tikay21 · 4 years
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LiveDance • DJ Kay • Graham-Withers-Arts
stories start to cross here -> LiveDance and GraWiArts -> will be added later on theirselves DJ Kay -> start here
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Sara Scott  (title image)
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
Sara the 3 years younger neighbours daughter saw the Peters brothers play in the snow and she was pleased to see Tom. She was been very in love with Tom for long, but she never had the courage to tell him cause there never was a clear sign from him. One day she discovered why she never would have a chance, she saw him kissing a guy. It was hard first but later they spoke about that and he loves her too, really, but only like a sister. Now it’s ok for Sara and they are still very good friends. gallery link Sara Scott       BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay09 - create a teenager pose by Spirirock  
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gallery link grandparents with Tom and Brian  BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay10 -  create grandparents with grandkid(s) pose by Maxis   Tom & Brian Peters with their grannys - from left to right -> - from dads side Martha Peters and Henry Peters they both are very vivid and love adventure, they enjoy their retirement by travelling through the world - from moms side Sylvie Snyder and Jakob Snyder - Jacob has french roots & is a brilliant cook Today all met for an advent evening relaxing with family and friends ♥♥♥I hope this will be possible again soon for all of us (fight Covid19)
Amarena Dance - Niklas Withers and Sara Scott
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
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gallery link Niklas and Sara       BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay11 -  create a Sim of another decade this as well was for Icecream Challenge from BhadBahbie050 & Katie1123 pose by biohazzard121 Sara loves to dance - she met Niklas, Finn Withers (GraWiArts Story) brother on the dancefloor in their dance school first. They harmonized very well in training when their coach tested possible couples. Since that they are ambitioned tournament dancepartners. The dance competetion today has the theme 'century look' and they decided for a fifties style, colored 'Amarena Icecream' for their hot performance. Maybe Nick is stuff to heal her heart from TomPeters finally.
Niklas Withers
part of LiveDance - DJ Kay - GraWiArts
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gallery link Niklas        BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay11 (2nd) -  create a Sim of another decade this as well was for Icecream Challenge from BhadBahbie050 & Katie1123 pose by GuyC_UK All the girls at the highschool turn around for the most faved guy, not at least cause he's a great dancer. But his heart beats for that cherry haired girl next to him. Sara Scott didn't know that. After they won the dance century outfit competition, he planed a romantic date, driving up to the hill with Sara surprising her, viewing the stars and kiss her ... and he did ♥
Kay Withers
DJ Kay - start here
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gallery link Kay          BettysAdventCalendar LadyBettyDay12 -  your Sim shoud wear boots and hat pose by  GuyC_UK         Niklas and Sara are sweet in love. This evening they were out to dance again. Sara wanted to see the new DJ in town all speak about. Kay is eccentric, strikingly, full of live. After they entered the club - Nick asked her to wait a moment and then he dived up through the people. Sara saw Nick speaking with the DJane very familiar and when he was back she asked 'Did u know her? She's stunning!' Nick smiled' Yes, he's’ he said ‘ and I know him well, we're twins!' Sara surprised asked 'He?'.... -> start story here story navigation  one back   -    one forward >>   Story, Sims and images © by tikajona
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tikay21 · 4 years
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ADAM  TOOLATE & the XmassLove Story
from the extraordinary DJ Kay, the star dancer Liam  and tattoo artist Abel   ♥♥♥ thanx LadyBetty
images above and their gallerylinks - click on name ->
• Kay Withers • Adam TooLate
• Liam Scott • Abel Rooker
• Rean Baldwin • Samuel Jacobs
• Finn Withers & Milan Graham
many stuff to do ….
All the new movement in my Simonien startet with my game crash, Adam and LadyBettysAdventCalender Challenge.
Caused by the crash I missed my entry for the GeektoChicChallenge by Nightlioness and KSsDesign. So what to do with a nerd, always beeing too late with everything in life. So I published Adam as my call to be back after I did my windows system complete new - and then came LadyBetty (find her here on tumblr click on her name) with her AdventCalenderChallenge and things startet to run by themselve - I wasn’t able to stop that :D - it developed nearly by itself and Adam got involved. It wasn’t planed to make a complete story through out the AdventCalender challenge but it simply happend and brought me an amount of 24 new sims in my world.
If you didn’t know how i play, a short explanation - I always play my sims, they all live in one same world - round about 220 it were before this event taking place.
I usually first play my sims and publish them when they have a minimum of characteristic skills for to be a sim with life.
So the challenge disabled that, cause it’s not possible to play so many sims so far and to publish a new one day by day and have them played. So when first published theese sims are unplayed, but this changed through the story is running now. We will meet some really interesting characters and I love them - especially it’s Kay Withers the diverse DJ who is my favorite at time and rocking the dancefloor, as well as Liam Scott the star dancer of the LiveDance assemble and Abel Rooker from Abel-Ink-Arts. And they got involved with my existing sims and the ones I did for snowyescape just before the crash, so theese were nearly new ones as well - the mountaineer Rean Baldwin and the athlete Samuel Jacobs as well as the creative heads and neighbours Finn Withers and Milan Graham. Finn got a whole family during the challenge. This storyline is so full of life and energy - I love it - I hope you do as well.
start of story click here
same tags as in sims4 gallery Sims, Build and Story © by tikajona
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