#Fertility yoga classes
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fertilebodyyoga · 2 years ago
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Learn About On Demand Fertility Yoga Library Pass
Enhance your fertility journey with our exclusive Fertility Yoga Library Pass. Gain two months of unlimited access to over 50 fertility yoga classes and guided meditations designed to support conception. Check out this infographic for more information.
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momkidcares · 6 days ago
Yoga for Pregnancy Planning & Yoga to Get Pregnant
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1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Stress can negatively impact fertility by disrupting hormonal balance. Practicing yoga helps calm the nervous system, reduces cortisol levels, and creates a peaceful mental state, which is essential for conception.
2. Enhances Blood Circulation to Reproductive Organs
Certain yoga poses improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, ensuring they receive adequate oxygen and nutrients. This can enhance ovarian function and uterine health, increasing the chances of conception.
3. Balances Hormones
Hormonal imbalances can lead to irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation issues. Fertility Yoga helps regulate the endocrine system, promoting the balance of reproductive hormones.
4. Boosts Immune System
A strong immune system plays a crucial role in fertility. Yoga strengthens the body’s immunity, making it more resilient to infections and creating a healthy environment for conception.
5. Improves Pelvic Health
Yoga strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, which are vital for pregnancy and childbirth. Poses like Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana) and Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) enhance pelvic flexibility and strength.
6. Supports Emotional Well-being
Yoga encourages mindfulness and emotional stability, which can be beneficial when facing the challenges of conception. It fosters positivity and emotional resilience.
7. Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle
A regular yoga practice promotes a holistic approach to health, including a nutritious diet, proper hydration, and adequate rest, all of which are essential for fertility.
8. Recommended Yoga Poses for Pregnancy Planning
Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana): Opens up the hips and improves blood circulation to reproductive organs.
Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani): Enhances relaxation and blood flow to the uterus.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Stimulates the reproductive organs and enhances hormonal balance.
Child’s Pose (Balasana): Relieves stress and tension, promoting relaxation.
9. When to Practice Yoga for Fertility
Yoga for pregnancy planning and yoga to conceive fast can be practiced daily. However, it’s best to consult a yoga expert or healthcare professional to tailor the practice according to individual needs.
10. Combining Yoga with a Holistic Approach
In addition to yoga, maintaining a healthy weight, consuming a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding toxins can further enhance fertility.
By incorporating yoga into your lifestyle, you can create a nurturing and balanced environment for conception. Yoga for pregnancy planning and yoga to get pregnant are natural and effective ways to support your reproductive health and prepare your body for the journey of motherhood.
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yogagurushailendra · 1 year ago
Fertility Yoga
Get the permanent relief from fertility problem by cosulting Yogaguru Shailendra. He offers online Fertility Yoga and Pilates classes that cater to individuals dealing with PCOS, PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease), fertility concerns, and weight management can be a powerful way to address these health challenges. https://www.yogagurushailendra.com/course/MenstrualProblemsFertilityandWeightManagement-54643
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womenhealthcare2 · 2 years ago
How Yoga Positions For Fertility Can Help Couples Conceive
With an ever-increasing number of women denying having children until later in everyday life, there is an increasing number of couples experiencing issues in getting pregnant. From their mid-thirties onwards, ladies' possibilities of getting pregnant drop emphatically, and many are going to clinical mediation to help them in having a child.
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When it involves fertility treatment or IVF, trying to conceive can be a very stressful and emotional experience. Many specialists are presently suggesting women use yoga related to their clinical treatment, both to help them de-focusing on and to improve their potential outcomes of becoming pregnant.
A Harvard-based study found that women who took fertility yoga classes were three times more likely to conceive than women who didn’t. However, what is it about yoga that readies the body so well for conception and pregnancy?
When a couple is having difficulty conceiving, stress can be a major issue, as previously mentioned. Stress can slow down a women’s monthly cycle and postpone ovulation, as well as lessen sperm creation in men. The profound arrival of yoga can ease pressure and tension, upgrading a couple’s chances of conceiving.
This is best in the event that both the male and female partake, and a couple should seriously take over partner yoga in this present circumstance. As well as developing and reinforcing their relationship, partner yoga can show them how to adapt together to the kind of pursuit of a child.
There are various alternative ways that a fertility yoga course can assist a lady with conceiving. In yoga, the body is viewed as an energy framework, with various regions or chakras. Certain yoga positions center around expanding the energy stream in the second chakra, known as the seat of creation, which is where the regenerative organs can be found.
There are different yoga poses that increase the energy in the second chakra. Certain helpful postures are wonderful to set up the body for conceiving. They can assist with softening the stomach area and remove any pressure from the region of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Reclining poses are utilized to stretch the stomach area, permitting more bloodstream to the conceptive organs.
A woman can also use certain yoga positions after sex to increase her chances of getting pregnant. The Viprarita Kirani pose, or legs up the wall, is one of the most well-liked. This guarantees that the sperm stay in the ideal situation for preparation as far as possible.
A last way that yoga and diet plan for fertility can help in conceiving is by correcting irregular hormonal levels that might be restricting fertility. Certain yoga positions can work on glandular capability, which assists with normalizing hormonal levels.
Despite the fact that no one would guarantee that yoga alone can make you pregnant, following a course in fertility focussed yoga can fundamentally lessen the stress and feeling of attempting to consider. Utilized in conjunction with treatment, it can set up your body and mind for pregnancy and incredibly increases your possibilities of making that yearned-for baby.
Yoga not only helps in conceiving but keeps the mother stress-free, fit, and healthy throughout the pregnancy. Continue pregnancy yoga even after conceiving with fertility yoga.
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waynes-multiverse · 3 months ago
Polaris – Chapter 11
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Series Summary: When Beau Arlen moved to Montana, he left behind a past he wasn’t proud of. But when a series of murders requires the FBI’s help, Sheriff Arlen‘s ghosts come back to haunt him one by one. With a wrong turn waiting at every crossroads, it’s hard to make the right choices and find his way back home – back to you.
Pairing: Beau Arlen x FBI Agent!Reader
Warnings: 18+, angst, more serial killer shenanigans & a twist
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: So sorry for being so elusive this week! Still playing catch-up on everything after being sick for so long 🤪 I'll be back fully by Monday and talk to you guys again soon. Meanwhile, I didn't want you to wait for this chapter, so enjoy 🤍
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Chapter 11: You With Me
Once you had waltzed right through those cursed glass doors of the hospital and ended up at the parking lot, you stopped thinking and kept on running – literally. Out of breath, you started the car and drove until the building was out of view. And before you knew what you had done, you had passed the town sign of Helena as well.
But your dire need for escape didn’t last long.
It would’ve been so easy to just keep driving and leave all of it behind you in the rearview mirror. Maybe your big pile of cow manure would still make a decent fertilizer for the local farmers. But the ache lassoed around your heart tugged you back.
Pulling over to the side of the road, you took a moment to clear your mind. Head in your hands, you let yourself fall back into your seat and took a few deep breaths. You only ever made it through one yoga class, but you remembered the breathing had helped.
Still, every bone in your body wanted to bolt and never see either one of them again. In your mind, you had already asked your boss for a transfer. Maybe it was time to finally take him up on that offer to ship you off to DC.
But, of course, you couldn’t do it.
With a screeching U-turn, you headed back to town. Your destination wasn’t the hospital, however. Instead, you ended up at the Sheriff’s Department.
“Agent Y/L/N?”
