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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember Day 25
Post 1 word that sums up how you feel about hypnosis.
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
February Hypnovember Day 30
Create and post a 30 song playlist that is inspired by hypnosis.
I will put video links to some of the songs but not all of them!
Also these are in no particular order.
a. The Tourist by Sarah Jarosz (or Radiohead, if that's how your sail blows) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib4eJzDzSJ8
b. The Rhythm of the Heat by Peter Gabriel
c. Mercy Street by Peter Gabriel
d. Secret World by Peter Gabriel
e. Darkness by Peter Gabriel
f. I'm Amazing by Peter Gabriel
g. Horizon by Luna Blake
h. Afterlight by Eternal Eclipse
i. Going Down by Thea Gilmore
j. This Is How You Find The Way by Thea Gilmore
k. The Governess (OST) by Edward Shearmur with vocals by Ofra Haza
l. Weightless by Marconi Union
m. Letting The Cables Sleep (the N O W remix) by Bush
n. Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish
o. Runaway by Aurora
p. Danse macabre - Symphonic Poem in G minor by Camille Saint-Saëns
q. La mer, trois esquisses symphoniques pour orchestre by Claude Debussy
r. The Red Violin (OST) by John Corigliano featuring Joshua Bell
s. Pini di Roma by Ottorino Respighi
t. Piano Concerto No. 2 II. Adagio sostenuto by Sergei Rachmaninoff (see also: "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen, as performed by Celine Dion)
u. Prologue: Beauty and the Beast by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman (without the narration)
v. The Demon Dance by Julian Winding
w. Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
x. Only You by Ellie Goulding
y. World Inside the World by Rhett Miller
z. The Devil Wears a Suit (Live) by Kate Miller-Heidke
aa. The Last Day on Earth by Kate Miller-Heidke
bb. Zero Gravity by Kate Miller-Heidke
cc. Team by Lorde
dd. Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde
And that should be 30!
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember in February Day 29
Write and post a blank verse or free verse poem about hypnosis.
Contains hypnotic language and possibly even an induction.
Blank vs Free
Blank versus free or free versus blank either way the words will do what words will do spoken or whispered or gestured voiced in whichever ways suit the moment, the subject matter negotiated and discussed (look more words) every part of every encounter before the moment leading up and up and up and up to the time to go down and down and down (let each word take you deeper as you count) (and down and down and down and down again) (your consciousness segmented in a grid) (an endless stream of choices, this or that?) (click here for "yes" and over there for "please") (each button marked with what appeals to you) (go deeper now? perhaps a sideways shift) (you decide yourself which pattern grows) (who knows what insights linger in your mind) which realizations do you bring back what are your thoughts on blankness or freedom
or blankness and freedom.
Just in case...
1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8,
and 10
Wide Awake!
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember in February Day 28
Set a timer for 28 minutes and let your unconscious mind write whatever it wants. Post the writing if it's not too personal.
Is it about poetry or isn't it? should i remember it or not? what are the rules that i must follow? i do better when i know what the rules are. good fences make good neighbors and good boundaries allow creativity to flourish. i think poetry in any form is a power exchange relationsjhip between the poet and the words/concepts/structure/ideas. it comes from a place inside of you but also it's dictated externally by forms and expecations.
for me poetry needs a rhythm to it, something that sets t obviously apart from regular speech. poetry is speaking in a dance step. and sometimes it's just the tiniest shuffle on sand, and sometimes it's restricted to a pre-ordained figure. and just like dancing if you can inhabit the form and make it look effortless than the people who don't dance themselves see what you've done and think to themselves "that looks easy, i'm sure I can do it too", and maybe they can. or maybe they can't but are so inspired to try that they work and work at it until they can.
