#Fausts Alptraum Chapter 1
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rpgsocialservices · 11 months ago
Faust's Alptraum
Misao: Definitive Edition
The Forest of Drizzling Rain (2022)
Project Kat: Prologue & Paper Lily Chapter 1
Mermaid Swamp
Themes in 'The Forest of Drizzling Rain'
Parallels Between 'Misao' and 'Mad Father'
The Core of 'The Crooked Man'
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lunaamatista · 8 years ago
[Walkthrough CH1] Fausts Alptraum
Official English website | Steam page | Facebook | Plurk
Made by LabORat / Translated to English by etvolare
For now, if you find any text transference or encoding issues, you can report them to etvolare here. 
Make sure to look at the News from the Steam page to grab a link to the font. Installing it should fix most errors. 
[Prologue/Chapter 1] / [Chapter 2] / [Chapter 3] / [Final Chapter]
Prologue + Chapter 1 walkthrough under the cut. I will leave hints in italics.
To finish the game, you will have to inspect everything written in bullet points.
For convenience’s sake, I will skip marking down where there are matches, chocolate, save points, or books that give no relevant information to solving puzzles (they might, though, give relevant information to understanding the story). It is worth it to inspect every drawer and bookcase for these.
Characters will only be specified if they have a profile in the site. 
1F: 1st floor. 2F: 2nd floor. B1: basement 1, and so on. 
New characters: Heinrich Faust. Elisabeth Faust. Mephistopheles. 
Elisabeth’s room. (Save point)
Wake up. Inspect room. 
• Bookcase. On left side, game instructions:   - Move: arrow keys   - Confirm or inspect items: Enter/Space/C   - Cancel or back: Esc/X   - Menu: Esc   - Pressing Alt+Enter switches to full screen mode.   - Chocolates will increase walking speed, matches will increase line of sight. Keeping to a certain walking speed and sight radius will decrease the chances of danger.    - If the screen blacks out, you will return to your bed. This does not mean you died, and what has already happened does not need to be repeated.    - Some items can be worn.    - The cat will give you some clue by reacting to specific items.    - If the screen is too dim, please increase screen brightness. Earphones are recommended for play as some puzzles are accompanied by music.    - Text that has already been read will appear in this bookcase. 
• Bedside table. Retrieve “key for right corridor”. 
• French doors. Locked. 
• Table. On right side, paper and ink. You can make a record here. On left side, retrieve “matches and a candleholder”. 
• (Menu) Rag doll. 
Exit. Trigger event, meet Mephistopheles. 
Note: stepping on mice will decrease your range of vision/speed.
• Left corridor door. Locked. 
• Small door to the right of stairwell. At the end of its corridor, there is a locked door. There is a keyhole with a widely open eye engraved.  
• Right corridor door. Open with “key for right corridor”. 
Enter right corridor.
Chapter 1: Puss in Boots
New characters: Siebel. Porkhyaden. Homunculus.
Right corridor. 
Enter first door. 
Dining room. 
Enter door on the back. 
Kitchen. (Save point)
• Dead fish. Retrieve “fish eye”. The prettiest facial feature is the eyes! 
• On wall: some plates. They’re stored pretty high. These would make a ruckus if they fell!
• Cauldron. Its contents look like they could melt something.
• Door. Locked. Its window overlooks a pond and, on the other side, another window.
• Plaster sculpture. 
• Furnace.  
• On wall: “The witch’s sums”. There are missing wooden pieces. 
Exit kitchen.
Dining room.
• Plaster sculpture. 
Exit dining room.
Right corridor. 
• Plaster sculpture. Retrieve “metal wire”. 
Escape plaster sculpture by exiting and reentering corridor.
Use “metal wire” to unblock second door. Retrieve “living room key”. Use key to open door. 
Living room. (Save point)
• Table. Read “Puss in Boots I”.
Follow Siebel the cat, exit living room. 
Right corridor.
Retrieve “key on the floor”. 
Living room.
• Left bookcase. On right side, retrieve “map”. The top right end has a sun, and the top right end has a moon.
• On wall: empty hook. Maybe you could hang another painting here.
• Window. Locked. It overlooks a pond and, on the other side, a door with a window.
• Top left corner drawer. Photo frame. Retrieve “note”. Letters and numbers are written in color ink. 
• Small table beside save point:
Q. Mary was an apple girl. She was going to give an apple to her hungry cat at home, but bumped into a starving mouse along the way. Although she really wanted to give the apple to the cat, she couldn’t let the mouse stay hungry. What should she do?
A. Give it to the mouse. (Mary is an apple girl)
Retrieve “golden key”. It seems to have a thick layer of paint on it. Maybe something could melt the paint... 
Exit living room. 
Dunk “golden key” in cauldron. Retrieve “iron key”. Exit kitchen. 
Right corridor.
• Display Room. Locked.
• Piano Room. Can enter but will immediately exit; afterwards locked.
• End of corridor door. Locked. It is day time outside the window.
Exit right corridor.
Use “key on the floor” to open left corridor. Enter left corridor.
Left corridor.
• First door. 
Q. “A sparkling interior shines but for a moment, only internal beauty will endure throughout the ages”. 
A. Use gold-turned-iron key to unlock. 
Sitting room. (Save point)
Bottom part of the room.
• Table. Spilled inks mix to make new colors. 
• Drawers. On left side, retrieve “map of 2nd floor”.
• On wall: sheet with added letters. 
• Small closet. Four numbers to open; follow three hints:
Q. 0 0 0 0 
H1. Mixed inks.
H2. Colored letter / number note. 
H3. Sheet on wall. 
A. A=red, B=blue, C=yellow, K=black. 1=purple, 2=green, 3=orange, 4=black. B+C=2; B+K=4; A+K=4; A+B=1. 2 4 4 1 
Retrieve “small key”. 
Top part of the room.
• Clock. It has no hands to mark hours. 
• Table. Read “Puss in Boots II”. 
