#Fic: Second Spring
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takaraphoenix · 6 days ago
'trust' for the guessing game?
Thanks for playing!! ^^
Trust in Large and Satisfying, the upcoming (March 10th) latest installment of my Size-verse:
(Providing the line before it for context to make it a lil more teasing)
“So, if you’re not having sex with Danny, do we think he needs protection from being sacrificed?” Ethan asked curiously, leaning forward to look past them at Danny’s retreating form. “Because I would like to prevent him from being sacrificed. Deuc wants us to help out around here-” “I’m sure your Alpha didn’t mean for you to have sex with my best friend there,” Jackson growled, flashing his eyes blue in warning. “Stiles may trust you people, I’m still skeptical.”
Stiles’ cheeks darkened in an enchanting manner. “I think someone is killing virgins. More specifically sacrificing them. Marin said that the threefold death is suspicious, but that two dead people weren’t enough to go by, but now with Emily, I feel so sure about this.” “I trust your instincts,” Peter took his mate’s hand and lifted it to kiss.
And from my upcoming ABOverse arranged royal marriage Stetopher fic Second Spring (to be posted on March 5th):
Stiles’ lips twisted into a sad smile. “You’re lucky, you got two shots at love. Not everyone does. I need you to trust me on this, dad. I know what I’m doing. I don’t need true love, I need our people to be safe. Scotty got true love. And Lydia is going to be the best queen he could ask for.”
And from my upcoming Steter coffeeshop AU prequel to Welcome to the Mean Bean, Stiles Stilinski's Five Year Business and Romance Plan:
For just a moment, Stiles perked up, just to slump down again. Learning about his magic sounded cool, but he absolutely did not trust Deaton.
“You don’t trust Alan,” Dalia spoke plainly. “I… never liked my daughter’s pick in Emissary either. But while I was Emissary, I didn’t have an apprentice, and when Alan moved to Beacon Hills, he… mh, he quickly got on my daughter’s good side and when she became Alpha, it wasn’t even a question to her to assign her good friend that position.”
(Can you see Peter's momma scheming and plotting with Stiles? <3)
And ah, for fuck's sake, this actually made me open Lost Memories and Gained Trust and inexplicably I fucked up already. The premise I posted on my schedule is... a fully different one than the notes inside the document? How did this turn into a whole different fic ALREADY I haven't even wRITTEN ANYTHING FOR IT. I'm gonna cry.
Anyway, have the actual notes in the actual fic (it's Steter):
post resurrection Peter with no memories following Stiles around because he has a sense of “I can trust you” and Stiles is like “…I killed you??” but nope he is now stuck with a puppy following him around
And the blind trust was meant as a reflection of a True Mates bond. That. That was the original pitch. I'm gonna have to turn this into two fics again, don't I? *sighs exasperated* Gotta figure out who gets the title in this divorce...
WIP Ask Game
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wolvesofinnistrad · 2 months ago
Buck is so fucking tired. Its been months, months trapped in this godforsaken day.
Hes tried everything to get out, he tried making up with his exes (except Tommy), hes tried talking to everyone he knows (except Tommy), hes even tried many implausible and at times downright stupid things (only half of those were based on ideas from Chimney and Eddie.)
Today was a break day. Hed needed a few to recover after his last attempt. At least the airtime had been nice for a few seconds before the pain cut straight to the next day. No strategizing either, not that he was getting much of anywhere since he had to remind whoever he was with that day, (usually Eddie, sometimes Hen or Chim, occassionally Maddie, rarely anyone else after the first few times) of every scheme hed already tried.
No today he was doing the only mildly interesting part of this living prison, exploring the city. He'd found a new farmer's market, went to the beach, and now he was stopping to get coffee.
As he exited the building he ran directly into someone, spilling his coffee all over himself. The burn honestly didnt much phase him anymore. Not after day 87 anyway. Still.
"Dang, watch it man," he said, none of the usual fawning apologies he'd have given before the loop.
"No it was my... fault," came a voice he knew so well yet hadnt heard in almsot a year now.
Well, for him almsot a year, for Tommy Kinnard standing in front of him it was only like 2 months.
"Oh this is fucking great," he said to himself before pulling out his phone. "Hildy make a not not to come here next loop I'm not doing this again," he said as he turned and started to walk away.
Then a hand grabbed his wrist and tugged, he tried to wrench his arm away but Tommy was just as strong as he was.
"Evan, what did you just say?"
