#Fleur Dress Online
jujumin-translates · 2 months
[A3!] ★ Main Story | Act 14 - DREAM CATCHER | Episode 25 - Full-Power Advertising Campaign
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Izumi: (Opening day is finally this weekend, and the ticket sales are…)
Izumi: Hmm…
Izumi: (We’ve sold more since the last meeting, but things are still kind of iffy on the weekdays.)
Izumi: (It’s a little worrying that even with Tenma-kun’s popularity, we still haven’t sold out…)
Izumi: (There are more announcements for not only performances but also events and streaming too, so variance like this is inevitable.)
Izumi: (At this point, what we need is publicity. I’ll talk to Masumi-kun about this too.)
Izumi: (And since we’re aiming for the New Fleur Award, I’d like for us to get some more exposure on social media too--.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Ibuki: I sometimes post longer videos with legit editing ‘n stuff, but nowadays people like watching shorter videos and those ones do way better too.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: --.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kumon: Ah, there’s an article about our dress rehearsal!
Kazunari: Everyone works fast, as always~.
Yuki: The contents of the performance seems to have been generally well received.
Misumi: …It’s almost time to start, Gramps.
Muku: It’s nice that you can talk to Hakkaku-san whenever you want.
Misumi: Yeah!
Izumi: Do you have a sec, guys?
Tenma: What’s up?
Izumi: Sorry for this being so last minute, but I need you guys to film a promotional video in your costumes to post on social media.
Kazunari: Sure thing!
Kumon: What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?
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Muku: U-Umm, umm, how about some funny one-liners or something?
Kumon: What about impressions?
Misumi: We should do somersaults!
Tenma: And you think that’s gonna get us publicity? We should show off the highlights of the play or something.
Kazunari: The more movement, the more attention it’ll grab~.
Yuki: Then why don’t we do a reenactment digest showcase?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Yeah, that’s perfect! I’ll post it soon. Thanks, guys!
Misumi: You’re welcome~!
Izumi: I hope this’ll encourage more people to visit the theater, but… There’s still inevitably a lot of competition.
Kazunari: There’s been people advertising same-day tickets all over Veludo Way like every day lately~.
Kumon: Ah, then why don’t we--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: The opening day for “Water me!! ~The Promise of Year 333~” is today!
Muku: We’re MANKAI Company! Please support us!
Izumi: I never thought we’d be handing out flyers right before a performance…
Kumon: I think it’s a great alternative to how we usually warm up~!
Kazunari: Plus it’s nice that we stand out more ‘cause we’re wearing our costumes~.
Yuki: Remember, you break it, you buy it.
Kumon: We’ll be careful…!
Misumi: “Water me!! The Promise of Year 333~” is opening today~!
Passerby A: Oh, it’s starting today.
Passerby B: That reminds me, I just checked and totally forgot to get a ticket!
Passerby A: There are so many things I wanna see, it’s like I’ve gotta put together a puzzle to fit them all into my schedule.
Izumi: We’ve still got seats available on weekdays, so please considering get one for then! 
Passerby B: I’ll book one online right away--.
*Passerby B bumps into Misumi and flyers fall to the ground*
Passerby B: --Gh.
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Misumi: Are you okay~?
Passerby B: I’m so sorry, your flyers…! I’ll pick them up!
Muku: We can get them, so don’t worry about it.
Kazunari: Take care~.
Passerby B: I really am sorry! Do your best with your performance!
Kazunari: Thanksies~!
Misumi: Some flyers flew over there, so I’ll go pick them up~!
Izumi: Thanks, you go do that.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Paper rustles*
???: …A flyer?
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???: MANKAI Company…
Coffee Shop Owner: Ahh, good morning, Kureha-kun.
Coffee Shop Owner: I’m going shopping for a bit, so I’ll leave the shop to you. There aren’t any customers right now.
Kureha: Understood.
Coffee Shop Owner: Good luck.
*Coffee Shop Owner walks away*
Kureha: …?
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10 notes · View notes
apple-salad · 1 year
Mary Magdalene’s Faltetto/Farutetto Dress: Remnants of 2017
Mary Magdalene recently made a few sample and leftover stock items available for purchase on their website, and I was very, very lucky to be able to get not one, but both colours that I had been wanting for years. 
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In this post, I’d like to share some pretty pictures of these pieces (especially the “new” colours which we have seen so rarely), but also talk about a little bit of my history (and Mary Magdalene’s history) with these dresses. Because I feel like this little-known knowledge must be documented somewhere....
Companion posts: 2023 Faltetto unboxing+some details (mist and navy), initial worn post, petticoat/bustle post
Note: while this dress is most often known by the name of “Farutetto” due to this translation being used on Lolibrary, I will be calling it “Faltetto” since Mary Magdalene has translated it this way on their website.
Table of Contents
Prologue Rambles: Mary Magdalene (the brand)
Faltetto (2017)
Faltetto (2018/Le Panier event)
Le Panier/Fée d’une Fleur incident
Faltetto (2022)
Faltetto (2023/Samples)
Faltetto comparisons
Epilogue Rambles: Mary Magdalene’s Future
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Faltetto dress. This dress design was first released in 2011, with a rerelease in 2014 that included a new colour, amethyst (a purple). This was basically Mary Magdalene’s last good year, with no more original main piece designs being released since. I don’t think anyone knows for sure why Mary Magdalene dropped off after this, but common theories are factory issues or management issues. The brand has pretty much been on life support since, with demand outpacing a near-nonexistent supply.
Mary Magdalene has always been a small brand, with a very small number of each release being produced. Secondhand prices for many coveted items are incredibly high, making for an overall depressing outlook on the brand, and in similar ways classic lolita in general, which currently appears to have a much smaller number of wearers than the other two main substyles sweet and gothic.
Mary Magdalene is the brand that got me into lolita, and remains my favourite, beloved brand--and I think many others feel the same. It feels both rewarding and disheartening to obtain some items directly from the brand (a first for me). I have always tried to keep an eye on the brand’s activities since releases started dropping off, but as updates started dwindling to once a year, or sometimes once every two years, I don’t always stay on top of it.
Still, Mary Magdalene’s activities around 2017~2018 in China are largely unknown or misunderstood, so I hope writing about what I know may provide some knowledge to the community.
Finally, into the Faltetto content. The Faltetto dress was actually rereleased in 2017 at an event in Guangdong (I believe it was an anime/culture event with some Japanese lolita brand guests, but I can no longer remember the details). As far as I know, it was intended as an early reservation/MTO with a general reservation intended to be made available to the public shortly afterwards. Mary Lou OP was also available to reserve, with a few new colours. The general reservation did actually happen for this dress later in 2017, but Faltetto never did. Which is only the start of difficulties with this release...
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Promotional image of the event. I’m glad I saved this, because it doesn’t seem to be viewable on weibo anymore.
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Two new colours were introduced:「 枣红色」, or what would later become known as “maroon”; and 「雪灰色」”snow gray”, or what would also later be revealed to be “mist”. The maroon colourway was supposed to be an event limited colour, though I don’t know if this meant that it was originally intended to be only available for the event or maybe only available at the event + the online shop (it seemed like historically Mary Magdalene limited colourways were “online shop limited” or “online shop and KERA shop limited”, so it would be rare for a colour to not be available online)
I think a lot more people ordered the maroon colour vs. the mist, as I have seen the maroon a few times on xianyu since, but never the mist. Red is a lucky colour, so it makes sense. But I had always been in love with the mist. I came very close to reserving the mist through two levels of SS (CN SS talking to a event SS via xianyu), but the fees and conversion rate made me balk (I was quoted about $430 USD for everything but international shipping, which in retrospect was probably worth it to not live through the heartache. For reference, the event sell price was 2127 RMB), plus I thought that Mary Magdalene themselves would make the dress available sometime soon, so I never followed through. Terrible regret on that one.
The dresses were scheduled for shipment some time near the end of 2017, but production was slightly delayed into spring of 2018. I believe that the dresses didn’t necessarily ship out all at once, so some of the orders that were fulfilled later came with a free headdress.
The picture of the maroon headdress I have saved seems to be the Claudia Headdress with ivory side ribbons instead of red ones. The picture of the mist that I have saved seems to be totally different, with one single strip of lace (similar to Rose Cameo Headdress, except without the ruffles) used for the hairband part.
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This is a picture of my regular release Claudia headdress, which has red side ribbons (I am trying to avoid posting pictures that aren’t mine if I can). The lace matches that used for the free headdresses, although the included hairband was a very thin ribbon-covered wire band, not a plastic one.
A couple weibo users posted pictures of their mist, and knowing that the dress both exists and basically doesn’t gave me terrible heartache....I wouldn’t doubt if it gave you, the reader, terrible heartache too, since the numbers remain few. But I believe some hope out there exists that Mary Magdalene will have a larger reservation intake for these someday...
I later found the maroon secondhand on xianyu in 2018, and purchased it.
The dress has a few differences from my (probably older) other Faltettos. I’ve added a few comparison photos at the end of this post, as well as a few comparison pictures in my unboxing post.
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About halfway through 2018, a new lolita magazine, “Le Panier”, was released. A number of other lolita blogs have posts on the magazine, but the general concept was a more premium, artistic “high fashion” lolita magazine. The magazine was published in a Chinese and Japanese version. Mary Magdalene was featured in the magazine (which was a surprising and very rare thing to see), in just one page:
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Not the best picture of this page, but hopefully it’s readable. The dress is indicated as “Faltetto Dress 2018″. I also forgot that there were a number of coords in the magazine styled to each sister in “Little Women” (I wouldn’t say all of them hit the mark, but lolita works okay for Meg).
Midori Fukasawa wearing Faltetto in mist. The coord uses a brooch and tights from Mary Magdalene’s personal collection seen in a number of their other stock photos. The blouse is Faltetto Blouse, bonnet is Bisque Doll Bonnet and the shoes are Lace-up Ribbon Strap Shoes. While I think Mary Magdalene’s intentions here are genuine, the description just feels like betrayal.
2017年にイベントで先行発売。 人気を呼んだファルテットドレスのミストカラーが、 ついに一般でも発売に。
This page is, I think, proof enough that Mary Magdalene definitely intended to open a general reservation for Faltetto at the time. Along with the publication of the first volume of the magazine, Le Panier announced and held a large tea party in Shanghai, featuring many Japanese brands as guests (including Mary Magdalene, Metamorphose, Victorian Maiden, Juliette et Justine...), as well as touting exclusive items and reservations. And this was the start of the problems...
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It’s hard to not bring up Le Panier without also mentioning the Juliette et Justine Fée d’Une Fleur incident. This is in fact also relevant to me, as I preordered that dress💧
I can’t remember all the information regarding the incident, but to keep things hopefully brief, it boils down to the dress not being what was promised. 
Fée d’une fleur is quite a coveted dress in China (and it is incredibly rare, being from 2008, I believe was made to order by reservations, and also was expensive for the time), and it sounds like lolitas had been requesting JetJ to rerelease it for some time. Soupir d’ange had been released a few years prior with similar design elements, but was not the same (notably, the skirt “petals” are not placed and do not drape in the same lovely way). It seemed unlikely that the original would ever be rereleased because apparently the original pattern had been lost, and manufacture would be incredibly costly.
So when Le Panier announced that JetJ would be taking exclusive reservations for the Fée d’une Fleur, Chinese lolitas were incredibly excited. The original  Fée d’une fleur stock image was used in Le Panier’s announcement post.
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Among this, reservations for Faltetto were presented for two new colourways:
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Navy and a lilac (I do not know the official colour name, but one Chinese poster called it “light purple”. And yes, the provided photo quality was extremely bad).
The price for Fée d’une fleur was significantly higher than previous (original price: 37800 JPY, le panier price: 4600 RMB [converts to about 77400 yen at the time]), which I think bothered people, but the bigger problem appeared at the event...