i once accidentally insulted someone by saying that the things I wrote were like poetry and the things they wrote were like architecture, because i shoose to find freedom within form and function, while they try to create theyr own form and function, and to me it comes across as being artificial and constrained. i can't find the freedom in their words because their words scatter across landscapes and mental vistas in such a way that it's really hard from me to link one sentence or even sometimes one word to the next. their poems feel like planned communities to me, where all the houses are soulless because so much time has been spent on planning the neighborhood that the spirit of the individual is lost. i know that this implies that their poetry is very uniform and without variation, and if you asked them they would say it's not, but to me it's almost like having no pattern and no rhythm to it is their camoflage for actually exposing their own vulnerabliity. what is poetry for if not to rip away our self-mad shilelds and let the people we expose ourselves to be able to threaten us with their compoassion and undersatnding?
being vulnerable while creating things is necessary but also really hard. there are a lot of reasons that someone might want to hide themselves asway axcept for the part of them that they show through their art, whatvevr kind of art that might be. when you hear someone's words, words that they think expose so much of themselves, and the only way you can respond is to say this is confusing, or this doesn't speak to me, or i feel like you're making things for someone who is less like me and more like you, what is the point of that?
"Be more like me and less like you" is the root of so much confrlict in the world. i hate when art makes me feel like that is what the artist is sagying. and yes i know that art is about the artist sharing their pov and making a window into who they are as a person and letting other people see how their own personal expereinces have made them the kind of artist taht they are, but i think there is a difference between "i am showing you my differences in the hopes that we can find kinship" and "you have to be like me in order to undersatnd this thing i've done".
how does the absence of words affect your art if what you create depends on words? what does it mean when you can feel the words slipping away, being pulled out of you and onto a screen through a river that speeds them along and out of your mind?
what kind of poetry is that?does it still count as sharing something of yourself if the self that is doing the sharing has no recollection of doing it? the time and place from which the words come is now. the words before these words do not exist. only the words that happen in this moment are words at all and any pausing between words or sentences or paragraphs leads to silence.
deeper things from deeper spaces within me
the deepest spaces and deepest just means far far away maybe or perhaps uncoupled from the main engine of my mind
i feel so good
that is a thing that uses the words to show the shape of my mind
there are things in the pictures in my head that mean something gut most of the time they are unfocused and so hard to see but sometimes like now they flicker into clarity
a person in a hat
a bunny rabbit nose
the silhouette of a solitary church but rotated sideways. there are bushy trees next to it that are the size of bushes by the shape of trees.
i am letting myself go deeper
and the images in my mind's eye go by so fast that sometimes i can't identify them gefore they are gone
skyline streetlights potholes and pockmarks, rope or cord like a necklace
the words are going away as i go deeper
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember Day 27
Find & post a picture of the celebrity voice you wish could hypnotize you (can be more than 1!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember Day 26
Write and post a short description of your evil twin.
"I'm not evil, I'm creative." The other doll says, smiling.
It's not an evil smile. It's friendly, engaging. The kind of smile you'd expect to see on a helpful librarian or someone who's life revolves around fostering kittens.
"But what if I want you to be evil?" DJ asks. The Doll's smile grows wider, like a child's throwing chum to sharks.
"Then I will be very creative."
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thoughtsofdoll · 1 year ago
Hypnovember Day 24
Write & post a wishlist of 24 things you would like to do involving hypnosis.
go deep
be seen
have thoughts that aren't my own
really feel stiff and poseable
be different kinds of doll
amnesia practice
physically remote controlled
be on display
silly mind fuck games
develop more of a doll mind
top Sir
long distance mutual mental fucking
transformative sensation play
automatic writing
don't care as long as it's in person with Sir
this is hard to do
i am not good at lists
there are lots of little things in categories like in amnesia
but do they count as separate things
is this cheating
can a doll cheat
develop a mental "on a vacation from dollplay" space
instant transition from one headspace to another
knowing nothing but doll as doll
seamless visions of what Sir wants me to see
practice with triggers
practice with post hypnotic suggestions
practice immobility like a statue
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