#Faster than light
joehills · 11 months
None of our spaceships have floors like the cars on the Flintstones.
Some spacecraft already have gloveboxes for handling scientific experiments, but none of them have a place where pilots can slip their legs into sleeves that extend below the craft so they can run really fast while the craft moves forward.
It's going to be really embarrassing for humanity when we learn that every other spacefaring species figured out centuries ago that legs extending below the craft are essential for FTL travel.
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 8 months
The only thing known to go faster than ordinary light is monarchy, according to the philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle. He reasoned like this: you can’t have more than one king, and tradition demands that there is no gap between kings, so when a king dies the succession must therefore pass to the heir instantaneously. Presumably, he said, there must be some elementary particles – kingons, or possibly queons – that do this job, but of course succession sometimes fails if, mid-flight, they strike an anti-particle, or republicon. His ambitious plans to use his discovery to send messages, involving the careful torturing of a small king in order to modulate the signal, were never fully expounded because, at that point, the bar closed.
-- Terry Pratchett - Mort
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shpepyao · 1 year
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do you remember FTL?
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Faster Than Light, art by Ron Miller, 1977
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drnikolatesla · 2 years
Happy π Day!!!
By J.J.J.
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While experimenting in Colorado Springs in 1899, Nikola Tesla discovered that the earth as a whole had certain periods of vibrations, and by using his large oscillator, he could impress electrical vibrations at the same periods upon it creating more energy within the earth. This process is referred to as constructive interference (the interference of two or more waves of equal frequency and phase, resulting in their mutual reinforcement and producing a single amplitude equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves). By doing this repeatedly using massive amounts of energy previously unheard of, Tesla was able to transmit energy from his transmitter around earth and back to his receiver traveling at a mean velocity of 292,815 miles per second (over 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light). This velocity can be confirmed in his patent No. 787,412, filed May 16, 1900, titled "Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums." Many electrical experimenters have proven this velocity, including Jonathan Zenneck and Arnold Sommerfeld. The mathematical equation to this speed was developed by English scientist and inventor Charles Wheatstone, who experimented and calculated that the velocity of electrostatic induction through a wire was v=π/2( c ). If we compare Wheatstone's equation with Tesla's measurements, it looks like this:
v = average velocity of Tesla’s electrical current round earth (miles per second)
(You can plug in any metric and get the same results)
c = speed of light (miles per second)
v = π / 2 (186,300)
v = 1.57 (186,300)
v = 292,491
I know most may question the ability to transmit anything faster than the speed of light; however, the speed of light is a constant, not a limit. The velocity of light is an expression of the ratio of energy to mass; Tesla’s waves functioned on different dimensions. The electromagnetic waves we use in today’s technology travel at the speed of light, but due to the nature of these waves, they diminish with distance. This phenomenon is because the electromagnetic lines of force and the magnetic lines of force intercept at right angles to one other, causing resistance (radiation resistance). This is also why the waves eventually lose energy. Tesla, on the other hand, used an oscillating wave (or a longitudinal wave), in which the electromagnetic and magnetic lines of force run parallel with each other (hence there is no friction or loss of energy). As a result, the more power he used, the faster and further these waves could travel.
“What will be achieved by waves which do not diminish with distance, baffles comprehension.“ –Nikola Tesla
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity indicating that "nothing can travel faster than light" is now generally accepted as scientific fact and currently taught in most academic books. However, Tesla’s work challenging this theory certainly warrants further study into this area. First, Tesla’s experiments were far more in-depth than his colleagues’ work, as well as utilizing more advanced equipment to conduct the experiments themselves. Secondly, he provided solid and sufficient empirical evidence concretely refuting Einstein’s theory. Based on this, Tesla’s groundbreaking work should, at a minimum, be acknowledged in today’s world and certainly further explored.
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Trent Reznor in Lead Into Gold - "Faster than Light" (1990)
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comrade-blog-edition · 3 months
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There is something really satisfying about setting an entire enemy ship on fire.
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staswalle · 7 months
We only have ONE SHOT.
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a funkly lil OneShot x FTL piece
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vgtrackbracket · 3 months
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Dead Voxel from Minecraft
Last Stand from FTL: Faster Than Light
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Dead Voxel:
don't let the ambience at the beginning fool you. listen to it, all the way through. this song is peaceful sorrow and desolation.
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Star Wars: we travel faster than light by moving through hyperspace.
Star Trek: we travel faster than light by forming a bubble around the ship that distorts local spacetime.