Siebel joins. Exit sitting room. 
Left corridor. 
• Second door. Locked. 
• Painting beside second door. A queen with a high wig.
• End of corridor door. Locked. It is night time outside the window.
Exit left corridor.  
Elisabeth’s room. (right corridor, second door)
Use “small key” to open French doors. Exit. Trigger event. Enter rooms on right or left side of Elisabeth’s from the veranda, and then unlock their front door from inside: 
Three pigs’ room. (right)
• Furnace. There is a small flame. Maybe at a latter time it can be lighted. 
• Doll. It is over a safety deposit box. It is a featurless cloth doll. Maybe its features could be carved.
• Table. Retrieve “bookmark”. It lists organ prices.
Hole room. (left)
• Safety deposit box. Locked. "Start with the most expensive”. Prices?  
• Cracks in floorboard beside chimney.
• Table. Read “Puss in Boots III”. 
Exit either room.
Right corridor. 
• First door. Locked. Trigger event with Porkhyaden. Apparently you’d have to be nicely dressed to enter...
• Second door. Locked. “Opening hours: 4:00.” Where can we figure out the time?
Glass of painting by second door will break when Elisabeth walks by. Touching the glass will send her back to her room. 
• Drawer at end of corridor. On right side, retrieve “clock hand”. There was somewhere it could belong... 
Go down. 
Sitting room. 
Place hour hand on clock at 4:00 mark. Exit sitting room. 
Right corridor.
• Second door opens at 4:00. 
Enter door on back. 
Marguerite’s room. (Save point)
• Table. Read “Bound book I”. Trigger event. Siebel leaves.
• Bookcase. Read “Bound book II”. Retrieve “wooden handle key”. 
Open redwood cabinet with “wooden handle key”. Retrieve and change into “formal dress”. Would this do as a nicer dress?
Retrieve “paper fragment” from the floor. Numbers from 1 to 4 go from the top left to the top right. 
Read “Bound book III”. Exit room. When going down the gallery, avoid rolling plaster sculpture head by moving to the side. 
Right corridor. 
• First door. Seems a pretty dress won’t do. Need something cool and pretty. 
Hole room. 
• Safety deposit box. Four numbers to open; follow two hints:
Q. 0 0 0 0 
H1. Bookmark with organ prices.
H2. Newspaper fragment with ordered numbers and organ illustrations.
A. The pattern is always 1, 2, 3, 4, without repeating, from left to right and going back from the left if 1 is positioned later in the row. 1, 2, 3, 4 // (3), 4 // (1), 2 (4) // 1, (2), 3 2, 3, 4 // 1 3=Heart; 1=Tooth; 4=Eyes; 2=Blood. Priciest to cheapest: Heart (3), Eyes (4), Tooth (1), Blood (2). 3 4 1 2
Retrieve “spade”. A spade is for gardening. Might be able to dig up soft dirt. 
Read “Bound book IV”. Something was left by a pond. 
Exit room. 
Right corridor. 
The door to the dining room is open. 
Dining room. 
The door to the kitchen is open. 
Retrieve “plate fragments”. These are pretty sharp. They could tear through cloth. 
Exit kitchen. 
Three pigs’ room. 
Use “plate fragments” to tear a mouth for cloth doll. Use “fish eye” to give it some features. Retrieve “painting”. Where can it be hung? 
Retrieve “fish eye”. 
Exit room. 
Living room. 
Hang “painting” on empty hook. A door can be heard opening. Look through window. Door is on the other side. Exit living room. 
The door with a window is open. 
• Flowers in pot. Bugs seem to approach fresh flowers. 
Use “spade” to dig on disturbed soil beside fountain. Retrieve “yellow gem”. Isn’t it rather pretty and cool? 
Retrieve “bracelet”. It has bells and a name. Don’t cats use that? 
Read “Puss in Boots IV”. 
Exit pool. 
Right corridor.
• First door. Present “yellow gem” to open door. Trigger event. A game of hide and seek will begin. You must find three piglets all throughout the game.
Waiting room.
Retrieve “yellow gem”. Read and retrieve “Old Diary I”. 
• Data Room. Locked. 
• Unlighted candleholder. The match is too short to reach it.
• Door. Not locked, but won’t open. 
• Drawers. On left side, retrieve “handaxe”. 
Exit room. Siebel joins. 
Hole room. 
Use “handaxe” to open the crack on the floor beside the furnace. Go down hole. 
Library. (Save point) 
There is an empty bookcase with papers on top. Push it together with the rightmost bookcase from the middle row. Read and retrieve “Old Diary II”. Music will start playing.   
• Third bookcase from top left. On left side, hint of the witch’s sums. All make 15. On left side, something shiny will trigger event. Siebel leaves. Now the key is too high to reach either way. If only someone could jump up there.
Exit library. It will lead to a “known” place. 
As you walk along hall, music will get louder. At the end, there is a save point. Make sure to save. 
Crossing the door is a maze of desks. A desk can be pushed if there is no other desk in front, behind, or to the sides of it. There are several ways to get to the end. 
Read “Memo I” and cross the door. There is another save point. Make sure to save. 
A darkened maze. There is no danger in crossing, but it will be blocked at parts.
Steps: 2↑, 2←, 1↑, 3←, 4↑, 5→, 1↓, 2→, 3↓, 1→, 1↓, 3→, 1↓, 2→, 2↑, 1←, 3↑, 2←, 1↑.
Read “Memo II” and cross the door. There is another save point. Make sure to save (for real). 
Read “Memo III” and (if possible) cross the door. As long as it has been read, entering again will automatically skip the room. 
Read “Memo IV” and “List”. Trigger event. 
Elisabeth’s room. 
Wake up. Siebel joins. Trigger event. Put “bracelet” on Siebel. Retrieve “key with a label” from close to door. Exit room. 
Marguerite’s room. 
• Chair beside window. A tail is peeking out. Trigger event. 
Exit room. 
Waiting room.
