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lately i’ve been finding myself having less of a reaction when i see mando!ahsoka, not that i hate the live-action version any less, just that i’v been seeing a lot its cartoonified version that i’m less allergic to it (blame it on cosbi giving her no sclera) now i’m just
really looking forward to that shitshow
#and i've acquire a MIB fodka so i can finally rest from the hunt now that i've 8 little plastic ahsoka to fill my sad and lonely heart#in other ways it also speaks of the overwhelming merchandising and publicity that tiny ahsoka could only dream of 15 years ago#can you imagine headlining a movie and you don't even appear in the first wave of action figures#now she's on everything with a reversed lekku pattern#myechoes#sw negativity
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Fünf fafickte Favierfervietten
O.k. Neben mir liegen fünf fafickte Favierfervietten und vor uns acht Stunden Flugzeit. Acht Stunden, uns nochmal jede Folge dieser Produktion reinzuziehen, von der alle Beteiligten wussten, dass es sich um eine Reality-Soap handelt. Bis auf mich. Ich hab´s für die Realität gehalten. Weswegen ich das Material jetzt um ein paar Bonus Tracks ergänzen möchte, die ich bisher unter Verschluss gehalten habe, ist also `ne ganz exklusive Veranstaltung hier.
Auch wenn der Flug-Dispatcher die Regeln nicht zu kennen scheint.
Gate C ist nämlich falsch. Gate F müsste mein Abfluggate sein. Heute ist ein F-Tag und das ist von all den Arschkarten, die ich auf der Hand habe, noch die coolste. Ein F-Tag gestattet immerhin solche Annehmlichkeiten wie Flughafen, French Fries und Facebook. Stellt euch mal vor, mein Rückflug wäre auf einen B-Tag gefallen, wo hätte ich mich denn da bis zum Abflug rumtreiben sollen, da bleibt ja außer Brücken und Bus Stops nicht viel, wenn die Alternative nicht im Bett bleiben lauten soll. Und für B-Essen, das nicht ausgerechnet ein Burger ist, wäre ich wohl kaum um das gnadenlos überteuerte Organic-Sortiment bei Godess and Grocer herumgekommen - ich kann mir jedenfalls nicht vorstellen, dass irgendeine der anderen Buden in der Abfluglounge Banana Bread oder Bulgursalat im Angebot hätte. Ich will mich also nicht beschweren über meinen F-Tag mit Flughafen, Facebook und FeierdesAbschieds-French-Fries. Wobei natürlich auch fuckin French Fries und fuckin Flughafen und fuckin Facebook ginge. Was soll´s. Noch eine gute Stunde, dann stehe ich am Gate in der Schlange, und sobald die meine Bordkarte gescannt, die Klappen über den Sitzen dichtgemacht und die Kabinentüren verriegelt haben, bin ich raus aus der Nummer. Vorausgesetzt, ich reiß mich jetzt zusammen und krieg meinen Senf innerhalb der verbleibenden Stunde in Form gepresst. Und finde irgendwo freies Wifi, hier am Flughafen bieten die nur Boingo an, sieben Dollar die halbe Stunde, das ist mir echt zu happig. Ich brauch doch maximal eine halbe Minute, um den Text hochzuladen und meinen Tweet abzusetzen. Unfasslich, dass ein Flughafen wie O´Hare kein freies Wifi hat.
Ziemlich trübe Veranstaltung. Der Himmel legt sich echt ins Zeug, mir die passende Abschiedskulisse zu bieten. Die Delta-Maschine, die sich gerade in die graue Watte schraubt, wird immer mehr zum Papierflieger, je weiter sie sich entfernt. Ich hab uns einen Fensterplatz ausgesucht, damit Gino und Eddie was zu gucken haben, während ich schreibe. Im Moment sind sie ganz fasziniert vom Bodenpersonal, das in signalfarbener Regenmontur die beladenen Gepäcktrolleys übers Rollfeld schubst, während ich durch mein Facebookleben der letzten Monate scrolle. Das Display ist schon ganz fettig von meinen Pommesfingern und die glitschigen Papierservietten aus dem Spender taugen auch nicht wirklich für Notizen. Die sind irgendwie beschichtet, da haftet der Kugelschreiber nicht. Wie soll ich denn da Zeugnis ablegen, wenn die Wahrheit nicht mal auf Papierservietten haften will. Na, wenigstens wollte der Typ an der Bar keine ID sehen, sodass ich den Verlust meines Flachmanns kompensieren kann.
