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spinachandmushrooms · 8 years ago
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Thanks to @femminary for her wonderful suggestion that the senior seminar take a picture together. Honored to share graduation day (coming in May) with these wonderful, inspiring, justice-driven people (and a few other amazing people). Sharing this journey with amazing people has been one of the best gifts of studying I at PSR. Ican't wait to watch their ministries unfold. #psr #mdiv #seminary @Regrann from @femminary - While I am glad to graduate soon, I'm going to miss seeing these people regularly. It has been an honor and a gift to walk beside them. They have made their way into my heart. They have taught me well. #66Days #MDivOrBust #SeniorClass #MostOfUs #PrematureMissing #Regrann
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texturedabyss · 8 years ago
First saw this sermon on facebook and then shared it with friends. I’ve never heard sex and the sacred described so profoundly. It feels so good to hear similar experiences on another person’s lips. 
Performed at Class Rage & Gold Chains Working Class Femmes Take The News! Full text available at: https://femminary.wordpress.com/2016/02/03/ungracious-saints/#more-158
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femminary · 9 years ago
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femminary · 9 years ago
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When your date takes you out for cocktails after Theology class... #HolyWater #Femminary
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femminary · 9 years ago
"I just know that sex is okay, even for girls. And if god and the bible don’t know that, well then god and the bible are full of shit, too. I choose blowjobs and joking with boys about their come over a god that would hate girls like me."
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femminary · 9 years ago
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femminary · 9 years ago
Sermon. The Dignity of Toilet Water
Sermon. The Dignity of Toilet Water
Ever since I started Seminary people have been asking me the same question: Why? Now, that why looks different in different situations. Sometimes it’s a simple, why the change? Sometimes it’s, what called you to ministry? Sometimes it’s, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I’m never quite sure what I’m gonna get. So I watch people’s body…
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femminary · 9 years ago
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femminary · 9 years ago
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femminary · 9 years ago
Overdose Awareness. Grief, Respect, and Power.
Overdose Awareness. Grief, Respect, and Power.
I was 20 when overdose first touched my life. I lost one of my deepest loves, his name was Kotschi. Grief makes some people uncomfortable. They don’t know what to do or say. They start shifting their weight from one foot to the other and you get the distinct impression that they’d wish you’d shut up. In their minds grief is only a weight, a burden. Something you are supposed to try and slough…
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femminary · 9 years ago
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femminary · 10 years ago
White People, Racism, and Doubting Thomas.
White People, Racism, and Doubting Thomas.
A sermon inspired by John 20:24-29 “Blessed are those who have not seen yet have come to believe.” The Gospel of John is full of issues of believability. Again and again this issue of belief and disbelief comes up. In fact, Jesus spends most of that Gospel trying to show folks who he is. He turns water into wine, feeds thousands, restores sight and mobility, he even walks on water. Some might…
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femminary · 10 years ago
"The young people in the street disturb our religious respectability and sensibility. Queer woman, single moms, pants sagging, tattoos—it disrupts the very character that the church presents to the world. I’m not terribly hopeful for the church. I think queer, black, poor women are the church’s salvation. They don’t need to get saved. The church needs to get saved."
"And this is me stealing Chris Crass’ line—he says that the task of white churches is not about how many people of color they have. It’s what blow are they striking at white supremacy."
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femminary · 10 years ago
Here it is, my very first homily. As per always, the piece is mostly about class. And apparently my face behaves like melting rubber when I’m nervous. 
Some Context: The assignment was to write a homily in response to one of the Lectionary* scriptures for that week. I chose II Samuel 7:1-17, which follows a character named David. David had been a shepherd and was now King. As he’d settled into his new fancy house he decided he was going to build a house for god, but god told him no. 
*The Lectionary is a sort of like a schedule for the verses that are supposed to be read or preached on every week. It works on a 3 year cycle and tells folks what readings to use from the New Testament, Old Testament, Psalms, etc. Not all protestant churches follow it but many do. Totally blew my mind.
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femminary · 10 years ago
F- you!!
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femminary · 10 years ago
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