Use “key with a label” to open Data Room. 
Data Room. (Save point)
• Bookcase on top left. On right side, read “How to Create a Golem”. Some powerful words are mentioned. 
• Table to right of first bookcase. Read “The Blue Bird I”. 
• Painting to right of second bookcase. It is locked to the wall. 
• Third bookcase. On left, there is space for a book. Insert “old diary”. Painting will unlock. Retrieve “sun-shaped key”. There was a sun somewhere in a map...
Retrieve “umbrella”. Where would it be raining inside?
• Table on top right. Read “Letter”.
• Small table between two bookcases at the bottom. Retrieve “long match”. There was a candleholder that needed lighting up. 
Exit room. 
Waiting room.
Use “long match” to light candleholder.  
Mirror room.
Enter. Trigger event with Homunculus. 
• Large center mirror. There is a keyhole with an almost open eye engraved.
• Mirror to the left of center mirror. 
Exit room.
(*If Siebel was not with you yet, Siebel joins.)  
• (Optional for Secret Ending) Third bookcase from top left. Retrieve “small key” with Siebel’s help. Exit library. 
Left corridor. 
• Painting beside library door. Queen. A rather gaudy one with a tall white wig.  
* There are some very obvious footprints which lead to a crack in the wall. It can be opened, but it is not necessary to conclude Chapter 1, so it will be explained when it is useful. 
• Furnace. A tail is peeking out. Trigger event.
Right corridor. 
Use “sun-shaped key” to open door on the end. It is raining, so return inside. Equip “umbrella” to exit. 
Greenhouse South East.
Walk straight ahead to the next section. 
Greenhouse East. (Save point)
Save. This concludes Chapter 1.  
Maps at Chapter 1 conclusion
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Hole room = unlabeled leftmost room Mirror room = Mirrors Data Room = Reference room 
Items at Chapter 1 conclusion
• Rag doll • Original dress • 1F map • Formal dress • Iron key • Yellow jewel • Small spade • 2F map • Fish eye • Chocolate • Matches • (Optional) “Right Hand” label key
Books at Chapter 1 conclusion
• Instructions • Puss in Boots I • Puss in Boots II • Puss in Boots III • Puss in Boots IV • Bound book I • Bound book II • Bound book III • Bound book IV • Old Diary I • Old Diary II • Memo I • Memo II • Memo III • Memo IV • List • The Blue Bird I • Letter
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sketch12artist · 4 years ago
AO3 cross post of Chapter One of Alptraum, a Beyblade and Faust’s Alptraum crossover. I’ll post the chapters I’ve written on here. Each chapter has it’s own name, so the chapter number will be displayed with the title.
Warning: Mentions of childhood trauma, major character death, gore
1. Returning “Home”
Today is Heinrich Faust’s funeral.
As the little boy glanced at the sign, he couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved and anxious at the words. A memory flittered up, but was repressed as the little boy turned back to the quiet crowd of adults before him. Despite how the sign read, however, even he was unsure if that was the man’s real name.
So, let’s put it this way—
Today is daddy’s funeral.
“There’s more people than I thought,” Auntie huffed, looking tersely down at the boy.
Does it really matter? The boy looked over the rain soaked cluster of black. Why do we even need to get up on this dreary day?
Some people were crying, although the rain hid the tears. It was almost nice to know that people would still lament this death. It was so dull, and the boy felt so sleepy. He almost wished he was in the coffin instead.
As the service finished, Auntie started crying. It was fake, like always, but people never noticed. The coffin clicked closed, like a herd of clouds running into the wall, and was lowered into the ground. The boy didn’t care. Maybe they could go back to the house now.
But alas, Auntie had other ideas. The boy was simply dragged along as they both stepped into the carriage and headed onwards to some undisclosed location. He tried to get some rest, but the bumpy road made that near impossible. When the carriage stopped, the boy followed her towards a familiar mansion. The boy’s stomach knotted up as he watched the older woman fiddling with a ring of keys, house looming above him.
“Is it this one. . .No. . . .” Auntie mumbled under her breath, and the boy could tell that she was frustrated. Better not to focus on her, then. Perhaps he should focus on the old mansion, then?
He sighed softly, eyes peering out from damp bangs. No matter how tidily the lush blue tiles were stacked on the roof, one could still detect the passage of time. Even the off-white walls had aged slightly.
How long had it been since the boy called this place home?
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
The boy didn’t want to go in.
Auntie smiled wryly, as if reading his mind. “You only have to go in and see what’s in there. Don’t worry, it belongs to you now.”
Liar, the boy thought to himself. Why do you think that would bother me? That’s not what you all say at your home.
The older woman sighed, finally opening the door, “Fine. Wait out here, then.”
He watched as she disappeared into the house. Then the waiting game began. The boy sat on the ground, back against a nearby tree, and simply watched the front door. It didn’t take long for him to get bored and start daydreaming. But as time passed, the boy noticed that Auntie hadn’t come out. This was unusual for her.
“Aunt Marthe?” The boy entered the foyer, stepping onto the worn carpet.
Complete silence.
The very air itself seemed to be frozen as he walked further inside. A horizontal layout could barely be made out through the sunlight peeking through the doorway. None of the lights were on. In the silence, it almost seemed if dust would be stirred up if the boy continued forward. But the odd thing was that there was no dust at all.
Weird. The boy tried the doors to the right and left of the room, but both were locked. It was hard to see in the darkness. The electricity must be on. Where’s a light?
The boy jumped, then turned around to the source of the sound. Feline eyes pierced through the gloom, coal black fur melting into the shadows, separated by some patches of creamy white. The boy relaxed. It was just a cat. It had probably gotten in when he’d opened the door.
The cat’s ear flicked as the boy slowly approached, then it fled. Not to the front door, like the boy expected, but under the stairs.
Weird. He thought for a second time as he peered into the door that had been hidden from view. Was Auntie down there? It seemed unlikely, but she was the only one with the keys.