Die Wahrheit ist mehr als die Summe ihrer Teile. Die Wahrheit ist, dass ich betrogen worden bin. Dass Orange mich hintergangen hat. Das Kind, das wir kriegen wollten, mit einem anderen angesetzt hat. Das lässt sich so natürlich nicht in meiner Timeline ablesen. Das sieht man mir auch nicht an. Ich weiß über die Gestalten an den Tischen um mich rum ja auch maximal, dass sie auf ihren Boardingaufruf warten. Und nicht mal das kann ich sehen. Was ich sehe, ist, wie sich jemand Donutglasur von der Lippe wischt. Senf vom Finger leckt. Höre hinter mir jemanden Getränkereste zwischen den Eiswürfeln durch einen Strohhalm saugen. Und denen wird’s auch nicht anders gehen. Was die sehen, wenn sie ihren Becher absetzen, sich die Finger abgeleckt oder die Serviette zusammengeknüllt haben, ist ein unrasierter Typ, auf dem Kopf eine Wollmütze, unter der ein Wust verfilzter Haare hervorragt, der mit aufgestützten Ellbogen am Panoramafenster hockt und sich, den Blick auf sein Handy-Display fixiert, abwesend fettige Pommes aus einer Styroporbox in den Mund stopft. Gelegentlich scheint er sich mit zwei kleinen hellblauen Spielzeugnilpferden auszutauschen, die neben der Pommesschachtel stehen, um im Anschluss etwas mit Kugelschreiber auf einen Stapel Papierservietten zu kritzeln, was genau, lässt sich auf die Entfernung natürlich nicht entziffern. Was weder der widerliche Anzugtyp, der glaubt, dass keiner merkt, wie er über den Rand seiner Chicago Tribune ziemlich schamlos jeden weiblichen Körper im Umkreis scannt, noch das kleine glupschäugige Monster im Star Wars-Anorak sehen kann, ist, dass der grenzdebil wirkende Pommesfresser, der mit Spielzeug spricht und seine Tage alphabetisch ordnet, seinen Aufenthalt in der Abfluglounge einem Stapel Anwaltslyrik verdankt, in dem so unschöne Begriffe wie Cybermobbing vorkommen.
Aber ich bin gewappnet: mein Akku ist voll und selbst wenn sie mich an der Security zwingen können, meine Schuhe auszuziehen und mich nackig zu machen, selbst wenn sie meinen Flachmann einkassieren, mein Handy und meine Kamera durchleuchten und 7 Dollar dafür kassieren, können sie mich nicht daran hindern, bis zur letzten Sekunde ihr WiFi zu nutzen. Und dem Serviettenspender an der Ketchup- und Mayostation so viele Papierservietten zu entnehmen, wie ich will. Ihr Kontrollzwang hat Grenzen. Sie können Menschen glauben machen, sie würden einen Preis gewinnen, wenn sie ihre Smartphones an die QR-Codes auf den Etiketten von Ketchupflaschen halten. Ketchup und Mayo haben sie unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht, aber keine Heimatschutzbehörde wird überprüfen können, wie viele Papierservietten ich am Airport Chicago O´Hare gezogen habe, um meine Geschichte zu erzählen. „Flieg nachhause, Anatol. Erzähl deine Geschichte. Geh Eichhörnchen füttern“, lautet Jerrys Anweisung. Bis auf die Eichhörnchen in ich auf dem besten Wege.
Fünf. Fünf brauche ich. Weil heute ein F-Tag und meine verbleibende Zeit begrenzt ist. Da müssen fünf fafickte Fafierferfietten fenügen. Mein Flug ist für 6:10 p.m. ausgeschrieben, das Boarding beginnt um halb. Meine Armbanduhr, die neben der Styroporpackung mit meinen Pommes liegt, zeigt 16:45 Uhr an, eine deutsche Uhr bleibt eine deutsche Uhr. Eine gute halbe Stunde, um elf Monate, in denen ich beinahe ein Kind gezeugt hätte und beinahe Vater geworden wäre, auf fünf Papierservietten auszubreiten. Die einzigen, die mir die Treue gehalten haben, sind zwei kleine hellblaue Spielzeugnilpferde aus dem Überraschungsei, die auch nach einem Jahr Aufenthalt hier weder Englisch noch ein Laserschwert bedienen können. Aber selbst wenn, mit einem Laserschwert wär ich nie und nimmer durch den Sicherheitsdetektor gekommen. Beläuft sich unsere kleine Reisegruppe also auf zwei nicht sicherheitsüberprüfte Hippos und einen sicherheitsüberprüften Einundzwanzigjährigen im Besitz eines deutschen Passes, einer Gepäckmarke und eines Boardingpasses für den United Flug UA 926 nach Frankfurt. Darüber hinaus verfüge ich über eine Flasche Fuckinduty-Free Fodka, die mir beim Besteigen des Flugzeugs wieder ausgehändigt wird, und einen Stapel Papierservietten.
“Final call for all passengers booked on United Airlines flight 926 to Frankfurt am Main. Please proceed immediately to Gate C 20.“ In der Styroporschale liegen noch ein paar verwaiste Pommes in einer Mayolache. Ich setze Gino und Eddie dazu und mache ein Selfie von uns dreien, dann lecke ich ihnen die Mayo von den Hufen und versenke sie in meiner Hosentasche. Mein Versuch, die vollgekritzelten Servietten im Vorbeigehen unter dem Schwingdeckel des Mülleimers zu versenken, scheitert am Schwingdeckel. Die Hälfte landet auf dem Boden. Ich weiß schon, fünf hat keine Hälfte, aber die Wahrheit ist ja auch mehr als die Summe ihrer Teile. Sollen sie mich doch für volltrunken halten, das Star Wars-Monsterkid und der Zeitungsspanner.
