biointernet · 4 years
Father Time Exhibition
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Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu Change of days To us is sensible; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Farther in life, and nearer to our goal Not so with Time--mysterious chronicler, He knoweth not mutation--centuries Are to his being as a day, and days As centuries--Time past, and Time to come Are always equal: when the world began God had existed from eternity. HENRY KIRKE WHITE, "Time", The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
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1911 New Year Dirigible Air Ship Father Time Driving Time Machine Postcard MHC virtual museum father time symbol is hourglass FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year Father Time and Mother Nature Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine times that of Earth. It only has one-eighth the average density of Earth; however, with its larger volume, Saturn is over 95 times more massive. Saturn is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture; its astronomical symbol (♄) represents the god's sickle. Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
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Father Time and Mother Nature Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum The New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. Father Time is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time?
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Father Time Exhibition Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year! Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
father time symbol is hourglass
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum 560 Leather Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management MHC hourglass figure workout
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition First Known Use of Father Time - 1559
What does Father Time look like?
Father Time Department at My Hourglass Collection virtual museum Symbolism of Time-Space
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time The ancient Greeks began to associate chronos, word for Time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz). Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements. Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
Leather Father Time
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Leather Father Time In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. Father Time may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. Saturn was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives, aerarium of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after him. Around New Year's Eve, the media, editorial cartoons use the convenient of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). Father Time is an established symbol in numerous cultures, and appears in a variety of art and media. In some cases as Father Time, in other cases they may have another name (such as Saturn) but the characters demonstrate the attributes which Father Time has acquired over the centuries. More Wiki Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. 
Mother Earth
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature The personification of Nature; The giver and sustainer of Life. Perhaps the most ancient of all goddesses, worshiped back in prehistorical times.  Our home world, planet Earth.In Greek mythology, Gaia is Mother Earth.  Father Time symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. Mother Time, Mother Earth, Mother Nature: Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time
Baby New Year
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Hourglass 235, post card Father Time and Baby New Year driving Time Machine Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. Baby New Year symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum: Hourglass 291, Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 260 Father Time and Baby New Year father time symbol is hourglass The Hourglass, with its grains of sands constantly falling, also represents the passage of Time. The sand in the hourglass will run out, and similarly, our physical presence on the Earth will end one day. However, just like the hourglass can be turned upside down and started anew, a new generation of children can continue a family legacy. The effects of time are not wholly destructive. While physical bodies wear out over time, time also gives the gift of wisdom that can only be developed by our experiences gained over a long period of time. FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year, saturn MHC Exhibitions Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass History, Father Time The Changing Iconography of Father Time Though Saturn-Cronus, as Panofsky suggested in 1939, is the single most important influence on the Father Time of the Western World, the two have been very differently represented. They seem to have little more than age in common, and this impression is strengthened when we consider their natures. The accretions and metamorphoses — as benevolence, nudity, forelock, wings, hourglass, and scythe — which gave to Saturn the symbols that we have come to associate with Father Time are traced through a number of works including the illustrators of Petrarch, the emblem books, and Hogarth. The change that we are tracing is from a Saturn who had castrated his father and devoured his own children — the saturnine and even malevolent patron of cripples and criminals — to a Father Time who by the sixteenth century was frequently depicted as the benevolent father of Truth. Among other developments, Father Time, who had earlier taken over the symbols of Death, stands back aghast from him by the time of Quarles’ Hieroglyphikes (1638). In Hogarth’s last work Tailpiece, or the Bathos (1764), Time — now more sinned against than sinning — expires surrounded by his broken symbols. Though Father Time did not die (Cupid and he are the only characters from the old emblem books that survive), he is today a very different figure from that depicted in the earlier illustrations. The main purpose of my essay has been to delineate the changing iconography of Father Time, while a subsidiary purpose has been to relate this to important developments in technology and society. Keywords Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Fourteenth Century Full text The Changing Iconography of Father Time here Father Time, the movie (2015) How far would you go to save your daughter from death? Would you venture into the unknown? Would you tempt death itself? Would you give your life away? Director and Writer: Dmytro Latorets More about at IMDb
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME AND THE WEEPING VIRGIN Several versions of this topic contain different components which have been related to mythology, Judaism and Christianity; yet it is ultimately a Masonic carving. It symbolizes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things. The most common symbols are Father Time, a Virgin, a broken column, an urn, a sprig of acacia, and a book, all of which rest on the top level of three steps. Father Time is most often depicted as an old man with long hair and beard, and a pair of wings. A scythe and hourglass are symbols associated with him. The scythe represents the Divine harvest and the hourglass denotes that the sands of time bring us closer to death. As the scythe cuts the harvest, so life is ended by Father Time. He stands behind a virgin (or young woman) attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It symbolizes that with time and perseverance all things can be accomplished. The mythological Goddess Rhea is represented by a virgin or weeping woman who grieves over the loss of a loved one. Symbols differ in sculptures, the most common being an urn in her left hand and a sprig of acacia in her right hand. Acacia is an evergreen and represents the immortality of the soul. The urn is a symbol of death and was used to collect tears of the mourners. It is often shown resting on a book symbolic of the Book of Life where names of the righteous were recorded to ensure entry into Heaven. Other representations show the virgin holding a scroll which is a symbol of life. She can also be found holding a chisel or a mallet. She stands before a sundered column symbolic of a life cut short. Click here to see sculptures (Website City of Grove, Oklahoma)
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
Father Time Quotes
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. Harold Coffin Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. Laurence J. Peter  Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins. Major Taylor I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there. Flavor Flav  I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells Leather Father Time Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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biointernet · 4 years
Hourglass 246 Baby New Year and Kids
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Time is a fluid condition which has no existence except in the momentary avatars of individual people. There is no such thing as was -- only is. WILLIAM FAULKNER, The Paris Review, spring 1956
Hourglass 246, post card
Happy New Year to You Hourglass 246 Baby New Year and Kids
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Hourglass 246 Baby New Year and Kids Time management is a meta-activity (working with meta-model) with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time, as time itself cannot be managed because it is fixed.  Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a juggling act of various demands of study, social life, employment, family, and personal interests and commitments with the finiteness of time.
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time The Hourglass of Emotions Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum The vision of time is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrow door. FRANK HERBERT, Dune Like the strength of a flower, pushing up through the earth Like the strength of the rain, soaking into the ground Like the strength of a fish, swimming against the flow Like the strength of the sun, melting the winter snow Like the strength of a bird, flying into the wind Like the strength of the wind, lifting the desert sand Like the strength of the tide, shaping the rocks and land Like the strength of the ice, carving the mountainside How wonderful this world A fragment of a fiery sun How wonderful this life How fragile and how bold IONA, “Strength”
MHC Exhibitions – Dynamic Vision Board meta-models
Welcome to Exhibitions at MHC Virtual Museum! Authors: Adam Pierce, Oleg Bazhenov, Lena Rhomberg, Kirill Korotkov, Anton Fokin, Petr Mihailov, Rustam Adyukov and other MHC Exhibitions:Time Shadows by MHCPersonification of Time – Father Time ExhibitionBeauty Bio Net – Dynamic Vision Board Mental ModelHourglass and Cards – Die Welt als Wille und VorstellungArt Glass by Anton FokinThe Full History of Time3D Hand Made – 3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia LorenHourglass Figure Marilyn MonroeDead Sea Collection ExhibitionHourglass – Masonic Symbol ExhibitionTime Machine Structure Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 291, Baby New Year
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Thinking about time is to acknowledge two contradictory certainties: that our outward lives are governed by the seasons and the clock; that our inward lives are governed by something much less regular -- an imaginative impulse cutting through the dictates of daily time, and leaving us free to ignore the boundaries of here and now and pass like lightning along the coil of pure time, that is, the circle of the universe and whatever it does or does not contain. JEANETTE WINTERSON, Sexing the Cherry Hourglass 291 - vintage post card - Baby New Year New Year vintage post card. Angel , Sun and Big Gold Hourglass.