The empty path in front of him extended downward, into the darkness. The boy made sure to watch his step as he descended the stairwell; it wouldn’t be fun to trip in the darkness. Once he was safely down the stairs, a long, stone corridor greeted him. Was this the basement? Or perhaps some long forgotten cellar? Either way, there was only one path to walk down.
The boy opened the only door that this corridor had led to. Empty space all around him, cast in pitch black darkness greeted him. Nothing revealed itself. The stagnant air thrummed violently in his ears. There was no way Auntie could be here. Now he felt foolish for exploring and a bit afraid of facing Auntie’s wrath if she had already gone back outside.
A screeching noise came from the door behind him. What in the world?
The boy opened the door, attempting to leave, and then darkness oozed in. He looked on in disbelief, the corridor gone, at the immense void in front of him. The boy stared at it, and in turn it stared back.
This was the beginning of the nightmare.
A patch of purple was eerily bright in the absence of light, as if it had been sugarcoated or glazed.
“Hello?” An ear piercingly sweet voice queried as the purple patch probed out from the inky depths. Smooth locks bleached of color, as if waiting for the delicate brush of a painter’s palette, shone out as the beautiful face peered at the young boy.
“Hi?” The boy hesitantly replied, and the smile on the young man’s face quickly faded.
The young man, who the boy noticed had ribbed horns curling out from his head, wore a look of disappointment, as if he had been expecting someone else. “Oh, excellent. You understand me.”
The boy scrambled out of the way as the lean figure pulled itself up, as if he was ascending a flight of stairs. Long, long, frilly sleeves swayed in his vision as the young man queried again. “What time is it? Is it spring?”
The way the attractive young man moved wasn’t entirely human.
“Who are you?” The young man focused his golden eyes on the boy. “I remember the door being locked. If there’s nothing else, can you please close it on your way out?”
He started to head further into the darkness, strange boots clopping like a horse’s hooves, or perhaps a goat’s. He seemed bored, but it made the boy uneasy.
The boy cleared his throat, gathering his courage, then yelled defiantly, “I don’t want to leave!”
This was daddy’s old house, so he should be the one to inherit it. The adults had said that before. No matter how unwilling their expressions had been, the adults had indeed said that before. So he wasn’t going to let himself be swept out the door by anyone, no matter what.
“Oh, really?”
He immediately regretted those words as the young man suddenly appeared before him despite being a good deal away when the young boy had shouted. The expression on the young man’s face had changed slightly, now slightly curious instead of entirely bored. The boy tilted his head up to meet his gaze.
A garnish grin suddenly split open, and the young man’s eyes briefly flashed a violent red, as if he remembered the boy from somewhere. He was gleeful, and a gnawing fear suddenly possessed the boy.
“Timothy,” His cloyingly sweet voice slowly pronounced the boy’s name. “You’ve returned.”
The lights flickered as if someone was playing with the curtains, despite there being no windows. And in that moment Timothy quickly flung open the door, not even caring about the slam it had made. His body moved of its own volition, disconnected from his panic and confusion. Timothy sprinted up the steps, passing through the doorway and back into the foyer. He relaxed slightly as his feet hit the carpet.
Why did I even enter this place? The nausea in his stomach threatened to overspill.
As long as the front door was still open then—
Timothy stopped, staring at a blank wall where the door should’ve been. It loomed over him, intimidating him with its emptiness. His heart pounded as the room seemed to change, flickering uncertainly.
Hospital with bloody gunneries.
A room tinted mint green.
Church with bloodstained windows.
“What’s wrong?” The young man’s voice reached Timothy’s ears just as the room returned to normal.
He spun on his heel, facing the young man, “Let me out!”
“Eh? What’s that you say? There’s no such thing as a front door.”
“I just came in from the front door!” Timothy’s face felt hot, uncomfortably so.
The young man lazily replied, “I didn’t see that.”
“You told me to shut the door on my way out!”
“I don’t remember saying that.”
The unease that had been building up suddenly exploded inside of the boy, almost tangible in strength. Terror, exhaustion, all swirled together in a poisonous ice cream sundae. Timothy didn’t want to face this latest turn of events. The room started to spin as the corners of his eyes darkened.
“What’s wrong?” The young man’s voice sounded distant, echoing around him. “Timothy?”
How did he know his name?
Timothy’s eyes shut firmly before he could utter a single word, and he knew no more.
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ghostflowerdreams · 5 years ago
List of Free Horror Games (2019)
This is an updated list of free horror games. The other list is old because some of the links on it are broken or the games are no longer free. This time I’ve included a description with each one. Some of these games you can even play right in your browsers (just make sure you’ve updated your Abode Flash). 
1916 - Der Unbekannte Krieg
Nestled deep inside the deluged trenches of the German frontline, you play as a soldier desperately looking for a way out. Hidden somewhere in the sunken maze of passageways is a ladder, and finding it almost certainly spells freedom. The only thing that stands between you and safety is a pack of dinosaurs.
3 AM
The city has been evacuated, something sinister haunts it at night, only a single path is safe, but to find it you have to lose your soul. A game inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. Specifically the dogs of Tindalos.
5 Days A Stranger
Trilby, a cat burglar, breaks into an supposedly vacated manor of the aristocratic DeFoe family. He quickly finds that things are not that simple. Together with a group of strangers, he finds himself imprisoned by some invisible intelligence. A force prepared to do anything to keep them all there forever.
It's a psychological horror game done in first person perspective. The game has very little plot or background. All you know is that you are a person who wakes up in a bed in a house. Your goal is to to get out of the house, but of course things aren't that simple.
Alice Mare
The game follows an amnesiac young boy named Allen who was placed under the care of a man called Teacher who looks after four other children. One night, Allen investigates the rumor of a mysterious voice on the second floor and when he returns to his room, he finds a strange black cat who leads him into his closet.
