‘Lovers Embrace’” 
“I like it.” You declare, thinking over how fitting the title is.
He straightens back up, smiling. “Me too.”
The art museum is effective in easing the awkwardness between you and Kevin, acting as a distraction from the insanity of the current circumstances and your belated recognition of it, so that now, while meandering about a record shop he found, conversation flows as easily as it did in the lounge car. And when you realize that, another bit of your exhilaration returns, bursting within your chest and fluttering against your gut.
“I have an idea.” Kevin announces as you finger through a section of records.
“Another one?” You deadpan. 
He flicks your arm, continuing, “We both pick a record to listen to. And then a random, third one for good measure.”
“How are we picking the third one?”
He hums in thought, drumming his fingers against the shelf. “Okay, I got it. Close your eyes.”
You point a finger at yourself. “Me?”
He squints at you, dramatically looking side to side and bringing the emptiness of this portion of the store to your attention. “Who else?”
“Fine but--”
“Just close them.”
With a long sigh, you do.
“Okay,” Kevin murmurs, spinning you around by the shoulders. He jerks you to a stop. “Now choose a record.” You push your hand out, feeling around for the nearest rack of records. “No, that’s boring.” He complains. “You have to walk around a little bit.”
“You know, we could’ve avoided this if you just chose the random record instead of me.” You huff at him, slowly walking around with your eyes still closed as per Kevin’s request.
“Watch out,” he warns, ignoring your comment, “you’re about to hit a stand.”
Eventually, you walk far enough from the place you started at. Blindly reaching out to the rack, you chose a record that feels the most worn around the edges. You open your eyes, blinking, and are about to read the cover when Kevin stops you suggesting you both wait until you’re in the listening booth. You agree, parting ways to pick your own record to listen to.
After a few minutes of browsing the store, you meet with Kevin outside of the listening booth, two records under your arm.
“Play yours first.” Kevin says, stepping into the booth with you. You pull the record out of its sleeve and place it in position. 
Moon river, wider than a mile
“Ah,” he sighs, as the song begins to play, “I love this song.”
I’m crossing you in style someday
You swallow back a smile and mutter a small ‘me too’.
Wherever you’re going, I’m going your way. Two drifters off to see the world
“Kind of fitting, isn’t it?” He asks, laughing lightly and knocking his head back against the wall of the booth.
“Part of the reason I chose it.” You explain, turning your head towards him just in time to catch his eyes fluttering shut. An action that sends a familiar burst of exhilaration running heavily over your chest. He looks at peace like this, you think, his gold frames resting on the middle of his nose and a tuft of black hair slipping out from under his beanie. It’s only when the song ends, the repeated skipping of the needle replacing Sinatra’s voice, do you realize you’ve spent the entirety of it staring at Kevin. His eyes snap open at that moment; you’re quick to look away, busying yourself with the drawstring of your bag and ignoring the warmth that fills your body.
Kevin removes your record and fixes the one he chose in place. The song starts on a familiar chord. 
Kelly, can you handle this?
You shoot him a look, just barely holding your laughter in.
“I know. Totally different vibe from ‘Moon River’ but this is the only Beyoncé song I could find.”
I don’t think they can handle this.
You start singing along. Kevin joins, dancing along as well despite how small the booth is. And when he starts twerking, you spend the last two minutes of the song laughing in shock.
The song ends, after Kevin declares his love for Beyoncé. You hand the Destiny’s Child record back to Kevin and pull the final, random record out of its sleeve and set it in place.
“How’s your Italian?” Kevin asks, as you straighten back up waiting for the song to play.
“No better than my German. Why?” He flips the vinyl’s cover around to show you. “Il Mondo by Jimmy Fontana,” you mutter as the first note rings throughout the booth. 
No stanotte amore non ho più pensato a te
Kevin finds the translation online, scooting closer until the side of his arm is pressed against yours, phone tilted so that you can see. You lean in to better read the lyrics.
Gira, il mondo gira, nello spazio senza fine Turning, the world’s turning, in a space without end
Your eyes catch Kevin’s for the briefest of moments before he looks away, quickly refocusing his gaze on the opposite side of the booth.
Con gli amori appena nati, con gli amori già finiti With the lovers just now starting, with the lovers already parting
You don’t return to the lyrics, instead watching as his focus ping pongs between the phone screen and the wall.
Con la gioia e col dolore della gente come me With the joy and with the hurt of the people like me
His eyes flit over to your face. You look down, pretending to read the lyrics, swallowing.
Il mondo The world
And from a corner of your vision, you can see him watching you, can feel his eyes on you. You bite the inside of your cheek, trying to ignore how good it feels to know he’s staring. 
Soltanto adesso io ti guardo, nel tuo silenzio io mi perdo Just now I see you, in your silence I lose myself
There’s a jerk of movement from Kevin. But the second you angle your head towards him, he tilts his chin up, smiling at the ceiling and tongue running over his teeth. You stare at him and consider for a moment: tearing your eyes off him, turning your head down again, and pretending to read the lyrics. But as quickly as the thought comes, it passes. And you find it impossible to care that he knows you’re staring, figuring that it’d be just as impossible to make yourself look away.
E sono niente accanto a te I am nothing beside you
His chin falls at the line, dark brown eyes dancing around the room before landing on yours. And this time, you don’t look away. There’s a sharp inhale. A loud gulp. The slightest turn of your body and an even smaller glance at the curve of his lips. His fingers flex, knocking against your knuckles, lingering for too long to be accidental. And it’s like time stops at that moment, like all the clocks in the world cease to tick, making you and Kevin halt as well, standing still, unmoving, staring at each other as if you hadn’t spent the past minute avoiding each other’s eyes. 
And you swear, if the music hadn’t stopped, the scratching needle cutting into the air, you would’ve fell in love with Kevin right then. 
“A piano,” you point out as you and Kevin are about to leave from the record shop. You go to it, admiring the dark brown wood and fingers ghosting over the ivory keys.
“Do you know how to play?” Kevin joins you in the corner of the shop that houses the piano.
“Gosh, no.” You pause, your middle finger hovering over a black key and tilt your head towards him. “Do you?”
He nods, taking a seat on the bench and patting the spot beside him for you. He starts playing a song you don’t recognize but one that manages to sound vaguely familiar anyways. Like it was playing in the background of a movie you can no longer remember the name of, or like you met the song in a dream and memorized the melody in your sleep before waking up the next morning.
And maybe it’s because you know this song without having ever heard it before or maybe it’s because the chords have been sitting in your soul every night since that forgotten dream but something about the song and something about this moment, makes you scoot closer to Kevin and rest your head against his shoulder.
He stops, barely, for the tiniest of seconds, fingers hesitating above the next key, then continues a breath later. And sometime between the end of this song and the start of the next, you feel his head lean back against yours.
You and Kevin decide to get dinner after leaving the record shop, choosing the first place you can find to fill your empty stomachs.
“Let’s ask each other some questions.” You suggest while you’re waiting for the food to come out. “One to help us get to know each other better, and we have to answer one hundred percent honestly.” 
“Okay,” he nods, “I’ll start. Favorite color?”
“Favorite movie?”
“Howl’s Moving Castle.” 
You both continue like that asking each other for even more favorites: favorite food, favorite show, favorite holiday, favorite city. Vancouver, Kevin had answered to which you scoffed complaining that choosing his hometown is cheating. He only shrugged. You move onto firsts after: first phone, first kiss, first childhood memory, first job, first celebrity crush. 
“You’re turn to ask.” You remind, hoping to quickly move on after confessing your childhood obsession with Chad Michael Murray. 
“Okay,” Kevin hums, contemplating a new question and twirling his drink around, “how about… first love?” 
“Oh, uh,” you scratch a spot on the table, “I’m not really sure I’ve ever been in love.” You pause there, expecting Kevin to say something. He does not. “Like I’ve dated before,” you sputter out quickly, filling in the empty space left by his nonexistent reply, “seriously, too. But I don’t think it was ever actually love.” 
His mouth parts, chest inflates slightly, as if the words need a minute to boil in the back of his throat. They must never come, you think when his mouth closes and his chest deflates, lips tightly shut. A silence crashes over the table, awkwardly taut. 
“What about you?” You return the question, cutting through the silence with what you hope is nonchalance. 
“Oh, me,” he chuckles sheepishly, “probably freshman year band. I fell so hard for this oboe player.” You give him a look at the confession, sucking in your bottom lip and biting back a laugh. His face twists with confusion. “What?” 
“I just can’t believe I got off a train with a band geek.” 
“Hey,” he defends, “better than a serial killer.” 
You shrug. “Not by much.” 
It was Kevin’s idea to rent a boat to ride along the canal in. “The little foot pedaling ones,” he had requested, pointing them out. Luckily, you were able to find one before they shut down for the day. And the late timing of your activity made for a picturesque backdrop, the sun beginning to set as you drift along the canal, the sky immersed in varying hues of pink, yellow, and blue. Kevin had paused pedaling for a second to take a picture of the sunset which was fine until one picture turned into fifty. 
“You know when you said you wanted to boat along the canal I sort assumed you were gonna help me pedal.” 
“Last one.” He mumbles, the small shutter of his phone camera clicking before he shoves it back in his pocket and resumes pedaling with you. “More favorites?” He offers when the silence lingers for a little too long. 
“Please, no. I know way too much about you now.” He laughs at that. “New topic.” 
“Do you ever think about dying?” 
You whip your head towards him. “Morbid much?” 
“Yeah, I know, but seriously.” He says, brows lifted to further prove the sincerity of his question. “Do you?” 
You turn back to the front. “I mean I’m alive, so yeah, sometimes. You?” 
“Probably think about it too much if I’m being honest.” And there’s something that sounds distinctly like exhaustion in the way he says it. 
“Would you rather know how you die or when you die?” You ask suddenly. 
His answer comes just as quick. “When. Definitely when.” 
“I feel like if I were to be told how I die, I’d spend the rest of my life avoiding it or trying to stop it. But there isn’t anything I can do to avoid the passing of time.” 
“Profound.” You mutter, unable to figure out if you’re surprised or shocked by how well-thought his answer sounds. 
“I told you,” he says, with a breathy laugh, “I think about death too much.” 
“What about a goal in life?” 
“What about it?” 
“Have one?” 
He considers the question, eyes trained on the water rippling in front of him. “To make a difference in someone’s life maybe.” He shrugs. “To be happy. I don’t know.” 
“Being happy used to be mine too.”
He frowns. “Used to?” 
“I used to be obsessed with this idea of happiness,” you tell him, nodding, “used to spend all my time avoiding whatever made me sad. But whenever I chased happiness, I was also the most dissatisfied with my life.” You stop for a second, check Kevin’s reaction, and find a frown still imprinted on his face. “I kinda see it like clouds now. They’re pretty from afar, but when they’re up close, we call it fog. Even when happiness was placed right in front of me, it never felt like enough. Most days, I’m still teaching myself that happiness is not a permanent state of being; it’s an emotion, and it comes and goes like the rest of them.” 
He doesn’t say anything for a while. Silently pedaling the boat along the canal. Then finally— 
“Damn, who’s the profound one now.” 
You and Kevin find yourself on a bridge that overlooks the canal after renting the foot pedaling boat. The sun is barely visible, taking its last dip in the horizon before disappearing altogether. You hold out your hand to hover in one of the last golden rays of light, shivering at the warmth. 
“Do you ever feel like you’re running out of time?”
“Running out of time for what?” 
“To experience life.” Kevin further explains, with a heavy exhale. “I feel like there’s this sick pressure and expectation created by romanticized coming-of-age movies that my youth is supposed to be the best years of my life. Like I should be living every second of it to the fullest. And then I end up spending all my time wondering how I’m going to live up to my youth instead of actually living it.”
“So, is that why you did it?” You pull your hand back in, tucking it under your chin. “Did you ask me to get off the train with you so that in ten years you can look back and feel like you made something of your youth, like you didn’t waste it.”