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Hourglass 291 post card on My Hourglass Collection
The Hourglass, Hourglass History
Hourglass – measurement device An hourglass (or sandglass, sand timer, or sand clock) is a device used to measure the intervals of time. It comprises two glass bulbs connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated trickle of material (historically sand) from the upper bulb to the lower one. Factors affecting the time interval measured include sand quantity, sand coarseness, bulb size, and neck width. Hourglasses may be reused indefinitely by inverting the bulbs once the upper bulb is empty. Before it became the symbol of a program stalling on your PC, the hourglass spent centuries as the representation of mortality and an emblem of the sciences. Much more than a symbol, of course, it also kept track of time in the pre-Swatch Era. See Time symbolism, Hourglass symbolism.
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Hourglass 291 post card
Contemporary Time Management
Time management is a meta-activity (working with meta-model) with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time, as time itself cannot be managed because it is fixed.  Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a juggling act of various demands of study, social life, employment, family, and personal interests and commitments with the finiteness of time.  Time management tools: The Biointernet Mirror (Mirror of Joy)BLAGA SystemThe Biointernet MaskFiles with Functions (For example: Beauty Bio Net Exhibition – 3DHM Dynamic Vision Board Mental Model by Lena Rhomberg and Adam Pierce) The hourglass body figure is the ultimate dream of many women. It is considered as the ideal body figure for it features really defined curves – with full bust nearly the same size with the hips, shapely legs and very small waist.   More about Father Time Hourglass 291 Baby New Year
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father Time Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms
Qualia and Time Sense
Time perception and Sense of Time The Hourglass of Emotions Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 292, Mother Time
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The asymmetry of time, the arrow that points from past to future, plays an unmistakable role in our everyday lives: it accounts for why we cannot turn an omelet into an egg, why ice cubes never spontaneously unmelt in a glass of water, and why we remember the past but not the future. And the origin of the asymmetry we experience can be traced all the way back to the orderliness of the universe near the big bang. Every time you break an egg, you are doing observational cosmology. SEAN M. CARROLL, Scientific American, June 2008
Father Time and Mother Nature
Time-Space Relations, Spacetime Mother Nature, Mother Earth Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time? As an image “Father Time’s origins are curious”. The ancient Greeks themselves began to confuse chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attibute of a harvester’s sickle.
Symbols of Time
Hourglass 292 Mother Time post card
A Happy New Year for you!
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Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time Hourglass Collection, Collection catalog: Collection catalog 300-399Collection catalog 200-299Collection catalog 100-199Collection catalog 1-99Collection catalog, The List
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Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time
MHC Exhibitions
Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
Time History
The Hourglass, Hourglass HistoryTime symbolismHourglass symbolismHourglass CollectionMHC InstagramMHC PinterestHourglass and SkeletonThe Hourglass FigureHourglass on FlagHourglass post stampsHourglass postersHourglass TattooHub
New Times
#335 Flow away MHC Flikr Time synonyms Cyclocosmia hourglass spider The End of Time MHC hourglass figure workout MHC museum Twitter MHC Dead Sea Collection on the Mediterranean Sea What is it, Time of Life? Hourglass Figure Celebrities
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Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time Hourglass History Hourglass – measurement device The Hourglass, sand glass, sand timer or sand clock An hourglass (or sandglass, sand timer, or sand clock) is a device used to measure the intervals of time It comprises two glass bulbs connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated trickle of material (historically sand) from the upper bulb to the lower one. Factors affecting the time interval measured include sand quantity, sand coarseness, bulb size, and neck width. Hourglasses may be reused indefinitely by inverting the bulbs once the upper bulb is empty. Hourglass facts
Father Time and Mother Nature
Time-Space Relations, Spacetime Mother Nature, Mother Earth Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time? As an image “Father Time’s origins are curious”. The ancient Greeks themselves began to confuse chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester’s sickle.
Symbols of Time
Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Hourglass 265, post card Hourglass 264, Father Time, post card Hourglass 263, Father Time, post card Hourglass 262, post card, Father Time Hourglass 261, post card Hourglass 260, post card, Father Time Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 258, post card, Father Time Hourglass 256 Father Time Hourglass 257, post card Hourglass 256, post card, Father Time Hourglass 243, post card, Father Time Hourglass 236, post card, Father Time Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 134 Father Time
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum
The Hourglass Figure
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The Hourglass Figure is one of four female body shapes
The Hourglass Figure: MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Heraldry Heraldic shields show connections to a noble family but are sometimes used as a way of representing status by including trade symbols within a shield. See also:
Time symbolism
Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Time Hub The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Body Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 5 years
#344 Angel over Father Time
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344 Angel over Father Time
ANGEL OVER FATHER TIME vintage post card Father Time and Angel Baby New Year
January 1
“Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition
Time-Space Interaction
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Hourglass – symbol of Time Cards – symbol of Space “Hourglass and Cards” is “Time-Space” meta-model Hourglass and Cards meta-model keywords: Time, Space, Position, Long Life, Quality of Life, Love, Game, Creation, Biointernet
My Hourglass Collection
Collection catalog, The List, 300-399 Hourglass Collection: 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time#342 Elves and Money#341 Science Art Vintage#340 Baby New Year Hourglass339 Father Time Parade Float#338 Father Time Driving Time MachineFather Time Minstrel Mandolin #337Object #336 Vintage postal envelopeHourglass/Object #335 on MHC virtual museumHourglass #334 Grey Sand, Tall HourglassHourglass 318-333, Magic CardsHourglass 317, Magic CardHourglass 316, Magic CardHourglass 315, Magic CardHourglass 311-314, Magic CardsHourglass 310-311, Magic CardsHourglass 309, Magic CardHourglass 308, Magic CardHourglass 307, Magic CardHourglass 306, Magic CardHourglass 305, ELEMENT, Magic CardHourglass 304, Magic CardHourglass 303, Magic Card2Hourglass 302, Magic CardHourglass 301, Magic CardHourglass 300, Playing Cards
New Times
343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition
MHC Exhibitions
Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
The History
Time symbolismQualia and Time SenseThe Hourglass, Hourglass HistorySundial watchHourglass symbolismHourglass and SkeletonThe Hourglass FigureHourglass on FlagHourglass TattooHubHourglass Figure Marilyn MonroeDead Sea Collection ExhibitionWham! – Last Christmas Time MachineTime of LifeTime synonymsThe End of Time
Hourglass Figure
Beauty Bio NetThe Hourglass FigureHourglass Figure Marilyn MonroeHourglass Figure Sophia LorenHow to dress an hourglass figureHourglass body measurementsMHC hourglass figure workoutHourglass Figure CelebritiesHourglass figure #101The Hourglass Figure (2013), the movieMHC Dead Sea CollectionTime of LifeHalf an Hour for you :*Time perception or sense of time
Time-Space Family
Father Time and Mother NatureMother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother TimeFather Time ExhibitionBaby New YearTime isTime management toolsTime Travel Management Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 5 years
547 Colored Father Time and Family
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A child is a priest of the ordinary, fulfilling a sacred office that absolutely no one else can fill. The simplest gesture, the ephemeral movement, the commonest object all become precious beyond words when touched, noticed, lived by one's own dear child. MIKE MASON, The Mystery of Children Children are like paintings that start at birth with only broad genetic strokes on an otherwise blank canvas. During infancy, more distinct shapes and colors add to the complexity of the canvas. Then, in toddler-hood and during the preschool and elementary school years, more precise strokes, textures, and colors allow us to begin to see what the final work of art might look like. You are the principal artist at this stage. Eventually, your child will take over and continue to refine the work of art until it becomes a genuine self-portrait. Your messages during your children's early years are the most important contributions you will make to the masterpiece that they will become. JIM TAYLOR, Your Children Are Listening: Nine Messages They Need to Hear from You
Colored Father Time and Family #547
Colored vintage black and white photography post card pretty card Bergeret Nancy new year passage 1904 1905 false time hourglass port child old age
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Colored Father Time and Family #547 jolie carte Bergeret Nancy nouvel an passage 1904 1905 faux temps sablier port enfant vieillesse
The same Father Time Series:
Personification of Time
Father Time Exhibition Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time – Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/452-453-father-time-and-baby-new-year-b-w/
MHC Virtual Museum
MHC – My Hourglass Collection
My Hourglass Collection virtual museum about Time and Light, Space and Love, Science and Magic MHC Virtual Museum based on the Hourglass Collection virtual museum about Time and Light, Space and Magic  the Biointernet Hub on The Fantasy Network MHC Exhibitions – Dynamic Vision Board meta models https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/472-le-bonheur-a-tous-1905/ father time symbol is hourglass FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year Father Time and Mother Nature https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/father-time-and-baby-girl-new-year-mhc399/ Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/471-father-time-with-pipe/ Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/440-father-mother-baby-time/ Colored Father Time and Family Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 5 years
Father Time Exhibition
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“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu Change of days To us is sensible; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Farther in life, and nearer to our goal Not so with Time--mysterious chronicler, He knoweth not mutation--centuries Are to his being as a day, and days As centuries--Time past, and Time to come Are always equal: when the world began God had existed from eternity. HENRY KIRKE WHITE, "Time", The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White
Personification of Time
Father Time Exhibition Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
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1911 New Year Dirigible Air Ship Father Time Driving Time Machine Postcard MHC virtual museum father time symbol is hourglass
FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year
Father Time and Mother Nature
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Father Time and Mother Nature
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition
Mother Earth, Mother Nature
Baby New Year
Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
The New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. Father Time is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time?
