#Female Corgi Puppies
angelofrazgriz · 2 years
My god does she hate the bow, but she's so cute with it on!
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8myass · 7 months
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.. puppy mama .. pairing. lee chan/dino x female reader genre. fluff pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. you try to convince your boyfriend it’s a good idea to get a pet. wc. 0.1k cw. boyfriend!dino tw. established relationship, use of ‘puppy mama’ (lol), hardcore fluff a/n. late birthday post for my baby dino ♡︎ i’m super sorry it’s so short, i wanted to post something for him before i got into my jaehyun birthday writing, but i will make sure to write something longer for him as soon as my writing event is over!
You turned to your boyfriend with a huge smile on your face, “Please, tell me I’d be a good puppy mama.”
“‘Puppy mama?’ You’re joking, right? How do you think you’d take care of a dog, especially a puppy?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully at your childish reaction to him saying that the two of you couldn’t get a pet.
“What do you mean? I’m skilled in taking care of living things,” you pouted, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Yeah, sure. You’re so skilled at taking care of living things that you can even kill a fake plant,” he laughed loudly, causing you to frown more, shoving his shoulder with a mouthed ‘meanie’, before spinning on your heels and skipping over to your desk, plopping down on the spinny chair in front of it. 
You started typing away at something on your laptop, huffing, “I’ll show you I can take care of a puppy! You want a corgi? How about a lab? German Shepherd?”
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brb-on-a-quest · 4 months
If you send me photos of cute animals I’ll literally love you forever (ok my love is not entirely dependent on that but it would make me soooo happy)
*opens trenchcoat* *speaks with a gravelly voice* Oh you've come to the right place friend i've got the goods.
Ok so actually my house is always a menagerie at any given moment and its chaos and like I love animals and I love my family but I at the moment I can not wait to leave this whole zoo behind because things are never calm ever. Like we have five animals that live here full time and my mother has a dog boarding business so in addition to the main cast of characters we have a whole bunch of side characters that have stayed like a couple weeks sometimes? (Literally if you're looking for peace and quiet ever, you won't find it here).
Also got most of these for my phone and i can tell i am more cat person than dog person because I have two videos of the actual puppy, two photos of my other dog and like more decent photos of the cats. So let me introduce you to the whole main cast of characters:
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^ This is Benji. Maltese poodle mix. We've had him since he was about 7 months old? Couple years old now and has started going into old man routine. He's very talkative and likes to make his opinion known and make sure that we greet every guest properly with due enthusiasm. Sorry to all the people who have been to my house and he's jumped on them we're trying its hard. He's currently in 4H Obedience club with my sister who adores him entirely (he puts up with her as he settles into his old man era). Fun fact about him: mans gets entirely jealous when any other dog recieves more attention than him (how dare they).
I actually don't have any good photos of Rosie (not named after @igotthisaccountunderduress, I swear but that's why I can only call you Iggy now), so take a video of our newest recruit! She's a three months old puppy? maybe four? idk how time works. She's learning a lot of things and mom's having a blast training her from scratch as we got her from a breeder rather from like a shelter as with all our other pets (my mother is obssesed with animals but wanted to do all the ground work of raising a puppy and making sure it was socialized/housetrained etc. Kudos to her because I could never. My mom is really awesome and I don't know where she finds time for this). Anyway she's kind of in her destructive menace stage still but also she hops around and it's really funny. We aquired this one after our old Corgi/lab/otherquestionable things (I just realized I don't have any pics of him) passed away from cancer. She is also the first female pet we have owned since I was a baby (mainly by coincidence I swear but it's just funny).
And now we get on to the cats. There are three of them so I'm going to start with oldest to youngest.
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This is Zorro (my favorite) out of all the cats. He was acquired shortly after George when we found mice in one of our old houses. He put up with George, but after mom started getting more and more animals into the house Zorro became more and more fed up and trying to get out and away from all the whippersnappers so he's an outdoor cat now (don't worry he has an electrically heated house and is fed wonderfully and is still living his best life). He's also the only one who will actually sit on my lap and let me pet for long periods of time (I love him he's my favorite, when I move out for reals I kind of want to take him with me so he can get as pampered as he wants in his older years but IDK how much he would like adjusting back to indoor life again). He's very grumpy old man but like would die for him yk? Bebe.