On your way inside, a middle-aged man in a long, gray coat jumped up from a bench in front the building. He looked distraught, half his face hidden by a navy, voluminous scarf, but you still recognized him instantly.
“Mr. Hughes,” you said with a hint of surprise in your voice. He was the last victim’s husband, and you wondered what he was doing here. Had Jenny brought him in for more questioning?
“I heard you caught the killer. Is that true?”
Small towns, you scoffed and rolled your eyes internally.
“Mr. Hughes, I’m very sorry. I know you want answers, but please understand that I can’t share any more information with you at this point. The Sheriff’s deputies will update you as soon as we know more,” you gave the procedural answer and suddenly accelerated your pace, looking for the safety of the station in a hurry – and not only because it had gotten cold.
“Is it that DA?” he asked desperately as he followed you and cornered you again by the door.
So close…
“Mr. Hu–”
However, he didn’t let you finish this time and cut you off, “Because if it is, there’s something you should know.”
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“You sure that’s her?” you asked for the third time as Mr. Hughes stared intensely at Diane, handcuffed to a metal table in Interrogation Room 1 this time.
Diane grinned like she had just won the lottery, even though no one was in the room with her. You had hauled her from her little jail cell just so Hughes could properly identify her. Although he recognized her in photos, you wanted to be sure. God knows Diane would rip that testimony apart in court, otherwise.
Hughes nodded vehemently. “Yes, I’m positive, Agent Y/L/N. How many times do I have to tell you?”
“I just had to make sure. I’m sorry. I know this is hard for you, Mr. Hughes,” you reiterated.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I’d recognize the first woman I slept with after my wife was murdered,” he snapped impatiently, but you couldn’t blame him. The man was really going through it at the moment.
“Of course. We believe you, Mr. Hughes. Thank you for coming in and letting us know,” Jenny said and took over, seeing the exhaustion on your face. “There’s some coffee in the lobby. Why don’t you help yourself while Deputy Poppernak fills you in on the next steps.”
With a heavy head, he nodded and dragged his weary feet out of the small room. “Alright. Thank you kindly, ladies.”
You exhaled a deep breath as soon as the door closed and ran a hand through your hair. You couldn’t catch a break, could you?
“Hughes is pretty shaken up,” Jenny noted pensively.
“Yeah, I mean, can you imagine finding out you unknowingly slept with your wife’s killer?” And suddenly, it dawned on you – the irony of Diane’s plan. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath.
Jenny raised a brow but gave you a comforting smile. “How are you holding up?”
“Not gonna lie. Been better,” you replied dryly.
“Wanna fill me in over coffee?”
You nodded with a smirk. “Only if you pour a lot of whiskey into my mug, too.”
Jenny grinned. “Deal.”
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“I almost bolted today,” you told Jenny as the two of you sat at the big round table of the station’s break room. You clasped the warm mug even tighter in your cold hands. “Made it past the town sign, too.”
“Why did you come back?” Jenny took a sip from her own drink, hiding her knowing smile behind her cup.
“The job.”
Jenny snorted and cocked a disbelieving eyebrow. “Really?”
You smiled, your eyes focusing on the mug in your hands. “No.”
“You love both of ‘em?”
You nodded but didn’t meet her eyes. “In a way, yeah…”
“But it’s Beau,” Jenny stated like it was obvious.
“I-…” You let out a sigh. “I guess I’m scared to be cruel. It just seems so… unfair to him. Randy doesn’t deserve this. And even if… How are me and Beau supposed to just move on happily, knowing all of this? I’m afraid Diane might win this one. She actually found the goddamn breaking point. I don’t think our relationship can survive this.”
“Maybe not,” Jenny agreed quietly. She knew you had found yourself in an impossible situation. No matter where you looked for a solution, you only ever found dead ends. “Look, maybe you and Beau can’t get past this. But staying with Randy because you feel bad and don’t want to hurt his feelings is just going to hurt him more in the end. It’s crueler if you stay. You’re not doing him a favor.”
“Oh, I know. Trust me. I’ve been through this a thousand times over the last twenty-four hours. No one’s winning anything here,” you said and took a big sip from your alcoholic coffee. Then suddenly, your gut got that familiar twinge again. Your eyes widened as they found Jenny’s.
“What?” The blonde blinked at you. “I know that look. You found something.”
“We need to speak with the other victims’ husbands,” you informed Jenny, urgency swinging in your voice.
“You think she slept with the others as well?”
“What d’you think?”
Jenny sighed and blew the frustrated puff of air into her mug. She shook her head and muttered grimly, “Fucking Diane.”
“Let’s get back to work.”
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Breathlessly, Beau stood in front of the hospital, hands on his squared-off hips. He looked left and right, but as far as he could tell you were long gone.
Hearing an exhaustive sigh behind him, he spun around and found his old partner fully clothed. Randy ripped off his hospital bracelet and let his lungs fill with a breath of fresh, cold mountain air. He shivered a bit in his thin denim jacket and t-shirt. Diane must’ve not left him with clothes appropriate for Montana’s dropping temperatures. Winter had rolled into the country – in more ways than one.
Beau lifted an eyebrow. “Did they discharge you?”
“Nope. Discharged myself,” Randy retorted and looked across the parking lot.
“I’m fine,” he bit. “There’s nothing wrong with me, so can we please just go look for my wife?”
Wide-eyed, Beau stumped. “I’m sorry… we?!”
Spending any more time with Randy was definitely the last thing Beau needed.
“Yes, we. I don’t have a car. You have to drive,” Randy clarified, the anger in his voice still swinging punches at Beau’s face. Every word out of Randy’s mouth spelled the same message: You owe me. Beau could hardly argue with that. “Which one’s yours?”
Sourly, Beau pointed straight ahead. “The red Jeep.”
Randy’s brow furrowed. “That rusty old thing? Where the hell did you get that?”
“Sounds about right.”
“Hey, I know you’re angry with me, but don’t take it out on Pedro and hurt his feelings,” Beau said, hoping his lightheartedness would be contagious. Randy was immune, however, and didn’t break a smile. “Just stay here, go back inside, and let me look for her alone.”
“Oh, you would love that, wouldn’t you?”
“Actually, I would.”
“Forget it. I’m not staying here,” Randy huffed and opened the car door, heaving himself into the passenger seat.
Beau sighed deeply, tapping Pedro’s roof with his flat palm. “‘Course you’re not,” he muttered bitterly, rolling his eyes back.
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“Congrats, Diane,” you said and slapped yet another folder down in front of her. A smirk played across the murderous prosecutor’s lips. She hoped you’d find the smoking gun eventually, and you hated the fact she always seemed to be miles ahead. “So far, I’ve spoken to seventeen husbands of your previous victims, and you… Wow.”
Honestly, you were speechless. As were all the husbands when you had the honor of telling them over the phone they might have screwed their wives’ killer. But you weren’t just looking for confirmation. Something had bugged you since Randy had magically appeared in a hospital bed.
Diane shrugged coolly – and proudly. “What can I say? I got around. Please give them my condolences.”
You scoffed a humorless chuckle and sat down across from her. “You know, something keeps gnawing on me. First of all, how the fuck did you know Randy was still alive?”
The cold-hearted lawyer smiled. “Can’t blame you. That’s a doozie.”
“And even if you did find out, how on earth did you get him out of the cartel’s claws? I mean, that alone would deserve some applause. Hate to say it, but I’m honestly impressed,” you admitted, even though your admiration was just a honey trap.
“Thank you, Agent. I appreciate your honesty. I know that must not have been easy for you to admit,” Diane replied and leaned forward on the table. “Truth is, getting him out was easy. The cartel wanted to get rid of him. He was just dead weight that attracted too much attention from law enforcement.”