And something about the bluntness of your question must spread through the air and tug at the end of his lip. “Well, that’s a harsh way to put it, but,” he frowns, inhaling mid-sentence, “I don’t know. Maybe—yea, maybe it was part of the reason.” He pivots around, back pressed to the railing, elbows propped on the ledge, and face turned away from the last sliver of setting sun. You study his face: the point of his chin, slope of his nose, and high set of his cheekbones. He’s pretty. Too pretty, even. A realization that lands as heavily in the pit of your stomach as it did the first time you noticed on the train. And perhaps it’s just that: a realization. Or perhaps, more terrifyingly, it’s something closer to attraction. “Well, why’d you do it?” Kevin asks, turning his head slightly and catching you watching him, something you’ve both done too many times at this point to keep count of. “Why’d you get off the train with me?”
You swallow. “I thought about that couple from the first car. When you asked me to come with you, I thought of that arguing couple and saw my future flash before my eyes. I felt like I could see myself fifteen years from now. Could see myself falling in love, getting married, and somewhere along the way falling out. I could see myself sitting and fighting in the middle of a train. And a part of me just knew, that if I didn’t go with you, if I stayed on that train and continued to Paris, I’d spent the rest of my life regretting it, wondering what could’ve happened.”
You turn away from the sinking sun, swivel your head around to face Kevin again and find him differently than you had left him. Head tilted and biting at the inside of his cheek. Side pressed against the bridge’s railing so that he’s facing you directly. You straighten up, position yourself to face him as well, another asymmetrical smile growing on his face while you do.
“I’m really glad you decided to get off the train with me.”
You step closer, and when your hand knocks against his, he catches it, fingers curling around yours. “Me too.”
“Although, I do hope that if you’re married in fifteen years, it’s happily and that you’re one of those sickeningly in love with each other couple that everyone hates.”
He doesn’t look at you as he says it, watching your intertwined hands with a shy smile instead. And it’s somehow, oddly intimate when he squeezes your palm while wishing you a successful, hypothetical marriage. You feel suddenly breathless, and more prominently, fearless.
“I want you to kiss me.”
His eyes snap towards yours, pupils dilated and darker than normal. He doesn’t say anything.
You know he heard you, know—slightly less confidently—that he wants to kiss you as much as you want to be kissed. So you step towards him again, tugging at the end of his sleeve.
His gaze drops to your lips. “Yea.”
“Kiss me.”
And rationally, you know soulmates don’t exist. But there’s something about the way his lips fit perfectly against yours that almost makes you reconsider the belief.
“You know when I suggested we play pool, I really wasn’t expecting to have my ass handed to me like this.” He groans, staring at the five of his balls still left on the table.
“Next time suggest darts.” You tell him, voice raised to be heard over the loud pub.
You put the pool sticks back and seat yourselves at one of the empty tables.
“Okay, I have a question,” he says, leaning forward against the small booth table. “Do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Definitely not.”
“Really?” He sounds surprised.
“You do?”
“Well…” he hesitates, tongue darting out between his lips, “I don’t know if I believe it but I also don’t not know that I do.”
Your face contorts at his wording. “I don’t think—”
“Okay, yes, I know, but like have you never fallen just a little bit in love with a complete stranger?” You shake your head slowly. “Like you’ve never had a barista compliment your jacket or your eyes once and then spent the next week thinking about them?”
You place a hand to your heart. “I genuinely had no idea this was a common occurrence.”
“You know what, no, I take it back, never mind,” he quickly says, the tips of his ears turning red and hand waving in the air to dismiss the thought. “New topic.”
A breathy laugh escapes from between your lips. “Alright, new topic,” you hum, nodding your head along to the music playing in the background, “do you believe in soulmates?”
He smiles at the question. “Yes and no.”
“The term ‘soulmate’ has this implication that love will fall into place between two individuals, that they won’t have to work for it, and that it was chosen for them instead of by them. But isn’t it so much more special to look at someone and decide to love them specifically. Decide to love them on purpose. But more than that, the general idea of a ‘soulmate’ relies too heavily on the understanding of love as a feeling. And it’s as you said before about happiness: emotions come and go, and feelings fade. I imagine, more accurately, that love is a choice as much as it’s a feeling, one that you have to get up and make every single day. So yeah, I believe soulmates are real, but I don’t think they’re found; I think they’re made.”
And after his whole spiel, the only thing ringing throughout your head is: holy shit.
He looks up at you, shaking his head. “I don’t know,” he starts timidly, voice suddenly lacking the immense clarity it held just a second ago, “what do you think?”
“I think,” you swallow, a lame attempt to digest everything he just said, “that I’ll never look at love the same again.” 
By the time you and Kevin leave from the pub, it’s completely dark out. Streetlamps now lit up and the roads less crowded with only a few whispering groups around each corner. You walk mindlessly around the city’s twisted streets, deciding when and where to turn on whims. And somewhere along the way, while you’re making a comment abput the closed antique store, Kevin’s hand finds its way into yours. You squeeze his palm, a silent affirmation, when he does.
“Wait,” you exclaim, halting suddenly in the square that you and Kevin have stumbled upon, “I think I’ve been here before.”
“Yeah,” you tell him, dragging him towards the fountain in the center, “I came here with my family once. I remember seeing this fountain and wanting to throw a coin in.”
“I mean are you sure? Fountains are pretty common.”
You shove his arm. “I swear this is the same one.”
“Here,” he mutters, reaching into his pocket, fishing out two coins, and placing one in your palm. “make a wish now.”
You hold the coin to your lips, closing your eyes while conjuring a wish and then toss the coin in the fountain. Kevin tosses his in a second after you.
“Hey, look,” you take a seat on the ledge of the fountain, pointing at the church across the square, “there was a wedding there today.”
“You know, I learned in school, I think, about Quakers, and,” he starts, sitting down beside you on the ledge, “they have the most interesting weddings.”
“What makes it so interesting?”
“Well for one, there’s no officiant. No handing off of anyone. What’ll happen is the couple walks in, stands in front of the entire congregation, and just stares. And it’s silent too, no one speaks unless they feel compelled to do so. Then after an hour or so, that it; they’re married. Just like that.” 
You turn on the ledge to face him. “Okay let’s try it.” 
His eyebrows waggle. “Getting married?” 
You look at him unamused. “Just the staring part.” 
He nods. “Okay, ready?” he shuts his eyes in preparation, “3, 2, 1, go!” 
Your eyes open at the same time as his, and you nearly laugh at the sheer amount of competitive spirit radiating off Kevin at that moment. And when you mention it, he shakes it off, muttering something about how you’re supposed to be silent. 
When you start leaning in towards him, it’s to mock him and his competitiveness. Or at least, it is at first. But somewhere along the way, you lose track of how close you get to him. Lose track of time as well. Too distracted with studying the concentrated furrow of his brows and the flecks in his eyes to notice whether you’ve spent one minute or twenty getting lost in them. And it’s a cheesy thought, yes, but there’s something about him and the black hair falling in front of his forehead that makes it so hard to care. 
You inhale. “I think I feel compelled to do something now.” 
You close the distance, pressing your lips to his for a brief moment, then pull away. 
“I won,” Kevin murmurs, a smug smile painted across his face, “you closed your eyes first.” 
You click your tongue against the roof of your mouth, trying and failing to hold back a smile. “You’re ridiculous; you know that right?” 
“I do.” 
You kiss him again. 
“Kevin, what are we doing?” You ask for the third time as he pulls you into the red telephone booth and shuts the door. “You do know that these don’t actually work anymore right?” 
He shushes you, pressing a finger to his lips and picking up the receiver. “I have to make a call.” He clears his throat, holds the receiver up to his ear, and makes the ringing sound. “Come on, Jacob, pick up.” You stare at him waiting for the punchline. It never comes. Instead, he fixes you a look and nods his head at your empty hand. 
“Ah, I see,” you hold out a fake phone in your hand, clearing your throat and putting on a fake deep voice. “Hey, Kevin. Long time no talk. How’s Europe?” 
Kevin gives you a funny look. “Hey, Jacob. Europe is great, but why does your voice sound like that?”
You clear your throat again returning to your normal voice. “My bad, I just woke up.” 
“That’s better. Anyways, I called to tell you that I met someone on my very last night in Europe.” 
“How’d you meet them?” 
“On the train to Amsterdam actually. They were sitting by this really annoying couple, so they got up and sat right across the aisle from me. What are the chances, right?”
“Probably, low.” You begin, a familiar exhilaration filling your stomach at what you’re about to confess. “Unless, of course, it wasn’t by chance at all. Unless they saw you getting on the train, thought you were really cute, and used the couple as an excuse to sit by you.” You smile as you say it, finding the way Kevin looks at you after the admission utterly swoon worthy.
“Well, even if that’s true. I think I sort of blew it with them in the beginning. They saw me rereading ‘A series of unfortunate events’ and probably thought I was so lame.” 
“Nah,” you mutter, smiling at your feet, “they probably found it endearing.” 
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I got a good feeling.” When you meet Kevin’s eyes, he’s still watching you, and you find it humorous, almost, how you can barely keep your eyes off each other now especially considering how impossible it felt to do so in the beginning. “So what happened after that?” 
“Oh well, I asked them to come to the lounge car with me and guess what?” 
“They said yes.” 
“Then, we got to talking, and, Jacob, everything they said sounded so smart and composed; I felt like a bumbling idiot in front of them. I mean, you wouldn’t believe how incredibly brilliant they are, not to mention gorgeous, and...” his voice trails off, bottom lip pulled between his teeth. You lean towards him a bit, as if that’ll get you closer to hearing the rest of the sentence. 
“And what?” 
“And I think I fell in love with them right then.” 
For a second, you forget to breathe. 
Kevin hangs up the fake phone call, handing the receiver to you. “Your turn.” 
You take the phone from him, pretend to dial the number, then make the ringing sound while you wait for Kevin to pick up. 
“Hey, Chanhee. It’s me. I have to cancel on our lunch plans tomorrow.” 
“Oh no. Why? Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, no, everything is fine. I just met someone on the train and—god, I know this is going to sound insane—but I got off the train with him in Amsterdam.” 
“That is insane,” his eyes widen dramatically as he says it. “What made you get off the train with him?” 
“Well, for starters, the arguing couple.” 
“Right, and of course, I, Chanhee, know exactly what that means.” 
“See, I knew you’d understand.” You laugh. “But other than the couple, you know, we started talking on the train and he was so sweet and really cute in this clumsy, flustered sort of way. I don’t know. I think a part of me had already decided to get off the train with him before he ever asked.” 
“That sounds…” he falters there, as if he’s still searching for the right word, “special.”
You nod. “It feels special too.” 
“So what now?” 
“I’m not sure.” You answer honestly. “He’s from Canada and has a flight back there tomorrow morning.” 
“Well, do you plan on seeing him again?” 
The question comes like a slap to the face from the palm of reality itself. One that you probably should have anticipated; a question that probably should’ve crossed your mind at least once. But somehow, you’ve neglected to wonder what’s to come of this fling past tonight.
You hang up, and the obnoxious clatter of the receiver falling back into place rings throughout the booth. 
“I guess we should talk about that.”
“Yeah, I guess we should.” He mumbles, something in his demeanor changing with the words. 
A silence overcomes both of you, and it feels like you’re in the listening booth of the record shop again, avoiding each other’s eyes and waiting for the other to make the first move. 
“Well it’s—“ 
“I think—“ 
You both start at the same time, words crashing together in the air. He laughs, gesturing for you to go first. 
You exhale sharply, tugging on your fingers and already nervous to hear how Kevin will respond. “I just don’t think we should fool ourselves here and make this out to be anything more than it is.” 
“Yeah, no. I was gonna say the same thing.” He nods solemnly, visibly gulping as if the words are hard to swallow. A smile fights its way onto his lips but doesn’t manage to meet his eyes. “So what now?” 
