#Fiona tftb
handsomejdasha · 1 month
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"Hail to the king, baby"
>Дубль два: День - 7 (Иветта, Саша, Фиона) >Планшет в боевой готовности и наконец-то я официально закончила затянувшийся челлендж😎 >У нас еще есть девочки из тройки, например, которым не хватило места, но может в следующий раз. Я либо уже займусь ими, либо сделаю такое же с мальчиками)))
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nishasjackass · 3 months
They're Vault Hunting!
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I finished TFTB again and I love my two goofy protagonists and their robot daughter <333
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f0x-gl0ves · 4 months
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Found a rhys and fiona doodle in one of my old sketchbooks and I love it
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sanzosin · 5 months
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Some cute n hot sketch commissions for lovely @rin-bellatrix....i believe these were ment for @admiralsweko mmmm yess?
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anxident · 2 years
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redraw of my art from 2018 hell i love this game and this two idiots 
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rin-bellatrix · 2 years
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U. N. I.
"You and I were meant to be more than friends." - Mating Ritual
Fiona couldn't be happier. Her new boyfriend is not in love with her sister. They've got a piece of the vault key under their belts. And Rhys isn't too bad of a kisser. But he's a bit too preoccupied with other matters to take up space on cloud nine beside her...
Written for @admiralsweko 💕
Header art by @sanzosin (bc this piece was the inspiration for a scene in the fic hehe 🤭💕)
Written for prompt #3 "A breathy demand: "Kiss me" - and what the other person does to respond."
From this kiss prompt list
Takes place a few months after "It Takes Two" so I guess this is technically the second part/chapter to that? 🤔
Bottom white heart divider is from this post and the white star divider is from this post
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Fiona relaxed back into the large, expensive office chair at Rhys' desk. She had occupied this seat before, but now that she was the "official girlfriend" of Atlas' president, it felt more like a throne in this moment than a simple piece of furniture. Then again, she could just be riding the whimsy of being up on cloud nine.
Everything was going right for her lately, and she was determined to enjoy it while it lasted. Because life had taught her that things could only go so good for so long. There was a hurdle in her near future, an obstacle that she'd have to overcome. She didn't know what it was, just knew that it was coming.
That, however, was something to worry about when it came to her doorstep. Right now, she could relax and recline back into her boyfriend's overly expensive office chair.
Kicking her feet up on the edge of his polished desk, she knew that he'd be torn when he finally entered his office. On one hand, he'd be thrilled to see his lady love (she had left for a couple of weeks to run several errands for Sanctuary, only returning about an hour ago). On the other hand, he'd surely complain about her using his desk as an elevated foot rest.
But a pouty Rhys was just too cute to pass up, plus ruffling his feathers every now and then was still her favorite pastime. Two birds, one stone as the saying goes.
The entrance to Rhys' office open with a depressurized hiss, the two large metal doors unlocking and sliding away from each other to allow entry. In walked the man himself, coupled with Zer0, a once former assassin, now primarily an elite bodyguard.
"-And I just think that maybe, we can revive that old department and see what good can come of it, ya know?"
The hologram in front of Zer0's high-tech headgear flashed a ? quickly, followed by a nod and a :). The alien vault hunter easily kept pace with Rhys' long legs, the two tall men crossing the office floor in no time.
"What old department?" The female vault hunter asked, her voice making Rhys jump.
"Fiona! Oh my God I didn't see you- when did you get back?"
She snickered, trying to curb the instinctive urge to be smug. "Oh, a little while ago~"
Atlas' CEO shook his head and turned to his friend at his side. "Zer0, why didn't you tell me she was in here?"
The alien assassin shrugged his lithe shoulders and responded in his usual structured inflection. "𝚂𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝. 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚝𝚢. 𝙽𝚘 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚛𝚖."
At Rhys' reddening cheeks, Zer0 donned a bright ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) across his sleek visor.
Fiona stifled a giggle, watching as Rhys shooed his lanky bodyguard out of the office before turning back around to face her, his hands on his hips. As the electronic doors shut behind Zer0, the former vault hunter flash a quick ;) at her from behind his employers back, until the doors sealed and she could see him no more.
Smiling at the assassin's playfulness, Fiona raised her eyes up to meet Rhys'. She found him avoiding her gaze and frowning, an overall agitated vibe coming from him. "Hey, what's wrong...?" she asked, lowering her boots down to the floor and sitting forward to examine his facial expression.