The sample Fée d’une fleur looked nothing like the original that was promised. 
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The sample dress can be seen in the background of this catwalk picture.
The colours and drape were just off. The response was so bad that Le Panier had the designer of Juliette et Justine come up and promise that it will be exactly like the original. But few seemed to be convinced.
I ended up going ahead with the preorder anyway, because I had already paid my SS. I didn’t mind the differences as long as the colour was corrected on the final product. Juliette et Justine ended up releasing reservations for this “Fée d’une Fleur 2018″ to the general public, with a "lavender pink” colorway as well.
By the way, the price on JetJ’s website for this was ¥68000 without tax (¥73440 with tax, which I think was 8% at the time). Le Panier later did also give those who reserved a discount of I think 300 RMB off the original list price because of the price difference (I can no longer remember exactly how much, it was maybe 300-400 RMB).
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There were two blue colorways released. The one on the right, “sax blue” was the one shipped to Le Panier reservees and was labeled on the site as the colour of the original, while the one of the left, “mint” reminds me more of the sample...I wonder if it was meant to evoke the original 2008 dress better with a more pronounced difference between colorations (it still feels off, though)
Le Panier reservations received a few extra gifts: a matching floral brooch-clip (with small JetJ charm) and some Le Panier gifts (I chose the JetJ rabbit tote, which I believe was a gift available for a small additional fee with the Chinese release of the magazine, and washi tape selection). I also think the Le Panier reservations shipped first, but that’s whatever. I almost would have preferred the lower JPY converted price without SS fees and getting points from JetJ’s site, but the brooch is nice with the dress, I guess, and the dress itself turned out okay as long as you knew what you were signing up for (the stock photos of this 2018 release were accurate to what was shipped).
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To this day I’ve never used the tote. I think it says Le Panier on it.
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Closer look at the washi tape and the back of the brooch with JetJ charm. Le Panier made (I think) 3 types of washi tape with 3 different brands, and I think I was randomly given this JetJ one. No idea why we weren’t able to get all 3, but whatever.
The final dress still has some shortcuts taken like a few tulle/mesh petal panels instead of all chiffon, and the length is also very long (ankle length on me, vs mid calf for the original). Also, the petal placement is still wrong (closer to soupir d’ange), but it looks okay if you don’t think about it too hard.
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My old fairy coord (from 2018) with Fée d’une Fleur 2018.
And now, back to Faltetto again...
Mary Magdalene designer Rieko Tanaka herself attended the event, which was nice to see. A booth was set up with a few stock items (notably Aria Fleur, which went on sale on the Mary Magdalene website in 2022. At that time, a few of the OP variations were sold out, so I can only assume they sold out here. Other pieces for sale were a single Copine Georgette JSK in pink, and a preview of the rerelease of Arabesque Rose).
Price for the navy or lilac Faltetto was 2000 RMB, plus shipping fees from Japan. Depending on the ticket level purchased, 2 or 1 piece per colour could be reserved (I think the might have later been increased to 3?). Apparently, these colours were supposed to be limited to the Le Panier event.
A sample version of the lilac Faltetto was on display, and the navy was shown during the fashion show. 
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The bodice lace on this faltetto is the same as mine! I think the navy sample sold in 2023 is likely be the very same as this one presented in 2018.
I am unsure if I should upload a photo of the lilac here as I think the photos I saved were posted by individual participants of the event, but I’ll consider it if someone would really like to see it (the colour is quite similar to the grainy stock above).
I wonder now why Mary Magdalene didn’t post the sample of the lilac for sale along with all the other faltetto samples, but it may be because the lilac was missing the lace/braid at the front (for the event, the detachable bows were placed there to make the area less lacking).
I am quite fond of navy colourways, so upon hearing that a navy faltetto was something that was going to exist, I searched for an SS for it (I think I used Chinese Lolita Updates because I didn’t want to use two levels of SS), paid the deposit, and waited.
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It looks like this particular attendee/SS reserved the maximum of 3 dresses for VIP ticketholders.
I can’t remember if the dresses had an estimated ship date, but they’ll ship when they’re ready...
After much silence, in 2019, about a year exactly since the event, Le Panier announced that Mary Magdalene would not be able to produce the dresses, and everyone would be refunded. Mary Magdalene posted an informational notice on their website, which had an unfortunate translation error:
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This follow up was added later:
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I’m surprised that it doesn’t seem to be common knowledge what the “gift” that Mary Magdalene gave to people who reserved, but it is very minor--a small Mary Magdalene logo mirror.
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I had to ask my SS to ship this to me, actually, as I think they deemed it too minor to bother spending the money to ship (shipping ended up being fairly cheap because the item was so small and light, though). It sounded like they were going to throw it away if I had not asked!
Le Panier also mentioned that they would give an extra gift and 100 RMB voucher, but I can’t remember what that was and/or if I ever used the voucher. Probably not, since all the things Le Panier sold were a bit expensive (imagine brand new Japanese brand retail prices plus SS fees, and then conversion... much easier to just buy directly from Japan)
Anyways, this whole thing just... sucked, really. Le Panier seemed to have dragged multiple brands’ names through the mud (I will not talk about it here, but there is the infamous VM Classical Doll incident as well), had a track record of numerous other hiccups and operational issues at their events/booths/sales, and overall was losing Chinese lolitas’ trust very quickly.
I should note that Mary Magdalene had attended another Chinese event some time in 2018 where they took reservations for a rerelease of Perfume Bottle, but production of that also failed with much silence from the brand (there was even going to be a new dark purple colourway). It’s very strange that the 2017 Faltettos were able to be manufactured, whilst planned pieces from 2018 weren’t, but I think these two incidents mean that the factory problems are real.
Later in 2018 Le Panier also took reservations for the rerelease of Arabesque Rose that was previewed at the event. These were in fact manufactured and shipped successfully around 2019 (+ I believe the Le Panier reservations came with a free headbow), and extra stock was uploaded to the Mary Magdalene website in 2022 as “Arabesque Rose Midi Dress”. The fabric used was identical to the original, with fewer colourways (caramel, iris and navy--no offwhite), no rose lace at the bottom, no shirring/less corset lacing loops, and slightly wider (weirder in my opinion) bows. While I am happy these were in fact produced, the rerelease looks like a sad shadow of the original, and the long bows with skinny, tight middles look like replicas (why is this type of bow so common on replicas? Not cute, in my opinion).
Le Panier continued to (attempt to) sell a few extra Mary Magdalene items on their website, but their bad reputation along with interest in Mary Magdalene being quite scarce at the time meant that selling the stock took a little while.
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Le Panier’s original shop URL no longer functions, but they remain modestly active on Weibo. Le Panier volume 2 was published in late 2019, including a small report of the 2018 event, and there hasn’t been any more publications since. Perhaps Le Panier was started by a well-meaning lolita enthusiast who was a bit too ambitious and wasn’t able to manage their brand and event well. Or, perhaps it was a poorly executed plan to make a profit off of Chinese lolitas involving convincing Japanese brands to overpromise exclusive items and reservations, as well as resell Japanese lolita goods...potentially run by someone who doesn’t fully understand lolita/lolitas. 
After this, Mary Magdalene went silent for a while...and maybe I don’t blame them after all these Chinese events kind of exploded on them. It’s a little disappointing how much attention and exclusivity was turned to China during this time (I was seriously mourning that Mist had turned into a “2017 China event reservation only exclusive”), but most everyone came out empty handed, so was it really that exclusive in the end...?
Mary Magdalene saw a small return to activity in 2020, with a rerelease of the Génoise coat. But, after that...silence...for 2 years.
In 2022, Faltetto in maroon was uploaded, plus a few in stock items which appeared to be leftovers or extras from Le Panier (Aria Fleur and Arabesque Rose as mentioned earlier; plus the Arabesque headbow in offwhite only which I feel like was just extra unsold stock from 2014, and some small number of perle lace bolero which MM stated explicitly that was just old stock from the original 2016 release).
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This release of Faltetto was particularly interesting, as the listing stated:
Google translate: This sale is a special version that is consistently produced by one craftsman unlike normal mass production.
(the second portion apologizes that the price has been raised due to rising production costs, but the price difference is 30000 yen (excl. tax) vs the original 26800 yen (excl. tax), which is hardly egregious)
So, this release is not mass produced and should be quality controlled very carefully. How nice, I thought.
Although I already owned a maroon faltetto, I put in an order request through Mary Magdalene’s overseas form anyways, in the slim chance that the dress wouldn’t sell out before Mary Magdalene processed my order, and so I could perhaps compare a mass produced vs. non mass produced faltetto.
Unfortunately, the dress sold out shortly afterwards. And I received this response:
この度はご注文頂き有難うございます。 大変申し訳御座いませんが、現在、「ファルテットドレス(マルーン)」の在庫は御座いません。 今後、受注生産にて再販を予定しております。その際は優先的にご案内させて頂きます。 (また、今回キャンセルが発生した場合もご連絡させて頂きます) この度はご希望に添える事が出来ず大変申し訳御座いません。 何かご不明な点等御座いましたら、お気軽にご連絡下さいませ。 それでは、失礼致します。
Disappointing, but at least this reiterates that Mary Magdalene has an intention to have a general release/MTO of faltetto. (But it hasn’t happened...yet...)
I heard that the quality of this faltetto is good and “Mary Magdalene quality”, but I have never seen it in person. I will note that I don’t have any issues with my 2017 faltetto (aside from the fabric choice being a bit thin) and I’m not sure what would be considered “better quality” or more “individual craftman-like” than a normal faltetto.
All other items on the website sold out quickly, as expected.
And then silence again...until now. Almost a year exactly after the last update. Like before, the update came suddenly and without warning, simply mentioning that a few leftover stock/sample/B items were going to be added the next day between noon and evening (what a big help!...though, I think this was intentionally vague so that the website wouldn’t crash with condensed traffic at a scheduled time)
Special thanks to rabbitreverie to letting me know about this update. I had kind of lost hope by this point and was not checking the site regularly. We were both refreshing all night! The site update came suddenly, with some sample items already being sold out by the time I saw the update (and I think I was quite on the ball, too...). What an odd treasure trove of an update, though...I imagine the sample items were only one (and potentially one of a kind).
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(In some ways, I’m just glad with this update that we finally get a better quality stock photo of mist. You don’t want to know what blurry, artifact riddled pictures I’d been gazing at before this.)
A Faltetto “2017″ was available! In maroon and mist. This lines up with the 2017 guangdong event, with likely the same product number (my maroon faltetto did not come with tags to confirm, sadly). Mary Magdalene must have made a few extra pieces of stock that they never got around to selling...maybe? It’s impossible to know how many pieces were available.
Everything on the website sold out in about 5 minutes or less, which is impressive considering there couldn’t have been many people who knew about the update. But there was also very, very little stock.
Sample Faltetto dresses were also available in a separate listing (Mary Magdalene labels the second section, mostly older items, “outlet”, with discounted prices to match the sample or flawed status of the items. But why is it cheap when people would definitely pay more?? I suppose it is the principle of the matter...).
Peacock, Amethyst, Maroon, and Navy (!) are all available as sample versions. From the provided pictures, it looks like Amethyst and Maroon are a bit more saturated than the released versions.
Of course I go for the mist and navy, given my history with the colours...and somehow I manage to check out with both of them whilst fumbling around trying to enter my information.
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A few weeks later, I have them in my hands! It’s a bit of an emotional moment for me since Mist had been on my “dream dress but impossible” list since it was announced.
Given that this post is already getting so long and superfluous, I have the unboxing and detail pictures in another post.
And here is probably the most interesting part, the comparison pictures:
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I have 5 Faltettos now... which is quite a lot...
