#Fender Flagship
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guitarbomb · 1 year ago
Fender Japan Souichiro Yamauchi Stratocaster Custom
Fender Japan Souichiro Yamauchi Stratocaster Custom limited edition with CuNiFe Wide Range Humbucker and Direct Switch
This Fender Japan Souichiro Yamauchi Stratocaster Custom model, for Fuji Fabric guitarist, looks stunning. To get one you have to visit the official store Fender Flagship store in Tokyo. Souichiro Yamauchi Stratocaster Custom The limited Fender Japan Souichiro Yamauchi Stratocaster Custom model is available from the official Fender Flagship store in Tokyo and comes with a hard case and a signed…
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guitar-ijiri-house · 2 years ago
MonoNeon シグネチャーギターストラップがド派手で最高過ぎる!【FENDER FLAGSHIP TOKYO開店記念】 _ ギターいじリストのおうち
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lunamikk69 · 2 years ago
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Fender Flagship Tokyo Countdown featuring SCANDAL
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mofmofp · 1 year ago
1億円超えのギター!!「フェンダー・フラグシップ・東京」世界初のフェンダー旗艦店 Over 100 million yen guitar !! ...
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 1 year ago
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50 years on: Isuzu Statesman de Ville by GMH, 1973. Making its debut 50 years ago at the 20th Tokyo Motor Show in October 1973. Isuzu's newly minted relationship with GM didn't just mean their cars and pick-ups being sold in Australia and the US. This was an attempt to give Isuzu a flagship luxury saloon for the lucrative government and diplomatic market in Japan. The cars were powered by Holden's 5 litre (308ci) V8 and were given fender mounted rear view mirrors to comply with Japanese regulations. They were heavily taxed for being imported and falling outside any tax breaks based on size and engine capacity thus only 246 were sold before the car was withdrawn from the Japanese market in 1974.
brochure images from daves_bellett on Flickr
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ubernaut · 3 months ago
Little pickup position test vid on Leo Fenders final flagship Bass creation - the G&L 2500 🎸
1st is neck - 2nd is both - 3rd is bridge 🎶
3 of the MANY possible tonal variations from this starship motherboard of an instrument 😂
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yasuderland · 11 days ago
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FENDER FLAGSHIP TOKYO原宿店で、僕が愛用しているストラトギターを展示していただきましてん。僕のギターといえばこれ!って思い浮かべるファンの子も多いんちゃうかなあ。みなさまに間近で見ていただく機会に恵まれて嬉しかった。ちょうど7月は指の手術もあってしばらく活動もお休みしていたものやから、きっとファンの子にも大喜びしてもらえたはず。いや、間違いなくそうでしょう。ご心配おかけしました、たくさん甘やかしてくれてありがとう。
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お待っとさんでした。SUPER EIGHTによる超アリーナツアーが愛知から開幕!約3ヶ月の期間で全国6ヶ所にお邪魔しましたよ。前半は僕の指のこともあってギターでの演奏は厳しかったんやけど、それでもあたたかく迎え入れてくれてほんまに感謝でいっぱい。ありがとうね。普段は見られないようなメインボーカル安田章大を味わってもらえたなら幸せです。ちょっと語ってもいい?ここまで長く一緒にいると、周年を迎えたときにおめでたい気持ちの反面、どこかで不安にさせることもあるだろうと思っていて。一区切りの予感といいますか。キリのいい数字には祝福と旅立ちがつきものやから。ファンの子全員とまではいかんくても、きっと終わりというものを考えてしまう子もおったと思うの。でもね、僕たちはみんなの前に立ってひとりひとりと優しい約束がしたかったんですよ。まだまだ終わらないって、ただそれだけ。毎公演叫ぶように届けたと思う、嘘は言わないから信じてて。
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ロッキンひたちなかにSUPER EIGHT参戦!昨年に引き続き2度目です、ありがたい。僕たちのステージもうれしいことに大熱狂で最高の気分やったんやけど、ロッキンでもスカパラさんとコラボさせていただいたり、僕の中で幸せな思い出がまたひとつ増えた1日でございやした。お写真はね、めざましテレビのスタッフさんに作っていただいたかわいいめざましくんでっせ。∞マークの位置がそれぞれ違っていたり、めっちゃ凝ってるの。これには横山くんも超にっこり。すーぱーしょうた、名前に恥じない男で居たいもんやな!それとおーくらにね、ミニオンのフード付きタオル譲ってもらったんよ。ロッキン限定のやつ。僕がミニオン好きやからって!うれしなあ。