“So you made a deal with them, and they just… gave him to you?” It sounded unbelievable, and you knew she was hiding something, only revealing parts of the truth to you.
“As I said, they wanted to get rid of him. In a way, you owe me. I saved him. They would’ve executed him a week later and put his head on a stick for you to find,” Diane argued, shrugging her shoulders.
It was hard to deny. In a weird way, she was right. She did save Randy, even if it was just for her personal gain. Blowing up your life or not, Randy was back – thanks to her.
“Fine,” you relented. “The second thing that keeps bugging me, though, is: How did you let Randy escape from the bunker? Was there a timer on the door, and it just opened? ‘Cause Randy said he only remembers someone stabbing him with a needle before he woke up by the side of the road. I looked at his tox screen, he still had enough in his system when he got to the hospital. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours. So, either you almost gave him a lethal dose and he got lucky, or…”
“Or what, Agent?”
You met her icy gray eyes. “You’re working with someone,” you stated determinedly. You didn’t need her to confirm it. You knew. Every bone in your body, every drop of blood – you knew.
A smile flickered alive in the corners of her mouth. Warm. Fond. “Well done. I knew you’d get there.”
Abruptly, you rose from you seat and stormed through the door, leaving Diane behind. You had to find your second killer.
“Good luck, Agent!”
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“Beau.” Jenny rose from her desk with an arched eyebrow at the strange man following the sheriff inside the station. She witnessed a brief (and rather heated) exchange of words between the men before Beau walked her way with a furiously creased brow.
“You seen Y/N?” With a shake of his head that was supposed to release some of his exasperation, the sheriff took off his hat and ran a hand through his locks.
“You just missed her,” Jenny informed her exhausted boss.
“Rough day?”
“Yup, doesn’t seem to be gettin’ easier, either,” Beau replied, carrying frustration in his voice as he glanced back over his shoulder at his former partner.
“Is that–”
“Randy? Yeah,” Beau confirmed with an annoyed huff.
“Huh. Interesting…”
Beau scowled at the blonde. “What?”
“Nothing.” Jenny gave a shrug of her shoulders and tilted her head at Randy. “Just thought he’d be different. That’s all.”
Suspiciously, Beau’s eyes narrowed, darting from Randy to Jenny. “Are you checking him out, Hoyt?”
“What? No,” Jenny replied a little too defensively. “‘Sides, if I was, I’d be doing you a favor.”
Beau swayed his head from side to side, actually considering the option. “You’re not wrong. Can’t seem to get rid of him… And I realize that makes me sound like an asshole.”
“Yeah, it does,” Jenny replied, a teasing smile on her lips.
“Thanks, Hoyt,” Beau scoffed. “Any idea where Y/N went?”
“Not exactly. We’ve had an interesting visitor today. Remember Hughes?”
Beau nodded. “Husband of our last victim.”
“He came by the station after hearing we caught Diane,” Jenny explained. “He confessed to sleeping with her after his wife was killed.”
Beau’s brow furrowed, green eyes widening. “Wait, did he know that-…?”
Jenny shook her head. “No, he didn’t connect the dots till we had her in custody. But Y/N and I then checked the other–”
Beau squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. “Don’t tell me she–”
“Unbelievable…” Beau let his shaking head hang, sighing.
“Y/N then had a chat with Diane. She confirmed it,” Jenny informed him further. “After that, she stormed out. Said she was following a lead.”
“You know which one?”
Jenny shook her head apologetically. “I wasn’t in the room. I was still calling husbands. But Y/N had a few more names left on her list from the Texas victims.”
Beau then pulled out his phone and tried you again, but only ever caught the receiving end of your voicemail, which wasn’t rare, considering the spotty service in town. “Still voicemail.”
“What’s that?” Jenny leaned closer, squinting her eyes at his screen. “You’ve got a message.”
“Huh. It’s from her. Ten minutes ago. Voicemail,” Beau said and frowned at his phone, his thumb wringing with the touchscreen.
He then held it to his ear and listened.
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“Ugh, voicemail. Again. Stupid woods everywhere…” you huffed a sigh into your phone, your eyes concentrating on the foggy road ahead. “Beau, it’s me. I’ve found something. Driving to your place now. Meet me there,” you said, already rounding the corner to his road. “Diane’s not working alone. She has a partner. Probably someone submissive that she can manipulate easily to do her bidding…”
Parking the car in front of his trailer, you unfastened your seatbelt and hurried out.
“I checked the list of husbands. I think it’s our first victim in Texas. His name is Hal Turner. He is a quiet accountant. Kind of an odd duck when I spoke to him…” Looking through Beau’s planters, you searched for the second key. You knew he hid it here somewhere. “But he did serve some prison time a couple years ago. And while he was in prison, his wife was having an affair… with Diane’s husband, his goddamn defense attorney. And if your mind isn’t blown yet, just wait for the next part. Guess why Turner was in prison in the first place? See, he tried earning some extra cash, doing the books for a biker gang, which just so happens to be connected to our favorite cartel. Yeah… That’s probably how they got their hands on Randy.”
There was a noise. You had realized it too late, and your weapon was still in the car. One breath later, you felt the cool metal of a gun barrel pressing against the back of your skull.
“Uhm… anyways, put out an APB. I’m here now, so… just get here too, okay? I love you. Bye.”
You dropped your phone to the ground and raised your hands, taking a deep breath before you spoke. “Whoa, slow down there, cowboy. I left my gun in the car. I’m no threat to you. You don’t have to do this, Mr. Turner.”
“You’ve figured it all out. She said you were smart,” he said, and you could hear the uneasiness, the jitters, in his voice.
“Mr. Turner, I’m gonna turn around now, so we can talk better, okay?” you pleaded, ordering your body to stay calm.
“What’s there to talk about? I have to do this. I can’t disappoint her,” the man stated. And once you looked at him, you knew he wasn’t of sound mind anymore. Diane had done a number on the guy.
“No, you don’t. You heard. I already told my colleagues about you. They’re gonna look for you. It’s over, Mr. Turner,” you explained as gently as possible. “But if you come willingly to the station with me, I’ll make sure to get you a deal with the DA. Please… Don’t do this.”
For a moment, you thought he bought it. He hesitated as if he were actually considering the option to end it all right there. But then you recognized the pity in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I can’t.”
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“Yeah… That’s probably how they got their hands on Randy… Uhm… anyways, put out an APB. I’m here now, so… just get here too, okay? I love you. Bye.”
Half the station had gathered around the sheriff, including Randy, as soon as Beau put your message on speaker after the first few sentences. Beau only snapped his finger at Poppernak, who nodded eagerly and raced to the nearest computer, putting out an APB on Hal Turner.
Randy cleared his throat and excused himself outside before Beau realized what exactly had bothered his former partner about your message.
I love you.
Only Jenny remained standing next to him with a creased brow. He knew that look.
“What?” Beau prompted. “I know. Trust me. I wouldn’t have put it on speaker if I had known beforehand.”
“No, not that.” Jenny shook her head but then changed her mind. “Or maybe exactly that. Didn’t she sound weird to you towards the end?”
Beau shrugged. His mind might have turned off temporarily after hearing those three words. “What d’you mean?”
“At the start, she’s all excited because she solved the case, right? But then there’s this weird pause before her voice changes. She sounds… calm,” Jenny explained.
“You mean because she’s trying to stay calm,” Beau added.