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This is Rocky (short for Rocket, although no one ever calls him that ever.) The reason he is called Rockey is that when we brought him home there was so much fighting and indecision over what we should call him (including much bribery and corruption when my dad tried to call a democratic vote -> one of my siblings tried selling his vote for a snickers) so we ended up just by calling him by the nickname he was given at the shelter. And it stuck. Rocky kinda forgets he is a cat sometimes and acts more like the dogs that he grew up around like by wagging his tail and like chirps instead of a proper meow. He also can never sit like a normal cat and I find him curled up in probably the most strangest positions known to man that can't be comfortable (i have a few pics but not nearly enough of all the ones he does)
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This is Tigger. Tigger came from my Grandma tricking us into taking the psycho. Do not let his baby face fool you this cat is a menace to society. He was with a friend of my grandma's who liked antagonizing him and taught him to play really rough and maybe neglected him? Which is really sad because it taught him so many bad habits that means he is the menace that he is. Anyway, parents got him while I was away at college and adopted him on my birthday (when i wasn't there). But even though none of the human peoples like him all that much, Rocky does and also we would all feel really guilty about rehoming him because if we rehomed him he'd probably be euthanized or something because he's not a friendly cat. Or rather, let me put it this way. I think he's very friendly he's just too violently playful. His favorite game is hiding in like darkened corners and under covered tables and then jumping out and scratching/biting people (traumatized lil 7yo sis bc of it so she stays far away from him now). The funniest thing is that he'll still keep the baby face and he looks like he has no thoughts behind his eyes and the next thing you know he's clawing off your hand. We've been trying to train the agression out of him but it's really not as easy as training dogs.
like don't get me wrong I love murder cat (as I have dubbed him) but also I fear him and he knows it. However his eternal baby face gives me much meme material so he do pull his own weight around the house. He's also the only cat to have ever caught and killed a mouse inside. So we're grateful to him and glad he's part of our family but he's more effective than either of our dogs if a burglar breaks in. Actually, I should put the other pic here as well.
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He may look cute but don't believe him. It's all part of his plan to get you in your sleep. (JK JK, murder cat, if you learned to read and are watching me as you sit behind me, please know that I do love you even though you frustrate me to know end pelase don't eat me).
Bonus: some very raw (still alive) baby birbs found by a friend of mine. Still alive as far as im aware. Also all of them are at my school so thankfully far away from my murderous pets.
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amayadartan · 1 year
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One Horseman of War, One Horseman of Conquest, The Fallen of Revenge and a Wrath demon go a hunting....
The sound of barking could be heard through the trees as Dalton and Derp, the Queen’s puppies, tracked the human.  Centuries of fighting and training meant that neither Mithos nor Arioch had to reign them in as they went. They were not going to get distracted by anything.  Using their supernatural powers along with their own agility and strength, the obstacles in their way were no problem.  Judging from the sounds all of them heard in the forest around them, that was a good thing.  Things were waking up, things those who were looking for Amaya would prefer to avoid.  Things that were hungry and would love the snack of a human.
Suddenly Dalton lunged forward and increased his pace, Derp following a moment later and they both were going full tilt with the four males close on their heels.  As they cleared another couple of fallen logs, the men came to a halt.  In front of them, the pups had transformed from their cerberus forms back into small corgi puppies.  Since the female human was in front of them, unconscious on the forest floor, that wasn’t completely surprising. What was, however, was that she was covered in what appeared to be some kind of hybrid of a chinchilla, a squirrel, and a rabbit.  None of them had seen the small creatures in Imperium before.
“What are they?” Mithos asked, leaning a little closer with his eyes narrowing and head tilting.  They were…cute?
“Do I look like a nature guide, asshole?” Arioch replied, not sure if the things were safe or not, but clearly not liking the situation at hand. He too was studying them but cautious.
“Rodents, idiots.” Answered Cruz, thoroughly annoyed with everyone and everything, who stepped forward to clear them off of the human.  This is when the whole group made another discovery.  Unlike Earthly rodents that have the four main front teeth, these had two rows on top and bottom of what looked like shark’s teeth, hundreds of them; and they looked none too happy about the King coming closer to Amaya’s body.
“Well, that’s…different…”Ollyl commented, his brows drawing together as a look of unease settled over his face.  He then blew out a breath that puffed out his cheeks.  This changed things, and made them more difficult.