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Father Time Exhibition
Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year! Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
father time symbol is hourglass
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Hourglass 264, Father Time, post card Hourglass 263, Father Time, post card Hourglass 262, post card, Father Time Hourglass 260, post card, Father Time Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 258, post card, Father Time Hourglass 256, post card, Father Time Hourglass 243, post card, Father Time Hourglass 236, post card, Father Time Hourglass 134 Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management MHC hourglass figure workout
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1916 Los Angeles Postcard 33rd KNIGHTS TEMPLAR CONCLAVE Father Time Parade Float
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition
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Hourglass 264, Father Time First Known Use of Father Time - 1559
What does Father Time look like?
Father Time Department at My Hourglass Collection virtual museum Symbolism of Time-Space Baby New Year Father Time and Flowers – MHC398 Stork carrying baby New Year – MHC397 Picture showing Father Time – MHC396 Girl and Father Time Z- MHC395 Father Time watching – MHC394 New Year 1910 – MHC293 Baby New Year Father Time and Flowers – MHC398 Stork carrying baby New Year – MHC397 Picture showing Father Time – MHC396 Girl and Father Time Z- MHC395 Father Time watching – MHC394 New Year 1910 – MHC293 Cupid w Father Time – MHC389 New Year Baby and Crow – MHC388 New Year Baby Waves – MHC387 New Year Baby Moon – MHC386 Baby New Year Gold Aura – MHC385 Baby New Year Big Clock – MHC384 Lady in Pink & Father Time – MHC380 LA Knight Templar Parade – MHC379 Time Machine full of Money – MHC378 Kids in an Car – MHC377 Time Machine full of Money – MHC376 Father Time Machine Kansas – MHC375 Jesus and Hourglass – MHC374 Humanized Hourglasses – MHC373 Boy in Tuxedo holding Rose – MHC372 Father time, Baby New Year, January 1 – MHC370 Kids Hug Father Time – MHC369 MHC368 – Father Times helps Baby New Year MHC367 – Father Time Watches MHC366 – Father Time rings bells MHC365 – The New Year Book MHC364 – Hourglass Gold Embossed Airbrushed MHC362 – Father Time and Calendar MHC 361 – FATHER TIME ON HIS KNEES MHC360 – Father Time and Baby New Year MHC359 #358 Angel New Year and Father Time Girl and Father Time #355 #354 Father Time, Clock and Girl #353 Santa Father Time #352 Just a Lest Word We Forget #351 Angels w Hourglass Bank of Time #350 Baby New Year stopped Father Time #349 Baby New Year playing with Father Time #348 Artist-Signed Postcard Baby New Year #347 Antique vintage leather Father Time 346 Hourglass and pocket #345 #344 Angel over Father Time
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Father Time 1888
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time The ancient Greeks began to associate chronos, word for Time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz). Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements. In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. Father Time may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. Saturn was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry.
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1910s Artist-Signed H.B. GRIGGS New Year Postcard Father Time Minstrel Mandolin The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives, aerarium of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after him. Around New Year's Eve, the media, editorial cartoons use the convenient of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). Father Time is an established symbol in numerous cultures, and appears in a variety of art and media. In some cases as Father Time, in other cases they may have another name (such as Saturn) but the characters demonstrate the attributes which Father Time has acquired over the centuries. More Wiki Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. 
Mother Earth
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature The personification of Nature; The giver and sustainer of Life. Perhaps the most ancient of all goddesses, worshiped back in prehistorical times.  Our home world, planet Earth.In Greek mythology, Gaia is Mother Earth.  Father Time symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. Mother Time, Mother Earth, Mother Nature: Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 234 Mother Time
Baby New Year
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Hourglass 235, post card Father Time and Baby New Year driving Time Machine The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. Baby New Year symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum: Hourglass 291, Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 260 Father Time and Baby New Year Hourglass 289 Baby New Year Hourglass 282 Baby New Year Hourglass 273 angel Baby New Year Hourglass 274, post card Hourglass 268, post card Hourglass 278, Baby New Year post card Hourglass 233 Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 244, post card Hourglass 246, post card Hourglass 257, post card Hourglass 230 post card father time symbol is hourglass The Hourglass, with its grains of sands constantly falling, also represents the passage of Time. The sand in the hourglass will run out, and similarly, our physical presence on the Earth will end one day. However, just like the hourglass can be turned upside down and started anew, a new generation of children can continue a family legacy. The effects of time are not wholly destructive. While physical bodies wear out over time, time also gives the gift of wisdom that can only be developed by our experiences gained over a long period of time.