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10月は個人のお仕事からひとつ。前にもここに書いたんやけど、北海道でロケをしてまして。なんでかって言うとね、アリーナツアーで披露する「オモイダマ」という曲に吹奏楽部のご協力が必要やったんです。それぞれが担当する地方まで出向いてお願いしていたんやけど、僕は北海道の高校生の元へ。と、その前に広大な北の大地を満喫!ファンの子のための聖地作り、たのしかったなあ。お友達のみんなも、北海道へ足を運んだときには是非同じところで写真撮ってね。ちなみにおすすめの観光スポットはAOAO SAPPOROさん。水族館です。ここのアイコンがまさにそうやねん、ペンギン見つめてるの。かわいい海の生物がいっぱいおって、癒されること間違いなし。
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2024年の締めくくりは待ちに待ったドームツアー!福岡ドームから幕開け。アリーナツアーを駆け抜けてから1ヶ月くらいしか経ってないんやけど、また全然違う構成とセットリストで創り上げました。絶対に楽しんでいただけると思う。きっとファンの子の中でも、この時のライブが一番好きやったっていうお気に入りの公演が必ずあるやろうけど、みんなそれを塗り替える気で居るからね。どこから見てもどの曲を聴いても楽しくて、胸がぎゅーってなるようなeighterのためのライブ。20年分の愛をお返しします。それはそうと見てよ、ぬいぐるみ。かわいいやんなあ。でもね、いつも僕のぬいだけ髪型追いついてないねんな。スタッフさんいつもどんな気持ちなんやろ?出来上がった!と思ったら僕だけもう変わってんねん。わざとちゃうの。ごめんなさい。さてさて、こんなところでしょうか。完全に自己満やし勝手に書いといてあれやけど、ここまで読んでくれた子ってほんまにおるんかな?長いことお付き合いいただいて心からありがとう。さては相当な物好き、安田マニアですね。疲れたやろうから、ゆっくり目と指を休めてくださいな。あなたにとってSUPER HAPPYな年末年始になりますように!来年も僕となかよしこよしのおしくらまんじゅうして遊びましょう。いつもほんまにありがとう。
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years ago
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Wiesmann MF5 GT 
The MF5 GT was in the absolute top position. This model series made its debut in 2007 during the IAA at the Wiesmann dealer in Frankfurt. It took around one and a half years before series production began. As with the MF4, a bonded and riveted aluminium chassis lay beneath the body made of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic. For the smaller MF3, Wiesmann used a tube frame.Technically, the brothers Friedhelm and Martin Wiesmann continued to use BMW components for the MF5. Only the best was good enough for the flagship. The five-liter naturally aspirated V10 engine with 373 kW/507 hp and 520 Nm of torque was taken over from the M5 (E60/E61) and M6 (E63/E64) series. The automated SMG III transmission with seven gears, the ABS and a few other driver assistance systems also came from the M6. Steering components came from the smaller 3 Series with the internal model codes E46 and E90. All around, 19-inch wheels with 265/35 ZR 19 tires at the front and 325/30 ZR 19 tires at the rear were used as standard. When BMW retired the E60, E61, E63 and E64 series and thus also discontinued production of the V10, Wiesmann switched in parallel to the V8 biturbo engine from the X5 M. This produced 408 kW/555 hp from 4.4 liters of displacement, which was transmitted to the rear wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission.Initially, the Wiesmann MF5 GT was only available as a Coupé. Wider fenders, a modified front spoiler lip and a fixed rear wing clearly distinguished the car from the less powerful MF4 GT. Incidentally, the first 30 production cars of the MF5 GT had chassis numbers of its smaller brother. It wasn’t until number 031 that a separate number range began. The last MF5 GT with the V10 engine was numbered 056, and the V8 biturbo engine was subsequently fitted in just 22 cars. In September 2009, the Roadster version finally made its debut at the IAA in Frankfurt. For this car, Wiesmann used an electrically extendable rear spoiler for the first time, which generated more downforce at higher speeds. Since it was already foreseeable at the time of the premiere that the V10 engine wouldn’t be available for much longer, Wiesmann limited the MF5 Roadster to 55 units. However, due to the long production times and the fact that new EU registrations were no longer possible from 2011, only 43 were produced, followed by 63 cars with V8.