Overall the dresses I own are quite similar, aside from the navy having some obvious differences due to being a sample, and the >2017 dresses having their skirt tier lace gathered with the main fabric. Note that I obviously have not laid these out in chronological release order, it just looked aesthetically pleasing in this arrangement.
I used to own a different version of the ecru faltetto, which I believe may have been an older release, and that one definitely had some more prominent differences (such as placement of the chest lace being a tiny bit lower, with the first row of embroidered dots clearly visible [like the stock photos], and the bustle loop being sewn on the same edge as opposed to being a strip folded in half [it’s hard to explain]). Thus, my brain wants to tell me that the pink and ecru faltettos I have may be from 2014, a little more on the recent side.
Anyways, I won’t comment much on the following photos since there isn’t much to say anyway (except 5 of the same dress as eye candy!)
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Bodice details--always the same lace, although the colour might vary a bit between dye lots/releases
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The gathered (or not) lace at the skirt.
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The braid used also seems to be quite consistent.
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If you look closely, the second row of stitching securing the braid down can vary a little between releases. Also, the navy has clear buttons instead of same-colour buttons, which is as expected.
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They all look pretty similar from the back.
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I tried to make the bustle loops of each dress visible in this photo. The way they are sewn is pretty consistent across the faltettos here that I currently own. I didn’t have the heart to untie the navy ribbon ties that had come pre-tied! But I imagine they’re about the same as all the others (the ecru is wrinkly because I had it tied up while I stored it)
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While finishing up my photos, I pondered what other areas of difference might be of interest. So here’s a picture of all the linings. The mist and maroon are pretty consistent with each other, which makes sense since they are from the same year. Navy has the least nice lining (also makes sense as a sample), with pink having a satin lining similar to the others, and ecru having a thinner but potentially still satiny lining (It’s hard for me to tell looking at this photo because the dress is so wrinkled from storage)
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The inner tags are also not of much interest, but dresses released in 2017 and onwards have the country of manufacture specified (Japan). It’s pretty unusual for Mary Magdalene to list where their clothes were manufactured, but it can be found on the occasional piece. While I don’t own enough modern pieces to know for sure, I have a feeling that all of their newer pieces from 2017 have the country listed.
The older dresses (in my case, pink and ecru) have a tag like above, with no country of manufacture (qnd no extra button attached). The navy has no washing tag at all--again, likely because it is a sample.
These were all the photos I thought worth taking--the interior of the dresses seemed to be quite similar when I checked them. Although, I did notice that the navy had the skirt seams pressed open, whereas all the rest have the seams pressed to one side. It makes very little to no difference to how the seam looks from the outside, so I’m not sure why it is like that (maybe a minor difference in pressing decision in a mass manufactured factory environment?)
So, now that Mary Magdalene has updated their website, what does this mean for the brand?
One depressing conclusion could be that they were clearing out stock of whatever they had left in the office, and will close soon...
But I am hopeful. Or choosing to remain hopeful, in any case. It has been over 5 years now since a rerelease of Faltetto was planned and promised, which is so long that it’s easy to conclude that those plans are dead. But...why would Mary Magdalene sell the one of a kind navy sample, the colour that was sold to way more than just one person, and cancelled on more than one person? And mist... that colourway was in a magazine, expressing to thousands of readers that they will be able to order it someday. It’s too unfair to only have some 5-10 mist and 1 navy in the world, especially with how constantly apologetic Mary Magdalene’s site messages are (heck, the “add to cart” buttons broke/displayed incorrectly after the update and MM added an apology message about that). So... could Mary Magdalene be clearing out Faltettos in preparation for a larger release of navy, maroon, mist, among others? Everyone who wants these unique colourways deserves to own them if they want, and we need more Mary Magdalene pieces in the world. I hope that a larger release of main pieces from Mary Magdalene is coming...
(note: since initially drafting this, Mary Magdalene opened up reservations for another release of Génoise coat. So, I’m hopeful, but it’s not a dress yet!)
Other notes:
I recommend Tamie’s video about Mary Magdalene for a little bit of further information and a different account. Complaints and problems with LePanier actually are more numerous than just the issues that Tamie brought up (which sounds ridiculous considering how many were mentioned), but I won’t talk about them here, especially because LePanier’s presence seems to have almost disappeared.
I do not know Chinese, so my information is limited. If there are any Chinese lolitas that know more or have read more detailed posts from the Chinese communities, please let me know anytime!
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 25: Full Power Ad Campaign
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Izumi: (The performance is finally opening this weekend, but ticket sales are…)
Izumi: Uhhh…
Izumi: (They’ve increased since our last meeting, but weekdays are still are over the place.)
Izumi: (It’s honestly kinda scary that we can’t sell out, even with Tenma-kun’s clout…)
Izumi: There has been an increase not only in announcements for performances, but also special events, and when you add streaming into the mix, there’s no avoiding dispersion.
Izumi: (Since it’s come to this, we’ll definitely need an advertising campaign… I should consult Masumi-kun as well.)
Izumi: (I’d also like to increase our social media exposure for the New Fleur Award–)
[Flashback starts]
Ibuki: Sometimes I take long videos, edit them and upload them, but nowadays, most people mindlessly scroll through short videos, so they’re all hits.
[Flashback ends]
Izumi: — —
Kumon: Ah, there’s an article about the dress rehearsal!
Kazunari: Everyone got the job done as fast as always~
Yuki: Looks like it’s mostly well-received.
Misumi: … Grandpa, it’s almost time.
Muku: It must be nice to be able to talk to Hakkaku-san any time you want.
Misumi: Yup!
Izumi: Everyone, could I have some of your time?
Tenma: What’s up?
Izumi: I know this is very last minute, but I’d like for you to shoot a promotional video wearing your costumes.
Kazunari: Alrighties!
Kumon: What’re we doing? What’re we doing?
Muku: Uh, ummm, uhhh, some kind of one-shot?
Kumon: Imitation?
Misumi: Somersaults!
Tenma: Would that even count as advertising? It’d be better as a highlight.
Kazunari: More people are gonna want to look if there’s movement~
Yuki: Then how about a highlight digest?
Izumi: Yeah, this is perfect! I’ll upload it ASAP. Thanks, you guys!
Misumi: You’re welcome~!
Izumi: I hope this will get more people to come to watch… But there sure is a lot of competition.
Kazunari: Everyone’s been promoing all over Veludo Way lately~
Kumon: Ah, then–
Tenma: The opening performance for “Water me!! ~The 333-Year Promise~” is today!
Muku: We’re from MANKAI Company! Thank you very much!
Izumi: Never thought we’d be handing out flyers right before the performance…
Kumon: I thought it’d be a good warm up!
Kazunari: And we stand out since we’re wearing our costumes~
Yuki: If they get dirty, you’ll be cleaning them up yourselves.
Kumon: We’ll be careful…!
Misumi: “Water me!! ~The 333-Year Promise~” begins today~!
Passerby A: Ohhh, this starts today.
Passerby B: Oh, I checked it out, but forgot to buy a ticket!
Passerby A: There’s so many I want to see lately, making plans is like trying to make puzzle pieces fit.
Izumi: There are still available seats for weekdays, so feel free to buy a ticket!
Passerby B: I’m making a reservation online as we speeeaak—
Passerby B: —*gasp*
Misumi: Are you okay~?
Passerby B: The flyers…! I’m so sorry, I’ll pick them up!
Muku: It’s okay, we’ll gather them all.
Kazunari: Be careful~
Passerby: I’m really so sorry! Good luck at your performance!
Kazunari: Thankieees~!
Misumi: I’ll go pick up the flyers that went that way~!
Izumi: Thanks, I’ll leave it to you.
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???: … A flyer?
???: MANKAI Company…
Café owner: Ah, good morning, Kureha-kun.
Café owner: I have to go shopping real quick, so can I leave the shop to you? We don’t have any customers at the moment.
Kureha: Alright.
Café owner: I’m counting on you.
Kureha: …?
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
⚜ 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕎𝕙𝕠 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 - ℂ𝕙. 𝕀𝕍: 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕤 ⚜
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚ ✧.*★ Thank you to @evren-sadwrn for the beta read!
Summary: After dealing with his father and with Santino, Vincent takes out his frustrations by fighting a fencing match in the midday heat.
TW: emotional abuse, arguing between boyfriends, what could be interpreted as SH via recklessness
Author's Note: I don't do fencing so I did the best I could to describe the match based on what I read online.
Vincent apologized, of course, because that was what he always did at home (and refused vehemently to do anywhere else). Things twisted around behind themselves, until he was the one who had to apologize. It wasn’t about believing that he was in the wrong, but about seeing that his father’s will had won out over his own, that he was too weak to dominate the narrative…and by extension, that the victor was strong enough to do so. And so, it was with a kind of dazed admiration that he came into his father’s study the next morning, dressed in a stunning blue suit, having barely slept. Vincent told him how sorry he was for everything, and thanked him, for telling him the truth. He even agreed to stay for a few more days before going back to Rome. In exchange, all was forgiven. Àlderic was just…so…happy that he’d come around.
He came out of the study feeling violated but relieved at the same time. This was all as it should be. His father might be a bastard, but he was a great man, a person of true nobility who Vincent admired so much. The world made sense again.
All of it except the rose petal pressed between the pages of Les Fleur du Mal on his bedside table, with a lamp on top for extra weight.
For some reason, that rose petal made something twist in his stomach every time he remembered bowing down to his father. It made him hope, in the stupidest, most reckless way, that someone might see him at his lowest and not try to make him apologize. It made him want to do something brazen, to run away, to get even. It was going to be a problem, that petal. But he couldn’t bring himself to throw it out.
He didn’t go to see Chidi, not right away. In fact, he avoided him, keeping to his bedroom and his own study on the second floor. Fortunately, there were matters keep him busy, now that he had been away for two days longer than intended, and would be gone for several more. He needed to call Gianna and explain that…that…what had happened, exactly? Whatever it was, it seemed unspeakably humiliating.
He paced nervously towards the window overlooking the gardens while the phone rang. “Ah Vincent, che bello sentirti. La Francia ti ha trattato così bene che ci hai dimenticato? [Ah Vincent, how good to hear from you. Did France treat you so well that you’ve forgotten us?]”
Immediately, an out. Gianna was always a diplomat, and he appreciated her for that. “Non potrei mai dimenticare. Ma sicuramente sai quanto il ritorno a casa possa assorbire una persona. C'è così tanto di cui occuparsi, dopo essere stato lontano. Semplicemente non ne hanno mai abbastanza di me qui. [I could never forget. But surely you know how homecomings can absorb a person. There is so much to attend to, after being away. They simply can’t get enough of me here.]” And, off to such an amicable start, the conversation went smoothly. The contract he was overseeing continued to advance as planned. He’d have to make a few more phone calls to arrange for arms provisions, and all would be in order.
She did not mind that he’d be away during the night of the job, so long as the assassin he’d selected made no errors. “Il rischio spetta a te, conte. [The risk is yours to take, Comte.]” She had really come to trust his judgement over the course of her patronage. At least someone did. Vincent assured her that he had full confidence in his assassin, and that was that. “Eccellente. Quando hai fiducia nella tua gente, tanto quanto in te stesso, allora hai il vantaggio di trovarti in più di un posto contemporaneamente. Non posso certo darti torto per questo. [Excellent. When you have faith in your people, as much as yourself, then you have the advantage of being in more than one place at once. I can hardly fault you for that.]” He could almost see her smiling at her bodyguard as she spoke. Gianna had the good sense to surround herself with those who had her complete faith…though perhaps that wasn’t always warranted.
In the middle of the call to the arms dealer, Santino rang. “Cosa sta succedendo, amore? Mia sorella mi ha appena detto che sarai via per altri quattro giorni. [What’s happening, love? My sister just told me you’re gone for another four days.]”
Vincent bristled at the nickname, “amore”. It was too personal, too extreme. “Ha fatto lei? [Did she?]” That was quick. “Bene, è vero. [Well, that’s right.]”