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ANTIQUE VINTAGE LEATHER POSTCARD CLARINDA IOWA FATHER TIME SICKLE FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year, saturn MHC Exhibitions Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass History, Father Time The Changing Iconography of Father Time Though Saturn-Cronus, as Panofsky suggested in 1939, is the single most important influence on the Father Time of the Western World, the two have been very differently represented. They seem to have little more than age in common, and this impression is strengthened when we consider their natures. The accretions and metamorphoses — as benevolence, nudity, forelock, wings, hourglass, and scythe — which gave to Saturn the symbols that we have come to associate with Father Time are traced through a number of works including the illustrators of Petrarch, the emblem books, and Hogarth. The change that we are tracing is from a Saturn who had castrated his father and devoured his own children — the saturnine and even malevolent patron of cripples and criminals — to a Father Time who by the sixteenth century was frequently depicted as the benevolent father of Truth. Among other developments, Father Time, who had earlier taken over the symbols of Death, stands back aghast from him by the time of Quarles’ Hieroglyphikes (1638). In Hogarth’s last work Tailpiece, or the Bathos (1764), Time — now more sinned against than sinning — expires surrounded by his broken symbols. Though Father Time did not die (Cupid and he are the only characters from the old emblem books that survive), he is today a very different figure from that depicted in the earlier illustrations. The main purpose of my essay has been to delineate the changing iconography of Father Time, while a subsidiary purpose has been to relate this to important developments in technology and society. Keywords Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Fourteenth Century Full text The Changing Iconography of Father Time here
Father Time, the movie (2015)
How far would you go to save your daughter from death? Would you venture into the unknown? Would you tempt death itself? Would you give your life away? Director and Writer: Dmytro Latorets More about at IMDb
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME AND THE WEEPING VIRGIN Several versions of this topic contain different components which have been related to mythology, Judaism and Christianity; yet it is ultimately a Masonic carving. It symbolizes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things. The most common symbols are Father Time, a Virgin, a broken column, an urn, a sprig of acacia, and a book, all of which rest on the top level of three steps. Father Time is most often depicted as an old man with long hair and beard, and a pair of wings. A scythe and hourglass are symbols associated with him. The scythe represents the Divine harvest and the hourglass denotes that the sands of time bring us closer to death. As the scythe cuts the harvest, so life is ended by Father Time. He stands behind a virgin (or young woman) attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It symbolizes that with time and perseverance all things can be accomplished. The mythological Goddess Rhea is represented by a virgin or weeping woman who grieves over the loss of a loved one. Symbols differ in sculptures, the most common being an urn in her left hand and a sprig of acacia in her right hand. Acacia is an evergreen and represents the immortality of the soul. The urn is a symbol of death and was used to collect tears of the mourners. It is often shown resting on a book symbolic of the Book of Life where names of the righteous were recorded to ensure entry into Heaven. Other representations show the virgin holding a scroll which is a symbol of life. She can also be found holding a chisel or a mallet. She stands before a sundered column symbolic of a life cut short. Click here to see sculptures (Website City of Grove, Oklahoma)
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
Father Time Quotes
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. Harold Coffin Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. Laurence J. Peter  Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins. Major Taylor I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there. Flavor Flav  I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
458 Father Time and Family
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The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began, Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J. R. R. TOLKIEN, The Fellowship of the Ring “But genius, and even great talent, springs less from seeds of intellect and social refinement superior to those of other people than from the faculty of transforming and transposing them. To heat a liquid with an electric lamp requires not the strongest lamp possible, but one of which the current can cease to illuminate, can be diverted so as to give heat instead of light. To mount the skies it is not necessary to have the most powerful of motors, one must have a motor which, instead of continuing to run along the earth's surface, intersecting with a vertical line the horizontal line which it began by following, is capable of converting its speed into lifting power. Similarly, the men who produce works of genius are not those who live in the most delicate atmosphere, whose conversation is the most brilliant or their culture the most extensive, but those who have had the power, ceasing suddenly to live only for themselves, to transform their personality into a sort of mirror, in such a way that their life, however mediocre it may be socially and even, in a sense, intellectually, is reflected by it, genius consisting in reflecting power and not int he intrinsic quality of the scene reflected.”  ― Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove, Part 2
458 Father Time and Family
1905 said goodbye to 1904 children hourglass clock old man faux bergeret 1905 dit au revoir a 1904 enfants horloge sablier vieillard faux bergeret
The same Father Time Series:
https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/452-453-father-time-and-baby-new-year-b-w/ See also: Time symbolism, Time is…, The Full History of Time, Time in physics and time Science, Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer, Time and Text, DADA Time, Text, Time, MHC, Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life, The End of Time, Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church, Hourglass – symbol of Death, Death does not Exist, Hourglass and Skeleton, “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition, Father and Mother of Time, Time Hub, Time Philosophy, Time synonyms, Qualia and Time Sense, Time perception and Sense of Time, The Hourglass of Emotions, Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management, The Hourglass, Hourglass History, Hourglass symbolism, Hourglass Figure, Hourglass Tattoo, Symbols of Time, Beauty Bio-Net, Father Time Department, Father Time and Mother Nature, Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases, Time Management, Time Management tools MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/440-father-mother-baby-time/
MHC Exhibitions – Dynamic Vision Board meta-models
Welcome to Exhibitions at MHC Virtual Museum! Authors: Adam Pierce, Oleg Bazhenov, Lena Rhomberg, Kirill Korotkov, Anton Fokin, Petr Mihailov, Rustam Adyukov and other MHC Exhibitions:Personification of Time – Father Time ExhibitionBeauty Bio Net – Dynamic Vision Board Mental ModelHourglass and Cards – Die Welt als Wille und VorstellungArt Glass by Anton FokinThe Full History of Time3D Hand Made – 3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia LorenHourglass Figure Marilyn MonroeDead Sea Collection Exhibition https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/father-time-and-baby-girl-new-year-mhc399/ 458 Father Time and Family Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 5 years
458 Father Time and Family
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The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began, Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say. J. R. R. TOLKIEN, The Fellowship of the Ring “But genius, and even great talent, springs less from seeds of intellect and social refinement superior to those of other people than from the faculty of transforming and transposing them. To heat a liquid with an electric lamp requires not the strongest lamp possible, but one of which the current can cease to illuminate, can be diverted so as to give heat instead of light. To mount the skies it is not necessary to have the most powerful of motors, one must have a motor which, instead of continuing to run along the earth's surface, intersecting with a vertical line the horizontal line which it began by following, is capable of converting its speed into lifting power. Similarly, the men who produce works of genius are not those who live in the most delicate atmosphere, whose conversation is the most brilliant or their culture the most extensive, but those who have had the power, ceasing suddenly to live only for themselves, to transform their personality into a sort of mirror, in such a way that their life, however mediocre it may be socially and even, in a sense, intellectually, is reflected by it, genius consisting in reflecting power and not int he intrinsic quality of the scene reflected.”  ― Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove, Part 2
458 Father Time and Family
1905 said goodbye to 1904 children hourglass clock old man faux bergeret 1905 dit au revoir a 1904 enfants horloge sablier vieillard faux bergeret
The same Father Time Series:
https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/452-453-father-time-and-baby-new-year-b-w/ See also: Time symbolism, Time is…, The Full History of Time, Time in physics and time Science, Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer, Time and Text, DADA Time, Text, Time, MHC, Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life, The End of Time, Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church, Hourglass – symbol of Death, Death does not Exist, Hourglass and Skeleton, “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition, Father and Mother of Time, Time Hub, Time Philosophy, Time synonyms, Qualia and Time Sense, Time perception and Sense of Time, The Hourglass of Emotions, Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management, The Hourglass, Hourglass History, Hourglass symbolism, Hourglass Figure, Hourglass Tattoo, Symbols of Time, Beauty Bio-Net, Father Time Department, Father Time and Mother Nature, Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases, Time Management, Time Management tools MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/440-father-mother-baby-time/
MHC Exhibitions – Dynamic Vision Board meta-models
Welcome to Exhibitions at MHC Virtual Museum! Authors: Adam Pierce, Oleg Bazhenov, Lena Rhomberg, Kirill Korotkov, Anton Fokin, Petr Mihailov, Rustam Adyukov and other MHC Exhibitions:Personification of Time – Father Time ExhibitionBeauty Bio Net – Dynamic Vision Board Mental ModelHourglass and Cards – Die Welt als Wille und VorstellungArt Glass by Anton FokinThe Full History of Time3D Hand Made – 3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia LorenHourglass Figure Marilyn MonroeDead Sea Collection Exhibition https://www.myhourglasscollection.com/father-time-and-baby-girl-new-year-mhc399/ 458 Father Time and Family Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 5 years
Father Time and Mother Nature
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Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time? Mother Earth? Baby New Year? Time-Space Relations, Spacetime Mother Nature, Mother Earth Time-Space Family Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. Baby New Year is a child of Father Time and Mother Earth.
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Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition
soon at MHC virtual museum Why is it called Father Time? As an image "Father Time's origins are curious". The ancient Greeks themselves began to confuse chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attibute of a harvester's sickle.
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently.
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce Father Time – Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass MHC virtual museum
FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year
What does Father Time look like? When you see Father Time, he usually looks like a very old man with a long white beard. He often wears a shabby robe and carries both a scythe and an hourglass or some other timekeeping device. ... The ancient Greeks often referred to Saturn as Kronos or Chronos, which means “time."
