#Feral Survivor Ellie :: giraffeiisms
darckcarnival · 1 year
"happy mother's day spice mom!"
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Now that had the brunette letting out a snort of amusement, avoiding laughing. But the smile on Darck's face was wide and genuine, her head tilting sideways a moment with an eyebrow quirked upwards.
"Spice mom? Where did that come from? That's a new one. I recall Jake Muller calling me his 'Momster', so this may as well make perfect sense. I'll wear that with pride."
"Thank you, Ells. You're a fantastic daughter and I am proud to call you as such, a good kid, feral and all. Proud of you."
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darckcarnival · 1 year
"no goofs this time. I am genuinely curious because I saw someone.... Uh. You know."
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"Kiddo... This is not something you should be asking, or know about, trust me. Goofing or not, this is not a question that is being answered until you are older."
"And Burnside is not encouraging this."
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darckcarnival · 1 year
"what's oviposition and why is everyone talking about it?'
Aaaand there it is.
Faster than she thought it would have been. Impressive.
Darck sighed and shook her head. "So glad I was informed previously... Ellie, you and I both know that you've pulled this before, I know you absolutely know what that is. I also heard no one talk about it so you're trying to start chaos."
"Unfortunately for you, we're prepared. The answer is no, Els."
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darckcarnival · 1 year
Vel and I made you a card!
"Did you?" Now that was a surprise. Darck wasn't really expecting anything honestly, let alone even from her own Familiar teamed up with an adoptive daughter. Course, Vel did really enjoy Ellie, so the two of them spending time together was no surprise. Darck knew where her familiar was almost always. Almost.
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"Now I'm curious just what you two did, let alone what his claws could do. You didn't have to do anything, you know."
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"What would you do if I brought a dragon home?"
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"... A dragon..." Darck blinked a few times at the teenage girl, the young survivor had been through a lot since being rescued from her fate else where, and then through hell and high water everywhere else. Here, sure, she was safe, had a home, and could enjoy a relatively normal life- for the supernatural side anyway.
But to hear her say this, and knowing full well the madness she could get involved with, being feral as she is, well... Honestly? Who the hell knows what she could be meaning, this could be literal in some way!
"What do you mean 'bring home a dragon', Ellie? Explain. I need some context here. And, perhaps, a size reference..." It wasn't uncommon for Hells Pit to bring in many odd creatures or people, both for sanctuary, to have a life, or hire them, but there still had to be some sort of prep work.
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"Hey mom can I get my nose pierced?"
That word. 'Mom'. It always seemed to hit her just right to soften anything the young girl might ask, and always hit the half vampire like a ton of bricks. Reality, in the best way.
One blink. Two. And Darck had to take a moment of shaking her head, then looking down towards Ellie with both brows raised high in her confusion. What kind of-- Where did this come from? As far as the older woman knew, that sort of thing didn't seem to catch thew teen's attention all the much. Then again, in a world and time where she could openly, and safely, explore preferences or tastes, somewhere alive... Well, maybe it was in the cards.
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"Huh. Not often I get caught off guard by questions, but you did it..." There was a soft huff of amusement, and then a laugh. "I don't see why not Ellie, surprised you'd want one. But! Bit of advice, be very careful with that. You can easily get a nose piercing infected and end up getting really messed up after wards, especially if it's a nose ring in the center. But a side piercing is a bit safer. I know we've got a few piercing artists and tattoo artists living on base, if you wanted to look for a professional and have some second opinions?"
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"Hey mom now that winter is almost over, we should go on missions together. I am over being cooped up."
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She called her 'mom', right there without pretense. Immediately. It had Darck's attention held in a second.
"You sure?"
There was a shot of anxiety that went down Darck's spine at the very thought of this. Putting Ellie out there on the field, and in the line of danger, all over again... It was not a pleasant thought. However it would also be hypocritical of her considering the life she has led to get here, Darck knowing full well what it would all lead to. "You know, you don't have to be out there in the field, on missions." But ah, this was Ellie Williams, a teenager that wouldn't take shit from anybody. And a survivor.
A sigh came from the brunette, as she slowly knelt down lower. Closer to the others eye level, maybe a bit lower, but still closer to be eye to eye. "I understand what it's like to be cooped up, but being on a real mission is much different. Have you been joining in the training sessions with the young recruits?" She had to know just how far Ellie had been keeping up. The door was o[pen for it, but never a requirement. Still a good way to learn ways of self defense, especially with her rifle.
... God damn it...
The gaze which she was now giving was incredibly serious, and sharp. Yet wise. "I was a little younger than you, when I started doing my first monster hunts with my sire. So I know how dangerous it is for someone your size. However... You have a rifle, and can handle things from a distance. Unlike me who was thrown onto the front line immediately." Hands laced in front of herself while staying crouched right there. Never once did Darck blink. "How far can you hit a target? And how well are moving Targets for you? I need to know these, so I know what squad to put you with, when you go with me on a job. Not something off the walls like my solo's, but something that could use the range. We'll need to give you special ammunition."