Dabei bin ich doch nur ein kleiner Möchtegern-Superheld, den man aus seinem Heldencomic rausgeschmissen hat. Asterix und die Trabantenstadt, kennt ihr, oder? Wo eben noch dieser majestätische Eichenwald stand, in dem Obelix immer Wildschweine jagen geht, klaffen plötzlich Krater im Waldboden, weil die Römer die Eichen rausgerissen haben. Aber nicht mit den Galliern. Ganz lässig werfen Asterix und Obelix im Vorbeigehen eine Zaubereichel in jedes Loch, und schwupp, schießt im Zeitraffer eine neue Eiche in die Höhe und Idefix fällt vor Schreck in Ohnmacht. Als Kind hab ich die Nummer mit den Zaubereicheln geglaubt. Es gibt dieses Foto, da stehe ich in quietschgelben Gummistiefeln an Papas Hand vor einem Schlammloch und hole, die geballte Faust hoch über dem Kopf, zum Wurf aus. So verstrahlt, wie Papa die Kamera anhimmelt, muss Mama das Foto gemacht haben, ich kann also nicht älter als vier gewesen sein, später hat Mama von Papa keine Fotos mehr gemacht. In der geschlossenen Faust halte ich eine Eichel und Mama hat mir erzählt, dass sie unbedingt den Moment erwischen wollte, in dem sie durch die Luft fliegt. Wer weiß, vielleicht hätte sie ihre magische Wirkung sogar entfaltet, wenn Mama im richtigen Moment abgedrückt hätte. Hat sie aber nicht.
Was glaubt ihr eigentlich, warum einer wie ich ein Jahr lang Container nach verwertbaren Lebensmitteln durchwühlt und nebenbei zum Experten für die verschiedenen Stadien weiblicher Fruchtbarkeit avanciert? Einen Real Life Hero wollte ich aus mir machen lassen, mit Zaubereicheln Hoffnung in die Krater der Zivilisation säen. Einer, der sein ganzes Leben auf die Einladung in ein Asterix-und-Obelix-Heft wartet, lässt sich doch auf jedes Spiel ein, das ein bisschen Eichelmagie verspricht. Selbst, wenn es ein Scheißspiel ist. Hab ziemlich viele Runden gebraucht, um zu kapieren, dass meine Mitspielerin jede gottverdammte Regel bricht, um weiterzukommen. Dabei war doch das einzige, was ich wollte, ein Foto. Ein Foto, auf dem ich mit meinem Kind und seiner Mutter „Engelchen flieg“ mache.
Hallo. Miss? Lassen Sie mich kurz etwas erklären: worum es doch letztendlich geht, ist, die Dinge aus ihrer Perspektive zu sehen. Wir sind uns doch einig, dass ich der Täter bin und sie das Opfer, right? Ich meine, dazu haben wir das ganze Spiel doch überhaupt nur gespielt, oder? Sie müssen mir schon eine kleine Chance lassen, a fuckin tiny chance, ich meine, hallo, was soll die Scheiße, ich mach das doch nicht für mich, Sie werden doch jetzt noch die paar Sekunden warten können, bis dieses fuckin´ Flughafen-WiFi mitspielt und meinen Post hochlädt. Ich bin hier in einer ernsthaften Mission unterwegs! Schon klar, ohne Batmansuit und Flügel kaufen Sie mir das nicht ab, aber wollen Sie mir im Ernst erzählen, die hätten mich im Heldenkostüm durch die Sicherheitskontrolle gelassen? – Hier gucken Sie, jetzt hab ich Netz…. - Wie, meine Geschichte interessiert Sie nicht? Mich hat doch auch niemand gefragt, ob ich Oranges Geschichten hören wollte, und wir reden hier von einer wirklich schwer gestörten zwanghaften Lügnerin, I´ve had it, people! Da kann ich auch ganz gediegen und dezent fünfmal pissen gehen und die Pulle, von deren Existenz ihr nichts wisst und die ich nicht mit ins Flugzeug nehmen darf, dem Zustand zuzuführen, der sie zu keinem Problem mehr macht. Womit das einzige verbleibende Problem ich wäre. Außerdem find ich meine Bordkarte ja gleich, tu ich, wirklich, muss nur kurz rülpsen, sorry, aber irgendwie ist das doch ein angemessener Abgang, so Jimmi Dean-Style, mit hochgestelltem Kragen und ordentlicher Fahne, oder Brando, Brando ginge auch. Sagen Sie, Miss, glauben Sie, der fette Brando hätte das gewollt, dass sich einer so fühlen will wie er, oder glauben Sie, der wollte auch einfach nur nüchtern sein und geliebt werden? Doch, doch, ich will an Bord, und betrunken, nein, ach, gucken Sie, hab sie ja doch, meine Bordkarte….
