#Flamingo shave
magicmanii · 4 months
can i pretty please request a rin x gn reader where rin is hopelessly down bad for them? (like he runs to pay for anything they want and gets grumpy/petty if reader insists/pays or runs to open doors for them and is honestly just all around pathetically in love)
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🌺 It's been… like 7 months since my best friend has requested this.. I hope you enjoy…
🌺 It might be a little ooc Rin? Disgustingly in love Rin!!! Rin is a cutie patootie in this!!! Isagi is a little freaked out.. Also I haven't read bllk in a minute so I'm going off of what I know.. THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD!!!!
🌺GN READER‼️‼️‼️
🌺 WORD COUNT: 1,204
Isagi has seen a lot of weird stuff since he's become a famous soccer player.
He's seen fans flash their favorite players in a weird attempt to get their attention, he's seen opponents lose their shit after losing a match, he's even seen his own teammates get weird while playing a game. He can't really say anything about that though…
But what he's never seen before; in his seventeen years of life, is Rin Itoshi, one of the best soccer players in Japan (and also notably one of the most cold and standoffish) rubbing sunscreen into someone else's back.
I mean— helping someone with something without glaring at them or complaining!?
A shiver ran up Isagi's spine.
This couldn't be Rin. This had to be an imposter.
Rin would never willingly do something for someone unless—
Another shiver ran up Isagi's spine. A mysterious apple also fell on his head.
Unless… they were his partner!
Wait. No, he's getting too ahead of himself. Rin, Mr— “I have a stick shoved up my ass constantly” would never be able to pull someone! Especially someone so beautiful!
But then that brought him back to his original question. If this wasn't his partner, who was it!?
Before isagi could question Rin's and this mysterious person's relationship anymore, a monotonous voice broke him out of his stupor.
“Hey, NPC, can you move? You're standing right in front of the door.” said soccer player grumbled out while glaring daggers down at the now sweating Isagi.
“Oh! —” Isagi quickly moved out of the way of the entrance to the shaved ice hut. “Sorry.”
Rin walked in without even sparing isagi another word or glance, clearly focusing more on his task than his rival.
Now that Rin was closer, Isagi could get a look at his attire. And let me tell you. Isagi could feel himself getting traumatized again.
I mean— how couldn't he!? Rin was wearing neon blue swim trunks with flamingos and palm trees on it while also wearing a pair of pineapple sunglasses!
Who was this!?
“Do you have a staring problem, NPC?” Rin coldly asked when he felt Isagi's burning gaze on his back.
“What are you wearing?” Isagi boldly snapped back, not caring if he got a death glare because of it.
“swim trunks.”
“Wha— no kidding! I could tell that much! But why are you wearing ones with flamingo print on them!? And what's with the sunglasses!?” He questioned while pointing at the offending male.
Slowly, Very slowly, maybe it was intentional on how slow he was turning; Rin turned around to face Isagi, his expression far from a welcoming one.
In actuality, if looks could kill, Isagi would be, not 6ft, but 30ft underground!
“if you have such a problem with what I'm wearing maybe you should pluck your eyeballs out.” he spat out before turning back around and grabbing two snow cones from the smiling cashier.
“You should learn how to mind your business, NPC.” was the final thing Rin said to isagi, the pro soccer player shoving his way past the shorter and stomping his way out the hut.
It wouldn't take long before Rin would make it to his partner again. His partner in question looking up at their boyfriend with a questioning gaze.
“Rinnie? What's with the face?” They questioned while reaching out for the snow cone they requested, saying a small “Thank you” as they watched the other sit down on the ground like a pouting child.
“I ran into isagi.” He simply said, his blue eyes staring daggers into the poor snow cone in his grasp.
“So?” Y/N shrugged, looking at Rin with a questionable gaze.
“He had a problem with what I was wearing.”
“So what'd you say?”
“I told him he could pull his eyeballs out if he hated my outfit that much.”
“Aww Rinnie! You like the outfit I picked out for you that much!?” Y/N cooed while lovingly pinching their boyfriend's cheek.
Rin let out a soft grunt but didn't push Y/N away.
“You know, if you like the outfits I pick out for you that much, you should let me pick out all your outfits!” Y/N offered with a cheeky smile
Rin looked at his partner for a moment, his eyes softly gazing at their features: their bright eyes, their pretty smile, their soft hair..
Rin looked away from them with another grunt.
“No way.” He quietly said, a soft, almost unnoticeable blush on his face.
“What!? Why not!?” Y/N whined, a childish pout on their face.
“Because I said so.”
