#Fiona often throws up her dukes with shady characters and Lunette would fully jump in the fray with her
dreammeiser · 26 days
(if it’s not to spoilery) What’s the relationship between Fiona and Lunette?
Fiona and Lunette are in a group of besties along with Mae and Honeybell, their "ride or die" friend group! Lunette is very drawn to puppets with a "ray of sunshine" type personality and loves mirroring back their energy, and Fiona is very drawn to puppets that can match her energy in an authentic manner, so they make for a rambunctious duo when it's just the two of them, enjoying a lot of rough-housing! Lunette also is the resident Toymaker with Fiona often helping them out as their Delivery Girl :o) I'd say the two share a brain cell that is often unaccounted for-- they just don't keep track of the darn thing.
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