So, wie sieht´s aus, auch ne Bordkarte? Sobald wir drin sitzen, gibt´s für mich ne Bloody Mary und für Euch alle Staffeln im Director´s Cut.
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bro i mize d bacardi 161 151 and holy fuck uuuhhh fodka codka voda vodka and houly fusdlfislala;sdfja;dsf;akldsjf i can 't lift myself up bmy guyhsdi i rea;;ly hiiiiii
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sometimes self care is a 4 for $4 (incl. an apple pie!) and a small order of mozz stix. and then some fodka in pineapple Fanta.
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embrace the angst and write the breakup song
Look at these lyrics with me and tell me how I can resist!!
I’m in my bed
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left
What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
‘What if I’m someone I don’t want around’ just came for my whole soul 🥺
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حدد بيخاف من المعيز هنا =D متنسوش لايك للبيدج دى هتعجبكم : Ezazt Fodka - إزازة فودكا
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well I don't care anymore
[Drinks a whole bottle of vodka]
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fodka grenadine 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸 200317 https://www.instagram.com/p/B90HEvml6df/?igshid=16gedm4028upu
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from heretoforth hencewith, let it be knownst
that the drinke commonely callede “fodka” shalst be knowne now as
so it is
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Jag: Alltså, plastankan jag snodde från Uthgård piper inte. :(
Madeleine: Är du full?
Jag: *tappar penna på golvet*
Sara: Är du full?
Jag: God morgon. :)
Alla: Är du full?
Jag: *ramlar av cykel men fortsätter sätta dit awesome falsett på What Is Love?*
Tant med röd mössa: Är du full?
Jag: *förklarar för dum tysk varför ånga är varmt*
Dumtysk: Hast du full gemacht?
Svaret på några alla dessa är NEJ. Jag kan medge att jag dricker, ja. Men jag dricker inte ofta. Det är bara det att när jag dricker så... dricker jag en del*. It's called social drinking. Jag är inlåst på toa med en vodkaflaska medan kompisar bankar på dörren om "problemen" jag har. Ingen förstår mig. Förutom du.
On a... vettigare note; jag terroriserar mina vänners mödrar. Men det hela är på skoj, så klart. Jag är inte intresserad av sladderfit... slightly äldre eller mycket äldre kvinnor. MILFs är inte min grej. Tror jag. Jag har råkat fråga ett par (högst 6) vad de har på sig, genom SMS. Så klart använde jag kompisens mobil, det är inte så att jag har mödrarnas nummer. Det vore creepy. Nu när jag tänker på det så har jag flörtat lite med en 30+ morsa på Twitter i snart 2 år... Hon är ren ondska, sjukt sadistisk och genomrutten, men jag är ganska säker på att hon är mänsklig. Hon berättade nyligen att hon har skaffat sig en ny röv, så ja... En del av henne är ungt? Den viktigaste delen?
Oh yes... I am quite the catch.
Jag har nyligen återfunnit en gammal serie jag brukade älska. Jag vet att det här är avvikande från mitt annars så macho beteende, men The Nanny kan vara en av de bästa serierna någonsin. OF ALL TIME. Klockren komedi. Sen är hon sjukt snygg. När hon håller käften iaf... Jag menar, kom igen:
Har kollat på ett par avsnitt på Youtube och återigen blivit kär. Jag älskar Niles och hans torra humor. Han påminner mig lite om mig, förutom att han har class, ett jobb, är bra på sitt jobb och brittisk accent. Jag kan göra en brittisk accent! Kanske citera Oliver Twist? Jag lovar jag kan! Håll käften.
Mina visdomständer håller på att komma ut! :D
Och jag vill slita ut mitt huvud för att bli av med smärtan! :D
Sjukt störande grejjer. Jag vet inte hur många visdomständer jag har fått, men oavsett hur många så har jag fan inte blivit visare. Så sent som igår sa jag att ankor kvackar och inte piper, då de inte är fåglar. Jag har koll. Isabelle påpekade att de var älgar. Hon är typ lika upplyst som mig. Älskar det. Belle, jag vet att du läser det här, jag såg en kastanj idag. Muthafuckin vååååår!
*The Devil is a LIE.
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so i’ve been thinking about getting a new doll since december... Victoria is at a really good price... I started with wanting her and Tamkia to complete the Looks Wave 2A buttttt i watied too long on Tamika on the US site and not not enough on tb now SHE is the expensive one. Wanting Tamika is more a completionist thing and I LOVE her hair blend but her on petite... but I could switch it out with an original easy enough and use that peitite for... RIYO! Then somehow the idea of “if you’re getting Vic we’re getting #1 too” I don’t know where that came from??? but it has taken root and now I don’t know!! UGH i really shouldn’t be buying THREE dolls, even one is strectching it, two is fine because i can just close my eyes and hit PAY.