“That's not an answer!” Y/N grumbled
“Why not?” Rin teased while sticking his tongue out
“Because I said so!” They spat back with their tongue now out as well
“You're a child.” The soccer player scoffed, a small fond smile on his face at the sight of Y/N's pouting face.
This earned Rin a gentle punch from Y/N.
“You can go kiss my ass!” Y/N exclaimed before turning around and shoving a spoonful of shaved ice into their mouth.
It was quiet for a moment. All anyone would be able to hear would be the soft lapping of the ocean softly caressing the land before retreating once more, the sound of seagulls squawking away, and the gentle sound of wind brushing through the leaves of the trees.
“You know,” Rin started, successfully catching Y/N's attention.
“I have a gala coming up. You can uh..” He hesitated, a harsh blush growing on his face once more. “You can choose an outfit out for me.” he softly said.
At this, Y/N leaned in impossibly closer, their hand cupping the back of their ear as they let out an obnoxious “What was that?”. If it could, their ear would grow comically large as they waited for Rin to repeat himself.
Cursing under his breath, Rin let out a tired sigh before repeating himself.
“I said—” he started only to get cut off by Y/N grabbing his face.
“That I could pick out any outfit for you to wear to a gala!?” Y/N basically screamed in excitement, a smile running from ear to ear as they inched their face closer and closer to Rin's.
If it wasn't for the fact that his partner just ruptured his ear drums, he would've found their closeness extremely flustering.
But despite his lost hearing, he couldn't help but admire their features.
‘Damn them and their cute face…’ he silently cursed to himself.
Pushing Y/N away gently, Rin crossed his arms and averted his gaze.
“you're too loud.” He scolded, but his scolding landed on deaf ears seeing as Y/N was too busy celebrating their victory.
‘They're such a pain…’ Rin lovingly thought to himself while watching them celebrate.
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drowninginblox · 5 months
Dumb Sanji Head Cannons
Insists that he can do a backflip. He can do it, he just overdoses it and face-plants
Lightweight, all bait. No i will not clarify
Got nips pierced before. lost them in a fishing trip gone wrong. Never again.
Had a rebellious phase where he'd flirt with pirates to get on their ships. Zeph would always find out and drag his ass back to the Baratie before they were set to leave.
Had a radiohead phase
Had a nickleback phase
Is afraid of flamingos
Had a hard time making desserts, if it wasn't for the fact that it was a crowd-pleaser he would have given up on them years ago
Uno is his least favorite card game, no he's not bitter about losing shut up
Is sooooooo bisexual
Would be a Greek mythology freak
would think anime is cringe but would be a closet fan
Is into light novels
Considered being a stripper. at least twice
OPLA Sanji waxes or shaves his eyebrows regularly
Has been stopped on the street bc he was thought to be a celebrity and not a wanted man.
Oregano reminds him of his father
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muwapsturniolo · 3 days
Would say tmi but idc. The razor brand flamingo is so gooodddddd!!!! It’s the closest thing to a men’s razor! So for my pookies who shave anywhere on their body (especially phat ma!) I highly recommend!
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skell3 · 1 year
RP Muse: Gerard Keay
Gerry I think was the first muse I actually picked up for TMA. Kinda hard to resist, and I'm pretty sure I tracked down all the episodes with him in it to try and develop something that felt firm enough to write out, when I first got started. He's a bit different from the 'canon' timeline, but I've found I really enjoy the direction I put him in so I can play either 'canon' Gerry or my divergent line.
Gerard Keay is a tall man who looks a bit younger than he is. He generally keeps clean-shaven, though there are days where he decides he doesn't care and foregoes the morning shave. He wears a fair amount of eyeliner and black lipstick, has snakebite piercings and a septum ring, as well as a number of piercings along his ears. Born a strawberry blond, he does his best to dye it all black and most often ends up with his roots showing and a couple of blotches of hair not quite dyed well enough. He'll usually get to it when it starts to fade more, because it looks absolutely awful.
Gerry's body is covered in burn scars, not only taking away some sensations of hot/cold/touch, but also making him generally keep his skin covered up. The only parts of him that aren't burnt are his head, from mid-neck up, and small areas around his tattoos. His ink are all eyes at every joint along his body, from fingers to spine to jaw, and vary in size to suit them. The ones at his jaw are usually fairly covered by his hair, but his hands and a singular eye above his hyoid at his throat are the ones most seen by others.
