#Father like Daughter (Yandere MTP series)
fancyfeathers · 26 days
Father Like Daughter (Yandere William James Moriarty and his darling having a genius daughter)
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The day Albert is arrested is the same day Andrei becomes the new Earl Moriarty. The night of William’s death and the manor is set ablaze by Albert, all the children and the darlings of William, Louis, and Albert get out when they are told to and gave to watch the life they knew burn up into ashes, but when Albert comes out to make sure they all are okay before having them taken to somewhere safe until the chaos is over, they are gone. Eloise and Andrei predicted this may happen with this last plan, so they packed suitcases in the garden shed so that when it was time to watch the flames rise they could run and not look back but no one knew where they went and Albert feared that his darling and family may have perished in the fire.
So when Albert stands in Mycroft’s office before he is to be imprisoned he asks Mycroft to look for his children and before Mycroft can even respond a new set of footsteps enters the room. Both Albert Mycroft look to see Andrei, dressed in fine clothes like an adult, clearly no longer a child. Albert immediately asks his eldest where are his sisters and cousins and Andrei tells him that they were staying with the young gentleman Eloise had been courting, but not like it mattered because none of them could sleep.
“I suppose as you know with your father’s arrest you shall become the new Earl Moriarty, and the Moriartys shall be treated the same it does the Holmes- as families who must shoulder the weight of sins and crimes-“
“No, I refuse to let that be the case.”
Andrei had never interrupted anyone before, let alone Mycroft. Andrei was livid at Mycroft’s statement and Albert was shocked that his sone would speak in such a way.
“When Eloise was six she had tried to stop her father and then Madeline as well, I eventually realized as well what was going on and so did Marguerite and Hyacinth. We know what they did to our mothers and it disgusts me, but we tried to stop them from damning themselves anyway because we believed that no one deserves to die. We lost our childhoods because of their obsession, possession, and a false sense of justice, so if you think I shall let myself or my current or future in bear the weight of their sins, you are sorely mistaken because none of us will do such a thing.”
“What has gotten into you, Andrei-“
“Lord Moriarty.”
“Excuse me?”
“Lord Moriarty, that is my title, father. The one I received today when your crimes have been brought before the crown. I am Lord Andrei Nicholas Moriarty from this day on, do lean to respect that seeing as you were not able to respect mother for all the years you were married- no… married is the wrong term, held her captive is a better description, do you not think?”
Albert is clearly taken aback by his son’s new behavior and just watches as he looks back at Mycroft again.
“I simply came here to tell you that none of my kin who caused the crimes against this nation shall bear the weight of what has happened. I vow to you that I shall not let these sins stain my name any further, I will work to restore my family’s honor by moving forward by giving us all a new start. If one should try to drag us down with what our fathers have done then I shall make sure personally that their plans will fail and defend those I consider my family till my dying breath, and no I do not consider my father family any longer, he is as dead to me as my uncle who died in that river last night. Now if you would excuse me, I have other things I need to tend to.”
Andrei leaves and Mycroft and Albert just sit there in the silence left behind. Then that was the last time Albert heard from Andrei for years, any of his children for that matter. Mycroft would write to Albert in his captivity and tell him of what he had heard his children and nieces were up to…
Eloise had become a well respected detective much like Sherlock Holmes and even took on a case all the way in the city of Venice, Italy, during their famous Carnival of Venice. Also hearing she is to become a Duchess when she married her betrothed who has recently become a Duke in his own father’s retirement.
Madeline he heard was now a professional fencer and had also begun teaching at a women’s university, becoming a professor just like her father, though Madeline taught science and not mathematics.
Marguerite was traveling Europe with her mother, Albert’s darling, even getting to meet many famous and noble people throughout the nations they have seen, getting to have tea with the Grand Duchess of Russia when visiting Moscow.