“Vincent, perché lo fai? Rimasi nella tenuta un'altra settimana solo per poterla trascorrere insieme prima di tornare a New York. E ora te ne sei andato e non posso spiegarle perché sono qui. Io sono...  [Vincent, why are you doing this? I stayed in the estate another week just so we could spend it together before I go back to New York. And now you’re gone and I can’t explain to her why I’m here. I’m…]” His voice wavered. “Mi manchi. Sai, passi a malapena del tempo con me. [I miss you. You know, you barely spend time with me.]”
He laughed, enjoying the whining. This was the way he liked Santino. It was kind of cute, until it got annoying. And it would make him feel wanted, if he thought it was about him at all. But the truth was, Santino was just clingy in general. “Dovrai restare un'altra settimana se vuoi così tanto vedermi. [You’ll just have to stay another week if you want to see me so badly.]”
“Non hai risposto alla mia domanda. Perché stai facendo questo a me? [You didn’t answer my question. Why are you doing this to me?]”
He hesitated, almost tempted to tell him the truth. He felt so desperate to vent. “Non sai cosa sopporto. Non sono in vacanza qui, ho la mia parte di problemi che mi tengono impegnato. Non tutto riguarda te. [You don’t know what I put up with. I’m not on vacation out here, I have my share of problems that are tying me up. Not everything is about you.]” It was as close to honesty as he could get, and it still came out far more biting than he’d intended.
“Oh, non tutto riguarda me? No, niente riguarda mai me con te! Sei senza cuore. Sono felice che tu stia passando un brutto momento, se è vero. [Oh, not everything is about me? No, nothing is ever about me with you! You’re heartless. I’m glad you’re having a bad time, if that’s even true.]” Of course. Why did he try for honesty in the first place? There was no point with Santino. Hurt sunk into his chest, at his own foolishness. But at least Santino sounded tearful on the other end of the line, and that was exactly what the Comte needed right now. To be the one holding the strings. His boyfriend was still talking. “Sii onesto con me, ti prego... hai qualcuno in Francia? [Be honest with me, I’m begging you…Do you have someone in France?]” He almost laughed at that. So that was why Santino was being so dramatic. But…did he have someone? His eyes were fixed on the fountain below, pale and sparkling in the noonday sun.
“Se lo facessi, non sarebbero affari tuoi. Lo sai. Ne abbiamo parlato, Santi. [If I did, it would be none of your business. You know that. We’ve talked about this, Santi.]”
“E se volessi qualcosa di più? Cosa poi? [And what if I want something more? What then?]”
“Allora ti stai rischiando grosso! Non diventare avido, caro. Soprattutto per cose che non meriti. [Then you’d be on very thin ice! Don’t get greedy, mon cher. Especially for things you don’t deserve.]” He hung up. Where did that come from? That was hardly in line with his efforts to win Santino’s loyalty. But he’d enjoyed it. His heart was still racing from the thrill of putting someone down like that. The phone rang again but he just left it on the desk and took long strides down the hall until he couldn’t hear it anymore. Before he knew it, he was down the grand staircase, and then out the double doors, blinking in the sudden rush of daylight, and then – face to face with Chidi.
His feet had taken him to this man against his very will, as if by instinct. How irritating.
Chidi’s eyes were riveted to him, but his face was completely impassable. “Monsieur?”
“…Je souhaite pratiquer l'escrime. Nous allons disparaître. Ici, sur le perron. […I wish to practice fencing. We will spar. Here, on the perron.]”
Chidi had watched him at fencing practice in the past, often with a guest. But they had never challenged one another before. It would be downright improper for Chidi to challenge him, and odd for the Comte to challenge his subordinate, but who would tell Vincent no?
Chidi glanced behind him at the empty stretch of stone sprawling out above the palace steps, almost bleached by the sun. “Dehors, monsieur ? La chaleur ne sera-t-elle pas dangereuse pour vous ? [Outside, sir? Won’t the heat be dangerous for you?]”
“N'ai-je pas été clair ? [Was I unclear?]”
“Pas du tout, monsieur. Je vais chercher votre épée et votre uniforme. [Not at all, sir. I will get your sword and uniform.]” He bowed deeply.
Within less than a quarter of an hour, they were facing each other en garde, having agreed to play a bout for five hits. Vincent was all in white with the dark, alien hemisphere of a mask closed securely over his face. Chidi, who had no such uniform on hand, wore an ill-fitting fencing suit intended for guests, and no mask at all. Somehow, he looked brutishly handsome even in that makeshift uniform, as if he had no need for armor. It was probably true, Vincent thought, though he’d put it to the test. A servant played director of the match, and a small crowd gathered to lean against the wall, watching from the shade.
It really was devastatingly hot – he was sweating and he hadn’t even moved yet. But it only fueled the reckless, stubborn mood that had overtaken him. If he couldn’t tell Chidi what he was feeling, he’d show him.
“Allez!” They arced towards each other, Vincent smooth and catlike, and Chidi a pointed battering ram. Vincent found him to be more agile than he looked. He had a way of leaping backwards to dodge while barely changing stance at all. But that meant that the core of his body always stayed in place, and Vincent landed the first hit straight above his heart without difficulty.
The second was harder. Chidi was already learning him, advancing with less fear in the midst of Vincent’s swing. He was grinning with such a cocky confidence, a kind of playfulness that most people did not dare display when challenging the Comte. They clashed metal to metal multiple times and each one sent a jolt back through his shoulder, a visceral reminder of Chidi’s power. The Comte settled for a hit on one of those massive biceps and stumbled back to the starting line, winded. Through the black mesh, he could see Chidi looking at him with concern. He shook himself into a readied posture before Chidi could do anything stupid like call for a time out, grateful that no one could see the sweat dripping down his brow.
He wasn’t going to score the third one. He could feel it. A pool of dread settled at the base of his stomach long before the tip of Chidi’s blade struck the same spot. By the way he froze, Chidi must know he was glaring.
After that, he wasn’t playing around anymore. He became lithe, manipulative, always leading his opponent to believe he was planning to strike from the left when he meant to come from the right. He was getting really out of breath, his muscles seeming to melt in the heat. But he mentally kicked at his own body from the inside out until it did what he wanted. It was only too late that he realized he had exhausted himself. And maybe it was on purpose, he realized, when Chidi’s sword came down against the side of his neck, above the collarbone, with such force that he staggered. See what they’ve done to me, he was saying. See how angry I am. See how hard I try and still they exhaust me. I can’t take this anymore, Chidi. Do you care? Does anyone care? An image went through his head, of Chidi pinning him down, crushing this screaming sorrow out of his body, a hand on the back of his neck…
He was trembling on the way back to the starting line and that could not be hidden by the mask. They were two to two, with the last hit deciding all. He fought himself steady and as soon as the signal came, he set at Chidi with everything he had, a last push of total abandon. Help me. See me. Damn it, please, you are my only chance at this point… He didn’t know what he wanted, but whatever it was, he didn’t just want it, he needed it. Lost in a haze of heat and frustration, careening past his target again and again, he realized the blood was rushing out of his face.
And then they were cheering, for some reason…He had hit something. He did not know what, but presumably it was Chidi because the bout was won. He was on the ground, or perhaps on something soft and formless with a crystal sky staring at him through black bars. Merde…get up. Chidi was barking at people to get away from him. And then the black bars were pulled away, and that crystal sky had Chidi’s face for a sun, leaning over him, pulling off his mask and pouring water over his lips. He grabbed at his own throat absently and Chidi ripped his collar open, letting a rush of cool wind pour over his neck. The rest of the parron had gone silent, the maids and Myrmidons retreating into the house at Chidi’s command, though they surely still watched from the windows. God…the Marquis had better not be watching.
He felt hands underneath him and hissed, as best he could, “NON. N'ose pas venir me chercher. [Don’t you dare pick me up.]” The arms hesitated, and then withdrew.
Instead Chidi’s hand slipped into his and lent him all of its monumental strength, dragged him upright. Had Vincent ever felt the grip of his palm before? If so, he had not noticed it, or else it was different now, drenched in heat and seeming to meld into his own. In another moment, it was on his back, guiding him steadily towards the doors. The maids scattered away from their entry, away into the depths of the estate to whisper at their leisure. He didn’t have the energy to scold them. He felt only that hand at his back, and the relief of chilled indoor air. At the touch of that coolness, he began to recover himself. When his legs were fully under him, he turned to his opponent.
“Un bon match, monsieur. [A good match, sir],” Chidi said.
“Oui,” said the Comte, and laughed, so inexplicably overjoyed that he hid his face in his hand for a moment. He felt spent. Purified. “Un bon match. [A good match.]”
“Est-ce que vous allez bien maintenant ? [Are you alright now?]” From anyone else, that question might have enraged him. But it sounded so earnest coming from Chidi that it sent affection blooming through him from the pit of his stomach outward.
He just stood for a moment, breathing heavily. Perhaps it was just the summer air still having its way with him, but he was staring at Chidi’s mouth. When he spoke, he was barely audible.  “… Je pense que j'ai besoin d'aide pour enlever mon costume. Tu comprends, Chidi ? […I think I need help taking off my suit. Do you understand, Chidi?]”
His eyes flashed with a sweet, cool darkness, like the shade in summer. “Oui. À la perfection. [Yes. Perfectly.]”
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tophatcosplays · 7 months
My friends and I decided to do a Genshin Impact group Trio cosplay. I will attempt to make Furina. As an enthusiastic sewist I strive to sew most of it.
As this is a huge project, I hope to document my thought process whilst making it.
Let’s break down Furina, Shoe to hat.
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Most shoes do not fit me. Wearing uncomfortable shoes on long Con Days is one of the dumbest ideas to have. I like buying things, which I can reuse for multiple occasions. I also planned to do a Lenore Cosplay from Castlevania (Netflix, Blue Dress). So, I will look for a Black half boot with a small heel, that I can either use for both characters, or that I would wear on a daily bases too.
Socks: I got white socks, and the ruffle part is in the making. I found a YouTube instruction video on how to make a Shakespeare Ruff
White Pants: I do not wish to wear hotpants to a convention and often visit Cons in autumn / early winter. It rains a lot here and most cons are outside.
I bought a pair of white suit pants and altered them to fit me better (Those are currently not in season, and it took me 6 hours of my life just running into stores trying to locate a pair that is not not-white-but-called-white/beige)
Black blouse:
I will probably buy a pair and likely must add the sleeve ruffles as a detail. The collar ruffles will be sown, and I want to wear them like a necklace or a safety pin.
White vest:
Will be sown by me, no details yet. Fabric matching the pants is available in the local fabric store. No further plans yet.
Blue Blazer:
Currently my number one priority as it is the outer layer. If the rest is not done until the Con, I can close it. Life Hack.
I found a nice dark blue fabric that is sitting in the corner waiting it's turn
The sewing pattern I currently have and made a mockup for needs a lot of alteration. I found a better one: McCalls M7641. Still needs alterations but waaaaay less.
The squares on the back will be left out. I don’t care.
Further plans to be developed whilst making the second mockup.
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I am considering making the tail out of different tulle layers. I found a nice dark blue glittery fabric online that I want to use for the left tail and have lots of white tulle at home, probably not enough, but those are available at the fabric store too. The result of the consultation will determine how I do the appliqués on the Tail of the blazer.
For the right tail I found two possible shell/scale fabrics that I must decide between.
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Whether I embroider the golden Fontain Fleur de Lis or get them plotted is still up for debate. I have a contact for plotting that I need to reach out to.
I think embroidered would be nicer.
Light blue tulle, available at fabric store
Doki Doki Cosplay, other sellers did not have picture reviews. They had a styling tutorial on their website. Comes with lashes.
Possibly 3D printed like the rest of the details, most likely smaller. I own a tophat for a steampunk costume and I do not wish to wear one with a wig beneath.