With his makeup, Gerry wears a lot of metal and grunge band shirts, as well as a lot of black clothing in general. He also tends to keep a black trench coat on, covering up his arms and giving him some measure of protection from the weather when he's out skulking about and avoiding going home as best he can. It has enough pockets to tuck away a lighter and a pack of smokes, maybe a book, as well as his phone and keys so it's convenient to have with him whether he has pants pockets for the day or not.
That being said, Gerard has found a couple of his dad's old shirts and things his Mother doesn't seem to care much for, and has taken them into his collection. This includes some bright button-up shirts, of which may be some of the only colourful clothing items he owns and willingly will wear sparingly. If anything, it seems to startle people to spot him out and about, resting bitch face active, with a bright green shirt that has flamingos printed all over it.
Home life is where there's more divergence. This iteration of Gerard did not have as much help from Gertrude in the beginning, and instead of bringing her the book to handle the pages of Mary Keay, he burnt down Pinhole Books after packing his bags. After learning so much from his mother in the past, he managed to set it up as an electrical fire and was not only able to get the insurance off of the building, but he sold the lot and bought himself a flat to live in by himself. It's still pretty empty, but he painted a lot of walls black and put up music posters, and his neighbors get too intimidated to tell him to turn his music down when he's home and trying to relax.
Having been burning books in the past, to avoid Mary getting her hands on them, Gerry is very attuned to fire. He is also very attuned to anger, hurt, loss... so the burning of Pinhole Books has bumped him in a fairly solid direction of Desolation. A direction of which Gertrude has stepped in to try and get him off of, but it's even more difficult now that Gerry has to figure out what he is going to do with himself now that Mary is gone. While he helps Gertrude out and hunts down more Leitners to burn, he also finds himself contemplating on the things he could have had verses what Mary gave him. A lot of it just makes him angry, and over time the urge to burn precious things belonging to other people, things he could never have growing up, has risen to some uncomfortable levels.
So Gerry's not full Desolation, yet, but he is definitely on that path. The Eye is still watching him, as well, because he still strives for information and knowledge, just the way Mary raised him to. He just never wanted to be her little Prince to some Book Kingdom, and works to do what he can for himself when he knows what to do. Being raised by Mary without Eric being around has left him lacking in some 'normal' social skills and otherwise, but he can take care of himself. For the most part.
All of this is, of course, before Gerry goes to America with Gertrude and could be considered very early in his 'free from Mary' arc of his life. If he goes Desolation... it would get rid of the migraines and bloody noses that show up more often than is normal. If not, he probably should really, Really see a doctor sooner rather than later. I know canonically it kind-of hit him out of the blue, but I also imagine there were probably warnings that he and Gertrude ignored until it was too late.
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withahappyrefrain · 4 months
Ok this was probably FOREVER ago so you might have forgotten but I’m that one anon that starting waxing her legs, update some time later, I only did it once a week and it hurts less, takes less time. I wouldn’t say it feels like you just shaved, so if there’s an event or something, I’d start doing it once a week at least a month before and see if you still need to shave. I don’t know if I’ll have to shave after I fully make the hair come off, like get every follicle, you don’t get all of it at once so it takes sessions. My skin isn’t red when I do it atp so flamingo strip wax kit 10/10 ❤️
I do remember you! I have your last ask saved so I can try to find the brand you use when it's closer to my brother's wedding!
I have a similar experience when I get a Brazilian wax. First time? God awful. Lady said "do you want kids? Yes? Child birth is more painful than this."
Second time and after? Much better! Its good to know with the flamingo wax kit and I will be searching for it!
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nanamis-bigtie · 2 years
Shaved Doffy is like a plucked Flamingo
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Doflamingo shaved nudes just leaked
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ravarui · 10 months
"red-ya, if you need a survival advice. fake your death, dye your hair, and shave. there are some unpleasant frozen islands in the new world, settle on one of those," law replies, eyes remaining on the newspapers.
Advice on how to deal with obsessed flamingos Always Accepting @isutoburu
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"Does it have to be frozen winter islands in the new world?" If he settled down somewhere after having to fake his death and dye his hair, then a place in the new world was the last on his mind. " 'sides I doubt that's gonna be the best solution."
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transwolvie · 1 month
warning ahead of time that this is a long meandering post abt transmisogyny in media and that I am not a trans woman, just relying on my own gender experiences and trans women I know personally
seeing posts abt transmisogyny in old queer cult classics does make me wonder about the takes abt Pink Flamingos vs RHPS, although somewhat in the sense that I never even really see takes about Pink Flamingos or Divine's general role in John Waters films
I think it'd be an interesting look into ideas of drag and transmisogyny since ultimately both RHPS and Pink Flamingos are made by tme ppl—one explicitly nonbinary but who has said hostile things about trans women from a point of view of being nonbinary, while the other hasn't said things quite so offensive but is ultimately still a cis gay man.