Buck shook himself loose after another jolt of his arm before looking at Tommy. It still hurt, fuck it did, but he had worse things to deal with. "Don't worry about it Tommy. You don't ever have to worry about me again, you made that clear." Again hes about to turn away when Tommy calls out to him.
"Are you in a time loop?"
That was a new record. Chim had been the fastest to ever get it at 2 hours. Slowly he turned around, despite his better judgment.
"Considering you won't rmemeber this tomorrow, and we wont see each other, yes Tommy Ive been stuck in a time loop for months now. Its getting pretty fucking old actually." Despite the fact he was definitely being a bit bitchy, Tommys face was doing some confusing journey between surprise, relief and then happiness. By the time he stopped talking the man seemed to be vibrating before he pounced, hugging Buck so hard he thought he might crack a rib.
As much as Buck might have missed this, he was pretty fucking confused. "To-mmy..."
Tommy let go, pulling back and laughing a bit hysterically. "Evan," oh, his name sounded so good on Tommys tongue how had he forgotten "i thought i was going crazy."
Tommy shook his head. "I mean, i didnt believe it at first. Obviously you know my skepticism, even after the Billy Boils thing." Tommy gave him a softer smile then. "But after a while, and a few different trips to the hospital it became clear there wasnt anything physically wrong with me, which meant either i was crazy, or, well, I was stuck in a time loop."
Buck stood there staring at the man he'd once been on the cusp of loving, of spending forever with, and realized they were both stuck, potentially forever, in a single day.
"I cant believe this... have you met anyone else thats on the loop?"
Tommy shook his head again, glancing around before motioning for them to take a seat outside the cafe. He grabbed some napkins, giving them to Buck to wipe at his stained shirt.
"No. Ive talked to a few people, Lucy, Sal, even Howie a few different times but never even considered someone else might be stuck too."
Buck dabbed at his shirt with little actual concern. He was more focused on this trippy development. "And youve tried to get out?"
"Oh boy, yes, tried doing everything right, doing nothing, tried talking to my dad even, that was a big mistake." His head tilted to the side in that way Buck remembered fondly, when Tommy was trying to dodge the severity of something he didnt want to admit hurt. "Heck I even called Abby thinking maybe i needed to apologize or something but... nothing." He held out his empty hands and shrugged.
Buck couldnt help what came out next. "Didnt call to apologize to me. And Id know, considering im also in the loop."
Tommy didnt say anything for a long moment until. "I thought about it. So many times. Talked myself out of it. Didnt think it was right to only contact you to try to free myself."
"Self sacrificing idiot," Buck said, tossing a balled up napkin at his chest.
"Guilty as charged."
That admission actually made Buck smile for the first time. "Dang, only took you a full blown time loop to admit it huh?"
Tommy laughed. "Groundhog day hell has humbled me I guessm"
Buck quirked an eyebrow. "What does any of this have to do with a holiday about a rodent predicting the weather?"
Tommy looked surprised, the expression soon melting into a sort of shocked amusement. "Ill explain it to you later. Looks like we've got the time. A lot of it actually."
"Yeah, I guess we do." Buck looked at him, and it still hurt, but there was camaraderie there, stuck in the same situation with only one person that understood. For the first time since the breakup he felt like things were starting to make sense again. And maybe, just maybe, if they could find a way to move past this day... well maybe they could find a way to move past their own problems too.
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faketrex · 5 months ago
FirstPrince, 12
Thank you, Chrissy! 💝 For prompt number 12, "the beach at ten on a Monday morning."
RWRB, canon divergence: different first meeting, set in April 2016 (nearly a year after Arthur's death but still before Rio, and well before the first Claremont Election Day).
If Henry had been thinking ahead, he might not have adopted a puppy immediately before fleeing the country for a week.
His Royal Highness Prince Henry will undertake a Spring Tour of French Basque Country. This will include visits to…, per Royal Communications.
Translated, Unfortunately, HRH Prince Henry would have gone irretrievably off his bloody rocker if he had spent one second more suffocating in Kensington Palace’s gray cloud of mourning. Therefore, he's going away to convalesce by the sea for a tick. Best of luck to him.
Hopefully, a week in Biarritz will set him to rights. He'll return freed of the temptation to smash vases and tea settings and any number of priceless stolen artifacts for the sole purpose of eliciting any reaction other than pity.
David the puppy may yet have a penchant for breaking things, but he's cute enough to get away with it. Henry had grown out of such a forgiving stage years earlier.