Hyacinth’s life was much the same due to her condition, living with Andrei in their townhouse in Mayfair, though since she was becoming of age she had received many new suitors who had which never been allowed before due to the overprotectiveness of her father and uncles. And apparently she rather fancied this one future Marquess.
Then there was Andrei, he was told about Andrei the most. Mycroft sent him clips of newspaper articles that were about him, the new bill he helped to have passed, the new charity he was funding, the opera house he had rebuilt. Andrei never cared for the public opinion, he just cared about doing the right thing and punishing the wrong. Andrei kept his word in rebuilding his name, people saw him as strong for overcoming all the hardships in his life. It was like Whitley all over again, but unlike Whitley, Andrei never lost hope even in the darkest of times and learned how to properly protect the people he loves.
The one thing that Mycroft does not tell Albert is what he does not know. Andrei, Eloise, and Eloise’s Fiancé, Nathaniel Briar, are beginning to form a network, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again (sort of like the Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler). Now while Mycroft and the MI6 may not be aware of this organization yet, they will be because of the threat it may pose to the MI6 soon enough.
(Also I did some post timeskip sketches of Andrei and Marguerite. I didn’t do too much with Andrei from his previous design besides giving him a green carnation on his left lapel. Then Marguerite I gave her less modest clothing for the time because she is either at the beach in France on her travels with her mother or coming back from a sniper job after being recruited into the organization that Andrei is making and all those heavy petticoats and hard to breath and stiff blouses makes it hard to shoot.)
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fancyfeathers · 20 days
William: My grandchildren are perfect in almost every way. We just need to fix that pesky color eye of theirs.
Their eyes are definitely gorgeous, they just are her husband’s eyes and for reference of all the things Eloise’s husband has done to either make William’s life harder and it that irritates him…
1.) Court his daughter. William was trying to maintain his daughter’s rebelliousness not introduce her to someone who will only draw it out more, Eloise and her husband both are highly intelligent and given his power and influence if they worked together they might have been able to stop William’s plan.
2.) He formed a network with Andrei and Eloise, an organization dedicated to stamping out illegal acts in the underworld that may affect the current society, refusing to let anything like what happened before happen again. Now during the time skip and post time skip it would infer with the work of the MI6 since they are technically not apart of the government as they are nonexistent.
3.) Marry his daughter which made Eloise a duchess and extremely difficult to get to. By placing her at the head of society all eyes would be on her, a natural form of security which makes her practically untouchable.
This does not include all the other little things he did when he was William’s student for a semester or two at University but I have no doubt he was a bit of a menace then given that his inspiration was Vincent Phantomhive from Black Butler, take that as you will.
so while he absolutely adores the twins their eyes just remind William of their father, who is no doubt looking for them.
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fancyfeathers · 20 days
Babies: *sleeping*
William: *being manipulative as fuck to his daughter*
Eloise: *panicking*
She is already mentally and emotionally exhausted from endlessly looking for her child, barely sleeping and pushing herself to her breaking point and then just seeing her father sitting there with her two infants that she had no more than two months prior and had no idea she was even with child until she went into labor, she is absolutely exhausted and has no energy left to deal with anything.
William just looks at her now and cannot help but still see her as that brash little girl and as smart as she is in the end she is helpless without her guard dog of a husband at her side to keep her safe and hold her when she can no longer stand.
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fancyfeathers · 13 days
Imagine William playing with his grandbabies while their mother is 'resting'
Eloise may just actually be asleep, passed out from exhaustion from trying to find her adoptive daughter that went missing and William brings her back along with her baby twins,who I think I am going to name Sophia and Colin, who are probably quite sleepy as well. So the only one left awake would be the adopted daughter, who I think would be named Celestine or Genevieve, who was kidnapped by William in order to lure Eloise out and also he would have anyway since he and his darling deserve to know her along with the rest of the MI6 since she has been kept from them. But no doubt that she is already a mess and just wants to cling to her mother and just cries and cries, but she eventually gets pulled away because her mother needs her rest.