Author's note: recently German firm Wiesmann decided that its next car will be an EV, which led to this prototype: Project Thunderball. That won't be the real name, but this is mostly the real car, with 671 horsepower and 811 pound-feet of torque. Assuming it reaches production anytime soon, it'll be the first EV roadster since the original Lotus-based Tesla. Stay tuned! 
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mikkeneko · 1 year ago
Not tagged by @veliseraptor, but this looked fun!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
first fic you ever published there: First ever was The Orphan from Tsubasa fandom, published to AO3 on 9/03/2010! More than thirteen years ago this month, gosh. This was however by no means the first fic I ever wrote, nor even the date I wrote it -- I republished a bunch of fics over from fanfiction.net and this just happened to be the first.
last fic you published: Immortal Lamb Crusader Way , which actually got a much bigger reception than I'd expected! considering it was a crossover fic (thus a higher bar to entry than non-crossover fic.) By no means upset by this, but slightly baffled, I am left to conclude that Scum Villain fic readers are really just hungry for new content.
any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: Hrm. Hard to qualify. There are several fandoms that are on there only once, but they tend to be either fusions or crack crossovers (like the Never Gonna Tell A Lie Saga.) I don't think those count. The only one that really meets the criteria for this would be abovementioned Immortal Lamb Crusader Way, but I fully intend to write more SVSSS/BingQiu later on! So... let's say The Dressmaker's Bride, which I'd consider the only fic I ever seriously wrote for CSS and Tomoyo/Sakura.
your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works: This would actually be the Dragon Age fandom -- couple of prospects from there. I quite liked fruits of poison, flowers of blood as an exploration of the Anders and Merrill friendship and also Mirror, Mirror as a shenanigans comedy featuring multiple Hawke clones. But I think this one has to go to One Elegant Solution by virtue of being my magnum opus out of the entirely sixty-five bunch of them.
fic you wish more people read: Gosh. Honestly a few options here. Just the other day I was thinking of Blood Feathers - a Fenders minibang fic I wrote that featured Fenris as a griffon-riding Gray Warden and Anders as a griffon veterinarian, was a fic that I thought turned out very well but didn't get a lot of air time. And man, I was just really proud with how well Complicity came out, a Critical Role story unpacking Jester's torture trauma from the Iron Angels arc. And some of my older TRC fics -- particularly Undervoice and Cocoon -- fell into an awkward period between platforms where they never got much viewership either on FFNet or on AO3. Alas.
fic you agonized over the most: The really long ones probably have the most sweat blood and tears shed total -- One Elegant Solution from Dragon Age, Wizards/Heralds from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle; (say hello to my) thirty million little friends  from MDZS; but probably the one I agonized the most over for the eventual least impact was Labyrinth, an Avengers/Silent Hill crossover (see above note about crossovers having a higher bar to entry than non-crossovers; the fact that I picked a non-flagship pairing for this one probably didn't help.)
fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: I don't know that any of them were no effort, but How To Become A Champion in 4 Easy Steps really did spring fully formed from my head, a second-person POV exploration of Hawke's grief and loss. 
a work you are proud of—for whatever reason: proud of a lot of em for many and various reasons! but I think Cover Up the Sun probably holds the record, out of all of my works ever, for having the most readers reaching out to me to say that it really helped them personally -- from the person who said that the apology conversation helped them realize that their friends were treating them badly, to some folks who found Loki's unpacking of his grief over his mother's death helped them deal with their own parents' death, to one person who left a note that this fic had helped them decide to go on living. That's the sort of thing that really makes spending years on writing to feel worth it, you know?
Tagging: @fieldofclover, @fortune-maiden, @faux-fires, and to break the alliterative streak, @cerusee.