At ten a.m. on a chilly Monday morning in April, the Plage de la Côte des Basques is nearly empty. It's too cold to swim, in Henry's opinion. David doesn't care; he bounds across the sand where the waves crest and crash onto the beach, zig-zagging on his lead and getting soaked in the process. Although he's much too small to swim, he's adept at making himself thoroughly wet and sandy and sharing those conditions with Henry by shaking his tiny body to fling water over Henry's rolled-up trousers.
Watching David play, it's easy to almost forget how he'd woken Henry appallingly early after a near-sleepless night–Henry's, that is. Henry had lain awake until four in the morning, staring at the ceiling. All the while, David had slept peacefully in his dog bed, curled next to a plush toy. He had woken Henry at seven a.m. without the slightest hint of remorse.
Luckily, he's adorable.
When they return to Henry's spot on the sand, he sits and wraps David in a towel, settling him on his lap to keep him warm. Aside from the waves, the seagulls, and the chatter from surfers carrying their boards across the sand, the beach is quiet.
Henry feels muzzy with fatigue and his heart aches, still, as it has for the past eleven months, but it doesn't overwhelm him. For once, the ache is more sore than sharp.
"Hey, can I say hi to your puppy?"
The boy is standing several meters away, likely in deference to the dark-suited PPO lurking nearby. He's close enough for Henry to get a good look at him, though: dark curls hanging in dripping ringlets over his forehead, a black wetsuit bearing the stylized blue wave logo of one of the surf schools, a sharp square jawline. The grin on his face doesn't once falter while Henry looks him over.
Despite the persistent ache, Henry feels his heartbeat quicken. He might be several meters away, but that's nothing, really; he's not so far that Henry can't recognize the danger.
A boy like that could set him on fire.
David wriggles in his lap, grumbling, and the boy's smile widens.
Henry should turn him away.
"Yes," he says instead. "But you'd better have a seat so that I can hold his lead. He's a very good boy, but he's rather excited to be at the beach today."
"Cool," the boy says, dropping unceremoniously onto the sand within reach of Henry's blanket. "I'm Alex."
The moment of realization as Alex connects Henry's name to his face to, presumably, his status as a figurehead-in-training, is painfully obvious: Alex's expression melts from friendly interest, to surprise, to hesitance.
It was too much to hope that Alex wouldn't recognize him. His accent sounds American, but that's no matter. Even Americans aren't unaware of the unfortunate persistence of the British monarchy. There's no denying that Henry has a famous face; if the monarchy hadn't cursed him to that, being Arthur Fox's son would have sufficed. Still, he wouldn't give up being his father's son for any of it.
Henry sticks out his chin a little and doesn't look away. "I'm Henry," he repeats. "And… this is David."
Alex keeps staring at him, but slowly, oh-so slowly, one of his eyebrows creeps upward. "Henry and David, huh? Are you two planning a hostile takeover of the fruit basket industry?"
It's nothing like any reaction that Henry could have expected, no mention of the Queen or James Bond. There's no pity on Alex's face, either, just the hint of a sly smile accented by the sheen of drying seawater. "I–what?"
"It's–you know, like Harry and David?"
"I'm afraid I don't," Henry says, unwrapping David's towel and setting him down, dry and slightly fluffy, on the sand between them. "And I said Henry, not Harry."
"What a waste of a great joke," Alex complains, but his grin has fully returned–at David's antics, surely.
"You should consider yourself lucky to meet him now, in fact. David is going to grow up to be an international rock star."
"Oh, yeah?" Alex holds one hand still while David gives it a thorough sniff.
"Exactly right," Henry affirms. "In the footsteps of Bowie."
"David Beagle Bowie, huh? That's fucking cute."
A sea cure, really. Henry has always been an Austen fan, but the dream of convalescence had only been a dark joke. But perhaps–well, he can't help but wonder.
And Alex, for his part, seems in no hurry to leave.
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hockeyisforthegays · 2 months ago
We got Heroine Yuuji a Gojo hug, can we get him a NANAMIN HUG? 💯🔥🎉🥳👯‍♀️🪅🪩 🧍🏼‍♂️🧎🏼‍♂️‍➡️🫂🤗👨🏼‍🍼👨‍👦🧑‍🧑‍🧒🗣️
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kindahoping4forever · 1 year ago
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AshtonIrwin: Writing process moments with @ iamlpofficial for "Love Lines" out everywhere right now 😍
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 2 years ago
Title: Four Walls
Tags: slow burn, domesticity, friends to lovers, smut, pining post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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clemsharmony · 6 months ago
you know you know when you get attached to a side character that doesn't exist? that you made up for your fanfiction or something but isn't even nearly fleshed out enough to consider an oc?