I also have a visual of her and William, because you know how an adult would brush a child’s hair and have a conversation, I am just picturing William doing her hair like how he used to do Eloise’s hair when she was a little girl, before she pushed him away. Perhaps while he is brushing through her hair he asks about Eloise’s career as a detective and she accidentally lets it slip about the meetings her father and mother have with Andrei and a few other people, but she was never allowed to listen because she would always get noticed and be carried off to bed. Or perhaps she may mention the signs of stress Eloise is having, similar to the ones Sherlock had when trying to solve William’s crimes, the late nights, beginning to smoke (not in front of the children of course), the times where she would just stare off, which would certainly make William believe that Eloise is dealing with her own criminal mastermind who may be just as dangerous as the Lord of Crime or more so…
Children just cannot keep a secret.
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fancyfeathers · 19 days
we see alot of william and his daughters but can i get somthing about his darling and their daughters?? like how do they interact, have fun and all.
Eloise is the one who is the closest to her mother since wanting to get her mother out of there and clanged to her constantly as a child up until she ran away and eventually brought back home. Madeline on the other hand had a more normal relationship with her mother up until she also found out the truth of their family, Madeline playing dolls with her mother while sitting on the ground of the drawing room or running around the house with her mother chasing after her since she stole her hat or gloves.
But eventually the girls get older and grow into their own personalities and grow more distant from her and closer from one another. Of course they both still love their mother and while they try to be independent sometimes they need her help, like when Eloise cannot braid her hair and it gets it all tangled instead and had to go to her mother in the drawing room when she and William are having tea and has to ask her for help. Or when Madeline accidentally dropped one of the fine china tea sets and is terrified of having to tell her Uncle Louis.
But then eventually the final problem happens and William’s darling is free in a way but completely lost since that had been her life for such a long time, but then she gets an offer from Sherlock’s darling for a new start and her daughters encouraged her to take it. Eloise has her father’s mind but her mother can see through her strong facade, when she is saying goodbye to her daughters she can see the pain in Eloise’s eyes and the moment she hugs her daughter Eloise just starts sobbing both from sorrow and happiness for her mother, she got what she wanted and deep down Eloise always knew this was going to mean they would have to say goodbye.
I also wrote a bit more about them during the time skip here
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fancyfeathers · 20 days
Wait did William give Eloise’s adopted daughter the stuffed rabbit (that got covered in blood if im remembering right)? Diabolical if its the same plushy😭
No, probably not, it was probably something like a cat or teddy bear that Eloise refused to play with because after Baker Street she liked her books more than anything since she hated being treated as a child so if she stop acting like a child then perhaps she won’t be treated like a child.
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fancyfeathers · 20 days
I feel like James definitely wants to see his grandbabies and his daughters and will do so no matter what he has to do.
(I am assuming you are talking about William with this)
But yes, he would want to see them, and also post time skip he would fall around 39-43 because it was not uncommon in the Victorian Era to have children young, just because I do not think I put that on the timeline and I have not decided when his darling had Eloise and she is 19-20 post time skip. I just don’t think I have posted that before so just doing it now.
Madeline would be the one to easily find, attending university classes early or already graduated and teaching physics classes at an all girls school, most likely as an assistant teacher since she is only 17-18. She has no social standing like her sister and cousins have, she left that all behind, only having a teaching job and a small cottage in the countryside. It would only be a matter of time before one say she is sitting at her desk in her bedroom, grading papers in the evening, and she hears a knock on the front door and she goes to answer it and she is just standing there but stunned and scared when she sees her father. Madeline had always been the mentally weaker of the two, more prone to manipulation, and it would likely be possible for William to convince her to at least talk to him and perhaps come back home to see her mother, uncles and their darlings, her aunts, but chances are if she agrees to go she will not leave again.