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retrofret · 2 years ago
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Just arrived for #fenderfriday , a 1959 Fender Twin Amp 5F8-A High Power Tube Amplifier! Included is a very well-made replica Tweed cabinet if you’d like to preserve the original one. Covers for both as well. - Click on the link in our bio to learn more about it. - The Fender Twin-Amp was initially unveiled at the Summer 1952 NAMM show as the company's new top-line professional amplifier. It remained the flagship model of tweed era Fender amps until 1960, when the new decade brought a revamp of the entire line. The circuit went through many revisions throughout the 1950s, until 1958 when Leo introduced the 85 watt 5F8-A circuit. The 5F8-A revision has since become known as the "High Power Tweed Twin" and is regarded as one of Leo's finest achievements. This was a sonic revelation at the time and to this day is simply the most desired standard production Fender amp ever made, one of the most collectible amplifiers of all time. - - - - #fendertwinamp #fendertwintweed #retrofretvintageguitars #ampforsale #tubeamplifier #fendersofinstagram #fenderamp (at Retrofret Vintage Guitars) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVwZoCu_ai/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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83hecky83 · 1 year ago
11/25~26 お江戸行きますた
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tokyotrendnews · 2 months ago
【#oricon 】アン ミカ、キレキレのフラメンコステップを生披露!モデルの”癖”に 苦労!?「頭を残してしまう」 「にしたんクリニック新CM発表会」
本記事のショート動画はこちらから💛 アン ミカ、キレキレのフラメンコステップを生披露!モデルの”癖”に苦労!?「頭を残してしまう」 「にしたんクリニック新CM発表会」 「にしたんクリニック新CM発表会」が25日、都内で行われ、西村誠司社長のほかCMに出演するお笑いトリオ・3時のヒロインのかなで、福田麻貴、ゆめっち、モデル・タレントのアンミカ、そして高須クリニック統括院長・高須克弥氏が登場した。 【関連動画】 52歳・アンミカ、30年ぶりパリコレ復帰を発表 圧巻スタイルでポージング披露 『第6回ベストフォーマルウェアアワード授賞式』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVnuqcFRqPA あのちゃん、アンミカの“名言”をリスペクト!?粗品と漫才のような掛け合いに報道陣も爆笑 『Fender Flagship Tokyo』1日店長就任式…
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pensionsweeks · 5 months ago
Retrospec Bikes: A Blend of Style, Quality, and Affordability
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Introduction: The Appeal of Retrospec Bikes
In the world of cycling, Retrospec has emerged as a popular brand known for its stylish, affordable, and reliable bicycles. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a casual cyclist, Retrospec offers a variety of bikes that cater to different needs and preferences. This article explores the key features of Retrospec bikes, highlights some of the most popular models, and discusses why they have become a favorite among urban riders.
The Philosophy Behind Retrospec
Retrospec was founded with a mission to make cycling accessible to everyone. The brand focuses on creating high-quality bikes that are both affordable and stylish, without compromising on performance. Retrospec believes that cycling should be a fun and enjoyable experience, and this philosophy is reflected in their diverse range of bikes.
Why Choose Retrospec?
Affordability: Retrospec bikes are known for offering great value for money. They are competitively priced, making them accessible to a wide range of customers.
Style: Retrospec bikes are designed with a retro aesthetic that appeals to urban cyclists who value both form and function.
Durability: Despite their affordable price, Retrospec bikes are built to last. They use high-quality materials and components to ensure long-term reliability.
Popular Retrospec Bike Models
Retrospec offers a variety of bikes, each designed to meet specific cycling needs. Here are some of the most popular models:
1. Retrospec Harper: The Classic Fixie
The Retrospec Harper is one of the brand's flagship models. It's a fixed-gear bike, also known as a fixie, which is popular among urban cyclists for its simplicity and low maintenance.
Design: The Harper features a minimalist design with clean lines and a sleek frame. It’s available in a variety of colors, allowing riders to choose a style that suits their personality.
Performance: The Harper is built for speed and efficiency, making it ideal for commuting and city riding. Its lightweight frame and responsive handling provide a smooth and agile ride.
Versatility: The Harper comes with a flip-flop hub, allowing riders to switch between fixed-gear and single-speed modes, offering flexibility based on riding preferences.
2. Retrospec Beaumont: The Classic City Bike
The Retrospec Beaumont is a city bike designed for comfort and style. It's perfect for casual riders who want a bike that’s both functional and fashionable.
Design: The Beaumont features a vintage-inspired frame with swept-back handlebars, giving it a classic and elegant look. It’s designed for an upright riding position, providing comfort on longer rides.