“Because she’s seen something,” Jenny finished. “Someone. Hal Turner.”
Green eyes widened as his chest tightened. Beau thundered outside, passing Randy on a bench on his way to the car.
“Whoa, what’s going on? Where are you running off to?” Randy hurried straight after him and met him by the Jeep. “Are you going after Y/N?”
Internally, Beau sighed, but he knew they didn’t have time for a discussion.
“Get in! Y/N’s in trouble.”
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July 2021
“Been a minute,” Beau said as you hopped into the driver’s seat of the SUV. He forced a smile, one he had hoped would conceal his nervousness appropriately. He even let you drive – just so he could get back into your good graces.
If that wasn’t a peace offering, he didn’t know what was.
Beau wanted to sigh but refrained from doing so. That would’ve probably just annoyed you. He was handing you an olive branch, and you were throwing it into the wood chipper. He supposed he had to live with that.
After the drunk debacle and a dire hangover that almost cost him his job, Beau knew he had to crawl back to Cody. He actually apologized, bootlicked and cowered, and then submissively asked to be partnered up with you again. And after all of that, the dick still had said no.
You went undercover shortly after, and Beau went back home, giving his failing marriage another shot. The old college try. Well, Carla didn’t appreciate any of it. Too little, too late, she’d said.
Now, both of you were back, and the only reason Beau was allowed to share a car with you again was because you had explicitly requested it. Beau had been surprised to hear that, frankly, but it gave him hope things could be repaired. Maybe that had been your idea of extending an olive branch.
“Thanks, you know,” Beau said and focused his gaze on his clasped hands in his lap. “I know you put in the request to be my partner again.”
“Kinda had to,” you scoffed and pushed the key into the ignition, maybe a little too forcefully for the occasion. “No one in the team wants to work with you anymore. They were practically begging me to take you back. You’re a real people person, aren’t you?”
Alright, maybe it wasn’t exactly a full branch.
Had he sulked? Been moody? Absentminded in recent weeks?
Yes, absolutely.
“Still, thanks…” Beau licked his lips. He wanted to make things right – but how? “Look, I’m really sorry about what happened. I am. I swear to you nothin’ like it will ever happen again, alright?”
For a mere second, you stopped every movement. His words sunk in. No, it was exactly what you wanted all along.
“Alright, then…” Beau exhaled a sigh. He didn’t know what he’d expected to hear, but that answer surely left more to desire. Not to mention, the thousands of questions that gnawed on him like nasty termites.
You started the car and reversed out of the spot, thinking and hoping this conversation was over – once and for all. Bury the goddamn hatchet six-feet-under. But Beau seemed to have a different idea of how you two would spend your afternoon:
“If that’s what you want…”
He said it so passive-aggressively it bordered on childish. What the hell was he aiming for? Had he gone mad?
“It’s what I want.”
You’d be damned if you got roped into this one. Beau Arlen would not drag you down into the pits of hell with him. But hesitation had come before your answer, and Beau had noticed.
“You sure?”
For fuck’s sake!
Mind, you still had to navigate out of that incredibly tight parking spot with that fucking gigantic car (and not looking like a damn fool when doing so) while that idiot next you, your partner, kept yapping on. And mind, if you did indeed mess up, he’d surely (and not helpfully) inform you why he never let you drive.
“I’m sure.”
Beau nodded. Not in acceptance – he was thinking. “Just answer me one question…”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!”
Bringing the SUV to a screeching halt, you both jolted forward into your seatbelts. Another driver leaving the parking lot honked behind you for blocking their way.
“Fuck off!” you yelled, leaning halfway out the rolled down window.
“You want me to dri–”
“Alright, then.”
That asshole…
Then silence fell. You didn’t move, though, and Beau didn’t pressure you to. The car kept running till you turned it off and sunk back into your seat.
“Why are you so mad at me?”
“I’m not mad.”
“I don’t think the punishment fits the crime.”
“Oh, I think it does.”
Beau rubbed his lips with his thumb and finger and stared out the window. Again, he was thinking. He might as well have taken up chess as a leisure activity.
Was he weak if he wanted to fight?
“Look, if you’re only this mad ‘cause you think you’d just be my rebound, then you should know that never would’ve been the case, alright?”
Beau looked at you, and you met his eyes. You were scared to admit it, even to yourself, but your feelings were harder to ignore when you stared at him.
“I wouldn’t have risked our friendship for nothin’,” he muttered under his breath.
“Don’t.” You clutched the steering wheel in your grasp a little tighter.
“So, what? We just never talk about it?”
Beau knew in that moment that, whatever he felt, it wasn’t just a simple crush that would dissipate over time. It would stay. How was he supposed ignore an elephant this big?
“That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do,” you stated. How could you explain it in a way he’d understand? “Beau, it can’t-…It can’t be you… It just can’t be. You with me on this one?”
“I’m with you.” His heart drowned in disappointment, but he gave you a promise nonetheless, telling you he’d let it rest for good. “Guess I got my answer…”
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“Hood’s still warm,” Beau said, removing his palm from your car. It had taken him twelve minutes to race here, knowing he’d never be fast enough to stop it. Your vehicle was here, but you weren’t. “Her gun’s still here, too.”
“Found her phone. Door’s still locked. She never went inside,” Randy said, standing in front of the trailer. “No signs of blood, though.”
“He probably took her somewhere else,” Beau mused, his gut telling him the exact place.
“One of those bunkers?”
“Would be my guess, yeah,” Beau confirmed and rubbed his beard. Everything inside him tried to keep calm, tried not to panic, even though his head was booming and his heart was exploding with worry.
“Why would she leave her phone here? Maybe there’s something on here,” Randy said and proceeded to type in your passcode. Only it wasn’t yours anymore. “She changed it,” he realized with a swallow and found Beau’s eyes. “Do you-, uhm…”
“Yeah,” was all Beau said and proceeded to type in the correct code. Your phone unlocked, but that accomplishment surely came with a price, judging by Randy’s sulking expression. “Last call was to me. Says here her storage is full, but the video was still saved.”
“What video?”
As the men started the clip, they caught your entire conversation with Hal Turner – with his voice and face on tape. Turner held you at gun point before slowly leading you to a car and out of frame. The noise of a starting engine could be heard before it all falls silent and dark.
“Why would she record this? If she had taken it with her, we could’ve tracked it,” Randy said with a frown.
But Beau shook his head. “Turner would’ve probably dumped her phone somewhere before they ever even reached their destination. She didn’t think she’d make it out alive,” he realized bitterly. His heart grew heavier with every passing second. “She recorded it as evidence… in case he killed her.”
As soon as he uttered those words, everything fell into place. Everything made sense. And Beau wanted to break down right then and there.
If something happened to you…
Grabbing his phone, Beau called Jenny’s number. “Hoyt! Turner took her. They can’t be far. Lock everything down, you understand me? Get everybody out of the station and on the streets. Have forensics come by my trailer… Yeah, alright. I’ll meet you here.”
He ended the call with a strenuous exhale. Although he wanted to, he knew there wasn’t more he could do. Driving down roads, running aimlessly through the woods… He knew there was no way he could ever find you.
Unless he had help.
“We need to find her,” Randy stated the obvious.
“You think?!”
Beau wasn’t mad at Randy. He was angry with himself. If he hadn’t kicked you out this morning, you would’ve been by his side. You would’ve spent the day together. You would’ve come home together. He would’ve been here when you needed him.
“Stop yelling at me! You know I like to think out loud!”
Beau ground his jaw and rubbed his aching temples. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Look, I’m just worried.”