Eloise on the other hand, has her walls, has power and titles, her husband is a powerful man, being a Duke and working with Andrei to stop out any underground crime activity to prevent any mass crime outbreak from happening again. But then due to Eloise’s own career as a detective she is often out and her children are left with a governess. He could easily encounter her eldest child, an adopted girl she saved during one of her cases, while she is out at the store with her governess. She will be at the flower market at Vauxhall and the wind will blow off her hat for it only to be picked up by a stranger with bling hair and the same red eyes her adoptive mother has, he will smile and hand it back to her and adjust her hair when she puts it back on. Soon enough her governess will call for her and she has to say farewell to William before running off, but say if her governess lost her while she ran off to catch her hat, well then lucky she has someone kind who is willing to help her find her way home…
When Eloise’s eldest child goes missing, she immediately begins to panic and looks for her, dropping all of her cases and spending all day and almost all night looking for her. Her husband does the same, using his higher up connections to see what strings he can pull to look for her. Eloise will return home one day, nearly passed out from exhaustion, her husband is at a meeting with an inspector at Scotland Yard who is helping look for their daughter and the staff is asleep for the night. Eloise goes to check on her twin infants, of which she had in a cryptic pregnancy which scared her half to death when she thought of all the things she did during said pregnancy that one should not do during a pregnancy, when she goes up to the nursery she notices the door is slightly ajar and when she opens it fully.
“She looks like you when you were this small.”
She nearly screams when she sees her father sitting in the armchair while cradling her sleeping baby girl while her son lay in his cradle. When she gasps at the sight of her father he merely holds his finger to his lips and reminds her to be quiet since the babies are sleeping.
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fancyfeathers · 22 days
Just so you're aware Asexual doesn't mean never having sex it just means little to no interest in sex. Asexuals can have sex but to them it's not an important part of an relationship. This author called C.M. Alongi who's aroace explains it perfectly. Plus I can see Eloise having sex and then realizing that she doesn't feel any sexual attraction. Asexual doesn't mean Virgin. That's a stereotype and a bad one. And people back then would have been up in arms about Eloise and her husband creating babies. So I can see Eloise having sex to make a baby or two to get people off of her and her husband's back and then claiming that she was injured down there and can't have any more babies. And her husband is just there like Yes and we have our children (the daughter and the other two), so please back off.
First of all, I know that because I am asexual, as the author and I feel sexual attraction, I know it can be a harmful stereotype but it it a spectrum and some people feel no sexual attraction while some do, it just depends on the person. To me as a character I feel like Eloise would be on the other side of the asexual spectrum, feeling no sexual attraction to anyone rather than being closer to gray or demi like myself.
She had probably have been intimidate with her husband once or twice but besides her not being attracted to people sexually it would honestly be a bit dangerous for her to be pregnant, she is a detective and takes on less than safe lines of work. So most likely carrying on the family line would fall onto her brothers and sisters in law. So given all of that she probably would not want to have biological children.
But due to that, the two would receive public backlash but her husband would come to her defense every time, his siblings would carry on his family’s biological linage and that is all they need to know and them having an adopted child is not relevant besides the fact that she is as much as their child as a biological child would be.
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fancyfeathers · 22 days
Imagine Eloise getting pregnant and William finds out and decides that this foolish of hers and her sister and his niblings must come to an end
Eloise is asexual so her relationship with her husband is purely romantic but I certainly could see her wedding triggering something like this or even her adopting.
Eloise’s wedding is a huge event, she is marrying a Duke and is going to be a Duchess. Like most large weddings like this, most of the aristocracy is invited, his family’s friends, her sister and cousins, Albert’s darling. Then invitations are not sent to her parents or uncles or anyone else from her old life, she does not want anything to be ruined, she wants this to be her new start. Her future father in law walks her down the aisle, she has a dance with Andrei in place of a father-daughter dance, everything replaced to fit the lack of the presence of her father.