“Well, we have tonight,” you begin, stepping closer, finding his hand, and twirling his pinky finger with yours, “I say we make the most of it.” 
“In that case,” he returns the gesture, capturing your hand and pulling you a little closer, “I have an idea.” 
Kevin’s idea ends up with you standing awkwardly off to the side of a bar, quite literally twiddling your thumbs. You reach for Kevin’s necklace that’s now secured around your neck and wonder what part of his plan explains why he gave it to you before entering this establishment. You sneak a few glances at Kevin who's speaking with the lady behind the bar. The lady finally nods, smiling cheerily and heading around the bar. Kevin swivels around, shooting you a thumbs up before receiving the bottle of wine that the lady had retrieved for him. 
“How did you do that?” You ask once you’re both out of earshot, exiting from the building. 
“I told her that I just proposed.” 
You look at him unconvinced, wiggling your left hand in his face. “No ring.” 
“That’s what the necklace was for.” 
“And it worked?” You say, disbelief seeping into your voice. “She believed you?” 
He scoffs. “I don’t know why you look so shocked when you’re literally the one I convinced to get off a train with a complete stranger.” 
And, well, he makes an excellent point. 
You end up at a park, laying on your backs and making silly comments about each star. You have jackets laid out on the grass beneath you and another draped over both of you acting as a blanket. 
“Have you ever heard of that theory?” You say, turning to lay on your side. “About how people fall out of love for the same reason they fell in.” He turns to lay on his side, nodding. “It terrifies me.” 
He frowns. “I think love alone is pretty terrifying.” 
“Did you mean it?” You reposition yourself with an arm under your head. “Back in the telephone booth, did you mean it when you said you fell for me on the train.” 
He stares at you for a long moment then smiles, whispering a small but sincere ‘yes’. 
“Can I tell you a secret then?” He nods. “I think I fell for you too.” 
“On the bridge?” You shake your head. “During dinner?” 
“Before that.” 
“In the museum?” 
“You’re getting colder.”
“Ah,” he sighs in understanding, “the listening booth.” 
You nod. “It was while we were listening to that Italian song, ‘Il Mondo’. Each time I felt you looking away, I would look at you. Then you’d turn your head back, and I’d pretend like I wasn’t staring. That moment—well, I guess it was pretty mundane. But, I don’t know, it still felt a little like magic.” 
“Mundane things can be quite magical.” 
“Which one is love then: magical or mundane?” 
He shrugs. “Both, I think.” 
There’s a silence, and it lingers for long enough to remind you of the awkwardness between you and Kevin after getting off the train. However, this silence is so much more different than that other one because it’s the kind that only comes when two people understand each other.
Kevin is the one who ends up breaking it, cutting through the night’s overwhelming quiet with a soft voice. 
“I feel like that painting from the museum right now.” He recalls the title: “‘Lover’s Embrace’.” 
“Is that what we are?” You question, a bit of misplaced insecurity dipping into your voice. “Lovers?” 
“Is there any other way to describe this?” 
“I don’t know.” You inhale. “Strangers?” 
He waits a beat, then offers: “Soulmates?” 
You’re reminded of the conversation you had in the pub, and his gut-wrenching, life-altering definition of the term. You meet his eyes steadily. “Do you believe that?” 
He smiles. “Do you?” 
And there’s something about the way he says the question that makes it sound like a dare, like a request. As if he isn’t asking if you believe it, but rather, he’s asking you to believe it. 
“I don’t know.” You shrug. But it’s a lie, you do. 
“The way I see it,” he begins, scooting closer, “if someone were to give me an ultimatum: I’d marry you right now. And I know it’s insane, I know that probably just sounds like some grand romantic bullshit, but I’m serious. With how I’ve come to feel about you tonight, I could wake up every day and put in the work of choosing to love you.” 
“And what about the couple on the train?” 
“What about them?” 
“What happens when we become them? What happens when we hate each other so much, we blow up in public?” 
“Who says we will?” 
“But hypothetically,” you insist, “what happens then?” 
“It’s gonna sound stupid.” 
“Just tell me.” 
“I wouldn’t mind.” He lets the statement sit for a second, inhaling deeply before continuing. “I’d accept the inevitable arguing in the middle of a train if I was doing it with you.” 
“You don’t mean that.” 
“But that’s the craziest part,” he lets out a breathy laugh, “I actually do.” 
“How?” You huff. “How can you sound so certain that you’ll love me despite all the things you’ll come to hate me for?” 
“Because you got off the train with me,” he says, shaking his head like the answer is obvious. “And at this point in the night, I’m pretty convinced that you’re the only person in the world who would.” 
And yeah, you think laughing, he’s probably right about that part. Because who else would be insane enough to get off a train with a complete stranger? Who else would fall in love on a train and while listening to an Italian record? Who else but you and Kevin Moon? 
“You know what they call that?” 
You raise your brow, something terrifying hanging off the tip of your tongue: 
“Soulmate culture.” 
You used to love sunrises. Loved how golden they are. How they coat everything in sight, lighting up whatever darkness was left by the night. You always saw them as a promise of something new, a new day and a new beginning. But today, when the sun does finally rise, you can’t seem to remember why you used to love them so much. Especially not after you spent the entire night dreading this particular one.
The walk to the train station had been quiet for the most part, a solemn and groggy acceptance that it was your final stretch of time together. And now standing with Kevin at the platform, you’ve never hated the arrival of a train more.
“I should probably get on the train now.”  
“Right,” Kevin mutters, chewing on his bottom lip and bouncing on his heels. He laughs, awkwardly, rubbing at his eyes. “God, I hate goodbyes.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “I hate this one.”
You hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face between his neck and shoulder. He hesitates for a second, as if he’s shocked by the gesture, then tightens his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer. And the only thing you can think about while hugging him is how this is the first and last time you’ll ever do so. 
You pull away, give him a small, sad smile, then grab your things, stepping onto the train. You give him a wave before disappearing into the car. From the window by your seat, you can still see him. He finds you, giving you a smile and another wave. And when he turns around, beginning to walk out of the train station, nothing has ever felt more wrong.
“Kevin!” You shout, unlatching the window and sticking your head out of it. He whips back around. “Let’s just do it! Let’s see each other again!”
It takes a second for Kevin to react. Too long, your brain convinces you already wishing the words back. But it’s as you sink back into your seat that he breaks out in the most brilliant grin. “Fuck it, yeah, let’s do it! Where?”
You laugh at the absurdity of this moment and how unreal it feels. “Here! Amsterdam, at this train station, on this platform.”
“Okay, here. In one year?”
You shake your head. “I can’t wait that long.”
“Me neither.” He laughs, an exhale of pure joy that you can see even from the train. 
“Six months from today.” You tell him over the train whistle as the wheels start to move, pulling you away. “See you then.”
He waves goodbye again, cupping his hands around his mouth and shouting, “see you then!”
You fall back in your seat, immediately burying your face into your palms. Your hands trail down, rubbing at your neck, clutching the part of your chest that falls over your heart, and—what is that?
You look down, recognizing the object around your neck and lifting it up with the pad of your thumb. And as you stare at the pendant of Kevin’s forgotten necklace, your smile grows.
The train station feels so much more different than how you left it. The weather now colder, and the platform decked with lingering holiday decorations. You get off the train and look around, praying for a familiar face.
“Hey.” The voice comes from behind you. You pivot around, so quickly your head spins. Or maybe the spinning sensation has something to do with how euphoric it feels to see Kevin again.
“You came?” He asks, not bothering to hold back his elation.
“Well, yeah,” you reach into the pocket of your coat and fish out the necklace he left six months ago, “you forgot this.”
“Funny coincidence, huh? Unless, of course, it wasn’t a coincidence at all.” He hints with a smug grin. “Unless I left it on purpose so that you’d have a reason to come back.”
“If that’s the case, then you spent six months without your necklace for nothing.” 
“Oh, and why’s that?”
You step closer, smiling. “Because I already had a reason to come.”
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a/n: i had way too much fun writing this,, also the translation of the italian song is half google and half me kind of assuming what the lyrics mean so idk how accurate that translation is
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raysofcrosby · 3 years
Give us the preview bestie 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
hehehehe i also have ethan’s reaction typed up too if we want that 🤪 but without further ado, here it is💛
*wltay bonus chapter spoiler beneath the cut—unedited of course*
She shut the drawer and walked into her and Matt’s bathroom, leaning against the bathroom counter and staring down at the box as she exhaled heavily, opening it and tilting the three tests out of the box and into her right hand. Suddenly, she felt that same fear she had back when she was 17, even though she was older now and her situation was different. Caroline wasn’t a 17, almost 18 year old high school senior whose boyfriend was going off to live and play hockey in another country. She’s a 28 year old woman with two degrees, a successful job and is set to get married in two weeks.
But standing in right now holding the box of pregnancy tests, she was more nervous than scared. Her and Matt had talked about having another baby, but were going to wait until after the wedding to actively try for one. That gave them enough time to settle down and unpack in the house they’d bought in the same neighborhood that Gio and Lauren live in and came highly recommended, just at the end of the season and were set to move into in August.
Which meant that they weren’t going to try for another baby until that August and September time frame, which would put them at a summertime delivery, where Matt wouldn’t have a 50/50 chance of being away for a game or God forbid, a long road series in the States or anywhere else in Canada.
Yet if any of these tests said positive, then that meant they could be sitting at a much earlier time frame— depending on how far in the pregnancy she was…if she was even pregnant. For all she knew, the stress and fatigue she’d felt really were from dealing with school and finalizing the wedding details. And that sudden craving could’ve just been her body saying “hey, calm the fuck down and have some ice cream and fries,” instead of “hey, lol…you’ve got a baby in here!”
“Hey, we paused it for you cause I know how much you love Tim Riggins,” Matt laughed, walking into the bathroom, his right thumb pointing back over his shoulder as he stopped in the doorway “What’s that?”
“I bought it at the gas station before we picked you up.” Caroline handed him the box, still clutching the three tests in her right hand as she draped her left arm across her stomach. Matt turned the box over, his eyebrows furrowed until they raised as his eyes skimmed the pink front.
“Have you taken them yet?” He asked, lowering the box as he looked at her.
She shook her head, sighing heavily. “I’m 28 years old. I’ve been here before…” she looked at him, a frown on her face. “So is it bad that I’m absolutely terrified?”
He placed the box down onto the counter and walked in front of her, stepping close and trapping her in front of the counter as he reached up and cradled her face. “You’ve got me this time,” he whispered, his thumbs brushing against her cheeks. “I’m right here and I’m not leaving. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
“This...it’s earlier than what we wanted,” she whispered, looking down at the tests in her hands. “We’ve got so much stuff to do to get settled...if these come out positive and I’m pregnant, then–”
“Then we’ll just have to shake it up,” he replied, getting her to look at him again. “There’s nothing that can’t be pushed back and we’re not doing this alone, Care. We’ve got our families, we’ve got friends here to help us out. We’ve got this...so stop psyching yourself out and pee on the sticks, okay?”
Caroline laughed and nodded, standing up and resting the tests down onto the counter, before standing in front of the toilet and turning around. “Can you get me a cup?”
“A cup?” Matt asked, furrowing his brows. “Don’t you just pee on the sticks? Why do you need a cup?”
“Because it’s three different tests and each needs to be peed on for a certain amount of seconds, Matthew. And who’s to say I know how long I need to pee for,” she sighed, looking at him. “Please, just get me one of those plastic cups from the pantry or something?”
Matt nodded and walked out of the bathroom, sliding the door partially closed behind him. Caroline unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down along with her underwear before sitting down on the toilet, awkwardly waiting for Matt to come back.
“Okay one, Ethan’s FaceTiming Melody and says to tell you hi,” Matt said, pushing the door open before walking into the bathroom and closing it behind him. “And two, here’s your solo cup.”