3D Files , drops might get cast in resin or bought
First test print
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The blue waves on the back and the gold ones on the shoulders & sleeves could be plotted or a fabric appliqué, if I find a fitting one. I think I'd prefer appliqués.
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professorofcosplay · 4 months
New and Veteran Cosplayer Tips for low/no waste cosplay for the planet and your budget!
Howdy! Starting a little mini series on this! I’m not going to repeat stupid stuff you already know like “go to the thrift shop” or “use what’s already in your closet”. That stuff’s pretty obvious (though, definitely do go to the thrift shop and avoid directly supporting Temu/shein/other nasty crap that’s from slave and underpaid labor, can’t hold up to use and abuse, and will end up in a landfill after one wear).
Getting the Costume Basics
The tablecloth/curtain section at the thrift!
    Ren faire goers rejoice!  You know those funky fleur and gorgeous patterned curtains they sell for peanuts at the thrift?  They make AMAZING cloaks or if you’re handy with sewing, stays, corsets, skirts, dresses, anything!  It’s a great way to get neat, durable fabrics for cosplays or just for patterning practice for a lot less than at a crafting store. 
2. University move out days
So cool tip for you: I’ve adjuncted for a few different universities and they all had one thing in common. When move out day comes, they always have big old donation bins. Now, those will normally go to thrift stores, so me and some of my crafty peers sometimes go and poke through them to see if there’s anything we want to use for our cosplays. We’ve found everything in there from foreign fashion from international students to jumpsuits to costumes that college students are done with. Fun fact: I haven’t had to buy jackets, shoes, or tee shirts in three years! (Protip: I always checked the dorm where all the art and film students lived. You sometimes even find their old props and costumes there.) Awkward?  A bit sometimes. But the money you save and potential to find awesome stuff is amazing!   And, oftentimes, you can make a likeminded friend or two digging through the bins!
3. Some cities also have a buy nothing page on Facebook or something of that sort that you can browse to get stuff for free or barter and trade for. All of its stuff people were going to throw out or donate to a thrift store anyways, so it’s helpful for everyone (and the Earth).
4. This one seems like a given but if you want to be an eco-friendly cosplayer, DO NOT CON CRUNCH! Plan things out ahead of time. Post progress shots if you must. I find it keeps me on track to actually following through and making things. However, con crunching leads to buying cheap crap online and making things that are more likely to break (and therefore, end up in the landfill). Have a costume or two already completed, even when you have no convention, meet, or photoshoot in sight, so you’ll have something to wear to avoid the pinch!
Go forth and create!
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bapeclothing1 · 6 months
Chrome Hearts Dress Chrome Hearts Clothing
Unveiling the Ultimate Chrome Hearts Dress Collection
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In the realm of fashion, Chrome Hearts Dress stands as an emblem of unparalleled craftsmanship and timeless elegance. With an illustrious history dating back to 1988, the brand has continually captivated fashion aficionados with its unique blend of luxury and edginess. As purveyors of exquisite apparel and accessories, Chrome Hearts has solidified its position as a beacon of style, attracting a discerning clientele that seeks nothing but the finest. Among its coveted offerings, the Chrome Hearts Dress holds a special allure, embodying the brand's signature aesthetic in every stitch and detail.
The Epitome of Luxury: Chrome Hearts Dress Collection
Crafting Perfection: Materials and Design
Each Chrome Hearts Hoodie is meticulously crafted to epitomize luxury and sophistication. Drawing inspiration from a myriad of sources, including rock 'n' roll, biker culture, and Gothic motifs, the brand infuses its dresses with a distinctively rebellious yet refined allure. Premium materials such as supple leather, sumptuous silk, and decadent velvet form the foundation of these masterpieces, ensuring unparalleled comfort and quality. From sleek, body-hugging silhouettes to flowing, ethereal designs, the Chrome Hearts Dress collection offers a diverse array of styles to suit every taste and occasion.
Iconic Details: Symbolism and Embellishments
What sets the Chrome Hearts Dress apart is its attention to detail and symbolic significance. Adorned with iconic motifs such as the brand's signature cross, fleur-de-lis, and dagger, each dress tells a story of rebellion, individuality, and uncompromising style. Intricate embellishments, including hand-stitched embroidery, Swarovski crystals, and metal hardware, further elevate these garments to the realm of wearable art. Whether adorned with studs, chains, or intricate lace insets, every detail is meticulously executed to exude opulence and allure.
Chrome Hearts Dress: A Timeless Investment
Enduring Appeal: Versatility and Longevity
While fashion trends may come and go, the Chrome Hearts Dress transcends fleeting fads, standing as a timeless investment in style and quality. Versatile enough to be dressed up or down, these dresses effortlessly transition from day to night, making them indispensable additions to any wardrobe. Crafted with uncompromising attention to detail and using the finest materials, Chrome Hearts dresses are built to withstand the test of time, becoming cherished heirlooms to be passed down through generations.
Celebrity Endorsement: A Stamp of Approval
The allure of the Chrome Hearts Dress extends far beyond the realm of fashion enthusiasts, captivating the hearts of celebrities and tastemakers worldwide. From Hollywood A-listers to music icons, numerous luminaries have been spotted donning Chrome Hearts creations on red carpets, concert stages, and high-profile events. Their endorsement serves as a testament to the brand's enduring appeal and confirms its status as a coveted symbol of luxury and prestige.
Experience Chrome Hearts: Where Luxury Meets Rebellion
Boutique Experience: Unparalleled Service and Atmosphere
Step into a world where luxury meets rebellion at Chrome Hearts boutiques worldwide. From the moment you enter, you're enveloped in an atmosphere of exclusivity and sophistication, where every detail is meticulously curated to enhance your shopping experience. Impeccable service, personalized attention, and a carefully curated selection of garments await, ensuring that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.
Online Accessibility: Bringing Luxury to Your Doorstep
For those unable to visit a physical boutique, Chrome Hearts offers the convenience of online shopping, allowing you to browse and purchase from the comfort of your own home. With a user-friendly website and secure payment options, acquiring your dream Chrome Hearts Dress is just a click away. Whether you're seeking a statement piece for a special occasion or looking to elevate your everyday wardrobe, the online store provides access to the brand's iconic creations with unparalleled ease.
Elevate Your Wardrobe with Chrome Hearts Dress
Elevate your wardrobe with the epitome of luxury and rebellion: the Chrome Hearts Dress. Imbued with symbolism, craftsmanship, and undeniable allure, each dress is a testament to the brand's uncompromising commitment to excellence. Whether you're drawn to sleek sophistication or bold statement pieces, Chrome Hearts offers a diverse array of styles to suit every taste and occasion. Discover the transformative power of fashion with Chrome Hearts and make a statement that transcends trends
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flowermaidencirno · 10 months
Fleurs de Saison
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My four OC, they are the personification of the four seasons according to my preferences.
Name: Kore
Race: deity
Hair color: cherry blossom 🌸
Eyes color: verdant sprout 🌱
Hair style: bob cut
Clothes: frilly dress with an apron
Shoes: Mary Jane shoes with stockings
Accessories: hair flower narcissus, garnet bracelets
Personality: elegant, gentle, humble (ISFJ)
She has two identities with completely different personalities, one is the goddess of spring and the other is the queen of the underworld.
Her favorite food is pomegranate and her favorite flower is narcissus.
I believe that you have recognized her prototype. She is based on Persephone, my favorite mythical character.
Here is her identity of the spring goddess, so her name is Kore, not Persephone.
In order to make a contrast with her queen identity, and also because of the relationship between these three words: kore, maiden and maid, I designed her to dress like a maid, but of course she is not a maid.
Name: Endless Summer
Race: elemental
Hair color: shallow sea 🌊
Eyes color: forest 🌳 & sunshine ☀
Hair style: long straight hair with twintails
Clothes: sailor suit
Shoes: sandals (the flowers on it are water lilies)
Accessories: sunflower hair ropes, morning glory vines
Personality: tsundere, arrogant, violent (ENTJ)
An elemental spirit of fire, water and nature. The fire element represents the hot weather, the water element represents the beautiful sea view, the nature element represents the luxuriance of plants, which are the features of summer season.
In some games, the three elements of red, blue and green are cyclic restraint. Although the green one is usually wind element, I think nature element is more suitable (it seems similar to earth element, but earth element may not be green). Because water can extinguish fire, nature consumes water and fire can destroy nature, but she is a nature lover, so she will never destroy it.
Her favorite places are forest and seaside. Her favorite foods are ice cream, shaved ice and all kinds of cold drinks.
Her name comes from a very beautiful variety of hydrangea.
My favorite season is summer, so one of my nicknames is the same as her name. Although her personality is the most unlike me of the four OC (I am an INFP).
Name: Maple-chan
Race: elf
Hair color: wheat field 🌾
Eyes color: maple leaf 🍁
Hair style: ponytail
Clothes: frilly robe with a short cloak
Shoes: boots (copied from an equipment of this game)
Accessories: mushroom hairpin, maple leaf earrings, necklace and rings
Personality: carefree, outgoing, energetic (ESFP)
She is the personification of an online game, MapleStory. The relationship between autumn and maple leaves goes without saying.
There are the symbols of the five class types on her cloak (warrior, magician, bowman, thief and pirate).
The maple leaf on her tabard represents Maple World and the orbs represent the planets of Grandis.
Because of the head to body ratio, the breast sizes of the girls in this game don't look very large, so her breast size is the smallest of the four OC.
The reason for using the elf race is that, I want to design all four OC as non-human, Mercedes/Lucid is one of my favorite classes/bosses in this game and elf is also a well known race that exists in many works. Besides elf, the pointed ears also look like the Flora race (Lef race in KMS).
In this picture, she is holding a story book and the bookmark is a cosmos flower. I drew this way because I want all four OC to have at least one type of flower.
Name: Wintersweet
Race: the race with animal ears
Hair color: virgin snow ☃️
Eyes color: ice crystal 🧊️
Hair style: long wavy hair
Clothes: gothic lolita
Shoes: bunny fuzzy slippers
Accessories: blue hair ribbon, white gloves
Personality: emotionless, strange, lazy (INTP)
An arctic hare girl who is always sleepy. She has a magical dakimakura that can change the character on it.
Unless in the far north, the arctic hares in real life are not white all the time, but she represents the winter season, so her ears are always white.
The blue flower in front of her neck is chionodoxa (glory of the snow). The white flowers on her dress are snowdrops and the yellow flowers have the same name as her, wintersweet.
The reason for using the rabbit design is that Gochiusa is one of my favorite mangas. Her personality is also kind of like Chino.
Actually I don't know the common name of the race with animal ears, it seems that the race name in different works is different. For example, if in MapleStory, she will be an Anima; if in No Game No Life, she will be a Werebeast, etc.
In this picture, the character on her dakimakura is Cirno (from Touhou), it can be changed to other characters.
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houseofjsi · 1 year
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Find the Perfect Fleur Dress for Any Occasion
Discover the perfect Fleur dress for any occasion at our online store. From elegant evening gowns to chic casual dresses, we have a wide selection to suit your style and needs. Find the dress that will make you feel confident and beautiful, no matter the event. Shop now for the perfect Fleur dress!
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Luxury Underwear Market 2022 Analysis Key Trends, Growth Opportunities, Challenges, Key Players, End User Demand and Forecasts to 2030
The Global Luxury Underwear is expected to grow at a considerable rate by 2030, with a growing CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) of over 2022-2030.
Some of the most well-known, pricey luxury brands have successfully dabbled in this particular market and altered how consumers view undergarments as a component of dressing style. Unprecedented success for luxury lingerie manufacturers has been made possible by the quick rise in middle-class wages in developed and emerging nations alike. Globally speaking, this demographic's shopping habits have changed from buying basics to buying lingerie from luxury brands.