I think it's also very interesting to look at the fact that while RHPS can be argued to be very influenced by the creator's own gender (Frank N Furter leans more towards a nonbinary identity that is still somewhat grounded in identification as a man, much like the creator of RHPS himself, and this is explicitly hashed out within the film canon), it is very much a case of what I've seen plenty of trans women note on here, which is that "this gives me gender euphoria" for quite a lot of nonbinary people can very easily be read as a transmisogynist caricature. I feel like there's always going to be a bit of a friction here because as a nonbinary person, to a certain extent, I WANT to look like a man, or at least a masc person, in a dress or who is trying to be femme...... and while I'm aware that for many trans women the imagery of a man in a dress or a bearded lady can be painful, that doesn't change that it's the closest presentation I can get to my gender as well as the closest presentation I can manage that might actually get me gendered correctly—if I shave my beard or didn't get top surgery I would get gendered as a woman, and if I didn't dress feminine or wear makeup I would get gendered as a man. That doesn't change the fact that the only way I can exist in public in a way that projects that I am nonbinary is a presentation that often is punished or mocked when it's put forth by a "clocky" trans woman, and I don't want to say that the only way to settle this tension is to give up on the idea of passing since that's much too ignorant of the ways in which passing can be life or death for trans women in current societies.
Comparatively, Divine in Waters' films exists in two spaces at once. She is, inherently, a man in a dress—Divine is a drag queen who explicitly identified as a cis gay man out of drag, and this is a movie produced by a gay man who loves drag who is himself also cis—but at the same time, within the canon of the films, she is just a woman. It is not particularly relevant to the contents of any Waters film (be it Pink Flamingos or Hairspray) that Divine is a drag queen, as her characters are played pretty straightforward as women....but there is still a constant audience awareness, because it's Divine, for g-d's sake. However, part of me has to think that part of why Divine's gender is never interrogated in the films is because they're produced by a cis gay man, in a space where most drag is assumed to be by cis gay men, and thus doesn't need to be lampshaded. It's a given that Divine is a man in a dress, and it doesn't need to come up because it is a casting choice, not a story choice. Divine does not have explicitly nonbinary feelings that need to be extolled in song the way that Frank N Furter does. Genuinely as a nonbinary person I don't have as deep of a take on this because I don't want to make any assumptions about how trans women feel about drag since drag is so varied. Maybe that's part of why this bit of Pink Flamingos CAN go unexamined, because while drag is sometimes a man in a dress like Divine, it can also be a trans woman in a dress or a trans man in a dress or a trans man in a suit or a nonbinary person in an inflatable tube man outfit. While the MAINSTREAM drag community has had a habit of excluding trans women, it's very easy to clock that John Waters and Divine were running in the kind of drag scene that would've had trans women and drag kings and such. It is not the shiny pageantry of RPDR, but rather the kind of drag you see at a local club that makes you feel like maybe some day you could do that.
Ultimately both movies exclude trans women in the sense that they're not thought about even when exploring topics of gender. That said, I think the exclusion of trans women has, if anything, intensified in our current community. I think that part of this is a lack of willingness on the part of tme ppl to just sit and listen and internalize it when a trans woman says smth that makes her feel bad. Tbf my impression is also heavily built off my own personal life—I know a lot of older trans women (40s-50s) who work my local drag scene and love love loooove ANY queer cult classic and excuse to party, and thus adore RHPS.... but those women HAVE a community, so I think it makes much more sense for them to be comfortable enjoying something like RHPS, because they're aware that they are loved and respected in the community that is indulging in the movie and all sundry social activities that go along with it. It is something they can enjoy explicitly because they have people to enjoy it with who support them.
Nowadays, just in general, the lgbt community is very fractured and isolated—in part because being able to be online allows anyone who is lgbt to speak to and interact with the community regardless of if they are out of the closet or even have a local community. However, another huge part of it is that we have nowhere to go anymore. This is true in general of everyone—malls are dying, anti homeless architecture and anti loitering laws have made parks and public spaces uninhabitable—but the lgbt community was clearly already suffering, the pandemic was a huge hit, and now there's a few gay bars and clubs hanging on mainly in very lgbt+ heavy areas. It's easy to see why younger trans women have nowhere to go and thus feel even more abandoned by other lgbt+ people, considering they are facing some of the worse oppression and nowadays don't even get to really enjoy the other side of things where your community can rejuvenate you and fill you with joy. In the dwindling spaces we have, people who are struggling the most are the first ones pushed out, meaning that trans women nowadays probably feel especially alienated even from local lgbt+ groups, bars, and meetings..... of course it stings more to see people who haven't struggled the same laughing at something that, in your absence, absolutely looks like it's making fun of you. There's a huge difference from being in a room full of friends and having someone roast you a bit vs. hearing that people are telling jokes about you when you're not even there.