Looks 3 is coming out and I knew waaaay back none of the dolls really interest me and I’m not that desperate for a superhero body (I know they will be hot potatoes but I don’t, really, have a character that needs to be that buff? also clothes sharing (fatsuit is an option)
but then...
I love the orginal Andra, but the #16 Andra just CRACKS ME UP. It’s so 80s, and the dreadful color block isn’t helping her. I just want to dress her up in the boldest fashion and the tackiest hairdo ever, like 80s retro of the 60s. Or legit 50s classic dresses just for the hell of it. I’m not gonna get her I’M NOT I’M NOT (girl go play with your #8 and calm down)
anyway. the situation right now is I somehow? acquired (half) the materials needed to make a Riyo custom, when that was nowhere half a mile near my schedule. I’m struck by the idea, but also really excited because Riyo is SO PRETTY. I think I might have to make her hairstyles in wigs if one’s going for show accuracy. Ideally two dolls solve the problems of floor-length hair.... 🤔😏 😏
anyway. i’m really supposed to finish my dd customs first. because i want to make the dress. and before that I’m supposed to finish the 3yo Soka custom first, who’s been sitting headless for a year in my room. and after that maybe the 1yo babyka withe the TOTJka. YET BEFORE ALL THAT, i need to make a birthday thing and give FODka a body. Yay
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first time going to a con i was so nervous lol 😅
+ sometime you just snap and do that thing you've been thinking of for over a year on all fears casted from what's meant to be a rough start
(i was so happy when i was doing this (not as happy as writing something concrete but still a good level) i should do it more often so i can get better at it. The photos close-up do amplify so many flaws, and i'm learning my ways throught different medium. but boy, don't you have to be so patient with these stuff)
this still looks too soft lmao i'm not sure what to do next esp. with Suvi(ig)'s brilliant example. I wanna try using this sculpt on Rhayme and see how it looks. I realize the green top mtm actually is the dimple sculpt i really liked from Pop Star! so I waana use her for Riyo. Then, I'm thinking of getting a few more of the Looks girls…
The first one on my list is Viktoria, (then a winged demon whispered, "The two tall girls would look so good next to each other…"). I thought about getting either Kit or Tamika for the body swap with FoDka too often, even though that body would be too small for any clothes i already made, and possibly disproportionate with her big cartoon head… but then i thought i could just swap their head on an mtm-
So I'm leaning towards Tamika because she's the last one from Wave 2A I didn't have and I really liked the tones in her hair, bur color-wise Kit's probably a plainer canvas… (and she's a little bit cheaper…)
Anyway, probably going back to the original FoDLeia swap plan any way. Two weeks ago, I painted them with acrylics and plugged the head off. But presumably, a few hours isn't enough for it to dry and the paint SHEDS like snakeskin when i tried to plug the new head in (sidenote: it was surreal seeing a "naked" soka), so I just threw it aside, dejected. But I found them last night and the paint is much better adhered. I think it could still work if I take it serious with a good sealant.
I don't want the holiday dress tradition to break its streak just three years in, but there's a possibility Dka might have to stand in if I can't fix her big sis in time (and I also want to make pair outfits [wink]). Either way I'm going to make something simple with stock fabrics :)
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look look… i know it's my bad to expect doll standards from an action figure but lord honestly the sideshow ani and obi are so disappointing??!??!! I would’ve been okay if there’s NO basis for comparisons (anyhow there’s still the show) now I would’ve been less frustrated if it can be taken apart and reused. Like, the one saving grace is that their body has a couple more joints than an mtm and you can’t even reuse it because EVERYTHING is stuck permanently, which I would’ve been okay with if it came RESEMBLING THE PROTOTYPE but ugh.
it’s just that, I’ve seen the same level of painting on a koto 1/10 statue and they are half the price, while the only gimmick for SS’s IS the headscupt. and SS’s isn’t even ACCURATE! You think you’re B*ndai?? You’re selling model kits now?? NO because model kits has customability that YOU DO NOT! Heck M*ttel B*rbie can beat you with a quarter of your pricing at the same trash quality! (and if they do a 5POA with regular doll fabrics, a tenth!) NO YOU KNOW WHAT. FORCES OF D*STINY ANAKIN BEAT YOURS. You must’ve unlocked some secret protal and made him from another timeline. I just don’t think that product belongs in 2022, 2002 maybe.You better draw him with anime eyes so it does it its intended purpose of standing next to my FODka.
but like, i've had three figures so far and honestly it feels so much more boring than a doll release :( they are put on a pedestal of "high-end collectibles" that people don't do much with it in fear of damaging (along with the acutally-not-made-to-endure-play clothing). And there's kind of an elitism with creating photos with them, that if your figures are not backed by cool lighting or ps magic, they are just standing stiffly there.