“They haven’t eaten her.  She’s alive.  But they won’t let us near her….”  Cruz knelt down a short distance from them, one hand absentmindedly rubbing his chin as he thought over the situation.  Killing the creatures would be easy, but that would draw predators to them, and since they couldn’t trace Amaya, they’d at least need a minute or two to get her settled for one of them to carry her.  
“I guess…that’s…positive?” Mithos stated hesitantly, hoping it was.  He considered they were saving her for later, which didn’t make him feel any better.
As the others were trying to figure out some kind solution, Olly walked over and knelt down and whistled to Dalton.  “Go ask your friends to please get off the nice lady.  We need to get her to safety.  If they bite us, we have to hurt them, and that might hurt her.  Can you please do that?”  He ruffled the fur on the top of the pup’s head.
Dalton and Derp had been yipping at the creatures who had been squeaking back while the men had been considering the situation.  Olly hoped that maybe, just maybe they were actually communicating.  He knew that Abriella’s dogs were not normal dogs by any stretch of the imagination and understood him fine, now if they could just get the creatures to understand.  Soon enough, it seemed he was right since the little things started getting off of her, but then apparently they had made some kind of deal in order to accomplish this.
As the little furry beings were getting off of Amaya, Dalton and Derp started picking them up in their mouths and delivering them to the feet of each of the men.  All except Olly.  The little creatures started climbing their pants as soon as they were deposited, some finding pockets to go into while others kept going higher.  “Uh, I think they want out of the forest too, and the dogs promised them a ride to the Palace.  Maybe put them in the garden with the pixies?  I’m sure they’d love some Tribbles.”  Olly shrugged as he got a death glare from Cruz who now had one sitting on his shoulder. 
“Tribbles?!  Did you see the teeth on that one that snarled at Cruz?” Arioch asked as one started snuggling into his pocket.  “Ummm..shit..we’re really going to do this, huh?” He blew out a sigh as another one started to fall off of his pant leg and he caught it and stuck it in another pocket.  Abriella should be glad he loved her cute ass.
“Just get these damned things and get them to the garden.” Cruz grumbled, but was standing there with two in one of his large hands, petting them like a cat.  “Olly, since you’ve been spared, get the human to Abriella and Arch.” He shook his head.  He knew that his sister was going to have one of these damn things as a pet and it would end up in his room…he knew it.  Just like the pups during thunderstorms.  
Watching Cruz with the two fuzzballs in his hands was about to make Olly breakout in laughter, but the task at hand was serious, so he nodded and went over to scoop Amaya up off of the ground.  A couple of the furry beings didn’t want to leave her and used their teeth and claws to hold onto her plaid flannel shirt.  “Guess I’m taking a couple with me.  Your sister is going to LOVE this!”  Olly rolled his eyes, still trying to fight outright laughter,  and then unfurled his wings just enough to get them off of the ground.
“Not as much as Arch.  Just don’t let him take one into his lab, these things have teeth and I don’t want them ending up in my room pissed and looking for their missing brother.  Or, worse, him making one of them our size!”  Arioch replied sarcastically as he watched the Horseman of Conquest slowly rising and navigating the branches overhead.  Thankfully the trees did have some space between them up higher, which is why the underbrush was so overgrown and had given them such problems.
“We have them all, let’s get the fuck out of here.  These things are obviously snacks for something bigger, and I don’t want to be here when it shows up.  I’ve had enough frustration for one fucking day.”  It was clear Mithos was tired and no one blamed him.  After ensuring that Dalton and Derp were secured, all of the men mysted back to the garden of the Palace to deposit the little furry softball beings.  
Olly had been right in mentioning the pixies.  As soon as the first chirp was heard in the garden, pixies of every shape, size, and color came out and swarmed around the males.  They picked up the beings and snuggled them, loving on them.  Even a few of the garden gnomes came wadding out of their little houses to invite the creatures in.  The vine on the wall of the palace that Cruz had always suspected was sentient in some way even made a type of shelter for a few of them. For almost fifteen minutes, the men watched in stunned silence as the beings were welcomed into the garden, as if they were watching some kind of surreal Disney or Ghibli movie playing out before them.
Finally, Cruz broke the silence, “I have neither the patience nor the tact to handle this tonight.” He sighed, shaking his head and slightly holding his hands out to his sides.  “We’ll find out what those things are in the morning.  Let us go find the others.”
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may I request something where joe mazzello is married to a lead singer of a band and has been for a while and she's brought up in an interview and he talks about how they met💞
Sure thing!