Just imagine when Eloise and her now husband are leaving the church and everyone outside is watching the two she just sees her father watching from across the street while she is helped into the carriage by her husband. Her husband also notices and just nods his head to William as he holds tight to his wife’s hand.
The new Duchess sometimes sees other members of the MI6 when she out and about in public. Then one day when she is getting out of the carriage when it stops at the jeweler and her Uncle Louis spots her from the sidewalk and approaches his niece to speak to her, that’s until he sees her helping a little girl out of the carriage, an adopted child and it is somewhat of replay of history because they were taken in my the Moriartys only because the Duchess Pénières adopted a child.
When Louis returns he tells William right as he is reading a newspaper with the same story, her adopting a little girl who was left orphaned after her parents were murdered and Eloise and her husband found her on one of Eloise’s cases.
Eloise was not ready to be a mother, or duchess, or detective and time would make that clear enough.
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fancyfeathers · 1 month
Part two to the Black Butler AU for my Father Like Daughter series that was for @here4thesarcasm ask
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When Ciel is hitting a dead end in finding Derick and the prefects are starting to get suspicious of him, he finally reaches out to Eloise to accept her offer for help. But when he does, it is the start of the cricket tournament which means people are visiting the college. They are sitting under the gazebo, Eloise is almost invited every day to join the perfects due to her intelligence personality and she can be rather charming when she wants to be, and all the Moriarties are present when Ciel asks her if he and her can take a walk since it is such a lovely day out-
“Eloise and Madeline, you two just look wonderful in your uniforms.”
The everyone watches as Moriarty children fall horribly silent, Hyacinth just staring down at the sketchbook in her lap, the hand that Andrei is holding his teacup in is trembling horribly, Madeline’s eyes shot up instantly to look who called her name and her scarlet eyes wide with shock, Marguerite is glancing between the guests who have met their presence known and the ground just below her feet, and then there is Eloise who looks as if she just saw a ghost.
“F-father, Uncle Albert, w-what a surprise to see you here.”
Madeline was the first to speak up, forcing a smile at the guests and it becomes clear to Ciel that it is just an act and all the children have been horribly startled.
“It shouldn’t be, after all Andrei will be playing in the torment, but we thought we would pay a visit a bit earlier than the opening festivities so we would have a chance to visit you all.”
“Yes, your housemaster was the one who let us on campus early, Eloise.”
“O-oh I see…”
Throughout the day, the Moriarty children are with their parents, Andrei, Hyacinth, and Marguerite being seen with their father, Albert, and his darling wife walking the paths on campus, smelling the scent of the flowers. Meanwhile Madeline and Eloise are off with their father and rather shyer looking mother, having tea off of campus in a nearby tea house.
Then at the opening festivities it is the first time the girls are out of uniform in a beautiful dresses that are the work of Hyacinth, but they all are dreadfully quiet, especially Eloise as if something is tinging in the back of her mind. If Ciel were go to speak to her it would be quickly intercepted by her father.
“Oh you must be one of Eloise’s housemates, I do apologize that we have to take her from you so soon.”
“Hm, what ever do you mean?”
“Soon after the tournament she will returning back to our home in Durham and resume her private lessons there along with her sister and cousins.”
That is the final straw and Ciel gives Sebastian the order to look into the Moriarty family, but their tracks are amazingly covered, to follow any tracks is a near dead end.
The cricket tournament comes and goes, Andrei plays but ends up injuring his left wrist so he has to drop out of the game early. Then during the break during the game against Green House when Ciel is returning from the washroom, he is suddenly pinned against the wall behind the stands by none other than Eloise Moriarty.
“You little bastard, you are cheating!”
“Why do you care, we are in the same house?!”
“Because it is wrong-“
“Miss Moriarty, what are you doing?!”