Underwear, often known as innerwear, is a term used to describe any item of clothing worn directly against the skin inside another piece of clothing. There are two categories of underwear. The other ones are used to cover the waist and legs, while the first one is worn to cover the torso. Both men and women frequently wear underwear. Men typically wear boxers shorts, banyan shorts, or classic shorts, while women typically wear bras and panties. Due to its comfort and the fabric or textile used, there are several brands of opulent underwear that are more popular.
Luxury underwear is frequently crafted from premium materials like silk or lace. Additionally, it might be embellished with pricey accents like Swarovski crystals. Typically, women wear luxury underwear for special occasions or to boost their self-esteem and sex appeal.
Get Free Sample Access:- https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/luxury-underwear-market/515/
Global Luxury Underwear Market- Segmental assessment
By type
Men’s underwear
Women’s underwear
By application
Convenience stores
Independent retailers
Online sales
Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Independent Retailers, Online Sales, and Others are the different market segments based on application. Rising consumer demand for the essential innerwear will fuel business expansion.
Top players profiled-
Bordelle, Aubade, La Senza, Fleur of England, Agent Provocateur, Pleasurements, Lise Charmel, Myla, Victoria's Secret, Carine Gilson, Kisskill, and others.
Access Full Report:- https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/luxury-underwear-market/515/
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the CAGR rate for Global Luxury Underwear Market over 2022-2030?
What are the major drivers which aid the Global Luxury Underwear Market?
What are the segments of the Global Luxury Underwear Market?
Which is the fastest growing region in the Global Luxury Underwear Market?
What are some major strategies used by top players for the expansion of their business in the Global Luxury Underwear Market?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
Our strategic market analysis and capability to comprehend deep cultural, conceptual and social aspects of various tangled markets has helped us make a mark for ourselves in the industry. WE MARKET RESEARCH is a frontrunner in helping numerous companies; both regional and international to successfully achieve their business goals based on our in-depth market analysis. Moreover, we are also capable of devising market strategies that ensure guaranteed customer bases for our clients.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
Movie!Hinny Positivity Post
Scrolling through my posts, I realize I tend to shit on Movie Hinny, Ginny, and Harry a lot lmfaooo, so I thought I’d make a Movie!Hinny positivity post to prove to myself I really can be optimistic about a mostly pessimistic adaptation if I try. Feel free to reblog and add more to this list if I missed any!
1. The MOVIE SOUNDTRACKS HOT DAMN. The songs “Ginny” and “When Ginny Kissed Harry” has to be in my top 3 movie songs (right after “Snape to Malfoy Manor” aka the title theme song to DH1). They are just so angelic and beautiful that it makes their kissing scenes way more palatable to watch imho.
2. The intense, piercing, soul-searching way Harry looks at her in the last three movies (though mainly HBP). Even though they don’t really speak to each other much in HBP, their heated looks manage to tell a story of their own that I don’t even think Romione does until some parts of DH1. Seriously, Harry doesn’t look at anyone in the heated way he looks at Ginny, not even Cho, Romilda, Luna, or the waitress diner girl at the beginning of HBP, whom if they were given noncanon romantic looks were nowhere near as searing as the ones he gave to Ginny. (The only time he gets even close is to Hermione during the noncanon dancing tent scene but I’m trying to keep this post positive lmfao so let’s move on…). For instance, even if you don’t like these scenes there’s no denying the actors - especially Dan Rad - mastered the great art of eye-fucking. Think about it: the looks when Harry gazes up at her while she’s at the top of the Burrow all-Repunzel-Flynn-Ryder-style with the song “Ginny” playing in the background, when Harry finishes that tension-filled hug also at the Burrow, when he’s listening to her brothers tease Ginny about Dean in Fred and George’s shop, when Ginny walks in late during Slughorn’s dinner and he stands up and stares at her, when she walks in the RoR in DH2 and the hard set of Harry’s jawline and eyes go soft when they see her, when SHE ASKS TO ZIP UP HER DRESS AND THE UP-AND-DOWN LOOK HE GIVES LITERALLY RIGHT WHILE HES DOING IT OH MY FFFFING LORDDDDD 💦💦💦🌊🌊🌊. Anywho.
3. The hug Ginny gives Harry after Dumbledore dies. A beautiful addition to the books that actually contributes to the strength of their relationship. In the books, Ginny is the only one to pull Harry away from his beloved mentor and idol’s body, but in the movies, she stays with him and holds him through his pain, really emphasizing her role as his greatest source of comfort. Both versions of course were cute, but this was not bad either.
4. When Ron says “you know why I listen to the radio every day? So I don’t hear Ginny, or Fred, or Molly” and Harry goes “you think I’m not listening too? You think I don’t know how this feels?!” Okay, I know that the focus of this fight in the movie was not on Hinny but at least it shows that Harry was thinking about her even if not all of his actions in the tent scenes did.
5. Right before the Golden Trio Disapperates from Fleur and Bill’s wedding and Harry shouts “Ginny!” while running to protect her but Lupin holds him back and pushes him toward his friends. (Which btw is very much reminiscent of when Lupin holds him back from running to Sirius right after he dies AND as we see later in DH2, when Arthur holds Ginny back from running to “dead” Harry as she shouts “No. NO!”). An uncharacteristic thoughtful small scene written by the man himself, Steve Kloves, everyone, who would’ve thought.
6. When they kiss in DH2 spontaneously and Ginny goes “I know,” which many assume to mean that she knows that Harry was about to tell her he loves her. This was also their least cringey on-screen kiss, so extra points for that. ALSO FUN FACT which y’all might know already and I’m just slow but did you know that Daniel Radcliffe and Bonnie Wright actually improvised that kiss scene? There’s an interview online in which DR talks about it (he says something along the lines of “I could die any minute now, Ginny. We should probably kiss” in that very awkward, dry way that he’s known to talk in interviews lmfaoooo.)
7. when Hermione says “how does it feel like, when you see Dean with Ginny?” and after the whole Angry Bird™️ live action moment she performs, Harry goes “It feels like this.” I’m not a huge fan of this scene generally for other reasons but something about this dialogue was very poignant and was a good summary of his feelings even if the actual acting/scripts for other parts didn’t always match up.
8. The deleted scene of Harry desperately clutching Ginny’s hand while marching toward the Great Hall in DH2. Also plot-wise, it makes a lot more sense if they had not removed it because otherwise one is left questioning how Harry showed up in the following scene in which he accuses Snape.
9. In the Epilogue scene where Albus falls behind and Ginny and Harry look at each other with the same cadence as an old married couple who just internally know each other and their child and how to console him. It just screams long-term intimacy and maturity, I love it. The glance happens for a millisecond but it’s definitely, obviously there.
10. In COS where Ginny runs away from Harry when they first meet is honestly the cutest thing in the history of forever. Plus the way Harry runs and I mean runs to her cold almost dead body and grips her hand when he finds her on the Chamber floor.
11. This is less of a Movie Hinny thing but a Movie Ginny thing but you guys. The sheer COMMAND my girl has on the Quidditch field in the match against Slytherin. Even though the focus is on Ron’s victory (another soundtrack song that ranks prolly #5 for me), if you pay attention to Ginny’s plays, she’s absolutely fucking fierce and impressive as hell. To the point that the strength of her Quaffle throw knocked a few Slytherins against the hoops too. Again, it’s subtle but unmistakably, purposefully there.
12. Another Movie!Ginny appreciative moment is literally almost all of her dialogue in GoF. (“I think you’re in love, Ron.” “I’m not wearing that it’s ghastly.” “Don’t be so rude.”) She’s hilarious and where was that sass and spunk in the later movies where they actually mattered??
13. Again, again, again, the friendly but awe-encompassing looks he gives her in OoTP when she beats the shit out of that dummy with her Reducto spell and when he compliments her Patronus (“Excellent, Ginny!”). You can definitely see that the movie producers, director, and whatnot are trying to get viewers to see her at least as powerful and contributive, if nothing else.
What Movie!Hinny positive moments did I miss that you appreciated?
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
congrats on the milestone ❤❤❤ can i ask for 22 smut, 38 smut and 41 also from smut w Freddie thank uuuu
theweasleysredhair’s 4.6k follower event!
22. “Take off your clothes, but leave the heels on.”
38. “I’m gonna cum inside you.”
41. “I’m gonna fill you up.”
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1423
WARNING: this is NSFW, 18+, smutty, sexy times, idk how else to say it. including unprotected sex, just pure smut really, fred being hot
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @acciotwinz @rexorangecouny @mischi3f-manag3d @twinkyjohnson @whiz-bangs78 @heart-of-tempered-steel @diary-of-an-onliner @theweirdsideofstuff @harrysweasleys @ickle-ronniekins @elf-punk | message or send an ask to be added to my smut taglist - you must be 18+!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
feedback appreciated greatly!! <3
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“Did you really have to wear that dress?” His voice was low as he spoke against your ear, his breath hitting your skin as his tongue darted out to run along the outer rim of your ear.
You leant back into his chest as his hands snaked round your waist. “It’s just a plain red dress,” you looked up at Fred innocently, finding his gaze already on you. You, and him, knew for a fact that it wasn’t ‘just a plain red dress’ as you’d claimed.
He’d mentioned on multiple occasions how good you looked in red, and this dress - that ended a few inches above your knee and showed off the top of your cleavage - was one you’d purposely worn, knowing it’d get him riled up.
Paired with a pair of tall black stilettos, your makeup done to the nines and your hair styled perfectly, you knew Fred would be a goner.
He trailed kisses from below your ear to the back of your neck, his hands gripping your waist as he pulled you back into him, suddenly feeling him harden against your bum as he moved his hips against you in time with the cheerful music.
To anyone nearby, it looked like he was dancing, but as he leaned round to gently bite the side of your neck, you knew his actions were less than innocent.
“You know your family are all here right?” You whispered, though you tilted your head to give him better access to your skin, holding onto one of his hands as they held your waist. And you were, of course, correct when you said this, considering you were currently stood on the outskirts of the tent where Bill and Fleur’s wedding celebrations were happening.
Fred licked over a mark he’d left and replied simply, “Then let’s go somewhere where they’re not.”
You felt the hand you weren’t holding dance across your stomach and down your thigh, his fingers playing with the hem of your dress.
“Let’s go then.”
It took slightly longer than expected to get to Fred’s old room in the Burrow, mostly considering he’d stopped you on the stairs to snog you against the wall, his hands gripping your bum as he held you against him.
Once he got to his room, he shoved the door open, practically slamming it behind him, his jacket already thrown across the room before you’d taken two steps in, his hands working on removing his waistcoat and tie. His eyes locking on yours as your hands played with the zip of your dress, he almost growled, “Take off your clothes, but leave the heels on.”
You bit your lip, unzipping the dress and letting it fall down your frame, pooling at your feet. Fred paused, his hands holding his tie as he realised you hadn’t been wearing a bra, “Fuck.”
You let out a small laugh, stepping out of the dress completely, leaving you in just your black lace knickers and heels. His hands were back on you before he’d even finished undressing, his lips bringing you into a hot, messy kiss, your hands running through his ginger hair as he gripped your hips, rolling his own against you and making you let out a moan, causing him to groan into your mouth.
Your hands ran down his chest, undoing the rest of the buttons he had left, shoving the shirt off of his build shoulders and throwing it somewhere along with his jacket and your dress on the floor.
You then reached down to unbuckle his belt, slowly undoing his zipper, palming him gently as you did so, receiving a breathy groan in return. His trousers fell to the floor and he kicked them off, before he pressed his lips to yours, his tongue pushing into your mouth.
He pulled away for just a moment, only to remove his boxers, before he grabbed you again. Just as you moved to kneel, he stopped you, placing a gentler kiss to your swollen lips, a contrast from previous, mumbling, “Later baby, right now I need to be inside you.”
