#Fight Club 2
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They’re codependent. They’re toxic yaoi. The main character has a scar on his hand from where Tyler kissed him and it gave him a chemical burn. They’re each others lifelines. They are the worstt
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tailcoatrobin · 2 months
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Picked up the fight club 2 graphic novel recently and I’ve been loving studying the art in it.
Here’s the narrator in comic book form
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pandoraskinnersbox · 9 months
I just finished Fight Club 2 so here’s a list of absolutely insane plotpoints and bits in this novel (spoilers for the whole graphic novel obviously)
Marla goes off to fight a war in Somalia
Angel Face x Tyler is canon
Chloe (from the cancer support group) is actually alive and is also on the front lines with Marla
Chuck Palahniuk exists in the Fight Club universe and is a supporting character for the plot
Robert Paulson has risen from his grave and is now a zombie
Tyler has the power to possess other people actually and is the impetus for evil in The Narrator’s family lineage
Tyler ALSO killed his Dad and Mom in TWO different explosions at the ripe age of like eight (or however old he is he’s some kid that’s my point)
Tyler ALSO ALSO kills Chuck Palahniuk by the end
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zokimaga · 1 year
Fattest urge to buy fight club 2 graphic novel secondhand for $15 even though i KNOW its shit
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Angel Face from Fight Club is queer !
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cybermutant · 10 months
people in the fight club 2 tag... did you read the graphic novel? or the original novel? or are you just being purposefully dismissive of it because it isn't like fincher's film adaptation? if you want my advice you people really need to consider reading the original novel with a charitable open-mindedness. set the film aside. give fight club 2 another chance. yes, even the mildly cringey camel-committee type pages in which he and his editors are written into the story. just take a chance on it.
the film is great and all, but palahniuk's writing is what the subsequent sequels are based on, and his writing portrays things a little more in-line with weird fiction and absurdism than the film portrays things.
and please for the love of god remember that marla singer is one of the most important characters in this entire series. stop forgetting about her, stop writing her off.
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rootfish13 · 1 year
Currently reading:
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ana-suromai · 1 year
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Read fight club 2 yesterday and drew this Marla Singer inspired character.
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pepperwench · 1 year
He lost me in the first half but he had me in the middle and then kind of lost me at the end... listen the thing we all have to accept about fight club 2 is that it's a lot like Good Mourning (written and directed by Coulson Baker) sometimes people just make things for themselves and publish it and its weird and convoluted and meta and even bad but its not for me. So why should I care? Anyways. One of the best uses of the comics medium I've seen in a while I love fight club 2 I thought it fucked
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art3you · 2 years
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(ID: Several loose red sketches of Disco Elysium characters. Harry Du Bois in profile explaining something and gesturing the number 2. Harry doing the :3 face with a donut box on his head and a bra over his shirt. Jean bored/tired with pins nez glasses. Harry excited. Kim smug with a bra over his shirt, cracking his knuckles. Kim unimpressed. Jean sitting and looking at the floor I just like how his hair came out, end ID.)
Hey guys let’s--oh boy let’s--who wants t
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lostanarchymagazine · 7 months
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motherspores · 3 months
"average minecraft player makes 3 cults a year" factoid a statistical error. average minecraft player makes 0 cults a year. Cults Joel, who lives in a cave and starts a cult every time he joins a new minecraft server, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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stealyourmeal · 7 months
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"why would anyone confuse you with me?"
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j0ly0n · 10 months
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patrick-zweigs · 3 months
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Dune: Part Two dir. Denis Villeneuve (2024) // The Northman dir. Robert Eggers (2022) // Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith dir. George Lukas (2005)
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