“And you think I ain’t?!”
“Randy–” Beau sighed loudly and stretched out the tension in his shoulders. “Let’s not turn this into some weird competition, alright? We’re both worried. End of story.”
Randy scoffed and rolled his eyes, defiantly crossing his arms over his jacket. “Whatever, man.”
“Look, if we’re gonna work this thing together, I think we need some ground rules. You with me on this one, buddy?”
“I ain’t your buddy.” Randy exhaled a long breath and pondered for a moment with a sour expression on his face. Eventually, he nodded his agreement. “But I’m with you. What did you have in mind?”
Bobbing his head, he thought for a second and scratched his jaw. “I don’t think we should talk about her.”
“She’s the one who’s missing. We’re trying to find her. I think we need to talk about her a little,” Randy argued, mostly out of spite.
But Beau was a patient man – sometimes. Another sigh passed his lips. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh, you mean I’m not supposed to make you uncomfortable by asking questions like, ‘Is Y/N’s passcode your guys’ anniversary date because she used to have our wedding anniversary as her code.’ Those kinda questions?” Randy asked mockingly.
“Uh-huh… That would be a stellar example of what I meant,” Beau said with a pressed smile. He knew this wouldn’t be easy by a long shot, but he was willing to try and make it work. “Second – no sulking.”
“I don’t sulk.”
“Yes, you do. I don’t wanna worry about you anytime my relationship with Y/N even remotely comes up. It happened. Get over it.”
“Get over it?!” Randy gasped. Granted, Beau knew he could’ve chosen better words. “You know, those rules start to sound a lot like just a list of things that are supposed to make you less uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, well…” Beau scratched the back of his neck. “You can add somethin’.”
A peace offering.
Randy nodded, accepting said offer. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine. Third rule: You’re not allowed to pretend you’re the only one who cares about her. She’s my wife. I get to decide how we proceed.”
Beau’s jaw tightened. “Fine,” he gritted.
“Which brings me to my fourth rule: You’re not the boss of me. You ain’t my sheriff.” Randy smirked, provoking in nature. Beau could tell he was proud of that rule.
Beau chuckled humorlessly. “You know, Randy, technically, you’re not a cop anymore. You’re a civilian. In my county. So yeah, I am your sheriff.”
Randy only grinned in return. “Well, good thing you can deputize me.”
Beau let another sigh pass between his lips. “Fine,” he agreed to Randy’s terms. “So, that’s it? Four rules? We’re not talking about our relationship with her, I’m not gonna boss you around, and we’re good?”
“We’re good.” Randy gave him a nod. “What are we allowed to talk about, though?”
Beau shrugged. “The case? Small talk, maybe?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know.” Another shrug. “Football?”
Randy shook his head. “Haven’t seen a single game in three years.”
“Right.” Beau hadn’t thought of that. “Politics?”
Another head shake. “Haven’t seen the news either.”
“Uh-huh…” Then, an idea hit Beau. “You know what? That might not actually be the worst. Why don’t you ask me some stuff and I fill you in on what happened over the last few years, huh? Texans, Cowboys, Musk… Anything you wanna know, I’m an open book. Just ask away, man. Anything.”
Randy contemplated the suggestion for a beat. Then a smile rose on his lips and spread to his ears. Beau didn’t like it one bit.
“Alright… How’s Carla doing?”
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Chapter 12: Through
Welp, let's end it here on a funny note and forget about all the drama of being kidnapped 😂
Posting will resume in the new year with the final two chapters, so stay tuned and happy holidays to you guys! ❤️🎄🥳🥂
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@nesnejwritings @samslvrgirl @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @fromcaintodean @barewithme02
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Everything Beau Arlen: @snowayumi
Polaris Series: @corruptedcruiser
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akhret · 3 months ago
Water, wine, whiskey, rum, scotch, beer, coffee, milk, juice, hot chocolate, (earthy) teas.
Meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, bread, grains, nuts, honey, cakes and other sweets, too (like chocolate); along with, lemon and other citrus things (cakes, candies, or fruit)
Knives, spears, bow and arrows, whips, harpoons, or other weapons can be dedicated to Heru. You may use anything else that you use to stay safe/ keep yourself safe like your car keys, taser, pocket knives, a bat, etc.
Jewelry or precious stones/metals like gold, silver, bronze, lapis lazuli, carnelian, red jasper, garnet, sunstone, and moonstone.
Items like the feather of maat, the ankh, the was scepter, the Eye of Horus, imagery of his crown, You may also offer him imagery of him (drawings, printed pictures, figurines), the falcon, or the sun and moon.
Devotional Acts
Helping the dying or the deceased. You can become a death doula and help grieving families and help make it easier for those who are passing or it may take the form of working in hospice or in an elderly home. You may also help clean up graves, making their headstone clear of dirt and debris. Horus’ job in antiquity was to revive his father and keep his social standing (you did not want your name forgotten).
As a protective deity, you may start working out, exercising, or taking up classes. Or you may see this as an opportunity to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, whether in conversations or you may go the route of military/ law enforcement (he is known as the avenger of wrongs and defender of order).
Meditation. Meditation has been known to increase mindfulness and help you feel balanced overall, along with yoga.
Acts of maat, too. Maat can be getting involved in your community, helping those who are in need of assistance, donating to charities, helping your neighbor, helping your family; knowledge seeking, learning wisdom (sebayts), holding your tongue when you want to lash out; along with, giving offerings to the dead and to the gods, and performing rituals to them, too.
You may see an increase in seeing his scared animals like hawks/falcons/eagles (I’ve noticed they’ll use them accordingly based on your area and what’s native there), bulls, rams, or the sphinx.
The most obvious sign would be the wadjet eye- or the Eye of Horus, along with the Double Crown of Egypt (or the Pschent).
As a god of fertility and reviver of Asar, you may see start coming back to life if they’re on death’s door (you still have to put in the effort to try to revive it). Or you may notice you have a stronger “green-thumb.”
Horus of the Horizon is associated with the planet Mars, Horus who Limits the Two Lands is associated with Jupiter, and Horus the Bull of the Heavens is associated with Saturn. You may start seeing imagery based on these planets. Horus also has one eye associated with the sun, the other the moon- so you may start seeing a combination of that imagery or them separate.
You may have waves where you just feel “safe” and “protected.” Or you may get feelings of extreme heat from his solar aspects.
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abookishdreamer · 8 months ago
Character Intro: Zeuxo (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Goddess Bride by the people of Olympius
Mother by Pothos
Darling by Imbrasos
Age- 48 (immortal)
Location- Samos, Olympius
Personality- She's traditional, honest, bright, & polite. She's forever optimistic and a hopeless romantic. She does have a tendency to be self-critical at times. She's married.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of marriage her other powers/abilities include having an innate sense of the marital status of a couple, being able to conjure up a ceremonial bridal torch, limited amokinesis (as it pertains to monogamous couples), & limited fertility manipulation.
Members of Zeuxo's immediate family includes her second husband Imbrasos (a river god; his namesake river), her child Pothos (god of longing & yearning), and her stepdaughter Ocroe.
She & her husband lives in the state of Samos not too far from Imbrasos' namesake river in a modern aquatic style mansion. Zeuxo of course, did the interior design. There are nods to her husband's aquatic culture like mini indoor freshwater pools, pastel white & blue marble flooring, sea glass countertops and furniture pieces, potted freshwater flowers & plants, leather furniture, as well as lucite furniture pieces, and a chandelier adorned with freshwater pearls. Zeuxo has one pet- a female cavalier king charles spaniel named Charlotte.