Caroline took the cup and looked at him. “You’re staying here?”
“I mean…yeah? You peeing in front of me isn’t something that bothers me. I’ve literally been inside-“
“Okay but please just…wait out in the bedroom or something? Just so I can pee in peace without you staring at me.” She sighed.
“Sure, I’ll let you pee in peace,” he laughed, walking over and kissing the top of her head before walking back towards the door, sliding it open and walking into their bedroom before sliding the door closed.
Caroline tried not to think about how nervous she was or how stressed she was going to be if she was in fact pregnant. Instead, she focused on their upcoming wedding in two weeks. How everything back home in St. Louis was prepared and all of their stuff for the wedding had already been shipped down. Now all they needed to do, was make sure their mail was redirected for the summer, their fridge and freezer were empty and make sure they were at the airport in two days time to catch their flight.
She folded up some toilet paper, placing it onto the counter before resting the cup on top of it, then moving to finish up before going on to washing her hands. Her hands weren’t even shaking as he unwrapped each pregnancy test and unfolded the instructions, making sure using this cup was an okay method to do.
One by one, she dipped each test into the solo cup, holding it for the allotted time before resting it back on top of the instructions until all three tests were done. She rid of the cup, pouring it into the toilet before flushing and tossing it into the bathroom trash can, reminding herself to empty it before they went to bed.
She washed her hands one more time before she walked over to the door and opened it to see Matt leaning against the wall just outside of it. “Permission to come into the bathroom now?” He smiled, standing up straight.
“Permission granted smartass,” she laughed softly, rolling her eyes.
“How long does it take for a result?” He asked, leaning against the bathroom counter and looking down at the three tests.
“They’re three different tests,” she said, reaching behind him and grabbing the box, turning it around. “The digital is three minutes, the rapid test is 45 seconds and the early result is a minute.”
“Oh shit,” he huffed, looking at her. “Do you just want to wait the whole three minutes before looking at them all? That way if there’s a mixed result we’ll know?”
“Yeah, that’ll probably be best,” she nodded, crossing her arms as Matt pull out his phone.
“Three minutes starting now,” he said, starting the timer and putting his phone down on the counter before grabbing her hands and leading her out of the bathroom and over to the bed. “And we’re waiting out here so you don’t stress yourself out staring at the timer.”
Matt sat down first, reaching out and holding her hands again as he pulled her closer and she stood between his legs. “What are you thinking about?” He asked, his hands coming up the backs of her thighs.
“Just how I can’t believe I might be pregnant. I’ve never missed a shot, and we’re always careful about having sex near the time period where I’m set to get a new shot.” She sighed, resting her hands on his shoulders before moving them down his back. “And if we do, we use a condom just to be sure.”
“Maybe you’re not pregnant and you’re just stressing yourself out,” he shrugged, tilting his head up at her. “Why do you think you’re pregnant anyway?”
“I was craving a milkshake and fries.”
Matt snorted. “That’s it? All this panic because you wanted a milkshake and fries?”
“It was one of my top cravings when I was pregnant with Ethan,” she pouted, linking her fingers together at the nape of his neck. “But I’ve always been stressed, exhausted, a little achy-“
“You also just wrapped up your first school year here while planning a wedding in St. Louis and I literally had to carry you to bed last week because you fell asleep grading extra credit assignments on the couch.” He laughed, fingers brushing against her thighs. “Maybe your body is just telling you to relax a little and indulge in some sweet and salty treats.”
She slid her left hand down beneath the collar of his shirt, fanning them out across his back as her right hand fiddled with the chain of his necklace. Matt’s gaze still on her own as she sighed. “What are you thinking about?”
“What we’re going to do if you’re pregnant or not,” he said, shrugging.
“And? What’s that?”
“Well, if you are pregnant, then once E goes to sleep we’ll celebrate in our bed,” he smirked, wrapping his hands around her thighs before tugging her onto his lap, her knees on either side of him as he rested his hand on the curves on her ass and placed soft kisses up the side of her neck. “And if you’re not, once E goes to bed we’ll come right back in here and spend all night trying until you are.”
Caroline rolled her eyes, trying to shove him back. “You’re so annoying,” she laughed, trying to wiggle out of his arms as he blew a raspberry against her neck. “Matthew!”
“Might not want to do that,” he laughed, holding her tight in his lap. “I really don’t want to have to walk back out into the living room with a raging boner, where our 10 year old son is currently waiting to finish the show.”
“Speaking of raging boners,” she sighed, leaning back against his arms hugged around her waist. “That book my Dad told me to order? The one that’s by the same Doctor who wrote that care and keeping of you book I had when I was 10, but this one is for boys puberty? It came in the mail and is currently sitting by the front door, waiting for you to open it and present it to your son.”
“Oh, now he’s my son?” Matt laughed, groaning soon after. “Do we really have to? I mean he’s only 10-“
“10 and already needing to wear deodorant, Matthew. Boys start puberty at 11, but can start as early as 9. He hasn’t asked any questions yet, but I think it’s best if you just sit him down one day and go over the book.”
“Why don’t we go over the book, hm?” He smiled, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’m sure he’ll want the mom support there.”
“I’ve already dealt with 4 year old Ethan asking how to get his penis to go back to being floppy, Matthew. At the breakfast table, with my parents and Andrew sitting there.” She smiled, patting his shoulder. “I’ve done my duties of awkward boner talk, now it’s your duty as his loving and supportive father. Besides, I doubt he’ll be comfortable asking me any questions. He still can’t be around me in his underwear unless he has shorts on.”
Matt pouted, sighing. “Fine. Tomorrow we’ll go out and have a fun guys day before I ruin it with your puberty book. Or I could pull an ultimate embarrassing dad move and do it on the plane,” he smiled.
“That’s guaranteed silent treatment,” she laughed, kissing him. “But Ethan’s pretty good with body talk since my Dad’s a pediatrician and I’ve always answered questions as appropriately as I could whenever he did ask. He just won’t want to talk about it with me.”
“Yeah, well I-“ Matt’s generic iPhone sound erupted from the bathroom, signaling that the timer was done. They both looked over towards the bathroom before back at each other, Matt’s hands moving up towards her lower back. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, kissing him one more time before sliding off of his lap and standing up on the floor with his assistance. Matt grabbed onto her hand and intertwined his fingers with hers before bringing it up and kissing the back of her hand.
They walked into the bathroom, Caroline stopping just before they reached the tests and turned around, looking at him. “I take one and you take one? Should we pick up all three?”
Matt laughed. “Relax. We’ll each grab one, then, if needed, we’ll pick up the third.”
Caroline nodded, staring at the tests before picking the one up on the left, Matt reaching for the one in the middle as they both looked down for a result. Caroline had picked up the digital test, because her answer was staring right back at her.
“Did you get a defective test?” Matt asked, furrowing his brows. “I thought the lines were supposed to be super faint or something.”
Caroline looked over at his test, seeing the bolded second line before grabbing the last test on the counter and seeing the same result. “No, they’re not defective. That just means I’ve got some serious hCG levels going on.”
“So you’re pregnant?” He asked, looking up from his test.
Caroline nodded, turning the other two towards him and laughing quietly. “I’m pregnant.”
Matt exhaled softly, blinking as he stared at the three positive results before the corners of his mouth turned up into a smile. “You’re pregnant. We’re having a baby.”
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
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Other parts
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Jensen Ackles
This part sucks ass but I low key like it. I’ll probably end up redoing it soon
"Hello welcome Ad" I say opening the front door for the camera crew and Alex comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm Yn Calvert" I say.
"And I'm Alexander Calvert, come right in" he says and I smile up at him.
"This house was built by my great great grandmother when she was in her 20's and then it was a gift to my great grandparents on their wedding night and then it was given to my grandparents and then my parents and then when Alex and I got married my mom handed us the keys" I say.
"We're currently in the middle of upgrading and rebuilding everything and we've been working on it for three years now" Alex says.
"This is our living room" I say as we walk in to it.
"This is honestly my favorite room in the house, when we're actually staying here the boys and I spend a lot of time in here, playing games, playing the piano and having quiet reading time" I say.
"I learned with kids a while ago that we can't have all the fancy things and I'm cool with with that because I enjoy the family vibes we created" I say going to the wall that holds all the photos.
"This is Misha on his first day of kindergarten" I say pointing to the photo.
"I cried harder than he did" I say laughing.
"This is a picture from our wedding night, I adore this picture so much because all of the couples can be seen dancing around us, I remember this moment because Flicker by Niall Horan was playing and at that point it was one of my favorite songs and right there you can see Jared and his wife being all cute" I say pointing it out.
"All the art you see in here is made by two of Yn's sisters who run an art shop" Alex says.
"They've been painting ever since we were young and the work they put out is amazing and every time we get a visitor they always ask where I got it from and I can easily promote my siblings" I say laughing.
"Over here is our kitchen" Alex says walking up the two step departing our kitchen from our living room.
"We tore down the wall because we wanted the open space, all the natural light and when I'm making dinner I can keep an eye out on the kids and they can eat their snacks at the table and watch tv or play the game while I'm doing whatever I need to do" I say.
"Let me show you my favorite part about the kitchen" Alex says leading them over to the sink.
"Yn cooks dinner pretty much every night which leaves me and the boys with the clean up and they like how big the sink is" he says showing off our farmhouse sink.
"Makes washing dishes so much easier and Aj use to take a lot of baths in here" he says patting the sink and I laugh.
"You sound like you're trying to convince everyone to get one" I say and he laughs with me.
"Maybe I am" he says taking them to the other room.
"Over here is where our dining room was but we don't use it so we made it into a branch off living room" Alex says.
"We celebrate the holidays here and it's perfect for Christmas when we have our families and friends here and the living room is taken, we have these two ceiling chairs and then some cushions and bean bags I like to think of it as a sort of cozy corner, this usually turns into the kids hang out spot when there's a group of them because we have the gaming tv here and they can just lounge and enjoy whatever game they are playing" I say.
"The backyard is what I'm probably proudest of" I say opening the folding sliding glass doors and we step outside.
"We have the pool over there completely gated off because Aj can't fully swim yet and he likes to play outside when I'm on the patio writing" I say.
"And on that side we have the boys playhouse from Charmed Playhouses, Yn seen a picture of one and she fell in love with them and decided that the boys needed to have a Harry Potter themed playhouse" he says.
"It's literally so cool in there, I should have just walked you to the playhouse and did a tour of that" I say laughing.
"We got Harry Potter because I've always been a massive fan and Misha when he was around three he fell in love with it and I knew I had to do it plus it's perfect for both boys and girls" I say.
"Now up the stairs on the right we have the office" I say sliding the glass sliding door open and stepping inside and Alex follows me in.
"There's not a lot here" I say.
"We're currently working on expanding this room because Alex has his desk and I want a space where I can put all of my art stuff so we're in the middle of that" I say.
"This is also where Yn keeps her awards because she's too embarrassed to show them off so she keeps them tucked away up here where she can glance at them to remind her that she can always be better" he says moving the picture frames they are behind.
"This is the hallway" I say and Alex laughs.
"Yn loves this hallway" he says.
"I do, I love it so much" I say giggling and I stop walking.
"This is why I love this hallway so much" I say pointing at the pictures.
"My family is very big and very all over the place. From my birth dad I have six siblings and on my moms side I have five and it's like crazy trying to get everyone together and when I found out I was pregnant with Mish everyone came and they showed up and I managed to get a few decent shots out of it" I say laughing.
"And next to that I have my all time favorite picture of me and my baby sister Zendaya at the oscars in 2015. It's a photo from the red carpet and I was telling her I was pregnant and this was her reaction" I say laughing.
"Moving on, the first room we have belongs to Misha, they are both down for a nap right now in Aj's room so I can show off Misha's room" I say opening the door and stepping inside.