Atlas' head sighed deeply, running his human hand through his hair in a show of frustration. "Nothing... And everything, just- it's a lot. And none of it is going my way and I'm trying to find the best outcome to every scenario and I keep getting stuck-"
"Hey hey hey, it's okay, c'mere Rhys..." Fiona stood, walking around his large desk to take hold of his arm, guiding him to his chair. She pushed him gently down into it and stepped to the side, settling her hands over his broad shoulders and digging in. Her boyfriend sighed again, this time in pleasure as she worked at his tense shoulders.
"Tell me what's wrong, one thing at a time. We'll figure something out together, okay? Two heads are better than one, after all."
Rhys reached up and patted her hand, showing his appreciation silently. "Well, first off... We have a lead on the second vault key piece."
"Already?" Fiona couldn't hide her shock - it was rare to find even one piece, nevermind two pieces within such a short amount of time. Atlas' research division was truly something else.
"Yeah..." he answered, sounding much less enthused about the fact than she was. "Problem is, now that we're getting closer to forming a full vault key, the commander of the Crimson Raiders wants to take possession of the pieces we find." He lifted his cybernetic arm, turning his palm up and pulling up an ECHO recording of Lilith, head of the ship Sanctuary where she had just come from.
"Hey Atlas, my name's Lilith but you might know me as The Firehawk. Word around the block is you've been collecting vault key pieces. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to stop that and hand over everything you have pertaining to the vault key. Can't have a warmongering corporation claiming a vault for themselves, or all the other weapon companies are gonna wanna ride that train too. Look, Athena is vouching for you and all, but to be completely honest, I just don't like her. And I'm not sure if I can trust her word, you know? Especially considering that at one point, you both worked for Jack... So yeah, you have twenty-four hours to comply or we're gonna have problems. Big problems."
The recording ended there and Rhys dropped his metal hand back into his lap. Fiona rubbed his back soothingly, trying to dispel the dark cloud hanging over his head.
"Rhys, don't worry about it. I've met Lilith a couple times, she's way more chill than that. She was just... Casually threatening you to try and scare you into submission. Look, I'll talk to her and let her know that you're not some evil, scheming corporation out to use the vault's contents for taking over the world or whatever."
Her boyfriend turned to look up at her, still looking hopelessly dejected. She tsked and ran a gloved hand through his wavy hair, using the motion to keep him facing her.
"I'll talk to her," she repeated, meeting his eyes this time as she made a promise out of her words. "Don't worry. Worst case scenario, she takes our vault key pieces and the Crimson Raiders open the vault, in which case at least we can be assured that no evil syndicate is putting the vault to evil use. And maybe we can get some treasures out of it seeing as how you were the one to find two-thirds of the vault key. Best case scenario, she let's us open the vault! Wouldn't that be great?"
Rhys pulled back from her touch, but before Fiona could feel the faintest hint of rejection, he took her hands in his and looked up to meet her clear jade eyes. "Fiona, to be honest, I personally don't care about the vault or its contents, I was doing this to help you out."
Properly confused, she furrowed her brow at his revelation. "Rhys, what are you talking about?"
"Well, you're a vault hunter now, and I wanted to help you find a vault." Here he squeezed her hands, looking elsewhere for a moment before gathering himself and locking eyes with her again. "I know...that I haven't been a super amazing boyfriend lately because we've both been so busy, and I just wanted to make it up to you. I just wanted to make you happy. And what makes a vault hunter happier than opening a new vault! So... I tried everything to secure this key for you and it looks like you might not even get much of anything from it... I'm sorry, Fi..."
Fiona couldn't believe her ears. Rhys, sole owner of one of the major weapons manufacturers, wanted a vault but not for the betterment of his company, but because he felt guilty about their lack of interaction lately...? It was one thing to get the first piece of the vault key to impress her and ask her out. It was another to say that he wanted her to have the entire vault all to herself. Every time she thought that he couldn't surprise her anymore, he always managed to do just that.
"Rhys, you idiot..."