Falling onto the bed, Fred pinned you down onto the mattress, his bare chest flat against yours and your hands coming to wrap around his neck as he ground his hips against yours. He began trailing kisses down to your jaw, your neck and then ran his tongue across your collarbone, before moving down to your breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth as your hands found a home in his hair.
“Fred,” you breathed out, one leg wrapping around his hip. He continued moving down your body, littering kissed and marks on your skin before he finally reached his place between your legs, taking the hem of your knickers between his teeth before pulling them down, you arching your back to help him.
“Please, Fred!”
His breath was hot against your skin as he removed your underwear, unhooking them from around your heels before moving back up your body slowly, his fingers finally - finally - pressing against your clit, circling and making your hips jolt forwards.
He took his bottom lip between his teeth and revelled in the sight of you coming undone before him, whimpers leaving your lips as his fingers worked against you.
“That feel good, darling?” He spoke, leaning down to kiss just under your ear. You gasped as you felt him push a finger into you, nodding desperately, “Yes, yes.”
Another followed the first, pushing in and out of you as you whined below him. He soon felt you clench around his fingers, and he decided to pull them out, ignoring your noise of protest as he cleaned them off with his tongue.
“You ready for me?”
“Always, Freddie.”
He lined himself up with you before pushing inside, you both gasping out in pleasure as you felt him deep inside you. After a moment of letting you adjust to him, he bottomed out, before starting to thrust into you, his pace quickening as his head fell to rest on your neck, pressing sporadic kisses to the skin as he moved in and out of you.
Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging into his skin and making him groan, just as you began clenching around him, your legs wrapped around his hips as your heels dug into his back.
“You feel so good around me, love,” he breathed out, moving up to kiss you again. “Fred,” you moaned out against his lips.
He felt you clench around him again, letting out a shuddering breath, “I’m gonna cum inside you, baby.”
“I’m gonna fill you up, darling, is that what you want?” His voice was deep, his breath hitting your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Yes Freddie, yes - cum inside me.”
Fred groaned as he spilled inside you soon after, just as you felt a wave of pleasure run through you, your mouth opening, eyes closing as you breathed his name out again.
He fell on top of you, most of his weight being held up by the hands either side of your head as you both breathed heavily.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Fred muttered, pulling out of you and lying beside you. You pressed a kiss to his lips and sat up, running a hand through your hair, “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”
He sat up beside you, before grabbing his boxers and trousers that were in a pile on the floor to quickly shove back on, his shirt hanging loosely off him as he disappeared into the bathroom next door, re-emerging a couple of minutes later to hand you a cloth to clean up.
“Better get back before Mum starts asking where we are,” Fred pressed another lingering kiss to your lips, then another, before pulling away reluctantly to button up his shirt. He then grabbed his waistcoat and jacket, pulling them on over his shirt.
Following his lead, you grabbed your dress and pulled it back on, running a hand through your hair again, hoping it didn’t look too messy, not wanting anyone to know what you’d been up to.
“Fred, have you seen my knickers anywhere?” You asked, moving a couple of jumpers off the floor as you looked around. You glanced up at him to see him grinning cheekily as he pulled them out of his pocket, “I’m keeping a hold of ‘em, darling.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, kissing you yet again as he shoved your knickers back into his pocket,
“Easier access later.”
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bdlshopping · 2 years
The Best Canadian Clothing Stores For Affordable Outfits
If you're looking for the best Canadian clothing stores, look no further than The September. This women's only online destination features top brands such as Kate Spade, Jimmy Choo, and Valentino, as well as affordable prices. If you live in Canada and you want a new outfit before the weather turns, check out the September. You'll find all types of clothing and footwear starting at about $200. It's also worth checking out the store's special gift section to find the perfect present for the holiday season.
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BDL Shopping Center
Canadian clothing store, Made by Josephine, offers organic and sustainable apparel and accessories. This shop uses sustainable materials and small batch production processes. You can even get clothing made in small batches by Buddhist monks. While the clothing at this store may look simple, it's actually made with the highest quality materials. You won't want to be without your new outfit when the weather turns cold. And while simplicity is the key in Canada, there's no denying that Canadian designers are making some of the best clothes in the world.
BDL Shopping Center Windsor
People living Windsor, Ontario can now buy the best clothing collection from different clothing brands at affordable prices at BDL Shopping Center. BDL: Best Deals Local is a great store for all kinds of your clothing needs. All your favorite brands are located under one roof in efficiently maintained sections. Located at 8380 Wyandotte St E, Windsor, ON N8S 1T6, the store offers wide selection of Cellphone Accessories, Bedding, Holiday Décor, Party Supplies, Toys, Stationary, Towels, Outdoor items, Furniture, Electronics and more. You can find more products and details on the official site of BDL Shop: https://bdlshopping.com/
Another best Canadian clothing store with a wide selection of clothing and accessories is lululemon. This Toronto-based brand is famous for its hip packs and leak-proof underwear, and they recently expanded into other intimates. A Canadian clothing store with a specialized men's wear section is the Drake General Store. While it started out as a men's clothing store, it's grown into a destination for both men and women, with clothes, accessories, and shoes starting at $40.
Muttonhead is one of the best Canadian clothing stores. Canadian clothing store that features top-quality, affordable items is Muttonhead. This unisex clothing brand offers stylish and comfortable apparel that will last. The store offers free shipping within Canada, which is a plus. If you're looking for a unique and trendy outfit, Stanfield's is a good choice. The brand sells wholesale and retail, so you'll want to shop online if you're in Canada.
The store features Canadian and American designer brands. Prices range from $35 to $300 for outerwear. You can buy sweaters, dresses, and pants for the same price, as well as jumpsuits. The store was featured on CTV's Ottawa Morning Live segment, which focuses on fashion for older women. And while you're browsing the store's online selection, make sure you take the time to check out the store's social media presence.
What about Penningtons as the best Canadian Clothing Store for plus-size women? If you're not from Canada, there are also a lot of excellent plus-size fashion blogs. Sarah St. Fleur, who writes the popular Queen-Sized Flava blog, names Pennington's as the plus-size Canadian women's favorite plus-size clothing store. Pennington's carries Canadian designers, and the company is a great source for plus-size clothing. The store also offers a variety of transitional pieces throughout the year.
If you love denim, you'll love the store's flagship location. It's designed to recreate the retail experience of the past. Warm old-world details decorate the store, and the store's strong selection of designer names makes it a unique shopping experience. Its selection includes Acne jeans, Maison Kitsune, and a whole lot more. Whether you're looking for affordable jeans or a deluxe denim jacket, you're sure to find what you're looking for at WANT Les Essentiels de la Vie.
Conclusion: This was the list for the best Canadian clothing stores. There are a lot of Canadian clothing stores for men and women’s clothing. Made by Josephine, Penningtons, Muttonhead, Lululemon and BDL Shopping Center are just a few among wide lists of best Canadian clothing stores. If you are living in Winnipeg, “Made by Josephine” would be convenient option for you while Ontarians and particularly Windsor residents can always go to shop at BDL Shopping Center.
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Spiderman from Marvel 1602 // Cosplayer: kammospark
Tell us about Spiderman1602, I’ve seen many versions of Spiderman but  thiis is a new one to me! What led you to this concept of this version of Spiderman?
Well I've always had an appreciation for lesser know outfits of popular heroes. Looking through many wardrobes and outfits, the obscure ones always stood out to me, "Wow, I've never seen this one before!" I'd think to myself, and I figured others who know the characters well would love to see them brought to life too, or even people curious about the stories of them would enjoy seeing it. I feel everyone has a love for Spider-Man; he's such an iconic superhero and has so many suits, and even though they can be quite diverse, they still feel recognizable as one of the Web-slinger's costumes.
While I was looking at different Spiderverse characters for inspiration on a new Spider-Man cosplay, I saw Marvel 1602 and it immediately caught my attention; I thought it was such a fun looking design. Definitely away from a modern or futuristic look, it's charm won me over, and I had to put it together. And as a fan of the fantasy genre in general, thanks to many years as a GM from D&D as well as other media, I also enjoy Ren-faires and wanted something to wear to show my love for Superheroes and Renaissance.
When you wore it out to conventions, what was the response? Obviously they knew you were Spiderman because of the mask but were they confused about the rest of your outfit? What were some of their guesses?
Oh people certainly get a kick out of seeing the outfit. Some people have called Me 'Lord Spider-Man', 'Ren-Spidey', 'William Spider-Speare', a lot of creative names for it that never fail to make me smile as much as it does for them. Whenever I wear a Spider-Man cosplay, I always want to try and take pics with as many Spider-Men as I can find, and most of the time it's the other Spiderman cosplayers that recognize who the character really is. I love having people laugh and get excited over the character, it's part of that Con Magic where people just can't help but feel like a kid when they see something that fills them with joy; its my favorite part of this fun hobby, just making someone's day memorable, even for a moment.
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Besides conventions , I see you wore the costume to a Renaissance Fair. What was responses there? Was it different from conventions?
Ren-faires in general are a great time! And when I started this costume, I was excited just thinking of the reactions from people and how happy they may be. I've taken 1602 to quite a few Ren-faires: Central Coast Ren Faire, NorCal Ren Faire, and Kingsburg Renaissance of Kings.
The first place I ever debuted it was as CCRF, and I was stopped by about 20 people before I could make it past the first 3 booths. It really does feel like a different environment going to faires. D
uring them, I'd be a bit more 'theatrical' and introduce myself as Peter Parquagh, and try my best to make people smile or laugh. I've gotten the opportunity to meet many wonderful people and people with stunning and gorgeous Renaissance outfits. Kids come walk by amazed that they actually got to see a Spider-Man at a Ren Faire.
One instance, a bard played the spider-man theme song on a lute as he traveled around me. At two different faires my presence was requested by the Queen, and I was escorted to her, one even knighted me! Everyone just has a blast role playing and getting caught up in the fun, the energy is so infectious and delightful! 
Take us through how the outfit was put together?
Well, I cannot take full credit on the cosplay. My mother was actually a large part of it. Growing up, my mom was always really involved and loved making costumes for Halloween for me and my sister. And one of her favorite aesthetics is period piece era fashion and she loves Jane Austen.
As I was looking for ideas for a new cosplay and showing her, she was drawn towards 1602 and offered to do as much as she could to help create it, and she loved helping putting it together. The suit is a handmade outfit following a 14th century cavalier pattern. The design called for detachable sleeves and very baggy slops, but we decided to have the sleeves attached and slim down the slops slightly, to give it a mix of authentic and Spider-man's sleekness.
We went looking online and found this wonderful blue velvet fabric with Fleur De Lis imprinted onto it and thought it'd really help the outfit pop! We had to make sure we kept the fabric in the same direction: it has a difference in shimmer if facing a certain way, and we wanted the Fleurs facing the same way as well, so we tried to be mindful of that. We pleated the red fabric in the front and it was quite stubborn, but we tried our best to make it look similar on both sides of the torso. The back has a spider and has legs that lead unto the front; we cut out red fabric and hand-stitch embroidered on, and was quite meticulous.
Me and my mom kept an eye out online for just the right buttons we wanted for the costume. Something antique and era appropriate but also thematic, and after a while, we stumbled across a web-designed antique gold button set. We also looked for a thick ruff rather than the costumes original thin look. The original costume look also called for the mask to have open eye holes, but I opted out of that, and felt that a traditional mask look better complemented the costume. After that I acquired socks and shoes and then it was finished! 
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How did you discover cosplay?
As mentioned earlier, my mom loved making mine and my sister's costumes growing up. She's a seamstress as a hobby, and is so creative and artsy. Halloween was probably my favorite holiday growing up, and I was so happy I got to wear something made with much love from my family. Some of my favorite notable costumes growing up was a knight, an astronaut, and Pikachu.