"My mom actually designed this room for him and she put it together while we were in Canada while Alex was filming so we came back to it and it was a nice surprise, Misha loved it more than anything" I say laughing.
"She got him a moving bookshelf and every time we go to the store he asks for a book so he can add them to the book shelf so that way no one will know which books opens the bookshelf" he says tipping the book back and it slides open.
"This is his 'hey Misha clean your room bub guests are coming' hiding spot" I say.
"Gets the job done" Alex says and I laugh rolling my eyes.
"Until I have to come in behind him and clean it" I say.
"This is the game room" I say.
"It has all of the games your mind could ever imagine" Alex says opening the doors under where the tv sits and it is stuffed with games.
"Texas thunderstorms have taught us that we can never have enough games or candles to entertain us when we lose power or when it storms so much the boys are up all night" I say.
"Next is our bedroom" I say stopping at the closed double doors and I push them open.
"This is where the magic happens" he says and I laugh rolling my eyes and I step in.
"Our bedroom was one of the first things we did when we moved in, we tore it apart and with the help of my best friend slash Alex's fake father and his wife and we rebuilt this room in about two to three weeks and it was like the best time of my life" I say.
"In this little hole is where we keep Misha when guest come so we can pretend we did all the work around here" he says and I laugh.
"You're an idiot" I say and he laughs with me.
"This is a laundry chute, there's one in the main rooms such as ours, Misha's and Aj's and they can just send the clothes right to the basket which then I can just dump into the washer" he says and I nod.
"Plus there's never any clothes lying around, everyone should have one of these" I say.
"Through here is our bathroom and closet" he says opening the door and we go inside.
"It's just a bathroom it's nothing special to me but to Yn it is everything" he says and I press the button and the shelves come out the cabinet.
"It's my vanity but when I'm done I can put it away and not worry about anything getting messed up ever and I love it because everything is unorganized but you can't see the clutter" I say getting off of the pouf and I go into the closet.
"This is probably the most extreme room we have in our house because honestly I'm addicted to shopping and I need the space. I always wanted like the closet that Hannah Montana had and I didn't get it but honestly this one has hers beat so I'm not complaining" I say and Alex laughs.
"Like I said about the bathroom I don't get it" he says and I laugh.
"And the last room" I say opening the door showing off the nursery and I step inside them following me.
"You're the first ones that aren't apart of our inner circle to find out and we want to use this video as an announcement" Alex says and I nod.
"This nursery is for our princess who we are happy to announce will be born in four months" Alex says. "January 1st" I say smiling at the camera.
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esgdatainrate · 1 year
Fire Rated Doors Forecast to 2031 with Key Companies Profile, Supply, Demand and SWOT Analysis
The global fire-rated doors market size is expected to reach $60,129 millionin 2027, from $42,228 millionin 2019, growing at a CAGR of 6.1% from 2020 to 2027.Fire-rated doors possessfire-resistance capacity and are used to avoid the spread of fire. Fire-rated doors are used in residential and non-residential areas.They are mainly manufactured using wood, metal, or glass.
The swinging fire metal doors are highly durable, easy to access, and havea fire-resistance capacity of 20 minutes to 3 hours. In addition, an increase in residential and commercial construction activities is expected to boost the growth of the market. Furthermore, the commercial and industrial users aremajor consumers of interior and exterior fire-rated doors.High adoption of advanced technology along with huge construction spending among Europe and North America are expected to drive the growth of the fire-rated doors market. Moreover, increase in new building activities across the industrial and construction sector boosts the market growth.
The fire-rated doors market has witnessed significant growth over the past decade, owing to rise in building safety concerns and stringentnorms on fire protection. Many countries have made it compulsoryto install fire doors in commercial and public buildings, which arelikely to create a demand for fire-rated doors globally. The stringent building safety regulation in developed nations is expected to drive the growth of the fire-rated doors market during the forecast period.Growing advancement in building infrastructure with security and safety is anticipated to boost the growth of the market.An innovational technology in the construction sector regarding fire safety and increase in investment in R&D are expected to provide lucrative opportunity for the growth of the market during the forecast period.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies in the global fire rated doors market to halt their business operations to comply with new government regulations for curbing the spread of COVID-19. This pause in operations directly impacts the revenue flow of the global fire rated doors market. In addition, there is a halt in production of fire rated doors due to shortage of raw materials. In addition, no new consignments are being received by the companies operating in this sector. However, the demand for home automation products such as automatic doors, and others have increased in near term forecast to ensure less contact with the solid objects in the houses & commercial spaces. Hence, halt in construction activities and lockdowns for several months have affected the market of global fire rated doors, with slow recovery is anticipated during 2020–2027.
Furthermore, once this epidemicculminates and the present situation stabilizes, fire rated door manufacturers will have to scale up production rapidly to make up for the lost time and catch-up on orders that have droppedowing to the lockdown in different countries across the globe. To accelerate the process, companies would need to contemplate to work in partnership and use their distinct strengths to get back on track at the earliest.
The global fire-rated doors market is segmented into mechanism, material, enduser, and region. By mechanism, the market is categorized into swinging fire doors, sliding fire doors, folding fire doors, and others. Depending on material, it is segregated into wood, metal, glass, and others. On the basis of enduser, it is differentiated into residential and non-residential.
The global fire-rated doors market is analyzed across North America (the U.S., Canada, and Mexico), Europe (the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, and rest of Asia-Pacific), and LAMEA (Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa).
Competition Analysis
The key market players profiled in the report include Agta Record Ltd, ASSA ABLOY Group, GEZE GmbH, Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited, Griffon Corporation Inc., JELD-WEN Holding, Inc, Lindner Group KG, MANUSA GEST, S.L., Nabtesco Corporation, and Sanwa Holdings Corporation.
Many competitors in the fire-rated doors market adopted business expansion and acquisition as their key developmental strategiesto expand their geographical foothold and upgrade their product technologies. For instance, in May 2018, ASSA ABLOY Group acquired Pioneer Industries, which is a U.S.-based manufacturer of fire-rated doors for commercial application. It provides products such as heavy-duty doors, interior doors, andfire-rated doors for commercial applications.
Full Report With TOC:-https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/fire-rated-doors-market-A06524
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betterthebest · 4 years
Love me if it’s what you wanna do | A Vince Dunn Fanfiction
Status: Not requested
Description: You and Vince have been dating for a few months. Lately he hasn’t been himself and it’s been causing you stress. Will this last or is it just a fling?
A/N: This is an example of a hockey based fic. Requests are open for me to write about one of your faves. I’ve seen a lot of Vince fics popping up so I thought this was a perfect way to showcase what I’ve got. Hope you enjoy the story! _________________________________
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You have been dating Vince for five months now. He was one of the first people you met when you arrived in St. Louis for your job. You met at a club that your new coworkers took you to celebrate your first week in town. He was dancing with a few friends and had girls surrounding them. The guys didn’t look phased like it happened all the time. You decided to get a drink from the bar with one of your female coworkers. “Gin,” you heard a male voice next to you. He shouted over the blaring music. You looked over to see a tall man with curly hair. He wore a black tee with a chain around his neck. He looked at you with his striking eyes. He smiled at you and you smiled back. “Hey,” he initiated.  “Hi.” Your voice was a little shaky. You didn’t remember the last time a man initiated a conversation with you in a social setting. “Wanna dance?” He asked you. Your eyes widened at his question. “What about your drink?” You laughed, pointing at the glass the bartender just brought him. He grabbed it and downed the drink. He placed it on the bar and took your hand to the middle of the dance floor. He grabbed your hips and swayed with you to the music. You didn’t realize the time until you felt your phone vibrating in your jeans. It was 1 am and your coworker texted to see where you were. You thanked him for the dance and left. You didn’t get his number even though you really wanted it. As fate would have it, you met at a store and exchanged numbers. 5 months and 12 dates later, you were wondering where the hell this was going. 
You popped up at Vince’s house after texting him that you were coming over. He opened the door, a smile on his face. “Hey,” he nodded his head.  “Hi handsome.” You got on your tip toes and kissed his lips. The kiss was half assed which was unusual. He’s pretty passionate when it comes to kissing you, but you tried to push that in the back of your mind. “What have you been doing?” You folded your jacket halfway and placed it on his couch. “Nothing much. Finished playing a game.” He sat down, his arms stretched on the back of the couch. “That’s cool.” You nodded and sat right next to him. “I missed you.” You looked up at him. He smiled, “yeah? Why’s that?” You were caught off guard by his answer. “Because I enjoy hanging out with you. What do you mean?” He shrugged, “just asking.” Silence fell upon the two of you. He was the only one home at that time. He had some movie from the 90s playing on his flat screen. Every once and a while you hear chuckles coming from him. You weren’t really paying attention, your mind raced. He was being very weird. Usually Vince is affectionate with surprise kisses and an arm around your shoulders. There was a few inches between the two of you on the couch. You wanted to address it, but the words in your head weren’t making sense. You continued finding the right words. It was pointless cause all that came out of your mouth was, “what’s up with you tonight?” He looked over to you. “What?”  “You’re being weird. You won’t even touch me, what the fuck is up?” You tried not to be aggressive in the way you spoke. He smiled, eyes darting around the room. “Wow y/n, maybe I’m tired. I just got back from a week in Canada this morning.” “Then why did you tell me I could come over?” You stood up. You placed your hands on your hips, looking at him, waiting for an answer. He didn’t have anything to say to that. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your jacket. You started to walk away, but you felt his hand on your wrist. “Y/n, wait!” You turned your head to him. “What?” You were seething with anger at this point. You wasted your time driving a half hour to come see him. Watching tv is something you could have done alone in your sweatpants, no makeup. “Look, y/n I really like you. I thought if I could be cold you would leave me no choice but to forget about you.” You were confused. He likes you, but wants you to stop dating him. He could see the confusion on your face and further explained himself. “I don’t get into relationships. I’m scared I’ll hurt you in the long run and that’s not something I want to do. You’re just way too good for me.” “How could you say that Vince? Sometimes you just have to take a chance. Am I worth that chance? Please tell me, I won’t get upset. I just need to know if I’m wasting my time here.” You gave it to him straight. Five months is a long time to not have anything to show for it. It wasn’t fair to the both of you. Vince looked in your eyes as if he was searching for an answer. Your lips tightened.  “You’re so worth the chance y/n.” He pulled you to his body, holding you in an embrace. Your arms wrapped around his waist. He ran his fingers through your hair, a kiss planted on the top of your head. “I’m sorry I was a dick tonight. Be my girlfriend?” He let go of you, but kept you at arms length. “You were a huge dick, but since this was the only time, I’ll let it slide. Next time boyfriend, it’s done,” you smiled. You were one to stand your ground and stand strong in your convictions. He knew you weren’t playing around despite the smile on your face. “Strongly noted. Now, can I have a kiss?” He put on the sweetest smile he could muster. You let out a little giggle. “Come here.” You stood on your tip toes and wrapped your arms around his neck. You and Vince leaned in at the same time until your lips connected. This time the passion was back and you couldn’t be happier. 
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morrisonw1 · 5 years
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Morrison Windows' mission statement is to provide residential French Doors Vancouver and accessories measured against the highest standards in the industry in Canada and we want to become the best windows manufacturer in surrey. Enroll now for the best vinyl windows in Canada.
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part Five) - Tyson Jost
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Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Words: 7.3k
Warnings: mentions of injury
a/n:  type of injury is purely speculation since the details were never released, also his injury happened at an away game but for the sake of the story let’s pretend it was a home game. im thinking there will be 3 more parts but dont quote me on that and ofc feedback is always welcome, i hope you enjoy! 
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
January 2019 - Loveland, CO
It was like the second you had Tyson back, he was gone again. The day they got back from their Eastern Canada road trip, he was on his way to Loveland to start working with the Eagles. He hadn’t been able to spend much time with you, his schedule being just as hectic as always. Especially with the additions of the extra workouts Tyson had started to partake in. You rarely saw his car in the driveway of the Rookie House when you were over at Caitlyn and Jack’s.