She swiveled his chair around until he was fully facing her, before reaching up and cupping his bewildered face in her hands. Leaning down, she slanted her mouth over his and ignored the sound of her hat tumbling off and hitting the floor. She kissed him firmly, her persistence making him respond after a moment of surprise. His touch grazed her shoulders, before gripping her firmly and trying to pull her down onto his lap. She braced her hands over the arms of the chair, nibbling his bottom lip which made him elicit the softest groan she had ever heard.
Smiling slightly against his mouth, she pulled back to look down at him. He gazed at her with open affection, reaching up and smoothing his mechanical hand down her short hair, his other hand reaching up to cradle her face. Fiona looked over him, taking in the adoration clear in eyes, the faint rosey tint to his cheeks, the sheen of wetness over his parted lips, down to the way his Adam's apple bobbed on his tattooed neck. She had never felt an infatuation like this for anyone else before, and she counted herself lucky to have been the one to steal away his heart.
"Rhys... I don't need a vault to be happy. As long as you and Sasha are safe and happy, then I'm happy too. I can't believe you'd try to give me a whole vault as a gift... Unbelievable."
The young CEO grinned bashfully, charmed at his girlfriend's sentiment and utterly in love with the way she was looking at him right now. To him, this was worth all the trouble he recently had and then some. If Lilith wanted the vault key pieces, he'd give them over no problem. As long as Fiona kept looking at him like this, then everything was okay.
"Hey Fi?"
"I love you."
The vault hunter, who seemed in this moment more interested in the president of Atlas than in hunting for vaults, grinned happily and straddled her boyfriend's lap. He eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
"Hey Rhys?" she purred, sliding her arms around his neck.
"Yeah?" he replied avidly, his loving gaze never leaving hers.
"Kiss me..." she ordered, and he wasted no time in slotting their mouths together again.
His hands slid up her back underneath her jacket, reaching up to tug the outerwear off her body. As soon as she shucked it free from her hands, she reached forward and started unbuttoning his vest. She made quick work of that and began on his shirt. He squeezed her hips and she hummed into his mouth, slanting her face in a different angle to deepen the kiss. He sighed pleasantly against her, his hands shifting up her arms until he was able to get a firm grip on her shoulders, pushing her back until they broke away.
"You didn't say it back..." he groused, his petulant attitude softened by his pink cheeks and kiss swollen lips.
Fiona could play this game, if that's what he really wanted. "You never answered me when I asked about what old department..."
Rhys blinked, as if the moments before she had sat in his lap were far off distant memories. When the confusion cleared in his heterochromic eyes, he brightened up and looked almost boyish in his excitement. "Oh, that! Well it turns out that Atlas used to run a pet food division, like a really long time ago, and I was just futzing around with the idea that we could, ya know, maybe bring it back. I think it'd be nice to be able to produce things other than weapons, right? What do you think?"
"Huh, that would be interesting. I never knew Atlas had something like that, seems kinda off-brand for a weapons company."
"Yeah, that's why I'm kinda excited about it. We could expand to so many different projects! Imagine, Atlas apartments... Or an Atlas hospital! I was even thinking maybe a grocery-"
"As adorable as it is watching you get so hyped up for future endeavors, I'm trying to threaten your chastity here."
"Yeah..." Fiona pushed aside his partially open shirt, letting her fingertips graze over the curved edges of his blue chest tattoo. "Is that okay...?" She kissed him sweetly, just long enough until she felt his hands settle on her hips again.
Atlas' president smirked up at her. "You trying to score a... Touchgoal?"
"Oh shut up and kiss me already...!"
"I will, after you say it back..."
Fiona rolled her eyes, but her obvious affection for him kept her expression playfully frustrated. "Okay, fiiine... I guess you could say that on a good day, if I'm feeling generous and benevolent, and you're not being too annoying..." He was nodding along, trying to encourage her to continue. "...Then, yeah... I love you too..."
Rhys was positively beaming. "See? Was that so hard?"
"I believe I already told you to shut up, Strongfork."
"Geez Fi, it's almost like you have a crush on me or something," he snickered, leaning in to kiss her with a smile on his lips. He was pleased at the embarrassed flush over his girlfriend's face. It was rare that he could get one up on her but oh so worth it when he did.
Fiona, on her part, fell eagerly into their kiss, mostly for the fact that she knew it was probably the only way she could actually get him to shut up. And also for the fact that yeah, she really was trying to score a touchgoal.
