#Flo Bones rp
spiritguidead · 1 year
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indie Lucy Carlyle. Lockwood & co. 18+ only
exploring ghost hunting, biscuit rules, everyday life in a haunted city, guilt, fear, trauma and guiding spirits back to the other side.
Show based and book / headcanon inspired
Loved by Jan
icons by: @thinkingcloth (their work is so cool! Go and give them some support :)
[rules] - [personal file] - [verses] - [starters] - [memes]
(under construction)
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ashtoninbloom · 2 years
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i wanted to say thank you to everyone here at @hollywoodfamerp, for being endlessly inspiring and making this hobby of mine so much fun. i don’t wanna blabber too much, but seeing how much love and care everyone puts into their characters, ships and stories makes me want to be a better writer and roleplayer every day.
just wanna highlight a few people here as well that i’ve been lucky enough to write with and learn from.
@tay-hill ida, my nordic sister. i love you like toast loves butter. you’re so sweet and caring, not to mention creative as fuck. you’ve given me a few of my favourite rp friendships ever and seeing your muses on the dash makes me so happy.
@lilyjxmes alison, the emily to my calum. i don’t have words to say how much i love writing with you. you’re also such a beautiful person, always willing to plot and show love to everyone in the group.
@bellsxkhair maria ! the way you’re always willing to try anything and jump into whatever crazy plot i have in mind - i adore you. our ooc chats always make me laugh so much too. 
@margseliserobbie dee, you’re pure sunshine and you spread that around everywhere. you make the dash a little brighter every time you’re around.
@knightsawsten ro, you’re so unbelievably creative and funny to write with. i didn’t know much about awsten before but you’ve made me fall in love with him and the same goes with all of your other muses as well.
@emmack - lu, we’ve only just started really talking and you’re so incredibly sweet and kind, you blow me away! i can’t wait to see what’ll happen with nick and emma ad nick, it’s such a pleasure to write with you.
@dovescamrns s, thaaank you for countless hours of obsessing over 5SOS together. legit some of my fave conversations ever !
@tylrswfts ellie, wow. all of your muses blow me away and i’m in awe of your creativity. your ariana remains one of my fave muses to read on the dash and i always get so excited when i get to write with you.
@sxoiirses marie, you’ve given me some of my fave rp friendships of all time. from sersh and flo to timmy and flo, i adore writing with you and it always makes me smile like a clown. you’re so sweet and kind as well.
@joskriv bee, you’re genuinely one of the nicest people i’ve ever met in the world of roleplay. you don’t have a bad bone in you and you radiate kindness. i appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.
@glen-pcwell jb, the glen to my nick. i can’t even remember how many times i’ve hysterically cried with laughter as i write our interactions. you’re so goddamn funny and such an incredible writer.
@itsmadelyncline mar, thank you for checking up on me when i’ve needed it and thank you for so many awesome rp friendships as well.
@srahpaulsons j, i bow down to you. seriously. you’re an incredible writer. i can’t compliment you enough on your talent, kindness and creativity.
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cherryfinolahobbes · 3 years
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Prompt: ❝   oh,  i am one of the monsters.  but that just means i can keep all the other monsters from ever hurting you again. ❞
A/N: I love working on prompts and little mini scenes like this. This one is highly inspired by @doctorottooctavius and my RPs. I saw this prompt and it just screamed villain!Otto. I had to find a reason to use it. Enjoy!!
Warnings: OT3, M/M/F (honestly, very very hinted at, nothing overt, but I really want to write more with these three)
Credit: Cherry belongs to me. All characters belong to their corporate entities. This is just fangirl fun! Otto is heavily based off @doctorottooctavius interpretation of him
Tagging: @silvergryphon @diaryofawriter @kakashibabe02 @empressofthelibrary (if you would like to be tagged in my work, please let me know)
It was hell around them as the trio exploded from the rubble. Wong had done his best to keep the three protected from the crushing weight of the collapsed building but had a broken wrist for his troubles. He had at least managed a shield of some sort to give them a small capsule of space to work with. It was Octavius and his arms that saved them, digging and carrying them out to the surface. The air was cool and sweet as they clambered out of the rubble. Otto had them both held close to him as the actuators finally pulled them out and set Cherry and Wong on their feet. Otto emerged last once his companions were safe. Soot smudged the air from the explosion.