Animal Village
It’s a short survival horror game with light dating sim elements made for the Pixel Horror Jam 2016. The game is about exploring the pit in the middle of Animal Village, a quaint little settlement inhabited by talking animals. Don't talk to the bird-headed man, don't acknowledge him and don't trust him.
Ao Oni (青鬼, lit. 'Blue Demon')
The player assumes the role of Hiroshi, a young teenager who enters a haunted mansion with his friends, Takuro, Takeshi, and Mika (Along with Kazuya and Ryota in the original). Shortly after entering the mansion, the doors lock behind them. Hiroshi doubts that the mansion is haunted, but soon finds himself being pursued by an enigmatic blue Oni. Hiroshi must now find a way to save as many of his friends as possible and escape the mansion alive.
It’s a psychological horror game in which you play as Atticus, a groundskeeper who has brought his sick daughter to work on the day of a horrible accident in his building. Separated from his daughter, Atty must survive the hordes of monsters stalking him and make it back to her before something else reaches her first.
Baby Blues
You play as Tommy, a toddler that wakes up to a strange noise in the middle of the night with a bright light shining in his eyes. Realizing his beloved teddies are missing; he climbs down out of bed and start to look for them.
Tom Keller is lost. He has gone astray, and become trapped in a nightmare world that is a twisted mirror image of our own, tormented by horrific aberrations, haunted by shattered memories. He is alone behind the world, and to escape, he must come to terms with all of his sins.
Bad Dream: Series
It’s a series of short point-and-click games. It takes place in a creepy, dark and sad land of dream. Some of games will be a cruel and painful as nightmare, and some will be disturbing and illogical. Gameplay will always look the same, but the dreams will be different.
Project Entities: Blame (originally simply titled Blame)
This is a horror survival game. You have to dig into the game, however, to piece it together. You might also have to uncover a lot of the hidden and secret material. Epileptics, as well as those who are sensitive to light play at their own discretion.
Bunny Man - Lost Souls
It’s a game made in Slender-style where you go around and save people's souls from an urban legend creature called Bunny Man. Your goal is to save as many souls as you can before he catches you.
It’s a 3D game where you have to light up your house, which has been invaded by dangerous imps. 
Corpse Party Zero
It’s a survival horror adventure fan-made game by Noraenu created using RPG Tkool XP. It’s a prequel which stars two sisters mentioned only in passing in Corpse Party, Kaori Hasegawa and Shiho Hasegawa, who try to escape from the cursed school.
Corpse Party -Rebuilt-
It’s the remake of the original survival horror adventure game in the Corpse Party series made by an anonymous member of a Japanese message board with permission from Team GrisGris. A group of friends unknowingly perform an occult ritual that traps them in an otherworldly elementary school. Here, the vengeful spirits of young children threaten their lives and their sanity, and the only hope of survival is to uncover the chilling details behind the murders of those trapped before them...
The Crooked Man
David Hoover decides to move into a new apartment during a rough time in his life. After some odd occurrences, he decides to ask about the room's former owner, but learns little. So he sets off in search of him, strangely compelled to know more about this man...
Cry of Fear
It’s a psychological single-player and co-op horror game set in a deserted town filled with horrific creatures and nightmarish delusions. You play as a young man desperately searching for answers in the cold Scandinavian night, finding his way through the city as he slowly descends into madness.
Daily Chthonicle
You take on the role of a Supernatural Newspaper Agency boss and editor. The world it takes place in is a dark and haunted one, with ghosts, zombies, monsters and even shapeshifting murderers, pretending to be human after they have stolen their victims' bodies or infiltrated the humanity. It was inspired heavily by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and it builds on the atmosphere of uncertainty and noir of the 1940s.
Dark Deception
It’s a story-driven first-person horror maze game. There's nowhere to hide and nowhere to catch your breath. Run or die -- it's your choice. Trapped in a realm of nightmarish mazes with a mysterious woman, your only hope of survival is to find a way to escape the darkness.
Dark Dread
A missing teenager. An abandoned hospital. You are a detective who has to find out what happened to Helena Greenwood.If you don't go insane while doing so...
Deep Sleep, Deeper Sleep & The Deepest Sleep
You are stuck inside a nightmare dream. Something lurks in the darkness... Something in the depths of your own mind wants to pull you even deeper. Someone will escape this dream for sure. The question is -- who is that going to be?
The Designer's Curse
The first chapter of an unforgettable survival horror experience. Solve puzzles and work your way through this terrifying place. You may be more familiar with it than you initially think.
The Devil Haunts Me
Survive, explore and discover the secrets of the woods. But be careful, there's something else in these woods...
Devil's Tuning Fork
It’s a first-person exploration/puzzle game in which the player must navigate an unknown world using visual sound waves. Inspired by M.C. Escher’s classic optical illusion and the echolocation of dolphins.
Her ex-boyfriend became a shut-in. The girl goes to visit him... then things start to go wrong. They always do, right? Experience two stories about digital gods and loss. And remember -- believe in the net.
Play as a farmer who struggles to manage a failing farm. You come to a point where there is no more hope, and you must do something.
Doorways: Old Prototype
It’s an immersive and twisted adventure created before the official development of the Doorways saga.
Doki Doki Literature Club
The Literature Club is full of cute girls! Will you write the way into their heart? This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.
Don't Escape
I woke up in a room... It is not locked and I remember everything. I'm a werewolf. Tonight I will turn and people will die... unless I find a way to prevent myself from escaping this place.
Don’t Look Now
Don’t look at them. They will drain you of your last sanity if they catch you. Direct your consciousness and reach your happy place.
Erie begins in October 1966, when the Fermi 1 Nuclear Power Generator suffers a partial meltdown, and locals begin disappearing from a sleepy Michigan town. Oliver Victor is a Red Cross Investigator sent to find missing locals, but quickly finds himself trapped underground and being hunted by a product of forced-mutation experiments.
If you like Slender, you'll like this too. You’re to search an old, abandoned house and collect any valuables but be careful -- there are rumors of a ghost haunting the building.
