#Fly got7
dalkyum · 1 year
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yugyeom ✘ CDGC photocall
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mystery-box-gifs · 1 year
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fff777 · 8 months
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jiisoooo · 1 year
Magic Man in Toronto!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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jungcircleo · 1 year
i would love for tan to cover a got7 or vixx song
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starryknight-tarot · 11 months
𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls and Happy Halloween🎃✨ Today we will be looking into some signs that someone may be your future spouse! Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. In case anyone is curious, the characters are from the mobile game Tears of Themis.
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Pile 1 Cards: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Moon, Page of Cups, Four of Swords, Page of Pentacles rx, King of Wands rx, The Lovers Back of the Deck: Five of Pentacles
Holy cow Pile 1, your fs has very strong energy and you will be able to feel this energy very powerfully. It's almost like you will feel a wave of their energy as they pass by or a shiver down your spine, the hair on your arms will stand. Your fs seems to be influencial in a way, almost like they have people wrapped around their finger. Your fs might even be quite wealthy. They may be some sort of performer or entertainer, something that would make them the center of attention quite often. Your fs may be surrounded by people or always seem to have someone around them. You may usually see them at social events or you could even meet them for the first time at a big event. For some of you, you will meet your fs super soon, at a Halloween party or something like that (if you are reading this after Halloween, it may just be a holiday party). A strong sign that they are your future spouse is if they appear like someone who has something to hide. The energy they put out seems really playful and almost innocent, but there is something about them that feels like they aren't being entirely themselves. There is also going to be a romantic attraction to each other that will be felt really strongly and quickly. For some of y'all, this is a love-at first sight-kind of deal, you are gonna think to yourself "Holy shit that person is so hot". They may also get really close to you around the time you first meet, for example putting their arm around you. The eye contact between y'all is really strong, they may have really intense or unique eyes. Although I do feel like some of you are gonna be pretty intimidated by your fs at first either because of all the people around them or the strong energy surrounding them. When you guys see your fs, you may pretty easily see past the happy-go-lucky front they put up, to you, they may seem quite depressed or distressed, and they may even have obvious dark circles under their eyes. It may not be that extreme, you may just notice that they are not as energetic and instead more calm and collected. You may notice this about them in the moments you see them away from people. This is going to be something you will feel spiritually, spirit may show you some signs right before you meet them, I am getting a blue butterfly, a bunny, a crow, or an eagle. (Also a little shout out to my lesbian and bi queens reading, a little confirmation that this is your pile)
Advice Cards:
Be adventurous. It's time to go for it! In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do or be whatever you choose Physically and/or mentally, shape up Make your presence felt It is important to ask for help Practice the pause
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2 Cards: Eight of Wands rx, Seven of Cups, The Moon, Queen of Swords rx, The Hanged Man rx, Knight of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, Five of Swords Back of the Deck: Five of Cups
Honestly, I am getting a kind of enemies-to-lovers vibe from this pile lol. It might be more of a rivals to lovers but ya get the idea. If you find yourself bickering and teasing each other in a playful way, that's a good sign they are your fs. Your fs seems like a nerd or just very studious. I am getting they may have a very particular or unique way of speaking, like overly polite or a lisp, something like that. Also for a small amount of you, they may be deaf or partially deaf. Your fs also seems to always have their head stuck in the clouds, they may daydream and get distracted easily. Your fs may have ADHD or something like that. They seem to be someone that gets flustered easily and may be very easy to tease. But your fs has a very cute energy, like they seem very nervous and worried, but they can be really passionate about certain things. I think a sign that they are your fs, is when you find yourself missing this person often. If you don't see them for a prolonged amount of time, when you find yourself missing this person, wanting to see them, you may even feel a little empty without seeing them for a long time. I also feel like your fs will actually be the one to approach you and subtly try to send hints that they like you. They may also give the cutest compliments ever. Compliments you have never heard before and you can tell they come from the heart. You may not usually believe the compliments you get but the way they compliment you, there is no doubt they meant it and it came from their heart. Double points if it came from nowhere and they don't usually say compliments to people. A sign they are your fs is if you can't imagine your future without them, I feel like one day you are going to be sitting and thinking about what your future looks like, and no matter what, they are somewhere in your future. I actually feel like it might take a while for you guys to realize that you both like each other. It may even be the kind of situation where everyone around you realizes that you have a crush on each other except you guys, who are oblivious because you can't get out of your head about the connection. A sign they are your fs is when you find yourself staring at them for a little longer than you realize. You may start to see them and they may seem to light up the room a little. Y'alls connection is so cute I can't lol.
Advice Cards:
Look closely at what is going on around you
You are greater than your story
Things might not be they seem
Reflect on one of your blessing
Act on what you know
You are healing at cellular level
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: Five of Swords, The Fool, Ace of Pentacles rx, Four of Swords, Seven of Wands, King of Swords rx, Nine of Wands, Eight of Swords Back of the Deck: Queen of Wands
For my beautiful Pile 3, a sign that they are your fs is if they are really silly and childlike. This childlike energy isn't like irresponsible or unsophisticated, but more like airhead or bimbo/himbo energy. They are enjoyable to be around and can light up a room. Your fs is really connected to their inner child so if they just seem to have a lot of energy. I am getting they may really like video games, especially competitive ones like Smash, Street Fighters, League of Legends, and stuff like that. Your fs has a strong competitive soul and likes a challenge. I was also seeing painted nails, specially black and pink nails. For some of you, you are going to meet your fs during a partially hard moment in your life, you may be going through a tower moment when you first meet. You and your fs may not be talking right now or for some of you, you may not have met yet. Some of y'all may also want to read Pile 1 if you feel called since I am picking up on some similar energy. I am also hearing for some of you, your fs has a strong connection to cars, they may be a car mechanic or race car driver or something like that. I was also hearing that your fs has absolutely amazing fashion, a sign may be that they tend to wear clothes or colors that really compliment your style. Also, I heard that a sign they are your fs is if you often get shocked when touching them, like those moments when you get a little zapped when you walk on a rug or something (I really don't know how to describe this lol) I feel like if you notice that you are getting zapped by someone often, that may be spirits way of showing you they are your fs. They also may either curse like a sailor or have a very dirty mouth, if you notice they make a lot of suggestive jokes, this may be a sign for y'all. There also may be some people around you saying that this person is a red flag. Now now, this doesn't mean we should ignore red flags, however, if you know someone is judging this person unfairly, for some of you, this is a sign they are your fs. There also may be some difficulty in conversing, they may have a speech impediment, mumble a lot when they talk, or just tend to walk around with a lot of anxiety, and they may seem like they can't stand still.
Advice Cards:
Release unhelpful influences and fears
You are greater than your story
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Learn through reversals. Hold the opposing viewpoint for insight
You are much stronger than you think
Release all that keeps you in the past. Forgive and liberate yourself!
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: Judgement rx, Knight of Wands, Nine of Cups, Eight of Wands, Six of Wands, Knight of Cups rx, Three of Cups rx, Queen of Cups Back of the Deck: The Empress
Pile 4, you will know they are fs because they are going to be the most attractive person you have ever seen. With Pile 1, I was getting they are going to find their fs pretty hot, but you my Pile 4? You are going to find your fs absolutely stunning. Like, we have the Empress at the back of the deck and paired with the Nine of Cups, yeah they are beautiful. You have been manifesting these certain traits about a person and using sublimimals, stuff like that to bring your ideal type closer to you and honey, you will succeed. There is also much cup and wands energy so your fs may have a lot of fire and water in their birth chart or I was also picking up that one of you may have heavy water signs in your birth chart and the other has heavy fire signs in their birth charts. For some of you, this person may seem like the complete opposite to you, you may have very different aesthetics and personalities but you know what they say, opposites attract. Your fs comes off with very strong charisma and passion right away. You will notice they have very natural rizz that is so smooth and sexy. For some of y'all, a romantic relationship between the both of you is going to form very early into the relationship. You may never really have a getting to know each other phase of the relationship and really quickly move into the romance. A sign they are your fs is if you feel like you can trust them with anything. You are going to feel a strong sense of safety and loyalty between y'all. Your fs is going to have really balance feminine and masculine energy, but they seem to have especially nutured their feminine side. Also, if you identify as a woman and you are interested in a man, you are going to think yourself "Finally, a man that actually likes women". You are going to think that your person appreciates you and cares deeply for the emotional connection between you two. Your fs is going to check on you often to make sure you are going well physically and mentally. They also have a strong essence of achievement, your fs has achieved a lot in their time and seems very successful.You may also see 444 when you are around them, when you think of them, or before you meet them. I love all of this for your Pile 4.(For thoses of y'all that are Helluva Boss fans, your fs gives me Ozzie vibes which is really everything)
Advice Cards:
Act on what you know
Bring something new into your life
Allow for old memories to come up and be released
The key is in the application. Practice!
