putterphubase · 5 days
i think a lot about how dowoo said his interpretation of donghee’s inner turmoil as a character is that he thinks donghee wishes hotae didn’t like men. because he loves and adores hotae so much he doesn’t want hotae to experience what he has gone through.
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5mind · 1 month
alright so im like probs gonna try going slower on replies for now because i REALLY need to settle on a design coldsnap's stupid suit for realsies
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outofthiisworld · 5 months
[🧪] Doc paced back and forth into the wee hours of the night— so much so, that there ought to be skid marks etched into the kitchen floorboards!
With a mumble and a grumble, the old geezer was lost deep in thought, so much so that the gears turned into overdrive and his head pounded. Ooh the agony!!! Furrowed brows caught beads of sweat that trickled from that wrinkled forehead of his— Doc looked like he may POP at any given moment by how flushed his face was!!!
A loud groan GRRRUMBLED from the back of his throat and no matter how many times he rubbed his face or rustled that already tousled bed-head of his through trembled fingers: there was no sign of calming down for bed.
Arlo watched this all unfold from the living room sofa. The movie he and Ophelia were currently watching had been long forgotten.
“Hey, uh— what’s up with your pops?”
“Oh?” Ophelia hadn’t even looked away from the movie (and why would she? her favorite movie the princess bride was playing). “Oooh, that! Don’t worry, he does this now. He’s got crushes~♡”
“Oooh okaaaay alriiiight I get’chu,” Arlo chuckled and turned back around to shove more popcorn down his gullet. “Aah old love~!”
“Wait. More than one?”
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hellzcominwithme · 5 months
@5mind // starter call.
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when it came to beings of the mechanical kind, eve always found herself utterly fascinated. funnily enough, red was not the first she had encountered recently! she did hope they were a bit more. nice?
❛ your armblade looks LOVELY! i am a bit biased though. bladed weapons always appealed to me most. ❜
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meatoticindex · 1 year
due to being an inhabitant of Brine city, it is unlikely Trotters will interact much with Fivemind from my mainblog (even though they’re both in the same verse)
however, let it be known, theyre kinda foils of each other 
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schattenmagier · 2 months
X / @5mind
It wasn't that the green ranger had been specifically seeking her out , really. There had been mention of a suspicious figure lurking about this corner of the neighbourhood. But since the members of the mechanical squadron themselves could count as 'suspicious figures' as well, Fivemind was giving this stranger the benefit of a doubt. If anything, they were here out of curiosity. [ Reports of disturbance. ] read the words on Green Five's visor. [ Not accusing, just checking. ] [ Are you new around here? ]
The vigilante was pretty sure she knew who this robot was. Of course she had heard of the squadron from the goons, and villains who had came into the bar while she was working. Hm, the 'mechanical squadron fivemind' if she remembered right. But besides knowing that they were a team of five robots, and that they apparently were heroes, she doesn't know that much about them. Though, after she was a vigilante, she had guessed their ways would cross at some point. And today was the day apparently.
" Disturbance! Oh, vhat kind of disturbance, hm~? And how sweet of you to check up on me~ "
Schatten speaks, with just a hint of a flirt in her voice. Should she tell them that the 'disturbance' was probably caused by her? Well, or solved. Because she just beat up some guys who were out for trouble.
" And hm~ You could say, or vell text in your case, zhat I am new here, I guess~ "
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asurastro · 6 days
"Rex.. are you free this weekend?" There's a robot in red before Rex and there's a couple of tickets in said robot's hand.
"I think....we should go outside more. Together, that is." They'd both been busy lately...or at least Fivemind had been.
"You don't have to accept, by the way. I got these for Chirptune and I but it appears that she didn't actually need tickets to get into amusement parks."
Invade my inbox. Flirt with my muse.
"I'd only say 'no' if I had a scheduling conflict. And as it happens-- I do not!"
It probably also helped that Rex cancelled an appointment for some dull thing related to a new gig that just hadn't been panning out. But shhhh.
"I'm gonna be lookin' forward to this aaaaall week!"
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natterghast · 6 months
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(cont. from here, @5mind) "I am not one for small talk myself." Blue Two stood stiff, close to the console of the elevator. Her attention was mostly on the little display that showed which floor they were heading at. Normally, espionage was not Fivemind's thing. The AI always had preferred bluntly straightforward approaches. "Do you work here?" That would be bad if he did. This was technically a stealth mission - break into the building, grab a certain hard drive they've caught wind of, and bring it back to base for analysis. Or it could be good. Because then she could ask for directions. Maybe.
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Benjamin was donned in business casual attire, a blazer and jeans, no tie; the kind of sloppy appearance that says he's flying by the seat of his pants. There's a folder that holds a couple haphazardly packed papers tucked under his arm. He stands opposite to Blue at a lean, with his elbow on the elevator's railing. From underneath his mop of hair Benjamin eyes the panel, with its one button lit up for their shared destination.
