#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti
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{Fic} An Acceptance of Courting
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Mountain/Niall (brother of sin OC)
Characters: Mountain, Niall
Notes: for @loveinthemindpalace
“You know Mountain is courting you, right?” Dew is the one to take mercy and fill Niall in. Because no he absolutely did not. Now he has to figure out what to do about this.
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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In Nativitate Domini ad tertiam Missam in die
Epistola Evangelium
Léctio Epistolæ beáti Pauli Apóstoli ad Hebraéos.
Multifárium multísque modis olim Deus loquens pátribus in prophétis: novíssime diébus istis locútus est nobis in Fílio, quem constítuit herédem universórum, per quem fecit et saécula: qui cum sit splendor glóriæ, et figúra substántiæ ejus, portánsque ómnia verbo virtútis suæ, purgatiónem peccatórum fáciens, sedet ad déxteram majestátis in excélsis: tanto mélior Angelis efféctus, quanto differéntius præ illis nomen hereditávit. Cum enim dixit aliquándo Angelórum: Filius meus es tu, ego hódie genui te? Et rursum: Ego ero illi in patrem, et ipse erit mihi in filium? Et cum iterum indrodúcit primogénitum in orbem terræ, dicit: Et adórent eum omnes Angeli Dei. Et ad Angelos quidem dicit: Qui facit Angelos suos spiritus, et ministros suos flammam ignis. Ad Fílium autem: Thronus tuus, Deus in saéculum saéculi: virga æquitatátis, virga regni tui. Delixisti justitiam, et odisti iniquitátem: proptérea unxit te Deua, Deus tuus, óleo exultatiónis præ particípibus tuis. Et: Tu in princípio Dómine, terram fundásti: et ópera mánuum tuárum sunt cæli. Ipse períbunt, tu autem permanébis; et omnes ut vestiméntum veteráscent: et velut amíctum mutábis eos, et mutabúntur: tu autem idem ipse es, et anni tui non deficient.
Inítium sancti Evangélii secúndum Joánnem.
In princípio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. Hoc erat in princípio apud Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta sunt: et sine ipso factum est nihil, quod factum est: in ipso vita erat, et vita erat lux hóminum: et lux in ténebris lucet, et ténebræ eum non comprehendérunt. Fuit homo missus a Deo, cui nomen erat Joánnes. Hic venit in testimónium, ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine, ut omnes créderent per illum. Non erat ille lux, sed ut testimónium perhibéret de lúmine. Erat lux vera, quæ illúminat omnem hóminem veniéntem in hunc mundum. In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus est, et mundus eum non cognóvit. In própria venit, et sui eum non recepérunt. Quotquot autem recepérunt eum, dedit eis potestátem fílios Dei fíeri, his, qui credunt in nómine ejus: qui non ex sanguínibus, neque ex voluntáte carnis, neque ex voluntáte viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt. [Hic genuflectitur] Et Verbum caro factum est, et habitávit in nobis: et vidimus glóriam ejus, glóriam quasi Unigéniti a Patre, plenum grátiæ et veritátis.
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{Fic} A Dubious Adoption
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: none specifically mentioned
Characters: Dew, Niall, Other OCs
Notes: Written for Day 25 of Mushy May 2023
Maybe he just wants this. Maybe he just wants a pet. Why shouldn’t he have one? Who is here to say no? Plenty of the siblings have pets now. Cats and dogs and fish and ferrets Dew wants this scrawny hellcat as a pet.
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#ghost band#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#Mushy May Ghost#Mushy May#dewdrop ghoul
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{Fic} Playing Hooky
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Cirrus/Dew
Characters: Cirrus, Dew
Notes: Written for Day 21 of Mushy May 2023
Cirrus finds Dew playing hooky in the ministry gardens.
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#ghost band#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#Cirrus/Dew#cirrus ghoulette#dewdrop ghoul#The Soft Dewdrop Agenda
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{Fic} A Ghost Carol, Stave 2
Fandom: Ghost
Characters: Secondo, Terzo, Copia, PRimo, Various Nameless Ghouls, Various original characters
Notes: HELLO!!!! This fic has been in the works since December of 2022, and I am delighted to say that it is finally here! Expect to see a lot of lines lifted from and referencing both the original writings of Dickens and A Muppet’s Christmas Carol. Both of them were my main points of reference when writing this, as I really wanted it to feel as much like A Christmas Carol as I could. So i was mimicking Dickens’ writing style as best I could WHICH IS DIFFICULT FOR ME. For the record! Also some lines are just too iconic and they’re in every iteration. I hope you all enjoy!
Life and being declared Papa Emeritus II has made Secondo bitter and miserable. Set on a path that could lead only to pain. On a cold night int he middle of Yule he is visited by three spirits. To take him on a journey through his past, present, and future, to try and save him from himself.