and yes, the sane thing for me to do right now is just quit the figure fad and put my money to better use but if they’d just release GENERAL KENOBI (usually i’m pretty face-blind but somehow TWO obi-wans revealed yesterday looks NOTHING like himself in a row, to the extent where I am puzzled)
but I think, it isn’t that I’m mad with Sideshow churning out overpriced products of poor quality. They’re kind of notorius for that in the sixth scale figure department. I’m mad that I, after deliberation, at the full knowledge I would never be satisfied with any action figure clothes, fully knowing they do NOT deserve the price, after being handed ‘not-technically-mine’ money, didn’t listen to myself and went and order them. Grievous reissue was RIGHT there and I didn’t listen. There was completely no reason I should do this except ‘I want them’ - and there’re a lot more things that I want, and at a greater need, that would make me much happier.
now I’m exaggerating here, I probably won’t be getting them for another two months or so. maybe our luck’s just about to change. and best case scenario, I should be able to resell at least Obi-wan if I wanted an Anakin for Ahsoka. I don’t know if Sideshow is still gonna make an animated Ahsoka anymore, or that I want theirs. At any rate, it’d be another two-year wait. i would still want to laught at it, at least. Honestly thinking seriously about getting the Koto ‘Soka if I so want. Idk, I do, but also don’t, in the sense that I know it’s not gonna be ‘perfect’. I also don’t have an ideal body type in mind for her. All I want right now is a concept art ‘Soka on an azone with cute hand poses. I have no idea how to make the lekku though. At S1 length I don’t mind them being all stiff so maybe polymer clay should do. and I said that knowing full well I wouldn’t have time to work on that until next Feburary. sigh
#about to need a toys tag#and to end with a good news! i'm 95% complete on a grand gif project!#look on the bright side if i slate every project and remake their outfits to sale we can recover some costs#there's certainly the market
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Progress report
Haha where did I left off last time. Um, I don’t think I ever really started documenting it. So, my body donor arrived after the LNY and waited for another month, I finally beheaded her mid-March. I hadn’t done anything since except buying two more pieces of green at the most I’ve spent on doll clothing so far. A few days ago, I drafted and mocked the base dress for her. It was a simple mid-sleeve A-line dress. I did modify the pattern five times but it is easy to sew with few seams. I enjoyed the experiment process so I can get it right and I don’t want to waste the actual fabric.
1. Babysoka
I did all of these thinking before I purchased the jointed 18″, however, I still want to further modify it. One thing is her thighs are a bit loo long and less cute in proportion. It would be fairly straightforward just to remove a section of it and reattach. The scar would be covered by leggings/skirt anyway. But I can live with that and it’s more an aesthetic choice than practicality, so I’m still debating if it’s worth it. I think we can decide that after we finish the base colouring and outfit. Secondly, the hands. They are not removable but fortunately not entirely glued shut. I should be able to separate the palm from the ring in the wrist joint that refuses to unplug. The outspread fingers made it difficult to dress and the sleeves would need to be widened in consideration, which deducts points in accuracy. At first I thought I’d just made it removable but It came to me that I might as well give it fingers articulation? I’m not sure how yet, but I sure can find resources on that. I wonder if I could just buy a pair of bjd hands in the right scale? On top of my head I could try the traditional armature + foam/clay. I can imagine it working like HTka’s seamless arm but I’m not sure I can stand the hands being a different material and texture with the rest of the body... But before all that, I think maybe the palm could be pushed together a little with a couple of hot water dunk. I’ll try that next time.
The lack of ankle articulation bothers me too but it’s not that essential really. I’ve just been spoiled by mtm/ht 😅
Babysoka is a little overshadowed by August arriving and overloading school work made me forgot about her for more than a month. I, actually don’t have a deadline to finish her... I guess I’ve been seeing a lot of people also making their own Ahsoka 18″ doll (but AG or human) I feel like I could slack and take the time to perfect it. Especially the dress. Because I want her to be glam. Eh, glam is probably not the right word but I want to give her a better dress than the one layer printed painted on shift she had in the show. At this point this project has deviated so far from the original vision of “Animator replica” I might as well to give her the best. I guess it’d be a really thoughtful sentiment to finish her in time for my (hypothetical) graduation ceremony? I bet she’d be cuter than what everyone else has. I don’t actually want to take as long as til November, but finishing her in June seems a bit ambitious. I mean I could do it if I had my June weekends cleared but I don’t want to promise anything. It could maybe bleed a little into July but I prefer not what with the handover holiday and I want to reserve my birthday month to FODka whom I’ve been neglecting for nearly a year. We still have to finish that photoshoot from last birthday, bottom line. We need to remake some part of the rex sailor and hopefully make another two? in the series (fives and wolffe).