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Make your presence felt
You can manifest your heart's desire
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in and Happy Halloween for those who celebrate₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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beautifulchris · 1 year
love potion
pairing: seo changbin x gn!reader
wc: 4,9k
featuring: bang chan, lee minho, victon’s subin, the boyz’s haknyeon, i-dle’s soyeon, bts’ jeongguk, got7’s yugyeom, golden child’s donghyun
summary: changbin has been your best friend for years now, harboring feelings for you. on the other hand, you’re too absorbed by the cute hufflepuff quidditch fan to notice.
genres: hogwarts!au, best friends to lovers!au, slytherin!changbin, slytherin!reader, fluff, humor (i tried)
tw: swearing, food, jealousy
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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“BINNIE!!” you yelled as soon as you spotted your black haired best friend in the crowd at the train station.
Just when he was turning to face you, you crashed into him, and he had to use every strength in his body to not fall over. He held you tight while gently patting your back. Once on the train, you talked about your respective summertime until you arrived at Hogwarts. It was your fifth year for both of you, and you were excited.
“Class started three days ago and I already have four parchments to write plus two exams next week. I know the O.W.L.S. are important but this is straight up overworking poor fifteen years olds. I’m still not over my summer holidays.”
You let out a deep sigh, pushing yourself deeper atop the table, your left cheek on your crossed arms.
Changbin chuckled next to you. “I don’t want to imagine how you’ll react in a few months when we won’t be able to breathe because we’ll crumble under an astronomical amount of homework.”
You straightened your back, eyes wide, then whined and got back to your previous position. “I have astronomy class tonight… how will I survive?”
Your best friend scoffed while rubbing soothing circles on your back. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be there.”
“I won’t survive this year,” you mumbled, eyes closed.
“You’re being overdramatic.”
Of course, you were. People only needed to spend ten minutes with you to know. Changbin liked this side of you, it was always fun to him, how you could say dramatic stuff while looking this cute. You’ll never catch him say that out loud, though.
A few weeks later, Changbin was on his way to his first Quidditch practice with his teammates —you were accompanying them— when a group of Gryffindors came to him, fifth year Haknyeon leading.
“Hey Changbin,” he called, “I bet I’m faster than you on a broom.”
“Is that why I’m on the Quidditch team and you’re not?” he retorted. A few teammates laughed.
Haknyeon scoffed, visibly upset. Then shrugged. “I’ll try not to humiliate you too much.”
“Why don’t you let your broom do the talking? I’m ready to fly whenever you are,” Changbin smirked.
“I’ve seen Haknyeon practice for hours on the Training Grounds,” Yugyeom, beater of your House, whispered to the team.
“Come on, you can win this with your eyes closed,” a Gryffindor encouraged his housemate.
“If the referee asks, I don’t condone this,” Soyeon, captain of the Slytherin team, warned with her hands up.
Changbin and Haknyeon prepared for the race, getting on their brooms.
“Loser buys the butterbeer. That’s you, Ju.”
Ju Haknyeon tsked and you approached your best friend. “Please, don’t end up in the Hospital Wing, Binnie.”
“I thought you had more faith in me,” he winked.
You moved back, rolling your eyes amusedly as they started the race.
“This is the race I didn’t know I wanted,” a Gryffindor said excitedly.
It was tight, until Haknyeon decided to push Changbin. They were going straight to a statue and didn’t seem to realize it. Changbin avoided it with ease though, while Haknyeon wasn’t so lucky, his robes getting caught in the lance’s statue. He kept flying and his robes ripped apart. Your best friend arrived safely on the ground and a few moments later, Haknyeon arrived as well, throwing his broom on the floor in frustration.
Changbin’s teammates were laughing, even Soyeon was giggling. “It was really fun to watch, but we have practice,” Jeongguk, the second beater, announced.
“It was a good race,” Changbin proposed his hand for Haknyeon to shake, which he did.
“It was. Next time I’ll win, though.”
“We’ll see about that. Don’t forget you owe me that butterbeer!”
You all left for the Quidditch Pitch; the team for practice, you to cheer on Changbin from the stands. He always said it helped him do better. So you used practice to do your homework, but always ended up sidetracking, due to a fervent Quidditch fan going to a lot of practices from every house. You often wondered if Subin was twenty four hours in the stands. I mean, you wouldn’t complain, because Subin was a pretty cute Hufflepuff that was always cheering on everyone.
Second Saturday of December, you went to Hogsmeade with your best friend.
“Binnie,” you called from the scarves alley, “how about this one?” He was sitting on a fir green leather bench next to the fitting room in Gladrags Wizardwear, the clothing shop of Hogsmeade.
“Now that is a pretty scarf. Emerald and silver stripes, nice and simple. You see, the purple one wasn’t really going well with the green of your tie and robes.”
“You’re right, I’ll take it,” you smiled.
You turned around and when your eyes landed on someone outside, you stopped yourself and stared, a shy smile on your face. Changbin curiously got up then followed your gaze but, upon seeing nothing, was confused by your behavior.
“What’s going on?”
“Subin walked past and smiled at me,” you beamed.
“Oh, I see. Better pay for the scarf and go if you want to talk to him, then.”
Yes, you had an embarrassing crush on the cutest Hufflepuff ever. Have you talked to him before? Eh. Made a whole conversation? Now, let’s not get over ourselves. He just always smiled when he caught you staring or when you bumped into each other in the hallways. He was just so sweet.
“I still can’t believe you fell for a smile.”
“Those are powerful things, you know?”
Oh, he knew alright. He fell for yours.
“I can’t believe this guy! Five gallions a scarf? It better lasts until the end of my school years,” you huffed loudly, putting away your wallet.
“Stop whining, you bought it anyway.”
“Well yeah, I need to stay warm this winter.”
“Remind me again why you’re buying it now?” His tone was teasing, making your eyes roll.
“A crup destroyed it yesterday during care of magical creatures class but I’m sure you don’t need a reminder,” you answered bitterly. You remembered how his laugh was louder than everyone else’s.
“You’re right. That was so funny.”
You had the urge to smack him but stopped yourself. “Stop mocking me, it was the scarf or my face!”
You didn’t spot Subin again that day, but Haknyeon did buy Changbin butterbeer like promised.
Classes were hard, but you were holding up just fine, compared to your whines the first week. Sometimes you were even a little too enthusiastic, like with the crup.
Now, the only pet that terrorized everyone but Changbin and you is his scops owl, Yogi. He loved you, somehow, while he could tear apart another student just because he walked too close to it for comfort.
Actually, it happened before.
First year. Yogi was on Changbin’s shoulder as he was walking to the owlery, when a student —was he a Ravenclaw? Probably a 3rd year at the time— bumped into his shoulder by accident. Right before Changbin could do anything, Yogi flew to the guy, lacerated his clothes and skin while giving him pecks, all the while flying around him. The poor Ravenclaw tried to cover his head with his arms.
After a few seconds, Changbin realized the gravity of the situation. He called Yogi who flew right back on his owner’s shoulder, not without barking in the boy’s direction.
The latter slowly dropped his arms on his sides and got up, visibly upset. “He tried to kill me!!”
“Yeah he does that, sorry! It’s nothing personal,” Changbin shrugged. “I suggest you go to the infirmary, dude, it’s not looking good.” He gestured to the upper body of the 3rd year who left in a hurry, a big frown on his face.
Since that day, Yogi stayed in the owlery to avoid having the whole school at Changbin’s throat because of his tiny and aggressive pet. He was happy, though, he could make friends and leave whenever and wherever, instead of being kept in a room full of hormones and sweat. I mean, the choice was quickly made.