A/N: sorry these have been coming out slow. It's just lately I have been losing motivation to write for Queen and BohRap Cast members and I got distracted by other fanfic writing projects. Anyways, here ya go!
No warnings minus an accident where a dog is almost harmed but ends up safe (inspired by The Gilded Age)- just fluff!
Reader here is female, per the person's request.
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"Good Morning, Y/N! Tell us- isn't today your anniversary with Joe Mazzello?"
You nodded in the chair of the morning show. Your eyes adjusted t the glare of the bright lights. From behind one camera, leaning against the wall was your beloved husband. His hands were in his pockets and he was grinning, beaming as he watched you.
You looked at the lady with heavy pink lipstick and pearls for eight in the morning and nodded your head.
"Yes, I am! It's our third anniversary!" you answered.
She tilted her head, but you could tell that her pink, made-up smile was genuine. Although she was more accustomed to being glamorous and dressed nicely in the morning than you were, there was a real curiosity in her- like talking to a new friend, not a news show host.
"Congratulations!" she cried.
"Thank you!" you said.
"Is it hard with Little and Fierce touring so much?"
"Yes, I will admit, it does get hard. Sometimes I get so hoarse the next day I can't call him- all the singing you know. But he understands that even just texting is fine. Joe loves me and he supports me- this was always a dream of mine to be a singer in a band and he wants that for me..."
"Awww, how sweet!" she cooed.
You noticed Joe himself turned a little pink and folded his arms. You threw a look at him and he gave you a wink.
"How did you two meet?" she asked.
You let out a little laugh. Your eyes went up to dig the memory from your mind and then you began.
"You see...you know my dog Bean?"
"Oh yes- the corgi, right?"
"Right! He's still my baby! Well, I had just gotten him. He was just a little puppy and the apple of my eye- still is! And I was out in the city, walking him. Suddenly, I tripped over something on the sidewalk- something on the pavement, I, uh, think. And uhm...it surprised me so much I let go of the leash and Bean ran away- right into the street!"
"What! No!" she gasped.
"I had a heart attack- there were cars coming and they couldn't see the little guy! Then I saw a flash of red hair and...uh, Joe ran in."
"Into traffic?"
"Yup! He managed to dodge around the cars, scoop Bean into his arms, and get him to safety! Then he met me and Joe gave this...this smile. And...I, uh, I don't believe in love at first sight but...when he looked at me..."
Joe's own hazel eyes shot up. His face softened.
"I just knew he would change my life the moment I met him and he handed Bean to me. We then went out together. And the rest is history..." you finished.
And what a happy, blissful history you two had and had yet to create!
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ourpetco · 1 year
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My 3 month old female corgi puppy muffin
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yourmasterscorner · 4 months
3 female Corgi puppies for sale
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pekennabohm · 10 months
🐾 por РeҜeŋŋД βØЋм♡♡ Via Flickr: ZAO+Candied Haws Hair Pack MICHAN - Shauna Bracelets 🆕 Fameshed MICHAN - Lilian Armlets 🆕ACCESS MICHAN - Lilian Garters 🆕ACCESS Veechi - Plastic Lover // Ballerina Female [Glitzz] Delphine Set Fatpack🆕ACCESS [Cynful] Bandau Jeans Skirt - Light Dirty SEmotion Libellune Corgi Puppy Companion Sweet Art. Violet Animations Set🆕EQUAL10
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meowk9 · 1 year
Welsh Springer Spaniel: A Complete Guide
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Welsh Springer Spaniels are an intelligent and active breed that make great companions for families and individuals alike. This guide will cover everything you need to know about this charming breed, including their history, temperament, training, health, and more. Breed Overview: - GROUP: Sporting - HEIGHT: 18 to 19 inches (males); 17 to 18 inches (females) - WEIGHT: 40 to 55 pounds (male); 35 to 50 pounds (female) - COAT: Soft, straight, flat coat with some feathering - COAT COLOR: Red with white markings - LIFE SPAN: 12 to 15 years - TEMPERAMENT: Happy, energetic, intelligent, playful, trainable - HYPOALLERGENIC: No - ORIGIN: Wales
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a medium-sized breed that was originally bred in Wales for hunting game birds. They are affectionate, loyal, and energetic, making them great companions for active families.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Puppy
Welsh Springer Spaniel puppies are adorable and playful, but they require a lot of attention and training to become well-behaved adults. They should be socialized early on with other dogs and people to prevent aggression and shyness. They also need regular exercise and mental stimulation to prevent destructive behavior.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Breed
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a purebred dog that belongs to the spaniel family. They have a distinct reddish-brown and white coat, long ears, and a medium-sized build. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and hunting abilities.