2. August
Then August is, for August, definitely, and it’s definitely a two-months minimum project, may even bleed into October. I guess that’s alright. Fall feels like a right season too. I already thought of the staircase and balcony where I want to take the photos (in TST). It looks SO good in my head right now and I’m really excited for it. The thing is as much as I have the energy to throw myself headfirst into a project now after a long time, a lot of IRL logistics is preventing me from working on it including but not limited to the NECESSITY to move out, or at least a MASSIVE rehaul of my current living arrangement and of course, career. Having a job is only going to boost my creative input because then I’d have a rigid schedule plus sense of security with an active income. (It would also unironically encourage me to splurge on fabrics and accessories but)
All that aside, let’s get back to the exciting part! The base dolls for August has arrived and I’ve been playing with them for the past two weeks. I had SO much fun. I can’t believe my first barbie is, this. I’m not sure I own an authentic barbie when I was a child but I must’ve had a few hand-me-downs. I was bit of a ‘girl toys are stupid!’ kid but I really wanted a styling head. I like the more ‘practical’ toys like doll house, closet and cook sets. Anyway, it’s also hilariously ironic my first hair play doll is a Ken doll. His hair was so soft I’m honestly surprised.
It was a delightful experience unboxing the dolls. Not the plastic part but, the joy and excitement of a new toy and to marvel at a thing of beauty. Looks #8 is gorgeous, even without the Ventress inspiration I would love to own one and I do NOT regret buying doubles (I want a third one). I’m honoured to have her as my first official barbie. Her eye makeup steals my heart and that hairstyle and platinum blonde is everything. She is so cool I love her. I lol at her box hair because I didn’t expect that much gel lol. I made sure to research twice for the flocking before washing it out. It’s not all out yet but you can try flipping the hair and this is where I want a third because I was suddenly very inspired to give her a Marilyn/50s inspired look🤣? I immediately want to order extra fashion even if I have more urgent matters. It’s kind of hard to imagine her outside of a black-and-white palette right now, but I’ll see what happen. I think I might unbox the other one after I finish August but I’m already overwhelmed with how many toys that’s fighting for my attention now😂
#9, has such a himbo energy I can’t stop laughing the moment I lay eyes on him. Those horrible silver pants (quality’s fine but the COLOUR) need to go but I don’t have replacements so he’s still wearing that right now. I really like the sculpt, that some say is indigenous inspired. He’s like the perfect base with the chin and cheekbones and hair and just a bit darker. I’m so excited to do his hair. I just line up two braids in front of him and the vibe was already there. Technically I CAN just do his hair and leave everything later but I’m gonna delay that satisfaction for myself.
The other surprise was the MTM body deserves more credit than I gave it. It was so fun to twist it and turn it and not having to be mindful for damage like an HT. It’s an unfair comparison and it’s probably my fault, but Andra IS posing a lot better than HTka lol. It’d be interesting to compare HT’s male body with #9.
Naturally, the official plastic feels so much smoother and sturdier than the knock-off that’s 1/10 its price. However, in terms of articulation, the knock-off is only slightly behind. If you’re using them as clothes hangers, a knock-off is an alright substitute. I’d have less worries in dyeing them as well. That would leave me more budget for hunting a better headsculpt, that’s all that’s important.
Finally, not a complaint but a MAJOR problem I’m not sure how to solve yet: height difference. And it’s honestly, only important to me looking at them in person because I could’ve let him stand on a box or photoshop it somehow. but... #8 and #9 are exactly the same height and Vos needs to be taller than Ventress by 13cm, a little more than 2cm in doll form. And it’s not their problem, Vos is just extra tall at 191, Ventress is accurate. I don’t want to go out and buy a new male body just for this (time cost), but it’s lowkey driving me crazy if one of the cutest thing between these two doesn’t exist. I think I might give him surgery in the thighs not unlike Babysoka 😅😣 (and Vos’s height need to be solved for fit and proportion is crucial for a white tie event!)
Actual Progress: Well, I haven’t sourced the fabric yet, but at least I’ve figure out how to do the skirt. I will make two layers. The top black semi-sheer chiffon (for screen accuracy) slightly gathered and the under layer shiny (possibly gauze or a soft netting) - with beading/sequins/glitter/silver thread - haven’t decided for ~glam~. I don’t think they need to be sewn together, despite the unfortunate fact the look will never walk down the runway :( I am a bit worried about how the edges should be finished, but I’m sure I will learn in time. I tried draping a corset once so I should be able to do it again. It’s sourcing the snakeskin leather that’s hard right now. Also the book’s description and the concept art is a little bit different. The book said the bodice has ‘a subtle swirling pattern of dark-purple embroidery’ and I took it to mean the fabric is purple flocking + black velvet background but the concept art shows a scaly with specific placements that it is clearly product of manipulation instead of just a natural piece of leather. What the book says was a miniskirt thingy sandwiched between the corset and the main skirt train. I still want to use velvet/flocking for it instead of embroidery because I like the contrast it gives with the hard leather. But there’s still room for it because the decoration on the gloves is 99% embroidery-required. It would probably be more mismatched if silk is used for the gloves, but leather gloves doesn’t seem as flexible... Yeah, that was the major obstacle to the bodice besides a well-constructed corset. I want to use a glossy leather but I’m afraid of the inherent thickness of the material and how badly it shall translate into doll form. Lastly, the CORSET – the lacing. I’m gonna be crazy if I have to actually lace it every time I put on/take off the outfit (no that I expect to change outfit a lot, given how many pieces of armour there is in the bounty hunter outfit). So it was already kind of begging why BOTH front and back is laced in the design instead of the one side clasped norm. Like, do you UNDERSTAND it begs WHO lace it up boy. Anyway my conclusion is the back is going to be a faux/pre-laced and become the top of the Velcro* piece. After another count, the 11 dots are not grommets but… button cores the lace go around? Can it really be secured this way?? What about the lace itself? Literally a lace? a ribbon? a string? embroidery thread?
