shwni-blog · 5 years
Fitness Exercises at Home
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The Benefits of Fitness Exercises at Home
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Home Workouts Are Much Easier The thought of doing some Fitness Exercises at Home is the last thing on some peoples minds after a hard day at work Or even just been out for a few hours and want to just laze about on the sofa when they get home Are you one of those people? These days more and more people are getting worried about their health and physical well-being because of the rise in diabetes, obesity and heart-related diseases And who can blame them! With all the fast food and calories that are being consumed across the world and only yourselves to blame You need to take action now and start exercising or take up a physical sport like football or rugby Through doing any of these things you will not only have a healthy heart and body You will soon get a body that you can be proud of if you work hard enough and this is why I want to show you the benefits of just working out at your own pace at home
Why Should You Exercise?
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Most people work out or play sports because they enjoy it but others do it just to look good And either way, you win, as you are getting the exercise you deserve and need And let’s face it, who doesn’t like to look good?  Studies have found that if you have a muscular and good-looking body you produce more sex appeal You might even get a bit more action if you know what I mean! Having a great physique for rugby and football isn’t just to look good though, its to make you excel in the sport you are taking part in If you were to go up against a fat football player for instance and you were in great shape, I know who would come out on top… And it wouldn’t be the flabby guy that can’t catch his breath and is tripping over his own belly fat And he wouldn't be the one doing his home exercises to lose weight Looking at the fat guy in rugby though, depending on his position he could still be a pushover on the field Unless he’s in the scrum then you might have a problem pushing him over But will always be able to outrun him with your athletic physique
Are You Overweight?
According to a source online, nearly one-third of the world's population is either overweight or obese!
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Do you even know how many people that is? It's more than 10 people I can tell you... I'm not quite sure how they came to that result though as I haven't had anybody come round to my house to take my measurements and weigh me Unless they did it while I was sleeping
Obesity Worldwide
Now contrary to popular belief, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not the most obese populated country in the world, they are 18th on the list But I bet you will be quite shocked to hear which countries are in the top 10 Top 10 Obese Countries in The World AMERICAN SAMOA NAURU COOK ISLANDS TOKELAU TONGA SAMOA PALAU KIRIBATI MARSHALL ISLANDS KUWAIT How many did you get right? This isn't a list you should be proud of getting into the top 10 Some of the people may say it's glandular and that they exercise regularly and they only eat a salad for each meal.... I'm afraid I am going to have to call BULLSHIT on 99% of the answers and the remaining 1% I apologize if I offended you Let's pop over to the other end of the scale where in some of these countries they have problems with money and famine. Top 10 Countries With The Least Obesity Problems ETHIOPIA  BANGLADESH NEBAL ERITREA MADAGASCAR VIETNAM DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO INDIA CAMBODIA AFGHANISTAN  In some of these countries, they don't have much chance to get obese but some actually have a really healthy lifestyle and eating habits
Routine, Routine, Routine
A healthy balanced diet is important but we don't all stick to it so exercising regularly should be top of your priorities keeping both your health and your mind as it should be You don't need that much time to exercise and do some easy fitness routines so if you have a few minutes spare in the morning's, before work or late at night when your favourite tv show is on Just get into a habit of doing the same exercises and you will soon be back to your fighting weight So when you really think about it,exercise at home for men, women and children is a no-brainer really
Comfortable Fitness Exercises at Home
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A lot of people are not comfortable working out in the gym in front of others so they get discouraged to continue to keep fit But most football or rugby clubs will book the gym out so the whole team can use it without having to wait for the machines If you still aren’t comfortable working out in front of your team-mates you could always get yourself a home workout machine and train that body in the comfort of your own home Until you are ready to go out in public and pump iron in front of people But for now, there is nothing wrong with just banging out a 30-minute workout at home every day if you can manage it
Gym Equipment For Exercises at Home
You can get some decent gym equipment delivered to your home so you can workout without anyone around watching you Unless you have children like I do that Want Want Want all the time and don’t like giving me any time to myself The machines for the home are designed to be more compact Therefore, you can easily fold them up and store them away when they aren’t getting used And that will be perfect for home exercising and you will still have the same workout experience that you would have in the gym So you don’t have to worry about turning your living room into a full-blown gym or an assault course for your young children Because if I had my exercise machines out all the time I know for a fact that my sons would be climbing all over them and timing each other And that will probably turn into a full-on brawl in my house… Which often happens. Another benefit of having a home workout gym machine is that you could watch your favourite television show at the same time And even do it naked if that’s what floats your boat! If You Have a Spare Couple of Minutes Watch This Quick Video With The Best Home Exercise Equipment For Rugby Players
What Home Exercise Machine Should You Get?