Luckily Sebastian comes just in time to separate the two and the commotion is enough to catch the attention of William who rushes in to pull his daughter aside. William apologizes for his daughter’s behavior and since she is leaving after the cricket tournament she gets off from punishment at school. She is taken back to sit with her family while Ciel and Sebastian watch the seemingly perfect family from afar, the picture of an ideal noble family, but something just feels wrong with them.
After the procession of boats and Ciel returns to the dorm to see much of Eloise’s belongings being packed up and brought downstairs. Then for some odd reason he feels the need to check on her after he finds to invitation to the Midnight Tea Party on his bed, but when he peeks into her room, he sees her sitting on her bed with the same invitation in hand. Why would she receive one, her cousins, sister, and herself have won favor with the prefects but they had no connections otherwise besides Andrei who here would be Edgar Redmond’s durge, who was this family?
The time for the midnight tea party comes and it is a surprise when Ciel sees the other Moriarty children in attendance, all slightly confused why they were invited besides Andrei. So when they all take their places at the table and Ciel confronts the headmaster who is revealed to be the Undertaker, everyone is horrified, especially when Derick appears. Hyacinth is wide eyed and horrified, Madeline and Marguerite have pushed a few people behind them in the case of a fight, and Eloise is just calm for the most part that is, besides her holding onto Andrei’s sleeve.
But the only thing that does not supersede the cousins is when the prefects explain what happened and what they did, if anything it all clicks in place for them and Eloise looks a mixture of anger and horrified.
“So that is why we were invited… to see what our reaction would be to that, isn’t it?”
No one elaborates to that question but their is a silence that confirms her suspicion. Then when the conflict reaches its boiling point, Hyacinth is carried out of the garden by Edward due to her wheelchair who has grown quite attached to each other, they may or may not be courting, Madeline, Andrei, and Marguerite help people get out, but Eloise is just staring, staring at the Undertaker, staring at Sebastian, staring at the bizarre dolls, and staring at Ciel. Then by the end of it she has such a complex look on her face.
“Eloise you should leave-“
“I believe in the sciences and logic, none of this makes sense! Things like this should not make sense! This should not be happening!”
Eloise is absolutely traumatized, every thing she knows and believes in comes into question, demons, reapers, undead. Eloise just breaks down, shaking and crying, Ciel order Sebastian to take Eloise back to her dormitory and she doesn’t even fight it when the demon leads her back to her room.
The next day when Ciel is leaving, he sees the cousins, their bags being packed up, and he just sees a distant look in Eloise’s eyes as her father helped her and her sister into the carriage. Honestly a part of him pities her, so smart but unable to process what she doesn’t want to understand. He does manage to exchange a few words with Andrei and Hyacinth, Andrei had managed to calm down from the situation while Hyacinth was still in a bit of shock and Ciel also recalls Edward slipping her an address when he was saying goodbye, he definitely thinks those two are courting now. Andrei tells Ciel that none of them would be telling their fathers or mothers about what happened the night prior, and also to keep what the prefects did a secret by any means necessary, when Ciel asks if that is connected to what Eloise said about why they were invited-
“Andrei, Hyacinth, time to go, we have a train to catch.”
Albert interrupt the conversation and the two have to say goodbye to the young Earl Phantomhive. Ciel just shakes his head as the carriage pulls off and hopes he never sees the Moriarty family again due the headache they all are…
That is until he receives a notice for a meeting with the leader of a branch of the British Military Intelligence that operates in the public eye as the Universal Trading Company. The last thing Ciel Phantomhive expected to see when he came to the estate of the leader of the organization, who Ciel learned by the code name “M”, was to hear the voice of five familiar Moriarty cousins…
Who exactly was this family?
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fancyfeathers · 22 days
Do it!! Draw them!!!
I almost have the sketch done for Eloise
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Going to do some black and gold detailing with dark blue roses on the dress to match the fabric
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fancyfeathers · 22 days
Can Eloise's fiancé be called Francis?