That’s a lot on my plate, but mostly the sourcing of fabric. I shall make another trip but the last two hasn’t been inspiring. I’d rather buy fabrics in person just to support local sellers unless it’s something so specific I can only find with a keyword search.
For Vos, “black trousers, comfortable leather boots and a white tunic with bold golden stripes” is all that there is. I scratched my head how that could be formal enough for a gala. It, isn’t even three pieces? Anyway, it’s Star Wars so I really shouldn’t think about it in normal fashion terms. That said, the shirt + pants combo seem too Earthlike and modern compared to the robes and gowns of the gffa. Either way, it falls to me to accesorise him and what do I know of menswear. I tried to search for runway looks from the late 90s (both centuries) and McQueen for inspiration. In the end, I decide to go with my original vision of a poet/pirate shirt. Exaggerated bell sleeves but tight cuffs, low neckline for sluttiness, and a contrast of material in the shirt (stiff) and sleeves (short), symmetric. The trousers can just be kept sleek and crisp like described, with traditional, or maybe more expensive wool/suit. I hope I don’t ended up over designing it, because my brain is telling me either the top or bottom should have a subtle pattern. I might be holding out on a double gold chain cape just now even though it’d be delicious to lean into the vader/dooku imagery, but GLOVES IS A MUST. Not sure how to fit it on without mittenized but I will save the thought for now.
oh the other thing I found was I was hoping Ken shoes could fit Ahsoka but his foot is longer than hers by 1cm ☹
Yeah, but for August I guess it’s this just now. I have the base dolls and I’m ready to do the hairstyles, so repaint and skintone is ready as that is. In the meantime, I must source the fabric and hopefully produce a drawing of Vos’s outfit. They have suitable plastic shoes for now and we can decide later whether to make fabric/leather shoes. Lightsabers and power source can be helped with gundam sabers and photoshop magic so that’s taken care of. If the result turns out really really good and I wan tto take the extra step of accuracy I could always find a 3D file online and print them in school. Oh Jewelery! The snakc necklace is kind of important so I do want to make it metallic. I hope a snake ring work in scale, otherwise I might have to sculpt it from silver clay.
Now that’s done, I think it’s kind of, interesting, to think it’s only natural to turn #7 into Rhayme. I think it’s an interesting idea, and I certainly would love to take inspiration from Tamika’s layered hair colour and baby hairs, but I think I prefer Rhayme to be taller (she should be able to share Ventress’s clothes remember), and a pale doll is probably better for dyeing. Nevertheless, a petite pirate captain is super adorable!
That’s it for now. I realize I just left my first custom experiment halfway hehe. The Visions project is still on. I have all the materials set, and I’m ready to retry that mess of a faceup haha. It IS really hard to draw anime eyes but I will afford to be patient this time. Just that with all these projects lined up seems like I won’t allocate time to it until Visions S2 airs lol. Well, maybe it can be a background distraction project. All these the most difficult thing is filming it. I need to get back the small camera and setup and that but I don’t even have a reasonable workspace 😂 (remember what I said about living arrangements) Not expecting to launch a youtube career but I owe as much to document the process. 🤷♀️
3. Toys
Yeah, I bought so much I could make a haul. I lowkey want to do it, a low-stake video just rant about what I like. That said, probably can’t be around to film it until after the 20th. And then HT releases Ahsoka and Anakin pretty close for me, just two weeks apart. I was two hours behind on Ahsoka and had to wait for an entire month, but I was a day late for Anakin, and I got him the next day! Which means not much people ordered Anakin. Can’t say that’s a good thing for the future of the CW line, and can’t say it’s the wisest of the people if CW flashbacks ended up real in Kenobi. I have only unboxed both figures for checking and left their lightsabers untouched so far. Last Thursday morning, I thought I could finally catch a breath with the exams and pose Ahsoka and Rex in the Kotobukiya stance, and then the Amazon orders arrived, just after noon, I got the message Anakin has arrived. And I have to pick the busiest time to go to the store🙄. Anakin was really fun, and his outfit was done so much better than Ahsoka’s 🙄 (It’s lined, and of a much softer polyester than Ahsoka’s single-layer plastic). Even though it’s $100 more but minus rolling eyeballs, it’s well worth it with an extra cape and light-up saber. The armour piece being extendable to allow movement took me by surprise. I guess hot toys is just better at making male figures than female ones. I don’t know when I’ll have time to play with them with so much projects in the wait.
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