Her and her husband also own an apartment at Diadem House, a luxury high rise apartment building in the Queenstown neighborhood of New Olympus & they're also thinking about buying a vacation beach house in Santorini.
She never leaves the house without wearing her wedding ring- a gorgeous seven carat emerald cut diamond ring.
Zeuxo married into the biggest family in the pantheon! Her husband's parents are Oceanus (Titan god of the sea) and Tethys (Titaness of freshwater & clouds). To say she was overwhelmed by the sheer number of in-laws would be an understatement.
She starts off her mornings with a quick workout in her home gym before going to a yoga studio for a pilates class.
Zeuxo's fashion style is classic, romantic, & preppy. Staples in her closet include sweater sets, cardigans, pencil skirts, A-line dresses, tailored pants, fitted tops, midi skirts, headbands, pearl necklaces, and sophisticated handbags.
She keeps her shoulder length dark brown hair sleek & straight, but she also doesn't mind implementing soft loose waves to it. Zeuxo swears by the Olmorfia keratin shampoo and conditioner as well as the Glory's Crown argan oil hair gloss.
She's fluent in all the languages spoken in Olympius.
Before Imbrasos, several hundred years ago, Zeuxo was previously married to a merman named Aegeus. It was love at first sight for her. Everything about him was mesmerizing- his dark olive skin, the way his sapphire blue eyes crinkled every time he smiled, the way her heart would skip a beat whenever he said her name, & the shimmering cobalt scales of his tail. Zeuxo and Aegeus were married in a private & secret ceremony by a cave in Naxos. The simmering conflicts of the Titanomachy bubbled over, with Aegeus being drafted into the war. Zeuxo never really knew the dark depths of heartbreak and grief until she heard news of her husband's death during the Battle of the Aegean Sea. For days she wandered aimlessly on all the beaches & coastlines until she came across proof of Aegeus' death- his splintered shield and mutilated tail, torn off of his body. It was on that same day where Zeuxo discovered that she was pregnant.
She swore to herself that she would lock her heart away, focusing all her energy on being the best mother for her child.
A go-to drink for her is a glass of champagne. She also likes classic martinis, white wine, vodka soda, white sangrias, peartinis, clear and clean coladas, lemonade, mineral water, lychee juice, & a gin sour cocktail. Usuals from The Roasted Bean includes a cappuccino, a cafe au lait, a medium iced tea, an olympian sized flat white, and a large iced green tea.
Her favorite beauty products are the Platinum Luminescence collagen tonic, the Olmorfia cucumber detox hydra-gel eye patches, the EverPure ice roller, & the Botanium green tea hydrating gel cleanser.
She's a HUGE fan of the Luxuria mini shoulder bags.
Zeuxo's been trying to improve her relationship with Pothos since his transition. She didn't know how to react when he came to her with news of his gender identity. A daughter was now a son. Zeuxo bought & read a few books on gender identity and they even had some therapy sessions with Harpocrates (god of silence & discretion). She'll occassionally slip up with Pothos' pronouns, but it's never done intentionally or with malice. Zeuxo bought a suit for him to wear for his reveal party. She'll check up on him sometimes at his place in Cyprus where they'll go surfing together.
White lilies, white carnations, and magnolias are her favorite flowers.
The sesame kohlrabi & chicken salad topped with toasted almonds and chile-garlic dressing is her favorite thing to get from The Bread Box.
Zeuxo is the most sought after wedding planner in all the realms! Her wedding planning business Once Upon a Vow is a great success. Zeuxo has two offices- one in Samos & one in the Queenstown neighborhood. She's also an officiant. Her business not only helps plan weddings, but also bridal showers and engagement parties! For other means of income, Zeuxo is the founder & editor-in-chief of the bridal magazine Paradóseis & Kómvoi. She leans a lot on her partner and right hand woman- her assistant, a nephelai named Zera.
Zeuxo views all wedding & marriage traditions and superstitions with the utmost importance.
Her favorite dessert are the vanilla-white chocolate macarons from Hollyhock's Bakery. She also likes the wedding cake flavored gourmet popcorn from Confection Carousel, the business owned by Záchari (god of confectionery). Zeuxo will buy a medium sized tin.
Zeuxo first met Imbrasos when she was hired to plan the wedding of his sister Acaste. They shared a drink of a lime margarita during the reception and she even accepted his offer of a dance. Imbrasos was a recent widower having lost his wife Chesias (Chessy) the year prior. They exchanged contact information and a few days later, he invited Zeuxo to check out a property he was considering buying. When Imbrasos & Zeuxo were checking out the bachelor beach house in Rhodes, he made his move. He told her that she was the most beautiful being he'd ever seen & that he couldn't stop fantasizing about the two of them making love. Taken aback, flustered, overwhelmed, and aroused- Zeuxo did something totally out of character & kissed him. They ended up making love.
She immediately felt guilty afterwards. It was as if she was was betryaing Aegeus and his memory. Zeuxo tried keeping away from Imbrasos- rejecting him at every turn, but he wouldn't falter.
They were married a few months later on a private beach in Santorini. Most of Imbrasos' family were in attendance while Pothos served as the ringbearer. Oceanus walked Zeuxo down the aisle. She wore a a silk chiffon bias-cut dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves, a lace trim, a tiered skirt, floral appliqués, and crisscross bands on the bodice. Zeuxo completed the look with a shoulder length veil and pink pearl & diamond drop earrings- with her hair being in a low tight chignon. Hera (goddess of women & marriage) was also in attendance.
At the reception, there was a ten tiered coconut guava cake covered in coconut frosting, white champagne fondant, & decorated with sugar pearls. Food served there included coconut shrimp skewers with pineapple-sriracha dipping sauce, soft shell grilled fish tacos topped with jellyfish slaw, pineapple fried rice topped with mango curry, cucumber smoked oyster bites, fried macaroni salad balls, and feta watermelon cubes.
In the pantheon she's good friends with Praxidike (goddess of judicial punishment), Litismós (goddess of culture), her sister-in-law Aígli (goddess of glamour), Eudaimonia (goddess of happiness), Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood), Soteria (goddess of safety), Delos (one of The Nesoi), Paean (goddess of physicians), Elpis (goddess of hope), Promylaia, Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill), and Theia (Titaness of sight & heavenly light).
Zeuxo was the official mentor to Naeus (god of weddings).
She also has a pretty good relationship with her husband's family, chatting with Acaste on the phone daily. Zeuxo also loves Tethys' fried cajun catfish & okra stew, loving when she brings over food during visits.
She's not the biggest fan of Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection) and her husband Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity), feeling as though they're perverting the concept of marriage.
Her and Imbrasos have date night every week.
Zeuxo is fond of wearing the Olmorfia vanilla + crème parfum. The fragrance has notes of creamy vanilla, musk, vetiver, caramel, almond blossom, pear, and white currant.
She's been thinking about a possible joint business venture with Hera- a reality TV show following couples who dream of having their wedding planned by her. Zeuxo hasn't given the Queen an answer yet.
She lights a candle every year in remembrance of her first husband on the anniversary of his death. Zeuxo also accompanies Imbrasos every year on the anniversary of Chesias' death when he places a funeral wreath into the Ionian Sea.
Her all time favorite meal is grilled shrimp with garlic rice topped with parsley & feta cheese.
Zeuxo views any wedding in Sparta as a sign of ill luck, keeping in mind the state's most favorite saying- "For every marriage, there's five divorces."