The fifth match opposing Slytherin to Hufflepuff was coming soon, and you knew Subin was going to be there. So, as the skilled-at-potion-teenage-witch-in-love you were, your great idea was to induce chocolate chip cookies with a love potion and offer them to him after the match.
“It’s a love potion, what could possibly go wrong?” you whispered to yourself over your cauldron.
I could give you a list.
You purposely kept your plan to yourself, knowing what your best friend would say —and rightfully so, might I add— about the dangers of love potions, but really the most dangerous was amortentia, which was why you chose another one. The potion you decided to make was supposed to bring to the surface already existing feelings, not create an infatuation or obsession. You knew love couldn’t be created by a potion, and you didn’t want that either. Also, it wouldn’t last really long, just two to three hours, enough time for someone to confess their feelings.
Thinking about your best friend, though, you decided to make regular cookies to congratulate him on his next win —you were persuaded Slytherin would win. Once ready, you put them in different bags, naming them ‘S’ for Subin and ‘Q’ for the Quidditch team.
On the day of the match, you walked proudly in the direction of the Quidditch pitch with your potion-induced cookies in one hand and the normal ones in the other.
Arriving at the changing room, you entered with your eyes closed —who knew what you could witness— and called for Changbin.
“Scared of seeing a few muscles, Y/N?” You recognized Jeongguk’s joking voice.
A hand took your wrist and gently pulled you outside before you could reply.
“Is that cookies? For me?”
As you opened your eyes, you saw Changbin reaching for one bag, but you were quick to dodge his hand. “You’ll have to win first.”
“See you soon, then,” he spoke to the cookies with a smirk.
“I came to say good luck. You’re gonna win easily.” He thanked you with a hug.
“Who’s the second bag for?” your best friend asked, and you turned your head in embarrassment. “Let me guess. Subin?”
“Not so loud!” you whisper-shouted as you put your hand over his mouth, having now both bags in the other one.
“Too late.” You turned around super fast, losing your grip on the bags in the process. But no one was behind you. “I was joking,” he laughed, “your face was priceless. We’ll definitely win this match.”
He left you to join his team who was calling for him and you picked up the bags, realizing some cookies were broken. “I should be hexing you!” you shouted but wasn’t sure he heard. You walked up to the stands, searching for familiar faces.
The cookies safely installed in your robes’ pockets, you sat next to your Slytherin friends and watched as the Hufflepuff’s team came flying on the pitch. Next was your house. Changbin was already showing off his flying skills by swirling and spinning around the area. He stopped in front of you and gave you a thumbs up, which, despite the trick he pulled only minutes prior, you mirrored. You could never hate him, even if you tried.
Ten minutes into the match, Juyeon, one of Hufflepuff”s beaters, sent a bludger to your house’s keeper, San. Changbin was quick to borrow Yugyeom’s bat to send the bludger away before it could touch San. You heard someone in the crowd say: “Wow, Changbin is not only fast, he’s pretty strong too.” Damn right.
Your house won 190 to 140. It was time Changbin caught the snitch, or it would’ve been embarrassing for everyone. As promised, you went back to the changing room to deliver the cookies.
“You did so good,” you excitedly said as Changbin took the bag from your hand. “You can share with everyone, I made a lot.”
“Thanks Y/N, you’re the best.”
“You are!” Soyeon chimed in.
“Come on, go talk to your crush. I just saw him leave,” he urged you, pushing you out of the changing room. When you turned around, he wasn’t there anymore.
Subin was walking back to the castle, a little pout on his face. You ran up to him, and called his name. When he saw you, he smiled. “Y/N, hey. What’s up?”
“I, uh, wanted to give you these cookies,” you sheepishly said as you handed him the second bag. He reached for them as he thanked you. “And I’m sorry you guys didn’t win. But, for what it’s worth, you’re first in the course for the House Cup.”
“Thank you, Y/N, it’s really kind of you. Your house team played well, and Changbin is a really skilled seeker.”
“He is,” you acquiesced with a proud smile. Finally, Subin opened the bag and took a relatively complete cookie. “Sorry, I dropped them earlier…”
“No problem, they still look good.” Ah, this smile. Pretty cute. He started chewing, and you kept your eyes on him, waiting for a reaction. “Wow, it’s fantastic!”
“You think?” Your cheeks felt hot, he loved your cookies. One win.
“Really, it’s the best cookie I’ve ever tasted. Which oddly reminds me I have to talk to someone. Thank you again for the cookies, Y/N!” With that, he accidentally dropped the bag and ran to the castle. With fast reflexes, you caught it before it could reach the floor.
You were confused. Did it not work? There was still the ‘S’ written in black on the transparent bag. Did you make a mistake when naming the bags? A vision of horror crossed your mind as you sprinted back to the changing room. You prepared yourself for the worst when entering the room, but nothing seemed weird. Everyone was finishing changing in a good mood. So, either you didn’t exchange the bags and Subin felt nothing for you or no one here liked anyone—you lowkey preferred this second suggestion.
When Changbin saw you, he frowned and approached you. “Are you okay? How did it go?”
“Good, he liked my cookies,” you tried to smile but after running so much, you puffed a bit.
“Then why do you still have them, then?”
“Oh? Right, he, uh, gave them back.”
“That’s not polite,” he said without a shadow of a smile. Was that a clenched jaw?
“He didn’t do it on purpose, I promise.”
“What do you mean? How can you not give back a gift on purpose?” Great question, funny story.
“It’s… complicated.”
Your best friend huffed. “I’ll show him.” He took his stuff and left the changing room under the whole Slytherin Quidditch team confused eyes, and you followed him closely.
“I assure you, it’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” He stopped in his tracks and faced you. “Can I have a cookie, please?”
“No?” You nervously laughed as he raised a brow.
“Why not?”
“Because, uh, the… chocolate is melted. Yeah.”
“I don’t mind.” He extended an arm, palm up to receive a cookie. Refusing meant telling him the truth… “Thanks.”
Like with Subin, you waited for a reaction. “So, what did you want to prove?”
“A point.”
“Which is…?”
“That you put something in these cookies,” he said calmly.
Saying you were shocked was an understatement. “How did you know?!”
“Come on, Y/N, you’ve never baked anything in our five years of friendship and suddenly it’s a whole batch, plus you didn’t want me to touch it before the game. Felt suspicious. But the biggest clue is that you still have the bag.”
“As always, you have an amazing sense of observation,” you muttered, quite embarrassed.
“Yes, and I’m far from being a potion expert, but I honestly believe that your love potion works perfectly.”
He smiled faintly and turned back to the castle, leaving you puzzled and pensive. You didn’t say what kind of potion it was… How did he know?
Lost in thought, you barely reacted when the Slytherin team patted you on the back, thanking you for the cookies, on the way back to celebrate their victory.
Then, it hit you. You ran past the team when they arrived at the stairs, almost tripping over your feet. In your search for your best friend, you bumped into Subin in the Entrance Hall, walking towards the Great Hall.
“Subin?” you called, stopping in front of him. “Are you okay?”
“Never better. You?” Here it was. The genuine and cute smile.
“I’m okay. I don’t really know how to say this but… um…”
“You can tell me anything,” he assured.
“O—okay. I like… you.”
“You mean…” You nodded. He was confused for a few seconds. “Oh. I’m so sorry Y/N, I’m flattered but I don’t feel the same way.”
“Oh, I thought, you know, because you’re always smiling at me…”
“I’m a smiley giggling idiot, that’s for sure. But I’m like that with basically everyone. I’m sorry.” You knew he was genuine, and it somehow made the rejection more bearable.
“It’s alright, I feel better now that I told you.”
Awkward silence —especially on your part.
“You remember earlier when I said I had to talk to someone? Well, it was Chaeyoung. I like her and I don’t know, I just felt the urge to tell her.”
“About that…”
“It’s my fault. There was a love potion that makes you realize your feelings of some sort in the cookie. I wanted to see if you liked me without creating any false feelings. I’m so sorry, I… I shouldn’t have done that,” you muttered, staring at your shoes and picking at your clothes.