His actuators rattled like snakes, hissing and snapping at the air and Octavius's face was dark with intent. They tried to hurt them. His family. His new family. It would not stand. He would not tolerate it. Old black feelings pumped into his veins like a poison as he glared at the sky. He thought he had seen something familiar in the sky. Too small to be an aircraft…
"I will kill them," Octavius's voice came out low and guttural the actuators raised him above the smoldering rubble. "I will peel the flesh from their bones, I will make them suffer...I will /kill/ them,"
Wong stared in shock at the other man he'd gotten to know over the past several months. Someone he'd been slowly been moving past friendship with and moving into something more intimate. The Sorcerer was very aware of Otto's checkered past, but had never heard anything so malicious fall from the other's lips.
“You are not one of those monsters,” the small woman had cried out at the scientist’s rage. She stepped away from the wounded Wong. her brows knotted above her large blue eyes. Octavius turned to look at her as he hung there in the air like some old god on his metal arms.
Her fair skin was streaked with blood and concrete dust, a particularly nasty gash on her brow that left her dark hair matted and sticky to her head. It seemed sacrilegious to see her amongst the destruction. A broken flower in hell's circle.
❝ oh, i am one of the monsters. but that just means i can keep all the other monsters from ever hurting you again. ❞
He had lowered himself down just enough so he could cup her cheek in his dirty hand. Cherry pressed into his touch; a tear cutting a clean path of fair skin down her face. The four voices in his head were clamoring for blood. Beside Otto himself, they were most protective of the soft, small Cherry that had befriend them without question or fear.
Hurry, hurry or we will lose the trail, Father. Snap their bone and stab them through. Hurt for hurt. Hurry. Hurry. We must hurry, Father.
Otto was granted a vision from Flo, the sky with a filter for specialized smoke trails was bright behind his eyes, fed into his brain by his connection with the AIs. The trail from whatever craft he saw was quickly being smudge by the ever changing wind currents. He needed to go.
"Otto," Wong's voice caught him as the Sorcerer stepped forward, cradling his maimed arm close to his chest. "You come back to us," Wong was a warrior himself and he longed for his own pound of flesh for this injury to their family and his person, but a sorcerer with a maimed arm was a liability. There was also the protecting the most precious thing either man had and that was Cherry. "Do you hear me?" His voice was both an order and plea. The bond between the three strong and felt intensely in the aftermath.
The doctor inclined his head in quiet agreement, body hanging between his metal implements, sharing a last gaze at what he valued and craved most in this world. His past tragedies taught him that lesson. It wasn't his machine that regretted losing most. It was the death of his beloved Rosie. Octavius fully believed she lead him to this second chance, to these two souls that accepted him and helped him heal. He would not lose them as he lost her.
Never again.
Without a word, the actuators Octavius surged forward, cement crunching under claws as he climbed the side of a building and disappeared between skyscrapers.
Wong gestured shakily as the sound of sirens grew louder, opening a portal into the Sanctum Sanctorum. "Come on, Cherry. We need to go,"
The young woman stayed glued to her spot, looking at the space Octavius had been before finally shaking herself free. She padded over to Wong and he heard her murmur to no one as she slipped through the gateway.
"He isn't a monster,"
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(This is an RP done with @hectorswonkyfibula it goes me then him, and Altair is his chracter)
Seth was walking through the woods because it helped him relax. He knew the trail quite well, and knew that mostly cops, and people who were friends with his family walked the trail, but today it was only him on the trail. He was looking around admiring the beauty of nature and enjoyed the clean air.
thump! A growl. Damnit! I missed again! Altair thought angrily to himself. He always had trouble jumping into trees. Unluckily for him, he didn't notice the human walking nearby.
He looked over to where the noise was. "Hello? Are you alright?" The young boy was thinking that it was someone who was dressed in some kind of colorful outfit. "If you are hurt then I could go get help!" He was standing at the edge of the trail trying to see who or what had just fallen.