Maybe, I have a few names in mind for him
Nathanial Briar is my favorite so far, but we also have Lawrence or Marian Sinclair, Simon Wells, or Harrison or Francis Benton
I have had the hardest time trying to come up with a name for him that matches his face and personality and now I have to pick one and it is so hard
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fancyfeathers · 16 days
Working on a piece of Eloise and Madeline based on this post where I write about Eloise’s sassiness and I was thinking about the signs of irritation on both of the sisters, Eloise ignoring people and reading and Madeline picking at her nails while avoiding eye contact
I also wanted to practice backgrounds
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fancyfeathers · 1 month
Okay the song Still/The Neva Flows (reprise) from Anastasia is the definition of a final confrontation song and it came up while I was writing something for the Black Butler AU about the Moriarty children and I got reminded of one scene I have pictured with Eloise, her fiancé who is based on Vincent Phantomhive (who I think I am going to name Nathanial Briar), and some enemy Eloise made after she becomes a detective.
Then I pictured it in the Black Butler AU
So just imagine Ciel is given a job by the queen and is told some detective who Scotland Yard works with time to time is also looking into it so he may run into them and their partner. It would be during the timeskip, around when Eloise is seventeen or eighteen so her father’s identity as the Lord of Crime has already been revealed to all of England, and since then Ciel has not seen anything of the Moriarty children except Andrei who had taken his father’s place and title, and he has been quite busy with patching up the damage that has been done by their family.
Ciel finds out along the way that the people behind what he is investigating all have a deep hatred for what the Lord of Crime has done but how far would they take that hatred is the question.
Ciel never expected in the end to find Eloise is backed into a corner, bleeding from her shoulder, her assailant standing before her, knife in hand. Ciel would have sent Sebastian to catch the culprit they are after right then and there if it was not for the sound of the drawback of a gun coming from behind him, but not aimed at him…
“Aww, well if it isn’t her little guard dog, coming to save your master?”
Ciel thinks the criminal is speaking to him but then her turns his head to sees a finely dressed man with his gun drawn and aimed at the attacker’s head, absolutely ready to pull the trigger. The man reminds Ciel far too much of someone he once knew, that look in his eyes, it is just like his late father.
“Why let her live when you know all the things her family has done, she deserves to die just like her father-“
Before Ciel can even react the man pulls the trigger multiple times until the gun is empty and Eloise’s attacker is dead before he hits the ground. Then when Ciel is about to say something the man who pulled the trigger runs to Eloise’s side to make sure she is okay and Ciel just watches the two before clearing his throat to catch their attention.
“So you are the detective I was told about?”
(Then also imagine if the case was also connected to the reanimations that the Undertaker is doing and Eloise and her fiancé is dragged into that mess as well)
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fancyfeathers · 8 days
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I have so many writing projects I need to work on but also I want to do more world building on the organization that Eloise, Andrei, and Nathanial (Eloise's husband run). Cause right now I only have toe aesthetics of it, probably gonna make a chart comparing it's inspiration, being the Aristocrats of Evil from Black Butler and the Spina di Rosula from Genshin Impact
Edit: I also need to come up with a name for them lmao
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fancyfeathers · 9 days
@zainiscompletelydone333 asked a question
I kinda think clementine and Mycroft's relationship is the opposite of Eloise and William's?? Like unlike Eloise who is a detective disagreeing with her fayhers criminal ways, clementine on the other hand grows up to resent the aristocracy for their rules, the very rules her mother was tortured with (isolation, giving up on you dreams for a man, not talking back or else you'll be slapped etc). While she does have her mother's rage, growing under a man smarter than Sherlock made her very adept at masking her emotions. At surface level she is the perfect lady : polite, quiet, unassuming and submissive unlike her mom, but underneath lies a very anrachiac(?) and rebellious soul. Like Fyodor, but obviously not as smart. But she is able to mentally put up a fight with her father. And what's worse is that she doesn't have to raise her voice to do so. She has somewhat similar ideals of LoC and I hc that growing up she was a fan of him lol. Anyways I believe during her late teens she eventually escapes and starts causing mayhem in London. But since she is very smart, she can figure out a way to ensure Mycroft stays away from her by pulling a few strings here and there. She knows how these institutes work die to her father, and now she can cause chaos in a more systematic way lol. I also think of her and Eloise as less frnds and more enemies/rivals?? Eloise is a detective afterall
Fukuzawa and Mori vibes 100%
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I do not think that Clementine is would be in the crime scene because she likes the Lord of Crime but more so to destroy everything her father has worked to build out of hatred for him so if that means trying to topple the fucking government and working in underground crime scene fine then, it is means to an end. But above all that the main reason she does what she does is a desire for freedom and control over her own life that she never had growing up and crime just happens provide what she wants.