As I got older, around high school, I still liked the idea of costumes, even bought a cheap Captain America outfit for The Avengers premiere night, but I mostly dropped off on dressing up. I grew up in a very small town, but eventually, after I moved out to the city, I heard about 'conventions' and I was interested and wanted to try and wear something to one. I decided to make a classic Punisher costume, and wore it for the con. It was a small venue, but even then it finally hit me, 'This is a thing people do. People love to dress up, go make friends, bring smiles and show their love for their Fandoms and interests. THIS is what Cosplay IS'. I finally understood what this little hobby of mine was, and I embraced it.
Have you discovered something about yourself through cosplay?
I've always thought of myself as a people pleaser. I'm someone who really only want others to be happy. I'm also someone who loves to share their interests and engage with others about things that we can share and discuss and geek out over.
When I was young, I often felt left out from social circles, due to my often eccentric personality. I found it really hard to make friends, and I am forever grateful for the friends that I have made and been with me for years.
Cosplay has opened up another avenue as far as friends and socializing. My first couple of cons I was initially intimidated, but I have to say that I'm so glad I got into this hobby, for I've met many people with interesting stories and wonderful personalities, and people I still talk to often. It's really helped me feel like I can make good friends and memories, and I'm sure that others have felt similarly and that's something I treasure.
What are your future cosplay goals?
As with most cosplayers I'm sure, I have way too many projects in my head with very little work on a lot of them. I suppose my current goal is to rework the headpiece of a cosplay I finished last year, my Bioshock Big Daddy Doll. The head was massive and too cumbersome so it needs to be redone.
As far as new projects, I would very much like to do a Prince Link cosplay, inspired by the creation of theLostSindar. Another idea would be to do more superhero variants and make a Blue Lantern Flash that 8ve been eyeing for a couple of years.
One thing I definitely want to get good at is working with foam. I am massively inexperienced with foamsmithing, and I strive to learn how to be good at it and learn how to make wonderful things with it. It's just like when I first went to cons; starting off can be a bit scary or even overwhelming before we really get it going, but that exposure to things we really desire is all we need to get hooked and make it our passion.
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freedom-shamrock · 4 years
Speaking on My Behalf
Also over on AO3
@saijspellhart allowed me to take this delightful idea and run with it, so here we are.  Go team!
Chapter One
"All right," Marinette said, handing Adrien the steaming mug. "One Cheng family, top secret laryngitis treatment. Careful, it's hot." She could smell the fresh lemon juice as it wafted in her face.
Adrien snorted ruefully, grasping the mug carefully before slumping back into the couch.
"He says, thank you," Plagg offered helpfully from his place sprawled in his holder's ultra messy bed head.
Adrien smiled and nodded in agreement.
"I'm just sorry I can't do more to help you," Marinette said, feeling bad. This was his first real illness since they'd decided it made more sense for Chat Noir and Ladybug to share an apartment. It would limit the risk of anyone else figuring out their identities the way they had.  The miraculous were excellent for preventing colds and illness, but apparently they didn't really impact allergies. The warm spring had been brutal on her partner and close friend. Tikki would point out that he was also Marinette's first and only love (or strongly imply it in her look and point it out once they were alone together), but she was asleep in her nest in Marinette's room.
Adrien shook his head and waved one hand as if to push her worry away.
"There's only so much even you can do, Buggy," Plagg offered. "He gets that."
Adrien vigorously nodded his agreement with his kwami.
"And to be fully honest," the black cat of destruction continued, "he wouldn't have gotten half this kind of treatment back at the mansion." His face squished up in a way that Marinette had come to learn was disgust. "His schedule would've been cleared, partly anyway, and he'd be abandoned in that compensation-chamber-of-shitty-parenting that his father called a bedroom."
Adrien frowned, looking petulant while he made indignant shushing noises at his kwami.
Marinette moved closer, scooping up the book and laptop from the ottoman near the couch, so she could take a seat there. She'd always felt Gabriel's cold nature ran into neglectful, if not full-on abusive, territory, but Adrien was quick to change the subject when things got too close to discussing his family life. "Nathalie doesn't have much of a bedside manner, huh?"
Adrien rolled his eyes. It was amazing just what he could express without his voice, and it was no wonder he was loving the acting classes he'd snuck into his schedule.
"Well you don't live there anymore, and we Dupain-Cheng folk do not believe in allowing those who are ill or uncomfortable suffer alone." She reached out to run her fingertips over his cheek, pleased when he closed his eyes and hummed happily. "I'll be checking on you regularly, and I won't be any farther away than the other room, so just send Plagg if you need anything, okay?"
His gorgeous green eyes fluttered open and he gazed softly at her.
"Yeah, yeah," Plagg agreed, his voice a jarring break in the gentle moment. "I'll come get you if he needs anything."
She'd brought work home from the La Fleur Fashions, the design house she'd joined before she even finished school. It was a small and highly exclusive house focused on women's evening wear, and while that was a bit limiting for her tastes, it paid well, and she enjoyed what she was doing. She'd made sure her contract allowed her to create her own  designs so long as they weren't competing for the same market, for her online boutique. Lucky Bug provided mostly one-of-a kind or commission pieces, including daywear and menswear. "Are you sure you don't want me to bring my work in here?" she asked for what had to be the fifth time.
Adrien's forehead scrunched up as he let out a huff.
"He would like to remind you that he's spent most of his twenty-three years coping on his own when he's ill," Plagg offered.
Adrien's eyes shot up as if he could see his kwami through his skull.
"He'll just feel guilty if you come out here," Plagg added. "No one has the whole guilt thing down like my kitten."
"Don't I know it," Marinette muttered, letting out a sigh and ignoring Adrien's indignant expression. "I promise, I'm happy to be here if it gives you any comfort, but I'm also not going to push. I definitely don't want you to feel more guilty about things that are basic human needs." That had been the first thing they'd had a serious talk about after moving in together.  He was constantly apologizing and trying to avoid being a nuisance.  "You are my best friend in the whole world," she insisted, brushing her thumb down his cheek.
"Ooooh," Plagg purred. "Better than Alya?"
"No contest," she replied, delighted by his response.
He closed his eyes and melted against her hand.
"I am always here for you," she promised. More than anything else in the world, he needed people who cared for him unconditionally, people who wouldn't turn their backs on him and leave him to languish in loneliness.
Adrien snapped his laptop closed. He was bored out of his mind and while he should have been happy to binge on Netflix, he was stupidly restless. The bright spots in his day had all involved Marinette, dear sweet Marinette, doting on him. He'd woken with a terrible sore throat from his allergies. He'd been able to easily identify it by the distinct characteristic that it felt like he'd tried to swallow a cactus (which he'd actually done once as Chat Noir, and would not recommend). His room mate, super partner, and all around best friend had been more kind to him in the first ten minutes than his father and Nathalie had been, combined, for all his sick days ever. His throat already felt better, but his voice would be gone for at least the rest of the day, but probably longer.
He clicked his tongue against his teeth and gently poked at Plagg, hoping to go for a run.
"No," Plagg grumbled. "We are not going out as Chat Noir today unless there's an akuma." His words were accompanied by tiny feet stomping on Adrien's head. "The Guardian wants you to rest."
Adrien's groan came out as more of a whine thanks to his irritated vocal cords.
"I get that you're fidgety, Kid," Plagg sounded a touch more compassionate. "But she's the boss, and she's right."
Adrien pouted. It was incredibly unfair that his kwami was so affectionate toward Marinette, yielding to her requests with no need of bribery. His frustration was disrupted by a delighted squeal from Marinette's room.
"Woo hoo!" She sounded giddy, and like she was trying to keep her enthusiasm toned down.
Adrien grinned. She was probably doing that full body wiggle that she did when she was super happy and excited. He opened his mouth to call to her, then remembered he couldn't.
"What are you celebrating in there, Pigtails?" Plagg called. He had almost as many nicknames for Marinette as Adrien did.
"This new dress is so awesome," Marinette replied. "I love it when I nail it on one of these. Monique is gonna love this one."
Adrien snorted. Monique loved pretty much all of Marinette's designs. It hadn't escaped his notice that the head designer and founder of La Fleur was asking more and more of her junior employee. She was clearly coming to Marinette when the stakes were highest, though being the humble person she was, Marinette hadn't noticed this herself.
Adrien waved his hand above his head, frantically trying to get Plagg's attention. He wanted to see that dress. He loved it when Marinette gave him his own private fashion shows. They were his own guilty pleasure, and admittedly featured strongly in his daydreams.
"Yeah, yeah," Plagg muttered. "Hold your horses, Kid." He raised his voice to reach Marinette. "We get to see it, right?"
Marinette's head popped out from the tiny hall toward her bedroom. "You really want to see it?"
She looked so happy, and Adrien felt blessed having her bright eyes so intensely focused on him. He vigorously nodded, cupping his hands together in silent plea.
"It would be rude to leave us hanging," Plagg added.
She disappeared with a giggle. "Okay.  Just a minute."
Adrien settled back into the couch, grinning like an idiot and vigorously rubbing his forearms to shed some of his excess energy. A new evening dress. He wondered if it would be cute or elegant, or something else entirely. Since they'd been living together he'd seen her create the gamut of evening dresses, from sweet things for teen starlets, to flirty numbers, to luxurious and sophisticated pieces sought by A-listers. And what color might it be? She'd done everything, though she preferred not to go with black unless it had accents because she felt there tended to be too much weight on basic black. The people wearing her works of art were guaranteed to stand out.
He tried not to pay attention to the sounds of zippers and the swishing of fabric. He was a model for goodness' sake. He could handle having a gorgeous woman change nearby without blowing a gasket.
"These shoes aren't quite right," Marinette cautioned, breaking him out of his little spiral.
"Yeah, yeah," Plagg replied. "It's all about the dress. We got it, Princess."
Adrien couldn't hold back the hiss when his kwami dared use his personal nickname for her.
Plagg merely snickered as he floated off Adrien's hair to land on the back of the couch.
Adrien scowled and batted Plagg off his perch. His death glare seemed to have no effect on the cackling little beast. He felt himself gathering for a pounce when the sound of heels on the wood floor announced Marinette's impending arrival. Freezing, he curled his lip one last time in warning before slowly and intentionally easing himself back into his reclined position.
Marinette sauntered into the room, treating it as her own personal runway. Sashay, sashay. Pause and pose. Quarter turn, pose. He could practically hear the drill he'd walked her through when he'd taught her runway basics. She may not have had real training, because his tutoring had hardly been anything, but she totally killed it, and Adrien was pretty sure his soul left his body the moment he got a good look at her.
The dress was a stunning sleeveless number in a magenta to midnight blue ombre with an overlay of tulle to give the fabric depth and movement without too much weight. The neckline dropped into a gorgeous V ending at her sternum. The skirting had a slit at the front that crept high enough to flash pretty much all over her amazingly toned leg.
She moved to her final pose, directly in front of him, a sultry little smirk on her lips. It was a good thing he was already sitting down, because the wink she threw him would have definitely killed him. She was so amazingly beautiful and talented. Even if his voice had been working, he would have had no words for her now.
After a moment, she relaxed her pose, giggling as she looked down at the dress. "I have to say, this is one of my best."
Adrien nodded vigorously in agreement..
She let out a happy sigh. "What do you think?"
Adrien opened his mouth for a moment, but found himself shutting it again with a little head shake. He still didn't have words, even ones he could silently mouth to her.
"NettieBug," Plagg said smoothly, darting up to float in front of her. "I can answer honestly for the Kid here when I tell you that you're hot as fuck."
I suspect this will need one more chapter to be truly satisfying.
Apologies for being so absent. I'm still herding kids and managing the household while we are all safe at home for a few more weeks (I can not wait for school to end!). I'm trying to fit in writing where I can, but often don't have the energy.
Check out Chapter Two >>>
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