#Flayn casually reveals every secret Rhea and Seteth protected for years
randomnameless · 1 year
Some nice positivity: feh proves social awkwardness in nabateans runs in the family 😂 billy trying to learn to people, flayn “how do you do fellow kids,” seteth having the single social braincell but still failing, rhea wanting to share a meal in the cafeteria 😭 i love them all so much, they really are just so cutely unsure of themselves but are friendly and kind
And somehow, the BL gang is still completely oblivious !
During a Friday visit to an orphanage, as usual, orphans run to Rhea to play and ignore Dimitri after staring a few seconds. It makes him very depressed. Dimitri asks Rhea how she manages to be so close to people while being the Archbishop and having her own role to uphold ; he's worried people, and children, are intimidated by his role and presence now that he is king.
But talking to children is easier, so they reveal the "nice lady with a plate on her head" always gives them biscuits, but the other person shines too much and they always have to squint when they look at him. Dimitri immediately gets the message - maybe he should ask Felix and Dedue to stop using "oil" to polish his armor when they're doing knightly things together - and Rhea has her revelation seeing Dimitri remove his armor, at first she thought Willy was just being horny, but this is the real secret to make people less anxious, the key is to undress!
Cichol would obviously disagree, but who cares about him ?
Come the next meal at the cafeteria, and Rhea is less anxious now that she knows what she has to do. Hopefully for everyone, Annette and Gilbert catch her in front of the doors, wondering what she is doing, is she joining everyone to share a meal?
"Well yes, but first, I have to undress."
Annette immediately wonders what the fuck, but Gilbert knows it must have a hidden meaning, the Archbishop couldn't have meant that the way they both understood it, she has a way with words that is not the way of everyone else, he worked for her for years, he knows she is not some kind of pervert, of course she is not.
Thinking as fast as he could, he only came to the logical conclusion that she wanted to remove her heavy robes, fearing an accident if food falls on them or something like this. Seeing them both silent, Rhea tries to make the situation less weird than it is, explaining how it is to make people feel less bothered if she eats with them.
Annette finally caught it, Lady Rhea's afraid how her role and stature as the Archbishop would make people feel too self-conscious to enjoy a proper meal, that's why she wants to look as if she's only someone and not the Archbishop!
Who knew Sylvain's ramblings about paintings could be useful?
"Worry not Lady Rhea, if you want to wear a normal dress, you will be able to eat with us as you and not as the Archbishop!"
After a few tries to find something that'd suit her, she finally goes in the cafeteria, but is stopped at the last moment by Seteth, who gives her the "I'm going to lecture you for the next 20 years" look, what is she doing, she's too old to play dress-up, this dress is not appropriate it shows her arms, she's the Archbishop, cover up for mother's sake !
Rhea refuses, and they argue, Seteth won't back down, he knows how stubborn she is so at least he will give her his jacket, but while Rhea's pushing him he actually rips his shirt, so they both fall in the cafeteria.
Rhea's sure people will stare and stop having a pleasant meal because of Seteth and his idiocies, but instead of saying "oh the archbishop" there are a lot of people running to a shirtless!Seteth, asking him if he can train them, if he needs squires or if they can become his knights, hell, if he needs assistance to "polish his armor".
Flayn wonders what happened to her dad to barge in the cafeteria without his shirt, maybe it's the crisis of the 3500s, her uncle Indech told her once that when Cichol will reach 3500 he will act weirdly. But she's pretty interested in Rhea's new dress, those designs and patterns look so modern!
"What are you talking about? This is the most traditional Faerghian dress, this design is as old as Faerghus !"
Mercie thinks Flayn wanted to find something to comment on, and doesn't think more about it, while Ashe and Ingrid talk about dresses depicted in various knightly novels, the Maiden of Wind's dress in the edition of 950 had a dress that was judged too "Adrestian", so the verses were modified to remove any part that could make a link with Adrestian fashion.
Sylvain wonders even more seriously if the Lady from his step-mom's painting wasn't related to Lady Rhea, because without the giant crown and robes, they really really really look alike, bar the hair color. But it's just a foolish remark, I mean, no one lives to be that old, besides, you can't really change the color of your hair, right? Flayn didn't get the part about "living that old" but tells Sylvain that yes, she tried to use berries a long time ago to change hair color, but it didn't work that well because she couldn't color the ends, but no one noticed it since yellow and green are close colors.
Sylvain stares at Flayn - the lady in the painting has yellow hair, but with green ends - wait just like Seiros he remembers Ingrid tried to put grass in her hair when they were younger when she was pretending she was Saint Seiros - is Flayn messing with him or ???
Ultimately, Rhea asks Catherine if it is alright to eat here, in the cafeteria, with everyone. Aren't people troubled or stressed because she is here? Catherine replies if anyone is bothered they will talk to her fist, but why is she even thinking she is bothering people? Everyone's happy to spend time with her!
"Even if I don't undress?"
Catherine's mind went blank for a second, what the fuck, what is Lady Rhea saying - who's the bastard who told her she had to undress to make people less anxious, Lady Rhea is too naive - but renews her knightly vows.
Meanwhile, Dimitri had to convince Felix and Dedue to let him join the cafeteria without any shirt on "It will create a commotion your Highness, please reconsider" "Stop being a boar and put clothes on!" "But it worked with the children, as soon as I removed a piece of clothing they stopped being afraid!"
"They weren't afraid they were just blinded by the sun reflected on your armor!"
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