He pulls at his earlobe and laughs; laughs like it can jettison his troubles. And he punctuates every sentence with that same laugh. “Afraid I might not soon, but for the moment. In for a reproval, y'know?.. m'late as the day is long.”
“— mais, there some public event I missed? the whole team here? now, that'd be something. Can only imagine the kind of strings a corporation must pull to get y'onboard.”
When the elevator opens up to their floor Benjamin quickly side steps out. He casually salutes with the folder and a smile. “Ah, don't mind me — m'just curious, it's not everyday y'meet a celebrity, and it distracts m'from thinking of how badly m'résumé needs an update.”
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
 “Date, Marry, and Kill” ( well...i do have three adult muses now so... Fivemind, Antares , Coldsnap // for Doom)
Send me “Date, Marry, and Kill” as well as three names
"Oh, pfft, that's easy."
"Date Coldsnap. Already did that! And it sucked. So I can check that right off my list."
"Marry Fivemind, because obviously they're the coolest one on this list - well, figuratively speaking. That, and, I mean, we're already friends and- yeah, we're friends, ehehehehe."
"And that leaves Kill for Antares. Oh, what a shame. I'm sure we'll all miss him and his uselessness."
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sciass · 2 years
@5mind​ | continued from here!
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Ah. So they’re just completely unaffiliated - something that’s been becoming a lot more commonplace now that his social circle isn’t made up entirely of other HA-enlisted heroes. Maybe he should have figured.
Should have figured they maybe weren’t completely, if at all, human, either, considering all that. King was just being optimistic before, and it’s not like he’s seen hung out around a lot of particularly humanoid robots in the past. Cyborgs, people decked out in all sorts of armor and weapons, and extremely detailed cosplays, though...
“Uh... Huh. I meant, like, your Hero Association - y’know what, not important, I guess. ‘S fine. Cool meeting you, Fivemind?” King keeps glancing from one ranger to the other, like one’s going to end up being the leader. He’s watched enough tokusatsu and mech shows to figure that it’s probably the red one if any, and so his hand gets held out to them. Please use the hand with fingers. “King. This isn’t - I’m not, like, trying to recruit you, or anything. Do whatever you want. Honest.”
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saiyanandproud · 2 years
“Cyto! Oh my Kais gotta tell you this!”
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“I found a Super Sentai Team! A real one! They’re named Fivemind!”
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putterphubase · 20 days
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it’s really happening they’re all together they’re here 🥺
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5mind · 7 days
(( realising that due to how coldsnap is built this mf is probably going to try to physically walk away from casual conversations with a lot of people *holding my head in my hands*
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outofthiisworld · 7 months
. ✦ ݁ ˖ @5mind sleepover at the swamp shithole !!!
[💜] “Weeeeell… maybe if we’re super duper nice, maybe they’ll share a slice of some spoOoOky pizza!” Ophelia giggled— she wasn’t taking any of this seriously, was she?
Actually, were either of these two taking this seriously? (maybe Terry, given the exorcist on speed-dial… then again… he did go cheap…)
Silence. No movement yet from the planchette. UNTIL!!! — … No, no, that was only a frog from the swamp just outside the abandoned shithole shack they were holed up in. The frog croaked.
Ophelia had a half a mind to make the planchette move herself for some good ol’ fashioned trickery, and she almost had— BUT THEN! IT BEGUN TO SLIDE, ALL ON ITS OWN!!!
“OH!” She tapped Terry’s shoulder in rapid fire. “It’s moving! And it isn’t me this time!!!”
The planchette spelt out: N. A. H.
“Heeey! Yes you are, liar!”
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mechahero · 2 years
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//rex, livio, fivemind, and lambda rn
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stxr-bxster · 2 years
Fivemind doesn't exactly know where to put Krigg on the aquaintance-friends scale but they do know one thing for sure - she's reliable when she puts her mind to it. She may be physically small and not much in terms of brute strength but they'd hate to get on her bad side.
Also she's got all those interesting little gadgets and materials and components! And she's well travelled and just easy to talk to (even if Fivemind itself isn't that great of a convesationalist).
Tentative friendships for the win!
In all honesty, Krigg has a rather stunted idea of how physically able the squadron is. She's never witnessed them in action before, only ever really seeing them walk around and not do anything strenuous. They're a bunch of chunky, blocky lads, so she doesn't expect them to be physically agile. Just real friggin strong. She admires their crafty nature though - blame Ye Olde trope, but she does have a fondness for talented, resilient underdogs that refuse to die no matter what. They also have... Some good taste in human media.
Learning they're able to backflip would blow her little mind.
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