His hair had been extra messy the last night you saw him the day he went back down to Loveland for the first time this season. You assumed it was due to his hands continuously pulling at it from being stuck in his head about his new playing situation. Since then, the image of your best friend being down in the dumps hadn’t left your mind. Throughout the time of knowing Tyson, you only really knew him as the cheery guy with a smile on his face 24/7. He was the most strong-willed person you had ever known.
A week and a half later and he still hadn’t seen any NHL ice time, still working his ass off at the AHL level to earn his roster spot back. You’re sitting in one of the many conference rooms at your office, listening to an executive give their monthly project updates when your phone rings. You see Tyson’s face covering your screen, begging to answer his FaceTime. You hit the lock button on your phone, stopping the vibrations, and turn your phone over, turning your attention back to the presentation in front of you. 
The vibration stops momentarily before it starts again, to which you ignore. The third time your phone rings, you know it must be important, so you excuse yourself as you push out of your rolling chair and leave the room.
As you slide to answer, Tyson’s face pops up onto the screen. His hair is wet and the lighting is terrible, so you assume he had just showered at the practice facility.
“What did you need? I was in a meeting.”
“Sorry, I’ll be quick. I know I was supposed to come over to your place later for my pre-game meal but I’m really tired,” He whines.
“And you couldn’t have just texted me that?” You ask a sharp bite to your tone. He knew you worked the third Saturday of every month. He had even admitted to you one time that he’d check your Snapchat location to see where you were when you weren’t answering, so you were even more confused when he called not once, but three times.
“I need a favor, I’m gonna take a nap on one of the guy’s couches. Can you bring me my game-day suit?”
“Sure, just text me the time you need it by and the address,” You agree. “I really need to go, though, so I’ll text you later.”
“Thank you, Y/n! Love you.”
You spit out a quick ‘love you’ before hanging up and shoving your phone into your dress pants pocket before walking back into the meeting and apologizing about the disruption.
You park your car in Caitlyn’s driveway before making a bee-line across the street towards the Rookie House. You lift your hand to knock on the door before you remember Tyson telling you that no one was home and you needed to find the spare key. You jog down the stairs to his bedroom in search of his game-day suit. 
You look on his bed, which is a mess and un-made, causing you to roll your eyes, not seeing the suit he said he had laid out this morning when he left for practice. You move to his closet, hoping to see a suit in the front that had been previously picked out, but still no luck.
Instead of shooting him a text or calling him to ask where it is, you let your hands slowly pass over the multiple blazers he has hanging up. Your hand lands on a navy blue blazer with slightly exaggerated lapels, being unfamiliar with it you pull it out. Granted, you rarely say Tyson in suits, and even when you did you always noticed his love for different shades of grey. You smile to yourself as you pull it out and lay it over the bed smoothly before going back to his closet to find a dress-shirt to match.
A few minutes later you have a white-shirt with small polka dots on it picked out with his navy suit. Alongside that, you picked out his brown belt and grabbed his brown dress shoes, and started looking for a pair of socks. You pull open all of his drawers, finally finding the one that holds his socks and you end grabbing a pair of simple grey ones.
You set the suit and shoes in the back seat of your car once your back at Caitlyn’s before she’s walking out in a Colorado crewneck and jumping into your passenger seat.
“Can you look for a place we can get dinner after I drop this off to Tyson?” You ask of her as she buckled her seatbelt and you back out of her driveway. The two of you make banter and eventually find a wing place to eat as you drive down the highway to Loveland. 
Once you arrive at the apartment Tyson had texted you the address of, you’re climbing up the stairs to the front door, suit, and shoes in hand, before rapping at the door. You kind of knew you were cutting it close with his suit delivery, so you were anxiously tapping your foot as you waited for the door to swing open.
Tyson opens the door a tired look on his face as he’s taking a bite of what you see is a home-made sandwich. “You’re a lifesaver.” He groans, stepping to the side to let you in.
“It’s not a problem,” You assure, folding over the suit over the tops of your arms. “Here’s your suit.”
“Where’s the one I had laid out?” He asked confused as he reaches for your outstretched arms to take his clothes from you. You knit your eyebrows in confusion as you think back to how you didn’t see a suit set out anywhere in his room.
“There was no suit laid out in your room, which is a mess by the way,” You point out quickly. “So I just picked one out from your closet, I hope you don’t mind.”
“Thank you,” Tyson smiles, rubbing his thumbs over the lapel of the blazer. The image of you browsing through his closet popped into his mind, a rather domestic image that caused his smile to grow wider. The thought of you doing that without being asked to caused butterflies to slight erupt in his stomach and his cheek started to heat up with the thoughts racing through his mind.
“I think you need some new socks, all of them were so boring.” Tyson laughs at your statement. “Get some striped ones or ones with polka dots, I don’t know, just not plain grey and black ones.”
He nods his heads stifling a laugh at your odd request before the owner of the apartment appears from a hallway in his suit. Tyson quickly introduces the two of you before he’s pushing you out the door so he can get dressed and head to the game. As you turn your body to head back to your car, Tyson stops you.
“I have exciting news before you go.”
“This is my last game,” He beams, his eyes squinting from how wide his smile is. “I’m playing against Vancouver after the all-star break in a few days.”
You shriek at the news your best friend is sharing with you, “Oh my God! That’s amazing!” You open your arms welcoming Tyson in a congratulatory hug. “Told you you were a superstar,” you whisper as you pull away. The two of you share a soft look before you finally let go of your friend saying you’ll see him later.
You and Caitlyn are sitting in the lower bowl of the Budweiser Event Center, enjoying your beers and each other’s company while also focusing on the two teams in front of you. The both of you had agreed how nice it was to be back at a hockey game, both of you not being able to attend any in a little over a month with how busy you were. It was especially nice seeing Tyson play, you could see the jump in his body as he floated around the ice seamlessly.
It’s late in the game when it happens. Tyson’s skating down the far half-wall about to cross the blue line to enter the zone with the puck when an opposing player plows through his lonesome figure, sending him into the wall with a very loud thud. You gasp, leaning forward in your seat and reaching out for Caitlyn’s hand. You watch him as he stands up, grateful for the fact that he’s even able to do that quickly given the harshness of the hit, but watch him as he skates away back to the bench slowly.
He immediately walks down the tunnel to the locker rooms and you lean in your seat further, bringing your free hand to your face to bite on your cuticles out of nervousness. Caitlyn squeezing your hand combined with the loud voice over the arena speakers announcing the penalties brings you back down to earth. Your fingers stay at your lips for a moment longer until the sudden urge to scratch at your elbow envelops your mind.
“Hey, he’s probably fine and just got the wind knocked out of him.” Caitlyn reasons. You both know she has no idea what she’s talking about, but the thought behind it is welcomed. The remainder of the game feels like a lifetime as you anxiously check your phone for texts from Tyson, tweets from the team, anything that may give you insight on what’s happened.
At the same time as the final buzzer sounding throughout the arena, your phone vibrates in your hand where you’re holding it tightly. A text from Tyson pops up.
Tyson: im okay
Tyson: sorry it took so long to text you i was going through concussion protocol
Y/N: so you’re fine?!
Tyson: no
Tyson: i have a concussion
You groan at the response, showing Caitlyn your conversation before typing out a response saying you’ll meet him by the locker room shortly.
Tyson emerges from the locker room, holding an ice pack to his left shoulder. Upon seeing the ice pack, your shoulders drop out of sympathy for him and you feel a pang in your chest. As he approaches you, head down to avoid the bright, white, LED lights in the hallway, you let out a low ‘Tyson’.
“You said you just got a concussion,” you point to the icepack on his shoulder.
“It just hurts.” He winces, eyebrows knitting in pain. You give him a side-hug, careful to not aggravate his shoulder.
“I, uh, I’m going to need a ride back to Denver,” Tyson starts. “I can’t drive.”
You rub his good shoulder, trying to comfort him as you look back towards Caitlyn. “Can you drive my car home and I’ll drive his car home? You can just park it at your house.”
Caitlyn agrees, the three of you walking out to the parking garage making small talk before you go your separate ways. The hour-long drive is spent in quiet, Tyson leaning his head against the window with his eyes closed for the most of it. He only lifts his head when he feels the car drive over the junction between the black asphalt of the street and the concrete of his driveway.
The two of you walk into his home, him instantly making way down the stairs to his bedroom while you opt to go to the kitchen to get the both of you glasses of water. Another few moments pass before you decide to venture down to his room.
He’s in the dark, only his bathroom light illuminating his vast bedroom. He’s laying on his back in the middle of the bed, his legs dangling off the edge. He groans a little at the noise of your feet padding along the hardwood before sitting up and leaning back on his hands. 
“You feeling okay?” You ask, moving to sit down next to him and hand him the other glass of water.
“I’m fine,” He mumbles and you know he’s just processing the injury and everything going on with his career so you stay quiet, letting him be the one to decide when to speak. Instead, you too lean back on your hands, resting yours right next to Tyson’s, pinkies touching. His hand flinches at the touch but he doesn’t move away.
“I just can’t catch a break it seems,” He breathes out barely above a whisper. He lays back onto the bed, falling into the fluffy comforter and rubs his face with hands. 
“Tys,” you drag out. You twist your body around, tucking your legs underneath you on the bed to face him. There’s a pull in your body that wants you to reach out and move his hands from his face or even put a reassuring hand on his thigh but something in you stops you. “Things like this happen to everyone, you just have to get healthy and play just like you were when you got the call saying you were going back to the Avs.”
“But if I would’ve just been skating with my head up I could’ve avoided the hit.”
“That guy absolutely blew into you, I don’t think much would’ve stopped him from doing that. It was a dirty hit and he knows it.”
Tyson mumbles out an ‘I guess’ before sitting up abruptly with a groan. “You want ice cream? I want ice cream.” He decides, standing up and reaching out for you. You grab his hand, standing up from his couch and following him up the stairs to the kitchen. 
“I didn’t think you health nuts even knew what ice cream was.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood. Throughout the whole time you knew Tyson and his roommates, the most unhealthy thing you had seen them eat were chocolate almond butter cups and those were from Whole Foods so it barely counted as junk food in your eyes. Tyson pulls out a pint of ice cream and you look to inspect it, noting the words ‘dairy-free’ on it. 
You roll your eyes, “I take that back because of course you have the ice cream that’s considered healthy.”
Tyson laughs at you as he grabs two spoons from the drawer across the kitchen from you. He smiles instead of responding right away, and your face mirrors him, a large smile now playing at your lips. 
He places the two spoons on the island next to the pint, going to the edge of the kitchen and turning the light off so the only light in the kitchen is the light from the entryway and the light on off the back door creeping through the large kitchen windows. Tyson takes a seat next to you on the barstool opening the ice cream and digging his spoon in. 
The two of you eat the first few bites in silence before Tyson sticks his spoon into the pint one last time. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course, I do have one request though.” You start, Tyson raising his eyebrows in curiosity. “Can I help pick out your suits more often? That was fun.”
“That just means me bugging you more about my colorblindness, ya know.” He jokes. “But, I’ll take it.” 
“I think you need to incorporate more prints into your closet, all of your suits are so plain.”
“I have two striped ones, what are you talking about?” He asks incredulously with a laugh.
You put your spoon in your mouth, eating the bit of soupy ice cream that’s still left. As you chew you mentally go through his closet. “Yeah, but you need some plaids and checks.”
“We’ll see about that.” 
You laugh at his inability to stray away from solids, even though you’ve seen him in some crazy printed t-shirts before. You dig your spoon in the ice cream for one more bite before clasping the lid back on. Tyson moves to put it back in the freezer, but you stop him and do it yourself, also placing the two spoons in the dishwasher. 
“So, what’s next?” You ask, talking about the next steps of his concussion injury and training. 
