theheathergreen · 15 days
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(via Free Download: Commercial Use Flower Png Files Set – HG Designs)
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pngimagecollector · 27 days
Rose Emoji PNG https://freebiehive.com/rose-emoji-png/?feed_id=60156 #AppleEmoji #AppleEmojiPNG #EmojiPNG #flowerpng #FreePNG #iOSEmoji #iOSEmojiPNG #iphoneemoji #PNG #pngdownload #pngfile #pngfree #PNGImages #Rose #RoseEmoji #RoseEmojiPNG #TransparentFiles
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flowerpng · 4 years
So I'm in Iceland as a study practice period as a teacher, and these kids are so good, and so nice, we currently are learning about fantasy, and some of the girls have asked for a tik tok assignment, so is there anyone with an idea how to do that? Like they need to speak or write in English or something
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paperfishdesign1 · 4 years
For just $2.99 ★ Instant download ★ ★ NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED ★ ★ You will receive: ★ 90 png 300 dpi (transparent background) size: 8-10 inch high You will receive an email from 'Etsy' with a link to download the files after payment. ★ ZIP FILE ★ you will recieve a link to download ZIP FILES, you need to extract the files from the zip to be able to see the files. ★ LICENSE: ★ For personal and commercial use. But you are not allowed to resell, Give away as a freebie, donate these files as is. ★ Check out for more great cliparts and new items: ★ https://www.etsy.com/il-en/shop/paperdesignfish
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pngaesthetic · 5 years
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kukeluke · 4 years
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#flowerpng #png #transparent #flower
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samanthaangel · 7 years
a few years ago, when i went to boarding school, i printed out your art and put it on my wall, and i loved it, i have them on my wall still, but i wanted to hear if you had done/thought about doing one for death of a bachelor, cause i would love to have the complete set. The art im talking about is your minimalistic cover art for P!ATD on May 7 , 2014 at 7:36 PM (yeah i found it to make sure you knew exactly which one i meant :)
damn, thats so sweet and touching. and i cant believe you tracked down the post, thats so cool too. i havent thought about tacking on DOAB ever before but maybe its something i SHOULD do. thanks for that!
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nectar-sweet-pngs · 6 years
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Hey! some more pngs, these are flowers and yeah cool. Sorry I’m really awkward but oh well ;)
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rasm835g · 4 years
mutuals as your dnd characters
garygoldsteins as Ambrosia
skide-humanist as Demi
Ceciliethesloth as Yophira
flowerpng as Jax
neseej as Dimitry
somewhere-thats-ethan-green as Vance
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ultrahotpotato · 5 years
Jeg elsker Sandra (@flowerpng ) virkelig højt. Hun er så utrolig fantastisk, verden fortjener hende ikke. Hun er så vidunderlig. Hun er så smuk, og dejlig, hendes øjne skindet stærkere end nogen sol. Hun har altid været der for mig og mine tætteste dejligste venner. Jeg elsker hende så utrolig højt. Hun er så utrolig dejlig, også ubeskriveligt smuk <333
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heckuius · 6 years
Get to know me tag
I was tagged by @roguewhalien, thank you for tagging me!!
Star Sign: sagittarius
Height: 5'1
Put your iTunes/Spotify/Playlist on shuffle and type the first 4 songs that pop up: 
Orange Caramel - My Copycat
BTS - Epiphany
KARD - Don’t Recall
Pristin - We Like
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23. What’s line 17: the-not-really-nearest-but-isnt-just-a-text-book book that’s closest is Never Mind by Edward St. Aubyn, and p 23 l 17 literally just says “into the darkness” LOL
Ever had a song or poem written about you: oooh no
When was the last time you played air guitar: like probably years ago?? idk I don’t remember
What’s a sound you hate and then a sound you love: hmm I honestly hate the gulping sound people make when they drink something? makes me cringe, as for love, this is WEIRD dont JUDGE me, but like the sound of crunchy slime? good
Do you believe in ghosts: yeah why not
Do you believe in Aliens: definitely
Do you drive, if so have you crashed: I don’t drive, I’m too scared 😎
Do you like the smell of gasoline: yesss
What was the last movie you saw: ummm... hmm I honestly don’t remember I mostly watch shows
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had: i sprained my ankle once.....
Do you have any obsessions right now: I don’t think so no
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have wronged you: sort of? I’m kinda petty lol 
In a relationship: no but also not on the market 😎
I’ll tag my friends...........................:
@trashtilde @rasm835g @neseej @flowerpng
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nufews-blog · 4 years
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#etsy #sunflower heart #stethoscope #svg , eps #png #ai #DXF #PDF #jpeg file #instantdownload #design , #tshirtsvg file #digital #graphic 4#tee #yellow #bedroom #flowers #tshirtdesign #graphicdesign #tshirtfile #sunflowerpng #sunflowerpngfile #flowerpng https://etsy.me/31LX3KG https://www.instagram.com/p/CEm6NYMBIQh/?igshid=1ouzm6wt9ltfi
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havblaa · 7 years
crazy long tag thing
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions (whelp)
tagged by: @poeets  (super cool and im a lil starstruck)
1. coke or pepsi: cherry coke <3 
2. disney or dreamworks: dreamworks
3. coffee or tea: gotta pick tea
4. books or movies: aaaaaaa, i cant choose between my loves! but if it is a book-to-film, then i prefer the book
5. windows or mac: mac 
6. dc or marvel: marvel, obv
7. x-box or playstation: ive never actually tried x-box so playstation?