“… I see. Thank you for telling me. It’s unconventional for sure, but, thanks to you, I shot my shot.”
You felt like he only reacted that way because he was still under the effects of the potion and you hoped he wouldn’t hate you once it wore off.
“How did it go?”
“She said she liked me too. We’re going on a date tomorrow at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop.”
“I’m happy for you. Honestly,” you smiled. If he wasn’t going to be happy with you, at least he would be with Chaeyoung, and who were you to hate them or try to change that?
“Thank you, and I’m sorry I can’t return your feelings.”
“No, please, don’t apologize, no one can control those.”
“Not that it changes anything, but I always thought you and Changbin were a thing.”
“We’re just best friends.”
“I believe you,” he smiled then reassuringly squeezed your shoulder before finally entering the Great Hall.
You stayed there for a hot minute, mindlessly staring in the distance. Then did the stupidest thing you could do: avoid Changbin, and clearly not tell him about what just happened with Subin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
A week later, the last match of the season opposing Gryffindor and Ravenclaw ended with Ravenclaw’s victory 420 to 310. Despite this win, Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup with 910 points. Ravenclaw was close behind with 880 points, Slytherin next with 770 and then Hufflepuff with 470.
Chan made sure to tell Changbin how he was right about his house winning (see Jeongin’s) and when Changbin didn’t seem to hear, he asked what was wrong.
“Y/N is avoiding me.”
“What? Why?”
“Last week, they made a potion… for their crush, and I tasted it. It felt like my love for them only grew stronger —which I thought impossible—, and it made me want to scream how much I loved them. I stopped myself, of course, and that’s the last time we spoke.”
“Tough. Have you tried speaking to them?”
“You’re asking this as if it didn’t cross my mind in a whole week.”
“Mh… Bitter failure, then. Well, you’re in luck! I know a guy who knows a friend of Y/N.”
“I’m afraid to ask where this nonsense is going.”
“Hush. Just say the word and Y/N will probably listen to you.”
This was awfully mysterious. “Probably? How would you do that?”
“That’s for me to deal with and you to be ignorant about. So?”
Changbin sighed deeply, wondering what he did in his past life to deserve such a weird friend. “Okay. Thanks, Chan.”
“No problem, man. Just be in your common room before dinner tonight.
A whole week without speaking to your best friend was pretty hard, but trying not to crumble under tons of homework was harder. To this, Donghyun was a valuable friend. He helped you with every subject you had in common, which was really thoughtful of him.
“So, that’s why reparo can only work on non-edible objects,” your fellow housemate finished as you wrote down the end of his speech.
“Donghyun, you have no idea how thankful I am.” You put down your quill and threw your head back under the laughter of your friend.
“You say that every day.”
“And I mean it every time!”
“That’s kind of you. Tomorrow, same time?” he proposed as he suddenly got up, putting his stuff in his backpack.
“Sure…” you replied, looking at him suspiciously. He never acted like this before.
“Sorry, I have to go. Bye,” he waved at you then left the common room quickly.
Wondering why he left so abruptly, you didn’t notice someone else sitting next to you.
“Hey… Are you mad at me?”
The question taking you aback, you didn’t have it in you to flee again.
“Of course not, Binnie. I’m just embarrassed.”
“Why’s that?”
“Do I really have to remind you?”
He gave you a weak smile. “No…”
“I’m sorry for avoiding you. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you said as you played with the hem of your robe.
“Why did you, then?”
You sighed. “Subin doesn’t like me.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Oh, don’t be. Some people are meant to stay unloved.” Changbin would’ve laughed at your dramatics, but it was a serious matter —for him at least.
“Uh, that’s not true. I believe everyone’s loved, it’s just that some don’t act on it.”
“… They’re scared of rejection. Or they have too much pride. They don’t want to ruin a friendship. They’d rather see the other happy with someone else than try to change how the person they love feels about them.”
Oh, right. The reason why he knew it was a love potion: he liked someone.
“You seem to have thought about it a lot. Do you have feelings for someone, Binnie?”
“N—no, of course not.” The red of his cheeks told a different story.
“And you never knew how to lie. I’ll find out, loverboy.”
“I don’t like anyone!” he tried.
“Nah, I don’t buy that.”
“Would you look at that,” he looked at his watch, “it’s time for dinner.”
He regretted saying that the second he sat at the Slytherin table.
“Minho, do you know who Binnie likes? He denies it but I know he does.”
Minho gave a pointed look at your best friend but the latter just looked away.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Someone from your year probably.”
Changbin widened his eyes at Minho who didn’t give away any expression because you were looking at him.
“I knew it! Binnie, you sneaky imp, you won’t even tell your best friend!”
“I have my reasons,” he muttered as he avoided your gaze.
“What, is it Tzuyu?”
“No, no.”
“Wooyoung, then?”
“Uh, no.”
Minho deadpanned as you kept throwing names. You were so oblivious that it was painful for the two boys. Changbin was stammering but you could tell he was being sincere.
“Which house?” you asked Minho, knowing Changbin wouldn’t tell.
He hesitated. Their eyes met and they had a whole unspoken conversation. Finally, Minho turned to you.
Happy, you scanned the table to see who it could be. “I’ll find out sooner or later!”
“Try a mirror,” Changbin wanted to tell you.
Desperately wanting to change the subject, he announced: “I think I’ll try out for the beater position next year.”
Right, it was Yugeom and Jeongguk’s last year at Hogwarts.
“It’s true you’re getting buff,” you commented, mindlessly feeling his arm with your fingers.
His face became so red, Minho laughed for a good minute after that, much to Changbin’s embarrassment and your confusion. “What did I do?”
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a warm day of June, Changbin finally had enough. He had to let you know about his feelings.
He lowkey regretted not making you eat your own cookies back in May, and he couldn’t brew the potion himself, because he wasn’t fond of that subject. You were the genius there, not him.
The best way to make you realize your own feelings —friendship or love for him, any was fine but he had to know— was to ask you.
What, you thought he was gonna give an elaborate plan?
Changbin wasn’t the type to plan. He would cut to the chase and be honest. He hoped you would be too.
He had a small smile on his face while waiting for you in the common room. It widened when his eyes fell on your frame, then fell seeing Donghyun walking through the door after you. It wasn’t part of the plan image of your conversation he created in his mind.
To be fair, when asked to come, you said you were coming soon, but didn’t specify with who or what you were going to do. Now it was clear that the subject of your ‘visit’ was working on essays with your favorite tutor.
Fighting it was useless, Changbin’s jealousy was here to stay. He watched as you both sat at the large table in the middle of the room, putting your stuff out and starting to work on defense against the dark arts. He came closer, until you spotted him and shot him your best smile.
His heart pounded at this simple gesture. “Binnie! Come, we’re doing our essay on ghouls. Have you finished it?”
“Of course,” he answered, trying to sound smug, but the look of adoration you gave him weakened him, and he swallowed with difficulty.
Donghyun chuckled a bit at the scene, resulting in your best friend shooting him a glare. You could only amusedly smile at Changbin before reporting your attention to your parchment. He sat across from you, handing you his own neatly written essay.
“Don’t copy word for word,” he demanded as he crossed his arms over his chest before resting them on the table.
“I will only add the few facts I missed,” you promised, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze, a blush creeping up on your cheeks and ears. Your parchment seemed not filled enough.
You worked for about two hours with Donghyun and your best friend was there the whole time, watching you guys write and helping here and there when he could. After your friend left under your thanks to go with other friends, Changbin took his place next to you, and fixed his robe’s sleeves.
“I need to ask you something.”
He seemed nervous, you noted. “I’m all ears.”
Here goes nothing.
“Do you still like Subin?”
Sorry, what? “Huh? Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” he shrugged, but you noticed the blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Okay… do you like anyone else?”
He swallowed audibly. “Who is the lucky one?”
“I’ll tell you if you tell me.” Here was your chance to discover if your early conversation with Donghyun was true.
“Tell you what?”
“Who you like.”
There was no escaping this, so he gulped and nodded, “Okay.”
You counted to three, and both said: “you.”
“Me?” Changbin’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“How thick is your damn skull? I mean I love you.”
“Wh– You…” You used the L word!!!! “You’re one to talk! I’ve loved you for years and you’ve never figured it out!”