Tyson leans back in his chair, running one of his hands through the hair on the back of his head. “Pretty much just rest until it goes away, then play some more in Loveland, then hopefully get the call to come back to Denver full-time.”
You watch him as he speaks from across the kitchen, focused on the softness and uncertainty in his voice. He was not only in physical pain from the hit a few hours prior, but also clearly mentally beating himself up. Tyson was one of the hardest workers you had ever met. He was someone that went to practice early and stayed late if it meant more ice-time and reps, someone that put in those extra miles on his morning runs, someone that watched and studied game-tape until his eyes were strained from the blue light of the screen. Knowing how hard he worked day in and day out only made your heart ache more at the circumstances the brunette found himself in.
You walk quietly over back to Tyson, standing next to him where he’s sitting. He turns around to gaze up at your face before you begin speaking.
“You’re the hardest worker I know, I believe in you.”
Tyson, in a moment of both vulnerability and bravery, lens his head forward and rests his head on your chest. You’re surprised by his actions and your movements are stuttered before you wrap your arms around his neck and run a hand through his curls. He lets out a hum, his eyes fluttering shut at the newfound comfort you’re giving him. 
The two of you stand for a few more moments, reveling in the contact and the quietness surround you due to the late night and emptiness of the home. Your eyes glance to the clock, noting how late it’s gotten. You want to pull away to tell him you should head home soon, your breathing starting to slow due to being tired. Your early work morning combined with the whirlwind events that happened over the past two hours pushed your mind to the point of exhaustion. 
However, you don’t move away, knowing this is what your best friend needs most right now. The feeling of comfort and being with someone that knew him as deeply as you did being something he desperately needed. An itch on your elbow pulls you out of your thoughts and Tyson whines when you slightly pull away to scratch at it, to which you chuckle.
“I had an itch,” You pause, leaning back away from Tyson so he has to sit up straight. “And besides, it’s starting to get late. I should head home soon.”
Tyson doesn’t whine again but slouches his shoulders and puffs out his lower lip, giving you a puppy dog look that you haven’t seen much when he’s sober. “Please stay.”
The request surprises you. Sure, the two of you are insanely close, but the two of you never really had sleepovers due to your schedules and only ever stayed over on drunken nights when it was an easy decision to make. Come to think of it, the last time you guys even slept in the same house was before you dated Aiden, when you shared a hotel room at the Landeskog wedding.
You contemplate the thought, being one that usually didn’t mind driving home at the late hours of the night. His eyes were puffy, a sure sign from how tired he’s been lately, the scrape underneath it from his visor bright red, and his overall aura was screaming please, so you give in. “I need sweatpants then.” you motion to the jeans adorning your legs and he jumps up.
“You got it.”
You follow him down the stairs back to his bedroom and watch him move around his room, cleaning up some of the mess and tossing you a pair of sweats.
Once you reemerge from the ensuite bathroom, you see Tyson laying down in bed, covers up to his armpits. He turns his head towards you then pats the emptiness beside him, gesturing for you to lay down. He’s got this dopey look on your face that melts your heart and you smile, holding your jeans to your chest tightly.
“I can sleep on the couch, it really isn’t a big deal.”
“It isn’t but why sleep on the couch when there’s a perfectly comfy spot for you in a bed?” He jokes. You can barely see his facial features now that you’ve turned the bathroom light off and you flip the flashlight on on your phone, being careful not to shine it towards his face. You smile nervously as you set your jeans down by your shoes at the foot of the bed and carefully climb into bed next to him.
“Maybe leave a little room for a girl, jeez,” You comment, trying to maneuver around Tyson’s sprawled out body. You miss the way he rolls his eyes as he dramatically pulls his body into a plank-like position. You set your phone down on the dresser next to you before getting comfortable despite the anxiety you’re starting to feel. Your stomach shouldn’t be in knots right now, should it?
“I know I said it before, but I really appreciate you coming tonight.” Tyson starts, sighing out a large breath of air. He’s twiddling his fingers in front of him, occasionally bringing them to his lips to bite on his hangnails. “It means a lot having someone by my side through all of this. It can be hard talking to Kerfy and JT sometimes.”
You turn your body to face him, still leaving a substantial amount of space between the two of you in the expanse of his king-sized bed. “That’s what best friends are for, Tys. Don’t ever hesitate to talk to me. It can be about anything, hockey, family, music, whatever you want and I’ll listen. Just know that you can talk to JT and Alexander too, they’ve been in your shoes being in the AHL and they just want to see you back with them just as much as the rest of us. Well, maybe not more than your family and me. We’re your biggest fans.”
“Biggest fans, eh?” he quirks an eyebrow up.
“Yeah, didn’t you know? We’re all in a group chat and it’s called Tyson Jost’s Fan Club. We just send pictures of you back and forth.” You joke, causing a loud, boisterous laugh to escape from Tyson’s mouth.
“You’ve never even talked to any of them besides my Grandpa, shut up.” He lets out once he’s calmed down from laughing, a loud yawn following.
“We should go to sleep, it’s been an exhausting day for both of us.”
“But I’ve missed talking to you.” He admits. And honestly, the statement has you thinking. This probably is the most time the two of you have spent alone together in months, so you give in and talk with him about anything and everything until he suddenly stops responding and you see his mouth droop open with heavy breaths of air coming out.
Sleep didn’t find you as easily, though, as you gazed at your best friend across the bed, thoughts consumed your brain. The two of you had nowhere near a physically affectionate friendship and all of the small touches and long gazes that happened throughout the day have a smile forming on your lips as you continue to look at the brunette in front of you. Yeah, the two of you laid soft touches on the other but it was usually when you had alcohol in your system or when you were especially tired. The look he gave you in the kitchen moments prior is what stuck with you as you drifted off to sleep.
The next few days for Tyson were spent just like that night. You would go over there after work and stay until you headed home later that night. As the days passed those late-night drives were spent with more and more yawns but it was worth it if it meant seeing Tyson and keeping him company. 
That was until today. You had gotten behind on your project at work from being at Tyson’s so much recently so you had told him last night when you left his house that you’d see him in a few days. As your phone rang during your lunch break with Tyson’s face filling the screen, you should’ve known what he was about to say was coming.
“Please come over later, I’m going insane being by myself. The guys don’t get back from the all-star break until Friday and I can’t look at any screen or sleep because of my concussion so I need you to entertain me.” Tyson rushes out. 
“Aren’t you supposed to see the team doctors today?” You ask confusedly. It was barely 1:30 in the afternoon so you thought he would be at the training facility still.
“I already did, I still have a concussion,” Tyson confirms. “I just have to go back every other day to get checked. They said it’s looking better and it’s less serious than they thought which is good.”
“Yeah, that’s good,” you nod. You really do want to see him later, getting used to seeing him every day for the past few days. Part of you knows that one day won’t hurt either of you and that you know you’ll just be at his place tomorrow, but something in your mind is telling you to go over there after work. “If I come over later, I’m bringing my laptop, I need to get some stuff done to prepare for a meeting I have on Thursday.”
“That’s fine, I’ll order us food even, as a thank you.”
You want to argue with him, not wanting him to spend his money on you but the two of you have had that conversation a hundred different times all ending with the same result. You usually said you made ‘big girl’ money and were proud of it to which he said he was proud too, but he also made ‘big boy’ money and had enough leftover to comfortably spend it on his closest friends. 
“Sounds perfect,” You smile. “My lunch break is about to end, so I have to go but I’ll text you when I leave later.”
Tyson says goodbye and the rest of your workday flies by and next thing you know, you’re pulling your car into Tyson’s driveway. You see the garage open so you walk thought it, closing it as you enter the door inside. Once your dinner is consumed the two of you migrate to the living room couch where you pull your laptop on your lap to start working on your meeting notes.
“What’re you doing?” Tyson inquires, leaning towards you to get a better look at your screen.
“I have a meeting to kick-off a project later this week so I’m just making sure I have all of my notes done.” You explain, typing away at the keyboard. “It’s a bigger one, so there are a lot more steps and handoffs and stuff you might not understand.”
“No, tell me, I wanna know.” He urges, scootching his body closer to yours so your thighs touch. As he stops moving, you think of how easy it would to just fall into him and rest your head against the broadness of his chest. You focus more on the screen in front of you, dimming the brightness so it doesn’t hurt Tyson’s eyes and explain it to him. Before long, his head plops onto your shoulder, snores escaping his slightly ajar mouth. You gaze at him, noticing the cut that was once bright red on his cheekbone is now just a scratch and you reach out to run your finger over it. He stirs at the touch, and you freeze out of panic before focusing back on your laptop and continuing to work. 
The stillness around you makes your eyes start to droop and you slowly start to slouch more and more on the couch before resting your head atop Tyson’s and joining him in sleep. 
Your phone ringing on full-volume next to you pulls you from your sleep. You see Caitlyn’s name as you grab it and slide to answer the phone.
“Are you still at Tyson’s? I was closing my garage and saw your car across the street.” She asked in way of a greeting.
“Uh, yeah, we fell asleep.” You say, voice groggy and laced with sleep. You open your eyes more, looking to Tyson’s still sleeping figure and noticing the movement the two of you have made. His head isn’t on your shoulder anymore, as it fell in his sleep to use your chest as a cushion. His hand that’s closer to you is draped across your thigh the other outstretched along the couch. “What time is it?”
“Almost 10:30. Wait, what do you mean we? Like, you and Tyson sleeping together?” She asks, almost in a shriek-like voice. Your body jumps awake at the notification of how late it’s gotten, Tyson sliding off your body from the movement.
“I was working and he fell asleep next, well on me, and then I fell asleep. Shit, I didn’t think I’d fall asleep for this long.” You curse. Tyson stirs next to you, slowing opening his eyes and groaning at the disruption in sleep. “I gotta go though, I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”
“Who was that?” 
“Caitlyn, she was confused since she saw that my car was still here.” You respond, sitting further up and moving your laptop to the coffee table in front of you. Tyson looks at his phone checking the time before letting a ‘holy shit’ seeing that it’s also pitch black outside.
“I’m gonna head out soon, I think.”
“You can stay, ya know.” 
“Yeah, I know, but I don’t have any of my work stuff for tomorrow and I don’t want to have to rush around in the morning.” You explain, rubbing your hands along your thighs. You lean forward, pushing a hand through your hair to fix the mess that was caused from your nap and stand up. He sits up further on the couch before joining you in standing, a loud sigh coming from his mouth.
“I’ll still see you tomorrow though, eh?” He checks.
“Yes, I just have to make sure my work is all done since I clearly didn’t get much done here.” You laugh. He follows you to the front door of his house, unlocking and opening it for you. Once your coat is slipped on you open your arms to hug him, “Such a gentleman.”
“For you? Always” He jokes cheekily. You smile at the comment before pulling back, but Tyson doesn’t let go of you so easily. You look up at him, then back to your feet, then back up to Tyson once more.
“Okay, I really gotta go,” You yawn.
Instead of letting you go, Tyson moves one of his hands from around your shoulders to the back of your head and pulling you into him. His lips land on the curve of your forehead before he whispers out a bye. You smile and close your eyes in content at the gesture, before you walk down the sidewalk to your car, turning once to wave to your best friend. The smile didn’t leave your face the entire drive home, and you honestly probably fell asleep with the same glee-filled smile plastered onto your face thinking of the new addition of the physicality of your friendship and how you could really get used it.
February 2019 - Denver, CO
“Do you want to go get lunch together? I haven’t eaten out for lunch in so long.” Caitlyn asks, barging through your office door. You peer up at your friend, abandoning the email you’re working on in front of you.
“I actually have lunch plans with Tyson, we’re getting poke.” A slight frown playing at your lips, as you decline her offer. “What about margs sometime this week? It can be a girl’s night.”
She smiles at your suggestion nodding her head, “That sounds perfect! Do you want to go out for them or stay in?”