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permanentreverie · 10 months ago
istg i will write my first smut fic out of SPITE
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pherryt · 2 years ago
👀👀👀 second chances? Pwease? 💛
Thank you for the ask!!
Okay, so this snippet is still a little rough, because I literally just started this next part the morning I made the WIP poll. Like, I went to bed, closed my eyes, opened them again, grabbed my phone, and emailed this to myself.
Then i cleaned it up and posted it in a new doc.
also, Eskel won the last poll, so it's his POV
“Well, at least they're in the same room," Eskel said at last as he lounged in the pool.  Lambert sighed, leaning his head back against the edge. “I guess.” Eskel frowned at his brother. “What?” “Just, I really thought they were about to fuck in here or something.” “Seriously? You thought that they'd go from..." Eskel floundered for a word - because what single word could encompass the strange apathetic despair he'd found Geralt in after he'd done what he'd done and the way Dandelion had literally reinvented himself just to avoid Geralt? - and settled on, "that to fucking in less than 24 hours?" “Well, what the fuck was I supposed to think when Dandelion was sitting on pretty boys lap all bare assed naked? In an embrace, no less?” “My first thought would not have been fucking, actually,” Eskel said.  “They both needed a good hug in my opinion.”
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scattered-winter · 10 months ago
my entire body. is covered in dirt.
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cyber-streak-extra · 1 year ago
Just something sweet :) The ITP: Happy Ending AU was made by @maraariana01
Title: Shall we?
Description: The two hang out quite a lot, not surprising——but after certain events, spend further time together, and relax.
Ralpho laid across the couch, waiting for Spring Bonnie to return. The orange rabbit was too tired to remember why the bunny had left in the first place.
Glancing at the clock in the darkened room, he knew it had to be somewhere around eleven PM—although the rabbit wasn’t the best at telling that sort of time.
Either way, he knew it had to be late—and that Jackie would return soon, if he was remembering what Oswald had told him once about her job.
A few hours prior, when he and Spring Bonnie had actively been watching a few new rom-com’s, he remembered Oswald heading back to his room with Ben and Gabrielle.
The kids seemed to have a break from school—although Ralpho didn’t know why, he hadn’t asked yet. Either way, they all seemed to like that.
From what he’d heard from Jackie over the phone prior to the two’s arrival, the whole sleepover thing would last until Tuesday—tomorrow would be Sunday.
He knew that they were all sleeping. Earlier, he’d passed by Oswald’s room when trying to retrieve something, and he had heard snoring. The rabbit had wondered if they still had their fort up.
The orange rabbit got to learn a lot whenever he decided to hang out with Spring Bonnie and them—which, he had been doing a little more recently.
After the encounter with the bear, he’d been brought back here—and Jackie had thankfully been able to help him out. Spring Bonnie had thanked her a lot, he remembered.
Ralpho hadn’t really left all that often recently—originally, it had been because he was still recovering and resting from the encounter with him.
Now though, it was more about Spring Bonnie—he could tell how worried the bunny had been ever since the encounter.
The bunny was concerned—Ralpho knew that—especially since Spring Bonnie had told him what he was worrying about. Funtime Freddy was still out there.
He knew Spring Bonnie was scared about what could happen—so, when he did want to leave, Ralpho simply allowed his Honey Bun to come with him.
Ears beginning to twitch, Ralpho heard something from down the hall. It sounded like it was rather close to where Oswald’s room happened to be.
Ralpho looked around for a moment, before deciding to go see what was going on—if anything really was, at least. Maybe something fell.
It was rather dark in the living room, though. So, as he got off of the couch, the orange rabbit tried to watch where he was going—not wanting to trip over anything.
As he watched where he went, slowly making his way out of the living room, he stared down at his feet and the floor. There wasn’t anything there.
For a moment, Ralpho considered turning the lights on so that it would be a little easier—although, the rabbit could never remember where that was.
The orange rabbit sighed. As he stared down, he could notice how he was moving—limping. Frankly, he’d forgotten that he was doing that, but, his Honey Bun...
Ever since the three of them returned, he knew that the bunny had been upset—and he still was, Ralpho knew.
He’d noticed how more protective Spring Bonnie had started becoming—in general, and of him and Oswald, especially. He knew the bunny wanting to accompany him was part of it.
He’d rested a lot after it had first happened—Ralpho knew that he had needed time to recover. And, even now, he still needed to do so a bit longer.