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Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Mother Nature (sometimes known as Mother Earth or the Earth-Mother) is a Greco-Roman personification of nature that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the mother. Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Western tradition history
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Mother Nature image, 17th century alchemical text, Atalanta Fugiens The word "nature" comes from the Latin word, "natura", meaning birth or character. In English, its first recorded use (in the sense of the entirety of the phenomena of the world) was in 1266. "Natura" and the personification of Mother Nature were widely popular in the Middle Ages. As a concept, seated between the properly divine and the human, it can be traced to Ancient Greece, though Earth may have been personified as a goddess. The various myths of nature goddesses such as Inanna/Ishtar (myths and hymns attested on Mesopotamian tablets as early as the 3rd millennium BC) show that the personification of the creative and nurturing sides of nature as female deities has deep roots. In Greece, the pre-Socratic philosophers had "invented" nature when they abstracted the entirety of phenomena of the world as singular: physis, and this was inherited by Aristotle. Later medieval Christian thinkers did not see nature as inclusive of everything, but thought that she had been created by God; her place lay on earth, below the unchanging heavens and moon. Nature lay somewhere in the center, with agents above her (angels), and below her (demons and hell). For the medieval mind she was only a personification, not a goddess. More about Mother Earth on Wiki. Father Time and Mother Nature Hourglass 265, post card Hourglass 264, Father Time, post card Hourglass 263, Father Time, post card Hourglass 262, post card, Father Time Hourglass 261, post card Hourglass 260, post card, Father Time Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 258, post card, Father Time Hourglass 256 Father Time Hourglass 257, post card Hourglass 256, post card, Father Time
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Time Hourglass 243, post card, Father Time Father Time is the personification of Time. In recent centuries he is usually depicted as an elderly bearded man, sometimes with wings, dressed in a robe and carrying a scythe and an hourglass or other timekeeping device - Hourglass (which represents time's constant one-way movement, and more generally and abstractly, entropy). Hourglass 243, post card, Father Time As an image "Father Time's origins are curious". The ancient Greeks themselves began to confuse Chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. He may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Father Time and Mother Nature Hourglass 236, post card, Father Time
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Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time Hourglass, Sand Clock, Sand Watch, Egg Timer, Sablier, Sanduhr, Reloj de arena, الساعة الرملية, Rellotge de sorra, přesýpací hodiny, velago, itula tioata, Clessidra, 砂時計, timeglass, Zandloper, Timglas, Isikhwama, Soatglass, MHC Magic New Year New Year - Around New Year's Eve, the media (in particular editorial cartoons) use the convenient trope of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year (or "the New Year") or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time (in his allegorical form) is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). More about Father Time on Wiki.
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 134 Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management Hourglass 234 Mother Time MHC hourglass figure workout
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Hourglass 262, post card, Father Time on My Hourglass Collection Hourglass, Sand Clock, Sand Watch, Egg Timer, Sablier, Sanduhr, Reloj de arena, الساعة الرملية, Rellotge de sorra, přesýpací hodiny, velago, itula tioata, Clessidra, 砂時計, timeglass, Zandloper, Timglas, Isikhwama, Soatglass, MHC Magic Father Time The personification of Time and the more friendly version of the Grim Reaper. Typically pictured as an old man with a white beard and oft times carrying a scythe and hourglass. In ancient times he was known as Chronus or Saturn.  Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork.  He symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. See also:
Time symbolism
Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Body Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Mother Time Hourglasses Father of Time Hourglasses Charlotte's Web (1973). Charlotte's Web is a 1973 American animated musical drama film produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and based upon the 1952 children's book of the same name by E. B. White. Directed by Charles Nichols, Iwao Takamoto. Music by Richard M.Sherman, Robert B. Sherman, Irwin Kostal.
Time symbolism
What is the symbol of time? Symbol of Time – The Hourglass Time symbolism – What is the symbol of time? My Hourglass Collection – Time and Hourglass History and Symbolism. Welcome to MHC Virtual Museum! Father Time and Mother Nature The Death Does Not Exist Hourglass Sephora Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren Hourglass body measurements Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life Text, Time, MHC Hourglass – Sablier, Sanduhr, Stundenglas, Reloj de arena, الساعة الرملية, Rellotge de sorra, přesýpací hodiny, velago, itula tioata, Clessidra, 砂時計, timeglass, Zandloper, Timglas, Isikhwama, Soatglass Time in physics and time Science? MHC YouTube channel Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Create Ma, Upgrade Ma A New Theory On Time Read the full article
0 notes
biointernet · 4 years
Father Time Exhibition
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Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu Change of days To us is sensible; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Farther in life, and nearer to our goal Not so with Time--mysterious chronicler, He knoweth not mutation--centuries Are to his being as a day, and days As centuries--Time past, and Time to come Are always equal: when the world began God had existed from eternity. HENRY KIRKE WHITE, "Time", The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
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1911 New Year Dirigible Air Ship Father Time Driving Time Machine Postcard MHC virtual museum father time symbol is hourglass FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year Father Time and Mother Nature Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine times that of Earth. It only has one-eighth the average density of Earth; however, with its larger volume, Saturn is over 95 times more massive. Saturn is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture; its astronomical symbol (♄) represents the god's sickle. Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
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Father Time and Mother Nature Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum The New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. Father Time is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time?
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Father Time Exhibition Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year! Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
father time symbol is hourglass
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum 560 Leather Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management MHC hourglass figure workout
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition First Known Use of Father Time - 1559
What does Father Time look like?
Father Time Department at My Hourglass Collection virtual museum Symbolism of Time-Space
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time The ancient Greeks began to associate chronos, word for Time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz). Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements. Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum
Leather Father Time
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Leather Father Time In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. Father Time may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. Saturn was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives, aerarium of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after him. Around New Year's Eve, the media, editorial cartoons use the convenient of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). Father Time is an established symbol in numerous cultures, and appears in a variety of art and media. In some cases as Father Time, in other cases they may have another name (such as Saturn) but the characters demonstrate the attributes which Father Time has acquired over the centuries. More Wiki Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. 