There are many types of exercise machines out there and it depends on what you want to work on Whether it be to get stronger legs for rugby scrums, improve your speed so you can be a demon on the wing in football Or just to get a full body workout to become a better all-around sportsman and to improve your health The most important exercise equipment for any sport has to be... Cardiovascular Machines Elliptical Machines Incline Trainers Treadmills Those combined with any weight training equipment, You will be in excellent shape and your physical health and strength will be outstanding in no time at all I personally love to go for a run as its a cost-free way of exercising and you get a bit of fresh air But I don't always get the weather to exercise outside so I just use my running machine or do any other fitness exercises at home There is an excellent Infographic that is circulating the net which is very interesting and will teach you a thing or 2 about running Some things you may know but you certainly won't know about all of them so you need to check it out in the link below
7 Easy Fitness Routines
So, what do you think about your own fitness levels? Do they need improving or do you think that you need to do more than just walking down the shops every couple of days? Exercising doesn't have to be hard work if you don't want it to be so this is why I want to show you a few routings that anybody can do and easily fit them into your busy lifestyles The world is a busy place these days and some of us haven't got time to exercise regularly which makes it hard to keep that body of yours in shape Of course you have time to do some easy fitness routines!!! Routines Here I will be showing you 6 very easy fitness routines that you can do in the comfort of your own home so you can do them whenever you have a few spare minutes One thing I will say though is that the quicker you get into a routine doing these exercises the quicker you will be fitting into those skinny jeans that you bought in the sale last year DONT FORGET TO TURN UP THE VOLUME ON THE VIDEO'S BELOW 1. Skipping
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According to the British Skipping Association, 10 minutes of skipping is just the same as 45 minutes of jogging or running a mile in 8 minutes I know what I would prefer to do before you say anything... I couldn't belive it was a real association either Here are some benefits of using a jump rope It's ideal for any fitness levels Improves flexibility Improves coordination and balance Works your abdominals, legs, shoulders, and arms It can burn up to 1300 calories an hour Here comes the best benefit... Once you have purchased a jump rope it's always FREE!! BELOW IS A FEW EASY SKIPPING TECHNIQUES THAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME 🔽🔽🔽Need a Cheap Jump Rope?🔽🔽🔽
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2. Agility Ladder Workout
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Not the ladders builders use to get up to fix things Although that will keep you fit, this is a rope type ladder that you can roll out anywhere in your home, the hallway would be ideal The easy fitness routines are endless using the agility ladder from sideway shuffles to hopping or skipping through the rungs But I will suggest if you haven't worked with this before that you walk through it first then gradually build up the pace till you feel comfortable Here are the benefits of using the agility ladder Strengthens joints, tendons, and ligaments Improves your coordination and focus Will make you a stronger and faster runner Brilliant for your heart health BELOW IS A FEW EASY AGILITY LADDER EXERCISES TO GET YOU STARTED 🔽🔽🔽Need a Cheap Agility Ladder?🔽🔽🔽
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3. Plyometric Boxes
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I wouldn't use just any old box for these exercises You need one that is built to withstand a lot of jumping onto, so a cardboard box is a big fat NO There are many routines that you can do with this box, plyo push ups, jump squats and box jumps to name few These exercises are designed for maximim muscle force in a small period of time so keep your reps low as it can get a bit intense Here are the benefits of using the plyometric box Increases your leg muscle strength Boosts your running speed Improves coordination and agility Improves endurance and stamina BELOW IS A FEW PLYOMETRIC BOX EXERCISES FOR BEGINNERS 🔽🔽🔽Need a Cheap Plyometric Box?🔽🔽🔽
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4. Rubber Medicine Ball
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One of the oldest forms of strength conditioning dating back to the ancient Greeks and yet it's so simple but so effective if done right A weighted ball that comes in different sizes and styles and weighing between 2 and 25 pounds Depending on what exercise you are doing depends in which muscles get the benefits Here are the benefits of using a medicine ball Improves your health (as does all types of exercising) Improves balance and coordination Strengthens your core Gives you explosive power and speed Increases your muscle power BELOW IS A FEW EXERCISES USING THE MEDICINE BALL 🔽🔽🔽Need a Cheap Medicine Ball?🔽🔽🔽
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5. Resistance Bands