The ultimate moral is that we DO unfortunately gotta kill Richard O'Brien regardless of my fondness for RHPS or Shock Treatment
P.S. maybe we lay off commentary on Divine cuz she's dead also 🤔
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danihost-blog · 9 months
Flamingo Vs Billie: A Comparison of Two Women's Razors
The shaving industry has been shaken up in recent years by the advent of razor subscription services and other innovations. Two startups that have gained a lot of traction are Billie and Flamingo. Both make sharp and affordable women’s razors, but Billie and Flamingo differ in their business models, customer bases, and products. Billie was born out of frustration with what is known as the Pink…
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months
how do u girls get their pussy so smooth 😢 i shave correctly and it still don’t look right 💔💔💔
Men’s razor or the brand flamingo! I use the flamingo razors and I use the Tree hut shave oil!!! You shave against the hair !! I also shave out the shower so I can get every single hair!
After I wash with a non scented soap using exfoliation gloves, I go in with non scented lotion or my Vaseline oil! Fat ma always looks bouncy and delicious!!
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jhtreasures · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Flamingo Womens 3x Razor Lilac Handle and One 5-Blade Razor Blade Lot.
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timmburrton · 1 year
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Character Representation: The Queen of Hearts
Name: Marcel Dumont
From Paris, France
He // She|| Queer || 26 {January 1 // Capricorn} || 6'1"
Occupation: Croquet Play {Former Asylum Patient and Self Elected "Queen" of "Wonderland"}
Appearance: Normally They Have Their Hair in two Buns and Have Red Hair {They Tend to Change Their Hair a lot from Shaving it Completely off to Keeping it Short}, Hazelnut Brown, Ear Piercings and Eyebrow Piercing, Tattoos all over his Chest, Arms and Legs, can go From Wearing Very Skimpy Clothes to Wearing Nothing to Wearing so Many Layers, Wears Dresses, Skirts, Bodysuits, Low Waisted Pants, Crop Tops, Heavy Makeup, Nail Polish
Personality: Hard Headed, Moody, Easily Mad, Revengeful, Fake Nice and Happy
Likes: the Color red, Blood, Dismembered Heads, Guillotines, Croquet, Flamingos, Hedgehogs, Hearts {Literally, Real Hearts}
Dislikes: Padded Rooms, Disobedience, Messes, Being Angered, Talking Back
Values: Obedience; She really much likes and values obedience. It is something she requeires and does not tolerate an ounce of bratty behavior. He expects to be listened to and have his orders followed. He isn't above brat taming but he would much rather avoid it completely. Don't listen to him and it might be off with your head.~
NSFW: Hard Dom {Will not Easily Sub}; Size Kink, Breeding {Giving}, Toys {Giving}, Collaring {Giving}, Bondage {Giving}, Choking {Giving}, Severe Marking {Giving}, Humiliation/Degradation {Giving}, Burning {Giving}, Branding {Giving}, Wax Play {Giving}, Dollification {Giving}, Oral {Receiving}, Overstim {Giving}, Edging {Giving}, Pain Kink {Giving}, Gun Play {Giving}, Impact Play/Spanking {Giving}, Auralism, Public {Giving}, Being Recorded/Watched {Giving}, Mirror Sex {Giving}, Somonophilia, Dacryphilia, Autassassinophilia, Forced Submission {Secret Kink} {All kinks are giving, He is the dom in any relationship and will not easily sub, there is an inclanation to him subbing but only if trust is aquired.}
Relations Within the bot:
Relationship: Dating and In Love With @creepypasta-cb Nina {My Heart🔪❤️} {08.17.24}
Sign off 👑Marcel
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Faceclaim: @/ykaaar on Instagram
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I think someone called me a flamingo on the street I'm not sure
Either way it's extremely dumb, my side shave is dyed RED not pink, it's such an easy distinction, kids these days don't know how to diss smh
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shavingformen · 1 year
🦩 Flamingo Shave Kit promises to deliver a smooth and effortless shaving experience for women. This kit includes a razor, two five-blade cartridges, and a foaming shave gel. The razor has a flexible hinge that adjusts to the contours of the body, making it easy to shave hard-to-reach areas. 🛀 The Flamingo Shave Kit is perfect for women who want to achieve a close and comfortable shave without any nicks or cuts. The five-blade cartridges are designed to glide over the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. The foaming shave gel is enriched with aloe vera and vitamin E, which helps to soothe and hydrate the skin. 