When the rabbit had started to walk around again, he’d only realized that he’d been limping when Oswald noticed it first, and mentioned it.
He could remember Spring Bonnie suggesting that he still rest, or for him to carry him—although Ralpho wasn’t exactly against that second option.
Walking down the hallway, Ralpho came to a stop when he noticed something. In the middle of it, Jinx was laying there.
The cat seemed to be awake, as the rabbit saw little eyes staring up at him. She meowed.
“Hey, Jinx.” The rabbit said. He reached down to scratch her chin, before continuing on his way to Oswald’s room.
Ralpho’s tail twitched. He knew how the rabbit animatronic felt—how they both did—partially, at least. The orange rabbit didn’t know everything.
He never thought that he was exactly good with situations like this. A part of the orange rabbit thought that he might be getting better at comforting—yet he wasn’t sure.
Ralpho’s ears twitched. They lowered, and he needed to move them—they were blocking what little he could see in the darkened house. He didn’t need to trip.
He wanted to help them both out—yet he just wasn’t sure how exactly. Does Oz think...
The rabbit’s thoughts came to a halt when he finally reached Oswald’s room, and he spotted a familiar yellow bunny in front of the door.
The door to the room was fully opened, although Spring Bonnie wasn’t entering—he remained where he was, simply watching.
From where Ralpho himself stood, he could see Gabrielle still in the little fort that had been made, chest rising and falling.
Oswald lay in his bed near where the three had made it the comfy little fort. Fetch slept peacefully beside the boy. Oswald shifted slightly.
He hadn’t realized it originally, but Ben was in the fort, too. He remained sprawled out, a blanket across both him and Gabrielle, as he snored.
Spring Bonnie relaxed—no longer as tense as he had been—as he saw those signs. Ralpho could see the bunny’s ears go back up as he started to close the door.
Spring Bonnie turned away, still closing the door—trying to be quiet. In the darkness of the hallway, he could easily make out Ralpho standing there.
“Spring-“ Ralpho had started. Before he could finish, the bunny was quick to make his way over, and gently hug the orange rabbit.
Ralpho returned the hug. “Did it happen again, Spring?”
While he didn’t technically need to, it was still possible for the orange rabbit to sleep—it was nice. Though, he knew that it wasn’t possible for Spring Bonnie.
Some time ago, he remembered when he had first learned of what occasionally happened. He’d been in the living room with Oswald, half asleep, while trying to watch something with him.
Oswald himself was laid across the couch, watching the monster movie that played, when Spring Bonnie had approached the two in a panic. He’d been leaking.
From what the bunny had told him, it was like a flashback—but with what else he’d said, Ralpho figured that it was like both—sort of.
Spring Bonnie nodded.
Separating from the hug, Ralpho reached to take hold of the animatronics hands into his own. “C’mon, Springy. Why don’t we head back?”
Ralpho sat beside Oswald on the couch, as some sort of monster movie played on the TV. It was just the two of them, as Thomas and Jackie were at work, and Spring Bonnie was doing chores.
He wasn’t too sure about Jinx and Fetch, though. The last he’d seen either of them was when he first arrived—the dog greeting him, while Jinx was eating.
Although he had sat down to watch the movie with Oswald, Ralpho was partially distracted as he busied himself with writing something down on a piece of paper.
While Oswald couldn’t exactly see what was on the piece—Ralpho was keeping it to himself—the boy thought that he could see “Springy” written down on it for a moment.
“What are you doing?” The boy finally asked.
“Just trying to make a little special something, Oz.” The orange rabbit answered with a grin. Although, he was admittedly having trouble with what exactly he should do.
“For Springs?”
Ralpho nodded.
The two sat there for a little longer—Oswald simultaneously watching the film and watching Ralpho write—or at least attempt to. While Ralpho talked on and on.
After another minute or two, the orange rabbit finally stopped. Having nowhere else to put the paper, he took his hat off, and placed it in there.
“I should probably get going, Oz.” He stated, before reaching over to mess with Oswald’s hair, before getting off of the couch.
Oswald watched as Ralpho left the living room—he went down the hallway, so the boy assumed that he was wanting to say goodbye to Spring Bonnie.
He refocused back on the movie—only to realize that he had missed his favorite part of it. So, grabbing the remote beside him, Oswald pressed ‘rewind’.
After another minute, he heard footsteps getting closer—and Oswald turned just in time to see Ralpho approaching the front door. “See ya later, Oz!”