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Fun fact, in case you didn't know: in the first Borderlands game, there's a mission you do where you have to collect dog food for someone and the company that produces that food is actually Atlas!
Here's a post where Andaxay and I talk about it if you wanna see photographic evidence of the dog food can and read Andaxay's short head canon about Rhys' possible new business venture 💕
BTW if you want more rhyiona fics, I really ✨ H I G H L Y ✨ recommend Andaxay bc her writing is SO in character that she's literally one of my all time favorite writers 💖 Here is her pinned post with links and summaries to her collection of Rhys x Fiona fics
©rin-bellatrix 2022
☆ borderlands masterlist ⋆ main masterlist ☆
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andaxay · 1 year
You’re a Sky Full of Stars
"What are you doing up here, anyway?"
"Practising," Fiona mumbled, eyeing the various buttons, dials and handles that made up the console.
"Again? Fi, it's like, two-am." Rhys glanced across at her to see her laser-focused stare pointed at a particularly intimidating button. The two were sitting - well, more lying down, since the ship was parked with its nose pointing toward the sky - facing the metal, grey roof of the warehouse housing said ship. "We got a couple of weeks before we leave, anyway."
"I can't fuck this up," she said quietly.
"And you won't!" Rhys exclaimed with such cheerful enthusiasm that Fiona looked at him in surprise. "Well, until you fall asleep at the wheel. Sleep deprivation is no joke, Fi," he said sagely as Fiona rolled her eyes and looked back at the console.
"Scooter has coffee," she said shortly, shrugging, and Rhys barked out a laugh.
"That motor oil that Scooter calls 'coffee' couldn't even perk up a, uh, someone who's already super perky."
Just a snippet of time between Rhys and Fiona as the group make preparations to fly to Helios. Fiona's just trying to practise driving the caravan spaceship death can, for goodness sake!
Rated T for a couple of f-bombs, one-shot, Rhys/Fiona, 1517 words.
For @rin-bellatrix, who left a lovely comment on one of my fics and brought out this THING in me!
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chifar · 2 years
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Очаровательная Фиона желает вам доброго утра
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helpfandom · 8 months
I NEED yandere content of my lil dumbass Rhysie boy.
I got this idea of the reader kind of being dragged along by Rhys kind of like a babysitter because some random hyperion guy (or maybe Vasquez) just doesn't believe you could survive on Pandora, and surprise surprise Rhys and his accountant buddy Vaughn are also heading to Pandora! (Definitely not to get a vault key that isn't even real-)
(bonus points if the reader is a teen or just turned 18 or smth lol) <3
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@yanderefangirl and @plague-cure
Roughly based off of Rhys and Vaughn's personality in TFTB.
I quite like that Idea, especially since it can be used for many differing personalities.
So Ass-Quez doesn't like you, and sends you down to Pandora, but good thing you heard Rhys, Vaughn, and Yvette talking about their plan to get the vault key.
It's quite easy to sneak into their car that they stole from Vasquez, seeing as Vaughn and Rhys were arguing about who should carry the money. [Rhys was the only person out of the two who could drive moderately well, and well, it was at least ten minutes between the two arguing that you were sitting there in the backseat, laying on the floor.]
But only after they take off on Pandora, do you reveal yourself. Rhys and Vaughn screaming and looking at you, leading Rhys to run over the very animal he originally ran over.
Okay, a little bit of skipping because I don't want to recite the entirety of the game with minute differences, so I'll say the major plots that change.
Ep 1:
The bandits don't mess with you, [they have learned their lesson from a differing explosive teen], and instead refuse to try to hit you [except for the occasional bandit].
Shade is very nice and quite likes you, so he's actually going to help you first and then the others,
Sasha and August are way less willing to help out Rhys in the beginning of their meeting, seeing as they brought a child [or rather, a teen but I digress] TO PANDORA, the scary bad no good place.
Fiona has a way worse opinion of Rhys.
Skipping all the way to Ep: 4.
Now, all this time, Jack has been bugging Rhys, and I mean, we all Jack is mentally insane, and so having that type of personality nag you about a child, well, it leads to Rhys being more protective by nature, not trusting Jack.
However, the deal Jack give him: Upload me, and protect that child you adore so much, or don't.
But as you help Sasha and Fiona get that key-card, there's a new announcement on the Holo-screens.
Jack announcing that Rhys wants you in the office.