She's thinking about entering Charlotte into The Olympian Kennel Club Dog Show, the biggest and most popular dog show in Olympius.
In her free time Zeuxo enjoys reading (is a fan of romance & historical romance), ballroom dancing, swimming, tennis, sunbathing, golf, going to the spa, cooking, going to the cinema, pottery, going to museums, sailing, going to the opera, and jewelry making.
"Love is not about how many days, months, or years you've been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day."
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fertilebodyyoga · 7 months ago
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Empower Your Fertility Journey with Fertile Body Yoga
Our fertility yoga classes and coaching programs are designed to help you find peace and support your fertility journey naturally. Embrace holistic practices with us. For further details view this infographic or click the link here: https://shorturl.at/3w88G
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momkidcares · 9 months ago
Yoga for Fertility: A Comprehensive Method for Getting Started
The journey to conception can be a deeply personal and sometimes challenging one. While medical interventions certainly have their place, many couples are also turning to holistic approaches like yoga to support their fertility goals. Yoga offers a comprehensive method that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of fertility, providing a supportive framework for those seeking to…
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yogagurushailendra · 3 months ago
Yoga To Conceive Fast
Performing the specially curated Yoga To Conceive Fast can also help improve circulation and balance hormones, both of which are crucial for reproductive health. At The Yoga Guru, Our compassionate instructors provide a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can explore the connection between their bodies and minds and harness the power of yoga to support their fertility journey.
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womenhealthcare2 · 2 years ago
Yoga For Fertility: Benefits And Best Poses
Maybe you are thinking about embracing yoga for fertility, or perhaps considering how best to adjust your ongoing yoga routine to increase your possibilities of conceiving. Sounds perfect! Nonetheless, before you get out there and purchase a yoga mat or a bundle of 20 yoga for fertility classes then there are various things that you ought to be aware of.
Always keep in mind, before you even begin, that the majority of people today spend years, and in some cases decades, attempting to avoid pregnancy. It can then be a major shock when they quit utilizing contraception and don't rapidly get pregnant. However, in reality, this is not unheard of. It's similar to someone who hasn't exercised in a long time and then complains that they aren't skinny right away after starting!
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It typically takes four to five months for a young couple with no fertility issues to conceive. It typically takes longer for an older couple. Although it may appear common for couples to achieve success on their first try, this is actually much less common than you might expect. Your doctor will only start to think that you might have fertility issues if you haven’t gotten pregnant in a year of trying. A doctor will rarely even consider infertility until after a year of trying.
Having said that, if you think it’s too soon to see your doctor or if he or she isn’t yet taking your concerns seriously, fertility yoga is still something you should do in the meantime.
At least in the West, yoga is usually seen as a way to unwind. It has numerous health benefits and is frequently regarded as a spiritual practice in Asia. However, in North America, Europe, and other Western nations, it is primarily regarded as a physical activity that involves stretching the muscles and improving flexibility. It can also help alleviate stress and emotional tension. When it comes to increasing fertility, all of these factors work together to provide significant advantages.
Yoga is frequently recommended as a fertility treatment because of its stress-relieving properties. Stress can frequently lead to infertility, particularly “unexplained infertility.” This implies infertility has no recognizable reason. There appears to be no apparent health issue with either partner’s reproductive system. The man’s sperm count is normal and ovulation is occurring when it should. But there is still no child on the way, which is heartbreaking.
Yoga to get pregnant is typically practiced by women for fertility reasons. For some strange reason, society still believes that the woman is most likely to blame when infertility is discussed. That to the side, it very well may be useful for men as well, however, remember that it won’t lessen anyone’s stress level if one of the partners feels constrained into a yoga practice that doesn’t intrigue them. If your partner hesitates, they might benefit more from other forms of relaxation, such as sports, meditation, or gym work. The most important thing is to just unwind in any way you can!
After mastering a general beginner’s yoga class to improve flexibility and reduce stress, you can work with experienced yoga teachers on specific poses that may affect fertility. Yoga poses that can relax, open the abdomen and pelvis, and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs are considered yoga for fertility.
You might want to incorporate the following yoga poses into your routine if you want to get pregnant:
Legs Up The Wall (Viparitakarani)
This has some of the advantages of inverted poses like the shoulder stand or headstand but without the potential drawbacks of having the hips raised high. Lie on your mat on your back with hindquarters against a wall and legs extended up the wall. As long as your hips remain level with your torso, you can practice this pose during your period.
Open Angle Forward Bend (Upavisthakonasana)
Stretch your legs out, wide open, while sitting on the floor. Twist forward with a straight back until you feel the stretch in the hamstrings, strolling your hands forward. Have mindfulness in the pelvic area and the hamstrings. Be kind to your mind’s pelvis.
Butterfly Pose (Baddhakonasana)
Still situated on the floor, twist the knees and bring the bottoms of the feet together before you. You can kind of flap your knees up and down like butterfly wings but don’t force it. This pose should make you feel at ease. This is another representation that opens and invigorates the pelvic area.
Pose of a Pigeon
There are a few variations of the pigeon pose. If you want to avoid making mistakes that could hurt your hips or knees, it’s best to learn this pose with a teacher.
Child’s pose (Balasana pose)
It helps you release hormones that help you feel less stressed. You must first kneel down before sitting on your heels with your hands at your sides to perform the pose. You should inhale and exhale at this position.
Whenever you have breathed out you ought to twist forward and permit your chest to lay on your thighs. After that, you should place your forehead on the floor and slide your arms along the back of your body. This position should be held until you feel tension. It is suggested that you hold the pose for at least one minute on average.
Supported headstand
Most trainers perceive this posture as the mother of all yoga presents. This is due to its challenging and strenuous nature. The great side with the posture is that other than decreasing pressure, it likewise alters the body in this manner taking strain from the heart. Additionally, the pose increases hormone production, which further reduces stress levels.
To make the posture, you really want to start in the Balasana’s posture then hold your hands together, and put your lower arms on the floor with your head between your fingers. You ought to breathe in and draw your feet nearer to your head with your impact points up and shoulder bone down. You should lift your legs up and exhale while in this position.
It is suggested that you stretch your legs upward in order to avoid putting pressure on your tailbone. You ought to stand firm on this foothold for somewhere around 10 seconds. You should gently curl your legs down and release into the child’s pose to end the pose. It is suggested that you practice against a wall so that you don’t put too much weight on your head and neck.
Despite the fact that this pose reduces stress and increases your chances of conceiving, menstruating women should avoid it.
Forward bend
Of all of them, this is probably the easiest. Simply bending forward with your legs straight is all that is required. You can sit down with your legs straight in front of you and slightly bend forward if you think you are not agile enough.
It is strongly suggested that you exercise these poses with caution to avoid injury. For ideal outcomes, it’s recommended that you practice under the management of an expert Yoga instructor and follow the diet plan to conceive faster provided by the trainers.
Before beginning a yoga practice while you may be pregnant, it is essential to consult both your doctor and a yoga instructor. If you tell your yoga instructor that you want to do yoga for fertility, they may suggest additional poses that could help you get pregnant!
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healthtunnel-app · 2 years ago
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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vedsure · 11 days ago
SGVP Holistic Hospital: The Leading Multispeciality Hospital for Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions
In today’s fast-paced world, access to quality healthcare is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. Finding a reliable Multispeciality Hospital that provides a wide range of medical services under one roof can be challenging. However, SGVP Holistic Hospital stands out as a premier healthcare institution dedicated to offering world-class medical care with a patient-centered approach.
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Why Choose a Multispeciality Hospital?