“It’s true, I’ve been pretty clueless. But! Donghyun and I–” Changbin slightly grimaced at the name. “talked on our way here and he told me how everyone around us thought we were together,” you pointed a finger to the both of you, “him included.”
You faced the table, reflecting on your oblivious actions.
“Subin too, by the way.”
“Y/N,” he softly called.
“So yeah, I guess I’m the last person to realize my feelings like a stupid kid.”
“I’m sorry it took me this long, but hey, at least now you know.”
“Y/N!” he said firmly.
“Everyone is watching us right now…”
Indeed, as you looked around, you saw Slytherins of various years talking to each other, their eyes on you both. Your dramatic self had to say something.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you guys think this was a reality show? Are our lives that interesting compared to your boring ones? You better go elsewhere before my boyfriend and I hex the shit out of y’all!”
They quickly cleared out the room, some rolling their eyes and others with an amused smile on their faces. Minho came into view, displaying a knowing smirk as he walked to you. Changbin was as red as a rubis, shocked by what you just called him.
“Took you long enough, Y/N.”
Realization hit, your face and ears burned as you avoided facing any of the boys.
“Shut up, Minho.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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ant111fragile · 8 months
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little shifting story post ahead,
hey guys so it's been sooouuu long ik but i have this really pretty dr story i wanna share, well specifically my wr so what happened was i heard about got7(for those who don't know, they're a k-boyband) will most probably make a comeback this year and i was missing themm ssooo much so i scripted them in my wr along with my bestie Dean(I'll share about him, my wr, and like how he looks,our experiences etc only if y'all wanna know more just tell me ) anyways,
when i woke up there the first person i saw was dean and then Jayb also my bias forever and I hugged him ssauuuu tight and cried instantly and then all of us hugged eachother and comforter me....like I've seen them in my other drs and a lot of times but it had been a long time this time and we had long convos about music and they were all like the g7 with the experiences similar to the ones in our reality and they told me they will be coming back super cool and shared new songs I've never heard? idk how that works but okay and i was for that moment soooo happy? like cause it felt genuine and i felt like I'm talking to got7 from my reality and hey who knows lmao so they told me all sorts of things they do backstage and tours and then we sang so many songs and did karaoke and we played so many games, the best part was when we all rode Rooh(she's my friendly neighborhood blue whale there, ilovewhales) it was sauu sauu much fun in the ocean (since my wr is an outside area like it's not a room it's this vast area I'll share stuff about it later)
basically what i wanna say is we are so LIMITLESS and it's so sad some of us don't realise it until later and suffer so much, like more than a hundred experiences I have had in my frs i couldn't have here I flew ... like I actually FLEW???!! LIKE 😭
and fun part WE HAVE THIS GAME IN MY WR WE CALL IT “Cloud Hunting” it's basically we have a start line like in the race but it's flying. so we fly and select a cloud of our choice my dr has colourful clouds and the fishes eat clouds (not all the time but like they're edible I eat it too, childish ik but cool) btw so we choose a cloud fill out jar with it and the one who brings it back and feeds to the fishes first wins lmaoo laamee ik but it's so much fun 100/100 recommend for y'all's Dr's but credit me if you use it cause it's an original from me lmao
so I shifted last well was it ig, and I'm writing it today it was top fun to not share.
holyyy imma have to try cloud hunting with got7 too bye... stay limitless don't let anyone tell you otherwise. dont stress, YOU WILL SHIFT ✨
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also since I'm hear I'll just say this, stan got7 bring em back wtf guys where all my ahgasaes at?!!!!!!
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jiatiful · 5 days
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got7 superpowers au! (idea by @/ahgaxl on twitter <33)
MARK has the power of flying and he LOOOOVES flying around, but his favorite activity is falling asleep inside his air bubble away from everything 😚
jackson is next !!! 🗣
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lalilula · 7 months
Why does this feel like they're a bunch of strangers getting on the same bus and then getting into an accident together? Something like GOT7's Fly but they're not friends yet.
Or rather than accident, maybe like they're stranded in some place and need to get out of it together.
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frozen-orbit · 4 months
My favorite lyrics from my Renegades playlists that i associate with Nodrian:
"Did you ever love me? Does it even matter?" - Say Goodbye, Katharine McPhee
"If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?" - Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
"I’ll always be on your side, promise you." - Promise, Everglow
"Late night, watching television. But how'd we get in this position?" - I really like you, Carly Rae Jepsen
"Maybe you're gonna be the one that saves me." - Wonderwall, Oasis
"Paint my kiss across your chest. If you're the art, I'll be the brush." - Bad Liar, Selena Gómez
"We had trust, belief and friendship. Maybe something more, maybe something less." - Vengeance, coldrain
"Whether we’re together or apart, we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start." - Over again, One Direction
"Why don't we save each other? Even though we couldn't save anything, let alone the world." - Howl, Chuu
From Nova's pov:
"An evening star watched from afar. It guided me here. It knew you'd be here." - I knew I loved you, Céline Dion
"Dream that makes me want to fall asleep again, such a sweet dream, that’s you." - Dream, Suzy feat. Baekhyun
"For the way you're something that I'd never choose, but at the same time, something I don't wanna lose." - Never knew I needed, Ne-Yo feat. Cassandra Steen
"I can't decide if I'll let you save my life or if I'll drown." - arms, Christina Perri
"I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone, so I'm gonna love you now like it's all I have. I know it'll kill me when it's over, I don't wanna think about it." - Love me now, John Legend
"If I kept you away from me, if I failed you and I left, it was because my lies scared me. You believed in me and I became so good at pretending." - Perdón, Camila
"I'll follow into the painting you create." - Lucid, LOOΠ∆ Odd Eye Circle
"I made you a promise with no way to keep it, but what kills me the most, I'd still do anything for you." - The Breaker, Little Big Town
"I'm on my guard for the rest of the world, but with you, I know it's no good." - Sparks fly, Taylor Swift
"I'm scared that I'll love you. I'm scared that I'll need you. I'm scared that I'll always want you close." - Something 4 U, Sam Addeo feat. Biyo
"I shot the stars out of your sky, took the love right from your eyes, and I did it all knowing you thought I was the hero of your heart." - The Breaker, Little Big Town
"I was used to being alone, my days were gray, but I remember the day you lightly came to me, knocking on my door. You shined on me like a light, woke me up from darkness, opened the closed door of my heart." - Starlight, Taeyeon feat. DEAN
"My mind forgets to remind me you're a bad idea." - Sparks fly, Taylor Swift
"Oh my God, I can't believe it. Out of all the people in the world, what is the likelihood of jumping out of my life and into your arms? Maybe, baby, I'm just losing my mind, 'cause this is trouble but it feels right. Teetering on the edge of Heaven and Hell is a battle that I cannot fight." - Oh My God, Adele
"She's the death you chose. You're in terrible danger." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"Some say she's such a fake, that her love is made up. No, no, no, no." - Girl Almighty, One Direction
"Sometimes I wonder, when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me?" - Delicate, Taylor Swift
"The coat of paint that you had drawn on me will wash away." - Stop the rain, Day6
"The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me. Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?" - peace, Taylor Swift
"The devil that you know looks now more like an angel. I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"The more you become precious to me, the more afraid I am." - Eclipse, Got7
"There's nothing to pretend, I fell in love with you." - Me enamoré de ti, Chayanne
"The world I lived in has flipped over inside out because of you, right is left, left is right." - Sweet Chaos, Day6
"They tried to warn you about me." - The Albatross, Taylor Swift
"This ain't for the best. My reputation's never been worse, so you must like me for me." - Delicate, Taylor Swift