Performance: The Beaumont is equipped with a 7-speed drivetrain, making it versatile enough for both flat roads and gentle hills. The bike’s wide tires and cushioned saddle ensure a comfortable ride, even on rougher surfaces.
Practicality: The Beaumont comes with fenders, a rear rack, and a kickstand, making it a practical choice for daily commuting and errands around town.
3. Retrospec Kinney: The Versatile Hybrid
For those who need a bike that can handle a variety of terrains, the Retrospec Kinney is an excellent option. It’s a hybrid bike that combines the best features of road and mountain bikes.
Design: The Kinney has a sturdy frame and a more aggressive riding position, suitable for both city streets and light off-road trails. Its design is a perfect blend of utility and style.
Performance: With a 21-speed drivetrain, the Kinney offers plenty of gearing options for tackling hills and flat terrain alike. The bike’s suspension fork adds comfort by absorbing shocks from uneven surfaces.
Versatility: The Kinney is designed to be an all-rounder, making it a great choice for commuters, recreational riders, and those who enjoy occasional off-road adventures.
Why Retrospec Bikes Are a Great Choice
Retrospec bikes have gained a loyal following thanks to their combination of style, quality, and affordability. Here are some reasons why Retrospec bikes stand out:
Stylish Designs: Retrospec bikes are visually appealing, with designs that draw inspiration from classic and vintage styles. This makes them a favorite among urban cyclists who want a bike that looks as good as it rides.
High-Quality Construction: Despite being affordable, Retrospec bikes do not compromise on quality. The brand uses durable materials and reliable components to ensure that their bikes can withstand daily use.
Affordable Prices: Retrospec’s commitment to affordability means that more people can enjoy the benefits of cycling without breaking the bank. This accessibility has made Retrospec a popular choice for both new and experienced riders.
Conclusion: Retrospec Bikes for Every Rider
Retrospec bike has carved out a niche in the cycling world by offering bikes that combine style, quality, and affordability. Whether you're looking for a fixie like the Harper, a comfortable city bike like the Beaumont, or a versatile hybrid like the Kinney, Retrospec has something to offer. With their retro-inspired designs and practical features, Retrospec bikes are perfect for urban cyclists who want a reliable and stylish ride.
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2017az · 6 months ago
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guitarbomb · 7 months ago
Fender Flagship Tokyo, the world's first flagship store for the iconic guitar brand, is celebrating its first anniversary with a week-long celebration from June 26th to July 2nd, 2024
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kellyroycekey · 7 months ago
Porsche 944 Turbo Cup. Porsche launched a race series for its flagship 944 Turbo in the mid-1980s. There were five championship series: one in France, Germany, South Africa, Canada, and the United States. Each had a distinct amount of vehicles competing. The Turbo Cup cars designed for the series were significantly upgraded over their road-going counterparts. These included a larger KKK K26-8 turbocharger, a magnesium intake manifold, an oil pan, a reinforced transmission, clutch, differential, and axles, along with the removal of A/C, power seats, leather upholstery, sun visors, power windows, power steering, rear wiper, headlight washers, fender liners, storage pockets, rear trunk release, upgraded struts, shocks, springs, suspension mounts, as well as an adjustable ABS system, bigger brakes with racing pads, magnesium wheels This resulted in weight reductions of roughly 272 kg (600 lb) and improved vehicle performance, with Turbo Cup cars accelerating from 0-97 km/h (60 mph) in 5.3 seconds and reaching a high speed of nearly 274 km/h (170 mph). 192 Turbo Cup cars were built, 99 for Canada (VIN starts WP0AAO) and 93 for the rest of the globe (VIN starts WP0ZZZ). Cup automobiles are identifiable by their last four VIN digits ranging from 1501 to 1700. As far as is known, only one left the factory as a one-mirror Testarossa-style cup vehicle (VIN 1524) for a doctor in Germany, with a specially ordered standard black leather interior, targa rooftop, and white body. This car's track has been lost since 2019 when the original wheels were stolen in Münster and the vehicle was sold. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porsche_944 #kellyroycekey #porsche #gt3 #911gt #pyrenees  #detroit #michigan #porscheUnleashed #electronicarts Porsche Unleashed 951 Turbo Cup @ Normandie
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