Oswald waved, even if Ralpho wouldn’t see because of the direction he was facing. He glanced back towards the TV as the door opened.
“Wait, Ralpho-“ The boy started, a thought having rather quickly crossed his mind.
“Whenever you leave, where do you even...” Oswald turned back, only to no longer see the orange rabbit there, and the door closed. “...Go?”
Ralpho stared at the words on the screen, one ear twitching. He’d never done anything like this before—which was why he needed to practice, anyway.
He stood up, moving back a little bit—but remained close enough to the screen so that he could actually see the words and images.
Just as the orange rabbit began to carefully move, partially wondering if he could get someone for this, a noise coming from the kitchen distracted him.
Stopping, and shutting the device off, he made his way over. Spring? The orange rabbit wondered.
However, when he got there, it wasn’t Spring Bonnie. Instead, it was Jackie. She was beside the counter, having gathered a few things.
Does she know how? He thought with a tilt of his head, ears twitching. Maybe she could help?
He stared at her for a moment, before waving. “Hey, Jackie.” He smiled, and made his way over to her. “What are you doing?”
“Before I head off to work, I want to make the kids some pancakes.” Jackie answered, holding in a yawn.
“Maybe I could help?” The orange rabbit offered with a shrug.
She blinked at him.
“It won’t end up like the time with the cake, promise.” He... well, that was at least what he hoped for.
Spring Bonnie made his way out of the bedroom with his son and his friends, and towards the kitchen. Gabrielle was still half asleep, and a bit far behind.
“Oh- hey, Springy.” He heard Ralpho’s voice, followed by Ben snickering about something. He noticed Gabrielle and his son just staring.
He turned away from the kids, and towards Ralpho. The orange rabbit was standing there, covered in both pancake batter and syrup. There was a bit of a mess on the counter.
“Ralpho, what happened?”
“I tried to make breakfast,” Ralpho answered with a shrug, “I should’ve expected this.” He wasn’t sure if this was better or worse compared to the cake.
“Mom should’ve done this.”
“Yeah, probably.” Ralpho nodded in agreement.
Spring Bonnie finally moved. He made his way over to Ralpho, trying not to step on anything. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” The yellow bunny wrote.
Oswald, Fetch, Ralpho, and Gabrielle all sat around the board game. Spring Bonnie would’ve liked to play, too, but he was busy at the moment.
Oswald had suggested that he could play with them in the next round whenever he finished—whenever that would be—and he had seemed to like that idea.
Technically, both Gabrielle and Oswald had already finished. Oswald first, followed by his friend. Now, they were just watching and Ralpho.
When Oswald had discovered what all the animatronic dog could do—such as write—he made sure to keep a lot of paper around for Fetch.
With how everyone was seated, Gabrielle sat to the left, with Fetch halfway laying across her lap, with a pen and a few pieces of paper surrounding the two.
Oswald sat to the right, beside Ralpho, who was no longer wearing his hat. Earlier on, the orange rabbit had decided to place it atop Oswald’s head.
The boy didn’t mind all that much—although considering that it was rather big, he kept having to move it. He just hadn’t decided to take it off yet.
“Who do you think it’ll be?” Oswald had wondered earlier, leaning over a little closer to Fetch and Oswald. The animatronic dog had taken the chance to give him a lick.
“Ralpho, maybe?” The young girl had guessed with a shrug.
As Ralpho continued to play against Fetch, he could very clearly hear Oswald and Gabrielle talking to each other—mostly discussing things about the game.
There happened to be a few other games, and Oswald had been debating if he should go get those, too. He still was. Ralpho didn’t know the names, though.
“Why don’t we get a snack?” Oswald eventually spoke up again—before the boy had said anything, Ralpho had heard the sound of something growling.
“Sure,” Gabrielle nodded. Gently, she nudged Fetch off of her, before standing back up. She reached down for a moment to give the dog a quick pet.
She joined Oswald’s side a moment later, and the two started to make their way out of the bedroom, and towards the kitchen.
Just as the two made it through the door, the sound of a groan—and some excited barks—stopped the kids. Gabrielle was the first to turn back around.
Fetch seemed rather excited—if the speed of his tail meant anything. “What happened?” Oswald asked. He and Gabrielle reentered.
In Fetch’s mouth, he held one of the many pieces of paper. The writing on it consisted of “Yay!” And “:D”.
After Thomas had given his son some money, the kids, Ralpho, and Spring Bonnie had all settled for heading over to Jeff’s Pizza for some lunch.