Exmortis & Exmortis 2
You wake up in the woods with no memory of how you got there. Nightmares of blood and screams still echo through your mind. It's late and it's cold - unless you can find shelter fast, you won't last the night. You spot a house in a clearing up ahead and left with no choice - you decide to shelter there for the night. Soon after you begin to realize that death is a welcome choice compared to what lies waiting for you inside...
Fausts Alptraum
It’s an single player, puzzle game created by LabORat Studio, an indie game team from Taiwan. The story is based on Goethe's Faust. Players will play as a troubled girl wandering around in a crayon-drawn world.
Forget Me Not Annie
It’s a first person psychological horror game. You play as a 15 year old girl Annie who is trapped within her own mind and has to use her telekinetic powers with the help of Howard who you are able to summon at any moment to surpass puzzles.
From Next Door
It’s a short mystery-horror game developed for the 2016 Pixel Horror Jam. It draws inspiration from the works of Junji Ito and games like Silent Hill, with the story focused on the eerie and the bizarre. It tells the story of a young woman who moves into a new house, only to experience weird occurrences from the seemingly empty house next door. Depending on your choices the outcome will change and could even grant her safety or not.
The Groundskeeper
After a horrific accident, you find yourself trapped in an unfamiliar place where no one can hear you scream. There's a dark presence... A dark secret that this place holds. Is there any way out? Is HE watching?
Hello? Hell…o?
It’s a Japanese RPG horror game by Ryuuichi Tachibana created with RPG Maker VX Ace. You play as a boy named Kazuki that is going through strain in a relationship with his girlfriend, Akari. It takes place in a strange room where you have to accomplish certain things in order to complete all the endings.
Play hide and seek with someone who hides in the mist. All you have is your ears.
The House & The House 2
It’s a point-and-click flash horror game. Built in 1970, and deserted some time after that, no one has entered the house since the entire family committed suicide due to reasons unknown. Your goal is to search through the house to unfold the mystery of what really happened to that fateful fictitious family.
It’s a short psychological horror game which examines inherent, earthly, and otherworldly evils, and the forces which drive them. As you make your way through an Alaskan auroral research facility in search of employees it quickly becomes very clear that something has become alerted to your presence.
I Can’t Escape
You have fallen into a vast underground maze. Can you find your way out, or will you end up trapped in darkness forever?
I See You
You play as an unnamed protagonist waking up in an empty hospital. However, it soon turns out the hospital is not quite so empty...
A young girl named Ib visits an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, she suddenly realizes she is alone. And in her search for others, she finds things awry in the gallery...
In 1935, Mr. Ildefonse was betrayed by his wife who then fled with their children, Mr. Ildefonse lost his head and unleashed a massacre at his home involving employees, then he committed suicide. The rest of the story is completed with letters from tenants who lived in the building, which was later converted into flats but haunted by the things that happened in the past.
In the game, the year 1977, the player is a lawyer hired to collect the testament papers in the house, requested by a family member.
Imscared: A Pixelated Nightmare
The player must find keys, open doors and search for the exit to this nightmare.
Lamia Nox
It’s an indie horror game made with RPG Maker VX Ace. Laura, an 14-year-old who is pretty much a normal young girl. But her life is changed for the worse when she wakes up one day to find that her home is completely different. 
The Last Door: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3 & Episode 4
Free episodic horror game, with original pixel-art visuals and a gorgeous orchestral music score. Surrounded by a thrilling sound atmosphere, player's will experience a really immersive environment thought the stimulation of their imagination, just like classic horror writers like Poe and Lovecraft used to.
The game begins with the protagonist waking up in her bedroom, but it's up to the player to search her house for the backstory.
Lucie, a girl who, after waking up in a strange room realizes that she is stuck in a lucid dream. She encounters evil beings and traps while searching for her body.
It’s a sound-based survival thriller gae, where sound is the only way you see, and they hear your fears.
Mad Father
Aya Drevis is a young girl living in an isolated mansion in northern Germany. Since her mother's passing, she's felt lonely living with just her father and his assistant Maria. What's more, she knows her father's secret...
Mermaid Swamp
Rin Yamazaki and her college friends have their car break down in the mountains on a trip. Fortunately, a kindly old man offers to let them stay at his house. But there's a legend about the swamp outside the mansion...
It's been three months since the mysterious disappearance of Misao. No one has any idea where she could have gone, but many believe she's dead by now. And when paranormal events crop up around the school, rumors spread that she's out for revenge...
In Miserere you explore the dreams of a lonely space station occupant. The unnamed occupant have been on this station for years, all alone. Needless to say, this has taken its toll on our poor protagonists mind. This occasionally shows in the dreams. But there are still glimmers of hope.
Nightmare of the Snow
It’s a RPG Adventure Horror game developed in late 2013. The game centers on Yuuki Shinozaki, a shy middle schooler who is attending a farewell party, but before that, she is taken mysteriously to a lost dimension where a mansion that was supposed to had disappeared for many years exists. 
Ningyo Heart
It’s about a man’s journey through a nightmare, in search for his beloved and finding his true self. The main theme in this horror game is friendship, romance and horror. Game play will focus on puzzle solving & survival horror (run and chase event).
You have a job. That job is to be a security guard during the night shift at a local office complex. You and Marley do it every night. Get decent pay for it too. Enough to keep you going. But Marley's just called in sick, so you gotta do the shift alone. Shouldn't be bad, right? Well, the power's just gone off, and I don't think you're alone anymore...
It’s an 2003 RPGmaker created game. You take control of a mysterious person called “The Batter”, who is described to be on an important mission. The Batter, and yourself as his controller, are dropped off in zone 0, the first of 4 zones in a perplexing, unknown world about which you slowly find out more and more in the process of the game.
One Late Night
It’s a short immersive horror-game experience, starring an unnamed graphic designer employee, working late one night at the office, until strange things start to happen.