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gutterspeak · 8 months
(9) people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @aelyosos! no pressure tagging @arendaes @thesolemnhour @silversiren1101 @cassynite @the-raging-tempest @dujour13 @tenmillionbees @amatres @arrow90-art
three ships: challenging myself not to name any with OCs (especially luthais 🙈) SO rhys x fiona (tftb), trevor x sypha x alucard (castlevania), aaand daniil x artemy (pathologic)
last song: Destroyer by Phantogram
last film: I honestly can't remember the last film I watched for the first time but I put on puss in boots the last wish a couple nights ago to fall asleep to haha
currently reading: one of the mistborn books I think, I haven't touched it in a while though 😔
currently craving: chocolate chip cookie...
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lesbiankendall · 27 days
god sometimes i remember we're never getting tales from the borderlands 2 and i fall to the ground sobbing hysterically......what about my best friends fiona and sasha??? im just supposed to never see them again???? just go about my life????? and no dont fucking mention new tftb it doesnt exist to me
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handsomejdasha · 1 month
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А так же мне захотелось выложить этих красоток всех вместе
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timothylawrence · 1 year
tbt to finishing tales and excitingly running to the forums to talk abt Sasha only for the top trending to be about how she should’ve died in the end 💀
Lmao yeah. a looooooot of people hate her. To some shes an obstacle for an “ideal” white mlm ship or she gets in the way of Rhys and Fiona being a thing which…. is a little odd imo. Some people don’t like her because she’s “mean” when in reality of the group she’s the first to open up to Rhys and Vaughn to get their perspectives on everything- even though they work for the company that literally colonized her planet.
she’s just a victim of misogynoir in a franchise that’s filled to the rim with racism and misogyny. she’s too great for her franchise and coinciding fandom, and is my absolute favorite video game character ever.
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My baby 🥰🫶
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f0x-gl0ves · 2 years
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Collected some tftbl sketches for the soul
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gaybosposts · 5 months
The borderlands series part 4
Time for me to continue this little journey with my favourite borderlands game (story-wise) ever.
Tales from the borderlands is a telltale game that a lot of the borderlands community loved for its unique story and characters.
Before we talk about the game it self, Telltale is a game developer studio that makes choice based games where your decisions effects the story and how it plays out. If you don’t know them for Tales from the borderlands, minecraft: story mode or anything else. Then maybe you know them for making what people say are the best telltale games ever, The walking dead seasons 1-4.
But let’s talk about the game we’re here for.
The story in tftb is actually the best best story this series has ever had before since the second one. The writing fits the narrative perfectly. It’s serious, it’s interesting, it’s fun, but most of all… it’s actually funny. They take their time with the story and script and actually make the jokes funny. Which is one thing I haven’t talked about in my previous reviews. This series is not funny. Except for handsome jack, he’s always funny sometimes.
The characters are likeable, funny and interesting and you just don’t want them to die on the chaotic planet of pandora. I like the Joe Swanson one. He was really funny. Rhys and Fiona are probably my favourite borderlands characters ever. In fact, every character in this are my favourite.
The music choices for every opening credits are incredible. With Busy Earnin by Jungle being my favourite song of the whole game.
And the return of handsome jack in this is so fun as well.
Overall: this is my favourite game in the series and…. The “second game to this one” is something I wish I didn’t have to remember at all. 9/10.
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companyenvy · 1 year
v: hyperion moneyman
takes place prior to tftb, when Vaughn is an accountant.
v: pandoran escapades
takes place during the events of tftb.
(may add a second during-tftb verse here as well for a different part of the story)
v: child of helios
Vaughn leads the Children of Helios, refugees from the escape pods of Hyperion's crashed moon base Helios who are now living on Pandora. From the outside, they seem like a bandit camp, so few Pandorans mess with them.
v: post tftb
post-game verse. Details tbd!
au: fantasy
AU in tandem with @companywrath and @companypride. Vaughn attended the same mage college as Rhys, but when they hijack a deal "Assquez", as Vasquez calls him, made, and are ricocheted into ensuing adventures Rhys quickly finds his passion isn't in magic or accounting -- it's in fighting with swords, axes and the like, what with his secretly-swole physique hiding just under his robes till then, and how much exhilaration he feels from adventuring with Rhys and Fiona, despite the danger present.
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