"Through the lies, you were the truth. My world is a better place because of you." - Because of you, Céline Dion
"When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth. You love me for who I am." - When I look at you, Miley Cyrus
"Wish I could tell you I still feel the same. I want you to know that it was never in vain. And that's the last thing that you'll hear me say." - Hear me say, Jonas Blue
"Wish that I would let you break my walls, but I'm still spinning out of control from the fall." - Oh My God, Adele
"You are the sunlight that rose again in my life, a reincarnation of my childhood dreams. I don't know what these emotions are. Am I still dreaming?" - Euphoria, BTS
From Adrian's pov:
"And you can aim for my heart, go for blood, but you would still miss me in your bones." - my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift
"Even if time fades my paint, I will protect your dreamworld, I’ve never left." - Action figure, WayV
"I can save you and treat you preciously, and if you want I can ride a spaceship cross the night sky, pick the stars and place them in your hands." - Jasmine, DPR Live
"I closed my eyes to this evil. You hid your true colors until now." - Gunshot, K.A.R.D
"I could paint your beauty. That's if you just let me." - Jasmine, DPR Live
"I'd like to be a superhero and protect you against evil, gift you the Milky Way in a cereal bowl, take you to outer space and fly like Superman does." - Espacio sideral, Jesse & Joy
"I don't care how deep in the darkness you may be, I'll find my way to you, if you just wait for me." - Star maker, AmaLee
"I don't know what road you're gonna take this time, but let it be mine." - Let it be mine, Brett Young
"I draw your appearance every night without anyone knowing." - Why, Hwasa
"I guess it's still hard if the seed's sown, but do you really want to be alone?" - Over again, One Direction
"I insisted we begin at the start to turn us back into a work of art." - Oxford Blood, Autoheart
"I know you’re worried, you hide behind your walls. Oh trust me, little darlin’, you can let ‘em fall." - All the ways, The Secret Sisters feat. Ray LaMontagne
"I'll give you everything I can, I'll build your dreams with these two hands." - I swear, All-4-One
"I make art, but you're the masterpiece." - With You, SuperM
"I may be an ordinary guy with heart and soul, but if you're the one for me, then I'll be your hero." - Hero, Starstruck
"I start painting you and I don't pull it off. After slowly studying you, I end up thinking that over my palette I lack of intense colors that reflect your rare beauty." - Sólo pienso en ti, Miguel Bosé
"I want to draw you in the wide sky, name it after the stars." - ANL, NCT Dream
"I want to protect you who's sleeping next to me in this night." - Same dream, same night, same mind, Seventeen
"Like that star that stars in the night sky, tell me your mysterious story." - TokTok, GWSN
"Lips burrow so deep, give me good sleep." - You belong to me, Cat Pierce
"On the sketchbook of my brain, I draw you out every day." - Oh my!, Seventeen
"Put you in jail for something you didn't do. I pinned your hands behind your back. Thought I had reason to attack, but no." - Afterglow, Taylor Swift
"Stupid me still draws you in the air. A star called you shines in the pitch dark room." - HaPpY, Stray Kids
"We fight and you bait me. You feel so defiant. You used to save me but now I'm just frightened." - Keep dreaming, Neffex
"You don’t exist in front of me right now, I know that for sure, but I’m going to interrogate you. Your lips know the answer that I want." - Sherlock, Shinee
"You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same." - my tears ricochet, Taylor Swift
"You’re like a dream, so secretive, more than the entire universe." - Falling, Lim Kim
"You're the one I always dream of. Ev'ry line of your face is sketched so plain inside my heart." - You're the one, Carpenters
"You tried hiding another you but your evil was coming through." - Ghost, Ella Henderson
"You've got the most unbelievable blue eyes I've ever seen." - I love you always forever, Donna Lewis
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jellieclogs · 10 months
my favorite got7 songs from every single album 
this post is actually a precursor to a huge kpop related post I have coming, but anyway I just love got7’s music and needed to have this on the record in case I die 
Got It?
i like you
girls girls girls
Got Love
bad behavior
forever young
take my hand SOOO UNDERRATED
Just Right
just right
before the full moon rises
if you do 💋💋
tic tic tok PEAK bside 
eyes on
confession song <3
home run
beggin on my knees (BRIAN TEAS)
prove it
boom x3
mayday (jinyoung slayed DOWN)
my home
let me 
SICK. SICK😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 one of my top 10 favorites for sure
shopping mall 💋
Q <3
7 for 7 
such a cute emotional time for igot7s ☹️🫶🏾
moon u
to me
Eyes On You
thank you *bursts out crying uncontrollably*
present: you
I legit like every song on this album. I am me is so good. party is literally a cute and fun party song. do we hear gyeom on fine ? 
also 1:31 am
come ON. this was so good live oh my god Jackson sounded SO good?;?;?(!;!3!;!:&/&:&
spinning top
1 degree. do I even need to speak
eclipse sooo good
page !!! 
call my name
you calling my name OBVI?????!
crash & burn
not by the moon
love you better YUP
aura <3
breath of love
last piece
we are young <3
drive me to the moon 😭
yay!! i highly recommend got7 to any new kpop fans who are looking for new music!
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Dating Minnie From [G] I-DLE Would Include:
• Minnie met you for the first time when she sat in a small cozy café that sold green tea. She admired you when you read a book with a mug of green tea on the table. Her cheeks flushed red when you caught her staring. After a while she decided to join you which caused a beautiful relationship and friendship to blossom slowly.
• You asked her out on a date after being friends for a few months.
•Minnie often takes the lead in your relationship and friendship. Mostly in your awkward and obvious moments. Which get caused by your shy introvert personality.
•You would pout with puppy eyes when she wasn't around you. You make grabby hands and cuddle with her when one of you feels bad about something. Which is very often caused by her
missing dates due at work as an idol.
•Minnie loves to photograph. You supported her hobbies with your whole heart. Sometimes you buy her good quality cameras or model for her.
•You tried to go at as many concerts and tours as possible for [G] i-dle since you wanted to support the love of your life and your best friends.
•Minnie buy's you every merchandise and blushes when you wear merchandise with her name or face on it. She knows you look absolutely glorious in the merchandise.
•You go shopping with her whenever you go on a vacation or when you go on tour with them. If you can't join her on tour then she buys you reminders.
•Minnie squealed loudly when you brought two tickets for Troye Sivan concert. Since you knew how she loves the celebrity. Let's just say you both had the time of your lives. Especially Minnie who had no voice and sore muscles after the concert.
•You ask her to marry her in the middle of [G] i-dle concert. Her bandmates cried and recorded everything with their phone's. Especially the staff. She cried and said three times 'Yes.'
•Minnie couldn't wait to marry in the night time on the beach in the moonlight. That's her magical dream wedding.
•You learn how to play piano since Minnie is a good teacher. Every touch felt magical in your opinion. The first song you learned on piano was one last time by Ariana Grande.
•Minnie married you at night time on the beach in the moonlight. You looked absolutely glorious in one of the most beautiful white dresses. Everyone cried and laughed at the wedding. Especially at the reception when stories about lives got told. Her bandmates, blackpink, Got7 and Sorn definitely embarrassed her with their stories about younger Minnie.
•You spent the honeymoon in Bora Bora, Rom, Venedig, Bangkok, Paris and Barcelona for a few weeks. Let's just say you had so much fun that you both didn't wanna go back at South Korea.
•Minnie's family loved you like a family member by DNA. Her brother's always told you that you are the best sister in law. They told Minnie not to hurt you. Since you couldn't hurt a fly in their opinions.
•You wake her up with slow kisses that change into open butterfly kisses. When she is awake you attack her whole face with kisses. Your hands would roam her side’s under the nightwear. From her rib cage’s to the hips and thighs. Sweet words would shared and she would pull you closer into her body before you could get off the queen sized bed.
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fff777 · 2 years
not that I have an expansive knowledge of kp*p but got7's choreography remains my favourite
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satzumosupremacy · 1 year
Might be off topic from smuts and all, but can you recommend me some songs of the older generation? I want to explore how much has changed.
I don’t know what genre you like so..