8. dragon age or mass effect: havent tried any of them
9. night owl or early riser: i prefer to be an early riser but give me a week-long break and see me fuck up my sleep cycle
10. cards or chess: cards. the more the merrier but also: solitaire
11. chocolate or vanilla: dairy-free chocolate
12. vans or converse: never tried vans and i am not a fan of converse 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: what is it with these dragon age questions? i dont know anything about it. and i cant really get myself to google it so.....
14. fluff or angst: angst is good, fluff is better
15. beach or forest: forest. i hate sand
16. dogs or cats: why choose?
17: clear skies or rain: clear skies bc stars
18. cooking or eating out: take out. take out is the best
19. spicy food or mild food: mild food. i am a White™ after all
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a lil cold
22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be: transformation or be like the luckiest guy on earth
23. animation or live action: live action, probably
24. paragon or renegade: okay this i googled and i have to say paragon
25. baths or showers: showers
26. team cap or team iron man: TAKE A FUKCN GUESS. hist: its cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi: sci-fi, oml
28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: i love words so much i dont think i can choose. or come up with any. but totes check my /tagged/w
29. netflix or youtube: youtube
30: Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: percy jackson
31. when you feel accomplished: lol never? 
32. star wars or star trek: probably star wars
33. paperback or hardback: paperback
34. horror or rom-com: i haaaate horror so the answer must be rom-coms
35. tv shows or movies: blergh, both
36. spotify or pandora: spotify, although i would rather just.... buy the music. bandcamp is my absolute fave
37. zootopia or inside out: i havent seen either
38. winter or summer: w i n t e r
39. red or blood orange: blood orange (call me pretentious i dare you)
40. favorite book?: the martian
41. favorite character/story from mythology: thor when he has to dress up as freyja to get mjolnir back. a Classic
42. favorite fictional characters: BUCKY BARNES AND STEVE ROGERS
43. favorite flowers: this is like picking a favourite colour..... there are so many faves out there..........
44. pineapple on pizza, yay or nay: pineapple on pizza is probably my favourite topping
and i tag: @histcries @baeonia @grantairse @kolmatski @the-mercyseat @jasper-jpg @flowerpng @spazju @jimxins +35 more 
so yeah.... if u see this and wanna do it....... do it
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paperfishdesign1 · 4 years
For just $2.99 ★ Instant download ★ ★ NO PHYSICAL ITEMS WILL BE SHIPPED ★ ★ You will receive: ★ 50 png 300 dpi (transparent background) 8 invitation template jpeg file size: 8-10 inch high You will receive an email from 'Etsy' with a link to download the files after payment. ★ ZIP FILE ★ you will recieve a link to download ZIP FILES, you need to extract the files from the zip to be able to see the files. ★ LICENSE: ★ For personal and commercial use. But you are not allowed to resell, Give away as a freebie, donate these files as is. ★ Check out for more great cliparts and new items: ★ https://www.etsy.com/il-en/shop/paperdesignfish
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pngaesthetic · 5 years
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ultrahotpotato · 7 years
Tag 20 Followers You Want to Get to Know Better
@brightened-waters tagged me (Go follow him, he is a great artist with an amazing voice)
Name: You can call me Ollie Nickname: My closest friends call me either Ollie or Sam Gender: It ya boiii Star Sign: Libra Birthday: September 24. Its like tomorrow Height: 5′5 im a short guy, i kno Age: 17, 18 tomorrow tho. Im getting old Sexual Orientation: Im pan Relationship Status: Dating a really hot person atm Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, fight me! Favorite Color: Blue or black Time Right Now: 10:05 am What Are You Reading: This question Last Movie You Watched: The Lego Batman movie, dont judge  Average Hours of Sleep: Depends. Sometimes i sleep all day, other times i just sleep like 7 ish hours  Lucky Number: 8? idk Last Thing You Googled: High school musical lyrics Favorite Fictional Characters: Batman from the Lego Batman movie idk Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Uno (thats one in Japanese) Favorite Singer/Band: Fall out boy, panic at the disco, Dodie or Ollie Dream Trip: Somewhere with a lot of alcohol and free top surgeries  Dream Job: I would love to be a photographer, a writer or an actor Current Job: Im a cashier  When Was This Blog Created: Around 2014 i think Current Number of Followers: 162 What Do You Post: lgbt+ stuff. Puns, photography and other stupid things Who Are Your Most Active Followers: For sure @bangebarn When Did Your Blog Reach its Peak: Never really i think hahaha What Made You Decide to Get a Tumblr: Two of my closest friends were always talking about it, so yeah.  Why Did You Chose Your URL: I was watching this Smosh video, and they said Hot potato, and i thought it sounded cool so i tried it out as a URL, but someone already took that, so i ended up with ultrahotpotato.  Do You Run Any Other Blogs: Naaah, not really haha What Are You Doing Tomorrow: Celebrating my birthday with the #fam (Im so sorry) Who I Tag: (I dont think i can do 20, but i can do some) @bangebarn @trashtilde @flowerpng @heggquius @timelesslemon And evryonelse who sees this and wants to do it
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