4. Welsh Springer Spaniel Characteristics
Welsh Springer Spaniels have several unique characteristics that set them apart from other breeds. They are intelligent, eager to please, and quick learners. They are also very active and need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Temperament
Welsh Springer Spaniels are affectionate, loyal, and friendly dogs that make great family pets. They are great with children and other animals, but they can be reserved around strangers. They are also natural hunters and may have a strong prey drive.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Size
Welsh Springer Spaniels are a medium-sized breed that typically weigh between 35 and 50 pounds and stand about 17-19 inches tall at the shoulder.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Colors
Welsh Springer Spaniels have a distinct coat that is usually a reddish-brown and white pattern. The white is usually on their legs, chest, and head.
Welsh Springer Spaniel vs English Springer Spaniel
The Welsh Springer Spaniel and English Springer Spaniel are two similar breeds that are often compared. While they share some similarities, such as their hunting abilities and intelligence, they have distinct differences in their appearance and temperament.
Welsh Springer Spaniel vs Welsh Corgi
The Welsh Springer Spaniel and Welsh Corgi are two very different breeds that are both from Wales. The Welsh Corgi is a small herding dog, while the Welsh Springer Spaniel is a medium-sized hunting dog.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Training
Welsh Springer Spaniels are intelligent dogs that are eager to please, making them relatively easy to train. However, they can be stubborn at times and may need a firm but gentle hand. Positive reinforcement techniques work best for this breed, as they respond well to praise and rewards.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Health
Welsh Springer Spaniels are generally healthy dogs with a lifespan of 12-15 years. However, like all breeds, they are prone to certain health conditions, including hip dysplasia, ear infections, and allergies. Regular vet checkups and proper nutrition can help prevent and manage these issues.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Price
The price of a Welsh Springer Spaniel can vary depending on several factors, such as the breeder, location, and pedigree. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500 for a puppy from a reputable breeder.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Rescue
If you're interested in adopting a Welsh Springer Spaniel, there are several rescue organizations that specialize in the breed. These organizations often have dogs of different ages and backgrounds available for adoption, and can provide valuable information on the breed and its care.
Welsh Springer Spaniel Club
The Welsh Springer Spaniel Club is a national organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the breed. They offer resources and support to owners and breeders, and host events such as dog shows and field trials.
In conclusion, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is a lovable and intelligent breed that makes a great addition to any family. They require regular exercise and training to thrive, but in return, they provide loyal companionship and endless entertainment. Read the full article
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A client is Rehoming their Bluie Corgi. I've been helping with potty training. If interested please contact me. 562-447-4068 Blueie Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy - $3,200 (Huntington Beach) ‹image 1 of 3› 10 week Blueie Pembroke Welsh Corgi Female puppy Very rare, cute blueie. She is adorable, very energetic and would like for her to go to a home that fits her needs. I don't have the time to give her the attention she deserves. I have AKC paperwork ready and she has had her first round of deworming and vaccinations records. I will include everything you would need and researched only quality products. Large pen, crate, carrier bag, mobile pen, baby gates, beds, collars, leashes, toys, pee pads, treats etc. Well over $700 worth of equipment. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIUGegpysK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bloomingbiz · 2 years
Spokane Laser engraved and cut Wood dog tags 2022