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Basically, these are just reinforced thin rubber bands with handles on them that come in a variety of resistance depending on your strength All the exercises you can do with these you can do without them but you will get more benefit from a little resistance Such a simple exercise tool but really effective The benefits of using resistance bands You can literally use them to work any muscle Strengthens your bones and muscles Improves balance Reduces joint pains Improves speed of movement Will make your body more elastic (I don't mean like the guy from the film "The Fantastic Four") BELOW IS A FEW EASY EXERCISES WITH RESISTANCE BANDS 🔽🔽🔽Need Some Cheap Resistance Bands?🔽🔽🔽
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6. Ankle Weights
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They come in different weights and are attached to the ankles They can be added to any workout to enhance the "easy exercise routines" that you may be used to Wearing them whilst swimming, jogging or even walking can really improve your fitness but I wouldn't advise wearing them everytime you workout as you won't really feel the benefits that they gave you the last time you trained The benefits of wearing ankle weights Increases endurance Tones your legs Strengthens the muscles in your legs Improves your running speed BELOW IS A FEW ANKLE WEIGHT EXERCISES THAT CAN BE DONE ANYWHERE 🔽🔽🔽Need Cheap Ankle Weights?🔽🔽🔽
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7. Running This is an obvious exercise to get fit but unless you have a running machine at home I'm afraid you will have to venture outside I'm not going to say too much about this subject as I have had an article written for me about running which you can read about below The next bit of content has been kindly written for shwnisports by Josh Wardini from 16best.net
Some Running Facts You Need to Know
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Running is as old as time And pretty much everyone engages in it at some point in their lives no matter how regular they do But there is one thing that is absolutely certain about running, it keeps you healthy It is one activity that completely engages every part of the body, making it one of the best activities anyone can engage in Its advantages are vast and some of them include Keeping you in good shape and as fit as a fiddle when you engage in it regularly It also helps to burn excess fat and regulates the flow of blood from the heart It reduces the risk of disease occurrence and inhibits the occurrence of erectile dysfunction The chances of you having high blood pressure will be greatly reduced Your testosterone levels will rise And there’s a general increase in general life span And as you are probably already aware, People of all ages can do it as long as there are strength and good health But like everything else of importance, preparation is required
Running Advice For Fitness at Home
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You might think that just going for a run is going to be pretty straightforward But just take these couple of things into consideration Firstly, if you do not know what distance you can run, you may overdo it and cause yourself harm Secondly, you need the right gear for it You shouldn't just put on any old pair of footwear and go for a run You should wear a pair of proper running shoes that fit you just right Be sure to check out some of them from an online vendor like Nike or https://www.16best.net/the-walking-company/ and definitely spend some time researching before you actually make a purchase There are also many injuries that come with running regularly and you need to know them However, these should not deter you, especially with all the facts of running in the detailed infographic below URL: https://www.16best.net/blog/unbelievable-facts-about-running/ PLEASE SHARE
Before You Run-Off
I have reviewed some perfect exercise machines that are ideal for any football or rugby player to get the workout and body that you have always wanted
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So just take a look at what you could use MULTI-GYM CYCLE MACHINE ELLIPTICAL MACHINE INDOOR SKI MACHINE RUNNING MACHINE There are some brilliant machines there to fit with whatever you need to work on and very reasonable prices I hope these easy exercise routines will help you to become the person you want to be but remember to eat healthily as well as regular exercising and you will soon get there HAPPY EXERCISING!! If you have any questions at all about fitness exercises at home Just let me know in the comment section below and I'll get back to you straight away All the very best to your success in getting to your peak physical fitness
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shwni-blog · 5 years
Fitness Exercises at Home
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The Benefits of Fitness Exercises at Home
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Home Workouts Are Much Easier These days more and more people are getting worried about their health and physical well-being because of the rise in diabetes, obesity and heart-related diseases And who can blame them! With all the fast food and calories that are being consumed across the world and only yourselves to blame You need to take action now and start exercising or take up a physical sport like football or rugby Through doing any of these things you will not only have a healthy heart and body You will soon get a body that you can be proud of if you work hard enough and this is why I want to show you the benefits of Fitness Exercises at Home
Why Exercise?