Altair's feathers flicked up in surprise hearing the small voice behind him. He turned to investigate, rising up to an unintentionally intimidating 8 feet... Only to look down at a small human child. why is this child so adorable and who let them be alone? The dinosaur thought to himself, deciding to adopt said human.(edited)
Seeing him stand up like that scared him. Seth then decided to do what his mind told him to do. Which was run and hide from the dinosaur. His heart was pounding as he then started to climb a tree as far up as he could hoping that the creature wouldn't be able to reach him up there. 
Wait, what??? He blinked before his mind caught up with him. Altair cocked his head in confusion as he watched the small being attempt to climb a tree. His brows furrowed in confusion, striding up to the tree and craning his neck in order to keep the child in his sights. "Wh... What are you doing, little one?" The reptile asked, giving voice to his bamboozled state.
He looked down clinging onto the tree still shaking from fear. "T-Trying not t-to be e-eaten by y-you..." He got out the terror obvious in his voice. He wasn't sure if the raptor could get to him or if he was safe so he began to climb up the tree some more  hoping to get out of his reach. Though the fact he could talk was some comfort to the young boy because that meant he might not eat him. 
That was... disconcerting. Did he look like he was trying to eat the small human above him? He wasn't trying to. "Uh... I'm not going to?" Altair's brows furrowed in further confusion. "You're sentient. Why would I eat you?" A beat. "Plus I've already eaten today, but that's not the point." He added as an afterthought.(edited)
"Then why did you stand up so suddenly and at such a big height?" He was enough that he felt safe and could talk to the other properly. "And you're a carnevor. Aren't you? If so then I'm made of meat. That's why you would eat me." Though the fact that he had already eaten was some comfort. He sat on a branch and watched the raptor, though there was something that did confuse him. "You're a raptor right?"
"Well you surprised me!" The dinosaur retorted. "And I'm actually on the shorter side for a Utahraptor, so I didn't realise I would be quite so big. Especially to a child." Altair was a little offended at the carnivore comment, though he tried not to let it show on his face too much, lest he frighten the little human more. "I'm not actually a carnivore... I'm an omnivore. I eat fruit too." The large raptor mumbled before continuing in a louder voice, "A-and we only eat prey that doesn't talk back to us! We don't... Kill mercilessly. Especially hatchlings like you."
Hearing that he was an omnivore the child nodded and began to climb back down. Once he was back on the ground he looked up at the raptor. He had a bag on him and he pulled off before opening it and looking through it. "Well, if you want we could have lunch together and finish walking this trail. And... I'm really sorry for calling you a carnivore." Seth looked at his feathers and got a little confused. "I didn't know dinosaurs had feathers." While he was much calmer he was still a little scared standing in front of a dinosaur.
Altair beamed at the small boy. "I appreciate the offer, but I feasted with my clan some hours earlier. Go ahead and eat!" He insisted before answering the question asked. "Well, some don't. But my kind do! And our cousins. Lots of two-legged dinosaurs do! Though.." He trailed off in thought, watching... What was his name anyway? Watching the child dig through the satchel that the large reptile hadn't noticed before. "Some use the feathers for flight, while we use them to feel pretty and to glide." Altair flicked, fluffed, and fluttered his mane of feathers as an example. 
He looked up when the raptor began to talk again. There was still some time before lunch and a good ways before the trail came to an end. So maybe the other would be hungry by the end of it. When the other showed off his feathers who looked in awe at how beautiful they were. "You're like a walking rainbow!" He excitedly exclaimed smiling. "Oh! We never introduced ourselves. My name's Seth. What's your name?" He was curious about the others name as well and kind of wanted to meet his clan if they were all like him. 
"Thank you!" The dinosaur exclaimed before doing what probably looked like an awkward bow-kick-step, showing the customary respect before peeking up at the ch- no. Seth. "My name is Altair of the Florid-Clutch of Clan Utah. At your service!"
He nodded his head smiling. "Alright. It's nice to meet you Altair of the Flo-rid-Clutch of Clan Utah." Seth wasn't sure if that was all just his first name or not so he just said everything Altair said. 