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"What's green and has wheels?" She pauses. "GRASS I LIED ABOUT THE WHEELS!"
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There is a chuckle that escapes the older woman while Ellie just goes off with her little joke. Darck letting her head tilt sideways a bit while looking down at the teenager. "Been watching Game Grumps, have you?" She teased. Well, may as well follow up with the other line then-
"You gotta say it with sass!"
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"Darck I mean a Literal dragon! He stole some of my cookies!"
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"Oookaaaay." That was new. The vampire woman needed to take a minute to inhale and think about this, now very literal, dragon comment.
Never any rest for the weary these days, were there?
One hand lifted to rub at her forehead a moment. "How... How did- Okay, not questioning. But this means he is at least managable size. And why do you want to bring the Dragon home, kiddo? Does he not have a place to live himself? And how well do you know this individual?"
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darckcarnival · 2 years
[ TXT: Momma Fangs ] I just have a bruise, besides what can you do to a dead man?
Darck stopped. Staring at the text message. Several moments went by...
Slow inhale...
[Txt: Chaos Daughter Ellie]; WHAT do you MEAN DEAD MAN ELLIE WILLIAMS
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darckcarnival · 2 years
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“My adopted kids, Jake and then Ellie, are clearly just as feral as me.”            ( @daughterofnero​ )      ( @giraffeiisms​ )
“Don’t expend too much energy on them, ruin their legs first. Knees and ankles!”
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darckcarnival · 11 months
"what are you gonna be for Halloween? Because vel and are are going as ian Malcom and the trex."
Darck was surprised for a minute, before she let out a loud laugh, grin spreading wide. It was fantastic hearing that her adopted daughter was diving into Halloween so much, and even pulled that vampiric familiar into it.
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"I have been on the fence of what I might be. Debated not actually dressing up, just take you trick or treating. Buuuut... I am tempted to dress up as Batman. Or Red X."
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darckcarnival · 1 year
"Hey mom I have an egg? Says its for you?"
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"Ellie Williams, I am suffering enough as it is kiddo. Your mother is going to be reduced to incoherent screaming."
"... Want an omelette...?"
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darckcarnival · 1 year
"Mom! Hey!" The teen calls out, hair clean and brushed. Looking like she had finally taken a shower. What was mostly shocking was the fact that Ellie had clothed herself into a black dress. Of course with combat boots and a spiked choker. "Can you help me with my dress? I can't zip it up."
Every time, without fail, when she would be called 'Mom', Darck would drop everything and immediately pay full attention to what was needed or being asked of. The brunette immediately moving out of the living room where she ad been sat and reading over a file, and into Ellie's bed room. Seeing the teenager... In quite a different state of being! Cleaned up fancy like, dressed in a literal dress, with some punk touched to it with the boots and choker. It had caught her off guard entirely.
"Well god damn, you look like teenage me. Yeah, sure, I got you. They always make these damn zippers so stupidly frustrating." With this the older woman strode closer, using one hand to gently pinch closed the back of the dress flaps, close as possible, while the other gently took hold of the zipper and pulled up. Careful not to catch any cloth of lace in it's metal teeth. And all the way up it went, Darck even moving Ellie's hair to make sure it wouldn't be trapped either. "There ya go, zipped and locked in place."
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The woman walked around inf ront of Ellie then with a broad smile. "You look damn good rocking that. What's the occasion? And might I suggest, a belt of somesort to compliment and bring you ensemble together?" Yes she was supportive, and clearly so very proud of Ellie in this moment for growing, and even cleaning up. But didn't say it out loud yet. Knowing it wasn't the time or place. But she also wanted to make sure the other was safe where she was going or what she was doing.
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darckcarnival · 1 year
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"Ellie, where did this come from? It's okay! I don't need sleep! Remember I'm not human."
"If you're worried about me needing breaks or rest, I do have down time and relax. Hell I spend much of it with you."
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darckcarnival · 2 years
"Hey you promised me once I got to this world I could have whatever I wanted to eat." She points at a cooking video on her phone showing a beef Wellington. "I want this please. And french fries."
Ah, she remembered! Darck gave a firm nod, indicated that yes, she could recall that promise. Since this place was much safer and cleaner, functional. So, the brunette older woman leaned over to get a look at the teenagers phone. Seeing... Something rather unexpected. Both brows lifting higher over her sunglasses.
And of course, she wants fries with it too. That had Darck releasing a huffed laugh, gaze looking back towards Ellie. "Okay, French Fries I know how to cook and make them god damn delicious. But beef wellington, oh boy..."
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"Gotta admit, never made that before. But I have eaten it." Already, she was removing the trench coat off her shoulders. Moving to a coat hook near by to put the leather trench up and away. "I'll hold true with my promise. We're both going to experience cooking something new! I have a cook book with that in it, Els. C'mon, let's hit the kitchen."
"If this turns out terrible, I'll take ya out somewhere and buy you the best one I know. Deal?"
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