💁‍♀️ The Flamingo Shave Kit is also stylish and affordable. The razor handle comes in a range of fun colors, including coral, mint, and navy. The kit is available for purchase online and can be delivered straight to your door. Say goodbye to razor burn and hello to silky-smooth skin with Flamingo Shave Kit.1. Introduction to the Flamingo Shave Kit: A Comprehensive ReviewThe Flamingo Shave Kit is a popular hair removal product for women. It includes a razor, six blades, and a shower holder. The razor has a rubber grip for better control. The blades are designed to prevent nicks and cuts. The shower holder is a convenient way to store the razor. 💁‍♀️ The Flamingo Shave Kit is affordable, with a price point of around $16. The razor and blades are also available for purchase separately. The razor is easy to use and provides a close shave. The blades are long-lasting and can be replaced easily. 💰 The Flamingo Shave Kit is also environmentally friendly. The razor handle is made from recycled plastic, and the blades are recyclable. The packaging is also made from recycled materials. It's a great option for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint. 🌍 Overall, the Flamingo Shave Kit is a great choice for women who want a high-quality, affordable, and eco-friendly shaving option. It's easy to use, provides a close shave, and is gentle on the skin. Plus, it looks cute in your shower! 😍2. The Benefits of Using the Flamingo Shave Kit for a Smooth Shave🦩 The Flamingo Shave Kit is a game-changer for anyone looking for a smooth shave. Here are some benefits: 👉 The five-blade razor provides a close shave without irritation. 👉 The hydrating strip with aloe vera and vitamin E soothes the skin. 👉 The rubber grip handle allows for a comfortable and secure grip. 🦩 In addition to the razor, the kit includes a foaming shave gel and a shower hook for easy storage. 👉 The shave gel is formulated with aloe vera and vitamin E to moisturize and protect the skin. 👉 The shower hook keeps the razor and shave gel within reach and off the shower floor. 🦩 The Flamingo Shave Kit is also affordable and convenient, with replacement blades and shave gel available for purchase. 👉 Replacement blades are easy to install and last for several shaves. 👉 The shave gel is available in a travel size for on-the-go convenience. 🦩 Say goodbye to razor burn and hello to silky smooth skin with the Flamingo Shave Kit.3. How to Use the Flamingo Shave Kit for the Best Results🦩 Want to get the best results from your Flamingo Shave Kit? Follow these tips: 🚿 Take a warm shower or bath to soften hair and skin. 🧼 Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells. 🪒 Apply shaving cream or gel to create a smooth surface. 👩‍🦱 For longer hair, trim with scissors or clippers before shaving. 🧴 Moisturize after shaving to soothe and hydrate the skin. 🦩 Use the Flamingo razor with a light touch, moving in the direction of hair growth. 🪒 Rinse the blade frequently to prevent clogging and ensure a close shave. 💦 After shaving, rinse skin with cool water to close pores and reduce irritation. 🧼 Clean the razor with warm water and soap after each use. 🌡️ Store the razor in a dry place to prevent rust and bacteria buildup. 🦩 With these simple steps, you'll achieve a smooth, flawless shave every time!4. Flamingo Shave Kit vs. Other Shaving Products: A ComparisonWhen it comes to shaving, there are countless options available. However, the Flamingo Shave Kit stands out from the crowd. Here's how it compares to other shaving products: Flamingo's razor has 5 blades, while most razors only have 3 or 4. The handle is ergonomic and easy to grip, reducing the risk of nicks and cuts. The kit includes a hydrating lotion and foaming shave gel, making for a smoother, more comfortable shave. Compared to other popular shaving brands, Flamingo is more affordable and offers a subscription service for easy reordering. Plus, their products are cruelty-free and made with high-quality ingredients. Flamingo's shave gel contains aloe vera and vitamin E for added skin benefits. Their lotion is fragrance-free and formulated with shea butter and jojoba oil for hydration. Other shaving brands may have more variety in their product lines, but Flamingo's kit covers all the essentials for a great shave. Overall, the Flamingo Shave Kit is a great choice for those looking for a high-quality, affordable, and convenient shaving experience. 🦩5. Tips and Tricks for Achieving a Perfectly Smooth Shave with Flamingo Shave Kit🪒 Achieving a perfectly smooth shave with Flamingo Shave Kit can be a breeze with these tips and tricks: 🌊 Start with a warm shower or use a warm towel to open up your pores. 🧼 Exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs. 💦 Apply shaving cream or gel to lubricate your skin and reduce friction. 🪒 Use a sharp razor and shave in the direction of hair growth to avoid irritation. 🧴 After shaving, rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to soothe your skin. 🌟 Bonus tips: 🌿 Use a natural shaving cream or gel to avoid harsh chemicals. 