D-Lite (Daesung of Bigbang)- Anymore (Japanese song) *it’s better if you see his live performance*
Taeyang- Wedding Dress is such a classic
Taeyang- Only look at me (don’t read the lyrics first, do it after hearing it, you’ll be surprised)
Zion T- Yanghwa Bridge (if you like rnb)
Nu’est- Hello
Bobby- Raise your guard and bounce, YGGR (smtm3)
Got7- Fly
TVXQ- Mirotic
BTOB- Pray
MOBB (Mino & Bobby duo)- Full House
Mino- Fiancé
Day6- Love Me Or Leave Me
G-Dragon- Bullshit
T.O.P- Doom Dada
Epik High- Born Hater, Rosario, Acceptance Speech
Baekhyun- Bambi
Lee Hong Gi- Still Love You
EXO- Love Shot
Sik K- Rendezvous
f(x)- 4 Walls
Bigbang- Lies, Haru Haru (any song honesty)
Zico- Bermuda Triangle
IKON- Love Scenario
Davichi- This Love
Swings- Villian
Dynamic Duo- Aeao (after 9 years, it blows up on TikTok lol)
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kpopsickies · 2 years
Could you write a fic where the members of Got7 pass a cold around. Starting with Mark. (with lots of sneezes)
Sickie: got7
caretaker: got7
*set during Nanana era*
who else misses Got7?
Mark p.o.v
see you guys tomorrow I couldn't believe after nearly a year spent in America away from my bandmates I was finally able to say that. I was sitting in the back of a cab on the way to the airport, We were all going to meet up in Korea to film for our music video. I was feeling a bit off, but considering that it was 4:30 I kinda expected that.
I got to the airport and moved through security, a mask and sunglasses hiding most of my face. I made it through security, the airport was fairly empty, understandable with how early it was. I went to one of the cafes in the airport, wanting caffeine to wake me up. I thought for a few seconds, debating between getting coffee or tea, I decided on coffee because I at least wanted to be awake enough to somewhat function. After I ordered I sat in a corner by my boarding gate. I pulled my phone out and saw that the group chat was blowing up. I smiled at Bambam tormenting Yugyeom, as Yugyeom tried to deny missing Jinyoung. And Bambam exposing Yugyeom with a screenshot of Yugyeom complaining to him about how much he missed annoying Jinyoung. I laughed quietly to myself, as I got more awake I became a bit more aware that maybe I wasn't just feeling "off" because I was tired. I had a bit of a headache and my nose was stuffy. I silently cursed, knowing how awful flying is going to be with a stuffy nose.
My manager came over to me, "Mark, they're starting boarding"
"alright, coming" I quickly texted the group chat to tell them I was boarding the plane. They all wished me a safe flight and Jackson told me to tell him when I landed. I assured him I would. I followed my manager to the line of people to board. I noticed a few people pointing at me, one girl even waved at me. I smiled (not really thinking she'd be able to see with the mask) and waved back. She blushed and frantically told one of the girls next to her, who turned around and just stared at me. I laughed quietly. I had noticed that my nose was not just stuffy, but was getting itchy. "hhnnxktch- hhnkxtch hhnnktch-" I sniffled, the girls in front of me turned around, "bless you"
"thank you" I sniffled. They looked at each other, "are you Mark from got7?"
"no, I'm Chan from stray kids" they laughed, I couldn't help but smile, glad that they found me funny. "where are you flying to?" One of the girls asked, I didn't want to tell them, wanting Aghase to be surprised by the comeback, "home" I said, I mean, they probably assumed I meant LA. "have fun" one of the girls said with a smile, "thank you"
"c-can we get a picture with you?" one of the other girls asked, "sure" I smiled, the mask was still over my face, feeling quite thankful for it as my nose was running after sneezing. My manager offered to take the picture, "why don't you take your mask off?" he said quietly, so the girls wouldn't hear "there aren't a lot of people here" I shook my head, "why not?"
"because, I sneezed" he gave me a strange look, "I think I might be sick" I said, he looked worried, "like how sick?"
"just a cold" I said sniffling, he nodded. The girls and I stood together, right before the manager took the picture I held my hand out, and turned away from the others, "hhxktch- henxtch- nnxktch hhngxtch"
"bless you"
"thank you" I smiled and he got the picture. The girls thanked me multiple times, I smiled, "you're welcome" We boarded the plane, I sat in the window seat next to my manager, "you're sick?"
"I think so, I woke up this morning and felt just kinda off, I thought I was just tired, but now I have a headache and my nose is really stuffy. Plus my throat is kinda sore" I explained, "have you taken anything yet?" I shook my head, "I didn't realize I was sick" I explained, sniffling. My nose had been running basically non-stop. The plane began taxiing, "i'm going back to sleep" I said leaning against the window, "go ahead" I was actually surprised that I managed to fall asleep. I woke up to a horrible sharp pain in my eyes and nose. My ears were crackling and felt like my head was about to explode. I barely stifled the painful groan that escaped past my lips. "you alright Mark?"
"really hurts" I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "sinus pressure?" I nodded, he handed me some tissues, I took a few and blew my nose as quietly as I possibly could. "we're landing now" he said, I nodded, "how long was I asleep for?"
"six hours"
"six hours!?" he nodded, "your next flight is going to be long, It's LA to Korea" I groaned "how long?"
"about 15 hours" I nodded, I knew it would be long, but it would be miserable with how I was feeling. "Don't worry, we can find a shop in the airport and drug you" I smiled.
It seemed like forever before I finally landed in Korea. My head was definitely going to explode, I'm sure of it. It was about 4 when we landed in Korea. I was the last one to get here, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, Youngjae, and Jaebum were already in korea so it was easy for them, Jackson got in the morning from China and Bambam got in maybe two hours before me.
My manager and I took a taxi to Jaebum's house. He said as the leader he'd provide his house for us all to stay in when we were in Korea. The koreans said they could stay at their own houses, but we all agreed we wanted to be together. I arrived, before going inside I made sure to blow my nose a couple of times and drink some water, trying to sound as normal as possible. I left the car, thanking my manager for all him help. He was pulling out as I knocked on the front door. It flew open a second later and Bambam was standing there. "MARK HYUNG IS HERE!!!" He yelled into the house, I cringed at how loud his voice was, He pulled me inside and gave me a quick hug. Jackson came hurrying in, "HYUNG YOU DIDN'T TEXT ME WHEN YOU LANDED!" I winced at his loud voice, which was doing nothing for my headache. "sorry Jackson" I was so distracted by my headache and my sinuses deciding they hated me that I had forgotten. "You said you would" he looked upset, but I could hear the teasing in his voice. "sorry, I was up so early this morning" I noticed my voice sounded really congested. "you alright Mark?" Jaebum, who had just come into the living room, asked. I nodded, "I've got a little bit of a cold but no big deal" I sniffled, The others looked concerned, “flying with a stuffy nose is the worst” Yugyeom said as he handed me a box of tissues. I thanked the maknae and took a few tissues, finally feeling comfortable enough to fully blow my nose. 
“how long have you been sick for?” Jaebeom asked, “I’m not sure, I know I started feeling sick this morning. At first I thought I was just really tired but throughout the day I’ve started feeling worse” 
“have you taken anything?” Jinyoung asked. “yeah, but it was back in LA so like almost 20 hours ago.” I explained, “hhnxgtch- nnggxtch- hhh- hhxgtch-” 
“bless you” The others said, I sniffled and thanked them, “are you hungry? We were just about to eat” I nodded, sniffling and rubbing my nose with the back of my hand. “after we eat you should take medicine and get some rest, especially if you’re sick” I shook my head, “I slept on the flight so I’m not super tired.” I explained, coughing after, my throat had gotten annoyingly sore. “we can watch something, because you need to rest, especially as we’ll start filming soon, we can’t have you sick while filming” Jaebum explained. 
Jaebum p.o.v
The seven of us began eating, I kept a close eye on Mark, who had been periodically sniffling and sneezing throughout the meal. He didn’t seem to have a fever, but I made a mental note to check, just in case. After dinner Mark volunteered to help do dishes, but Yugyeom and Bambam both turned him away, “no hyung, you need to rest” Yugyeom said, Bambam nodded in agreement. “c’mon hyung, let’s drug you and get you resting” Jinyoung said. Mark nodded, he followed us to the living room, pausing to sneeze. He winced after, rubbing his throat. “maybe if you didn’t stifle it wouldn’t hurt as much” Jackson said, gently patting Mark’s shoulder. “it’s a habit” Mark explained with a wet sniffle. He sat down on the couch, Jackson sat next to him, Mark leaned against him. I knew neither of them would admit it, but you could see how excited they were to see each other. Jinyoung came in with a bottle of pills, he handed it to Mark, who thanked him, he took a few out and swallowed them without water, Youngjae cringed, “I still don’t get how you can do that!” Mark laughed, “I’m amazing” Jackson and Jinyoung both rolled their eyes, Youngjae just shook his head, I laughed. The maknaes both came into the room together, loudly bickering about something. “It was in 2019!”