"Oh! Ha, you don't have to say all that. We only ever use our full titles when introducing ourselves to someone." Altair giggles. "I do appreciate your respect though!" 
"Oh. Alright." Then began to walk down the trail before turning to the other. "Are you coming or what?" He called to Altair smiling and waving.
"Oh!" He exclaimed shortly before extending his legs into an awkward lope in order to catch up to the little one. Who in hindsight was rather quick for his size. Mustn't lose hatchling Seth. He needs protection 
He began walking again once Altair caught up smiling. "I'm surprised you and your call have avoided detection for so long. How many of you are left?"
"Oh we're a plentiful clan! I'd say we have upwards of 250 individuals?" Altair pondered aloud, adding an afterthought, "Not counting the baby bones, that is. Though they're not very plentiful. Very difficult for Sirius to make. He used much of his magical energy on them, but they're beloved additions." Aaaaand he was rambling. Oops...
"Well, as long as you guys are making sure to eat cooked meat and drink clean and fresh water then there should be nothing to worry about." He didn't know about most of what the other was talking but it sounded kind of good.
Cooked meat? Uh oh.... Should he..? No, best not. Seth was still so young, it was preferred if Altair was not the one to ruin any innocence the hatchling had. Instead, he asked, "Why cooked meat, if I may ask? While we are omnivorous, that also implies we eat meat. Utahraptors could be like tigers, for all you know." The dinosaur jested
"Well, yeah, but you don't get diseases from plants. Unless you eat a poisonous one. Then you can get very sick or maybe even die. But cooking meat makes sure to kill off any parasites the animal may of had, and make sure to kill off bacteria that can make you very sick. That's why cooking it is a good idea. But you have to remove their skin before cooking them up." 
"Then why do other predators eat raw meat, fur and all? Don't they get diseases?" Altair knew nothing of this world he called his home away from home. Back with the clan, Sirius would just make up a quick potiolixer (term coined by said shaman of course) for any illness, injury, or ailment you came to him with.
"They probably don't know any better.  And I know that they usually get some kind of parasite." He told the other as they passed the halfway mark on the trail. "If you want we could stop here and rest for a bit. Also, if you'd like to see where I live you're welcome to come home with me. I'm sure mom wouldn't mind if you stayed over with us for tonight." 
The raptor had to concede to Seth's point. This universe sure was weird... "I'd be honoured to accompany you to your home! But..." Altair was apprehensive. "Won't my presence alarm your mother? Scare her even? I'd hate to make a bad first impression..." 
"What if we dressed you up as a giant chicken! I'm sure you could pass for a chicken." He was mostly joking of course. "If you just sit and don't suddenly stand at your full height I'm sure you won't scare her."
That could work... And he said as much. "Maybe it would also help if I had some fruit to munch on? So she sees I'm not a carnivore."
He nodded his head smiling. "We have plenty of fruit at home." He told him happily. "So, what is it like where you live?"
Fantastic! He hoped there were mangoes... "Oh my clan is based in a copse of large fallen trees at the bottom of a cliff. It's fantastic home! There's large flattish rocks to sun oneself on, a stream to bathe in and drink from that runs just outside the camp... Full of beautiful foliage that flowers into summer. We sleep in the hollowed out trunks of aforementioned fallen trees." 
"So, you guys don't have tools or anything like that?" He was starting to wonder if Altair was even from this world. "And do any of you look more human or do you all look like that?" 
"Well, Sirius uses tools. He's the shaman, so he kinda needs to. We don't have much of a need to use them for everyday things we can do ourselves!" Although... "Well, we do use them for tanning hides and the like. But we really don't need them every day. Why? Do you?" Humans are so weird... He nodded his head smiling. "All the time! I use pots and pans for cooking. Forks, spoons, and knives to help eat, plates and bowls to eat out of, and the fridge and freezer to help keep things fresh. And the oven for cooking." He said continuing to walk. "So, how did you and your clan keep from being wiped out millions of years ago?"