🚿 Clean your razor after each use to prevent bacteria buildup. 🌞 Shave in the morning when your skin is less swollen and sensitive. 🚫 Avoid shaving over the same area multiple times to prevent razor burn. 🌬️ Use a fan or blow dryer on cool setting to dry your skin and prevent irritation. 6. Flamingo Shave Kit: The Ultimate Solution for Sensitive SkinAre you tired of razor burns and skin irritation after shaving? Look no further than the Flamingo Shave Kit. Includes a five-blade razor for a close, smooth shave Comes with a hydrating strip to soothe sensitive skin Also includes a foaming shave gel for added protection Not only does the Flamingo Shave Kit provide a comfortable shave, but it also looks great on your bathroom counter. Plus, with its affordable price point, you won't have to break the bank to achieve a flawless shave every time. Upgrade your shaving routine today with the Flamingo Shave Kit. 🦩7. Frequently Asked Questions About Flamingo Shave Kit AnsweredHere are some answers to frequently asked questions about the Flamingo Shave Kit: Q: What is included in the Flamingo Shave Kit? A: The kit includes a razor handle, two five-blade razor cartridges, a foaming shave gel, and a shower hook. Q: Is the razor handle compatible with other razor blades? A: No, the Flamingo razor handle is designed to work only with Flamingo five-blade razor cartridges. Q: Is the shave gel suitable for sensitive skin? A: Yes, the shave gel is dermatologist-tested and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Q: Can I purchase additional razor cartridges separately? A: Yes, you can purchase additional cartridges on the Flamingo website or at select retailers. Q: Is the shower hook easy to install? A: Yes, the shower hook has a strong adhesive backing that easily sticks to any smooth surface. Q: How often should I replace the razor cartridge? A: It is recommended to replace the razor cartridge every 5-7 shaves or when the blades start to feel dull. Hope these answers help! 🦩💕 In conclusion, the Flamingo Shave Kit is a game-changer for anyone looking for a smooth and effortless shaving experience. The kit includes everything you need to get started, from a razor to shave gel and lotion, making it a convenient and affordable option. With its ergonomic design and high-quality materials, the Flamingo razor provides a comfortable and close shave, while the shave gel and lotion leave your skin feeling soft and nourished. Say goodbye to nicks, cuts, and razor burn, and hello to silky smooth skin with the Flamingo Shave Kit. 💁‍♀️💆‍♀️💖 https://shavingformen.com/get-smooth-with-flamingo-shave-kit/?_unique_id=6481a57f2e3ae
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taiblogcomics · 1 year
Summer Lovin’, Happened So Fast
Hey there, wax worms. It ain’t Thursday, and that can only mean one thing, yeah? I gots me a new Mountain Dew to try. ‘Bout time, too, since we kinda struck out with the fruitcake one for the holiday, didn’t we? Never found a Peeps Pepsi, either, and you know I woulda reviewed that shit. Woulda had a big joke about how they should’ve called it “Peepsi” too. Ah, what could’ve been... But instead, let’s focus on what is~
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Mountain Dew Summer Freeze
Golly, look at that one! That’s a beautiful blue, isn’t it? As we all know, blue is always the best flavour. Dunno how well you can see the art, but it’s a red-white-and-blue popsicle man. I do always love the dang art on these. And if this tastes anything like a Rocket Pop, it’ll be a winner.
Speaking of flavour, though, it lists itself as “Dew with a blast of Summer Americana”. Okay, you can argue with me over whether blue is a flavour, but I’m pretty sure Americana is not. What does it taste like, white picket fences and plastic lawn flamingos? The water from the sprinkler? Fireflies on a cool evening? Will non-Americans get the same experience drinking this? I dunno, but let’s crack it open and find out. This is hardly the first USA-centric Dew I’ve covered, after all~
Ooh~! Well, it do actually have that really strong, syrupy scent popsicles and shaved ice have. That’s a really good smell. That’s a nostalgic smell. Very much that “popsicles eaten by the side of the public pool” kind of smell for me. (Double-checking whether this has chlorine... Seems like no.) But yeah, maybe they did get that suburban America memories into this bottle somehow~
Hmm... Dunno if it tastes quite as good as it smells. If it has a popsicle taste, it’s definitely the cheaper kind. Maybe your store-brand Rocket Pop knockoffs instead of the actual Popsicle brand. Or perhaps one of those cheaper freeze pops, the kind that are in the plastic tube you have to snip the top off? You could get ‘em in bulk, so the summer camps would always have those instead of anything with a stick.