“Hmm,” you hum. “Let’s go out tomorrow? Taco Tuesday at Aztecas?”
“Ooo, yes! Meet there at 7?” She asks, moving further into your office and sitting in the chair on the opposite side of your desk. you nod your head in agreement, turning your focus into the computer screen in front of you again. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with him haven’t you?”
“Who?” You ask, directing your attention back to her from where you started typing at your computer again. 
“Oh, yeah.” You say, quickly typing out the details of your email so you can focus on your coworker in front of you. “I guess we kinda have. When he got his concussion two weeks ago I was one of the few people that were in town with the timing of it all and stuff.”
“Every time I looked out my window, your car was in his driveway.” She notes, eyebrow quirked. 
“I would just go there, like, right after work and then I’d leave when I wanted to go to bed. We would just get food and hang out, just like we used to.”
“You mean like back before you had a boyfriend?” She asks. “Like last season when you guys were always getting dinner together or like all summer when he was constantly calling you?”
As Caitlyn concludes her questions, you lean back in your office chair thinking back on the past few months. You hadn’t really paid attention to your new habits with Tyson, but you were spending way more time with him than usual, but you just thought it was the extra free time the both of you have had lately. When you were with Aiden you only saw Tyson maybe once a week and most times it was in a group setting.
“I guess, yeah.” You smile. You had thoroughly been enjoying all the time you spent with him lately, all the laughter and banter was welcomed and the two of you knew exactly what to do to annoy the other one without ever crossing a line. “Do you think we were touchy before, me and Tys?”
Caitlyn crosses one leg over the other, “I don’t think so? Like you guys were just always with one another when we were in groups. When you were drunk, though? That’s another story.”
With Caitlyn answering the question the way she did, you knew you had to address the newfound physicality and affection between you and Tyson. Before you can get into more detail on why you chose to bring that up Caitlyn asks you,
“Have you guys been more touchy lately?” 
“We take naps together now, which is like, kind of a lot in a way? I don’t know,” You stop yourself, taking a deep breath as you try to gather your words to describe the feeling. “You know me, I don’t take naps but it’s like, we’ll be watching tv or something and he’ll just fall asleep and it’s not like he’s on the other side of the couch, Caitlyn. He’s right next to me and then he’s asleep with half his body weight on me and the feeling like, lulls me to sleep and we’ll wake up in the same position and not talk about it.”
Caitlyn watches you as you avoid her gaze as you talk, unsure of what she’s going to say about the new information. Especially when she was the one friend you had that really made you dig deeper as to why you felt certain things. The two of you hadn’t spent much time together outside of work lately, with her and Jack living together and you spending so much time with Tyson after his concussion.
“I also spent the night when he got hurt, like, as in I spent the night in his bed.”
“What?” She exclaims, jumping forward to the edge of her seat. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“Nothing happened,” You assure with a chuckle. “We fell asleep on opposite sides of the bed and woke up that way.” You think back to that night and how when you woke up, you would’ve assumed the two of you would’ve moved positions throughout the night, but you somehow didn’t and woke up face away from him, back inches away from his. 
“How do you feel about those changes in your guys’ friendship?” 
“I think I like it. Part of me kinda thinks I just like the extra attention I’m getting, but the other part just thinks that’s just how we are now, ya know?”
“I see what you mean about the just liking the extra attention part, but I think it’s just how you guys are. Even if the two of you weren’t being physically affectionate through your friendship, the two of you were still affectionate in other ways.”
What she says makes sense, as you think about all the small quirks your friendship consisted of. He was always getting you refills at parties and the bar, offering to be the one that drove, grocery shopping together, while you helped make sure he kept his room clean and urged to him to let loose with you every once in a while. He kept you young while you grounded him. 
“All I know is that I haven’t even realized how much time I’ve been spending with him lately, which I’m really grateful for.” You smile softly. “He’s actually gonna be playing again in a few days I think.” 
The two of you continue talking about Tyson being able to return to the team and solidify your plans for tacos and margs tomorrow before she’s bouncing out of your office.
A few days later, Tyson was thankfully cleared to play again. Spending the first few days back in Loveland before getting the call to return to Denver. A call you hoped, primarily for Tyson’s sake, that was a more-permanent decision the coaching staff had made. You hadn’t seen him much in those few days, letting him get acclimated to the pace of the NHL once again. 
The three of you settle into your seats, feeling at ease from being back at the Pepsi Center for the first time since Tyson’s call-up. This time, however, you didn’t complain when Tyson offered to get the three of you tickets. You all hadn’t been able to go to any of the other games since Tyson’s call-up due to work events, Valentine’s Day, and your mom’s birthday, but as Tyson said the date didn’t matter as long as you’d come to one sooner rather than later.
It happens fast, you look from Caitlyn next to you to the ice in front of you due to an increase in cheering and you watch as Tyson catches as a pass on the edge of his blade before slapping a one-timer at the goal from the slot, goal horn sounding as the puck passes the goal line. You jump, arms thrusting in the air and loudly cheering ‘that’s my fucking best friend’ into the expanse of the crowd.
The next two periods flew by, Varlamov getting the shutout while Calvert and Agozzino added to the scoresheet. You all head out, walking towards the parking garage down the street you parked out as you send a great goal text to Tyson and telling him to call you when he gets a chance. 
An hour later, when you’re back in you’re apartment getting your stuff ready for your workday tomorrow, your phone finally rings, notifying you of an incoming call from Tyson. When the facetime call connects, you see him, a wide-smile and wet curly hair all over the place.
“Hey! Great game!” You exclaim, the happiness behind your words coming though with the wide smile that’s filling your face.
“Thank you! I’m glad you guys were able to catch this game.” He smiles. His phone is shaking from him walking around his house, as you watch the background change from his kitchen to the stairwell to his bedroom before he’s plopping down onto his bed. “It was so good to score, y/n, I want to bottle that feeling.” 
His eyes twinkle in the dim lighting of his room as he speaks, the sight of it making you feel more than elated for your best friend. “I’m really proud of you, I know I tell you that a lot, but you deserve feeling that way all the time, Tys.” You say softly, voice laced with sincerity. 
“I just have to continue to play the way I did tonight, and then there’ll be no doubt I’m supposed to on the roster. I know my roster spot isn’t a given any night and it never will be, but I want everyone to be confident in the decision to put me in the line-up every night.” He rambles. As he speaks you’re making your way to your bathroom, ready to start your nightly routine. 
You set your phone against your mirror as you put your hair into a low bun before grabbing a washcloth to wash your face. He starts talking your ears off about how happy he is to be back with the guys and the team chemistry as you finish getting ready for bed. You miss the way he looks at you as you brush your teeth since you’re too focused on the movements of your actions, but what you don’t miss is the ding on your phone with a new text message. 
Once you’re done spitting out your excess toothpaste and wiping your mouth, you grab your phone and head to your bed before looking at the message. “Tyson, what did you just send me we’re literally on the phone.” You laugh before fully opening the text and seeing the picture attached. It’s a screenshot from your call taken only a few minutes ago. Tyson’s dark smiling face in the top right corner while your face fills out the screen. At first glance, it looks like an accidental screenshot but with closer examination as well as Tyson’s muffled laughs on the line, you see the toothpaste dribbling down your chin and your eyebrows are knitted with determination.
You groan loudly as you swipe back to your FaceTime call, “Tyson, I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“You don’t know that, maybe I’ll just hang up and stop coming to your games” you stick your tongue out. 
“No!” Tyson interrupts. “You have to at least come to my games, you’re my good luck charm now.” He pouts, mouth quivering from trying not to smile.
“Fine.” You huff, a smile cracking on your lips. The two of you talk for a little while longer, both in bed, eyes drooping and words slurred with sleep. You’re not sure when you fall asleep and you’re more unsure if you even hang up your call before you’re snoring.  
You end up going to his next game two days later against Winnipeg, where he scored once again and recorded two assists. After that performance, he continued to insist that you were his lucky charm, to which you laughed and brushed off the comment.
tag list: @reavenedges-lies​ @oilers2997​ (let me know if you wanted to be added!)
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oddlybitter · 4 years
royal straight flush
here’s a little sneak peek of my upcoming royal trio dynamics/ three idiots on a road trip fic on ao3! 
CW: Swearing
The cards fanned out on the table, and as Akira's hand hovered over one of them, the lady with the opal ring the size of an egg cleared her throat.
"Wait," She said, her satin gloves rustling as she pointed at the card herself. "This one."
Grinning, Akira nodded, drawing the card from the deck. "Very well, madam. Is this your card?"
A ripple of shocked gasps and delighted squeals erupted from the audience, and the woman with the giant opal nods vigorously, her earrings bouncing above her shoulders. The applause thundered, and Akira gathered all of the cards back into their box. Banknotes fluttered onto the velvet tablecloth, and he swept them into a neat pile, nodding in thanks. The woman with the opal offered her hand out to shake, and Akira kissed it, then brought his other hand underneath hers to slide the ring off her finger.
"Your earrings are lovely," He said, pointing to the emeralds hanging from her ears.
She blushed, batting her eyelashes and raising her other hand to her painted lips. "Thank you."
A hand from the crowd pulled on the one behind his back, and Akira gave a final, extravagant bow to his audience. "Goodnight! Thank you for your breathtaking performance."
An annoyed huff came from behind him, and Akira smirked, snatching the velvet table cloth and folding it up as he walked back to the car. Sliding into the passenger seat, he waited for a few moments, examining his nails in the dim light. Then, the other door opened, and his partner ducked inside, his scarf pulled up around his nose.
"You," He said, "are a diva."
Akira snorted. "I'm a performer, Goro, and that was my best yet."
Goro took his scarf off, ruffling his hair. "You say that every time."
Bringing the opal ring out of his pocket, Akira raised the gem into the light. It glistened in the dim glow of the car lights, and Goro squinted at it, his hand resting just on top of Akira's. They paused, glancing at each other quickly, but the dark-haired man cleared his throat, placing the ring in his waistcoat pocket.
Sighing, the brown-haired man started the car, throwing his scarf over his shoulder. It hit the backseat, and the backseat yelped. His hands hovering over the wheel, Goro's eyebrow quirked upwards, and he slowly turned to look at Akira. He swallowed, staring at his partner's face as Goro turned to look over his shoulder.
Sitting in the backseat was a young girl, probably not a day out of middle school. She was dressed in a red cardigan and a black and white houndstooth pinafore. Her red hair was hanging loose around her shoulders, and there was a small space between her fringe and her glasses where Goro could see raised eyebrows.
Akira, who was peering around the passenger seat, let out a low, dreading "Oh, fuck me."
"What the hell do we do? We can't pass the border like this. How are we going to get to Toronto?" Goro whispers sharply, gripping the side of his seat.
Akira raised a hand to his mouth, his dark eyes wide. "Did I just swear in front of a child? How old are you?"
The girl looked up, folding her hands in her lap over the scarf, smiling sweetly. "I'm fifteen!"
"Oh, my god." Akira groaned, running his hand through his hair.
Goro smacked him on the arm, glaring sharply at him. "Don't fucking talk to her, you fuckwit!"
Gasping, Akira gave his partner a scandalized look, raising a hand to his chest. "A child, Goro, you swore twice in front of a child."
Said child in the backseat watched with a pleasant smile on her face, watching the two go back and forth. After a while, the squabbling turned into a meager fistfight, with the dark-haired man swatting the brown-haired man, Goro, over the head with a rolled-up map.
Popping her head between the seats, she looked up at the man with dark, curly hair and said, very simply, "Where are we going?"
He looked down at her with surprise, and he instinctively answered, "Canada."
"Akira!" Goro chastised.
Scoffing, Akira waved the map in the air. "Oh, she can read what's on the map. You weren't exactly subtle."
He gestured to the red circle over Canada and the red arrows pointing to Toronto. Scowling, Goro snatched the map from him, rolling it up and stuffing it in the glove compartment. "Shut up."
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