A Multispeciality Hospital is a healthcare facility that offers comprehensive medical care across various disciplines. Unlike single-specialty hospitals that focus on one area of treatment, a Multispeciality Hospital brings together expert doctors, advanced medical technology, and state-of-the-art facilities to address a wide range of health concerns.
SGVP Holistic Hospital is a renowned Multispeciality Hospital that caters to patients with diverse medical needs. Whether you require cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, gynecology, or any other specialized treatment, SGVP provides holistic healthcare solutions with a team of experienced professionals.
Key Features of SGVP Holistic Hospital
Comprehensive Medical Services SGVP Holistic Hospital offers a wide array of healthcare services, including preventive care, diagnostic procedures, surgical interventions, and post-treatment rehabilitation. With highly trained specialists across multiple fields, patients receive personalized and effective treatments tailored to their needs.
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure Equipped with the latest medical technologies, SGVP Holistic Hospital ensures accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. The hospital has modern operation theaters, well-equipped ICUs, advanced imaging systems, and laboratories that facilitate prompt and efficient patient care.
Expert Medical Professionals One of the major strengths of SGVP Holistic Hospital is its team of skilled and compassionate doctors, surgeons, and healthcare professionals. With expertise in various medical specialties, they work collaboratively to provide the best possible outcomes for patients.
Holistic Approach to Healing Unlike conventional hospitals, SGVP Holistic Hospital believes in a patient-first approach that goes beyond just treating symptoms. The hospital integrates holistic healing methods, including Ayurveda, naturopathy, and yoga, to ensure complete wellness.
Emergency and Critical Care Medical emergencies can happen at any time, and SGVP Holistic Hospital is always prepared to handle them. With a 24/7 emergency department, well-equipped ambulances, and expert critical care specialists, the hospital ensures timely intervention and life-saving treatments.
Specialties at SGVP Holistic Hospital
Being a top Multispeciality Hospital, SGVP offers specialized care in various medical disciplines, including:
Cardiology – Advanced heart care services, including diagnostics, surgery, and rehabilitation.
Neurology – Treatment for neurological disorders, including stroke, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease.
Orthopedics – Comprehensive care for bone, joint, and spine-related conditions.
Gynecology & Obstetrics – Women’s health services, maternity care, and fertility treatments.
Gastroenterology – Treatment for digestive system disorders, liver diseases, and gastrointestinal surgeries.
Pulmonology – Expert care for respiratory conditions, including asthma and lung infections.
Nephrology – Kidney care services, including dialysis and renal transplants.
Oncology – Cancer diagnosis and treatment with modern therapies.
Patient-Centered Approach to Healthcare
At SGVP Holistic Hospital, patient care is the top priority. The hospital ensures that every patient receives personalized attention and support throughout their healthcare journey. From initial consultation to post-treatment recovery, the hospital staff is dedicated to providing comfort, care, and guidance at every step.
With a focus on affordability, SGVP Holistic Hospital also offers various health packages and insurance assistance, making quality medical care accessible to all sections of society.
If you are looking for a trusted Multispeciality Hospital that provides comprehensive and holistic healthcare services, SGVP Holistic Hospital is the ideal choice. With its expert medical team, cutting-edge technology, and patient-centric approach, the hospital ensures top-quality treatment for all medical needs. Visit SGVP Holistic Hospital today and experience the best in modern and holistic healthcare.
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karpadharani · 16 days ago
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Pre-Pregnancy Yoga Classes in Coimbatore
A Pre-pregnancy yoga class  in Coimbatore is designed to guide couples in preparing for a healthy conception and pregnancy journey. These courses focus on improving overall health, addressing physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and ensuring both partners are ready for parenthood. Topics include fertility awareness, nutritional guidance, fitness routines, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments. The program also provides insights into hormonal balance, reproductive health, and planning for a smooth transition into pregnancy, fostering a supportive and informed environment for prospective parents.
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aasthafertilitycentre · 21 days ago
IVF Treatment in Jaipur: A Complete Guide to Costs, Process & Success Rates
Infertility can be a challenging journey for many couples, but with advancements in reproductive technology, IVF treatment in Jaipur has become a popular and effective solution. Jaipur, known for its quality healthcare facilities, offers world-class fertility treatments at competitive costs. This guide will help you understand the cost, process, and success rates of IVF treatment in Jaipur, providing you with valuable insights before making a decision.
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What is IVF?
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) that helps couples conceive when natural methods fail. It involves fertilizing an egg with sperm in a laboratory and transferring the embryo to the uterus. IVF treatment in Jaipur is widely preferred due to its high success rates and advanced medical facilities.
Who Should Consider IVF?
IVF is recommended for individuals facing:
Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
Male infertility issues (low sperm count, poor motility)
Unexplained infertility
Ovulation disorders
Advanced maternal age
If you are struggling with conception, IVF treatment in Jaipur can offer a promising solution.
IVF Treatment Process in Jaipur
The IVF treatment in Jaipur follows a step-by-step approach to maximize success rates:
Initial Consultation & Testing
Fertility tests (blood tests, ultrasound, semen analysis)
Medical history evaluation
Ovarian Stimulation
Hormonal injections to stimulate egg production
Regular monitoring through ultrasound
Egg Retrieval (Ovum Pick-Up)
A minor surgical procedure to collect mature eggs
Performed under sedation for comfort
Sperm Collection & Fertilization
Sperm sample is collected and processed
Fertilization occurs in the lab (IVF or ICSI method)
Embryo Culture & Selection
Healthy embryos are monitored for growth
Best-quality embryo is chosen for transfer
Embryo Transfer
The selected embryo is transferred into the uterus
A painless procedure performed using ultrasound guidance
Pregnancy Test & Follow-up
A blood test is conducted after 10-14 days to confirm pregnancy
Further monitoring for successful implantation
Cost of IVF Treatment in Jaipur
The cost of IVF treatment in Jaipur varies depending on several factors:
Basic IVF Package
₹1,00,000 – ₹1,50,000 (per cycle)
Additional Costs (If Required)
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection): ₹20,000 – ₹30,000
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET): ₹30,000 – ₹50,000
Donor Eggs/Sperm: ₹30,000 – ₹50,000
Genetic Testing (PGT/PGD): ₹50,000 – ₹1,00,000
Insurance coverage for IVF treatment in Jaipur is limited, but some clinics offer EMI options to make treatment more affordable.
Success Rates of IVF Treatment in Jaipur
The success of IVF treatment in Jaipur depends on several factors, including age, medical history, and embryo quality.
Women under 35: 50-60% success rate
Women aged 35-40: 40-50% success rate
Women over 40: 20-30% success rate
Lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet, stress management, and avoiding smoking/alcohol can improve IVF success rates.
Tips to Improve IVF Success
To enhance the success of IVF treatment in Jaipur, consider the following:
Maintain a Healthy Diet: Include fertility-boosting foods rich in antioxidants, folic acid, and proteins.
Stay Active: Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation and overall reproductive health.
Reduce Stress: Practice yoga, meditation, or therapy to stay relaxed during the treatment.
Follow Medical Advice: Adhere to prescribed medications and attend all follow-up appointments.
With its affordability, advanced medical technology, and experienced fertility specialists, IVF treatment in Jaipur is a preferred choice for many couples struggling with infertility. Understanding the process, costs, and success rates will help you make an informed decision. If you are planning to undergo IVF treatment in Jaipur, thorough research and a positive mindset can improve your chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Would you like to know more about specific aspects of IVF? Feel free to ask.
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