Made by Spokane Washington's best laser engraving artist 2022. Wooden dog tags made of Bolivian Rosewood , Zebrawood, purple heart. Wooden dog tags made for dogs 2022, Wooden Dog tags Spokane 2022. How to laser cut wooden dogs tags 2022? How to laser engrave wooden dogtags 2022? How to make custom dog tags. Dog tags for all Dog breeds, like the lazy dog at the dog park will be styling with his new Exotic tropical hardwood dog tag made in Spokane Valley. These fancy tags can be used in dog movies. They can be for small dog breeds or large dog breeds. I remember when I made one for my Boxer. On this dog tags you can put all the boy dogs names or popular female dog names. These tags just kill at the dog groomer and they all get so happy. Made to fit on all dog collars. If you live in the Spokane Area and you need a last minute gift for dog lovers.  Every  dog should get one on National Dog Day in Spokane for 2023! They pair well with hairless dogs and fit comfortably on the biggest dog in the world. I made one for my buddies mastiff dog. Don't matter if it is a hound dog, or a sheepdog Non -english, corndog, hotdog, pitbull dog, wiener dog, or prairie dog, these tags are made for them. Help your dogs be more identifiable at dog training or dod daycare. These tags are also great for puppies! If you are going to sell a puppy then you might as well get them a wooden tag? It doesn't matter if they are golden retriever puppie, german shepherd puppies, lancaster puppies, corgi puppies, yorkie puppies, rottweiler puppies, greenfield puppies, dachshund puppies, shih tzu puppies, cute puppies, french bulldog puppies, doberman puppies, pitbull puppies, golden doodle puppies, husky puppies, chihuahua puppies, pomeranian puppies, great dane puppies, cavapoo puppies, english bulldog puppies, boxer puppies, basset hound puppies, pound puppies, pomsky puppies, puppies for adoption, dalmatian puppies, goldendoodle puppies, buckeye puppies, pug puppies, bernedoodle puppies, boston terrier puppies, havanese puppies, maltese puppies, great pyrenees puppies, blue heeler puppies, bulldog puppies, frenchie puppies, cockapoo puppies, teacup puppies, chocolate lab puppies, irish wolfhound puppies, free puppies, morkie puppies, poodle puppies, craigslist puppies, australian shepherd puppies, jack russell puppies, labradoodle puppies, doberman pinscher puppies, newfoundland puppies, and beagle puppies. These tags work with leather dog collars, personalized dog collars, custom dog collars, best dog collars, Garmin dog collars, cool dog collars, luxury dog collars, lupine dog collars, martingale dog collars, hunting dog collars, spiked dog collars, up country dog collars, petsmart dog collars, walmart dog collars, waterproof dog collars, embroidered dog collars, fancy dog collars, thick dog collars, etsy dog collars, small dog collars, chain dog collars, girl dog collars, wide dog collars, wolfgang dog collars, large dog collars, and reflective dog collars. However, these are not limited to dogs, all types of cats can wear them too especially hypoallergenic cats! Made for funny cats, big cats, videos for cats, maine coon cats, indoor vs. outdoor cats, hairless cats, siamese cats, fat cats, alley cats, calico cats, and savannah cats. These tags work well with a seresto cat collar, airtag cat collar, spiked cat collar, gucci cat collar, christmas cat collar, tiffany cat collar, electric cat collar, electronic cat collars, louis vuitton cat collar, the safest cat collar, bow tie cat collar, and luxury cat collar.
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Bright-eyed and look like Fox, Corgi is a well-known breed that has been loved by people globally. There are two categories under this breed i.e. Cardigan Welsh Corgi and Pembroke Welsh Corgi are the preferred pets today. Female corgi puppies for sale do well when living with the families and the best part is they do not require a huge living space. There are numerous qualities of female corgi puppies that make them stand from the rest.
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kingliamrys · 5 years
are there any choices pets you regret buying? for me it’s gotta be the corgi puppies in the royal heir. dont get me wrong, they are adorable, but i feel like it was a waste of diamonds for me 🤷🏼‍♀️
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underburningstars · 2 years
A request where tony and Peter adopted a shy and abused female puppy. They treat her as their baby
Hope you like it anon!
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"You know, what should we do?" Peter says one night, laying on top of Tony's stomach, hands and legs wrapped around him with octopus grip.
Tony has a holographic projection of Peter’s suit on. During their last fight with a fire breathing godzilla, he'd noticed some lacking in the suit and he was determined to fix them as quickly as possible. Peter wanted to keep him company by cuddling. So here they are.
"Hmm?" he absent-mindedly runs his fingers through Peter's cotton soft hair, still a bit damp from the shower.
"We should get a dog." Tony finally look down at Peter, brows creasing in confusion.
"Where did that come from?" Peter then sits up and removes the hologram, ignoring Tony's 'hey!' and sits on his lap. Tony's hands instinctually go around Peter's waist and tug him closer.
"It's just...I always wanted a dog. But we couldn't get one before because we didn't have the space or expense to take care of one. And I saw a cute corgi during my walk today. So...I thought...maybe we could get one? Please?" Peter eyes go big and shiny so fast that it's ridiculous.
"A dog, huh? We could get a dog. But not a corgi. I like bigger dogs better." Tony's lips stretch up in a smile at how the boy on his lap immediately brightens up and starts bouncing excitedly.