“no it wasn’t! It was 2018!”
“What are you guys arguing about?” Mark asked, coughing a bit after. “Itzy debuted in 2019, but someone-” Yugyeom said jabbing Bambam’s side with his elbow- “thinks they debuted in 2018.” Jinyoung pulled out his phone, “I actually think Yugyeom is right” a second later he nodded, “yep, 2019.” 
“HA! I was right!” Yugyeom yelled, Bambam rolled his eyes, “okay fine, you were right, just this once. But I was right about stray kids” They must have noticed the questioning look given because Bambam was quick to explain, “he thought stray kids was a 9 member group, but I was right, they had 9, but they’re 8 now” (😭) Jinyoung rolled his eyes, Mark laughed, coughing a bit after. “what are we watching?” Yugyeom asked sitting down next to Mark
“*insert show here*” 
“oh, that’s good” Bambam sat down on Yugyeom’s other side. The seven of us watched for nearly 4 hours, getting through 6 full episodes, Mark fell asleep about halfway through the third episode. Jackson informed us that Mark felt really warm, and after taking his temperature, (somehow without waking him up) we discovered he had a low fever. At the end of the night we all retreated to our rooms to sleep, except Jackson who stayed on the couch with Mark laying asleep across his lap, explaining to us he didn’t want to wake him up. 
Jackson p.o.v 
The next morning I woke up and still felt a weight over my legs, signifying Mark was still asleep. I was stiff and sore from sleeping sitting up the night before. I also was thankful that I didn’t feel sick, which Jaebum hyung has warned me about, saying that with how much Mark was all over me I’d likely get sick. I explained that I have the best immune system out of all the members, and that I wasn’t worried. I moved Mark off of me as carefully as I could as went to the kitchen and found that Yugyeom, Jaebum, and Youngjae were already awake. “morning” I said as I walked into the kitchen, “good morning” 
“Is Mark still asleep?” Jb asked, I nodded, “hhnggtCHU- nnggtCHU- hh- hhngtcHU- HNngtCHU” I was startled at the outburst from the makane. 
“bless you” The rest of us said, “thanks” he took a napkin from the center of the table. “Did Mark  give you his cold?” Yugyeom shook his head, “it’s just allergies hyungs” the maknae explained, “you sure? you were sitting next to Mark hyung last night” Yugyeom nodded, “I’m sure. It feels different when it’s a cold vs allergies” he explained smiling. 
We were distracted when a fit of coughing sounded from the kitchen door, we looked towards it and saw Mark standing there, “good morning” we said, Mark smiled, “how’re you feeling hyung?” 
“somewhat more alive” he said with a slight laugh. He looked at me, “did you stay with me all night last night? when I woke up at 3 you were still there” I nodded, “you’ll get sick” I shrugged, “i have a strong immune system”
“that doesn’t mean you’re invincible” Mark said with a tired smile. he sat down next to me and pressed a hand to my forehead, “I’m not sick hyung” I said laughing as i gently pushed his hand off my forehead. Mark gave me a look and nodded his head towards the living room, signaling he wanted to talk to me. I shrugged and followed him. “What’s up hyung?” 
“you have a fever” I was surprised, “I do?” 
“i think so, you felt really warm” 
“I don’t feel sick though” I said feeling confused, I mean yeah i was a bit sore, but that’s probably from being on a plane for so long, or so I thought. Once he pointed it out I did notice a bit of pain behind my eyes, that hadn’t really seemed like anything before, now I was really feeling it. I frowned, “how could I have gotten sick so fast?”
“well besides the fact you and I were sleeping right next to each other, you were also really tired from flying all day, and typically- hhktchh- nngxtch- sorry, typically people who are tired are more susceptible to getting sick because their immune system is weakened.” I nodded at the explanation, “bless you by the way” He sniffled and thanked me. The two of us went back to the kitchen where the rest of the members had gathered. “everything okay?” Jinyoung asked as Mark and I sat down. Before I could say anything Mark jumped in, “Jackson’s sick” the others all groaned, “how long do you guys think it will be until we’re all sick?” Bambam asked, Jaebum stood up, “I’ll call the manager and let him know that Mark and Jackson are sick” He left the room, Jinyoung turned to the rest of us, “is anyone else feeling sick?” Youngjae and Bambam both shook their heads, but the maknae half raised his hand, “I thought it was just allergies but now I’m not so sure” he admitted. “okay, I’ll go tell Jaebum” he stood up, Yugyeom lay his head down on the table. Bambam, who was sitting next to him, placed his hand on his forehead, “shit bro, you’re burning up” Yugyeom nodded, “I feel like it” the maknae’s eyes were glassy with fever. 
Jaebum came in and noticed Yugyeom with his head on the table. Concern evident on his face. “Does Yugyeom have a fever?” 
“yeah, so does Jackson” Mark explained, “do you?” he shrugged, I placed my hand on his forehead but quickly discovered my own fever was making it hard to get an accurate reading. Jaebum came over and placed his hand on the oldest’s forehead. “Yeah, he’s got a fever” he then placed his hand on my forehead, “I think Jackson’s is a little bit higher though” He walked towards the cupboard and took out a thermometer. He went to Mark first and handed it to him. Mark placed it under his tongue, a few seconds later it beeped, “100.5″ (38.1) Jaebum nodded, he cleaned off the thermometer and handed it to me. “100.7″ (38.2) he cleaned it off and placed it under his own tongue, “98.5, normal.” (36.9) “do you feel sick hyung?” Bambam asked, Jaebum shook his head, “I just wanted to check. I think we all should” He explained passing it to Jinyoung. A few seconds later Jinyoung announced “Same as Jb, Normal”  
“that’s good” the leader said, before cleaning it and handing it to Youngjae. “I feel fine hyung” Youngjae explained, “I know. We just want to check” Youngjae nodded and slipped it under his tongue. A second later it beeped and Youngjae took it out. He stared at it for a few seconds. “what is it?” I asked, Youngjae looked confused. “99.9 but i feel fine” (37.7) 
“were you drinking hot coffee?” Jinyoung asked. Youngjae half nodded, “yeah, but it was like 20 minutes ago. Jinyoung placed his hand on Youngjae’s forehead, “you do feel a little bit warm” Youngjae’s forehead was creased with a frown, “I feel fine though” 
“let’s not stress about it. We’ll just keep an eye on you and-”
“hIAhtchu” Jackson interrupted, “sorry”
“It’s fine, bless you- But, we’ll just see how you’re feeling at the end of the day” Jaebum addressed Youngjae, “okay” He nodded, he didn’t look sick, he wasn’t even pale. Youngjae handed the thermometer to Bambam, who wiped it off on his tshirt and stuck it under his tongue. “I don’t think that is really going to do anything” Jinyoung said with a not well hidden eye roll. Bambam half glared at him. Looking slightly ridiculous with a thermometer in his mouth. A second later it beeped. “97.9″ (36.6) 
“I forgot you’re a penguin” Youngjae said rolling his eyes. bambam laughed, “at least it’s normal. I hate being sick” He glanced at Yugyeom who was still lying on the table. “you alright bro?” Yugyeom nodded, he sat up, he took the thermometer from Bambam. A second later it beeped, he looked at it, frowning, he handed it to Bambam. “101.9″ (38.8) Bambam read looking concerned. He gently rubbed the maknae’s back. “geez kid.” Jaebum said, looking worried, “always run warm” Yugyeom said, trying to reassure us. He sat up, and it was clear he was sick, his skin was a pasty white, his eyes glazed over with fever. “how about we have a movie and resting day” Jinyoung said, his eyes lingered over the maknae. “I second that” Mark said, his voice was congested and cracked. The seven of us slowly made our way to the living room, Yugyeom heavily relied on Bambam while they walked. It was concerning to see. 
We all settled down, Yugyeom was leaning against Bambam on the couch, he looked half-asleep already. Mark and I sat together at the other end, Jinyoung sat between us and the maknaes. Jaebum and Youngjae sat on the floor in front of the couch. 
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