Warhammer 40,000: we travel faster than light by using technology so ancient that nobody has any idea how it works, maintained by the rituals of machine-worshipping tech-priests. These machines allow us to enter the Warp, a realm composed of every thought and emotion of ever being in the galaxy twisted to the absolute extremes of madness and corruption. Our trip is guided by a three-eyed navigator whose usefulness is the only reason he hasn't been killed for the sin of being born a mutant. The ship is manned by thousands of slaves and conscripts, many of whom have sent their entire lives aboard and will never be allowed to set foot beyond their quarters and workspaces. We all pray to the holy God-Emperor that the navigator isn't driven mad by his experiences, we don't fly into an unexpected current, and that the ancient shields around the ship don't fail for even an instant or daemons made of the worst thoughts and experiences of mortalkind will spew forth into our reality to drag the crew off to an eternal fate so horrific that none alive can even imagine it. As we travel, walls may start to bleed, arcane runes can appear by themselves, and the crew will be tempted into the grasp of the Chaos Gods by whispers in their heads. When we arrive, we may find that only weeks passed for the rest of the galaxy while the crew experienced months or years. We may even arrive to our destination before we lift. Hundreds of thousands if these trips happen every day across the galaxy and the trillions who die on the crews are a mere footnote in bureaucratic notes that nobody will ever read.
Star Wars and Star Trek:
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whereserpentswalk · 9 months
When I was a kid I thought ftl existed but had just very recently been invented so that's why nobody was utilizing it yet. And now I'm imagining an alternate history where ftl started existed in the 2000s.
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monody-monody · 9 months
This run came to a very dramatic end.
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flowersofnaivete · 10 months
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ready to give up, lil buddy?
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punkrock-bottom · 2 months
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drnikolatesla · 2 years
The Discovery of Stationary Waves
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One of Nikola Tesla’s major discoveries in the field of electricity was terrestrial stationary waves deriving from natural lightning discharges. In 1899, at Colorado Springs one night during a huge thunderstorm, Tesla was witness to thousands of lightning discharges within two hours. He recorded in great detail the many branches each flash of lighting and their sizes. As the storm began to fade away, Tesla connected a rotating coherer (a device he used for telegraphy in New York prior to his visit in both wireless signaling and in investigating the properties of x-rays) to the ground along with a plate above the ground. A condenser was also used to magnify the effects transmitted through the ground. His device was adjusted as the storm gradually dissipated, and he continued to adjust its sensitivity as the distance was extended. The receiver would continue to react even though the storm was up to 50 miles away based solely on sound waves. After the device stopped responding, Tesla deduced that the storm had passed at a distance too far away to record additional data points. Suddenly though, the receiver began to record again and surprisingly to Tesla, the recordings were also increasing in strength even though the storm had moved on to a point that was essentially out of sight. The device would then cease again for a bit, only to begin functioning once again. Tesla would continue adjusting the sensitivity on the coherer and the same results would occur. The device would continue playing after small intervals of time. To Tesla, this was the most wonderful and intriguing experience because it clearly showed the existence of terrestrial stationary waves. This discovery proved that the Earth is responsive to electrical vibrations of definite pitch just as a tuning fork to certain waves of sound, and these particular electrical vibrations are capable of powerfully exciting the Globe. It proved that power could indeed be transmitted through the Earth to far distances utilizing his oscillator (later known as his Magnifying Transmitter).
Tesla's ultimate plan was to throw the earth into resonant vibration similar to a tuning fork. He would strike the earth with his oscillator sending electrical ripples around the surface of the Earth, and when the energy would return he would again strike it simultaneously in vibrational process known as constructive interference (when two waves overlap in such a way that they combine to create a larger wave). This is NOT electromagnetic radiation, such as with visible light and radio waves. This was nothing like the radio antennas we use today. Tesla's goal was actually to minimize the electromagnetic radiation from the system as much as possible by containing 95 percent of the energy in a localized standing wave confined to the Earth, the opposite notion of traditional radio antennas which give off 90 percent of radiation through the air. Tesla measured these electrical ripples traveling around the entire circumference of the earth moving faster than the speed of light, specifically pi divided by 2 times the speed of light (1.57c).
Some may question the ability to transmit anything faster than the speed of light; however, the speed of light is a constant, not a limit. The velocity of light is an expression of the ratio of energy to mass; Tesla’s waves functioned on different dimensions. The electromagnetic waves we use in today’s technology (which are transverse waves) travel at the speed of light, but due to the nature of these waves, they diminish with distance. This phenomenon is because the electromagnetic lines of force and the magnetic lines of force intercept at right angles to one other, causing resistance (radiation resistance) . This is also why the waves eventually lose energy. Tesla, on the other hand, used an oscillating wave (or a longitudinal wave), in which the electromagnetic and magnetic lines of force run parallel with each other (hence there is no friction or loss of energy). As a result, the more power he used, the faster and further these waves could travel. Many electrical experimenters have proven this velocity, including Charles Wheatstone, Jonathan Zenneck, and Arnold Sommerfeld.
“By this invention every live part of Mother Earth’s body would be brought into action. Energy will be collected all over the globe in amounts small or large, as it may exist, ranging from a fraction of one to a few horse power or more. Every waterfall can be utilized, every coal field made to produce energy to be transmitted to vast distances, and every place on earth can have power at small cost. One of the minor uses might be the illumination of isolated homes. We could light houses all over the country by means of vacuum tubes operated by high frequency currents. We could keep the clocks of the United States going and give every one exact time; we could turn factories, machine shops and mills, small or large, anywhere, and I believe could also navigate the air." –Nikola Tesla
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