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#a christmas carol
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Flower Language
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Mountain/Dew, background polyghouls
Characters: Mountain, Dew
Notes: WE love some fluff, written for Day 17 of Mushy May 2023
“Why am I the only one you gave a flower nickname to?” Dew asks, one day. He’s perched on Mountain’s workbench, legs swinging freely as he watches the earth ghoul work. Mountain knows his antlers are overflowing with water lilies and snapdragons. The very flowers he used as nicknames for Dew. “Because their meaning is important.”
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#ghost band#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#MountainDew#Mountain Ghoul#dewdrop ghoul
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[FIC] Staking A Claim
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Rain/Ifrit
Characters: Rain, Ifrit, short appearances by others toward the end.
Notes: Pretty sure this is a kinktober fill for HateSex, I just can't remember which kinktober
An arm slung around slim shoulders. Hands on his waist. Looming over the smaller ghoul every chance he got. None of it bothered Dew. In fact he hardly seemed to notice what the other fire ghoul did. But all of it got under Rain’s skin. So now they’re here. -or- Rain lays a claim
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#ghost band#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#rain ghoul#ifrit ghoul#rainxifrit
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[FIC] Beware The Quiet One
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Dew/Rain, background polyghouls
Characters: Dew, Rain, Aether
Notes: this is technically a fill for mushy may day 15 of 2023 lamo
No one expects this of Rain. Which is their problem, not Rain’s. They shouldn’t have fallen for the stupid stereotypes. That water ghouls are all soft and shy and all fire ghouls are boisterous and brash.
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#mushy may#ghost mushy may#mushy may 2023#dewdrop ghoul#rain ghoul
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[Fic] Trial and Error
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: hinted polyghouls
Characters: Swiss, Dew, Rain, Cumuluis, other nameless ghouls
Notes: this is techncially a fill for mushy may day 18 of 2023 lamo
Lughnasadh was right around the corner, a holiday of thanks to His Infernal Majesty. To the seven princes and four queens of hell. A large feast for the whole abbey, with the longstanding tradition of an effigy of Baphomat made of bread. Which is what the ghouls are practicing, currently.
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#mushy may#mushy may 2023#mushy may ghost
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[Fic] Four Is Bliss
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copia/Terzo/Omega/Dew
Characters: Copia, Terzo, Dewdrop, Omega
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
Fire ghouls are great for waxplay
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself#dewdrop ghoul#omega ghoul#papa emeritus iv#papa emeritus iii
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[FIC] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 53
An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 15
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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So this is it.
The last chapter.
I first started properly creating for fandoms somewhere in my early teens. Those early works and the computers they were written on are all lost to time. What has lasted, for well over two decades at this point, was the dream to one day create one of those giant epics I saw on Fanfiction.net. One of those 100k plus fics. I had tried so many time before and failed so many time before.
And now here it is.
I've done it.
This fandom, for as toxic as the antis can be, has been a gift. It was a solace to find in the wake of my father's death. And when I started writing this fic in the September that followed his death I did not expect this fic to be my companion for the next two years. I was so sure that something, even disinterest, would kill it before it got finished. The same way it did to a hundred other fics. Yet here I am. It's done. You know it's a big thing when finishes gives you a small existential crisis that you get to talk to your therapist about.
At the risk of sounding like some sort celebrity accepting an award I want to thank everyone that has ever commented, whether here or on Tumblr. You all are the reason I finished this fic. If I did not have the support and the comments it never would have been finished. I want to thank @acindra , who took on transcribing for me, which saves my sanity. I want to thank my friends on discord for humoring me yelling about this monster for two years.
I promise I'm not done with this series. You'll see more side fics. I have a whole Babies Ever After sequel outlined and ready to be started. So keep you eye on this space lol, as I also other fics on the burners
See y'all in the next fic
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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[Fic] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 52
An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 15
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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[FIC] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 51
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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[Fic] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 50
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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[Fic] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 49
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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[FIC] An Empire From The Ashes of Old, chapter 47 & 48
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Copiiia, poly ghouls, the Papas and the ghouls
Characters: Copia, Terzo, The nameless ghouls, various OCs
Notes: Copia is NOT related to Terzo in this. If you have a problem with that ship take it to someone who cares, because I don’t. Your lack of imagination is not my problem.
The Emeritus brothers are dead, and Cardinal Copia has been installed as the new front man of Ghost.The Lights, the fans screaming and singing along, the way the tension between himself and ghouls seems to melt away. Every night it’s like he’s stepping from one world to another. One where he is a better version of himself. Confident, likeable, maybe even a little bit sexy. When on stage there is some part of Copia, buried deep and long ignored, that finally feels at home. Like he is no longer alone.But eventually the ritual ends. Final bows are done and he must leave the stage. Re-enter reality. Where nothing is simple and those in power have their own plans for the Ghost Project. To whom Copia is little more than a pawn, to be moved across the board as they see fit. He can be the puppet, or he can take the more difficult path and become the Papa he was meant to be
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#ghost band#copiiia#Filius et Spiritus Non Sancti#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#ghost bc#fanfiction#i made it myself
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