Mother Earth
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature The personification of Nature; The giver and sustainer of Life. Perhaps the most ancient of all goddesses, worshiped back in prehistorical times.  Our home world, planet Earth.In Greek mythology, Gaia is Mother Earth.  Father Time symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. Mother Time, Mother Earth, Mother Nature: Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time
Baby New Year
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Hourglass 235, post card Father Time and Baby New Year driving Time Machine Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. Baby New Year symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum: Hourglass 291, Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 260 Father Time and Baby New Year father time symbol is hourglass The Hourglass, with its grains of sands constantly falling, also represents the passage of Time. The sand in the hourglass will run out, and similarly, our physical presence on the Earth will end one day. However, just like the hourglass can be turned upside down and started anew, a new generation of children can continue a family legacy. The effects of time are not wholly destructive. While physical bodies wear out over time, time also gives the gift of wisdom that can only be developed by our experiences gained over a long period of time. FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year, saturn MHC Exhibitions Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass History, Father Time The Changing Iconography of Father Time Though Saturn-Cronus, as Panofsky suggested in 1939, is the single most important influence on the Father Time of the Western World, the two have been very differently represented. They seem to have little more than age in common, and this impression is strengthened when we consider their natures. The accretions and metamorphoses — as benevolence, nudity, forelock, wings, hourglass, and scythe — which gave to Saturn the symbols that we have come to associate with Father Time are traced through a number of works including the illustrators of Petrarch, the emblem books, and Hogarth. The change that we are tracing is from a Saturn who had castrated his father and devoured his own children — the saturnine and even malevolent patron of cripples and criminals — to a Father Time who by the sixteenth century was frequently depicted as the benevolent father of Truth. Among other developments, Father Time, who had earlier taken over the symbols of Death, stands back aghast from him by the time of Quarles’ Hieroglyphikes (1638). In Hogarth’s last work Tailpiece, or the Bathos (1764), Time — now more sinned against than sinning — expires surrounded by his broken symbols. Though Father Time did not die (Cupid and he are the only characters from the old emblem books that survive), he is today a very different figure from that depicted in the earlier illustrations. The main purpose of my essay has been to delineate the changing iconography of Father Time, while a subsidiary purpose has been to relate this to important developments in technology and society. Keywords Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Fourteenth Century Full text The Changing Iconography of Father Time here Father Time, the movie (2015) How far would you go to save your daughter from death? Would you venture into the unknown? Would you tempt death itself? Would you give your life away? Director and Writer: Dmytro Latorets More about at IMDb
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME AND THE WEEPING VIRGIN Several versions of this topic contain different components which have been related to mythology, Judaism and Christianity; yet it is ultimately a Masonic carving. It symbolizes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things. The most common symbols are Father Time, a Virgin, a broken column, an urn, a sprig of acacia, and a book, all of which rest on the top level of three steps. Father Time is most often depicted as an old man with long hair and beard, and a pair of wings. A scythe and hourglass are symbols associated with him. The scythe represents the Divine harvest and the hourglass denotes that the sands of time bring us closer to death. As the scythe cuts the harvest, so life is ended by Father Time. He stands behind a virgin (or young woman) attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It symbolizes that with time and perseverance all things can be accomplished. The mythological Goddess Rhea is represented by a virgin or weeping woman who grieves over the loss of a loved one. Symbols differ in sculptures, the most common being an urn in her left hand and a sprig of acacia in her right hand. Acacia is an evergreen and represents the immortality of the soul. The urn is a symbol of death and was used to collect tears of the mourners. It is often shown resting on a book symbolic of the Book of Life where names of the righteous were recorded to ensure entry into Heaven. Other representations show the virgin holding a scroll which is a symbol of life. She can also be found holding a chisel or a mallet. She stands before a sundered column symbolic of a life cut short. Click here to see sculptures (Website City of Grove, Oklahoma)
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
Father Time Quotes
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. Harold Coffin Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. Laurence J. Peter  Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins. Major Taylor I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there. Flavor Flav  I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells Leather Father Time Father Time Department at MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Father Time Exhibition
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“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu Change of days To us is sensible; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Farther in life, and nearer to our goal Not so with Time--mysterious chronicler, He knoweth not mutation--centuries Are to his being as a day, and days As centuries--Time past, and Time to come Are always equal: when the world began God had existed from eternity. HENRY KIRKE WHITE, "Time", The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
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1911 New Year Dirigible Air Ship Father Time Driving Time Machine Postcard MHC virtual museum father time symbol is hourglass FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year Father Time and Mother Nature
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Father Time and Mother Nature Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum The New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. Father Time is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time?
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Father Time Exhibition Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year! Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
father time symbol is hourglass
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum 560 Leather Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management MHC hourglass figure workout
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition First Known Use of Father Time - 1559
What does Father Time look like?
Father Time Department at My Hourglass Collection virtual museum Symbolism of Time-Space
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time The ancient Greeks began to associate chronos, word for Time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz). Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements.
Leather Father Time
In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. Father Time may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. Saturn was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives, aerarium of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after him. Around New Year's Eve, the media, editorial cartoons use the convenient of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). Father Time is an established symbol in numerous cultures, and appears in a variety of art and media. In some cases as Father Time, in other cases they may have another name (such as Saturn) but the characters demonstrate the attributes which Father Time has acquired over the centuries. More Wiki Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. 
Mother Earth
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature The personification of Nature; The giver and sustainer of Life. Perhaps the most ancient of all goddesses, worshiped back in prehistorical times.  Our home world, planet Earth.In Greek mythology, Gaia is Mother Earth.  Father Time symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. Mother Time, Mother Earth, Mother Nature: Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time
Baby New Year
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Hourglass 235, post card Father Time and Baby New Year driving Time Machine The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. Baby New Year symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum: Hourglass 291, Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 260 Father Time and Baby New Year father time symbol is hourglass The Hourglass, with its grains of sands constantly falling, also represents the passage of Time. The sand in the hourglass will run out, and similarly, our physical presence on the Earth will end one day. However, just like the hourglass can be turned upside down and started anew, a new generation of children can continue a family legacy. The effects of time are not wholly destructive. While physical bodies wear out over time, time also gives the gift of wisdom that can only be developed by our experiences gained over a long period of time.
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Leather Father Time FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year, saturn MHC Exhibitions Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass History, Father Time The Changing Iconography of Father Time Though Saturn-Cronus, as Panofsky suggested in 1939, is the single most important influence on the Father Time of the Western World, the two have been very differently represented. They seem to have little more than age in common, and this impression is strengthened when we consider their natures. The accretions and metamorphoses — as benevolence, nudity, forelock, wings, hourglass, and scythe — which gave to Saturn the symbols that we have come to associate with Father Time are traced through a number of works including the illustrators of Petrarch, the emblem books, and Hogarth. The change that we are tracing is from a Saturn who had castrated his father and devoured his own children — the saturnine and even malevolent patron of cripples and criminals — to a Father Time who by the sixteenth century was frequently depicted as the benevolent father of Truth. Among other developments, Father Time, who had earlier taken over the symbols of Death, stands back aghast from him by the time of Quarles’ Hieroglyphikes (1638). In Hogarth’s last work Tailpiece, or the Bathos (1764), Time — now more sinned against than sinning — expires surrounded by his broken symbols. Though Father Time did not die (Cupid and he are the only characters from the old emblem books that survive), he is today a very different figure from that depicted in the earlier illustrations. The main purpose of my essay has been to delineate the changing iconography of Father Time, while a subsidiary purpose has been to relate this to important developments in technology and society. Keywords Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Fourteenth Century Full text The Changing Iconography of Father Time here Father Time, the movie (2015) How far would you go to save your daughter from death? Would you venture into the unknown? Would you tempt death itself? Would you give your life away? Director and Writer: Dmytro Latorets More about at IMDb
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME AND THE WEEPING VIRGIN Several versions of this topic contain different components which have been related to mythology, Judaism and Christianity; yet it is ultimately a Masonic carving. It symbolizes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things. The most common symbols are Father Time, a Virgin, a broken column, an urn, a sprig of acacia, and a book, all of which rest on the top level of three steps. Father Time is most often depicted as an old man with long hair and beard, and a pair of wings. A scythe and hourglass are symbols associated with him. The scythe represents the Divine harvest and the hourglass denotes that the sands of time bring us closer to death. As the scythe cuts the harvest, so life is ended by Father Time. He stands behind a virgin (or young woman) attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It symbolizes that with time and perseverance all things can be accomplished. The mythological Goddess Rhea is represented by a virgin or weeping woman who grieves over the loss of a loved one. Symbols differ in sculptures, the most common being an urn in her left hand and a sprig of acacia in her right hand. Acacia is an evergreen and represents the immortality of the soul. The urn is a symbol of death and was used to collect tears of the mourners. It is often shown resting on a book symbolic of the Book of Life where names of the righteous were recorded to ensure entry into Heaven. Other representations show the virgin holding a scroll which is a symbol of life. She can also be found holding a chisel or a mallet. She stands before a sundered column symbolic of a life cut short. Click here to see sculptures (Website City of Grove, Oklahoma)
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
Father Time Quotes
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. Harold Coffin Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. Laurence J. Peter  Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins. Major Taylor I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there. Flavor Flav  I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells Leather Father Time Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 291, Baby New Year
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Thinking about time is to acknowledge two contradictory certainties: that our outward lives are governed by the seasons and the clock; that our inward lives are governed by something much less regular -- an imaginative impulse cutting through the dictates of daily time, and leaving us free to ignore the boundaries of here and now and pass like lightning along the coil of pure time, that is, the circle of the universe and whatever it does or does not contain. JEANETTE WINTERSON, Sexing the Cherry Hourglass 291 - vintage post card - Baby New Year New Year vintage post card. Angel , Sun and Big Gold Hourglass.