But yeah, it do kind of have a popsicle-y taste to it. Chilling it probably helps, I doubt it’d taste the same if it was room temperature. Probably tastes more like that popsicle slime residue left inside the wrapper when you get to the last one. Speaking of, it’s very much a nebulous kind of blue or maybe purple flavour. It definitely doesn’t taste like mosquito lotion and grass stains, though~
Worth a get if you like blue or maybe purple kind of flavours, or just have fond memories of summer growing up~
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
'The Lobster' may be the single darkest satire on dating/marriage ever made....
I was gonna give a synopsis, but go read the wiki. There's too many on the nose and subtle situations that add to the overall narrative and themes which is where I'd like to focus.
>Forced marriage or you are thrown out of society (even used/killed.)
>Extremes: either you MUST marry or you MUST be single. Nothing in between is respected by either mentalities. And there can be no middle ground. Punishment on both sides (default is being turned into an animal).
~~Side note: This movie was one of the most violent movies ever for a satire. First a dog is kicked and stabbed to death, THEN, a woman is buried in a shallow grave, bound, while wild dogs come and slowly eat her alive.!!! WTF MAN!?~~
>People would rather die than be forced into a body (or relationship) they don't want (being forced into an animal, so they kill themselves first.)
>Enjoying pleasures outside of a relationship is not good (or solo).
>Enjoying pleasures in a relationship is not good (they really did cover BOTH extremes).
>You must look neutral/good at all times as to attract a mate.
>Flirting is sin.
>Having shallow/stupid similar characteristics/hobbies are a good reason to marry.
>Lying is how some relationships start.
>Lying is how some relationships last.
>Lying is how you can still betray yourself and loved ones (In the end, he goes to blind himself so he feels more connected to the one he loves who was blinded, tells himself and her he's going to do it, but...it hints he chickens out.)
>When confronted with the truth, you may still either accept the lies or easily ignore them/get over them (f'd up scene where they make a husband admit he doesn't love his wife by forcing him to shoot her...turns out: no bullets, let's them both go, and now she knows how easily he would have done it. They do not show it, but I would have LOVED a conclusion to see what happened with that couple.)
>Even if everyone hates it, is against it, etc, we will still do it because 'it's always been that way'/ease/stupidity/fear. A big theme of this movie was humans hunting other humans to...shave time off their unfair prison sentences. All because society/government told them to. Slaves punishing slaves. Cops punishing the vulnerable for a raise.
>Even the extreme side of the 'good guys' can be tainted/too radical. Slicing lips, blinding people, and hinted castration...(turn me into a flamingo any day, am I right?)
>When you are turned into an animal, they never once promised your safety. So someone who hated you could hunt/kill/eat you! That says a lot about...everything...everybody. It's how the movie begins!
>How people who claim you are their savior will literally (it happened) use you as a human shield just to push their agenda/save their own ass.
>Sexism. Women NEED men to be men, and men NEED women to be women. They even did this thing where they tied one hand behind your back because 'two is better than 1' is a big theme. Fuck you; those TWO hands are on ONE body. Terrible example.
>Oh my fav one I forgot till I was writing this: kids are used to keep unhappy couples together/distracted, are used more as a parental showcase rather than individual people, and their pains and suffering are easily shrugged off by adults AND parents alike.
There was a lot of weird background choices, but I do got to ask: a BIG road construction going on in the background of the final scene? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Was that even a choice or just actually happened to be happening while filming? THAT bugged me. Cuz if it didn't mean anything, it was a huge distraction. (Maybe the theme we are all always working on ourselves/relationships?)
Either way, probably only....glazed over the many topics I wanted to discuss, but I haven't had a movie make me think this much about dating in a while. SO fucking layered, can be interpreted so many ways, DARKER than anything I usually watch, but because 'it went there', you got to see some social commentary not everyone will touch on. I mean, killing a dog, burying someone alive, and kicking an innocent child (who later tells her mom to kill you?) Not many movies go there....
Thoughts? Additions?
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