Hopping out of the car, Spring Bonnie paused for a moment, and looked around. He didn’t see anybody except for the orange rabbit and the kids.
The last time, he’d learned that Funtime Freddy had ran off before he actually entered—he didn’t know where the bear could possibly be now.
The bunny’s ears lowered slightly. This was where they’d...
Spring Bonnie’s thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand grab his own. When he focused, the bunny realized that it was Ralpho.
“You okay, Honey Bun?” The orange rabbit questioned.
Spring Bonnie nodded.
Moving closer, Ralpho gave the animatronic bunny a kiss on the cheek, before beginning to lead him into the pizzeria. “C’mon, Springy.”
Entering the pizzeria, it only seemed to be them, the kids—who were seated in a booth nearby with some pizza—and Jeff himself, who looked half asleep.
Moving closer to the booth, Spring Bonnie decided to sit next to Oswald and Ben, while Ralpho sat beside Gabrielle.
The only other time the orange rabbit had been around here, was when he and Oswald went there some time ago. Minus the animatronic bear situation, he enjoyed hanging out with the boy.
“Ralpho.” The rabbit’s ears twitched at the voice—which belonged to Ben. He turned to look at the boy, ears continuing to twitch.
Ben sat in his spot, holding out a slice of pepperoni pizza. Ralpho stared at it. “Why don’t you try it?” The boy offered.
Ralpho kept staring it for another second or two, debating on it. He’d tried some food before in the past, but he just hadn’t been able to taste it.
He’d declined the last time he’d been offered by Oswald—but it still looked good. Maybe he could try it this time.
He reached over, taking the pizza slice from Ben, who then went to eat his remaining slice, while talking to Oswald about something he’d thought of.
The orange rabbit held the slice in his hands, before moving it closer, and taking a few decently sized bites from the slice.
Just like he had figured, the orange rabbit still didn’t taste anything, just like the last time he’d chosen to eat.
Despite that, Ralpho decided to continue to eat it.
When Oswald and Gabrielle had decided to go to the park to hang out, Ralpho accompanied them alongside Spring Bonnie. Even Fetch had joined.
Fetch was rolling around in the grass and running around, while occasionally staring at a squirrel or two—but he never went after them.
There was a bench not too far from where the two where standing, which Oswald and Gabrielle were using to sit around and chat.
It had been getting pretty cold recently—which was why Ralpho guessed that the two had some jackets.
He’d never liked whenever it got cold like this—especially at night. The orange rabbit remembered getting pretty chilly during a lot of Bunny Calls.
The rabbit, ever so slightly, began to shiver. He never did well with it, either—but there had never been much that he could do for that.
From the corner of his eyes, he spotted Spring Bonnie beginning to write—and it didn’t take that long for the yellow bunny to finish.
Ralpho nodded.
Spring Bonnie motioned for the smaller rabbit to come closer, and with another nod, Ralpho did just that, wondering what his Honey Bun wanted.
Once he was close enough, Spring Bonnie brought the orange rabbit into a hug, while wrapping his coat around him, placing his chin against Ralpho’s head.
Ralpho grinned—more than normally—as he was quick to return the hug, his tail beginning to wag. He moved a little bit, so that he could kiss Spring Bonnie’s cheek.
“Thanks, Springy.”
Spring Bonnie had been gone for a while—if Ralpho remembered correctly, then he had gone to go get groceries. The orange rabbit was excited.
While his Honey Bun was gone for a while—an hour or two at best, Ralpho continued to check things out for what he had been wanting to do for a while.
As the orange rabbit entered the living room, he spotted Spring Bonnie there, laying across the couch, just now starting up a rom-com.
“Spring!” The orange rabbit called out.
Ears twitching, the yellow bunny looked away from the TV, and towards Ralpho. He tilted his head to the side.
Nodding, Spring Bonnie got off of the couch, making sure to pause the rom-com—he didn’t want to let it keep going—he’d miss something.
As Spring Bonnie approached, the orange rabbit could feel his tail starting to wag.
“Sooo...” Ralpho started when the bunny stopped in front of him, tail continuing to wag. “Honey Bun, have you ever danced before?”
He never really had—he’d made some attempts here and there, but that was it. He’d never done it with anybody before, either. That was going to change, though.
Ralpho was certain that it would go well—he doubted that it would be all that bad or something.
Quickly, Spring Bonnie shook his head in response.
Just like Ralpho, Spring Bonnie had never done it with anyone—or in general—but he’d noticed others dancing together before—it always seemed nice.