Pact With a Demon - Episode 1 & Pack With a Demon - Episode 2
You must survive on an island after a car accident and find a way out, while several demonic creatures try to attack you.
One night, the psychiatrist Sianos B. Sian is requested to counsel a girl called B.D., who has lost her eyesight and memory in an accident. Through conversations with her over the phone, the past that hides in her memories comes to light...
Phantasmal: Survival Horror Roguelike
Experience Terror that is Never the Same Twice with Phantasmal, a Lovecraftian survival horror that evolves every time you play!
Pocket Mirror
It’s a horror game created in RPGMaker VX ACE. You play as a nameless girl in the journey to find her purpose and memories within a mysterious world.
Port of Call
Imagine waking up on a small dock with no recollection of who you are or how you got there. The first person you find is a grumpy, old man who enlists you to work on his ferry boat which seems to have materialized behind you.
[REC] Shutter
It’s a horror game that you must progress through levels while avoiding the paranormal and solving puzzles. You take the role of a reporter named Connor, who will be investigating Pennyhill, a dark hunted asylum.
Third-grader Shunsuke goes to stay over at his grandmother's house. Upon his return home, he finds not his familiar hometown, but a ruined town of death. He meets his surviving friends and some other children their age, but a crueler reality awaits them...
It’s a surreal, psychological horror game. This is an translated version of the German game. Schuld (Guilty) is about a man who finds himself in a dying world, without knowing how he got there and why he is there.
SCP - Containment Breach
It’s a survival horror game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community.
September 1999
Its a free, VHS styled, first-person found footage horror game, which runs exactly for 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
It’s a point-and-click adventure horror game. How long has it been? A man sits in a distant getaway cabin waiting for his wife Serena. Where is she? Things in the cabin evoke memories, and the husband comes to a disturbing realization... 
You are woken up by a sudden loud noise in the middle of the night in your recently moved into apartment. Moving boxes are scattered all over the place, still things left to unpack. All the lights in the house are turned on, but you're sure you turned them off. You leave your room to investigate, your trusty camera in hand.
Silent Hill: Room 304
It’s a point-and-click horror game based on the popular video game series, Silent Hill by Konami Digital Entertainment.
Silent Santiago
It’s inspired by the popular Silent Hill survival horror series from Konami. This horror game is developed by students of a Chilean university. The streets in this game are inspired by the reality of the Santiago city, in Chile, going so far as to recreating the plazas and the narrow alleys. The atmosphere, however, is incredibly eerie and similar to the Silent Hill games, with a thick fog covering the entire city. The goal of the game is to navigate the maze-like streets of the city of Santiago and to reach the exit.
Slender: The Eight Pages
The game centers around an unknown character being chased by the Slender Man in the woods while seeking eight pages scattered about various landmarks.
Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion
Can you survive 1000 rooms of cute terror? Or will you break once the cuteness starts to fade off and you're running for your life from the unspeakable hideous beings that shake and writhe in bowels of this house? They wait for you, they wait and hunger for meeting you.
The Night That Speaks
You don't remember how you got to the graveyard, but you know you've been meaning to visit.
The Static Speaks My Name
A dark, sad, weird, and funny first-person exploration game. You play a man on his last night alive as he obsesses over a mysterious painting.
Try to Fall Asleep
John Herrin survived a horrible accident and as a result, he damaged his brain and lost his memory. Only Dr. Rick Norberg and the friendly robot "AB" can help John to recover from his brain damage and restore his broken memory. 
By falling asleep and rediscovering the past in his dreams, John can restore his memory and remember what caused the unfortunate catastrophe in one of the most secretive laboratories of the "Revivel" company. But due to John's brain damage, falling asleep won't be as easy as it seems at first... 
Thrown into a Labyrinth for reasons unknown, you must roam through the darkness to find your escape. Do you have what it takes to get out alive? Or will you be another feast for the walls that seem to live?
It’s a short game in which you look for a way to open the door out of the small house.
The White Chamber
It’s a point-and-click horror adventure game. You play as a trapped young woman from 3rd person perspective as she solves puzzles and overcomes the twisted obstacles in her path.
The Witch’s House
The young Viola visits a mysterious house in the woods. She soon discovers its dangerous nature and must find a way out. But the house is ever-changing, and death could be lurking anywhere...
Within Deep Sorrows
A demon haunts you throughout your nightmares, as it gradually makes its way into the real world. The only way to prevent this from happening is for you, Johnston Barker to destroy your diary, which is hidden within your third dream. Each descending dream makes it harder to avoid the demon, allowing it to become stronger, and more aggressive. The time period is set in the 1990's, though when dreaming, it is set back in the 1950's. You are not alone however, as your conscious speaks to you during the process, giving you guidance as you deeply wonder within your nightmares.
Yume Nikki (ゆめにっき, lit. Dream Diary)
It’s a 32-Bit game created by KIKIYAMA, a mysterious Japanese game designer. It was made using RPG Maker 2003. The players explore the dreams of a hikikomori named Madotsuki, where they encounter a number of surrealistic horror creatures and locations.
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mephistolila · 8 years ago
    An easy guide to find puzzle answers for FAUSTS ALPTRAUM.  It’s not a full walkthrough, but just in case anyone is like me and would just like the puzzle answers.  Feel free to send me messages asking for anything I missed or anything extra you want and I’ll be sure to let you know. :) 
    Apple Riddle: Give it to the Mouse     Color Puzzle: 2441      Organ Puzzle: 3412
   Flower Grid Puzzle: 3361    Clay Hand Puzzle:  R3 L1 R2 L1 R1 L1     Golemn Path Puzzle: R4 D3 R2 U1 R3 U4 R3 D4 R2    Bird Room: 3232    Breathing Room Maze: Up, left, right, left, down, right, up, right, down, down, down 
   Nursery Chest: 0829    Nursery Door: 925     TEDDY puzzle: 24223    EHFAB puzzle: 31452
I made this guide off the notes I made- there are two of the puzzles I had to look up the answers to, the others I kept notes for.  Since I’m not playing the game while making this i’m not 100% sure that the two nursery ones aren’t backwards.  If I discover so later I’ll edit them lol. 