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Hourglass 291 post card on My Hourglass Collection
The Hourglass, Hourglass History
Hourglass – measurement device An hourglass (or sandglass, sand timer, or sand clock) is a device used to measure the intervals of time. It comprises two glass bulbs connected vertically by a narrow neck that allows a regulated trickle of material (historically sand) from the upper bulb to the lower one. Factors affecting the time interval measured include sand quantity, sand coarseness, bulb size, and neck width. Hourglasses may be reused indefinitely by inverting the bulbs once the upper bulb is empty. Before it became the symbol of a program stalling on your PC, the hourglass spent centuries as the representation of mortality and an emblem of the sciences. Much more than a symbol, of course, it also kept track of time in the pre-Swatch Era. See Time symbolism, Hourglass symbolism.
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Hourglass 291 post card
Contemporary Time Management
Time management is a meta-activity (working with meta-model) with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time, as time itself cannot be managed because it is fixed.  Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a juggling act of various demands of study, social life, employment, family, and personal interests and commitments with the finiteness of time.  Time management tools: The Biointernet Mirror (Mirror of Joy)BLAGA SystemThe Biointernet MaskFiles with Functions (For example: Beauty Bio Net Exhibition – 3DHM Dynamic Vision Board Mental Model by Lena Rhomberg and Adam Pierce) The hourglass body figure is the ultimate dream of many women. It is considered as the ideal body figure for it features really defined curves – with full bust nearly the same size with the hips, shapely legs and very small waist.   More about Father Time Hourglass 291 Baby New Year
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father Time Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms
Qualia and Time Sense
Time perception and Sense of Time The Hourglass of Emotions Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Father Time Exhibition
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“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.” ― Lao Tzu Change of days To us is sensible; and each revolve Of the recording sun conducts us on Farther in life, and nearer to our goal Not so with Time--mysterious chronicler, He knoweth not mutation--centuries Are to his being as a day, and days As centuries--Time past, and Time to come Are always equal: when the world began God had existed from eternity. HENRY KIRKE WHITE, "Time", The Poetical Works of Henry Kirke White
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time Father Time, Kronos, Cronus, Cronos, Saturn Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
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1911 New Year Dirigible Air Ship Father Time Driving Time Machine Postcard MHC virtual museum father time symbol is hourglass FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year Father Time and Mother Nature
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Father Time and Mother Nature Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum The New Year marks the arrival of Father Time to take away the old year. Father Time is often depicted bearded, wearing a cloak, carrying a scythe and an hourglass. Sometimes accompanied by a crow, often Father Time’s companion is Baby New Year. In some renderings he is winged. His arrival marks an end of time and sometimes the death of an era. Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time?
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Father Time Exhibition Father Time - Time personified as an old bearded man, usually carrying a scythe and an hourglass Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year! Dynamic Vision Board Meta Model by Adam Pierce
father time symbol is hourglass
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum 560 Leather Father Time Time synonyms The End of Time Time Travel Management MHC hourglass figure workout
Symbols of Time
In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model which fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. Spacetime diagrams can be used to visualize relativistic effects, such as why different observers perceive where and when events occur differently. 343 Angel Baby Whispers to Father Time #342 Elves and Money #341 Science Art Vintage #340 Baby New Year Hourglass #339 Father Time Parade Float #338 Father Time Driving Time Machine Father Time Minstrel Mandolin #337 Baby New Year Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Father Time Exhibition First Known Use of Father Time - 1559
What does Father Time look like?
Father Time Department at My Hourglass Collection virtual museum Symbolism of Time-Space
Father Time Exhibition
Personification of Time The ancient Greeks began to associate chronos, word for Time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle. The Romans equated Cronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle, and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch. In ancient Hebrew, Saturn is called 'Shabbathai'. Its angel is Cassiel. Its intelligence or beneficial spirit is Agiel (layga) and its spirit (darker aspect) is Zazel (lzaz). Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star. This was based on Five Elements which were traditionally used to classify natural elements.
Leather Father Time
In Ottoman Turkish, Urdu and Malay, its name is 'Zuhal', derived from Arabic. The wings and hour-glass were early Renaissance additions, and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. Father Time may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. Saturn is a god in ancient Roman religion, and a character in Roman mythology. Saturn was described as a god of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn's mythological reign was depicted as a Golden Age of plenty and peace. After the Roman conquest of Greece, he was conflated with the Greek titan Cronus, becoming known as a god of time. Saturn's consort was his sister Ops, with whom he fathered Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Juno, Ceres and Vesta. Saturn was especially celebrated during the festival of Saturnalia each December, perhaps the most famous of the Roman festivals, a time of feasting, role reversals, free speech, gift-giving and revelry. The Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum housed the state treasury and archives, aerarium of the Roman Republic and the early Roman Empire. The planet Saturn and the day of the week Saturday are both named after him. Around New Year's Eve, the media, editorial cartoons use the convenient of Father Time as the personification of the previous year (or "the Old Year") who typically "hands over" the duties of time to the equally allegorical Baby New Year or who otherwise characterizes the preceding year. In these depictions, Father Time is usually depicted wearing a sash with the old year's date on it. Time is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth). Father Time is an established symbol in numerous cultures, and appears in a variety of art and media. In some cases as Father Time, in other cases they may have another name (such as Saturn) but the characters demonstrate the attributes which Father Time has acquired over the centuries. More Wiki Father Time is married to Mother Earth; just as the Grim Reaper, the personification of Death, is married to Life who pictured as a young lady in artwork. 
Mother Earth
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Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature The personification of Nature; The giver and sustainer of Life. Perhaps the most ancient of all goddesses, worshiped back in prehistorical times.  Our home world, planet Earth.In Greek mythology, Gaia is Mother Earth.  Father Time symbolizes the flow of time and its effects. His old body is a reminder that time is the devourer of all things and that, like the sand in the hourglass he often carries, his life will run out, as all good things come to an end. Mother Time, Mother Earth, Mother Nature: Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Time
Baby New Year
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Hourglass 235, post card Father Time and Baby New Year driving Time Machine The Baby New Year is a personification of the start of the New Year commonly seen in editorial cartoons. Baby New Year symbolizes the "birth" of the next year and the "passing" of the prior year; in other words, a "rebirth". Baby New Year's purpose varies by myth, but he generally performs some sort of ceremonial duty over the course of his year such as chronicling the year's events or presiding over the year as a symbol. The first baby born in any village or city in a certain year may be honored by being labeled as the official Baby New Year for that year Baby New Year at MHC virtual museum: Hourglass 291, Baby New Year Hourglass 235 A Happy New Year Hourglass 260 Father Time and Baby New Year father time symbol is hourglass The Hourglass, with its grains of sands constantly falling, also represents the passage of Time. The sand in the hourglass will run out, and similarly, our physical presence on the Earth will end one day. However, just like the hourglass can be turned upside down and started anew, a new generation of children can continue a family legacy. The effects of time are not wholly destructive. While physical bodies wear out over time, time also gives the gift of wisdom that can only be developed by our experiences gained over a long period of time.