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Most people work out or play sports because they enjoy it but others do it just to look good And either way, you win, as you are getting the exercise you deserve and need And let’s face it, who doesn’t like to look good?  Studies have found that if you have a muscular and good-looking body you produce more sex appeal You might even get a bit more action if you know what I mean! Having a great physique for rugby and football isn’t just to look good though, its to make you excel in the sport you are taking part in If you were to go up against a fat football player for instance and you were in great shape, I know who would come out on top… And it wouldn’t be the flabby guy that can’t catch his breath and is tripping over his own belly fat Looking at the fat guy in rugby though, depending on his position he could still be a pushover on the field unless he’s in the scrum then you might have a problem pushing him over But will always be able to outrun him with your athletic physique
Comfortable Fitness Exercises at Home
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A lot of people are not comfortable working out in the gym in front of others so they get discouraged to continue to keep fit But most football or rugby clubs with book the gym out so the whole team can use it without having to wait for the machines If you still aren’t comfortable working out in front of your team-mates you could always get yourself a home workout machine and train that body in the comfort of your own home Until you are ready to go out in public and pump iron in front of people But for now, there is nothing wrong with just banging out a 30-minute workout at home every day if you can manage it The machines that are in every gym can be bought at a very reasonable price and will be delivered straight to your door so that you can work out in peace Unless you have children like I do that Want Want Want all the time and don’t like giving me any time to myself The machines for the home are designed to be more compact and you can easily fold them up and store them away when they aren’t getting used And that will be perfect for home exercising and you will still have the same workout experience that you would have in the gym So you don’t have to worry about turning your living room into a full-blown gym or an assault course for your young children Because if I had my exercise machines out all the time I know for a fact that my sons would be climbing all over them and timing each other which will probably turn into a full-on brawl in my house… Which often happens. Another benefit of having a home workout gym machine is that you could watch your favorite television show at the same time and even do it naked if that’s what floats your boat! Just make sure you protect any flappy parts of your body so they don’t get caught in the machine… OUCH!!! If You Have a Spare Couple of Minutes Watch This Quick Video With The Best Home Exercise Equipment For Rugby Players
What Machine Should You Get?
There are many types of exercise machines out there and it depends on what you want to work on Whether it be to get stronger legs for rugby scrums, improve your speed so you can be a demon on the wing in football or just to get a full body workout to become a better all-round sportsman and to improve your health The most important exercise equipment for any sport has to be... Cardiovascular Machines Elliptical Machines Incline Trainers Treadmills These will be your best purchase as they will help you work on everything that you need to work on and get your body fit at the same time Those combined with any weight training equipment, you will be in excellent shape and your physical health and strength will be outstanding in no time at all I personally love to go for a run as its a cost-free way of exercising and you get a bit of fresh air but I don't always get the weather to exercise outside so I just use my running machine There is an excellent Infographic that is circulating the net which is very interesting and will teach you a thing or 2 about running Some things you may know but you certainly won't know about all of them so you need to check it out in the link below The next bit of content has been kindly written for shwnisports by Josh Wardini from 16best.net
Some Running Facts You Need to Know
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Running is as old as time and is an integral part of life Whether it is done as an exercise routine, leisure, or as a part of work, everyone engages in it at some point But there is one thing that is absolutely certain about running, it keeps you healthy It is one activity that completely engages every part of the body, making it one of the best activities anyone can engage in Its advantages are vast and some of them include keeping you in good shape and as fit as a fiddle when you engage in it regularly It also helps to burn excess fat and regulates the flow of blood from the heart It reduces the risk of disease occurrence and inhibits the occurrence of erectile dysfunction For those who engage in it optimally, the chances of having high blood pressure are cut in half, testosterone levels are raised, and there’s a general increase in general life span Besides all these, running is not restricted to any age range; people of all ages can do it as long as there are strength and good health But like everything else of importance, preparation is required
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You may be wondering if there is any special thing that needs to be done before running; you would be surprised First, if you do not know what distance you can run, you may overdo it and cause yourself harm Secondly, you need the right gear for it There are specially made shoes for running and you need the right size and fit, in order to prevent injury Be sure to check out some of them from an online vendor like Nike or https://www.16best.net/the-walking-company/ and definitely spend some time researching before you actually make a purchase There are also many injuries that come with running regularly and you need to know them However, these should not deter you, especially with all the facts of running in the detailed infographic below URL: https://www.16best.net/blog/unbelievable-facts-about-running/ PLEASE SHARE
Before You Run-Off
I have reviewed some perfect exercise machines that are ideal for any football or rugby player to get the workout and body that you have always wanted
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So just take a look at what you could use MULTI-GYM CYCLE MACHINE ROWING MACHINE ELLIPTICAL MACHINE INDOOR SKI MACHINE RUNNING MACHINE There are some brilliant machines there to fit with whatever you need to work on and very reasonable prices If you have any questions at all about anything in this post just let me know and I'll get back to you straight away All the very best to your success in getting to your peak physical fitness
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