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yayforstuffs · 8 years ago
3, 9, 15, 30, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 50, 56, 63, 87, 88, 91 and 96
(3) Can You Whistle? yup
(9) How Many Followers? 262
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.“Hannah liked to knit; Hannah was, probably, or would” From Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, which as far as I can tell from reading the first chapter, seems to be an off-brand Anne of Green Gables. I have low expectations for this book.
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? depends on my mood tbh
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. playstation
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? yup- i tend to generally have one at all times, it just changes every now and then. right now i’d say it’s the story that aron and ivan are in.
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? not to my memory, but i raised one in elementary school
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? unfortunately, yes
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? compared to what ppl around me usually dream, apparently i do all the time.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. inside out
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? no, but it is rather annoying when i’m trying to sleep bc the sudden noise does keep me awake.
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? nothing, actually
(63) Favourite Pokemon? charmander and it’s evolution chain. first starter’s always got a special place in my heart.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? night, judging by how late i tend to stay up
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. all of em? oh wow this is gonna be. a lot. coughs. welp.
mario kart 64
paper mario
starfox 64
kirby and the amazing mirror
legend of zelda: link to the past / four swords
fairly odd parents: clash with the anti-world (which i think somebody else gave to me, because i don’t recall ever actually playing it)
fire emblem
fire emblem: sacred stones
lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring (which is hilariously bad)
lord of the rings: two towers (which is a classic)
rocket power: dream scheme
and the first game i ever owned- kim possible 2: drakken’s demise
final fantasy: crystal chronicles
harvest moon: a wonderful life
new super mario bros
super princess peach (yup. i have that game)
mario party ds
lego star wars: the complete saga
final fantasy: crystal chronicles: ring of fates (fav)
legend of zelda: phantom hourglass
super mario 64 ds
my sims kingdom (drastically different from the wii version, which disappointed me very much)
animal crossing: wild world
harvest moon: island of happiness
legend of zelda: spirit tracks
glory of heracles (which, for an unknown game, is a lot better than i was expecting it to be)
kirby squeak squad(untouched)
sonic rush adventures(untouched)
kirby super star ultra
mario & luigi: partners in time (a fav)
the world ends with you (also a fav)
pokemon soulsilver
pokemon white
fire emblem: shadow dragon
harvest moon: grand bazaar(untouched)
rune factory: tides of destiny
starfox 64 3d
mariokart 7
harvest moon: a new beginning
fire emblem: awakening
super smash bros 3ds
tomodachi life
animal crossing: new leaf
legend of zelda: link between worlds
paper mario: sticker star (we don’t speak of this)
super mario 3d land(untouched)
legend of zelda: majora’s mask 3d
professor layton vs phoenix wright
pokemon alpha sapphire
pokemon mystery dungeon: gates to infinity
pokemon super mystery dungeon
fire emblem fates: birthright/conquest/revelation
pokemon sun
story of seasons
story of seasons: trio of towns
fire emblem: echoes
pokemon x
harvest moon: tale of two towns
3ds eshop
harvest moon (untouched)
harvest moon 2 (untouched)
harvest moon 3 (i’m tryin to get all of em, cept the new ones bc they’re awful. also untouched tho)
pokemon red
i don’t currently have any on my ipod; as soon as i played em i deleted em bc of how much space i don’t have. but i have played layton brothers: mystery room (which is absolutely fantastic and i’m hoping they release a sequel), and mystic messenger. i’ve also had like. solitaire and stuff like that.
on my laptop, let’s see. i’ve got
alternian turnabout (hs fan game in the style of ace attourney)
mr president (not the donald trump one- the original mr president game)
and on steam
castle crashers (untouched)
child of light (untouched)
deadcore (untouched)
dungeon fighter online (untouched)
elder scrolls online (there was an attempt. a very laggy attempt.)
elder scrolls v: skyrim
fausts alptraum
freddi fish 1 & 3 (nostalgia and three dollars are very powerful things)
garry’s mod (untouched)
goat simulator(untouched)
gta v (there was an attempt at this too, but my laptop couldn’t even load it. so. there’s that.)
l4d2 (a fav)
no time to explain (idk what this even is it just. showed up one day???)
portal 2
rwby: grimm eclipse (again, laptop couldn’t load it properly- suuuuuper laggy)
speedrunners (luc jadore is the best)
stanley parable
turbo dismount(untouched)
ok i thiiiink that’s all of em. whew.
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? can’t say i’ve ever had a favorite sound. um. i guess nice ones are the gba startup, crickets, cicadas surprisingly, and the nintendo switch ‘click’ sound effect thingy. also rain on the roof / skylight is nice.
(96) Favourite YouTuber? kinda a mix tbh. i like some of videogamedunkey’s vids, some of markiplier, some of alpharad, every now and then i’ll go back to some chuggaaconroy, or some achievement hunter; inthelittlewood is also nice- i like his ni no kuni let’s play. ummm. i know i’m leaving some out, but there’s a few of em, at least.
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lunaamatista · 8 years ago
hey. im sorry to bother u but can u please give me a lil hint abt fausts alptraum.... I talked to the three little pigs before obtaining the yellow gem and now whenever i knock it says no one will answer and idk what to do thank u
Hello! Don’t worry about it, please feel free to come bother me about it. 
I’m not sure I understood clearly what the problem is, so I’ll give you two solutions:
1. Nobody’s answering, but you don’t have the yellow gem yet. -> You need to get the yellow gem, please refer to the chapter 1 walkthrough for how to find it. 2. You already have the yellow gem, but nobody’s answering. -> Rather than knocking, try inspecting the item as you stand in front of the door. This means going to the menu and selecting it, just like how you would chocolate or matches. 
If neither of these were what you meant, I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand. ^^;; Feel free to message me again if that is the case.
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