Ralpho lightly hummed. “I haven’t either, Springy. But,” He reached over, taking the bunny’s hands into his own. “Why don’t we try?”
The taller bunny almost seemed nervous. “C’mon, Springy, it’ll be fine. Trust me!” The rabbit grinned.
Spring Bonnie took a second to think about it, before nodding.
“Okay!” The orange rabbit’s grin grew.
Ralpho still held onto one of Spring Bonnie’s hands, while the bunny freed his other, and placed it gently on the orange rabbit’s back.
Once they’d both adjusted, Ralpho took a few steps back, and Spring Bonnie took a few steps forward, trying to be careful.
Before he had finally asked Spring Bonnie, Ralpho could remember several dances that he’d found—and he wondered if they could try all of them.
Accidentally, as another step was taken, both the orange rabbit and the yellow bunny stumbled—and Ralpho felt himself falling back.
Although, Spring Bonnie had, fortunately, reacted quickly. He leaned forward, and wrapped both arms around Ralpho to keep him in place, instead of just falling.
At the same time, Ralpho hurriedly wrapped his arms around Spring Bonnie.
The orange rabbit stared up at Spring Bonnie with a small smile. As the bunny began to lift him back up, Ralpho placed a hand on his cheek.
He snickered a little bit. “This may take a while, Honey Bun.”
During some of their attempts, both still stumbled around here and there—mainly over each other—but sometimes because of a misstep that didn’t involve the other.
Music had come across Ralpho’s mind shortly after the two of them first began—so, using Thomas’s phone that the man had forgotten, he settled for playing music from there.
He didn’t know most of the music that was playing, but he recognized a few here and there—mainly because he’d heard the same ones on a few rom-com’s.
With his little research, he’d seen a lot of dances—and with the ones that provided videos, it had all seemed relatively easy—but it wasn’t.
Carefully, Spring Bonnie had chosen to spin Ralpho—much to the orange rabbit’s delight, before bringing Ralpho closer to him again.
Once he was back by Spring Bonnie, the grinning Ralpho inched closer, before pressing a kiss on the yellow bunny’s lips, wrapping his arms around him.
Ears shooting up, Spring Bonnie could feel himself starting to heat up, before returning the kiss, wrapping his own arms around Ralpho.
The bunny could spot Ralpho’s tail wagging, and he could feel his own doing it, too—although he wasn’t sure if it was all that noticeable, due to it being somewhat hidden with the coat.
Ralpho pulled away, and stared up at Spring Bonnie with a grin. “I love you a ton, Honey Bun.”
Spring Bonnie gently placed his hands on the sides of Ralpho’s face. I love you, too.
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takemehye · 1 year ago
nvm still on hiatus 🫠
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xcziel · 1 year ago
if anyone has recs for 21+ bldrama, kdrama, or (bts-friendly) kpop discord servers that tolerate lurker-types and slow typers i'd appreciate a heads-up
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PSA: long fics are NOT meant to be written on Tumblr, especially on an online browser instead of the app
Phone is BURNING hot right now
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kevinday-apologist · 12 days ago
Posting this then turning my phone off and going to bed please enjoy 🫶 or don’t idc
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sqoa · 3 months ago
"no, baby, we're going to be late."
sex addict!satoru frowns at your words: he looks like a kicked puppy, denied love from his other half. how will he go on in such a state? achingly hard behind the steering wheel despite having drained his balls into you over the hood of his car before leaving for some important meeting.
you're already late, thanks to the second orgasm satoru insisted on pulling out of you. you made a mess of his car, and you worry you're messing the leather seats, what with the heinous amount of his cum leaking out of you. you glance over to satoru's pocket, where a little bit of lace hangs out: he had pocketed your panties despite your whining protests.
and he had made you cum a third time on his fingers as he drove with one hand.
"please," he whines, "i don't even need to cum, baby, just wanna taste you." he's leaning over to kiss your lips, get you hooked on his taste. he's such a liar, you know he'll fuck you dumb with his tongue until you're begging for his cock, too.
"no, satoru."
"i'll.... i'll do that thing you like! with my fingers, you know?" he waves his fingers at you.
"babyyy," he whines, and then, as if he's gotten an idea, his face lights up. "i'll let you edge me for a week."
oh. he's good. the image that springs into your head at his words, of him desperate and begging for seven whole days of denial, causes you to squeeze your thighs together. you can't help but think of all the different ways you could tease him, pull the poor boy desperate. he can barely last an hour without draining himself inside of you: a week will ruin him.
edging week fic soon :p
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