"Oh neat!" He had no idea what those things were... "We don't use any of those things. We normally don't keep anything, as we only ever hunt and gather enough food for the whole clan. But... As far as the wiping out goes... I don't believe I come from this universe... There's no such thing as a human where I come from. Just wildlife and more dinosaurs." 
"Oh...Then why didn't your looks evolve, and why didn't you guys make entire civilizations instead of having clans?" Seth always thought of evolution as a straight forward thing and thought that everything would evolve towards a similar path. 
Altair tilted his head in both thought and confusion. "Why would we? We're apex predators! The perfect killing machine! The only thing that's evolved is our teeth structure and our digestive system to be omnivorous, and our larynx, pharynx and our brains for speech and higher thinking." A beat. "Well, maybe our skin, too, to have the ability to grow fur and feathers. But really, us raptors are pretty perfect, if it's not too narcissistic to say!" He added with a trilled giggle. "But as far as the civilisations go, our clans are the best way to go, as in the past, before we evolved into... Well. This" He gestures to his furry self. "Us dinosaurs used to travel in herds by species. It just stuck. We all found it easier to fall into."
Most of what Altair said went over the young boys head, but he understood some of it. "Then what do you do for medicine? And what do you do for surgery? And what's stopping a smarter or stronger clan from attacking you guys and wiping you out? Do you have pets? And what about farming and keeping animals you eat close to you?" Seth was very confused and concerned. At least humans had laws and most them pretty similar, but what if you wanted to visit another clan, but their rules were completely different? He had so many questions about Altair's world and how it was different from his own. 
"Well..." Oy, Seth is a very inquisitive child, isn't he? Just how does one explain all the differences between universes? "Uhhh, medicine and surgeries are taken care of by Sirius, our shaman. And we don't... farm? animals. We like to keep things as close to natural balance as possible, so essentially we have specific hunting grounds that we rotate so we don't clear out the entire herd of prey." 
"So, if mom decided that we would be better off living with you guys, would you like to try cooked meat?" He understood it enough to know that he liked how Altair's world sounded compared to how his own world was going. And he wanted to see what it was like. That and he felt like his mother might like to meet the other raptors.
"That sounds... Interesting to say the least! I think I would like to try!" 
He smiled and eventually they reached the end of the trail. Seth sat down at one of the benches and took out a couple of apples and set one of them down for Altair. 
Altair smiled at how thoughtful Seth was. "Thank you, little one." He all but purred as the large raptor carefully took the fruit in his maw before crunching down thoughtfully. He hoped juices weren't getting everywhere... 
Seth ate his apple as well and chuckled watching him eat. "Hey Altair, do you think me and my mom could live with you? I know it would take a lot of adjustments, but I would really like it, and I think she would like it as well." 
Huh. That was.... An unexpected question. If said mother doesn't mind dinosaurs, then... "I don't see why not! We welcome outsiders pretty easily! I mean, Sirius was an outsider, and now look at him! The clan shaman, and resident necromancer!" Which was true. Sirius may be much smaller than the rest of the clan, but there was no doubt that the Pyroraptor was invaluable to the Clan.
Seth from finished his apple and hugged the raptor smiling. "Do you mind if I ride you home then?" He wanted to show the other his home, and feed him some meat. "Also, she might not since she fell in love with bat mommy."
"A bat mommy? What is this? And sure, hop on up." Altair asked, kneeling down so the small human could clamber up onto his back. 
Seth got on his back smiling. "You see that big tower in the distance? That's where we live with bat mommy! There's a few other bats there as well." 
"Oh okay! Head that way then?" The raptor asked as he started walking in said direction 
He nodded his head smiling. "Have you been in Metro City before? Because me and my mom has been here for a few months." 
Altair picked up his pace a little now he knew where to go before answering Seth. "I have! I have a friend named Bruce who lives there. He found me when I first came to this world! We build a pillow nest together..." he trailed off. "I've only been here for around 6 days though. I'm still searching for any family that may have landed here with me."
Seth gently nuzzled the dino with a small smile. "I'm sure you'll find them. And until then you'll have people who care about you. And I'm sure Bruce doesn't mind having you around." Seth continued to nuzzle him wondering if that was helping him.
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