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Leather Father Time FATHER TIME, father time symbol, father time images, old father time, father time is grim reaper, father time mother nature, father time statue, father time vintage, baby new year, saturn MHC Exhibitions Exhibitions:Beauty Bio NetHourglass and CardsArt GlassMHC Dead Sea CollectionThe Full History of Time3DHM ExhibitionHourglass Figure Sophia Loren
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Hourglass History, Father Time The Changing Iconography of Father Time Though Saturn-Cronus, as Panofsky suggested in 1939, is the single most important influence on the Father Time of the Western World, the two have been very differently represented. They seem to have little more than age in common, and this impression is strengthened when we consider their natures. The accretions and metamorphoses — as benevolence, nudity, forelock, wings, hourglass, and scythe — which gave to Saturn the symbols that we have come to associate with Father Time are traced through a number of works including the illustrators of Petrarch, the emblem books, and Hogarth. The change that we are tracing is from a Saturn who had castrated his father and devoured his own children — the saturnine and even malevolent patron of cripples and criminals — to a Father Time who by the sixteenth century was frequently depicted as the benevolent father of Truth. Among other developments, Father Time, who had earlier taken over the symbols of Death, stands back aghast from him by the time of Quarles’ Hieroglyphikes (1638). In Hogarth’s last work Tailpiece, or the Bathos (1764), Time — now more sinned against than sinning — expires surrounded by his broken symbols. Though Father Time did not die (Cupid and he are the only characters from the old emblem books that survive), he is today a very different figure from that depicted in the earlier illustrations. The main purpose of my essay has been to delineate the changing iconography of Father Time, while a subsidiary purpose has been to relate this to important developments in technology and society. Keywords Seventeenth Century, Sixteenth Century, Fifteenth Century, Fourteenth Century Full text The Changing Iconography of Father Time here Father Time, the movie (2015) How far would you go to save your daughter from death? Would you venture into the unknown? Would you tempt death itself? Would you give your life away? Director and Writer: Dmytro Latorets More about at IMDb
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time
Father Time and Mother Nature
Father Time Exhibition soon at MHC virtual museum FATHER TIME AND THE WEEPING VIRGIN Several versions of this topic contain different components which have been related to mythology, Judaism and Christianity; yet it is ultimately a Masonic carving. It symbolizes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things. The most common symbols are Father Time, a Virgin, a broken column, an urn, a sprig of acacia, and a book, all of which rest on the top level of three steps. Father Time is most often depicted as an old man with long hair and beard, and a pair of wings. A scythe and hourglass are symbols associated with him. The scythe represents the Divine harvest and the hourglass denotes that the sands of time bring us closer to death. As the scythe cuts the harvest, so life is ended by Father Time. He stands behind a virgin (or young woman) attempting to untangle the ringlets of her hair. It symbolizes that with time and perseverance all things can be accomplished. The mythological Goddess Rhea is represented by a virgin or weeping woman who grieves over the loss of a loved one. Symbols differ in sculptures, the most common being an urn in her left hand and a sprig of acacia in her right hand. Acacia is an evergreen and represents the immortality of the soul. The urn is a symbol of death and was used to collect tears of the mourners. It is often shown resting on a book symbolic of the Book of Life where names of the righteous were recorded to ensure entry into Heaven. Other representations show the virgin holding a scroll which is a symbol of life. She can also be found holding a chisel or a mallet. She stands before a sundered column symbolic of a life cut short. Click here to see sculptures (Website City of Grove, Oklahoma)
Time-Space Trinity: Father Time, Mother Nature and Baby New Year
Father Time and Mother Nature Father Time Exhibition Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Time Baby New Year Father Time Department at MHC virtual museum
Father Time Quotes
Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature. Harold Coffin Every girl should use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away. Laurence J. Peter  Each great athlete must some day bow to that perennial old champion, Father Time, even as I, for Time eventually wins. Major Taylor I try and spend a lot of time with my kids. I try and have fun with my kids. I try to put father time in there. Flavor Flav  I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells Leather Father Time Read the full article
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biointernet · 5 years
Hourglass 266 Father Time
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Day by day Time rolls the scroll of Life, Yet man heeds not in worldly strife The vanished years, till Death demands his claim-- The mound-lines of the clay that mark his name. HARRIET MAXWELL CONVERSE, "Day by Day"
Hourglass 266
Hourglass post card Father Time
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Hourglass 266 Father Time Time management tools: The Biointernet Mirror (Mirror of Joy)BLAGA SystemThe Biointernet MaskFiles with Functions (For example: Beauty Bio Net Exhibition – 3DHM Dynamic Vision Board Mental Model by Lena Rhomberg and Adam Pierce) Father and Mother of Time (Mother Nature)
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Time travel is the traveling between certain points in time, analogous to movement between different points in space
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Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Time Symbolism, or time semiotics as it’s known in technical circles, plays such a large part in human communication because people are constantly looking for deeper meaning.  Whether it’s in the stars, drawn on a cave wall or in the newest visual content, we add such meaning to our communication through the use and interpretation of signs. SYMBOLIC TIME is understood to be the temporal form that organizes the symbols of a religious system into an order of periodicity.
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Hourglass 266 Father Time Hourglass Body or Hourglass figure The hourglass is one of four female body shapes. The hourglass body figure is the ultimate dream of many women. It is considered as the ideal body figure for it features really defined curves – with full bust nearly the same size with the hips, shapely legs and very small waist. 
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Hourglass 266, post card3, Father Time Hourglass symbolism Ancient alchemists recognized the concept of balance in the hourglass. Its very shape is made up of triangles balancing each other out. Alchemists interpreted these triangles as representing two aspects of nature: the upper being the sky and the lower equating with Earth.
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Hourglass Tattoo The ancient alchemists held a very unique association to the hourglass. The top half of the hourglass was seen as the sky, where the bottom half was representative of earth.
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Hourglass 266 Father Time Hourglass Sets: Hourglass Magic Cards SeriesHourglass matchboxes setKRTK Series setHourglasses on the beach setHourglass wooden setHourglass Toy SetSwarovski GOLD MemoriesHourglass Post Stamps setHourglass Posters Information about Hourglass: Hourglass TattooHourglass BodyHourglass on FlagMasonic HourglassFather and Mother of Time Hourglass, Sand Clock, Sand Watch, Egg Timer, Sablier, Sanduhr, Reloj de arena, الساعة الرملية, Rellotge de sorra, přesýpací hodiny, velago, itula tioata, Clessidra, 砂時計, timeglass, Zandloper, Timglas, Isikhwama, Soatglass, MHC Magic, Time, Time is, Time symbolism, Time management My Hourglass Collection Virtual Museum!
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My Hourglass Collection, Qumran Hourglass Collection, Collection catalog: Collection catalog 300-399Collection catalog 200-299Collection catalog 100-199 Collection catalog 1-99Collection catalog, The List Hourglass facts
Father Time and Mother Nature
Time-Space Relations, Spacetime Mother Nature, Mother Earth Time-Space Family Why is it called Father Time? As an image “Father Time’s origins are curious”. The ancient Greeks themselves began to confuse chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester’s sickle.
Symbols of Time
Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 266, post card, Father Time Hourglass 265, post card Hourglass 264, Father Time, post card Hourglass 263, Father Time, post card Hourglass 262, post card, Father Time Hourglass 261, post card Hourglass 260, post card, Father Time Hourglass 259, post card, Father Time Hourglass 258, post card, Father Time Hourglass 256 Father Time Hourglass 257, post card Hourglass 256, post card, Father Time Hourglass 243, post card, Father Time Hourglass 236, post card, Father Time Hourglass 293 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 292 post card, Mother Nature Hourglass 134 Father Time
See also:
Time symbolism
Time is… The Full History of Time Time in physics and time Science Symbolism of Melencolia I by Albrecht Dürer Time and Text
Text, Time, MHC Extinction Rebellion – Time against Life The End of Time Hourglass and Death on St Thomas’ Church Hourglass – symbol of Death Death does not Exist Hourglass and Skeleton “Hourglass and Cards” Exhibition Father and Mother of Time Time Hub Time Philosophy Time synonyms Time perception and Sense of Time Time Travel + Time Management = Time Travel Management The Hourglass, Hourglass History Hourglass symbolism Hourglass Figure Hourglass Tattoo Symbols of Time Beauty Bio-Net Father Time Department Father Time and Mother Nature Lunar calendar and Moon’s phases Time Management Time Management tools Time Travel Management MHC SM: MHC Flikr, MHC Pinterest, MHC Facebook, MHC Instagram, MHC YouTube, MHC Twitter
The Hourglass Figure:
MHC Exhibitions: Hourglass Figure Sophia Loren by Adam PierceHourglass Figure Marilyn Monroe About Hourglass Body or Hourglass Figure Hourglass body measurements – body shape online calculator Hourglass Figure Celebrities on MHC Hourglass Figure, the movie MHC hourglass figure workout by Marten Sport Hourglass Figure Department on MHC Virtual Museum Read the full article
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