In fact he bounces a bit too close to Tony's crotch and Tony had to stop him with a hand on his hip. "Careful baby. You keep moving like that and we'd have to postpone the dog talk to a few hours later." Peter - the absolute menace - bites his lips, looking like the epitome of innocence
"Oh, I don't mind postponing it a bit." he shits closer, "Sir." Tony's groan his cut off by Peter kissing him.
Three days later, they go to an animal shelter. On their way Peter is excitedly rambling the things he'd buy for the dog, how he'd take it to a walk everyday, trying to come up with unique names. Peter's excitement quickly rubs on Tony and he also joins in name ideas.
Soon they reach the shelter and go to the reception. "Hello. We had an appointment here for adopting a dog."
"Give me moment to check, please." The reception guy clocks through the computer and looks at the, "Yes, there was an appointment for Mr. and Mr. Stark. Please wait a moment. I'll call forward the member who'll help you today." He calls at the intercom and soon an Asian women comes towards them a ď guides them inside.
"Do you have any specific breed of dog you're looking for?" She asks as they reach the area where the dogs are kept.
"Ah, no we just want to look and decide on the way." Peter replies.
"Okay, this way please." She takes them inside and gives them a tour of all their dogs, both trained and untrained. Halfway through Tony notices a female Bernese Mountain Dog hunched at the corner and asks the helper - Sydney - about it.
"What about that dog? Why is she alone there?"
"Oh, her." At that Sydney starts looking a little uncomfortable. "She was actually abused by her previous owners for three years before she was rescued and brought here. So she's very quiet and shy. Especially, around strangers."
"But she's just a puppy." Tony frowns, troubled.
"Yeah, a little more than a year old. But abusers don't care about that." Peter looks at the dog for a while and then moves towards her. As the dog senses Peter, she hunches into herself and let's out a pitiful sound.
Peter couches in front of her and makes soothing notices. He lifts a hands to slowly pet her head. She stops making whimpering sounds but doesn't lean into Peter.
Tony goes and crouches next to Peter and pets the dog. "Her?" Tony asks.
"Her." Peter replies. When Tony says that to Sydney she smiles at them and tells them to take care of her. They buy all necessary items for the dog other than a cage. Peter was strictly against a cage and even on the car ride he sat with her on his lap.
It takes a while for the dog - Bitsy - to adjust. Most dogs usually go through the post-adoption jitters. But for Bitsy it's also largely about trusting her surroundings.
Peter's wish for taking her to a walk had to wait since she wasn't too keen on going outside. She also got extremely distressed once after seeing Peter hold a ruler.
They knew that due to previously having an abusive owner, they'd have to work extra hard to gain her trust. So they started giving her every time she came out of her comfort zone. Tony also bought a panda plushy for her - to which she latched onto immediately - emotional support.
Peter started spending more and more time with her. Playing with her, teaching her tricks and giving her treats when she succeeds. Slowly she starts behaving more cheerfully and even goes to walks with Peter.
Taking care of her needed lots of patience and care. And sometimes it was hard. But to them it never felt like a chore. She had helped them just as they had helped her.
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Here’s the corgi! I’ll be at the Delmont Apples and Arts festival this weekend and you can pick up a print or button of this sweetheart there. =)
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diorbabe66 · 2 years
Okay Hawa, love, since we just gave you a lot of weird dolphin facts, lemme give you some cute animal facts.
Sea Otters Hold Hands While They’re Sleeping So That They Don’t Drift Apart
Penguins Not Only Mate For Life, They Will Also Spend Time To Find A Beautiful Pebble For Their Mate And Then "Propose" With It
Baby Elephants Suck On Their Trunk For Comfort
When playing with female puppies, male puppies will often let them win, even if they have a physical advantage.
Seahorses mate for life, and when they travel, they hold each others’ tails.
Every cow has a best friend and they hang out every day.
Crows are pranksters - they have been observed actually playing tricks on each other.
Honey Bees can communicate through dance.
Dogs Sneeze When Play Fighting To Show They Are Playing And Don’t Wanna Hurt You.
When Dogs Appear In Movies And TV, Sometimes They Have To Have Cgi Tails Because They Wag Too Much During The Scene
There actually is a Corgi version of a Cat and it's called a Munchkin Cat.
Your Dog Probably Dreams About You.
Hope you liked them🥺💖
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