The type of jobs she does are a lot less honorable than what was driving the Moriartys, her goal is not to help anyone it is just for her to have control, arranging practicality anything, opium dens, murder, theft. She will essentially become Mori from Bungou Stray Dogs, controlling the criminal underworld in the palm of her hands, but the only thing she will never do, under any circumstances is anything with trafficking or kidnapping, she has her reasons.
It is simple to say that her and Eloise do not get along. Clementine has tried to get Eloise on her side but when Eloise found out about her criminal works she has turned her away but she has not turned her in because Eloise knows the repercussions Clementine will face at her own father’s hand are terrifying, Eloise knows because she has been through it before as a child with her own father.
But of course there are times where Eloise and Clementine have to work together just like Fukuzawa and Mori did. Eloise cases deals with some certain people that would pose a threat to Clementine’s business or something is at risk of something slipping out that may reach the ears of Mycroft that would up Clementine at risk, so when times like that come up they have no choice but to work together.
Just picture Clementine coming to Eloise’s office at her estate, getting in without anyone knowing she was there. Eloise is sitting at her desk, already expecting Clementine and just there is a bit of smugness for Eloise because Clementine has to suck up her pride and ask for Eloise’s help…
“Your Grace.”
“Excuse me?”
“I am a Duchess, if you want my help at least address me properly.”
“Oh fuck you-“
Eloise has resources that Clementine does not, contentions via her position as a Duchess and with the organization her husband and Andrei run, friends in high and low places, meanwhile Clementine just has control and people who work for her that she prays that won’t betray her.
Since Mycroft still has an eye on his daughter she mostly just organizes crime, making people desperate for her help. She is only around sixteen post time skip, there is no way for her to be able to leave without her father looking for her…
Now eventually she will be caught and it could go one of two ways…
The first way is Eloise turning Clementine in because she has either made too much of a problem in England or is just getting in Eloise’s way. So when Clementine returns from a walk or some sort of party with her mother, she sees her father in the drawing room with a letter in hand with Eloise’s handwriting on it and Louis, the leader of the MI6, sitting across from Mycroft and just from the way her father looks at her she knows she has been caught and she is now back at square one, being nothing more than Mycroft’s daughter.
…The other way she could get caught is of her own volition. Eloise deals with a number of dangerous criminals and one in particular comes up that could practically destroy England and every the lot of them has. So Clementine would contact the others, Eloise and her husband, Madeline, Andrei, Marguerite, and even Hyacinth, and ask them for a partnership to deal with this issue that would affect all of them. Then like in this post it is only a matter of time before all of them disappear, and a letter on Clementine’s bed to her father which explains everything, what she has been doing, why she is gone, and that if things go to according to plan he will never see her again…
But Eloise and her husband, Nathanial, know that this case will be tough and may cost them more than they would like, but they are willing to pay the price together. Eloise also writes a letter to her father but it is not spiteful, it is not angry, it is like an apology. It is an apology because she is sorry for what she is about to do, there is a little chance of all of them coming out alive, so Eloise just asks him to take care of the twins and her adopted daughter, because she does not know if she will ever come back home.
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